Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: stolat on August 30, 2007, 09:51:58 AM

Title: Chris Pitman
Post by: stolat on August 30, 2007, 09:51:58 AM
Right! We've talked guitars, now let's talk ivory keys....

Let's dedicate this thread to Chris. What's he done?

Title: Re: Chris Pitman
Post by: Nytunz on August 30, 2007, 09:54:16 AM
And its Pittman.. Not Pitman


Toured with Tool, played on Third Eye on ?nima
Zaum, with Danny Carey from Tool

The Lusk record is fantastic by the way!

Title: Re: Chris Pitman
Post by: stolat on August 30, 2007, 09:58:08 AM
I just spelt it the way Nico did!

See! There, I just learnt that Chris' last name is spelt with two t's. Nico! pay heed!!

Keep it coming.......

And, could a nice mod change the thread title please!

Title: Re: Chris Pitman
Post by: norway on August 30, 2007, 09:58:17 AM
I like Pit...
He is like the Liam (prodigy) of GunsN'Roses and thats a big reason I'm intrested in listening to the new music :peace:

Title: Re: Chris Pitman
Post by: NicoRourke on August 30, 2007, 10:07:19 AM

I just spelt it the way Nico did!

Yeah, but I'm confused about Pit(t)man's name as it is spelled sometimes with one or two "t's" ;)

And, could a nice mod change the thread title please!

You can edit your first post since you started the thread :P

Title: Re: Chris Pi"tt"man
Post by: MikeD on August 30, 2007, 10:20:45 AM
What exactly does Pittman do during a concert when the band plays songs like WTTJ, etc. that don't need his, er, expertise. What does Izzy do for that matter. I'm not making fun of either of them by any means, but I am curious. I think I saw Izzy banging on the tamborines one time.

Title: Re: Chris Pi"tt"man
Post by: Bert on August 30, 2007, 10:26:09 AM
What exactly does Pittman do during a concert when the band plays songs like WTTJ, etc. that don't need his, er, expertise. What does Izzy do for that matter. I'm not making fun of either of them by any means, but I am curious. I think I saw Izzy banging on the tamborines one time.

You mean Dizzy ;) he plays bongos during WTTJ.

Title: Re: Chris Pi"tt"man
Post by: jarmo on August 30, 2007, 10:29:17 AM
What exactly does Pittman do during a concert when the band plays songs like WTTJ, etc. that don't need his, er, expertise.

At least some of the old songs have new elements in them that you might not always notice unless you listen very carefully.


Title: Re: Chris Pi"tt"man
Post by: axi rose on August 30, 2007, 10:32:13 AM
Pittman rocks  :hihi:

Title: Re: Chris Pi"tt"man
Post by: Disco Volante on August 30, 2007, 10:32:34 AM
I know a lot of people make fun of Chris saying stuff like he works at Denny's or Arby's when GNR isn't on tour and that his keyboard isn't even plugged in when they perform live...BUT i really think Chris is going to have a HUGE impact on CD. By creating textures and samples to songs he will add a new element to GNR that never existed before.

Title: Re: Chris Pitman
Post by: GypsySoul on August 30, 2007, 10:50:12 AM
According to and, Pitman is spelled with only one "t".

Name: Chris Pitman

Rose will tickle the ivories on the piano from time to time, and GN'R has retained the services of keyboardist, multi-instrumentalist and "sound designer" Chris Pitman, who used to play in Lusk.

HOW FUCKIN COOL IS THIS!!!? I'm pretty sure it means that Chris is a Synth Scientist/Inventor!!!?:headbanger:

Pitman has also done sound designand Electronic work for Arturia software synthesizers,? A Designs Audio [Peter Montessi], Waves plug ins, Waldorf Synthesizers, Apple's Logic Audio, Digidesign Plug Ins, Moog Synthesizers, Celemony's Melodyne, Ableton Live, Roland USA , Korg Music, and many other Audio Endorsements, Serge Synthesis [SMS], PlanB Synthesis [Peter Grenader}, [Axel Hartmann] Neuron Synthesis, and Symbolic Sounds Kyma.

Title: Re: Chris Pitman
Post by: Rocker_GNR on August 30, 2007, 11:39:05 AM
I think his work in the band is absolutly unimportant, at least live performances...

Title: Re: Chris Pitman
Post by: jarmo on August 30, 2007, 11:42:48 AM
I think his work in the band is absolutly unimportant, at least live performances...

And you base this clueless opinion on what?

Fucking troll.


Title: Re: Chris Pitman
Post by: stolat on August 30, 2007, 11:50:55 AM
And thankz "nice mod" for changing the title of the tread back again.

Title: Re: Chris Pitman
Post by: Rocker_GNR on August 30, 2007, 11:55:39 AM
I think his work in the band is absolutly unimportant, at least live performances...

And you base this clueless opinion on what?

Fucking troll.


Hey, What's your problem?

I said " At least live performances", It's my opinion, in base the several audios and videos that I have heard and watched of current GNR.

Don't be histerical for a opinion different yours.

I 'd like take off the insult, thanks...

Title: Re: Chris Pitman
Post by: odd1 on August 30, 2007, 12:01:28 PM
They couldnt play stuff like madagascar and better without pitman, so I think he is very important live!

Title: Re: Chris Pitman
Post by: stolat on August 30, 2007, 12:02:44 PM
Oh what! I didn't realize that the Madagascar sound thingy that I heard at the concert was Chris on keyboard(s)!
That is going to rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 :rofl: Bruno Martelli!

Title: Re: Chris Pitman
Post by: estebanf on August 30, 2007, 12:13:41 PM
I like Chris. I wish there was more information about him over the internet. A lot of people say he's a genius and he has made a lot of collaborations, Tool for example. He's the youngest member of Guns N' Roses if I'm not wrong.

I've read he is the founder of the Grammy nominated band in 1997 ''Lusk'' where he played all instruments.

Hey Stolat, what about a Dizzy Reed topic?  :love:

I think his work in the band is absolutly unimportant, at least live performances...

dont take this guy too seriously... he never saw the band live and he doesnt download bootlegs. He's posting here because he's banned from the message board where he usually posts for making these kind of stupid and negative comments all the fucking time but without any kind of justifications.

He has talked bullshit about the RIR3 performance for YEARS... then we discovered he had never listened to the bootleg

He's just spreading his cheap negativity everywhere he can.

Title: Re: Chris Pitman
Post by: jarmo on August 30, 2007, 12:15:50 PM
Hey, What's your problem?

My problem is "fans" who come here only to post shit about the band.

I said " At least live performances", It's my opinion, in base the several audios and videos that I have heard and watched of current GNR.

And how the fuck do you come to that conclusion?

You don't even know what he adds to the show.

I 'd like take off the insult, thanks...

Your posts are insulting the rest of the board's intelligence.


Title: Re: Chris Pitman
Post by: stolat on August 30, 2007, 12:33:54 PM
That's reminds me of another bit in the concert.

Tommy was kept mainly in the shadows because I guess that his contribution to the sound is still underwraps.....

However, for a brief moment he was all lit up and we could see the keyboard set up, it was too brief? to see how many were there.......

And then............

He shook his head in a teasing manner and the spot went out!

 :o :o Another light sign!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o :P

Title: Re: Chris Pitman
Post by: Rocker_GNR on August 30, 2007, 12:55:14 PM
Intelligence?, Guau, if there are guys so inteligent in this board or you are so inteligent, Jarmo, don't should have that reaction. Anyone should.
I just said an personal comment, a logical opinion, the Pittman 's work in live performances is not relevant, because there is another Keyborad in the band already, there are many song from AFP that don't need Keyboards, etc.. ; works of Finck is relevant, Frank and Axl 's work as well, do you notice the different?, It's not hard to understand...

estebanf, whatever you say I don't care, but I would like to state I like current Guns n' Roses, I like their shows, I like their musicians, (Except Tommy and Finck)etc..but I know this band is too far to be "brilliant" (as old GNR) and I like talk about positive and negative things about this band ( like Velvet Revolver) . that's all, take it or leave it.

Title: Re: Chris Pitman
Post by: Jim Bob on August 30, 2007, 01:02:02 PM
you dont like the two guys in this band who have been in this the longest and arguably have the most influence in the new material outside of Axl and Dizzy.  :-\

But you're a Pitman fan?

Title: Re: Chris Pitman
Post by: jarmo on August 30, 2007, 01:02:31 PM
It's very hard to understand for a person who uses logic how a band would just add members on stage for fun.

It's also very hard to understand for somebody who's seen the band live and heard the new tracks live how anybody could be left out.

And don't bring that crappy band with former members who left ten years ago into this section again.


Title: Re: Chris Pitman
Post by: Jim Bob on August 30, 2007, 01:09:00 PM
I know this band is too far to be "brilliant" (as old GNR)
this topic has nothing to do with the old lineup. who cares if you like them more, this isn't about them.

and I like talk about positive and negative things about this band
you mean you actually have positive things to say about the band?  bull fucking shit.  :smoking:

Title: Re: Chris Pitman
Post by: stolat on August 30, 2007, 01:33:20 PM
Ha Ha! I love the way he was presented to us aussies at the concerts! How relevant!

Title: Re: Chris Pitman
Post by: Dead N' Bloated on August 30, 2007, 06:06:17 PM
Chris is and Absolute champ. Whoever said they dont know why he is on stage with Guns is nuts. His shit sounds awesome in alot of the old songs and is fuckin fantastic in the new stuff. He is also a very funny person and alot of fun on and off stage.

And this thread is only 2 pages long and there is already blewing. Its gettin real fuckin old.


Title: Re: Chris Pitman
Post by: XxWickeds10xX on August 30, 2007, 06:49:26 PM
I can do with or without Chris right now. Time will tell how important he is IF and when CD comes out.  I seen them live 3 times in 06, and once in 02, and didnt really hear too much outta him on the older songs. SO I guess thats cool. Although sometime during 06, AOL televised a GNR show from somewhere...(maybe RIO?), and thier mix was off a bit. I heard more of Chris than I wanted. During 'jungle' his playing was really prominent and just made that particular song worse in my opinion. I played it back for a few of my friends....casual GnR fans, and they agreed that he had no place in some older songs.  Ill save my final judgement for when I hear CD.

Title: Re: Chris Pitman
Post by: leatherebel on August 30, 2007, 11:32:40 PM
The Source of Uncertainty is one of the projects.

Title: Re: Chris Pi"tt"man
Post by: ibelieveinaxl on August 31, 2007, 12:29:16 AM
What exactly does Pittman do during a concert when the band plays songs like WTTJ, etc. that don't need his, er, expertise.

At least some of the old songs have new elements in them that you might not always notice unless you listen very carefully.


Every single old song has been changed in some way and it makes them all better...much better.....whether it be a faster rhythm (go watch rio 01') or adding cooler intros (see rocket queen) or better solos (see nightrain)...the fan that has been there since the beginning can easily hear this. the newer fan may not hear it....

Title: Re: Chris Pitman
Post by: estebanf on August 31, 2007, 12:34:43 AM
I can do with or without Chris right now. Time will tell how important he is IF and when CD comes out.  I seen them live 3 times in 06, and once in 02, and didnt really hear too much outta him on the older songs. SO I guess thats cool. Although sometime during 06, AOL televised a GNR show from somewhere...(maybe RIO?), and thier mix was off a bit. I heard more of Chris than I wanted. During 'jungle' his playing was really prominent and just made that particular song worse in my opinion. I played it back for a few of my friends....casual GnR fans, and they agreed that he had no place in some older songs.  Ill save my final judgement for when I hear CD.

yes, you're talking about the Rock In Rio-Lisbon. AOL, Sic Radical and XM broadcasted it. And the AOL broadcast had a vey fucked up mix where you almost are unable to hear Robin at some points, and Pitman's SFX are extremely loud. LALD was awesome, but a lot of other songs were disastrous. I think it has to do with the horrible mix, not with Pitman.

Pitman does an AMAZING job in some songs. IRS for example. But I dont like some of his ''things'' in the AFD songs.

My opinion is that we will see Pitman in his complete potential in the album. He's a very skilled musician, muti-instrumentalist and he also writes songs! (Silkworms, with Dizzy, for example)

Title: Re: Chris Pitman
Post by: gunsnfnroses on August 31, 2007, 12:48:50 AM
BUT i really think Chris is going to have a HUGE impact on CD. By creating textures and samples to songs he will add a new element to GNR that never existed before.

I heard a rumor once on this board that Pitman wrote and or performed the music at the very beginning of all GNR concerts (When the lights go out and before Robin starts playing Welcome to the Jungle).

Title: Re: Chris Pitman
Post by: Wooody on August 31, 2007, 02:04:26 AM
wow, is jarmo pms-ing again or what?  :P

I would do without chris pittman on the old songs ..I guess he is needed on the new songs though

Title: Re: Chris Pitman
Post by: Adam_Guill on August 31, 2007, 02:46:03 AM
Question: what does pittman do on the old songs?

Answer: he rocks... HARD

Title: Re: Chris Pitman
Post by: RoCoKiN on August 31, 2007, 05:01:51 AM
I don't know how the hell he plays his keyboard when its flopping around like that.? That alone is brilliant enough for me.?

And this isn't the first time Guns has had a second keyboard player...they used Teddy Andreades(sp?) during the Illusion tour...and his contribution was far less spectacular than Chris'. Let me rephrase that, Teddy's style is very much a Rock orientated balls out attitude while Chris...well, he's just from another dimension!!  :rofl:

Title: Re: Chris Pitman
Post by: Jim Bob on August 31, 2007, 05:30:08 AM
I don't know how the hell he plays his keyboard when its flopping around like that.  That alone is brilliant enough for me. 


Chris is fuckin fun to watch on stage :)  sippin on his beer and hittin his keys.

the second night in vegas last year he was playing Mr. Brownstone with his arse.

Title: Re: Chris Pitman
Post by: Jim Bob on August 31, 2007, 05:31:27 AM

And this isn't the first time Guns has had a second keyboard player...they used Teddy Andreades(sp?) during the Illusion tour...a

That is Andreadis!  Don't Knock Zig Zag, he was the heart and soul of the Use Your Illusion Tour  :peace:

Title: Re: Chris Pitman
Post by: Axl8302 on August 31, 2007, 06:46:45 AM
Is there some inherent reason why every topic on this board has to end in arguments and name calling?

Title: Re: Chris Pitman
Post by: BlowUpYourVideo on August 31, 2007, 07:52:48 AM
Is there some inherent reason why every topic on this board has to end in arguments and name calling?

Because people like to argue.

Title: Re: Chris Pitman
Post by: Nytunz on August 31, 2007, 11:57:26 AM
According to and, Pitman is spelled with only one "t".

Name: Chris Pitman

Rose will tickle the ivories on the piano from time to time, and GN'R has retained the services of keyboardist, multi-instrumentalist and "sound designer" Chris Pitman, who used to play in Lusk.

HOW FUCKIN COOL IS THIS!!!? I'm pretty sure it means that Chris is a Synth Scientist/Inventor!!!?:headbanger:

Pitman has also done sound designand Electronic work for Arturia software synthesizers,? A Designs Audio [Peter Montessi], Waves plug ins, Waldorf Synthesizers, Apple's Logic Audio, Digidesign Plug Ins, Moog Synthesizers, Celemony's Melodyne, Ableton Live, Roland USA , Korg Music, and many other Audio Endorsements, Serge Synthesis [SMS], PlanB Synthesis [Peter Grenader}, [Axel Hartmann] Neuron Synthesis, and Symbolic Sounds Kyma.

Its Pittman In the Live Era Booklet! And Pitman in the Lusk booklet.. It dosent matter.. What matters is that he is really talented.
I know there is alot of people out there who cant see that. But you got to have som knowlege about music to understand that.

Title: Re: Chris Pitman
Post by: suicide on August 31, 2007, 12:46:44 PM
It's also Pittman on the t-shirts from the 2002 tour (or was that the 2000 tour?). Doesn't mean anything though, just that they didn't pay a lot of attention to details.
Maybe they didn't have enough time to check things back then? I'm sure they had plenty of time to make sure his name will be printed correctly in the Chinese Democracy booklet.

Title: Re: Chris Pitman
Post by: Adam_Guill on August 31, 2007, 01:05:33 PM
the T is for Thomas

Title: Re: Chris Pitman
Post by: Rocker_GNR on August 31, 2007, 02:15:43 PM
I can do with or without Chris right now. Time will tell how important he is IF and when CD comes out.? I seen them live 3 times in 06, and once in 02, and didnt really hear too much outta him on the older songs. SO I guess thats cool. Although sometime during 06, AOL televised a GNR show from somewhere...(maybe RIO?), and thier mix was off a bit. I heard more of Chris than I wanted. During 'jungle' his playing was really prominent and just made that particular song worse in my opinion. I played it back for a few of my friends....casual GnR fans, and they agreed that he had no place in some older songs.? Ill save my final judgement for when I hear CD.
Pitman does an AMAZING job in some songs. IRS for example. But I dont like some of his ''things'' in the AFD songs.

My opinion is that we will see Pitman in his complete potential in the album. He's a very skilled musician, muti-instrumentalist and he also writes songs! (Silkworms, with Dizzy, for example)

Ok, God of Justification, What is the """AMAZING""" job of Pittman in IRS?, man, you are the most exaggerated and dreamy man I have known...
But, I insist dear Argentinean, I don't say Pittman being a bad musician, I just say that Pittman is not so important as a lot of you think, due to there is another one Keyboard more leading in the band...obviously, I mean is not so relevant for people hears, because, Axl Rose is current "the Chief" and if he thinks is necessary another Keyboard it is ok...
I agree we will see the complete potencial of Pittman in the album, but so far he doesn' show anything special...(although if he writes songs, don't help him at all the example about "Silkworms"... :hihi:)...

Title: Re: Chris Pitman
Post by: PJ on August 31, 2007, 03:47:23 PM
silkworms is a dizzy song..

Title: Re: Chris Pitman
Post by: BlowUpYourVideo on August 31, 2007, 03:57:14 PM
silkworms is a dizzy song..

At RIR III, Axl said that Silkworms was written by Dizzy and Chris.

Title: Re: Chris Pitman
Post by: PJ on August 31, 2007, 04:04:54 PM
put together by them
written by dizzy or mainly dizzy..
dizzy's tech said it

Title: Re: Chris Pitman
Post by: ppbebe on August 31, 2007, 04:28:01 PM
thanks for the input pt666

Chris's keyboard is different from dizzys. He's more of a synth guy i believe.
yep the amazing job is prominent on irs, madagascar and better.

I think today's Afd songs don't sound the same as those in 1987 which also differ from 86 ones or 92 ones or as those in 2002. the songs have evolved with the band. Or they would get irrelevant to the band and sound dated live.
I guess I always like the latest the best.

Title: Re: Chris Pitman
Post by: PJ on September 01, 2007, 01:47:39 AM
dizzy plays the organ a lot.. most of the times in the AFD songs..
the same organ he used in the uyi tour.. a hammond XB-2
also he plays the piano, a roland JB-8000
chris doesnt play piano or organ.. he plays synths. in AFD songs most oif the time you cant hear him, cuz he is doing a similar synth riff of the guitars..
obviously axl didnt bring pitman to play in AFD songs..

Title: Re: Chris Pitman
Post by: ibelieveinaxl on September 12, 2007, 12:53:34 PM
And its Pittman.. Not Pitman


Toured with Tool, played on Third Eye on ?nima
Zaum, with Danny Carey from Tool

The Lusk record is fantastic by the way!

i really dont know, but the official gnr tour shirts from 2002 spell it "Pitman."

Title: Re: Chris Pitman
Post by: PJ on September 12, 2007, 03:33:46 PM
it is pitman

Title: Re: Chris Pitman
Post by: russtcb on September 12, 2007, 03:52:50 PM
dizzy plays the organ a lot.. most of the times in the AFD songs..
the same organ he used in the uyi tour.. a hammond XB-2
also he plays the piano, a roland JB-8000
chris doesnt play piano or organ.. he plays synths. in AFD songs most oif the time you cant hear him, cuz he is doing a similar synth riff of the guitars..
obviously axl didnt bring pitman to play in AFD songs..

I do like some of the stuff he does on the AFD songs. I really like the stuff he's doing during You Could Be Mine the most though.

Title: Re: Chris Pitman
Post by: JDA on September 13, 2007, 01:04:13 PM
I'm not a fan of Silkworms.

Title: Re: Chris Pitman
Post by: grog mug on September 15, 2007, 03:04:05 AM
Silk Worms is the BEST new song LIVE by far....

Title: Re: Chris Pitman
Post by: Disco Volante on September 15, 2007, 04:53:42 AM
Silk Worms is the BEST new song LIVE by far....

I personally like "Better",  well better. :P

Title: Re: Chris Pitman
Post by: willow on September 15, 2007, 07:57:41 AM
And its Pittman.. Not Pitman


Toured with Tool, played on Third Eye on ?nima
Zaum, with Danny Carey from Tool

The Lusk record is fantastic by the way!

I don't mean too be an ass, but sense your doing it! LOL! Its   (A LOT)

I have met Chris and he a great guy. This guy has the tech to bring a lot into the studio. And he has brought a lot to the live show. You may not always get to hear the stuff he adds, but its there.
peace out

Title: Re: Chris Pitman
Post by: Nytunz on September 15, 2007, 05:56:46 PM
And its Pittman.. Not Pitman


Toured with Tool, played on Third Eye on ?nima
Zaum, with Danny Carey from Tool

The Lusk record is fantastic by the way!

I don't mean too be an ass, but sense your doing it! LOL! Its? ?(A LOT)

I have met Chris and he a great guy. This guy has the tech to bring a lot into the studio. And he has brought a lot to the live show. You may not always get to hear the stuff he adds, but its there.
peace out

"he IS a great guy" haha.. Im just beeing a dick.. My english is not good enough to have the right to correct others..
Anyway! You can hear on almost every old songs, that they more filled with synth now. And on the new songs, it seams that the
synth play an very important role.

Go buy the Lusk record! It is really really good!  : ok:

Title: Re: Chris Pitman
Post by: willow on September 15, 2007, 06:41:40 PM
 :hihi: Its all good! lol

Title: Re: Chris Pitman
Post by: W 23 AXL II on September 16, 2007, 01:08:12 PM
is Pitt going to be featured as much on the next album as he was on Chinese Democracy?

Title: Re: Chris Pitman
Post by: jarmo on September 16, 2007, 01:11:37 PM
is Pitt going to be featured as much on the next album as he was on Chinese Democracy?

im bored and tired of waiting. i think im leaving.

BYE BYE BOARD. im outta here...i live in the US, free speech.

I guess you're spamming the board so I'll help you.



Title: Re: Chris Pitman
Post by: Voodoochild on September 16, 2007, 01:30:17 PM
In one hand, he def do some good sound fx on the songs live... But there's A LOT of synths that is actually Dizzy playing (the Better intro, CD intro, IRS..). Seems like with this Pitman shit going on, people forgot about the main keyboard man in the band.

But I do like Pitman's work. I think the Madagascar speech is absolutely brilliant.

Title: Re: Chris Pitman
Post by: elmir on September 16, 2007, 01:58:23 PM
i'm very interested to hear what Chris' contribution was to this new record, just the thought of him working with Robin to produce a unique sound, and (earlier on) with Bucket, to produce compositions is simply mouth watering.....i hope we get a solid showcase of the man's abilities....

Title: Re: Chris Pitman
Post by: russtcb on September 16, 2007, 03:18:06 PM
In one hand, he def do some good sound fx on the songs live... But there's A LOT of synths that is actually Dizzy playing (the Better intro, CD intro, IRS..). Seems like with this Pitman shit going on, people forgot about the main keyboard man in the band.

But I do like Pitman's work. I think the Madagascar speech is absolutely brilliant.

Speaking of which... how do they do they live? Is the whole thing pre-linked together or does he have to trigger each one every time? Anyone know?

Title: Re: Chris Pitman
Post by: Voodoochild on September 16, 2007, 05:54:04 PM
I guess it's the whole thing pre-linked. At least, I never noticed any changes in the tempo from the live versions I heard.

Title: Re: Chris Pitman
Post by: mrbucketfoot on September 19, 2007, 04:09:14 AM
I'm surprised that HRS or whatever he calls himself nowadays isn't flipping a lid over this thread.

But yeah Pitman is an awesome guy, I can't wait to hear him on 'Chinese'.

Title: Re: Chris Pitman
Post by: gunns1 on September 19, 2007, 08:41:42 AM
Pitman is cool,

but speaking of madagascar,
I really wish that that song had more versus/LYRICS in it,
cause I love the song and everything,
I just think it could go alot further i.e in radio play, song status etc,

Cause when the spoken word solo comes on, it does kinda interupt the flow of the song, (judging by the demo/live)
I just wish that their were some more lyrics then "i wont be told anymore"
but Its still a cool song, and I think pitman does as good of a job as he can on the song :beer: