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Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: The Chad Cometh on July 09, 2007, 08:50:55 PM

Title: The Matrix Trilogy - Good or Shit?
Post by: The Chad Cometh on July 09, 2007, 08:50:55 PM
I am a massive fan of these movies but I know that the sequels were less than well received by most fans and critics alike.

What do you think of the trilogy as a whole and why?

Title: Re: The Matrix Trilogy - Good or Shit?
Post by: The Dog on July 09, 2007, 08:58:40 PM
Total shit.

Title: Re: The Matrix Trilogy - Good or Shit?
Post by: Axlfreek on July 09, 2007, 09:20:32 PM
the first one was good

the second one was alright

the third one was shit

Title: Re: The Matrix Trilogy - Good or Shit?
Post by: Vicious Wishes on July 09, 2007, 09:39:09 PM
good outta the gate...for shit down the backstretch

Title: Re: The Matrix Trilogy - Good or Shit?
Post by: Dr. Blutarsky on July 09, 2007, 09:53:27 PM
1st one- was great

2nd one- I dont remember it much. ehhh

3rd one-never bothered to see it

Title: Re: The Matrix Trilogy - Good or Shit?
Post by: GnFnR87 on July 09, 2007, 10:03:01 PM
the first one was awesome, the rest, not so much!!

Reloaded had some cool action sequences, especially the whole highway scene. but overall wasnt very good IMO. i didnt like the third either.

Title: Re: The Matrix Trilogy - Good or Shit?
Post by: The Chad Cometh on July 09, 2007, 10:42:46 PM
All I'm hearing is the sequels were no good ... I respect your opinion, but I want to know why?

Was it because there was not enough action? Poor acting? Did not like where they took the story? Did not understand said story? Did they try too hard or not enough?

I for one loved the sequels more than the original for the sole fact that they fleshed out a whole lot more of the Matrix Universe and answered an absolute shit load of questions left unanaswered in M1, as well as blowing my fucking mind with incredible action and fight sequences. The sequels were definitely a lot deeper than the original that's for damn sure.

Title: Re: The Matrix Trilogy - Good or Shit?
Post by: freedom78 on July 09, 2007, 11:52:07 PM
All I'm hearing is the sequels were no good ... I respect your opinion, but I want to know why?

Two reasons:

1.) The substituted effects for other a good story.
2.) They seemed to want to make it as confusing as possible, but it wasn't effective in the way the first one was when you still haven't figured out what's going on.   

Title: Re: The Matrix Trilogy - Good or Shit?
Post by: Communist China on July 09, 2007, 11:53:39 PM
1st Movie- Amazing. One of the best action films ever.
2nd Movie- Worth seeing, some pretty cool moments, but it goes over-the-top and the plot is impossible to follow.
3rd Movie- Awful. Avoid it.

Title: Re: The Matrix Trilogy - Good or Shit?
Post by: estebanf on July 10, 2007, 01:01:45 AM
I loved Matrix. But Matrix Reloaded and Revolutions are two very big pieces of shit. They suck, and they ruin the whole story.

Title: Re: The Matrix Trilogy - Good or Shit?
Post by: Verse Chorus Verse on July 10, 2007, 01:28:48 AM
The first is great, but I can barely watch it's two sequels.

Title: Re: The Matrix Trilogy - Good or Shit?
Post by: Genesis on July 10, 2007, 01:29:32 AM
I think that's the general consensus - The first movie was good, the second and third sucked. But I liked the battle between Zion and the machines in the third part though.

Title: Re: The Matrix Trilogy - Good or Shit?
Post by: SLCPUNK on July 10, 2007, 01:33:37 AM

Title: Re: The Matrix Trilogy - Good or Shit?
Post by: Genesis on July 10, 2007, 01:41:18 AM

You didn't like the first part, even? I thought for an original movie, the concept was very good. In this world of remakes of comic books, sequels and the like, the Matrix idea was refreshingly original.

Title: Re: The Matrix Trilogy - Good or Shit?
Post by: Bill 213 on July 10, 2007, 01:55:10 AM
Matrix was pretty decent.  I enjoyed it when it came out.  I remember seeing the other two and being soooooooo dissappointed.  They're just utter shit.  The last one ranks on my top 10 worst movies ever list. 

Title: Re: The Matrix Trilogy - Good or Shit?
Post by: SLCPUNK on July 10, 2007, 01:58:17 AM

You didn't like the first part, even? I thought for an original movie, the concept was very good. In this world of remakes of comic books, sequels and the like, the Matrix idea was refreshingly original.

Loved the first, but as a trilogy it sucked. In other words the last two killed the original.

Title: Re: The Matrix Trilogy - Good or Shit?
Post by: The Chad Cometh on July 10, 2007, 02:46:36 AM
I'm going to do my very best to convert at least some of you, even though I'm prolly not going to make any headway and just feel like ( but I'll give it a go!

If you want to read a full on discussion about the merits of the sequels, I highly recommend this thread. It's on a board called The Last Free City which was quite rabid in the lead up to the sequels. Now it's just a tiny little community that rarely discusses the movies, but every now and then a little corker like this will pop up.

Quite the amusing war in there until it got locked.

Title: Re: The Matrix Trilogy - Good or Shit?
Post by: The Chad Cometh on July 10, 2007, 02:49:11 AM
This is also highly interesting ... if you're interested at all ...

Not written by me, but by a friend on that board posted above (I'm just not that articulate I'm afraid), this sums up what every fan of the sequels feels. (

The Matrix Reloaded (Summer, 2003):

(Yes, of course there are spoilers :D )


When is a sequel not a sequel?

When it's a follow up to the culture-defining 1999 smash, The Matrix.

With a movie that's as clich? and yet surprisingly satisfying as The Matrix, it's a wonder why any business-savvy filmmaker in their right mind would try anything new. Christ, when The Terminator worked so well, why change the formula? It was replicated for three straight films, and it was entertaining.

The One:
But the Wachowskis always maintained that The Matrix was conceived as a trilogy over 10 years ago. A moving philosophy text book presented as an anim? and framed like a comic book, the concept of The Matrix was surprisingly simple: pod-born human beings kept stimulated inside a virtual simulation (the Matrix) to allow for their servant-turned-oppressor machine masters to feed off of their bioelectric power supply. A few humans, freed by a man known only as 'the One', have been trying to overthrow the machines. After his death, the destiny of his prophecised return has become the life-goal of certain individuals. In this case, we focus in on one rebel, Morpheus, in his search for the One. He finds a man called Neo, who he believes is the One. The movie ends with the One being 'born', as it were, and here we stand - The Matrix is about to reload...


Six months after the end of the first movie, Neo has been liberating minds from the Matrix at an incredible rate. The 100-year-old underground human city of Zion is now at its maximum capacity of 250,000 people. Word has reached Zion that the machines have amassed an army of 250,000 sentinels - one machine for each person - and are digging through the Earth's core. It's just 72 hours before the machines breach the city walls, and Neo - who is also troubled by dreams of his lover's death - seeks out the Oracle for advice. She directs him to an unscrupulous renegade program known as the Merovingian, saying that he has captive a program called the Keymaker. The Keymaker will allow Neo to reach the Source and save Zion. Neo doesn't know what's going to happen or exactly why he's doing what he's doing - despite finding out that the Oracle is herself a program, Neo has no choice but to follow the Oracle's instructions to the letter. Entering the 'door made of light' that has been haunting his dreams, Neo meets a program called the Architect - the program who programmed the Matrix.


Neo is, in effect, meeting God.

In this fateful meeting, Neo finds out a number of disturbing revelations. Firstly, he is not the first and only 'One'. Secondly, this means that there were previous versions of the Matrix. The Architect explains that the Matrix - being an environment based on mathematical logic - combined with the incomputable irrationalities of its human substituents, lead to the ultimate demise of the very first Matrix that was designed to be 'perfect'. Using the intuitive program of the Oracle for assistance, they created a new version of the Matrix that allowed for the human-created abnomalities to be isolated into one being...the One. The One's subsequent function is then to go to the Source (lead by the Oracle under the guise of the 'prophecy') and integrate with the Source to reboot the Matrix and begin the next cycle. This then reveals the purpose of the machine army: they are to wipe out all of the humans in Zion to make way for 23 people that Neo will choose to unplug and rebuild Zion (Morpheus talked of the One freeing the first humans - he didn't know it, but this is what was happening).

In other words, Neo's fate was determined before birth.


He was not some saviour derived from some obscure prophecy - he was merely a tool for the machines to keep their cyclic system running smoothly. After seeing his lover in imminent danger on the Architect's many TV screens, Neo is faced with a choice:

Either he takes the door on his right-hand-side, reboots the Matrix and sees Zion be destroyed. Or he takes the door on his left, returns to the Matrix, saves Trinity (if he can), and risks the Matrix crashing resulting in the death of the humans in both the Matrix and Zion - in other words, total extinction. Neo tries to call the Architect's bluff, saying that the machines need human beings to survive. But the Architects seeming lack of care sees Neo having to choose.

He chooses the door on the left.

He doesn't know what to do now. Their ship - now under attack from sentinels - is destroyed, but the crew get away in time. The sentinels come after the crew, but Neo does something extraordinary: he stops the sentinels dead in their tracks, emitting what looks to be some type of electromagnetic pulse from his body, and his own body also collapsing as a result.

Now in a coma, and having defied the machines' carefully-designed cycle of the Matrix, the fate of the entire world hangs in the balance.


I remember sitting down to watch this back in 2003. I really liked the original Matrix, but it wasn't the amazing classic that everyone made it out to be. At least not to me. Having been a fan of anim?, comic books, cyberpunk and Hong Kong movies - the very elements that are combined in the movie - it came off as little more than a highly entertaining rehash of all these genres. As a result, the opening sequence with the three-dimensional Matrix code had me enticed from the get-go. I was hoping that this movie would put the rather flat first film into three dimensions. And, Christ, it ends up verging on four (although, to be honest, the fourth and fifth dimensions of the trilogy are rightfully reserved for the awe-inspiring final installment).

The rabbit hole deepens as first we find out that the Oracle is just a program. Then we see - what we all knew from the trailers - that Smith is back...but "not...exactly as before". We see the 'skeleton' of the Matrix in the form of the programmers' maintainence passages. We find out that Neo still be killed in the Matrix. We find out that there are obselete programs that are hiding in the Matrix. We are given a tantalising glimpse into a hidden place within the Matrix where there exist inumerable secret doors - and behind door number 1? The God of the Matrix - the Architect. Here, we find out some rather disturbing revelations that suddenly explain and make sense of the candy floss exposition of the first film.

The 'Alice In Wonderland' motif is continued and made ever-wierder with the introduction of memorable characters like the Merovingian, the Twins and the Architect. Doors that lead everywhere and no-where? Rule-breaking programs like ghosts, vampires and aliens? Yes, it gets quite wierd, but the sense of fun and danger isn't lost. The whole mid-section of the film that usually attributes to be somewhat slow and boring is remedied with the Merovingian's chateau scenes and the freeway chase. The fun and anticipation for where Neo wll end up heightens, as the prophecy's climax gets closer with every gunfight, flipping car and exploding truck.


Compared to its predecessor, in terms of the story and visual design, The Matrix Reloaded jumps from Dick to Kubrick in one fell swoop. Not as accessible as the first film, the makers try to balance the intellectualism with some extraordinary action sequences. But the story remains equally disturbing, swapping the gooey pods for eerily artifical corridors and mathematical systems designed to keep the pod-feeding system at optimal efficiency.

No, the love story isn't the most convincing, but one thing that we know from the first film is that the love was never anything more than a purely mechanical thing to serve the function of the movie. Being the detached cyberpunk as it is, and weighing the immeasurable pros against the few cons, this is more than forgiveable.

And, of course, it leaves an amazing cliff-hanger.

The Matrix Reloaded kicks much ass, and does something that the first film didn't: in a world where sticking to past successes is the path for a guaranteed success, it dares to become its own film.


Title: Re: The Matrix Trilogy - Good or Shit?
Post by: GNRreunioneventually on July 10, 2007, 03:11:34 AM
I am a massive fan of these movies but I know that the sequels were less than well received by most fans and critics alike.

What do you think of the trilogy as a whole and why?

i thought of it to be pretty good. I like scifi movies like that that make ya think ya know but i also like ones that can actually happen like Jerassic Park and Terminator, but still damn good movie imo : ok:

yes i know i spell things wrong fuck off

Title: Re: The Matrix Trilogy - Good or Shit?
Post by: Bill 213 on July 10, 2007, 03:25:32 AM
I am a massive fan of these movies but I know that the sequels were less than well received by most fans and critics alike.

What do you think of the trilogy as a whole and why?

i thought of it to be pretty good. I like scifi movies like that that make ya think ya know but i also like ones that can actually happen like Jerassic Park and Terminator, but still damn good movie imo : ok:

yes i know i spell things wrong fuck off


It's not the spelling that boggles me, it's the fact you think the Terminator can really happen.  :rofl:  Just playing, but remember...if a cop pulls you over and whips out a picture of Edward Furlong and says "Have you seen this boy?"......Run!

Title: Re: The Matrix Trilogy - Good or Shit?
Post by: MadmanDan on July 10, 2007, 08:12:03 AM
  The first was an incredible, smart, original movie.

  Then they knew that what made it a hit was the elaborate story and great effects, and shoved too much of that down our throats. When he fights Smith in Matrix 1, it's a great action scene...when he fights 3742398742 Smiths in the second, it's one big fucking snooze-fest...same with she story, they overcomplicated it...the whole trilogy became bloated

Title: Re: The Matrix Trilogy - Good or Shit?
Post by: von on July 10, 2007, 09:30:43 AM
I think most people damn the sequels because it became fashionable to do so. I've never not seen a movie where the critical consensus was negative and in turn the audience turned on it. Never has there been a case of an audience championing a movie beyond the critics own hype and before you know, it's cool to hate. "Are you kidding? It's getting horrible reviews! I refuse to see it." Let me tell you, when Reloaded came up it was firmly lodged up everyone's ass and more than a few people came up to me telling me it was in some way superior to the first one for them.
Oversaturation will do things, and the third one underperformed and thus the backlash began. I already wrote a pretty long summary of my feelings on the sequels and I compared them to GN'R's Illusions, so I don't want to get into that again. I'll find it and link it back here if I can. I'll say this. I thought the first one was great. I thought Reloaded was better. I thought Revolutions was the most disappointing, but novel in its own ambitious overreachings.

Title: Re: The Matrix Trilogy - Good or Shit?
Post by: Eazy E on July 10, 2007, 10:29:27 AM
I don't consider it a trilogy... the sequels don't exist in my mind.  I gave the second one a shot and didn't bother with the third.

Did we really need a 10 minute long rave-scene with the climax being Keanu's naked ass?

Title: Re: The Matrix Trilogy - Good or Shit?
Post by: The Chad Cometh on July 10, 2007, 09:33:12 PM
Did you even understand the reason for that Rave scene or are you just piling on teh hate?

Title: Re: The Matrix Trilogy - Good or Shit?
Post by: Prometheus on July 10, 2007, 10:26:20 PM
NOTE: I will save you all from my massive matrix rambles that we have all read before :D


not really as good but great in its own way

kind of made me wish he took the other pill......however, it is my favorite one to rewatch... found it cleaner.... lol

edit: too bad the board has purged the thread you would have enjoyed em......

Title: Re: The Matrix Trilogy - Good or Shit?
Post by: LeftToDecay on July 10, 2007, 11:14:11 PM
I thought the 1st movie was really innovative/creative/cool/plain fun.

Other 2 movies require massive amounts of desperate internet rants and self deciet  before you can lie to yorself that they are decent aswelll

Title: Re: The Matrix Trilogy - Good or Shit?
Post by: mrlee on July 11, 2007, 10:18:05 AM
matrix one brilliant.

matrix 2 good action but takes too long to get to and is pretty boring for ages.

matrix 3 was awesome totally! i loved the battle scenes

Title: Re: The Matrix Trilogy - Good or Shit?
Post by: Eazy E on July 11, 2007, 10:33:55 AM
Did you even understand the reason for that Rave scene or are you just piling on teh hate?

Piling on the hate.