Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: stolat on August 28, 2007, 05:13:29 AM

Title: Neo Nazi Propoganda on You Tube
Post by: stolat on August 28, 2007, 05:13:29 AM
What do you think about this?

German anger over neo-Nazi YouTube clips
August 28, 2007 - 6:42AM
Source: ABC
Video-sharing website YouTube has met with harsh criticism in Germany for hosting clips that incite racial hatred, according to a news report due to be broadcast on German public TV.

The videos hosted on YouTube include clips of a 1940 anti-Semitic propaganda film Jud Suess and two music videos of outlawed German far-right rock band Landser, which show footage from World War II depicting Nazi military operations.

Report Mainz, which is due to air the program, said in a statement that Social Democrat (SPD) parliamentarian Dieter Wiefelspuetz said airing the clips on YouTube in Germany was scandalous. The program quoted him as saying: "Publishing these films amounts to aiding and abetting incitement of the people."

Report Mainz also said that Germany's Central Council of Jews vice-president Salomon Korn was considering pressing charges against Google Germany.

According to the statement from Report Mainz, German youth protection body has complained to Google Germany more than 100 times and asked Google, which bought YouTube last year, to remove the clips.

Some of the material has been on the site for almost a year.

Google Germany was not immediately available for comment.

More than 60 years after the Holocaust, Germany is grappling with a rise in support for Nazi ideas. Neo-Nazi violence in Germany has reached its highest level since reunification in 1990.


Title: Re: Neo Nazi Propoganda on You Tube
Post by: norway on August 28, 2007, 05:19:35 AM

What do you think about this?
Don't be so jewish stolat :hihi:

Title: Re: Neo Nazi Propoganda on You Tube
Post by: JMack on August 28, 2007, 08:53:22 AM
     I'm not sure but I think I've read that in Germany it is illegal to depict or engage in nazism or promote it.  Germany is still trying to get away from the whole nazi WW2 era, especially since the reunification.  You tube pulls stuff off that is a lot less upseting because it's a little saucy.  I think in this case if there are so many complaints that maybe they should pull this as well.  When will the 30's style moustache that Hitler wore be able to make a return.  The little putz even killed a moustache.

Title: Re: Neo Nazi Propoganda on You Tube
Post by: Lucky on August 28, 2007, 09:49:06 AM
I think its propaganda for the band mentioned above... nothing significant.
hell, now we've even heard of them.

and their video on youtube is almost at 500 000 views....

Title: Re: Neo Nazi Propoganda on You Tube
Post by: Journeyman on August 28, 2007, 10:29:13 AM
I think its propaganda for the band mentioned above... nothing significant.
hell, now we've even heard of them.

and their video on youtube is almost at 500 000 views....

yes, i guess thats it. Its a clever way of making their name heard across the world.

Title: Re: Neo Nazi Propoganda on You Tube
Post by: stolat on August 28, 2007, 10:40:24 AM
It reminds me an incident during a Sound of Music production that I saw in the early 80s. At one point during the show huge nazi flags with swasticas came flying down the walls and hung there.

Now, I happened to be at this show with my great aunt (resistance and captain in the AK)........ Needless to say she had words and the flags were promptly removed.

Title: Re: Neo Nazi Propoganda on You Tube
Post by: Dead N' Bloated on August 28, 2007, 06:15:31 PM
Anyone seen the Russel Crow Movie Romper Stomper?


Title: Re: Neo Nazi Propoganda on You Tube
Post by: Loaded NightraiN on August 28, 2007, 08:57:28 PM

What do you think about this?
Don't be so jewish stolat :hihi:

 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Nice one dude

Title: Re: Neo Nazi Propoganda on You Tube
Post by: freedom78 on August 28, 2007, 09:55:15 PM
It reminds me an incident during a Sound of Music production that I saw in the early 80s. At one point during the show huge nazi flags with swasticas came flying down the walls and hung there.

Now, I happened to be at this show with my great aunt (resistance and captain in the AK)........ Needless to say she had words and the flags were promptly removed.

I think that's taking it a tad overboard.  We can't have art that's against racism or disgusting moments in history, because it recalls those events?  Come on.   ::) 

Title: Re: Neo Nazi Propoganda on You Tube
Post by: stolat on August 29, 2007, 12:57:39 AM
So what were the Resistance et al fighting and sacrificing their lives for then?

The Nazi flags and symbols were the first things to go.

Title: Re: Neo Nazi Propoganda on You Tube
Post by: Loaded NightraiN on August 29, 2007, 01:22:17 AM
So what were the Resistance et al fighting and sacrificing their lives for then?

The Nazi flags and symbols were the first things to go.

Dont you want their story properly told?? Just because the flag shows up dosent, mean some one is supporting nazis... But apparently you take everything that way.. Like when a member posts a picture of himself here, you accuse him of being a nazi  ::)

Title: Re: Neo Nazi Propoganda on You Tube
Post by: stolat on August 29, 2007, 01:46:47 AM
HUh, when a member posts a picture here I accuse him of being a Nazi?? When was that?!

I'm not that quick to label a person a Nazi just by looking at a picture.

You have no idea how evil the whole Nazi thing was and continues to be! No idea.

Title: Re: Neo Nazi Propoganda on You Tube
Post by: polluxlm on August 29, 2007, 03:17:34 AM
So what were the Resistance et al fighting and sacrificing their lives for then?

The Nazi flags and symbols were the first things to go.


The death's head insignia of the SS-Totenkopfverb?nde.


Iron Cross




Title: Re: Neo Nazi Propoganda on You Tube
Post by: fuckin crazy on August 29, 2007, 06:33:56 AM
Government instigators and provocaturs are behind a lot of this crap, i,e;

 The white supremacist group is planning to protest outside the one place in Omaha Mexicans can obtain legal identification.

Warning bells should be sounding over these events particularly given that earlier this year it was reported that a paid FBI informant was the man behind a march by the same Neo-Nazi group through the streets of Parramore that stirred up anxiety in Orlando's black community and fears of racial unrest triggering a major police mobilization in February 2006.


Equivalent Neo-Nazi and right wing extremist groups in Europe have for many years been used by the state to assure power and control public opinion. During the early nineties came the revelation that the upper echelons of almost every European government had a some point played a part in NATO's Intelligence Operation Gladio, which involved the recruitment, arming and training of armies of right wing extremists, who in a great deal of cases committed acts of terrorism and political espionage which were then blamed on left wing and Communist groups.

Another well documented case of state controlled extremism was exposed in 2003 during state court proceedings in Germany which were intended to shut down the Neo-Nazi National Democratic party (NPD).

The government's case failed when judges ruled that it rested largely on the statements and actions of NPD members who had been shown to be agents of the German intelligence services:


Title: Re: Neo Nazi Propoganda on You Tube
Post by: stolat on August 29, 2007, 06:38:47 AM
Now that's propoganda!

Title: Re: Neo Nazi Propoganda on You Tube
Post by: babydolls on August 29, 2007, 07:12:01 AM
It reminds me an incident during a Sound of Music production that I saw in the early 80s. At one point during the show huge nazi flags with swasticas came flying down the walls and hung there.

Now, I happened to be at this show with my great aunt (resistance and captain in the AK)........ Needless to say she had words and the flags were promptly removed.

I think that's taking it a tad overboard.? We can't have art that's against racism or disgusting moments in history, because it recalls those events?? Come on.? ?::)?

agree with you freedom78 - a whole production changes because the content was recalling history??  You cant change history and shouldnt have to - thats how people are "supposed" to learn and advance.  Or shall we just pretend that Nazis never existed for the purpose of a Sound of music production and for someone who might be in the audience that may have a personal connection to the events??? i dont think so!

Title: Re: Neo Nazi Propoganda on You Tube
Post by: stolat on August 29, 2007, 07:13:17 AM
I'm talking neo nazi propoganda on You Tube! That shit needs to be banned.

That's how it all started in the first place!  :no:

Title: Re: Neo Nazi Propoganda on You Tube
Post by: Sin Cut on August 29, 2007, 07:18:01 AM
So what were the Resistance et al fighting and sacrificing their lives for then?

The Nazi flags and symbols were the first things to go.

So you're saying the resistanse were fighting and dying 'cos they didn't like the nazi flag and not for
1. a better future?
2. freedom?
3. independence?

these are principles that every man of every faith can embrace.

Btw, here's the emblem the finnish airforces used in 1918


Title: Re: Neo Nazi Propoganda on You Tube
Post by: fuckin crazy on August 29, 2007, 07:18:39 AM
I don't know. As much as I hate those sick fucks, If they get banned, whats to keep the powers that be from going after other types of political thought. As long as their not advocating violence ... fuck em.

Title: Re: Neo Nazi Propoganda on You Tube
Post by: Sin Cut on August 29, 2007, 07:19:02 AM
I'm talking neo nazi propoganda on You Tube! That shit needs to be banned.

That's how it all started in the first place!  :no:

WW II started from youtube?

Title: Re: Neo Nazi Propoganda on You Tube
Post by: stolat on August 29, 2007, 07:21:57 AM
No the propoganda machine influencing young unformed minds!
Symbolism can have a very powerful effect, just look at modern advertising such as......You Tube....

BTW, that is a badge from 1918.......... the Polish Resistance highly commends the Finnish people (The Fins) and their efforts during WW2.

Title: Re: Neo Nazi Propoganda on You Tube
Post by: CSS on August 29, 2007, 07:26:55 AM
What exactly are you saying?

That Neo Nazis will vanish if this is banned from YouTube?

I think not...

Title: Re: Neo Nazi Propoganda on You Tube
Post by: fuckin crazy on August 29, 2007, 07:30:29 AM
Suppresion of polical dissent is one of the first signs of tyranny.

Title: Re: Neo Nazi Propoganda on You Tube
Post by: stolat on August 29, 2007, 07:31:09 AM
Now, if we all had that attitude during WW2, where would we be today!

I'm talking about the effects on young, vulnerable minds and the power of multi-media internet advertising......!

Title: Re: Neo Nazi Propoganda on You Tube
Post by: fuckin crazy on August 29, 2007, 07:34:07 AM
If we all had it in the 30's there would have been no WWll and the Weimar Republic might have regained control.

Title: Re: Neo Nazi Propoganda on You Tube
Post by: Sin Cut on August 29, 2007, 07:36:16 AM
Btw, here's the emblem the finnish airforces used in 1918

BTW, that is a badge from 1918.......... the Polish Resistance highly commends the Finnish people and their efforts during WW2.

There's always something inluencing "young minds".

If they're all into what Simon says, it's hardly 'cos of something they saw on youtube.

I doubt word nazi is very high anyway when they google.

Title: Re: Neo Nazi Propoganda on You Tube
Post by: stolat on August 29, 2007, 07:40:28 AM
The Resistance taught me/brought me up to be ever vigilant....

Title: Re: Neo Nazi Propoganda on You Tube
Post by: Lucky on August 29, 2007, 08:40:33 AM
Now, if we all had that attitude during WW2, where would we be today!

I'm talking about the effects on young, vulnerable minds and the power of multi-media internet advertising......!

why should one care about people with vulnerable minds?!

if by any chance one day we build concentration camps for inbreeds and retards you wont have to waste time trying to find them.
all you'd have to do is gather up all the skinheads and rappers. : ok:

Title: Re: Neo Nazi Propoganda on You Tube
Post by: stolat on August 29, 2007, 09:05:29 AM
Sorry, Resistance orders - that shit has got to go! (I mean these people would know about it, don't you think?)......

Title: Re: Neo Nazi Propoganda on You Tube
Post by: Lucky on August 29, 2007, 09:30:57 AM
in case you people didnt know, the videos have been removed from youtube yesterday...

freedom of speech 0
censorship 1

Title: Re: Neo Nazi Propoganda on You Tube
Post by: stolat on August 29, 2007, 09:46:10 AM
Funny that, I see it as 'freedom of speech' in action....

Title: Re: Neo Nazi Propoganda on You Tube
Post by: Lucky on August 29, 2007, 09:48:36 AM
I wonder...
who decides what is "kosher" to say, and what isnt?!
where is the "line"?

Title: Re: Neo Nazi Propoganda on You Tube
Post by: freedom78 on August 29, 2007, 10:35:00 AM
The Resistance taught me/brought me up to be ever vigilant....

That's good, but I believe in combating ideas with better ideas, rather than censorship.  If Nazism or any form of racism is a bad thing (duh!), then it should fail as an idea.  Government needn't censor it.

Now, Youtube is privately owned, so if they want to take something down, then that's their prerogative.

Title: Re: Neo Nazi Propoganda on You Tube
Post by: stolat on August 29, 2007, 10:37:54 AM
Learning about the history is one thing.

Promoting Nazi propoganda is something completely different and it is really not tolerated in any way shape or form.

Particularly on a mass communication tool such as the Internet....

Title: Re: Neo Nazi Propoganda on You Tube
Post by: polluxlm on August 29, 2007, 10:43:11 AM
In my experience the Polish are alot more racist than Germans. Maybe clean up in your own court first?

Title: Re: Neo Nazi Propoganda on You Tube
Post by: stolat on August 29, 2007, 10:53:53 AM
I don't think I have mentioned the word racist - I said "neo nazi propoganda".

If you read into Nazism you will find that it dabbles in something more sinister and evil than racism alone.

Title: Re: Neo Nazi Propoganda on You Tube
Post by: freedom78 on August 29, 2007, 10:54:20 AM
Learning about the history is one thing.

Promoting Nazi propoganda is something completely different and it is really not tolerated in any way shape or form.

Particularly on a mass communication tool such as the Internet....

It's a thin line you walk, when you start banning those things with which you disagree.  How many want to ban metal because it's "satanic," or GNR because it's got a pretty serious misogynistic streak?  Having the propaganda film on YouTube IS history (despite Germany's efforts to gloss over that period).  Does Germany want Shakespeare banned, too, for his unkind portrayal of Jews?  Shakespeare is FAR more influential than some propaganda piece from the 40s could ever be, so how does that not "incite" young, easily influenced minds toward a racist ideology?  There are vids of the Hiroshima bomb...does that mean that YouTube supports nuclear weaponry/war?  Of course not.

I can, of course, sympathize with the fact that you find Nazism disgusting and dangerous.  But censoring history or telling people what the can and cannot view, read, or think is not even close to the answer.   

Title: Re: Neo Nazi Propoganda on You Tube
Post by: stolat on August 29, 2007, 10:58:40 AM
Learning about the history is one thing.

Promoting Nazi propoganda is something completely different and it is really not tolerated in any way shape or form.

Particularly on a mass communication tool such as the Internet....

I can, of course, sympathize with the fact that you find Nazism disgusting and dangerous. But censoring history or telling people what the can and cannot view, read, or think is not even close to the answer.

What a flippant statement to make.........Especially since I was raised and taught by Polish resistance members - people who witnessed the evil firsthand.

And you wonder why we still have wars......

Title: Re: Neo Nazi Propoganda on You Tube
Post by: freedom78 on August 29, 2007, 11:10:12 AM
Learning about the history is one thing.

Promoting Nazi propoganda is something completely different and it is really not tolerated in any way shape or form.

Particularly on a mass communication tool such as the Internet....

I can, of course, sympathize with the fact that you find Nazism disgusting and dangerous. But censoring history or telling people what the can and cannot view, read, or think is not even close to the answer.

What a flippant statement to make.........Especially since I was raised and taught by Polish resistance members - people who witnessed the evil firsthand.

And you wonder why we still have wars......

First, I wasn't being disrespectful, even if you took it that way.  I'm simply saying that I agree with your opinions that Nazism disgusting and dangerous, but not with the means by which you want to deal with it. 

Second, it doesn't matter if you were raised and taught by Jesus Christ.  I'm not arguing about the evil of Nazism, but about the value of censorship.  Polish resistance members are no more qualified than anyone else to comment on that.

Third, did you just say that my viewpoint leads to wars?  As in the failure to censor things with which you disagree (whether they're historical or the mediocre ramblings of a racist rock band) is the cause of war?

Title: Re: Neo Nazi Propoganda on You Tube
Post by: BlowUpYourVideo on August 29, 2007, 11:16:02 AM
I'm talking neo nazi propoganda on You Tube! That shit needs to be banned.

That's how it all started in the first place!? :no:

WW II started from youtube?

It was run by Joseph G?ogels I believe.

Title: Re: Neo Nazi Propoganda on You Tube
Post by: DevilHatesALoser on August 29, 2007, 11:17:39 AM
Government instigators and provocaturs are behind a lot of this crap, i,e;

 The white supremacist group is planning to protest outside the one place in Omaha Mexicans can obtain legal identification.

Warning bells should be sounding over these events particularly given that earlier this year it was reported that a paid FBI informant was the man behind a march by the same Neo-Nazi group through the streets of Parramore that stirred up anxiety in Orlando's black community and fears of racial unrest triggering a major police mobilization in February 2006.


Equivalent Neo-Nazi and right wing extremist groups in Europe have for many years been used by the state to assure power and control public opinion. During the early nineties came the revelation that the upper echelons of almost every European government had a some point played a part in NATO's Intelligence Operation Gladio, which involved the recruitment, arming and training of armies of right wing extremists, who in a great deal of cases committed acts of terrorism and political espionage which were then blamed on left wing and Communist groups.

Another well documented case of state controlled extremism was exposed in 2003 during state court proceedings in Germany which were intended to shut down the Neo-Nazi National Democratic party (NPD).

The government's case failed when judges ruled that it rested largely on the statements and actions of NPD members who had been shown to be agents of the German intelligence services:


....Right.... you tell me my post isn't acceptable because I used wiki as general source with links to all government and private research, yet you link us to Alex Jones. ?Somthing tells me that in terms of credibility, my arguments would be like the sun and yours a small match. ?Infowars is for conspiracy nut jobs who think fiction and poorly researched information makes for reality. ?

Title: Re: Neo Nazi Propoganda on You Tube
Post by: polluxlm on August 29, 2007, 11:45:44 AM
....Right.... you tell me my post isn't acceptable because I used wiki as general source with links to all government and private research, yet you link us to Alex Jones. ?Somthing tells me that in terms of credibility, my arguments would be like the sun and yours a small match. ?Infowars is for conspiracy nut jobs who think fiction and poorly researched information makes for reality. ?

How about:

The Federal Court

The FBI would not comment on what it knew about the involvement of its informant, 39-year-old David Gletty of Orlando, in the neo-Nazi event. In court Wednesday, an FBI agent said the bureau has paid its informant at least $20,000 during the past two years.

City of Orlando

The city parade permit lists Gletty as the "on scene event manager."

David Gletty himself

"On 1/17/06 I got the permits and started the ball rolling," he writes. "On 2/25/06 at 3 pm on saturday [sic] in downtown Orlando My crew and I got it done."

In another part of the posting, he writes: "Since I was the permit holder I was the person to deal with the police and had over-all authority of the event."

Not to mention that he applied for a permit to; walk through a black neighbourhood with white power posters, and got it!

Title: Re: Neo Nazi Propoganda on You Tube
Post by: Loaded NightraiN on August 29, 2007, 12:49:23 PM
HUh, when a member posts a picture here I accuse him of being a Nazi?? When was that?!

I'm not that quick to label a person a Nazi just by looking at a picture.

You have no idea how evil the whole Nazi thing was and continues to be! No idea.

You post so much shit you dont even remember.... Shut up now....

Title: Re: Neo Nazi Propoganda on You Tube
Post by: freedom78 on August 29, 2007, 02:01:39 PM
HUh, when a member posts a picture here I accuse him of being a Nazi?? When was that?!

I'm not that quick to label a person a Nazi just by looking at a picture.

You have no idea how evil the whole Nazi thing was and continues to be! No idea.

You post so much shit you dont even remember.... Shut up now....

Wow...didn't expect to see that. 

Title: Re: Neo Nazi Propoganda on You Tube
Post by: fuckin crazy on August 29, 2007, 03:03:11 PM
Government instigators and provocaturs are behind a lot of this crap, i,e;

 The white supremacist group is planning to protest outside the one place in Omaha Mexicans can obtain legal identification.

Warning bells should be sounding over these events particularly given that earlier this year it was reported that a paid FBI informant was the man behind a march by the same Neo-Nazi group through the streets of Parramore that stirred up anxiety in Orlando's black community and fears of racial unrest triggering a major police mobilization in February 2006.


Equivalent Neo-Nazi and right wing extremist groups in Europe have for many years been used by the state to assure power and control public opinion. During the early nineties came the revelation that the upper echelons of almost every European government had a some point played a part in NATO's Intelligence Operation Gladio, which involved the recruitment, arming and training of armies of right wing extremists, who in a great deal of cases committed acts of terrorism and political espionage which were then blamed on left wing and Communist groups.

Another well documented case of state controlled extremism was exposed in 2003 during state court proceedings in Germany which were intended to shut down the Neo-Nazi National Democratic party (NPD).

The government's case failed when judges ruled that it rested largely on the statements and actions of NPD members who had been shown to be agents of the German intelligence services:


....Right.... you tell me my post isn't acceptable because I used wiki as general source with links to all government and private research, yet you link us to Alex Jones.? Somthing tells me that in terms of credibility, my arguments would be like the sun and yours a small match.? Infowars is for conspiracy nut jobs who think fiction and poorly researched information makes for reality.?

Maybe, but they hit the nail on the head with that one. If you had actually read it, and followed the links, you would have found the links unimpeachable. Now, don't you have some cocksucker to support.

Title: Re: Neo Nazi Propoganda on You Tube
Post by: stolat on August 29, 2007, 10:39:07 PM
HUh, when a member posts a picture here I accuse him of being a Nazi?? When was that?!

I'm not that quick to label a person a Nazi just by looking at a picture.

You have no idea how evil the whole Nazi thing was and continues to be! No idea.

You post so much shit you dont even remember.... Shut up now....

Oh yeh, that. Good thing I could inform that poster about it........!

Title: Re: Neo Nazi Propoganda on You Tube
Post by: Loaded NightraiN on August 29, 2007, 11:46:36 PM
HUh, when a member posts a picture here I accuse him of being a Nazi?? When was that?!

I'm not that quick to label a person a Nazi just by looking at a picture.

You have no idea how evil the whole Nazi thing was and continues to be! No idea.

You post so much shit you dont even remember.... Shut up now....

Oh yeh, that. Good thing I could inform that poster about it........!

See you're such a liar.. You also call people nazis(who clearly arent), because your people went through such tragities.. NOT YOU but your people did, so NOBODY owes YOU anything... You're the only one who brings this shit up around here...

Title: Re: Neo Nazi Propoganda on You Tube
Post by: stolat on August 30, 2007, 12:40:30 AM
Excuse me, LN, I merely pointed out that the pose was mimicking one that the Nazi's used to use for propoganda purposes.

As for the other half of your post, not quite sure what you are going on about there.....

Title: Re: Neo Nazi Propoganda on You Tube
Post by: Loaded NightraiN on August 30, 2007, 01:51:37 AM
No he was not mimicking anyone... The nazis were the last thing on his mind...

You whine and complain about this shit all the time, when its not relavant at all anymore... The only losers who try to be Nazis get the shit kicked out of them, because they are pussies...

Title: Re: Neo Nazi Propoganda on You Tube
Post by: Sin Cut on August 30, 2007, 02:36:11 AM
Learning about the history is one thing.

Promoting Nazi propoganda is something completely different and it is really not tolerated in any way shape or form.

Particularly on a mass communication tool such as the Internet....

I can, of course, sympathize with the fact that you find Nazism disgusting and dangerous. But censoring history or telling people what the can and cannot view, read, or think is not even close to the answer.

What a flippant statement to make.........Especially since I was raised and taught by Polish resistance members - people who witnessed the evil firsthand.

And you wonder why we still have wars......

Frankly my dear, I don?t give a damn.

Title: Re: Neo Nazi Propoganda on You Tube
Post by: CSS on August 30, 2007, 04:37:11 AM
Excuse me, LN, I merely pointed out that the pose was mimicking one that the Nazi's used to use for propoganda purposes.

What the fuck?

It's called "posing" - you do that in pictures sometimes, you know.

Title: Re: Neo Nazi Propoganda on You Tube
Post by: stolat on August 30, 2007, 08:28:48 AM

You whine and complain about this shit all the time, when its not relavant at all anymore...

Not relevant anymore? Really? Not according to global Resistance groups. This "shit" did not end in 1945 when the war ended.

Are you that naive?

Title: Re: Neo Nazi Propoganda on You Tube
Post by: BlowUpYourVideo on August 30, 2007, 11:33:29 AM
Excuse me, LN, I merely pointed out that the pose was mimicking one that the Nazi's used to use for propoganda purposes.

Wasn't that the statues of Aryans??

Title: Re: Neo Nazi Propoganda on You Tube
Post by: Skeletor on August 30, 2007, 01:26:44 PM

the Polish Resistance highly commends the Finnish people (The Fins) and their efforts during WW2.

No hard feelings about Finland allying with Germany then?

It's Finns btw, with two "n"s :)

Title: Re: Neo Nazi Propoganda on You Tube
Post by: stolat on August 30, 2007, 01:36:41 PM
Word this end is...... "The Fins are good people"......