Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: Jessica on September 13, 2007, 06:17:46 AM

Title: A small world
Post by: Jessica on September 13, 2007, 06:17:46 AM
If anyone is on it, could you send me an invitation please ?

Much appreciated.

Thank you


Title: Re: A small world
Post by: GNRreunioneventually on September 13, 2007, 05:58:16 PM
what is it?

Title: Re: A small world
Post by: GeorgeSteele on September 13, 2007, 06:28:09 PM
what is it?

Jessica - once you're in, we trust that you'll invite each and every single HTGTH member, right? 

Title: Re: A small world
Post by: freedom78 on September 13, 2007, 06:57:51 PM
Sounds like the worlds biggest asshole club.

Trying to separate the internet, so that the rich don't have to be bothered by us commoners and peasants.  ::)

Title: Re: A small world
Post by: Jessica on September 14, 2007, 02:27:42 PM
Sounds like the worlds biggest asshole club.

Trying to separate the internet, so that the rich don't have to be bothered by us commoners and peasants.? ::)

If you were rich, you would quickly feel bothered and i bet you'd both loose and forget friends.

I find your comment rude and ignorant.

Title: Re: A small world
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on September 14, 2007, 02:43:07 PM
i started a thread on it ....

i'm on it, but i dont think i can send out invitation yet .... sorry jess :(

it might be a little assholish. but the community is always helpful. (gets you in great parties ...)

ps: before anybody rants about how i always criticize capitalism and am part of that site, it's only because a lot of people from l'or?al are on it, so i "had" to do it ....  :-\

Title: Re: A small world
Post by: freedom78 on September 14, 2007, 09:40:55 PM
Sounds like the worlds biggest asshole club.

Trying to separate the internet, so that the rich don't have to be bothered by us commoners and peasants.  ::)

If you were rich, you would quickly feel bothered and i bet you'd both loose and forget friends.

I find your comment rude and ignorant.


How "rude" of me to think that money doesn't make you better than the rest of us.  And how "ignorant" of me to think that it shouldn't buy you special treatment.  If "Hassan"^ wasn't being hypocritical on this one, he'd probably agree with me. 

Title: Re: A small world
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on September 15, 2007, 03:12:41 AM

its not only about money (you see,  i'm on it ;) )  at first ... - it's about people you know.
these people go to the same clubs, same parties, work in the same jobs (beauty, fashion, finance, advertsing ...). that's all. they want to connect.

but i admit it, there are a lot of pompous discussions in the forums about who has a boat to sell, who wants to buy a penthouse in newyork, who likes the latest rolex watch ...
but beside that, if you have a trip to NyC, milan, london, paris, tokyo, you just create a thread say "i'll be in tokyo on the 18th" and people will put on you list for their parties ....
It's a very interesting social experiment, how "riches", when they are together as Al Gore says, have no suspicion.
You get on any normal forum or social community (facebook ...) if you message a random girl or guy with requests or questions, they'll be suspicious, like " who are you ? " ... on smallworld, you can message anybody they will treat like you like a friend (because they think you're *one of them* ... )

you see, you don't need money ... you just need to travel to Milan and Tokyo ;)

ps: so yeah, Al gore, actually, it sickens me .... :/

Title: Re: A small world
Post by: SLCPUNK on September 15, 2007, 04:45:56 AM
Stolat, have you received my invite yet?

Title: Re: A small world
Post by: The Dog on September 15, 2007, 08:37:36 PM
Sounds like the worlds biggest asshole club.

Trying to separate the internet, so that the rich don't have to be bothered by us commoners and peasants.  ::)

If you were rich, you would quickly feel bothered and i bet you'd both loose and forget friends.

I find your comment rude and ignorant.


How "rude" of me to think that money doesn't make you better than the rest of us.  And how "ignorant" of me to think that it shouldn't buy you special treatment.  If "Hassan"^ wasn't being hypocritical on this one, he'd probably agree with me. 

along with global warming, I agree with you 100%.

If Jessica was as popular, cool and in the "in" crowd as she thought she was she wouldn't have to be asking people on a GNR forum of all places for an invite.

I'm not sure whats funnier, the fact that some elitist pricks made the site to begin with or that people are actually asking others to invite them so they can feel special. 

its like the morons who have 10,000 friends on myspace but only know about 12 of them in real life.

Title: Re: A small world
Post by: DevilHatesALoser on September 15, 2007, 09:22:28 PM
Why would someone want to join this site?  If you're that "important" you wouldn't need a website for people to take notice and invite you to parties.  I seem to remember Jessica claiming there were plans to relocate all the rich people to the moon so we all die here and how upset she was.  Turns out her only real outrage (in this fictional story) was that she wasn't invited.

Title: Re: A small world
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on September 15, 2007, 09:54:23 PM
it is mainly a way to keep in touch with your co workers when you have a job that deals with international stuff ... then it evolves to an *elite* online community. it's stupid, but it can be usefull. - but don't believe all the press coverage saying naomi campbell or tom cruise being on that site, there are a lot of models and actors ... but they're not very famous ;) -

Lil' Butters - asmallworld is actually the opposite of the 12,000 friend myspace, you must connect only with people you know in real life. it's really not about showing up (for example, there are not photo galleries or so, you only one small photograph to represent you that's all ...)

anyway, if i ever can give out invites, i'll give them to all my buddies here on the guns n" roses forums ;)

ps: it might sound like i'm defending that site, i'm not. promise.

Title: Re: A small world
Post by: Robman? on September 16, 2007, 12:01:42 AM
prove it.

send your buddy Rob an invite when you can.


Title: Re: A small world
Post by: The Dog on September 16, 2007, 02:57:05 AM
it is mainly a way to keep in touch with your co workers when you have a job that deals with international stuff ... then it evolves to an *elite* online community. it's stupid, but it can be usefull. - but don't believe all the press coverage saying naomi campbell or tom cruise being on that site, there are a lot of models and actors ... but they're not very famous ;) -

Lil' Butters - asmallworld is actually the opposite of the 12,000 friend myspace, you must connect only with people you know in real life. it's really not about showing up (for example, there are not photo galleries or so, you only one small photograph to represent you that's all ...)

anyway, if i ever can give out invites, i'll give them to all my buddies here on the guns n" roses forums ;)

ps: it might sound like i'm defending that site, i'm not. promise.

i hear you, i understand the point of it - what i meant about the 12,000 myspace friends is that its just a ridiculous 'badge' of how cool you are - the same way of getting an invite to this site is.

even more pathetic is how badly people seem to want in.

Title: Re: A small world
Post by: SLCPUNK on September 16, 2007, 03:15:19 AM

even more pathetic is how badly people seem to want in.

It's just stupid.

The people I know who are successful, at least by their own means, are not sitting around an exclusive MB and talking about how awesome they are.  ::)

Title: Re: A small world
Post by: JMack on September 16, 2007, 11:22:56 AM
If you have alot of money, house, nice car and clothes and are able to enjoy yourself well I say more power to you!? If you want to go to a "wealthy" site or join a country club good for you, I'm happy for you.? I hope everyone here, one day will to be able to live w/o the headache of living check to check and still being short.? I could care less about my neighbors wealth and belongings as a matter of fact I'm happy for him.  As for small world it's a new fad and for thoughs able to belong well have fun.  It has nothing to do with me.

Title: Re: A small world
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on September 16, 2007, 01:14:26 PM
If you have alot of money, house, nice car and clothes and are able to enjoy yourself well I say more power to you!? If you want to go to a "wealthy" site or join a country club good for you, I'm happy for you.? I hope everyone here, one day will to be able to live w/o the headache of living check to check and still being short.? I could care less about my neighbors wealth and belongings as a matter of fact I'm happy for him.  As for small world it's a new fad and for thoughs able to belong well have fun.  It has nothing to do with me.

it's not about money ... i couldnt care less about money, i dont even use what i have, i'm out playing soccer and tennis all weekend :)

Title: Re: A small world
Post by: JMack on September 16, 2007, 09:24:49 PM
If you have alot of money, house, nice car and clothes and are able to enjoy yourself well I say more power to you!? If you want to go to a "wealthy" site or join a country club good for you, I'm happy for you.? I hope everyone here, one day will to be able to live w/o the headache of living check to check and still being short.? I could care less about my neighbors wealth and belongings as a matter of fact I'm happy for him.? As for small world it's a new fad and for thoughs able to belong well have fun.? It has nothing to do with me.

it's not about money ... i couldnt care less about money, i dont even use what i have, i'm out playing soccer and tennis all weekend :)
I'm glad you can enjoy yourself.? It makes no difference about what anyone has, if they've earned it and have the time to enjoy themselves, then God Bless.? I'm happy for you.

Title: Re: A small world
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on September 17, 2007, 04:27:30 AM
If you have alot of money, house, nice car and clothes and are able to enjoy yourself well I say more power to you!? If you want to go to a "wealthy" site or join a country club good for you, I'm happy for you.? I hope everyone here, one day will to be able to live w/o the headache of living check to check and still being short.? I could care less about my neighbors wealth and belongings as a matter of fact I'm happy for him.? As for small world it's a new fad and for thoughs able to belong well have fun.? It has nothing to do with me.

it's not about money ... i couldnt care less about money, i dont even use what i have, i'm out playing soccer and tennis all weekend :)
I'm glad you can enjoy yourself.? It makes no difference about what anyone has, if they've earned it and have the time to enjoy themselves, then God Bless.? I'm happy for you.

man, now people will think i have money, when i dont ! grrrrrrrrrrr.....
god bless ? god ain't nothing to do here ;)

by the way,

anybody plays tennis here?

Title: Re: A small world
Post by: JMack on September 17, 2007, 10:24:15 AM
^^ ^^I'm not saying you personally have great wealth.? How could I know?? In general if people do, why should I care?? If someone has enough to be comfortable and at a young age, I say good for them.? As for myself if you grow up with nothing and at 45 I can probably retire I say I was blessed but I also suffered through real rough times too.? I thank God I have what I have and I made it to 45.? That's my own belief though.

? ?I've played tennis but for fun.? I'm not of a real tennis build.? My sis-in law has won 40 and over championships before.? She said I hit the ball too hard and is scared to come close on the net when we would play but she would usually beat me on my weakness.? I find some of these young guys and girls playing now amazing on how fast they play and how fast their serving but after 30ish your on the downside of your career?

Title: Re: A small world
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on September 17, 2007, 11:00:22 AM
you're wise. !

i played a lot when i was younger (8 to 18), then stopped and restarted this year (im 24) and it felt great, didnt lose much and was back on track very fast. I still have a great service (i do !).
I made several of my friends and colleagues play again and it comes back pretty quick even for older ones (30) who havent played for years ....

on the topic of discussion, smallworld is indeed a very interesting social item. As i said, the way "vip" people feel at ease together and trust each other ... and also is very much a sign of our days, our world, where, despite globalization, people are closing in into specifi  communities more and more, just like these gated secured residential parks ....

Title: Re: A small world
Post by: JMack on September 17, 2007, 11:31:58 AM
Is it all trust? Or keeping up with each other or just plain envy?  Ah! Who knows? I'm done

Title: Re: A small world
Post by: stolat on September 17, 2007, 06:53:21 PM

by the way,

anybody plays tennis here?

Tennis is way too energetic a sport!