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Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: GeraldFord on September 11, 2007, 09:04:00 PM

Title: Quantum of Solace --the new James Bond film 2008!
Post by: GeraldFord on September 11, 2007, 09:04:00 PM
Daniel Craig boosts Bond franchise
Actor invigorates long-running action film series
Daniel Craig in 'Casino Royale.'
LONDON -- The name of the production company behind the phenomenally successful James Bond franchise, EON, is an acronym that stands for "Everything Or Nothing." Suitably, the inferred notion of huge risk was never more apparent than two years ago, when the legendary brand, then recently acquired by Sony after a long association with MGM, underwent a radical transformation.
Daniel Craig was cast as the sixth incarnation of the death-proof superspy -- replacing the popular (and profitable) Pierce Brosnan -- causing an uproar from hardcore fans who balked at the prospect of a Bond who lacked the suave, handsome elegance a la Brosnan and Roger Moore (and sports blonde hair, no less). Rumors that the franchise would also make a concerted withdrawal from its signature gadget-driven fantasy (which some critics saw as having reached its apex with 2002's "Die Another Day") caused further discord among the faithful.

However, the result, "Casino Royale" -- the series' 21st film and the first proper adaptation of Ian Fleming's 1953 novel that introduced 007 -- saw the gamble pay off in magnificent style: Critics hailed the grittier-than-ever, character-driven film as one of the very best of the series, resulting in nine BAFTA nominations; Craig was feted for his dynamic performance; and, most pertinently, audiences were enthralled, giving the film a franchise-best financial haul of just under $600 million worldwide.

Moreover, "Casino Royale's" success highlighted a valuable realization for production partners Sony and EON: "What we found is that you can strip away a lot of the bells and whistles, but it still feels uniquely like a Bond film," notes Sony co-chairman Amy Pascal. "Throughout the history of the franchise, the actors, tone and style of the films have changed, but the fundamental essence of what makes Bond endures."

Notably, Craig managed to capture that essence while radically departing from his predecessors. "He is a key factor in all of this," says EON head Barbara Broccoli. "We were very excited that the response to Daniel was so strong." Consequently, adds the producer, "'Casino Royale' has set a new standard, and it's now a question of meeting those expectations for the next one and delivering a film that is emotional and dramatic as well as action-packed."

Currently in pre-production for a December start date and a targeted November 2008 release, Bond 22 will retain "Casino Royale's" trio of scriptwriters -- franchise vets Neil Purvis and Robert Wade along with Oscar winner Paul Haggis ("Crash," "Million-Dollar Baby") -- who will fashion an original script that, according to Broccoli, "will continue the path of Bond trying to find out who was behind the Le Chiffre operation. That's as much as we're going to say."

Haggis elaborates, but only slightly: "I can tell you it starts right where 'Casino' left off. Yes, Bond will be going after the organization that we hinted at." So, Bond 22 will be part of an arc, but will the hero now be the fully fledged 007, or will he still be growing into it?

"It will be the same Bond you saw in 'Casino,' " Haggis says, "a very human and flawed assassin, a man who has to navigate a morally complex and often cynical world while attempting to hold onto his deep beliefs of what is right and wrong."

Craig, speaking recently to the Chicago Sun-Times, echoes Haggis: "He also has to deal with revenge because he has lost the girl. Bond is still maybe too headstrong, and he doesn't make all of the right decisions."

As with "Casino," the absence of traditional supporting elements like gadget-master Q and Miss Moneypenny will continue: "Certainly, there may come a point where those beloved characters return, but," Broccoli says, "at the moment, they're not in 22."

If original Fleming material has run dry, the author's spirit is very much present. "You're always looking back at Fleming for inspiration," notes Broccoli's EON partner Michael G. Wilson, "all the writers do. Without getting specific, maybe there will be references to certain episodes. The approach to it is that Fleming is very much in the fabric of it."

To shepherd the new installment, Sony and EON have settled upon Marc Forster, director of such intimate dramas as "Monster's Ball," "Finding Neverland" and the upcoming "The Kite Runner." "I've always been a fan of Bond," the filmmaker says, "so this has been a childhood dream of mine. Daniel Craig is a fantastic actor, and it becomes more character-driven just because of him. That inspired me to be part of this. It's important that the action is good, because I want it to be exciting, but it's important to me to never lose that connection to Bond and the emotional arc he goes on. "

"We have always believed that great filmmakers can always work in multiple genres," Broccoli says. "(Forster) is certainly a great filmmaker and a great storyteller. ... It will not only pack a dramatic punch, but also deliver on the action."

Adds Pascal: "Marc is an incredibly sophisticated filmmaker with great visual style and a lot of energy. The pairing of Marc and Daniel is very exciting, and it was in keeping with the new direction of the franchise to bring in a fresh and original talent like Marc."

Certainly, the pervading air of confidence confirms that the relationship between Sony and the world's most famous film franchise has started out on firm footing.

"What's great about Sony is that they are truly with you through thick and thin," Broccoli observes. "They really want to be partners and are a valuable part of the whole enterprise. They have the passion for it, but will also spend the time when it's needed and do whatever needs to be done. They are very committed to the partnership. We couldn't ask for anything better."

Title: Re: Bond 22 (working title) thread--the new James Bond film 2008!
Post by: von on September 12, 2007, 01:40:54 AM
I want to post because I support your thread, but I think we're a bit premature in having one for Bond 22. That said, I've been a lifelong Bond fan and Daniel Craig kicks ass, especially after that puff Pierce Brosnan.

Title: Re: Bond 22 (working title) thread--the new James Bond film 2008!
Post by: LeftToDecay on September 12, 2007, 04:12:52 AM
I've never been huge fan of any of the Bond Flicks.
Still, holy shit, Daniel Craig truly nails the role. I had no idea it is even posible to play the part THAT well. He was amazing pick for Bond.

Title: Re: Bond 22 (working title) thread--the new James Bond film 2008!
Post by: Jessica on September 12, 2007, 04:28:23 PM
Everyone always said the one real actor who would nail it would be close to how fleming himself would have been..

Title: Re: Bond 22 (working title) thread--the new James Bond film 2008!
Post by: freedom78 on September 12, 2007, 04:48:14 PM
Very excited.  After the bloated corpse of a film that was Die Another Day, Casino Royale made me love the series again, and I can't wait to see what they come up with for #22.

Title: Re: Bond 22 (working title) thread--the new James Bond film 2008!
Post by: GnFnR87 on September 12, 2007, 04:49:19 PM

First Bond 22 Set Photo

The first photo of Daniel Craig on the set of Bond 22 has been revealed. The Casino Royale star filmed scenes for the anticipated follow-up in Siena, Italy, in a balcony window overlooking the "Madonna dell'Assunta Palio di Siena" traditional horse race. A big tourist draw, the race pits 10 neighborhoods against each other, with horses and their jockeys often tumbling during the action.


Title: Re: Bond 22 (working title) thread--the new James Bond film 2008!
Post by: Izzy on September 12, 2007, 05:52:46 PM
I just hope success doesnt go to their head...

...i dont want From Russia with Love again

Bond acting mysterious is fine in between explosions, but PLEASE dont turn this into a film the Oscar crowd will like

Title: Re: Bond 22 (working title) thread--the new James Bond film 2008!
Post by: Bobarcord on September 13, 2007, 09:23:56 PM

First Bond 22 Set Photo

The first photo of Daniel Craig on the set of Bond 22 has been revealed. The Casino Royale star filmed scenes for the anticipated follow-up in Siena, Italy, in a balcony window overlooking the "Madonna dell'Assunta Palio di Siena" traditional horse race. A big tourist draw, the race pits 10 neighborhoods against each other, with horses and their jockeys often tumbling during the action.


Don't think that was actual filming he was their for the race . But thought it was just researching it.

I know they hired the stunt coordinator of the Bourne movies for this one. 

Title: Re: Bond 22 (working title) thread--the new James Bond film 2008!
Post by: Robman? on September 13, 2007, 11:35:20 PM

First Bond 22 Set Photo

The first photo of Daniel Craig on the set of Bond 22 has been revealed. The Casino Royale star filmed scenes for the anticipated follow-up in Siena, Italy, in a balcony window overlooking the "Madonna dell'Assunta Palio di Siena" traditional horse race. A big tourist draw, the race pits 10 neighborhoods against each other, with horses and their jockeys often tumbling during the action.


Don't think that was actual filming he was their for the race . But thought it was just researching it.

I know they hired the stunt coordinator of the Bourne movies for this one. 

that cool, as long as they dont hire the same camera operators. Thats the only thing I hate about the bourne films, the shoddy camera work during action scenes that prevent you from understanding whats going on.

Title: Re: Bond 22 (working title) thread--the new James Bond film 2008!
Post by: GeraldFord on October 29, 2007, 06:11:54 AM
Daniel Craig has been signed on for four more films as James Bond, according to trade paper, The Hollywood Reporter. MGM chairman and CEO, Harry Sloan yesterday revealed the news at the Forbes MEET II conference.

Daniel Craig as James Bond
Sloan referred to franchises as ?the base of any studio?, before revealing Craig is signed up as Agent 007 right through until Bond 25. MGM also plans on making follow-ups to Fame, Death Wish and 1999?s The Thomas Crown Affair, which starred ex-007, Pierce Brosnan.

The details of Craig?s contract have not been publicly disclosed, but the success of last year?s Casino Royale prompted the studio to renegotiate his fee for his first three Bond films, making him Britain?s highest-paid actor.

Pierce Brosnan signed on for a three-picture contract, with an option for a fourth, which became his final turn in the role. However, Timothy Dalton made just two 007 movies when his three-picture deal lapsed in the early 1990s.

Daniel Craig?s second James Bond film, the yet-to-be-titled Bond 22, is due out next year. Sony are eying a 2010 release date for Bond 23.

Meanwhile, Harry Sloan predicts the potential Writers Guild strike, which could occur as early as next week, will not take place.

Keep watching the new-look for the latest news on Bond 22 and beyond.

Title: Re: Quantum of Solace --the new James Bond film 2008!
Post by: GeraldFord on January 29, 2008, 10:15:38 PM
Looks like Quantum of Solace is the name of the film!


Title: Re: Quantum of Solace --the new James Bond film 2008!
Post by: GeraldFord on February 10, 2008, 12:13:59 AM

Title: Re: Quantum of Solace --the new James Bond film 2008!
Post by: ben9785 on February 13, 2008, 01:10:41 AM
I always supported Daniel, but he really did deliver with "Casino Royale".
All the best to him for the next one. Now that he's really settled into the role, I have great expectations for him.

Title: Re: Quantum of Solace --the new James Bond film 2008!
Post by: freedom78 on February 15, 2008, 04:12:35 PM
A tangential story I thought you might enjoy:

Swiss create Bond-like underwater car
?sQuba? concept set to make a splash at Geneva Auto Show

GENEVA - OK, so the Swiss have invented a car that runs on land and underwater. But did they REALLY have to make it a convertible?

It?s called the ?sQuba,? and conjures up memories of James Bond?s amphibious Lotus Esprit from ?The Spy Who Loved Me.? That fictional vehicle traveled on land and, when chased by bad guys in a helicopter, plunged into the water and became an airtight submarine ? complete with ?torpedoes? and ?depth charges.?

But ?Q? isn?t responsible for this one.

The concept car ? which unlike Bond?s is not armed ? was developed by Swiss designer Rinspeed Inc. and is set to make a splash at the Geneva Auto Show next month.

Company CEO Frank Rinderknecht, a self-professed Bond fan, said he has been waiting 30 years to recreate the car he saw Roger Moore use to drive off of a dock.

The sQuba can plow through the water at a depth of 30 feet and has electrical motors to turn the underwater screw.

You?ll have to break out the wetsuit, however.

The car has an open top, meaning that the two passengers are exposed to the elements.

?For safety reasons, we have built the vehicle as an open car so that the occupants can get out quickly in an emergency,? said Rinderknecht, 52.

Passengers will be able to keep breathing underwater through an integrated tank of compressed air similar to what is used in scuba diving.

The sQuba?s top speed on land is about 77 mph, but it slows down to 3 mph on the surface of the water, and 1.8 mph underwater.

Working with engineering specialists, Rinspeed removed the combustion engine from a sports car and replaced it with several electrical motors. Three are located in the rear ? er, aft ? with one providing propulsion on land and the other two driving the screw for underwater driving.

?We always want to do cars that are outrageous, which nobody has done before. So we thought, ?Let?s make a car dive,?? said Rinderknecht, whose innovative company has made transparent, flying and voice-activated cars in previous attention-grabbing displays at the Geneva Auto Show.

The company calls the sQuba the first real submersible car. Unlike military amphibious vehicles, which can only drive slowly on a lakebed, the sQuba travels like a submarine ? either on the surface or submerged.

The interior is resistant to salt water, allowing the skipper to drive into a lake or the sea.

?Many concept cars introduce important new technology,? said John Cabaniss at the Association of International Automobile Manufacturers in Washington. ?Anything to improve the efficiency of a vehicle, streamlining or reducing the weight of materials, while maintaining strength ... is put into concept cars first.?

continued (

Title: Re: Quantum of Solace --the new James Bond film 2008!
Post by: GeraldFord on February 23, 2008, 08:49:15 AM
As reported by earlier this month, the newest edition of Total Film magazine features 21 different limited edition James Bond covers as well as 36-page section on the 007 films which includes an interview with Craig regarding the newest in the series, Quantum of Solace, due out this November.

CBn Forum member ?craigbegins? has already picked up the magazine and informed us of a few new Quantum details:

According to producer Michael G. Wilson, this film will see the gunbarrel fans are most familiar with returning. ?We?ll probably go back to the traditional style,? he said.

Wilson also commented on the press favourite of Amy Winehouse as a possible singer for the film?s title song. When asked about her chances, he replied: ?She could do a wonderful job. We?ll have to wait and see if she can do it.?

Daniel Craig is James Bond in Quantum of Solace
Craig?s interview also revealed a few details: ?We?re not out to make some bold political statement,? the actor said, ?but there is something in this movie that we?re keen to put across: a twist. I don?t want to say too much about it, but yes, if you?re going to make a spy movie then you have to refer the world outside. The odd thing is, the way the spying and intelligence world is behaving right now, it?s beyond any movie plot.?

The full interview can be found in the newest edition of Total Film magazine. So go out there and pick one (or 21!) up.

Keep your eyes on the main page for all the latest news and complete coverage of Quantum of Solace.

Title: Re: Quantum of Solace --the new James Bond film 2008!
Post by: GeraldFord on February 24, 2008, 02:39:18 AM

Title: Re: Quantum of Solace --the new James Bond film 2008!
Post by: mrlee on February 24, 2008, 07:02:13 PM
LMAO NINA NANA. i love that womans name. she brings laughter every tea time for me.

Title: Re: Quantum of Solace --the new James Bond film 2008!
Post by: GeraldFord on March 04, 2008, 09:33:42 AM

Title: Re: Quantum of Solace --the new James Bond film 2008!
Post by: GeraldFord on April 26, 2008, 09:37:14 PM
Just saw Casino Royle again...great film. Really looking forward to QOS. Daniel Craig is the best bond since Mr. Moore.

Title: Re: Quantum of Solace --the new James Bond film 2008!
Post by: GeraldFord on May 07, 2008, 03:11:45 PM
Cool interview with DC.

Title: Re: Quantum of Solace --the new James Bond film 2008!
Post by: Drew on May 07, 2008, 03:22:17 PM
Just saw Casino Royle again...great film. Really looking forward to QOS. Daniel Craig is the best bond since Mr. Moore.

Well said.  8)

Title: Re: Quantum of Solace --the new James Bond film 2008!
Post by: GeraldFord on May 17, 2008, 10:59:41 AM
Second Turn As James Bond
Actor also comments on what the future holds for Q and Moneypenny

Written by Devin Zydel on 15 May, 2008

Daniel Craig
Casino Royale may top the charts when it comes to success with the critics and box office in the 007 series, but as Daniel Craig has pointed out several times before, that only means a greater challenge in making the next one even better.

Speaking from the Quantum of Solace set at the floating opera stage along Lake Constance in Bregenz, Austria, Craig spoke to MSN Movies about making his second James Bond film as good as possible.

Keeping The Momentum
?There was never a point where I punched the air,? Craig said of the worldwide success of Casino Royale. ?The movie worked, but I did everything I could to make my part in the movie work, so there is no kind of, ?See, I told you so.? I kept on saying, ?We make the best movie we can,? and thankfully that worked.?

Continuing in this vein for Quantum of Solace was one of the film?s unique challenges, according to Craig. ?I just try to apply the same rules as last time, and hopefully that will work out,? he said.

The actor mentions he ?jumped? upon first hearing Marc Forster, who was then know for his success with films like Finding Neverland and Monster?s Ball, was on the shortlist of directors.

?I want the audience to be involved with the characters,? Craig continues. ?The action and the explosions, everything that goes along with the Bond movies, they can be taken care of, but I want the audience to be pulled in and involved.?

New Faces And Possible Returns Of Familiar Ones

Daniel Craig is James Bond in Quantum of Solace
Along with Forster?s own vision for 007, Craig applauds the other new talent that has joined the series, including production designer Dennis Gassner and Roberto Schaefer (the latter having been a longtime associate of Forster). ?I?m a huge fan of the early Ken Adams? films,? said Craig, ?because they looked stunning. That?s much more what I want to do.?

And while Q and Miss Moneypenny will once again be absent from this Bond film, Craig did point out this could change in the future.

?The answer is ?No? at the moment. We?re not going back,? Craig said. ?It?s not that we?re avoiding it; it?s just that this story hasn?t taken it on. I?d like to bring those back in, but we have to be intelligent about it.?

Keep your eyes on the main page for the most up-to-date and complete overage of Quantum of Solace.

Title: Re: Quantum of Solace --the new James Bond film 2008!
Post by: GeraldFord on June 27, 2008, 09:11:01 AM
Ten second preview:

Title: Re: Quantum of Solace --the new James Bond film 2008!
Post by: GeraldFord on June 30, 2008, 03:20:00 PM
Check out the trailer, behind the scenes, etc.!

Title: Re: Quantum of Solace --the new James Bond film 2008!
Post by: Chief on June 30, 2008, 09:58:24 PM
awesome trailer, thank you! it looks great!!

Title: Re: Quantum of Solace --the new James Bond film 2008!
Post by: Jim on August 07, 2008, 05:17:34 PM
New Bond theme. (

Title: Re: Quantum of Solace --the new James Bond film 2008!
Post by: Jimmy? on August 07, 2008, 05:42:56 PM
New Bond theme. (

That is hilarious  :hihi: For the first 10 secs i was thinking wtf........then realised it was a joke  :)

Title: Re: Quantum of Solace --the new James Bond film 2008!
Post by: Jim on August 07, 2008, 05:54:27 PM
Adam (Buxton) did one too, it's probably on youtube as well. It was for their (Adam and Joe's) Song Wars this week. On their 6 Music radio show. Which is great!

Title: Re: Quantum of Solace --the new James Bond film 2008!
Post by: GnFnR87 on September 09, 2008, 09:34:18 PM
Second Trailer:

lookin' gooood 

Title: Re: Quantum of Solace --the new James Bond film 2008!
Post by: Chief on September 11, 2008, 12:22:09 AM
here we go , in much higher quality!

Title: Re: Quantum of Solace --the new James Bond film 2008!
Post by: Bitch Slap Rappin on September 11, 2008, 12:01:32 PM
I've always did like espionage type of films. The bond character that I grew accustomed to was the first one-----Sean Connery. The bond he portrayed was real to what James Bond is about. Roger and Pierce just didn't do it for me. They were too refined for me. Now Daniel has bought back the flavor of what Bond was originally intended to be. When I saw the late Casino Royal it really took me by surprise. The rough-James Bond version was reborn from the same pool where Sean Connery so cleverly portrayed back in the early sixties. That charm and arrogance and defying attitude which is 'real' to me. If you are a secret agent and you risk your life on missions the character version of Connery and Craig is what you are going to get. I also like these two because when it comes to sacrifice and survival-----no one shall have mercy including any woman who may want to eliminate Bond. (And we all know that Bond has a certain weakness when it comes to beautiful woman but the real Bond never let's woman dominate him. Roger and Pierce seemed to allow themselves to get pushed around and dominated by woman. This makes no sense. If you are a secret agent you don't trust no one and never let anyone dominate you.

I've read that they are having some real difficulties with the second Bond film. There have been some quite a number accidents on the set of filming the new one. I'm not sure of all previous Bond movies if I ever heard the cast and crew going through some "bad karma" like the current one is.
Along with the 'bad karma' Amy Whinehouse was going to do the new theme track for Bond but bailed because of personal problems. In light of all this I do hope they finish the movie and release it. I'm very sure that Craig will be fantastic in the follow-up movie....... :beer:

Title: Re: Quantum of Solace --the new James Bond film 2008!
Post by: GeraldFord on September 18, 2008, 06:54:49 PM

Title: Re: Quantum of Solace --the new James Bond film 2008!
Post by: Izzy on September 22, 2008, 05:56:04 AM
The new Bond film theme is - very 'lol'

Its a proud tradition of Bond films that the theme is unbelievable camp and/or simply gawd awful every time, who can forget Madonna's efforts?

I'm glad to see they have gone back to that winning formula, its another ''fine'' theme to join other classics like 'the man with the golden gun', 'moonraker' and the honky tonk 'nobody does it better'


Title: Re: Quantum of Solace --the new James Bond film 2008!
Post by: Robman? on September 22, 2008, 06:56:16 AM
The new Bond film theme is - very 'lol'

Its a proud tradition of Bond films that the theme is unbelievable camp and/or simply gawd awful every time, who can forget Madonna's efforts?

I'm glad to see they have gone back to that winning formula, its another ''fine'' theme to join other classics like 'the man with the golden gun', 'moonraker' and the honky tonk 'nobody does it better'


I actually thought Chris Cornells theme was awesome

Title: Re: Quantum of Solace --the new James Bond film 2008!
Post by: GeraldFord on September 22, 2008, 11:38:49 AM
I actually thought Chris Cornells theme was awesome

Only good song from Carry On.

Title: Re: Quantum of Solace --the new James Bond film 2008!
Post by: GeraldFord on September 22, 2008, 02:44:46 PM
Here's the real theme for the film:

I don't know...

Title: Re: Quantum of Solace --the new James Bond film 2008!
Post by: Izzy on September 22, 2008, 02:52:43 PM
The new Bond film theme is - very 'lol'

Its a proud tradition of Bond films that the theme is unbelievable camp and/or simply gawd awful every time, who can forget Madonna's efforts?

I'm glad to see they have gone back to that winning formula, its another ''fine'' theme to join other classics like 'the man with the golden gun', 'moonraker' and the honky tonk 'nobody does it better'


I actually thought Chris Cornells theme was awesome

Indeed, it was pretty good - though it took a few listens to appreciate (by few I mean hundreds)

Title: Re: Quantum of Solace --the new James Bond film 2008!
Post by: GeraldFord on September 22, 2008, 02:54:18 PM
I don't know about the new one...It's better than that piece of shit Madonna made, but it's kinda lame. The movie still looks great.

Title: Re: Quantum of Solace --the new James Bond film 2008!
Post by: GeraldFord on September 23, 2008, 03:55:51 PM
The Name's Bond... Period.
'Quantum of Solace' to drop the famous introduction as well as 'shaken, not stirred' line

Written by Devin Zydel on 20 Sep, 2008

Almost every single James Bond film to date has had it?s share of traditions that carry on from one entry to another: the exhilarating pre-credits sequence, the main titles, a briefing from ?M?, and so on.

Two such traditions that fans have become accustomed to are the famous ?Bond, James Bond? introduction and the order for a ?shaken, not stirred? martini. Both have appeared in almost the complete roster of 007 films, with the former bringing Daniel Craig?s debut in Casino Royale to a close.

Director Marc Forster
Just don?t expect either of them when Quantum of Solace hits the silver screen next month.

The Independent reports that both of the popular catchphrases have been dropped from the 22nd Bond film.

?There was a ?Bond, James Bond? in the script,? said director Marc Forster. ?There are several places where we shot it as well, but it never worked as we hoped. I just felt we should cut it out, and [producers] Barbara Broccoli and Michael Wilson agreed, and Daniel agreed, too. It?s nice to be open-minded about the Bond formula. You can always go back to them later on.?

These changes should likely come as little surprise to Bond fans since Casino Royale already proved that the filmmakers are not afraid to shake up the formula in the Craig era.

?It?s nice to be open-minded about the Bond formula.? - Marc Forster

Graham Rye, editor of 007 Magazine OnLine, stated that Craig?s debut as Bond was much closer to Ian Fleming?s original vision of the character.

?The Bond films had become tired and needed reinvigorating,? he said. ?Rather than going away from Fleming I think the producers have gone back to him.?

Mr. Rye went on to make the point that characters of Q and Miss Moneypenny (who will also both be absent from Quantum of Solace), only made occasional appearances in Fleming?s novels.

Daniel Craig is James Bond
He continued: ?His announcing of himself had become a bit corny. Casino Royale gets back to the spirit of the books, rather than all the silliness.?

Ajay Chowdhury, editor of Kiss Kiss Bang Bang magazine, said this news was unlikely to upset the 007 community.

?The producers have been mixing and matching the famous Bond tropes?such as the theme song and the gun-barrel sequence,? he said. ?But this time there is a theme song by Jack White and Alicia Keys. If this line of script is not in there it?s not going to undo the foundations of Bond. The fans didn?t miss Moneypenny or Q. Bond is the only British character with worldwide resonance now, apart from Harry Potter. The producers are paying more attention to psychology and relationships, as well as adventure. Quantum of Solace picks up from Casino Royale, which was a really good thriller first and a good Bond movie second.?

What is your take on this news? Voice your opinion here on the Forums.

Title: Re: Quantum of Solace --the new James Bond film 2008!
Post by: Bitch Slap Rappin on September 25, 2008, 02:13:31 PM
The new Bond film theme is - very 'lol'

Its a proud tradition of Bond films that the theme is unbelievable camp and/or simply gawd awful every time, who can forget Madonna's efforts?

I'm glad to see they have gone back to that winning formula, its another ''fine'' theme to join other classics like 'the man with the golden gun', 'moonraker' and the honky tonk 'nobody does it better'


I actually thought Chris Cornells theme was awesome

Yes that song "You know my name" is killer!!!! I get shivers up my spine when he's screaming "You know my name">>>>>>>>> : ok:

Title: Re: Quantum of Solace --the new James Bond film 2008!
Post by: GeraldFord on September 27, 2008, 11:28:48 PM
Licence to kill ... and kill and kill

EIGHT months after the name of the 22nd James Bond film was announced, The Sneak was still struggling to remember it.

The limp Quantum Of Solace just wouldn?t stick.

But all that changed after I went undercover to infiltrate a top-secret screening of the new 007 flick.

Daniel Craig?s second outing as the world?s most famous secret agent is something you won?t forget in a hurry.

The actor transformed suave Bond into a gritty killing machine in 2006 hit Casino Royale and here the violence is ramped up to Rambo proportions.

More appropriate titles might have been A View To A Killing Spree or Triggerfinger.

The Sneak would like to give you a figure on the body count . . . but it was impossible to keep score.

The film kicks off with Bond in the car chase of his life as his Aston Martin DB9 is pursued through the narrow cliff-top lanes of the Italian Lakes.

A Bourne Ultimatum-style rooftop chase follows, with the famous Palio Horse Race as a stunning backdrop.

The stunts look dangerous for good reason ? they are.

One driver is still recovering from head injuries after crashing into a wall filming the cliff-top chase.

Another had a narrow escape after skidding off a cliff into a lake.

And Craig needed eight stitches in his face after a fight scene and he had the top of a finger sliced off.

It?s a miracle anyone survived filming long enough for Bond to kill them in the movie.

Solace is the first 007 sequel, it picks up directly from where Casino Royale left off.

Bond is out to get revenge for the death of his lover Vesper Lynd (Eva Green) at any cost.

But his path of destruction leads him to the discovery of a new threat to the world, crime syndicate Quantum.

With spies everywhere, even within MI6, they pose an even greater danger than his old arch foes at SPECTRE.

Quantum?s mastermind is billionaire environmentalist Dominic Greene (French actor Mathieu Amalric), who uses a campaign to save swathes of rainforest as a cover for his evil plan.

As Bond battles his new enemies we follow his journey from his promotion to 007 agent (one kill needed) in the last film to First Blood-style rampages.

However, newcomers may be confused by references to old characters and plot lines.

Vesper?s hold on Bond is not fully explained, nor is the return of Mathis (Giancarlo Giannini), Bond?s friend turned foe turned who knows?

Bond?s long list of enemies also gets complicated.

He is so reckless in his blood lust that the CIA agree to kill him when he threatens their dealings with a South American government.

One spymaster quips: ?If we refused to do business with villains, we would have no one left.?

Meanwhile, 007?s boss M (Judi Dench) says: ?Bond, if you could avoid killing every lead there is, that would be appreciated.?

He dryly replies, ?I will do my best? then heads off in designer suits to slay some more.

Things get so bad that M revokes his licence to kill.

Some might say Craig?s portrayal of the spy as an increasingly cold, emotionless character is a brave move. In The Sneak?s opinion, the old-style Bonds of Connery, Moore and Brosnan are too tame for 21st-century tastes.

Here the notches on his gun far outnumber the notches on his bedpost. Only once ? sorry, girls ? do we see Craig with his top off.

There are two sexy Bond girls in the curvy shapes of Camille (Olga Kurylenko) and MI6 agent Fields (Gemma Arterton).

But the only flash of flesh in the 105-minute movie is a very quick nookie scene with Fields.

The smartass quips and camp gadget-king Q have also been axed. And for the first time the immortal line ?The name?s Bond, James Bond? is not used.

Topical environmental references abound, with baddies manipulating fears over climate change.

Though Bond?s carbon footprint would make Greenpeace activists cry. He goes from the UK to Italy to Bolivia to Austria, back to Italy, across to Haiti and finally to Russia.

The predominant colour here, though, isn?t environmental green ? it?s blood red.

Which is a surprise since new 007 director Marc Forster is better known for more thoughtful films such as The Kite Runner and Finding Neverland.

Here Forster has followed the standard sequel route of blowing up bigger stuff.

Our hero writes off a fleet of cars, blows up a helicopter and military jetfighter, destroys a cargo plane and several boats and, well . . . you get the idea.

So this film is not as ground-breaking as Casino Royale.

But it will kick the living daylights out of any rival action-hero franchises.

Quantum Of Solace opens on October 31.

Title: Re: Quantum of Solace --the new James Bond film 2008!
Post by: GeraldFord on September 27, 2008, 11:36:02 PM
Some great pics!

Title: Re: Quantum of Solace --the new James Bond film 2008!
Post by: GeraldFord on September 28, 2008, 11:27:56 AM
TV spots:  (30 secs)  (60 secs)

Title: Re: Quantum of Solace --the new James Bond film 2008!
Post by: GeraldFord on October 22, 2008, 06:35:08 PM
The Man Who Loves Being Bad
By Kevin Sessums
Publication Date: 10/26/2008
Daniel craig is the grittiest of all the great-looking blokes who have played James Bond over the last four decades. He?s also full of contradictions. His working-class background keeps him grounded?and yet he recently was named to the tony International Best-Dressed list. Bond would be amused by such an honor. And so is Craig. 

When we meet for afternoon tea in London?s artsy Soho neighborhood, he is casual but sophisticated in a black cashmere sweater, black shirt, and black jeans. Craig?s 2006 movie Casino Royale became the highest-grossing Bond film in history, earning nearly $600 million worldwide. His second effort, Quantum of Solace, due out Nov. 14, picks up where Casino Royale left off. 

?The question I keep asking myself while playing the role is, ?Am I the good guy or just a bad guy who works for the good side??? he says.  ?Bond?s role, after all, is that of an assassin when you come down to it. I have never played a role in which someone?s dark side shouldn?t be explored. I don?t think it should be confusing by the end of the movie, but during the movie you should be questioning who he is.?

Playing the world?s most famous spy has, Craig admits, changed his life. ?I was at a stage of my career in which things were going pretty well,? he says. ?I was making plenty of money, relatively speaking?enough to live on. But when this opportunity came along, I knew it would turn everything upside-down. I?m 40 now. It really helped me put things in perspective. It wasn?t about the money. It was about changing things up and seeing what would happen.? He takes a sip of tea and adds contemplatively, ?At some point, life starts to pass you by and becomes about avoidance. I want to stay clear from that situation, because I don?t like that.?

For Craig, playing Bond seems to be as much an athletic endeavor as an acting challenge. He played rugby as a schoolboy in Liverpool?and talking about that time, he softens. His mother, an art teacher, and his father, who ran a pub, divorced when he was 4 years old. When I ask if his love of performing stems from those early days in his father?s pub, his blue eyes crinkle with joy.

?Oh, you?ve found me out,? he says. ?I?ve always loved to dress up a bit and show off. There was also a great theater company in Liverpool called Everyman, where I hung out as a kid. It was one of the major influences on me.?

What would the people who knew him back then say about his becoming a sex symbol? Craig?s raucous laughter is loud enough now to fill any pub back in Liverpool. ?If people want to think of me that way, that?s great,? Craig says. ?But the truth is, I don?t have a connection with that image.? So, what was he thinking when he posed for the now-famous beefcake photo of Bond emerging from the surf in a Speedo? The shot swept the Internet in 2006, just when he was being introduced as the new 007.
?I was being objectified, but actually that?s not a bad thing to feel,? he says with a laugh. ?I knew exactly what was going on when I did that shot. There?s a conscious decision to everything I do. For me to say, ?Oh, God! I didn?t realize that would happen!? sounds incredibly na?ve. I look at that picture, and my only thought now is that I certainly don?t look like that anymore. For Quantum of Solace, I made a decision that I wanted to get bigger and get muscles, because Bond is older and has probably been training.? It?s unlikely though, that any subtle change in physique will alter his appeal. ?As I keep saying, I?m 40 now, and in five years? time or even less, sex symbol might be a really kind of weird term to attach to myself. How about sexy father figure?? he suggests.

Craig is, in fact, a father. His daughter from an early marriage that ended in divorce is almost as old now as he was when he dropped out of school at age 16 to move to London to pursue an acting career. Would he allow his own child to do such a thing? ?No,? is his quick answer. ?No. No. No. No.?

 His mother and sister are two of the most important people in his life. He is still close to his ex-wife. And his longtime girlfriend, Satsuki Mitchell, a movie producer, is another steady presence. All this female energy around him may explain why Craig?s masculinity onscreen is not off-putting but forged instead with a kind of fierce sensitivity.

?There are people on this planet where you go, ?Oops, no, I don?t even want to look that person in the eye,?? says Craig. ?And that real scariness is not something I?m capable of. That?s something maybe De Niro is capable of at his best. But that?s not me. As tough a role as I have to play, I?m always just me. It?s good to be in touch with as much of yourself as possible. Otherwise, you?re a rather one-note performer. Who wants to be the tough guy and nothing else??

Among his many tough-guy antecedents in Hollywood?Steve McQueen, Paul Newman, Humphrey Bogart, Clark Gable, James Cagney?with whom does Daniel Craig most identify? 

?The obvious choice for me would be Bogart,? he says. ?Not only because of that ease he had with his unique take on masculinity, but also?and this is much more important?because he got to sleep with Lauren Bacall.?

I finally ask this British actor a deeply American question: ?Who do you think would be the better James Bond?Barack Obama or John McCain??

Craig doesn?t hesitate. ?Obama would be the better Bond because?if he?s true to his word?he?d be willing to quite literally look the enemy in the eye and go toe-to-toe with them. McCain, because of his long service and experience, would probably be a better M,? he adds, mentioning Bond?s boss, played by Dame Judi Dench. ?There is, come to think of it, a kind of Judi Dench quality to McCain.?

And who does he think would be the better Bond girl?Michelle Obama or Cindy McCain?

Again Craig?s laughter practically lifts him from his seat. ?Oh, now you?ve crossed the line,? he says. ?That?s much too dangerous a question. Can?t we go back to talking about Lauren Bacall??

Title: Re: Quantum of Solace --the new James Bond film 2008!
Post by: GeraldFord on November 02, 2008, 05:15:11 PM
Anyone see this yet? It's out in the UK.

Title: Re: Quantum of Solace --the new James Bond film 2008!
Post by: Mysteron on November 03, 2008, 03:20:17 PM
Anyone see this yet? It's out in the UK.

I have seen it already. I found it quite disappointing.

There are some ok action sequences, and the acting is good, but the story is poor.

It is perfectly watchable though

Title: Re: Quantum of Solace --the new James Bond film 2008!
Post by: Izzy on November 03, 2008, 03:26:52 PM
Anyone see this yet? It's out in the UK.

I have seen it already. I found it quite disappointing.

There are some ok action sequences, and the acting is good, but the story is poor.

It is perfectly watchable though

True enough

Trouble is...there was no story to speak of

...and was this the weakest Bond villian ever?

Title: Re: Quantum of Solace --the new James Bond film 2008!
Post by: Mysteron on November 03, 2008, 03:29:48 PM
Anyone see this yet? It's out in the UK.

I have seen it already. I found it quite disappointing.

There are some ok action sequences, and the acting is good, but the story is poor.

It is perfectly watchable though

True enough

Trouble is...there was no story to speak of

...and was this the weakest Bond villian ever?

Not sure. In terms of acting, I thought he was ok, nothing special. In terms of being bad, I wasn't moved really.

Title: Re: Quantum of Solace --the new James Bond film 2008!
Post by: IKnowWhereIAM on November 03, 2008, 04:45:19 PM
Sounds highly dissapointing after Casino was such a smash.

Title: Re: Quantum of Solace --the new James Bond film 2008!
Post by: MadmanDan on November 07, 2008, 06:27:51 PM
  Total crap ! Weak plot, pathetic villan, and no gadgets, cars, etc...

  James Bond movies were never supposed to be very realistic, just very entertainning...but the Batman realism trend seems to have caught on...

Title: Re: Quantum of Solace --the new James Bond film 2008!
Post by: The Catcher on November 08, 2008, 07:14:57 PM
I'm surprised this thread hasn't got more replies yet. Just saw the movie tonight, the night after the premiere, and I have to say you people don't know what you're talking about. The movie is great. Be a little open-minded, for Christ's sake. Look, I'm as big of a Bond fan as anyone, and I've followed the franchise since I was a kid (my father was, and is, a very big Bond fan). I've watched all the classics, and most of the more recent ones, and although Quantum of Solace sort of moves away from the typical Bond formula, I think that is about time. Call me a heretic, but it was long overdue. The movie has drawn some criticism for moving away from the typical satirical Bond humour, the erotic romance, the catch phrases such as "Shaken, not stirred" and "Bond. James Bond". Face it, that couldn't possibly continue forever. It has been done dozens of times, and it has been good and charming, but face it, it has grown old and tired. It is 2008, bring on the 2008 version of James Bond! And let me say, Daniel Craig defines that role. As far as I'm concerned, he is the best Bond actor in recent times, and Quantum of Solace is the best Bond movie in recent times.

Title: Re: Quantum of Solace --the new James Bond film 2008!
Post by: A Private Eye on November 10, 2008, 01:51:42 PM
^ I agree, if recent times is the last 2 years only. Casino Royale is by far a better film than this effort. Having said that, it's not at all bad, Craig was excellent again and the action was good, but as others have said it fell down when it came to a plot. It just didn't really seem to have one, it just sort of rolled on (admittedly at pretty high pace) with no real direction or reason. It seemed the whole thing was directed at showing Bond getting over Vesper and getting to the bottom of the whole of this crime syndicate but the whole thing was done in a very short final scene, and it just didn't really cut it imo. Pretty unmemorable Bond villain as well.

Perhaps my standards were raised too high by Casino Royale, whilst it was a reasonable film it still felt like a bit of a let down. 


Title: Re: Quantum of Solace --the new James Bond film 2008!
Post by: mrlee on November 10, 2008, 02:15:56 PM
tbh i want more action.

casino royale was ok but very lacking on the action front.

Title: Re: Quantum of Solace --the new James Bond film 2008!
Post by: GeraldFord on November 10, 2008, 04:44:50 PM
Should of used "if the World" as the title song!  :rant:

Title: Re: Quantum of Solace --the new James Bond film 2008!
Post by: freedom78 on November 10, 2008, 05:33:53 PM
Should of used "if the World" as the title song!  :rant:

That woulda been cool, but I would imagine they've had the title song picked for quite some time.

Title: Re: Quantum of Solace --the new James Bond film 2008!
Post by: mrlee on November 10, 2008, 05:38:22 PM
its a shame the theme is so epically shit.

Title: Re: Quantum of Solace --the new James Bond film 2008!
Post by: The Catcher on November 10, 2008, 09:18:18 PM
"If The World" as a James Bond theme would be fucking cool.
Even the title sounds perfect for a James Bond movie 8)

Title: Re: Quantum of Solace --the new James Bond film 2008!
Post by: GeraldFord on November 15, 2008, 12:58:30 PM
Ebert only gave the film 2 stars (out of 4).

I loved it..

Title: Re: Quantum of Solace --the new James Bond film 2008!
Post by: mrlee on November 15, 2008, 01:02:10 PM
Ebert only gave the film 2 stars (out of 4).

I loved it..
generally if the movie has a shit load of action. the critics rate it shit.

cause they are pussies.

If the movie has a load of talking, and a tiny bit of action, they say its brilliant.

Title: Re: Quantum of Solace --the new James Bond film 2008!
Post by: freedom78 on November 15, 2008, 01:05:13 PM
Ebert only gave the film 2 stars (out of 4).

I loved it..
generally if the movie has a shit load of action. the critics rate it shit.

cause they are pussies.

If the movie has a load of talking, and a tiny bit of action, they say its brilliant.

Indeed.  It would be enjoyable to put Roger Ebert in the Thunderdome.  :hihi:

Anyway, saw it last night.  Won't say "loved it" but I was thoroughly entertained and enjoyed it very much.  I'd say 3.5-4 out of 5.  I appreciate that they kept it under two hours (how rare is that these days?) but this is one that might have benefited from another 15-20 minutes to really expand the plot.

Title: Re: Quantum of Solace --the new James Bond film 2008!
Post by: GeraldFord on November 16, 2008, 10:21:52 PM
Saw it again tonight and I liked even better the second time. Love the new direction, love Ms. Fields, the plot was interesting--great all around. 4/5.

Title: Re: Quantum of Solace --the new James Bond film 2008!
Post by: The Catcher on November 16, 2008, 10:41:08 PM
Saw it again tonight and I liked even better the second time. Love the new direction, love Ms. Fields, the plot was interesting--great all around. 4/5.

Hell yeah. I've seen it twice too, dug it both times.
Great follow-up to Casino Royale.

Title: Re: Quantum of Solace --the new James Bond film 2008!
Post by: Smoking Guns on November 16, 2008, 11:33:52 PM
Just saw it.  Very entertaining........

But, it was a MAJOR Bourne Ripp Off.  The Car chase scene was very similar to Bourne, the Roof Top Chase scene, I swear the copied some of the same fucking moves, the Agency not sure how Dangerous bourne was and actually cutting off his clearence, very much like they doubted Bourne.  Bond was a major badass in this movie, I agree, the plot lacked real depth, but it was very entertaining, just sucked how similar it was to the bourne movies, but not nearly as creative.