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Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: redsquare on September 07, 2007, 01:48:06 PM

Title: Moon Landing A Fake or Fact
Post by: redsquare on September 07, 2007, 01:48:06 PM

Title: Re: Moon Landing A Fake or Fact
Post by: Izzy on September 07, 2007, 02:05:13 PM
Anyone who believe the moon landing is fake needs to get laid.

I'm fairly sure such extreme paranoia is, at the least, an early sign of schizophrenia

Elvis is alive too!

Kennedy shot himself!

Ringo called John Lennon!

Title: Re: Moon Landing A Fake or Fact
Post by: Lucky on September 07, 2007, 02:15:14 PM

and for all of you who doubt, here's a simple question....

do you honestly think USSR would keep their mouth shut if the landings were a fake?!
After all, those guys had the means to verify it.

Title: Re: Moon Landing A Fake or Fact
Post by: polluxlm on September 07, 2007, 02:29:21 PM
Well, 40 years later NASA says they don't know how to do it anymore...

Title: Re: Moon Landing A Fake or Fact
Post by: Lucky on September 07, 2007, 03:02:49 PM
take a look at the movie "idiocracy"
that should make things clear :)

Title: Re: Moon Landing A Fake or Fact
Post by: Lucky on September 07, 2007, 03:39:13 PM
^because unmanned probes are more useful and cost efficient than a dude with a shovel and a golf club bouncing around on the moon.
unlike man crafts, unmanned vehicles/moon satellites can stay on the planet/orbit longer, and gather more info.

and after the Columbia accident, and the psycho astronaut (the one with the dippers and killer instinct), do we really need those guys out there?

manned missions are a matter of prestige, and not science. Personally, I'm hoping that they'll start to work on "moonbase" project, rather than some random moon missions that serve nobody. ---we've already seen all there is to be seen on moon. now we need to start using it as a way to get to other places.

Title: Re: Moon Landing A Fake or Fact
Post by: Jim Bob on September 07, 2007, 03:47:10 PM
I hate people who dont believe we landed on the mooon

Title: Re: Moon Landing A Fake or Fact
Post by: LawsonsLaw007 on September 07, 2007, 03:59:58 PM
I hate people who dont believe we landed on the mooon

I cant say i hate pepole that think it but it anoyes the shit out of me


Title: Re: Moon Landing A Fake or Fact
Post by: polluxlm on September 07, 2007, 04:20:50 PM
Question to those who believe we landed on the moon: Have you studied the details involved in a mission like this? Have you compared them to prior tests and capabilities of technology?

Or do you simply believe it 'because it was on tv?"

Title: Re: Moon Landing A Fake or Fact
Post by: DevilHatesALoser on September 07, 2007, 04:38:33 PM
Question to those who believe we landed on the moon: Have you studied the details involved in a mission like this? Have you compared them to prior tests and capabilities of technology?

Or do you simply believe it 'because it was on tv?"

Have you studied those issues Polluxlm?  Are you able to understand them.  I sure as hell know that kind of physics is beyond me.  Or have you just watched a couple of videos and read some loosely binded papers by authors with no background or formal education in this matter?  Some one has already said it, but I will echo it.  The Soviet Union would have exposed the US had it not landed on the moon.  The entire operation was watched closesly from the ground and at space.  If the Soviets didn't debunk it, there was nothing to debunk.

Title: Re: Moon Landing A Fake or Fact
Post by: polluxlm on September 07, 2007, 05:00:39 PM
Well, that's the problem with the moon landings. You apply deductive reasoning, like you, it happened. You apply inductive reasoning it didn't happen.

So the conclusion is that one of them contains one or more flaws, and I doubt you'll find too many flaws in the laws of physics.

Title: Re: Moon Landing A Fake or Fact
Post by: Captain P?l on September 07, 2007, 05:20:14 PM
whats next?
Paul McCartney died in 66?
Elvis lives?
Kurt Cobain killed?

some people are too paranoid!

but it is a cool study nonetheless

Title: Re: Moon Landing A Fake or Fact
Post by: polluxlm on September 07, 2007, 05:26:52 PM
I don't see what those got to do with anything.

Title: Re: Moon Landing A Fake or Fact
Post by: Captain P?l on September 07, 2007, 05:37:25 PM
conspiracy theories?

okey.. maybe not the Elvis and Kurt one.. heh..

but still, wild assumptions that you cant really confirm or deny....

Title: Re: Moon Landing A Fake or Fact
Post by: polluxlm on September 07, 2007, 05:46:18 PM
If you can't deny a theory, how do you know your theory is true?

Title: Re: Moon Landing A Fake or Fact
Post by: Captain P?l on September 07, 2007, 05:54:28 PM

well... good point.

it is a theory until proven wrong.

but damn.. i see i didnt read the whole thread :p so i dont really have anything to add now  :P

Title: Re: Moon Landing A Fake or Fact
Post by: Mama Kin on September 08, 2007, 04:37:13 AM
Well, 40 years later NASA says they don't know how to do it anymore...

They don't. They decommissioned the Saturn 5 Rocket and the plans to build it were destroyed in a routine housecleaning of NASA documents. They don't know how anymore.

Title: Re: Moon Landing A Fake or Fact
Post by: fuckin crazy on September 08, 2007, 06:59:14 AM
I call Bullshit, Right when I'm trying very hard to learn a little humility, something like this comes along. I didn't bother to click the links because I have seen all that psuedo-scientific BULLSHIT before, and rather than waste my time in a futile attempt at providing refuting arguments to moronic theories, I will let someone else, who is much better qualified than myself anyway, refute the BULLSHIT. The Bad Astronomer aka Phil Plait does a very good job HERE (

Sometimes I think the Buzz Aldrin approach might achieve better results.

They don't. They decommissioned the Saturn 5 Rocket and the plans to build it were destroyed in a routine housecleaning of NASA documents. They don't know how anymore.

Bullshit, where in the hell do you come up with this ... nevermind I already know.

If you can't deny a theory, how do you know your theory is true?

Theories are not denied, they are an accumulation of scientific evidence That support the postulates. When new evidence comes along, they are modified accordingly.

So the conclusion is that one of them contains one or more flaws, and I doubt you'll find too many flaws in the laws of physics.

Exactly, the Physics behind a moon landing are simple and hundreds of years old.

Question to those who believe we landed on the moon: Have you studied the details involved in a mission like this? Have you compared them to prior tests and capabilities of technology?

Or do you simply believe it 'because it was on tv?"

As a matter of fact, I have. Take any entry level Physics or Calculus class at your favorite University and some of the first problems you will encounter are orbital mechanics and trajectory motion.

The thing I find weird about landing on the moon is: Its so risky.
It's taken man much time and effort to launch from Earth and into space (with many failed attempts).
But to then contemplate landing on the moon, and then taking off again, almost seems suicidal.
(assuming the landing was for real) what if the luna module was damage while landing. The astronauts would have been stuffed.

It is a hell of a lot easier to land on the Moon than to re-enter Earths atmosphere ... Just curious, do you deny re-entry of the Shuttle ... or perhaps it's take-off?

 With todays technology, why don't they land on the moon more often. It would be interesing to see footage shot today, and compare it to that shot back in 1969.

It is a boondoggle, Why waste the money on ANY MANNED FLIGHT. The science that could be achieved would/is a thousand or more times greater for the buck. This whole going back to the Moon, and Putting men on Mars is a tremendous waste of resourses. It will take away from REAL science missions that have the possibility of making REAL discoveries.

Someone(Dim?) said somewhere that you don't want politicians deciding strategy for combat operations ... or something like that. It is true, and the same applies to space missions.

Title: Re: Moon Landing A Fake or Fact
Post by: fuckin crazy on September 08, 2007, 10:25:43 AM
^^See above

Title: Re: Moon Landing A Fake or Fact
Post by: polluxlm on September 08, 2007, 10:46:24 AM
Yeah, aren't you the prime example of intelligence right now.

Title: Re: Moon Landing A Fake or Fact
Post by: fuckin crazy on September 08, 2007, 10:50:20 AM
 After more than a quart of whiskey, I can still see the bullshit associated with morons. my brain is a bit befuddled, but I will still take on the best.

Title: Re: Moon Landing A Fake or Fact
Post by: polluxlm on September 08, 2007, 10:52:34 AM
See you when....if you're sober.

Title: Re: Moon Landing A Fake or Fact
Post by: fuckin crazy on September 08, 2007, 10:55:56 AM
Why? ... oh, is that a dig.  :no: Surely you can do better than that.

Title: Re: Moon Landing A Fake or Fact
Post by: DeN on September 08, 2007, 12:12:16 PM
it's an evidence a lot of the photos were remade in studio.
it's a bit like guns n'rose live era you know, the shows were real, but axl has redone the vocals.  :hihi:

i suppose the nasa shooting on the moon was really shitty, and they had to do some nice studio shots for propaganda in the media.

but for the moon landing itself, it's true of course (i hope, or it's the biggest history trickery)

the real proof will be a good shot from the earth showing the american flag on the moon, when telescopes will be able to do it...

Title: Re: Moon Landing A Fake or Fact
Post by: Robman? on September 08, 2007, 01:41:52 PM
I'm talking about the flag that fails to move, I'm talking about the piece of footage showing one of the astronauts getting up from the ground. Its hilarious stuff. The astronauts legs are out in front of him, and it looks like film being played backwards, or invisible ropes pulling him up.

flag that fails to move?

you do realize that the fact the flag doesn't move is evidence of it really being on the moon don't you?

Title: Re: Moon Landing A Fake or Fact
Post by: Doc Emmett Brown on September 08, 2007, 02:31:23 PM

As for easlier to land on the moon. The moon is surrounded by something called the Van Allen radiation belt.
these radiation belts are reported to have made such a trip impossible.

You've got it backwards, the Van Allen radiation belt surrounds Earth, not the moon.  Look at the diagram you posted, those belts have that characteristic horseshoe shape dont they? Just like a bar magnet placed in iron filings, the Earth's magnetic field influences the charged particles coming from the Sun.  People *were* concerned about how this field would affect life as it left Earth, so they sent a bunch of animals out first.  The astronauts who traveled through the belt do indeed have much higher levels of radiation exposure than ordinary Earth-dwellers.

The relative sizes of, and distance between, Earth and Moon, to scale.

(the moon is no the far right) That's some distance to travel to, and an even greater one, considering the

Are you taking the stance that even a robotic/unmanned mission could not travel such a distance?  Then you'd be on very shaky ground.  Separate from all of the Moon landings, we have sent probes (Voyager, Galileo, etc) to much farther distances than that, all the way out to Saturn even.  It needs enough fuel and thrust to reach escape velocity to leave the Earth, but once out in space, it sets on a course and can be maneuvered by gravitational assists as it enters the domain of another body.  You can write a little program to simulate this, we get our first-year students to do this.

The thing to keep in mind with the moon footage is things behaves very differently when there is no atmosphere. No wind, no air resistance, the sunlight wont diffract and refract through the lens of the atmosphere in the way that we're used to.   But to me, the only way to teach this to people is to go back there...

On a more personal note, the final lunar landing, Apollo 17 carried a civilian geologist on board, Harrison Schmitt.  I had the chance to meet him some years ago.  He is not your macho top-gun fighter pilot astronaut type, just a plain-spoken geologist.  He was explaining to our group some of the geologic processes on the moon - on earth we are used to plate tectonics and the rocks being weathered down over millenia, this does not happen on the moon.  He was a very down-to-earth (pardon the pun) guy, and I would be hard pressed to tell him he is a liar.

Title: Re: Moon Landing A Fake or Fact
Post by: Robman? on September 08, 2007, 03:42:48 PM
Are you taking the stance that even a robotic/unmanned mission could not travel such a distance?  Then you'd be on very shaky ground.  Separate from all of the Moon landings, we have sent probes (Voyager, Galileo, etc) to much farther distances than that, all the way out to Saturn even.

Indeed. Voyager 1 is actually 13.8 Light hours away from earth. Thats over twice the distance from earth two pluto (5.5 light hours). Its actually been in the Heliosheath since 2004.

Title: Re: Moon Landing A Fake or Fact
Post by: Mama Kin on September 09, 2007, 04:02:53 AM
I call Bullshit, Right when I'm trying very hard to learn a little humility, something like this comes along. I didn't bother to click the links because I have seen all that psuedo-scientific BULLSHIT before, and rather than waste my time in a futile attempt at providing refuting arguments to moronic theories, I will let someone else, who is much better qualified than myself anyway, refute the BULLSHIT. The Bad Astronomer aka Phil Plait does a very good job HERE (

Sometimes I think the Buzz Aldrin approach might achieve better results.

They don't. They decommissioned the Saturn 5 Rocket and the plans to build it were destroyed in a routine housecleaning of NASA documents. They don't know how anymore.

Bullshit, where in the hell do you come up with this ... nevermind I already know.

NASA has stated as much. It doesn't mean they never were there, it means they don't know how to get back.

Title: Re: Moon Landing A Fake or Fact
Post by: LeftToDecay on September 09, 2007, 05:54:19 AM

The "documentary" you are linking to is Dark side of the moon.  The whole documentary is  basically it's creators  having a laugh.

If there is a serious point or a message in there, it would have to be the fact it is terrifying how easy it is to lie to people via TV. How easy it is to give idiotic statements and sound credible if you are in expensive suit, have a spooky music in backround  and keep your poker face.

I mean..come ooooon, some of the stuff in there:)

Stanley Kubrick helping Nasa to fake moon landings and getting murdered by CIA later on??
Undercover CIA officials at vietnam getting exposed because they ate hamburgers all the time?
U.S officials speaking French, and getting dubbed to English?
an outtake reel at the end credits, with "Donald Rumsfeld" and co laughing their asses off?
And tons of other stuff.

It' a GREAT watch in all it's insanity imo, but for love of god don't take it too seriously.

Title: Re: Moon Landing A Fake or Fact
Post by: SlashRock on September 09, 2007, 09:37:57 AM
Well I don't know if they faked it or not, but there is some evidence that points towards that. The flag moving for instance, and also the position of the shadows.

Title: Re: Moon Landing A Fake or Fact
Post by: ppbebe on September 09, 2007, 10:19:04 AM
a small step for a man....
unsure if mankind reaped the giant benefits.

I think there's an astronaut on this board.

Title: Re: Moon Landing A Fake or Fact
Post by: fuckin crazy on September 09, 2007, 10:34:27 AM
Well I don't know if they faked it or not, but there is some evidence that points towards that. The flag moving for instance, and also the position of the shadows.

See the link to BA's site at the beginning for a thorough debunking of this nonsence.

Title: Re: Moon Landing A Fake or Fact
Post by: fuckin crazy on September 09, 2007, 01:30:23 PM
One thing is for sure, the next time they set foot on the moon, remember to pan the camera around 360 degrees, and point it up and down. Unlike last time when they appeared to fix the camera in one position, which seems rather convenient ;)

Space exploration isn't done to convince conspiracy theorists of the reality of the mission, it is done to further knowledge ... to explain the unknown.

Title: Re: Moon Landing A Fake or Fact
Post by: mrlee on September 09, 2007, 02:05:19 PM
america did it in area 51.

they didnt land on the moon, not that time anyway, maybe some other time but not the famous time/

Title: Re: Moon Landing A Fake or Fact
Post by: fuckin crazy on September 09, 2007, 02:50:59 PM
I'm just wondering if anyone posting in this thread is a member of the Flat Earth Society?

Title: Re: Moon Landing A Fake or Fact
Post by: polluxlm on September 09, 2007, 02:54:13 PM
I might join if you can tell me whether arrogance and low self esteem are virtues or not.

Title: Re: Moon Landing A Fake or Fact
Post by: fuckin crazy on September 09, 2007, 03:29:28 PM
I might join if you can tell me whether arrogance and low self esteem are virtues or not.

Well, I guess that was well deserved after my drunken rant of late. My apologies.

For the record: I drink a couple of bottles a week. I love my Bourbon ... everthing about it ... mmm mmm good.

As regards the arrogance, I have a low tolerance for what I feel is foolishness.

Title: Re: Moon Landing A Fake or Fact
Post by: JMack on September 10, 2007, 10:54:20 PM
A right hook=A moon landing period.

Title: Re: Moon Landing A Fake or Fact
Post by: stolat on September 12, 2007, 12:07:42 AM
There are those who believe that we are capable of putting a man on the moon (and may their lives be so much richer for it)............. and there are those who do not wish to imagine that humans are indeed capable of such a feat.

The children of the 60s who witnessed the landing are a pretty special lot! Their eyes would have been popping out of their heads and their brains would have been in overdrive to see such a thing!

Question: do those who believe the album is coming out soon also believe in the moon landing?  :P

In the meantime watch the movie Capricorn One (moon landing is filmed entirely in a studio)!

Title: Re: Moon Landing A Fake or Fact
Post by: freedom78 on September 12, 2007, 04:13:50 PM
This documents the greatest threat to our world. (