Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: norway on August 30, 2007, 10:24:47 AM

Title: Che gusomething, Manson, Poland + the people who wear their shirts-discuss here
Post by: norway on August 30, 2007, 10:24:47 AM

Instead of deraling the pitcure thread :P

Title: Re: Che gusomething, Manson, Poland + the people who wear their shirts-discuss here
Post by: stolat on August 30, 2007, 10:39:34 AM
Why, thank you Norway.

I would like to take this opportunity to talk about Vietnam. Not a political discussion arguing about who was right and who was wrong because it was a totally fucked up war to have. No one came out winners, a whole generation of American and Australian men were wiped out and many Vietnamese people didn't fare better. It was a total mess.

Though I do appreciate what Ho Chi Minh tried to do for the Vietnamese people in reuniting the country.

It is an amazing country! Saigon (Ho Chi Minh city) is still a very beautiful city despite the obvious bomb craters and the charm of Hanoi is timeless.

Amazing people, the country DID NOT deserve to get bombed like that!

Anyone else been there? And has a story to tell? Keep it positive.

I spent one balmy evening sipping Huong Giang cocktails (well into the night) sitting on a terrace overlooking the Perfume River as candles floated down it. There were so many gekkos on the walls and ceiling! The next day I experienced the Dragon Boat River Journey from hell! At one stage the person I was with seriously asked me if I knew how to swim.......I was too busy concentrating on controlling myself from from absolutely cracking up with laughter. Our boat had crashed into a bridge, you see......... :rofl:

 :rofl: Don't ever get out of fucking boat man!!

I was in Vietnam when Brando died!  :o