Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: DarrenLeves on August 28, 2007, 03:02:58 PM

Title: Laptop problems
Post by: DarrenLeves on August 28, 2007, 03:02:58 PM
My laptop has become very slow even though its on broadband, and when Im loading up websites such as ebay - none of the pictures are comming up instead they are being replaced with white boxes with red crosses in.
any suggestions? ive tried a virus scan and nothing shows up
thanx in advance

Title: Re: Laptop problems
Post by: Prometheus on August 28, 2007, 05:18:00 PM
try doing this

with a router:

Unplug the power from both the router and modem, keep this done for about 30s. After the 30s plug the power back into the modem, wait till all the lights are back to normal (excluding anythig that says PC activity or lan as with the router still unplugged there should be none). Once the lights have returned back to normal, plug in your router, while this is doing to start up cycle I like to restart my computer, so do that now then once your computer is back up try and surf.

Without router:

Unplug the power from your modem, keep this done for about 30s. shut down your computer at this time as well. After the 30s plug the power back into the modem, wait till all the lights are back to normal (excluding anythig that says PC activity or lan as with the computer turned off there should be none). Once the lights have returned back to normal, turn on your computer,  once your computer is back up try and surf.

the above steps work sometimes no guarentees.....

Title: Re: Laptop problems
Post by: Chief on August 28, 2007, 09:47:26 PM
that is if it is a network problem, Prometheus.

If not, it is probably a spyware issue.

First make sure all your windows updates are installed, and then you should also switch to Firefox ( as your browser because it is more spyware resistant.  Also, it is very important to have a firewall on on your pc (windows xp has a firewall built in but other ones are better).

to fix that, you should first try to scan your computer with Ad Aware and Spybot (free from, then try this online scanner:

also, you may want to try this program which is better than the others but it is one of the best:

Good luck!

try doing this

with a router:

Unplug the power from both the router and modem, keep this done for about 30s. After the 30s plug the power back into the modem, wait till all the lights are back to normal (excluding anythig that says PC activity or lan as with the router still unplugged there should be none). Once the lights have returned back to normal, plug in your router, while this is doing to start up cycle I like to restart my computer, so do that now then once your computer is back up try and surf.

Without router:

Unplug the power from your modem, keep this done for about 30s. shut down your computer at this time as well. After the 30s plug the power back into the modem, wait till all the lights are back to normal (excluding anythig that says PC activity or lan as with the computer turned off there should be none). Once the lights have returned back to normal, turn on your computer,  once your computer is back up try and surf.

the above steps work sometimes no guarentees.....

Title: Re: Laptop problems
Post by: Prometheus on August 28, 2007, 10:00:28 PM
which i why i gave him the easy one to try first...... then spyware and all would ahve followed :P

Title: Re: Laptop problems
Post by: DarrenLeves on August 29, 2007, 04:10:05 AM
Thanx for the advice guys, think Ive solved the problem now .... Apperantly the Company I have my broadband with were have major issues last night. causing many Computers to slow right down and not load up pictures correctly - Ive always said they were useless? ?: ok:

Title: Re: Laptop problems
Post by: Chief on August 29, 2007, 07:13:42 PM
glad it is working better for you.   you probably should scan for spyware, etc. in my post just in case though!

Title: Re: Laptop problems
Post by: dafflovesaxl on August 30, 2007, 11:22:52 AM
I had a problem with my laptop running slow a while ago and it turned out my telephone line was at fault, took me an age to get them to get their act together and sort it.

Also do you delete your cookies and temp files regularly and do a defrag, I find that helps with overall running efficiency of the laptop.? I use AVG anti virus and Zone Alarm firewall, the 2 run together ok.

The only thing I cannot do with mine is record music direct from my keyboard or guitar onto the lap top, I have software for it but I think because it only has a basic sound card is why it records with such an awful buzz, it simply cannot cope.? Luckily I have a Boss BR900 for recording and mixing with cd rw on board.

Next laptop upgrade I will be making sure it can handle direct music recording - at the time I bought this one I didnt expect to be doing that.  Glad you got yours sorted out.

What would we do without them eh.

Daff x

Title: Re: Laptop problems
Post by: stolat on August 30, 2007, 11:27:32 AM
I don't get writing music using a computer.

I write the "good old" fashioned way on the stave using "good old" classical harmony rules.

Though once I was able hear what I had written then and there by recording the different instrument parts onto an electric keyboard that allowed one to record up to 5 tracks.  : ok:

Title: Re: Laptop problems
Post by: dafflovesaxl on August 30, 2007, 11:39:08 AM
Oh yes, you cant beat the good old fashioned way - I read music and when I write my songs I actually put the keyboard notes on a stave sheet also, in saying that I know it off by heart so dont normally need to refer to it but it helps Brian, another musician I work with.  Takes me back to my school days when I get the stave sheets out.   There are not a lot of people that actually do read music, Im surprised.  I dont actaully use the computer to write my music - spend enough time on the thing at work ha ha.

This Boss machine I have, I bought it from the Music Live last year as I wanted to mix the music I record for my songs, its taken me a good while to learn all the different things with it but I am getting there.  I play guitar and keyboard (not at the same time lol).

I had not actually tried recording straight onto the lappy, someone suggested it so I tried and got an awful shock when I heard that awful buzz, made me jump, it did record though, ouch, wont do that again.

The tracks recorded, when I am happy with them, and then I mix down and master from the Boss machine, I can then chip onto my lappy and convert to an MP3 for myspace or upload.  So I dont need to record straight onto lappy which is good.

Daff x

Title: Re: Laptop problems
Post by: stolat on August 30, 2007, 11:44:37 AM
You call your laptop lappy?

Title: Re: Laptop problems
Post by: dafflovesaxl on August 30, 2007, 11:48:30 AM
nah, just too lazy to type laptop lol - I call it pain in the ass amongst other choice words when it plays silly buggers - its getting old, 4 in February, time for an upgrade soon I think.
