Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: AxlsMainMan on August 08, 2007, 01:44:34 PM

Title: Going to see the dentist
Post by: AxlsMainMan on August 08, 2007, 01:44:34 PM
There are few things I hate in life nearly as much as going to see the dentist.

No matter what is scheduled to go down, whether it be a filling or just an ordinary checkup, the entire process is absolutely grueling.

The tools that are used, the nonstop requests to "open wide" when you've already opened your mouth as wide as humanly possible...

I don't believe there is any "joy" that can be acquired from a visit to the dentist.

Does anyone else truly detest the whole experience of going to see the dentist?

What are some of the "horror stories" you've acquired over the years after many, many visits? :hihi:

Title: Re: Going to see the dentist
Post by: mrlee on August 08, 2007, 01:50:02 PM
i erm, its usually simple, i got in, they check and let me go.

though once they were like, ah whats this sticky spot, looks like you're gonna get a hole if you dont let us operate on it.

never shit myself so much in my life  when i had that thing done.

Title: Re: Going to see the dentist
Post by: CheapJon on August 08, 2007, 01:51:33 PM
The MOST annoying thing is that when you are at the dentist and they have their hole hands in your mouth they ask questions and think it's possible to answer :hihi:

Title: Re: Going to see the dentist
Post by: Robman? on August 08, 2007, 01:55:42 PM
The worst part is when they stick those big ass fuckin x-ray things in your mouth, and then leave you their while they have a chat with their friends.  :(

Title: Re: Going to see the dentist
Post by: SLCPUNK on August 08, 2007, 03:04:18 PM
I had a bunch of work done a couple years back. I've had bad luck with my wisdom teeth, all of them required surgery, the last one required extensive surgery by a specialist.

Had a root canal done about 3 years back. I was not looking forward to it, as you might guess. The guy was so good, I was in and out in 45 minutes, and zero pain. Even zero pain AFTERWARDS, I took some aspirin but that was it. I could not believe it.

Title: Re: Going to see the dentist
Post by: Bill 213 on August 08, 2007, 03:09:09 PM
Don't turn this into an anti-dentite thread!!!  Dentists are your friends. 

Title: Re: Going to see the dentist
Post by: CheapJon on August 08, 2007, 03:32:29 PM
it sux to have braces. although i'm freakin glad i don't have a thing that goes outside my head!

Title: Re: Going to see the dentist
Post by: AxlsMainMan on August 08, 2007, 03:39:25 PM
I've had bad luck with my wisdom teeth, all of them required surgery, the last one required extensive surgery by a specialist.

I have to go in and get my wisdom teeth taken out this Fall.

Not looking forward to it.. :-[

How was that whole ordeal for you in retrospect?

Had a root canal done about 3 years back. I was not looking forward to it, as you might guess. The guy was so good, I was in and out in 45 minutes, and zero pain. Even zero pain AFTERWARDS, I took some aspirin but that was it. I could not believe it.

I was actually told today that I might also be looking at a root canal.

Not for sure, but a possibility.. :'(

I think Id look forward to that one far less than getting my wisdom teeth taken out.. :hihi:

Title: Re: Going to see the dentist
Post by: SLCPUNK on August 08, 2007, 03:39:42 PM
it sux to have braces. although i'm freakin glad i don't have a thing that goes outside my head!

They found out that those things don't work! From what I've read, they no longer use them.

Title: Re: Going to see the dentist
Post by: AxlsMainMan on August 08, 2007, 03:43:02 PM
it sux to have braces. although i'm freakin glad i don't have a thing that goes outside my head!

They found out that those things don't work! From what I've read, they no longer use them.

I bet all the children who were forced to wear those contraptions for all those years were absolutely thrilled when the medical community came to that conclusion.. :hihi:

Title: Re: Going to see the dentist
Post by: SLCPUNK on August 08, 2007, 03:44:22 PM

I have to go in and get my wisdom teeth taken out this Fall.

Not looking forward to it.. :-[

How was that whole ordeal for you in retrospect?

Well mine were different than most people. Like I said, mine were all "bad", sideways, impacted and so on. One of mine was sideways, impacted and against a nerve in my jaw. It also had an infection between it and the gum. After surgery, the side of my face was numb for about 6 weeks since the nerve was affected. Again, this is extreme.

I would advise getting knocked out if you do it. I also advise not putting it off. I put mine off for years and they made my lower teeth a bit crooked again. Not bad enough for braces, but screwed up what my parents had paid for 20 some years ago.

I was actually told today that I might also be looking at a root canal.

Not for sure, but a possibility.. :'(

I think Id look forward to that one far less than getting my wisdom teeth taken out.. :hihi:

It all depends on the dentist you go to. I had a girl clean my teeth a few months ago, and it hurt. She keep zinging my gums or something-a simple cleaning no less. Then I had the guy who did my root canal, and it didn't hurt at all (I still can't believe it to this day.)

Just go though. It's one of those things, that if you put off, it only gets worse.

I bet all the children who were forced to wear those contraptions for all those years were absolutely thrilled when the medical community came to that conclusion.. :hihi:

Yea, I read it a while back, and we all laughed. Just for that reason.

Title: Re: Going to see the dentist
Post by: AxlsMainMan on August 08, 2007, 03:59:15 PM
Well mine were different than most people. Like I said, mine were all "bad", sideways, impacted and so on. One of mine was sideways, impacted and against a nerve in my jaw. It also had an infection between it and the gum. After surgery, the side of my face was numb for about 6 weeks since the nerve was affected. Again, this is extreme.

Mine haven't even remotely started to come in yet, but the dentist still says it would be a good thing to whipe off the "to do list" as soon as possible.

I would advise getting knocked out if you do it. I also advise not putting it off.

Oh believe me...

I'll be getting knocked out :hihi:

I put mine off for years and they made my lower teeth a bit crooked again. Not bad enough for braces, but screwed up what my parents had paid for 20 some years ago.

Getting braces is one of my biggest fears, so if anything, thats probably why I'll quit procrastinating and just get it done :hihi:

It all depends on the dentist you go to. I had a girl clean my teeth a few months ago, and it hurt. She keep zinging my gums or something-a simple cleaning no less.

That's very true.

I've had a few hygenists that Id give an A+ to, and I've had a few I wouldn't even honor with an F :hihi:

Title: Re: Going to see the dentist
Post by: LittleFly on August 08, 2007, 04:03:53 PM
I've come to a conclusion about dentists. ?If you don't have dental insurance, and you have a bad tooth, they just rip the fucker out. ?If you have insurance, they insist on a root canal and expensive restoration.

The inside of my mouth is very small, one dentist told me to come back when my mouth is the size of a twelve year old's :hihi: ?That was about 5 years ago or so. ?Because of this, my back teeth are constantly breaking down, or the gums simply grow over the top of them

The first time I had trouble, I had no insurance. ?Denist pretty much loaded me up with novacaine and went to work. ?He ended up digging around quite a bit, the gum never grew back lol ?Just a big hole between my last tooth and the emerging wisdom tooth now.

This last time, I went because one of the other back tooth broke off a little and the gum grew over the broken part. ?It felt like a pin was stuck in there or something. ?I have dental insurance now, so the dentist immediately said I needed a root canal. ?My tooth didn't hurt, the gums did!

So I went in for the root canal. ?It was 10x better then the first dentist (I now consider him a caveman with dental tools :hihi: ) The root canal didn't hurt a bit and I had very little pain afterwards. ?But now I have to pay 500$ for restoration! The root canal didn't take care of the broken bit that STILL HURTS MY GUMS. I'm despertly hoping that the restoration take care of it. ?

I thought insurance was a good thing! ?At least my one remaining wisdom tooth has room to emerge now though. I only had 2 in the first place, and the other one apparently reabsorbed during my pregnancy. ?Apparently, that one wisdom tooth has it's roots around the nerve that runs thorough the jaw and provides feeling to your lips and face, so I'm not looking forward to having to have the surgery to take it out lol.

Title: Re: Going to see the dentist
Post by: AxlsMainMan on August 08, 2007, 04:54:37 PM
LittleFly, my heart truly wept for you while reading your post :(

Title: Re: Going to see the dentist
Post by: Lisa on August 08, 2007, 05:17:57 PM
I absolutely live in fear of going to the dentist. I'd rather birth triplets natural at 10lbs each. My body.mouth is resistant to the freezing and I always require alot of needles that feel like they are poking right into your nasal cavity and then I stay frozen for hours and hours. The last time I went to get mmy teetj cleaned I was so scared I was crying in the chair waiting for the a result I received laughing gas and not only was it fun like a good kind of drunk buzz fun, but it went really fast. Thank goodness I have really strong enamel because sometimes I go three years between dentist visits...if I know I had to go to one of Friday, I would be sick for the rest of the week, unable to eat,throwing up,tummyaches,sleepness nights with my overactive imagination Stoned, not only do I know what you mean but I feel your pain dude... :nervous:< me sitting in dentist chair..

Title: Re: Going to see the dentist
Post by: LawsonsLaw007 on August 08, 2007, 05:28:26 PM
WELL once i hade to get a crown it hurt so bad thay wher drilling in to me and shit.  it got worse after i left cus the novacane**  started to whare off  so i got some purkies!


Title: Re: Going to see the dentist
Post by: AxlsMainMan on August 08, 2007, 07:40:00 PM
I absolutely live in fear of going to the dentist.

I'm glad that I'm not the only one!

I'd rather birth triplets natural at 10lbs each.

That's funny.

I told my Dad just the other day that Id rather jump off a cliff than go see the dentist again :hihi:

I always require alot of needles that feel like they are poking right into your nasal cavity and then I stay frozen for hours and hours.

The needles dentists use are the absolute worst! :nervous:

...if I know I had to go to one of Friday, I would be sick for the rest of the week, unable to eat,throwing up,tummyaches,sleepness nights with my overactive imagination

That's exactly like me too.

I had to get two fillings this morning, so since last week my eating patterns have been turned upside down, I haven't had a decent sleep in what feels like forever, and I've gone through brutal mood swings :(

as a result I received laughing gas and not only was it fun like a good kind of drunk buzz fun, but it went really fast.

You gotta' love how they try and take your mind off of things with a nice relaxing high :hihi:

so Stoned, not only do I know what you mean but I feel your pain dude... :nervous:< me sitting in dentist chair..

Lisa, I think the horror movie entitled "The Dentist" might be just for you.. :hihi:

It's a tad tacky, but Corbin Bernsen is a great actor, and it certainly sums up my sentiments as far as visits to the dentist are concerned :hihi:

Title: Re: Going to see the dentist
Post by: GeorgeSteele on August 08, 2007, 09:08:06 PM
You're all nuts.? I love the dentist!

Title: Re: Going to see the dentist
Post by: Lisa on August 08, 2007, 10:31:53 PM
You're all nuts.? I love the dentist!
Little Shop of Horrors....seriously funny stuff...brings me back,I had forgotten about that movie,good pick George

Title: Re: Going to see the dentist
Post by: Mr. Redman on August 08, 2007, 10:44:17 PM
I know a few people who've done root canals without novacaine. I've had a few major fillings done without it.

Title: Re: Going to see the dentist
Post by: The Chad Cometh on August 08, 2007, 11:26:30 PM
My brother is a dentist (the only one in his University class to finish with first class honors), kind of sucks for me ha ha ha.

I will let you all know 3 things:

Listerine is useless as tits on a bull, providing you brush properly.
The dentist's needle is supposed to hurt. The more the needle hurts, the closer to the nerve the anaesthetic  is going and the longer it will last.
If you only brush your teeth once during the day, do it before you go to bed. Brushing your teeth in the morning does nothin except freshen your breath.

Title: Re: Going to see the dentist
Post by: Timothy on August 08, 2007, 11:56:59 PM
Last time I went to the dentist . Homeboy told me to drop my pant.

Title: Re: Going to see the dentist
Post by: SLCPUNK on August 09, 2007, 12:02:13 AM
Last time I went to the dentist . Homeboy told me to drop my pant.

Sounds great, do they take blue cross?

Title: Re: Going to see the dentist
Post by: Timothy on August 09, 2007, 12:03:02 AM
Nope only cash........

Title: Re: Going to see the dentist
Post by: Natasha23 on August 09, 2007, 12:08:06 AM
Going to the dentist has never been scary for me. ?When I was little I had a lot of dental work done, and my dentist was an asshole, but every time I had to have something done, i got a new doll, so it was pretty sweet. ?But later on my mom would take me to Pennsylvania (we lived on Long Island) to see my uncle who is an awesome dentist. ?So I've been really fortunate because I don't have any fear associated with the dentist.

Recently though I'd been having some pain with a tooth that had a filling put in it seven months ago. This one dentist was such an ass. ?He snapped at me when I asked if I could just show him where the pain was, and he said he wanted to dig out the filling and re-do it, then talked about crowns and then deadening the nerve.
My mom found me this other dentist who discovered that the filling was a little too high. ?He was really nice, really gentle, and HOT as hell. ?So I think I'll be getting my teeth cleaned soon. ?;)

Title: Re: Going to see the dentist
Post by: D on August 09, 2007, 12:16:49 AM
I haven't been to the dentist in 12 years but I am going August 27th for a checkup and cleaning.

My dad recently had every tooth *he just had 8 left* pulled and that woke my ass up and made me WANT to go to the dentist.

A little discomfort and pain IS DEFINITELY WORTH having all your teeth once u get older.

Title: Re: Going to see the dentist
Post by: D on August 09, 2007, 12:17:45 AM
Last time I went to the dentist . Homeboy told me to drop my pant.

I also heard that shit happened to u at the petting zoo. :hihi: :hihi:

Title: Re: Going to see the dentist
Post by: Timothy on August 09, 2007, 12:18:22 AM
Last time I went to the dentist . Homeboy told me to drop my pant.

I also heard that shit happened to u at the petting zoo. :hihi: :hihi:

Hey that one made the local news.

Title: Re: Going to see the dentist
Post by: SLCPUNK on August 09, 2007, 12:38:20 AM
Last time I went to the dentist . Homeboy told me to drop my pant.

I also heard that shit happened to u at the petting zoo. :hihi: :hihi:

My proctologist doesn't have any arms!

Title: Re: Going to see the dentist
Post by: fuckin crazy on August 09, 2007, 09:58:23 AM
The last dentist I saw hurt me more than my first wife.

Title: Re: Going to see the dentist
Post by: Timothy on August 09, 2007, 09:59:47 AM
The last dentist I saw hurt me more than my first wife.

Was he another jilted lover????

Title: Re: Going to see the dentist
Post by: fuckin crazy on August 09, 2007, 10:01:20 AM
Nah ... he didn't mean shit, it was her that hurt.

Title: Re: Going to see the dentist
Post by: BlowUpYourVideo on August 09, 2007, 10:08:18 AM
Whenever I go to the dentist, I'm usually in there for all of 2 minutes. And aren't you supposed to brush twice a day? I don't, and my teeth are like this guy's ;D. Sort of.

Title: Re: Going to see the dentist
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on August 09, 2007, 11:35:41 AM
Don't turn this into an anti-dentite thread!!!  Dentists are your friends. 

yeah anti-dentite .... next step will be people thinking they should get their own school !!!

Title: Re: Going to see the dentist
Post by: stolat on August 13, 2007, 03:53:54 PM
This thread reminds me of that film "Marathon Man". It is about nazi hunting. Dustin Hoffman wakes up in a dentist chair to find a sinsiter Olivier leaning over him with a tray of dentist tools at the ready. Olivier asks, "Is it Safe?"........with a drill in hand!

Lucky me though, I went to the dentist recently for a check up and was told that my teeth were in very good condition. No fillings at all!! Apparantly, my wisdom teeth had been moving around in my gums for two years but had finally settled. No need to get them out!

Must have a high pain thresh hold not to notice!  : ok:

Title: Re: Going to see the dentist
Post by: Lisa on August 13, 2007, 04:59:40 PM
This thread reminds me of that film "Marathon Man". It is about nazi hunting. Dustin Hoffman wakes up in a dentist chair to find a sinsiter Olivier leaning over him with a tray of dentist tools at the ready. Olivier asks, "Is it Safe?"........with a drill in hand!

Lucky me though, I went to the dentist recently for a check up and was told that my teeth were in very good condition. No fillings at all!! Apparantly, my wisdom teeth had been moving around in my gums for two years but had finally settled. No need to get them out!

Must have a high pain thresh hold not to notice!? : ok:
that's a new one..are they treated?
Besides the fact that rarely wisdom teeth grow in straight, they harbour very deep crevices, if you do manage to have them grow in straight they are more prone to cavity then any other tooth because of the depth of these crevices and most dentist will treat them and fill up the deepest of the crevices so the toothbrush can clean them properly. The typical adult mouth may suffer tooth damage and realignment if and when these teeth grow in, usually in late teens(19ish) to mid twenties.

Title: Re: Going to see the dentist
Post by: stolat on August 13, 2007, 05:11:24 PM
Yeh no, my wisdom teeth aren't straight - they were always lying flat from when I was a kid. Luckily my dentist foresaw the potential future problems that I could have and pulled 4 teeth when I was a kid so there would be room for movement. God Bless Chinese dentists!! Luckily I'm in my 30s now!

As I said, xrays all Ok!

Sorry to spoil your fun there Lisa.

Title: Re: Going to see the dentist
Post by: Lisa on August 13, 2007, 05:42:02 PM
Yeh no, my wisdom teeth aren't straight - they were always lying flat from when I was a kid. Luckily my dentist foresaw the potential future problems that I could have and pulled 4 teeth when I was a kid so there would be room for movement. God Bless Chinese dentists!! Luckily I'm in my 30s now!

As I said, xrays all Ok!

Sorry to spoil your fun there Lisa.

no fun really, I was just curious..I tempted in a dental office(my most horrific fear) while in Uni cuz the pay was outstanding

Title: Re: Going to see the dentist
Post by: JMack on August 28, 2007, 10:21:30 AM
     I'm going today.  This guy is real good but I've sided his house, put his kid through college and put a down payment on his car so far.  I have the old check book with me today.  Need a bridge and two posts aprox 4,000.00 + dollars.  I should have played and worked in a less violent manner.  I'm an orthopedists and Dentists best customer.  I'd rather pay than use the VA dudes any day.

Title: Re: Going to see the dentist
Post by: andy1981 on August 28, 2007, 10:46:16 AM
fuck the dentist, self medicate with beer  :beer: :beer:

last time I went was 9 months ago and they said I had to go back and get ?80 worth of work done, I was like, no. so i forgot about the appointment and got charged ?40 for the privilage then they sent me a postcard last week saying i'm due for a check up

i say fuck that, even though the dentist was hot and irish  :drool:

it must be one special type of person to become a dentist to like inflicting pain on people all day, and charging for the "work" done.

I've got squint teeth and they are nicotine stained and my back filling dropped out a few months ago, but I aint going.

Title: Re: Going to see the dentist
Post by: stolat on August 28, 2007, 10:47:39 AM
You've got cross-eyed teeth?

Title: Re: Going to see the dentist
Post by: JMack on August 28, 2007, 11:15:56 AM
Old baked beans teeth

Title: Re: Going to see the dentist
Post by: fuckin crazy on August 28, 2007, 02:35:01 PM
it must be one special type of person ... to like inflicting pain on people all day, and charging for the "work" done.

I call her Mistress ...

Title: Re: Going to see the dentist
Post by: Dr. Blutarsky on August 28, 2007, 10:57:41 PM
going to the dentist sucks...Its been over a year & a half for me and I finally broke down & made an appt today.

Title: Re: Going to see the dentist
Post by: freedom78 on August 29, 2007, 12:39:36 AM
Don't turn this into an anti-dentite thread!!!  Dentists are your friends. 

I'm a RABID anti-dentite!

When someone gives me a satisfactory explanation as to why a tiny bit of porcelain costs as much as a porcelain commode, then I'll perhaps change my opinions. 

My nature is to distrust any industry where those who recommend a certain amount of service are the same as those who profit from such service. 

Title: Re: Going to see the dentist
Post by: D on August 29, 2007, 12:45:25 AM
Went to the dentist

My back tooth is split and has an exposed nerve so its either Root Canal or Getting it pulled.  I am gonna get it pulled next week and I fucking dread it!

I am actually fuckin Scared!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: Going to see the dentist
Post by: rds.06 on August 29, 2007, 08:51:28 AM
I had to get 16 of my teeth removed because they were too slow in falling out and were twisting the new teeth waiting to be pushed though. Thats pain for you.  :crying:

Title: Re: Going to see the dentist
Post by: IzzyDutch on August 29, 2007, 11:51:32 AM
I have all my wisdom teeth pulled, one at the dentist and three at the hospital (jaw surgeon) cause they where lying flat. That all went well, especially in the hospital not much pain afterwards at all.

I've also had 4 root canels and going to my fifth next week... unfortunately the last two root canels didn't really help and I still have much pain. I sometimes get these nerve shocks where it's like you're biting on a piece of silver paper :-\

Title: Re: Going to see the dentist
Post by: AxlsMainMan on September 02, 2007, 09:53:14 PM
One of my teeth has been bothering me all weekend to the point where I'm probably going to have to cave in and call the dentist first thing tomorrow morning.. :'(

Title: Re: Going to see the dentist
Post by: CSS on September 02, 2007, 09:55:22 PM
It's not that bad to go and see the dentist...