Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: GeraldFord on July 02, 2007, 04:13:31 AM

Title: Did STAR WARS Episodes I, II and III suck?
Post by: GeraldFord on July 02, 2007, 04:13:31 AM
I think Episode I was bad, really really bad...

II was better, but not great.

III was pretty good, at least as good as VI.

That said, even III suffered from some of the same problems as I and II--wooden acting, miscasting actors, etc.

Title: Re: Did STAR WARS Episodes I, II and III suck?
Post by: Genesis on July 02, 2007, 04:24:53 AM
I'm gonna get killed for saying that I hate the entire Star Wars franchise. I don't see what the fucking hype is all about. A bunch of ugly aliens and weird looking robots... and people actually forming a religion called "The Force"? Nuts.

Now, if you don't mind, I'm going into hiding. :nervous:

Title: Re: Did STAR WARS Episodes I, II and III suck?
Post by: von on July 02, 2007, 04:28:02 AM
I somewhat agree with you about Revenge of the Sith being a step up in this trilogy, but still only matching the lowest point in the "classic" trilogy, being Jedi. Somewhat because I actually like Attack of the Clones best out of the new trilogy. Empire is best of the series.

Title: Re: Did STAR WARS Episodes I, II and III suck?
Post by: GeraldFord on July 02, 2007, 04:29:05 AM
I'm gonna get killed for saying that I hate the entire Star Wars franchise. I don't see what the fucking hype is all about. A bunch of ugly aliens and weird looking robots... and people actually forming a religion called "The Force"? Nuts.

Now, if you don't mind, I'm going into hiding
I see what you are saying. I don't understand the hysteria around SW. That said, I enjoyed the origanal movies--great popcorn flicks--nothing more, nothing less.

Title: Re: Did STAR WARS Episodes I, II and III suck?
Post by: GeraldFord on July 02, 2007, 04:32:46 AM
I somewhat agree with you about Revenge of the Sith being a step up in this trilogy, but still only matching the lowest point in the "classic" trilogy, being Jedi. Somewhat because I actually like Attack of the Clones best out of the new trilogy. Empire is best of the series.

V-ESB- total classic, a great, great movie.
IV-ANH- Almost as good
IV- Ewoks don't do it for me, still, a great film.
III- Bad, bad acting aside (Portman is like a wooden china doll) I liked this film a lot. Lived up to the SW name.
II- An enjoyable film, not great.
I- A wreck.

Unless you are a SW buff, can anyone offhand even explain the plots of I and II?

Title: Re: Did STAR WARS Episodes I, II and III suck?
Post by: von on July 02, 2007, 04:35:49 AM
Very similar and III and II are a near toss up for me, but:


Sad that Portman can't act her way through a Star Wars movie, she's so pretty and talented everywhere else. Blame the dialogue perhaps? Even Hayden Christiansen's (sp) not that bad an actor overall, but just horribly miscast as Anakin.

Title: Re: Did STAR WARS Episodes I, II and III suck?
Post by: GeraldFord on July 02, 2007, 04:42:01 AM
Very similar and III and II are a near toss up for me, but:


Sad that Portman can't act her way through a Star Wars movie, she's so pretty and talented everywhere else. Blame the dialogue perhaps? Even Hayden Christiansen's (sp) not that bad an actor overall, but just horribly miscast as Anakin.

Oh yeah. For Anakin they needed someone badass. Like a Brando or James Dean, not some pretty boy. And the dialogue was fucking awful, just awful.

Title: Re: Did STAR WARS Episodes I, II and III suck?
Post by: von on July 02, 2007, 04:46:02 AM
Jonathan Rhys Meyers would have been a pretty badass Anakin (even though I think Vader might work best as a black guy, but that gets complicated).


Title: Re: Did STAR WARS Episodes I, II and III suck?
Post by: stolat on July 02, 2007, 05:15:07 AM
Um, who's that guy!  :o

Title: Re: Did STAR WARS Episodes I, II and III suck?
Post by: von on July 02, 2007, 05:31:00 AM
Um, who's that guy!  :o

Jonathan Rhys Meyers. He's Irish. I've liked him as an actor for a while, but it looks like he might be catching on now in The Tudors on Showtime (I don't get Showtime, but I'm looking forward to the eventual DVD). He was in Velvet Goldmine and B. Monkey. He did the Elvis TV movie a couple years ago and won the Golden Globe. Great actor. Very dark and brooding. Would have worked well as Anakin.

Title: Re: Did STAR WARS Episodes I, II and III suck?
Post by: stolat on July 02, 2007, 05:44:16 AM
Oh, yeh! Now I recognise him from Velvet Goldmine! and I can see the Elvis in him! Good actor, love dark and brooding!

Title: Re: Did STAR WARS Episodes I, II and III suck?
Post by: mrlee on July 02, 2007, 06:19:29 AM
hated Ep III, it sucked so much ass.

i enjoyed I and especially II for its huge battle scenes

Title: Re: Did STAR WARS Episodes I, II and III suck?
Post by: Drew on July 02, 2007, 06:47:41 AM
All of the first three new episodes were pretty bad.

Title: Re: Did STAR WARS Episodes I, II and III suck?
Post by: Gnrfan on July 02, 2007, 07:21:54 AM
 Ep I Was aweful but i honestly think that the other 2 were in line with the other Star Wars.

The Empire Strikes Back was the pinnicle for me and return of the Jedi was a great ending.

I think of the Star wars films as one story. I tried not to get bogged down in which one is better than others. Coz all of them tell the greatest story ever in film IMO.

I could quite happily watch all 6 films and not get bored by any of them. Although if Jar Jar Binks was cut out of all of them it wouldn't be the worst thing ever

Title: Re: Did STAR WARS Episodes I, II and III suck?
Post by: MadmanDan on July 02, 2007, 07:29:35 AM
Episode I was awful, II was slightly better, and III was up there with the original series in terms of quality.

Title: Re: Did STAR WARS Episodes I, II and III suck?
Post by: The Dog on July 02, 2007, 10:51:22 AM
Episode I was awful, II was slightly better, and III was up there with the original series in terms of quality.

3 was arguably the worst of the 6.  completely boring, terrible dialog, nice eye candy in the action scenes, but most of them seem throw in just for the sake of having an action scene.

wraith shields?
buzz droids?
robots with nerdy/nasally voices?
Dart Vader doing his best Frankenstein at the end and then the worst scene in any star wars movie when he screams "NOOOOOOOO"

I could go on and on.

Yes, Phantom Menace sucks ass, but you can watch it for its unintentional comedic value.  i am able to watch it b/c its just so stupid/laughable 75% of the movie.  but the opening scene and the battle with darth maul are the best scenes in all 3 prequels.

the 2nd one is just god awful.

the effects are good in all 3, but without a story or a reason for good effects they fall flat after you watch them again a few times.  i expect the same thing to happen with transformers.

Title: Re: Did STAR WARS Episodes I, II and III suck?
Post by: freedom78 on July 02, 2007, 11:52:30 AM
Dart Vader doing his best Frankenstein at the end and then the worst scene in any star wars movie when he screams "NOOOOOOOO"

I agree...I found that to be so incredibly ridiculous.  It totally killed the end of that movie.

The first films succeeded for a simple reason.  They had a cast of largely unknown actors (Alec Guinness the obvious exception), so you could really focus on the story.  After all, I can't imagine that many were lining up to do Star Wars Ep. IV.  But I bet EVERYONE wanted in on I, II, and III.  SOO, instead of casting it like they should have, they took people we're fairly familiar with and used them. 

Natalie Portman was terrible.  Hayden Christiansen has one of those voices that make him sound ridiculously insincere.  His "emotional" scenes were painful. 

I don't know that the plots were all that bad.  A little convoluted, perhaps, but not too bad.  They should have focused a bit more on the rise of the Emperor, rather than the other subplots.  The attempt at foreshadowing at the end of Episode I was laughable, as if no one knew that Palpatine was the future emperor.  "But did we kill Master, or Apprentice?"  Camera pans to Palpatine.  :rofl:

Also, in Episode I, Anakin was played by a kid with the worst acting skills.  Now, he's a kid, so I don't blame him, but it wasn't good.  And the random pieces of information they threw into the dialog made it sound like an infomercial.  "What are midichloriens?" (Yeah, butched that spelling I'm sure)  Well, I'm glad you asked Anakin, as this gives me a good excuse to explain it to the audience!

There were high points.  I thought Liam Neeson was good, in Episode I.  And Ewan McGregor is good, all around.  Samuel L. Jackson is fine, I guess, but this is a case of what I mean by casting known commodities.  You just keep expecting him to go ape-shit on someone: "These muthafuckin' Sith are really starting to crawl up my ass! (Pulls out a .45 and goes on rampage). 


Title: Re: Did STAR WARS Episodes I, II and III suck?
Post by: MadmanDan on July 02, 2007, 12:50:17 PM
Episode I was awful, II was slightly better, and III was up there with the original series in terms of quality.

3 was arguably the worst of the 6.? completely boring, terrible dialog, nice eye candy in the action scenes, but most of them seem throw in just for the sake of having an action scene.

wraith shields?
buzz droids?
robots with nerdy/nasally voices?
Dart Vader doing his best Frankenstein at the end and then the worst scene in any star wars movie when he screams "NOOOOOOOO"

I could go on and on.

Yes, Phantom Menace sucks ass, but you can watch it for its unintentional comedic value.? i am able to watch it b/c its just so stupid/laughable 75% of the movie.? but the opening scene and the battle with darth maul are the best scenes in all 3 prequels.

the 2nd one is just god awful.

the effects are good in all 3, but without a story or a reason for good effects they fall flat after you watch them again a few times.? i expect the same thing to happen with transformers.

  The first episode is a joke of a movie...if you think it's better than Episode 3 because it's stupid, therefore funny, it kinda fucks up your entire argument..

  The second is a clear improvment, but it's still far from what Star Wars really means...

  The best thing about Ep. 3, that the other 2 don't have, is a real "villan", and noone can fill that role in a SW movie, except The Emperor and Vader, which they did, succesfully.

  P.S.  True, that  "NOOOOO !" is the gayest SW scene ever...

Title: Re: Did STAR WARS Episodes I, II and III suck?
Post by: Izzy on July 02, 2007, 01:12:02 PM
I'm gonna get killed for saying that I hate the entire Star Wars franchise. I don't see what the fucking hype is all about. A bunch of ugly aliens and weird looking robots... and people actually forming a religion called "The Force"? Nuts.

Now, if you don't mind, I'm going into hiding. :nervous:

I call a fatwa on the infidel!

I love Star Wars ANH and ESB but ROTJ is hopelessly dated and more than a little twee - despertely needs a CGI upgrade

...and explain to more 2 Calamari cruisers, a medical frigate, a corvette and several transports decimate a Super Star Destroyer and atleast 25 Star Destroyers?

I've always said i could die a happy man if someone could explain to me that in a satisfactory way

...and dont say ''other ships were just out of view'' - cos they weren't, we see on multiple occaisions the entire ''fleet''

Title: Re: Did STAR WARS Episodes I, II and III suck?
Post by: freedom78 on July 02, 2007, 01:26:17 PM
I'm gonna get killed for saying that I hate the entire Star Wars franchise. I don't see what the fucking hype is all about. A bunch of ugly aliens and weird looking robots... and people actually forming a religion called "The Force"? Nuts.

Now, if you don't mind, I'm going into hiding. :nervous:

I call a fatwa on the infidel!

Durka durka?

I love Star Wars ANH and ESB but ROTJ is hopelessly dated and more than a little twee - despertely needs a CGI upgrade

It does seem dated.  By far the corniest of the first three, with the Ewoks.

...and explain to more 2 Calamari cruisers, a medical frigate, a corvette and several transports decimate a Super Star Destroyer and atleast 25 Star Destroyers?

I've always said i could die a happy man if someone could explain to me that in a satisfactory way

...and dont say ''other ships were just out of view'' - cos they weren't, we see on multiple occaisions the entire ''fleet''

Simple.  The Empire was going through a midlife crisis, so they were easily distracted by the Corvette.  Because of this distraction they didn't realize that the Calamari had spoiled and they became ill, and the medical frigate denied them treatment because they were out of network and it was deemed a pre-existing condition.  The transports were carrying Michael Moore, who filmed the entire thing for a documentary about health care problems in the Empire, and the combined gravitational pull of the death star and Michael Moore caused the Super Star Destroyer to crash into the death star.     

Title: Re: Did STAR WARS Episodes I, II and III suck?
Post by: pilferk on July 02, 2007, 01:41:13 PM
Empire was by far the best of them all, followed closely by the original.  Jedi was good, but not as good as the first two.

Episode III was passable, but not even on par with Jedi, for me.  Why, you ask?  Because (aside from the rotten acting...but that's not new for SW movies)  they crammed too damn much into it.  I understand they wanted to answer all the questions about Vader....but saving ALL that up for  Ep III is what made the first 2 eps absolute, boring abortions (well, that and Jar Jar in Ep I): No real answers or action.  And I agree....the final scene should be stripped out of every showing from now until the end of time......He's become Vader for christ of the most badass villians ever....not some emo pussyboy broken up over losing his girlfriend. 

Episode II was bad.  At least there was less Jar Jar.  But if I wanted political thrillers, I'd scope a Tom Clancy movie.  I understand George wanted to convey frustrating buerocracy, but Jesus....he didn't have to frustrate THE AUDIENCE with it!  There was at least SOMETHING to it (the scenes depicting Padme falling for Anakin, and the Sandpeople massacre) progressing Vader's "birth", which is why it's better than Ep I, but just not enough.  Hell, the Clone Wars cartoon series did a better job!

Episode I was should be stripped from the annals of history.  Wooden Jake Loyd, Wooden Natalie Portman, and the devils spawn that is Jar Jar make this the ONE star wars movie I am simply unable to watch.  The ONLY good part about the movie was the "duel of the fates" with Obi and Qui  going against Darth Maul.  The rest was a craptacular waste of time (yes, including the pod racing crap), celluloid (or whatever digital equivalent the digital theaters used), and money. 

Title: Re: Did STAR WARS Episodes I, II and III suck?
Post by: Genesis on July 02, 2007, 01:45:32 PM
I'm gonna get killed for saying that I hate the entire Star Wars franchise. I don't see what the fucking hype is all about. A bunch of ugly aliens and weird looking robots... and people actually forming a religion called "The Force"? Nuts.

Now, if you don't mind, I'm going into hiding. :nervous:

I call a fatwa on the infidel!

There are no fatwas in The Force! Get your facts straight you burka clad Fatima! :rant:

Title: Re: Did STAR WARS Episodes I, II and III suck?
Post by: crow316 on July 02, 2007, 02:08:05 PM
Did STAR WARS Episodes I, II and III suck?

No, they didnt.  Its just not cool to say you liked them.  Kinda like GnR in the late 90s.  Do they compare to the original trilogy? No.  But nothing does. They came out in a different day and age.  You know, when people didnt bitch and moan about every little thing on message boards,  and admit to liking nothing.  The original trilogy became more than just movies to everyone, which is why nobody wants to admit to liking the new ones. 
   Also, Episode 1 gets a bad rap.  People didnt start hating it until a couple of years AFTER it came out.  If it was as bad as some poeple say it was, then word of mouth would have killed it.  But it didnt.  The audiences were cheering in that movie every time I saw it.  And everyone lined up around the corner to buy the DVD. 
    Bottom line is, The prequals are like Metallicas "Black,Load, and ReLoad"   Highly successful.  And really good.  But nobody want to admit it.

Title: Re: Did STAR WARS Episodes I, II and III suck?
Post by: GeraldFord on July 02, 2007, 02:25:45 PM
Ewan McGregor was great. Lucas got that one right.

Other lame things about 1-3

-Anakin built 3CPO and R2D2.Whatever....
-Anakn gets in that ship and kills everyone in ep 1.
-jar jar binks- wtf was Lucas smoking?
-The plots of I and II--all over the place. It's as though those movies were just a bunch of random scenes with the intention of getting people to buy shit from toys r us.
-Pod Race

Title: Re: Did STAR WARS Episodes I, II and III suck?
Post by: Izzy on July 02, 2007, 02:35:16 PM

Simple.? The Empire was going through a midlife crisis, so they were easily distracted by the Corvette.? Because of this distraction they didn't realize that the Calamari had spoiled and they became ill, and the medical frigate denied them treatment because they were out of network and it was deemed a pre-existing condition.? The transports were carrying Michael Moore, who filmed the entire thing for a documentary about health care problems in the Empire, and the combined gravitational pull of the death star and Michael Moore caused the Super Star Destroyer to crash into the death star.? ? ?

...well, its still the best answer i've heard so far :hihi:

Title: Re: Did STAR WARS Episodes I, II and III suck?
Post by: Izzy on July 02, 2007, 02:39:44 PM
I'm gonna get killed for saying that I hate the entire Star Wars franchise. I don't see what the fucking hype is all about. A bunch of ugly aliens and weird looking robots... and people actually forming a religion called "The Force"? Nuts.

Now, if you don't mind, I'm going into hiding. :nervous:

I call a fatwa on the infidel!

There are no fatwas in The Force! Get your facts straight you burka clad Fatima! :rant:

i'll personally train padwans to hunt u down in the name of our loosely defined beliefs!

the light side of the force may only be used for knowledge and defence - but as i went to the Darth Abu Hamza school of jediing - ''defence'' can also include pre meditated murder

u have been warned!


Title: Re: Did STAR WARS Episodes I, II and III suck?
Post by: Izzy on July 02, 2007, 02:44:07 PM
Ewan McGregor was great. Lucas got that one right.

Other lame things about 1-3

-Anakin built 3CPO and R2D2.Whatever....
-Anakn gets in that ship and kills everyone in ep 1.
-jar jar binks- wtf was Lucas smoking?
-The plots of I and II--all over the place. It's as though those movies were just a bunch of random scenes with the intention of getting people to buy shit from toys r us.
-Pod Race

Indeed - though Anakin didnt build R2D2

I loved the way the Trade Federation control ship had its reactor in the same place it kept ship destroy laser cannons and conveniently had the reactor freely accesible for anyone to view :confused:

...i also loved the way the ship destroying laser cannons suddenly vanished when Anakin was immobile on the hanger deck...

plot holes there are me thinks!

..and the pod race was beyond boring! If Sebulba's pod racer was twice the size of Anakins...yet wasnt as fast, does that mean Sebulba's pod racer was effectively 90% empty space?

Title: Re: Did STAR WARS Episodes I, II and III suck?
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on July 02, 2007, 03:06:59 PM
ep 1 2 3 sucked ass. as movies.

they are just not part of the Star Wars x-logy.

dead to me.

Ep 2 and 3 were so bad it made Ep 1 looked good. - and you know what? , i actually like ep1 now - that's how much ep2 /3 were bad mainstream pop corn flick filled with pseudo seriousness, disgusting action phases, a mess of storyline with thousands of little events to follow. i hated them.

Title: Re: Did STAR WARS Episodes I, II and III suck?
Post by: The Dog on July 02, 2007, 03:16:49 PM
ep 1 2 3 sucked ass. as movies.

they are just not part of the Star Wars x-logy.

dead to me.

Ep 2 and 3 were so bad it made Ep 1 looked good. - and you know what? , i actually like ep1 now - that's how much ep2 /3 were bad mainstream pop corn flick filled with pseudo seriousness, disgusting action phases, a mess of storyline with thousands of little events to follow. i hated them.

I totally agree about 2 and 3.  absolutely terrible.  ep1 looks like an oscar winner compared to 2 and 3.  i wouldn't say i LIKE ep1, but i can watch it whereas the other ones i really can't sit through them.

Title: Re: Did STAR WARS Episodes I, II and III suck?
Post by: GeraldFord on July 02, 2007, 03:20:03 PM
I don't see how anyone could prefer I over II and III. 

Fucking terrible.

Title: Re: Did STAR WARS Episodes I, II and III suck?
Post by: -Jack- on July 02, 2007, 03:21:50 PM
Episodes I, II, and III were super crappy.

None of them were good. Especially not II. That movie went on and on for wayyyy too long. Can anyone even remember the plot?

3 may have been the "best" of the new trilogy but that's hardly saying anything. It suckeddddd.

Title: Re: Did STAR WARS Episodes I, II and III suck?
Post by: GeraldFord on July 02, 2007, 03:26:06 PM
III suffered from some of the same problems as I and II, but I really liked that one. Great popcorn flick. It actually had a PLOT that you could follow, great action sequences and the dual between Anakin and Ben was terrific, as good as any scene from the OT.

Title: Re: Did STAR WARS Episodes I, II and III suck?
Post by: The Dog on July 02, 2007, 03:33:06 PM
III suffered from some of the same problems as I and II, but I really liked that one. Great popcorn flick. It actually had a PLOT that you could follow, great action sequences and the dual between Anakin and Ben was terrific, as good as any scene from the OT.

The duel is such a snoozer, just like every other duel.  and it ends so abruptly and retardedly...."I have the high ground!!!"  huh??? 

same for yoda and the emperor.  yoda just says "eh fuck it, i'll just give up and go to swamp planet".  he wasn't beaten.

then once ben defeats annakin they both him and yoda go into exile!??!?! why not both take on the emperor (since yoda is too much of a puss to do it himself).

Grievous is one of the worst villians introduced in all of the movies - at least maul seemed menacing and could kick some serious ass.  Grievous just walks around with a cold and a bad accent and gets killed by a blaster.

the opening scene is so bad, i don't know where to start with that.  and all the other action scenes are just thrown in for the sake of using special effects.

3 is absolutely terrible on its own, but even worse considering Lucas had two attempts prior to learn from his mistakes and he STILL made a shit movie.  to even consider its on par with any of the movies from 4-6 is just insane.

Title: Re: Did STAR WARS Episodes I, II and III suck?
Post by: -Jack- on July 02, 2007, 04:50:01 PM
III suffered from some of the same problems as I and II, but I really liked that one. Great popcorn flick. It actually had a PLOT that you could follow, great action sequences and the dual between Anakin and Ben was terrific, as good as any scene from the OT.

The duel is such a snoozer, just like every other duel.  and it ends so abruptly and retardedly...."I have the high ground!!!"  huh??? 

same for yoda and the emperor.  yoda just says "eh fuck it, i'll just give up and go to swamp planet".  he wasn't beaten.

then once ben defeats annakin they both him and yoda go into exile!??!?! why not both take on the emperor (since yoda is too much of a puss to do it himself).

Grievous is one of the worst villians introduced in all of the movies - at least maul seemed menacing and could kick some serious ass.  Grievous just walks around with a cold and a bad accent and gets killed by a blaster.

the opening scene is so bad, i don't know where to start with that.  and all the other action scenes are just thrown in for the sake of using special effects.

3 is absolutely terrible on its own, but even worse considering Lucas had two attempts prior to learn from his mistakes and he STILL made a shit movie.  to even consider its on par with any of the movies from 4-6 is just insane.

And that's the least of it. III sucked.

Title: Re: Did STAR WARS Episodes I, II and III suck?
Post by: GnFnR87 on July 02, 2007, 06:12:05 PM
I think Episode I was bad, really really bad...

II was better, but not great.

III was pretty good, at least as good as VI.

That said, even III suffered from some of the same problems as I and II--wooden acting, miscasting actors, etc.

i agree. III is the best of the bunch. thats not saying much though.

IV, V, and VI are fantastic though, love them to death.

Title: Re: Did STAR WARS Episodes I, II and III suck?
Post by: GnFnR87 on July 02, 2007, 06:13:36 PM
I'm gonna get killed for saying that I hate the entire Star Wars franchise. I don't see what the fucking hype is all about. A bunch of ugly aliens and weird looking robots... and people actually forming a religion called "The Force"? Nuts.

Now, if you don't mind, I'm going into hiding. :nervous:

I call a fatwa on the infidel!

I love Star Wars ANH and ESB but ROTJ is hopelessly dated and more than a little twee - despertely needs a CGI upgrade

...and explain to more 2 Calamari cruisers, a medical frigate, a corvette and several transports decimate a Super Star Destroyer and atleast 25 Star Destroyers?

I've always said i could die a happy man if someone could explain to me that in a satisfactory way

...and dont say ''other ships were just out of view'' - cos they weren't, we see on multiple occaisions the entire ''fleet''

ummm, an A-Wing crashed into the bridge of the Super Star Destroyer. that fucked shit up.

not sure about the 25 star destroyers tho, i watched it again recently and just noticed those. that i can't explain.

i used to be a huge star wars geek. not so much anymore but they are still fun movies.

Title: Re: Did STAR WARS Episodes I, II and III suck?
Post by: Axlfreek on July 02, 2007, 08:46:49 PM
Of course I, II, III will never live up to the original trilogy, but if any of the prequals "seemed" like a star wars movie it would be III.

Another reason why it is so hard for me to watch episodes II and III is because of the guy who played anakin. what a shitty actor.

Title: Re: Did STAR WARS Episodes I, II and III suck?
Post by: difleha on July 02, 2007, 08:55:57 PM
At least we got to see the duel of Darth Maul and two of the jedi. : ok:

But you're right, they need to come up with a new Esp.1,2,3 with a better cast, new story lines, and a better director. Seeing how stubborn Lucas is, that'll never happen.

Lucas could've switched directors like he did in the old trilogy.

Title: Re: Did STAR WARS Episodes I, II and III suck?
Post by: monkeychow on July 02, 2007, 09:26:35 PM
The problem with Episode 1-3 is that it should be one long film or maybe 2 films at most...not 3.

I've heard the the original series (4-6) was designed from a story-arc originally intended to be one movie and it was blown out to three when lucas realized that you couldn't fit the Empire and Jedi into A New Hope without rushing. Worked out well...but...

Unfortunately when considering the backstory for the seems they decided in advance they would make 3 movies to make it match, yet no one stopped to consider if there is enough material and story to warrant that length. Its not just 3 movies either...its three long movies....

The prequal trillogy runs for 6.9 hours....and frankly just not enough good stuff happens. Its like the stuff you want to see thats cool happens in these little snippits...and the stuff we don't really care about is covered in depth.

These movies SHOULD have been cool. It should have been the story of the creation of the empire, and watching a man turn to darkness and become vader. Its not a disinteresting plot line...but it was made disinteresting but the amount of extra crap and bad pacing they threw in.

But think of it as one movie. Anakin as a child would have been a 15 Minute Flash back at the start of the film, the main plot would be how anakins training is getting corrupted, Darth Maul and Obiwan can fight, Anakin can turn dubious a lot earlier, then goes fully evil, Ahh it would be awesome. Just think of all the good bits in one flick!

Title: Re: Did STAR WARS Episodes I, II and III suck?
Post by: Gunner80 on July 02, 2007, 09:36:16 PM
I love the original trilogy. But can't stand the prequels.

Title: Re: Did STAR WARS Episodes I, II and III suck?
Post by: GeraldFord on July 02, 2007, 09:49:49 PM
III suffered from some of the same problems as I and II, but I really liked that one. Great popcorn flick. It actually had a PLOT that you could follow, great action sequences and the dual between Anakin and Ben was terrific, as good as any scene from the OT.

The duel is such a snoozer, just like every other duel.? and it ends so abruptly and retardedly...."I have the high ground!!!"? huh????

same for yoda and the emperor.? yoda just says "eh fuck it, i'll just give up and go to swamp planet".? he wasn't beaten.

then once ben defeats annakin they both him and yoda go into exile!??!?! why not both take on the emperor (since yoda is too much of a puss to do it himself).

Grievous is one of the worst villians introduced in all of the movies - at least maul seemed menacing and could kick some serious ass.? Grievous just walks around with a cold and a bad accent and gets killed by a blaster.

the opening scene is so bad, i don't know where to start with that.? and all the other action scenes are just thrown in for the sake of using special effects.

3 is absolutely terrible on its own, but even worse considering Lucas had two attempts prior to learn from his mistakes and he STILL made a shit movie.? to even consider its on par with any of the movies from 4-6 is just insane.

I thought the dual between Anakin (or I guess he was Vader at that point) and Ben was terrific. And remember Anakin was impulsive and not able to show restraint, so even when Ben warned him, he still went after him and lost his limbs as a result.

I guess Yoda and Ben didn't go after the Emperor because at that point the Republic had been destroyed and the they had no allies to assist them against the entire Empire.

Title: Re: Did STAR WARS Episodes I, II and III suck?
Post by: GnFnR87 on July 02, 2007, 09:55:54 PM
the premise for the prequels sounded awesome. anakin becoming vader, etc.

it was just poorly exectuted. very very very poorly exectuted. lol.

the acting/directing was also horrible. not that it was that great in the original trilogy but i dont think it was a coincidence that the one movie Lucas did not direct, The Empire Strikes Back is viewed as the best of the three.

also, lucas was responsible for the stories but had other peope write the screenplays for the original trilogy, for the prequels he did all the writing duties.

the problem is lucas is good for stories and concepts, but is a terrible director and can't write dialogue. don't forget that lucas was responsible for the stories of all three Indiana Jones movies, thank god spielberg directed them and someone else wrote the scripts...

Title: Re: Did STAR WARS Episodes I, II and III suck?
Post by: -Jack- on July 03, 2007, 03:28:49 AM
I thought the dual between Anakin (or I guess he was Vader at that point) and Ben was terrific. And remember Anakin was impulsive and not able to show restraint, so even when Ben warned him, he still went after him and lost his limbs as a result.

I guess Yoda and Ben didn't go after the Emperor because at that point the Republic had been destroyed and the they had no allies to assist them against the entire Empire.

I've always felt any of the battles in I, II, or III... were bad. You could say a bunch of stuff about cinematography being better, or better special effects... but the emotion is lacking. Alot. Watch the fight between Luke and Vader in TESB and watch a fight in I, II, or III....

Who wants to see people dancing? In the original trilogy every strike looked like a blow to kill. It had heaviness to it. Not fancy, unnecessary flips, ect.

Title: Re: Did STAR WARS Episodes I, II and III suck?
Post by: Sober_times on July 03, 2007, 04:46:54 AM
I'll keep this short.

I'll start this off by saying episodes IV and V, I thought were great movies. Episode VI, was good but it wasn't nearly as good IV and V. I didn't like the idea of another deathstar nor did like ewoks beating up stormtroopers and AT-ST's.

Episode I---I liked some of it. Taken as a whole its horrible, but i did enjoy the action of the last 30 minutes or so. I absolutely loved the duel between darth maul Obi-wan and Qui Gon Jinn. Its my favorite duel from all 6 star wars films.

Episode II--It was a masterpiece compared to Episode I, which is really not hard to do. Overall I enjoyed it quite a bit. Except I thought the yoda duel was a bit too cartoony.

Episode III-- Is the 3rd best star wars film, jam packed with action and some awesome light-saber duels. And at the very end it just makes me wish I could experience the original trilogy for the very first time all over again. :smoking:

Title: Re: Did STAR WARS Episodes I, II and III suck?
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on July 03, 2007, 06:51:51 AM
Sorry, I'm getting in late on this thread, just saw it.  To say Episode 3 sucked is just not true.  Episode 3 was a kick-ass movie.  Episodes 1 and 2 didn't exactly suck, they seemed to be geared toward small children.  2 was better than 1, but Annakin's acting in 2 is horrendously awful.  I'm glad he really showed some growth between 2 and 3.


PS  Natalie Portman   :drool:  :drool:  :drool:  :drool:  :drool:  :drool:  :drool:  :drool:  :drool:  :drool:  :drool:  :drool:   :love: 

Title: Re: Did STAR WARS Episodes I, II and III suck?
Post by: pilferk on July 03, 2007, 07:55:30 AM

PS  Natalie Portman   :drool:  :drool:  :drool:  :drool:  :drool:  :drool:  :drool:  :drool:  :drool:  :drool:  :drool:  :drool:   :love: 

....was much better in V for Vendetta...though I must admit a certain affinity for her acting in the "colliseum" scene in 3...probably because she's in a skin tight outfit, showing midriff, and NOT TALKING!

That's what gets me about the prequels:  Almost ALL the actors have displayed BETTER acting in almost every movie they've been in (or close to it).   So it's either a matter of direction, OR that Lucas WANTED them to appear "wooden".

Title: Re: Did STAR WARS Episodes I, II and III suck?
Post by: Dr. Blutarsky on July 03, 2007, 08:12:38 AM
For me, Episode IV and V were the best. I and II were horrible, but each had their few good moments. III was very good. Just some real bad acting in the prequels. Episode VI was kind of a kids movie, but it came out when I was a kid and I loved it back in '83.

Title: Re: Did STAR WARS Episodes I, II and III suck?
Post by: Rocksteady on July 03, 2007, 10:15:34 AM
Episode I - Pretty much sucked, although Maul was awesome and Qui-Gon was probably the coolest Jedi Master(Anakin was never a master).

Episode II - Was a lot better. When looking back it's actually a very important part of the saga. Jango Fett was cool also seeing Yoda fight was pretty badass.

Episode III - Awesome! My second favourite SW movie after ESB. Too many memorable scenes and lines to list.  Sidious is a villain you simply love to hate.

Title: Re: Did STAR WARS Episodes I, II and III suck?
Post by: freedom78 on July 03, 2007, 10:58:34 AM
I thought the dual between Anakin (or I guess he was Vader at that point) and Ben was terrific. And remember Anakin was impulsive and not able to show restraint, so even when Ben warned him, he still went after him and lost his limbs as a result.

The problem, and this may be due to it being a prequel, is that at some point Anakin's actions became very predictable.  Of course he wasn't going to give up when he had the low ground.  There was no suspense to it.  It wasn't bad...just predictable.

Title: Re: Did STAR WARS Episodes I, II and III suck?
Post by: Axlfreek on July 03, 2007, 02:25:52 PM
Episode II really PISSED me off because months before the movies release they had built Jango Fett to be such an awsome character (comic books, back story, promotion, etc.) but then george lucas, being the dumbass that he is, killed him off like he was a little bitch. he killed HUNDREDS of jedi back when the mandolorians were at there strongest.

Title: Re: Did STAR WARS Episodes I, II and III suck?
Post by: Sober_times on July 03, 2007, 03:04:24 PM
Episode II really PISSED me off because months before the movies release they had built Jango Fett to be such an awsome character (comic books, back story, promotion, etc.) but then george lucas, being the dumbass that he is, killed him off like he was a little bitch. he killed HUNDREDS of jedi back when the mandolorians were at there strongest.

Well Mace Windu is supose to be the best combat jedi ever. It was showing how much of bad ass he is. Jango gets away from Obi-wan in a good fight but should die very easily to a much more powerful jedi. god i feel like such a geek.? :hihi: :smoking:

Title: Re: Did STAR WARS Episodes I, II and III suck?
Post by: The Dog on July 03, 2007, 03:42:58 PM
I thought the dual between Anakin (or I guess he was Vader at that point) and Ben was terrific. And remember Anakin was impulsive and not able to show restraint, so even when Ben warned him, he still went after him and lost his limbs as a result.

The problem, and this may be due to it being a prequel, is that at some point Anakin's actions became very predictable.  Of course he wasn't going to give up when he had the low ground.  There was no suspense to it.  It wasn't bad...just predictable.

it was pretty bad. the entire fight lacked any passion/emotion.  like someone else said, watch the fight in empire between luke and vader - it might not be as special effecty or ninja like as the prequels, but you really get a sense of the drama.

really surprised to hear so many people like ep3.  i guess it has more of a SW feel than the other two, but its still an incredibly flawed/bad movie.  Tons of action?  were we watching the same film? 

Title: Re: Did STAR WARS Episodes I, II and III suck?
Post by: CheapJon on July 03, 2007, 03:47:37 PM
I dig the ones made in the 70's-80's have only seen the "episode 1" of the later ones.. wont see the others

Title: Re: Did STAR WARS Episodes I, II and III suck?
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on July 03, 2007, 08:18:18 PM
Cheapjon, honestly, I guarantee you've seen worse movies than Episodes 2 and 3.  2 really isn't that bad.  My wife and I enjoyed it...but episode 3 is a damn good movie.  Freedom mentioned predictability being a problem, but yeah, of course it is because it's a prequel.  We all know what happens to Annakin, and for me, I really enjoyed watching Vader's path to the Dark side.  I guess as a kid, I always thought in the back of my immature brain that Vader was forced into being Vader, etc.  I loved Ep. 3.   :peace:

Title: Re: Did STAR WARS Episodes I, II and III suck?
Post by: The Chad Cometh on July 03, 2007, 09:09:29 PM
I really liked EpIII ... Especially the General Grievous / Obi-Wan fight, although it was portrayed much better in the book (who's the geek now eh?).

What I think a lot of people miss is that the prequels were not so much about the rise of Darth Vader as they were the rise of the emperor. Ep I, though far from a good movie, is unbelievably vital in the story of how the emperor came to power. All that stuff about trade sanctions and blockades, while boring, are highly relevent in explaining how Palpatine was able to become the new High Chancellor, and from there in Ep II and III ... the Emperor.

I really liked the new lightsaber fights ... puts the old ones to shame because Jedi should be able to fight the way they do in the prequels ... I mean you're using a sword made of light, it's going to weigh nothing and be able to be swung at ridiculous speeds. The corresponding increase in jumps, flips and what not is a by product of training in an age when weapons like that were the norm (every jedi kid had one) .

Title: Re: Did STAR WARS Episodes I, II and III suck?
Post by: difleha on July 05, 2007, 09:35:50 PM
General Grievous should be put to shame. I'm sorry; he shouldn't be in the movie.

Title: Re: Did STAR WARS Episodes I, II and III suck?
Post by: Axlfreek on July 06, 2007, 11:15:16 AM
Episode II really PISSED me off because months before the movies release they had built Jango Fett to be such an awsome character (comic books, back story, promotion, etc.) but then george lucas, being the dumbass that he is, killed him off like he was a little bitch. he killed HUNDREDS of jedi back when the mandolorians were at there strongest.

Well Mace Windu is supose to be the best combat jedi ever. It was showing how much of bad ass he is. Jango gets away from Obi-wan in a good fight but should die very easily to a much more powerful jedi. god i feel like such a geek.? :hihi: :smoking:

I can understand if he got killed by mace windu, but seriously, being decapitated like that was just stupid. Jango could have done a million things to defend himself against windu, but instead he just fired his blaster a couple times at him like he was a fucking storm trooper or something.

Title: Re: Did STAR WARS Episodes I, II and III suck?
Post by: GNRreunioneventually on July 10, 2007, 04:18:23 PM
i thought all the star wars movies were pretty bad ass, however, i'm far from being one of those little turds that knows everything there to know about the series.

but i have a question, are there going to be any more star wars movies? i heard that originally lucas planed to have it as a 9 part series- part 4,5, & 6 then 1, 2, &3 now will there ever be a part7, 8, & 9 ???


Title: Re: Did STAR WARS Episodes I, II and III suck?
Post by: Communist China on July 10, 2007, 04:33:06 PM
^ Lucas said he wouldnt do more when he finished these latest ones, but he's a liar and a bored destroyer of classic films, so I bet they'll be more eventually.

Episode II is one of the worst films from this century. I don't care if Padme loves water or if Anakin hates sand, and the story is totally out of the blue from Episode I. I was pretty awful but at least Darth Maul was badass and the final saber battle was pretty cool.

III sucked in the way the original triloy did, which is good.

The main problem with the new trilogy is that everything was too big. When a space battle features thousands of ships, and there are millions of clones versus millions of robots, that's too much. Star Wars: CGI isn't nearly as entertaining as the original movies with characterization and robots without asthma.

Title: Re: Did STAR WARS Episodes I, II and III suck?
Post by: Axlfreek on July 10, 2007, 06:59:24 PM
^ Lucas said he wouldnt do more when he finished these latest ones, but he's a liar and a bored destroyer of classic films, so I bet they'll be more eventually.

i actually read on that he offered harrison ford up to 30 million dollars to reprise his role as han solo if he makes a new movie. Ford declined. thank god.

Title: Re: Did STAR WARS Episodes I, II and III suck?
Post by: 25 on July 10, 2007, 07:06:40 PM
I found I and II to be almost unwatchable. I didn't attempt III.
Does that mean they suck? I don't think so, as much as I enjoyed the originals as a kid I doubt I'd find them interesting today. They're kiddie adventure movies, nothing wrong with that (as long as we can admit that they're children's fun-time space stories and not build them up to be modern mythologies worthy of serious contemplation.)

Title: Re: Did STAR WARS Episodes I, II and III suck?
Post by: The Dog on July 10, 2007, 09:07:39 PM
I found I and II to be almost unwatchable. I didn't attempt III.
Does that mean they suck? I don't think so, as much as I enjoyed the originals as a kid I doubt I'd find them interesting today. They're kiddie adventure movies, nothing wrong with that (as long as we can admit that they're children's fun-time space stories and not build them up to be modern mythologies worthy of serious contemplation.)

i know plenty of people who were adults who enjoyed the original trilogy just as much as their kids did.

the prequels were just bad stories with bad acting that relied on tons of special effects and not enough substance.  so many retarded things in episode 1 destroyed so many of the cool things about star wars:

jar jar

so f'ing lame

Title: Re: Did STAR WARS Episodes I, II and III suck?
Post by: crow316 on July 11, 2007, 06:49:15 PM
How are midichlorians lame?  Ive never heard a good arguement for that.

Title: Re: Did STAR WARS Episodes I, II and III suck?
Post by: GNRreunioneventually on July 11, 2007, 08:49:59 PM
i think of star wars as a futuristic version of mythical mythology

did i say that right? :-[

Title: Re: Did STAR WARS Episodes I, II and III suck?
Post by: The Dog on July 11, 2007, 09:19:29 PM
How are midichlorians lame?  Ive never heard a good arguement for that.

oh my god. are you kidding?  I don't mean this with any disrespect or condescending attitude, but how old are you? I'm just curious.  I don't know anyone who grew up with SW who thinks they aren't one of the most asinine things in all 6 movies.

they are completely retarded b/c it removes all the mystique surrounding the force, how people are all one with it, how its this magical thing, how the force can be strong with certain people and others and instead replaces it with a micro organism that lives inside of you?  so its not YOU that makes the force great, its just your blood count.

god its fucking terrible.  you ever wonder why you almost never hear about them again after phantom menace?  the ONLY cool thing for having them would have been if someone got a sample of annakin or yoda or something and created a clone army of evil jedi's (b/c the sample they took would have had loads of midichlorians) and THATS what wiped out the jedi's, not a bunch of clone troopers (also totally fucking lame).

Title: Re: Did STAR WARS Episodes I, II and III suck?
Post by: Axlfreek on July 11, 2007, 10:05:13 PM
How are midichlorians lame?? Ive never heard a good arguement for that.

oh my god. are you kidding?? I don't mean this with any disrespect or condescending attitude, but how old are you? I'm just curious.? I don't know anyone who grew up with SW who thinks they aren't one of the most asinine things in all 6 movies.

they are completely retarded b/c it removes all the mystique surrounding the force, how people are all one with it, how its this magical thing, how the force can be strong with certain people and others and instead replaces it with a micro organism that lives inside of you?? so its not YOU that makes the force great, its just your blood count.

god its fucking terrible.? you ever wonder why you almost never hear about them again after phantom menace?? the ONLY cool thing for having them would have been if someone got a sample of annakin or yoda or something and created a clone army of evil jedi's (b/c the sample they took would have had loads of midichlorians) and THATS what wiped out the jedi's, not a bunch of clone troopers (also totally fucking lame).

i agree.

you would think lucas would have came up with something better to explain "the force"

Title: Re: Did STAR WARS Episodes I, II and III suck?
Post by: 25 on July 11, 2007, 10:45:13 PM
you would think lucas would have came up with something better to explain "the force"

How about not explaining it at all? Worked the first time.

Lucas has always been a horrible writer of exposition (and dialogue in general) so I really wouldn't expect him to better himself in that regard. Good storyteller, terrible awkward writer. 

Title: Re: Did STAR WARS Episodes I, II and III suck?
Post by: Axlfreek on July 11, 2007, 10:48:14 PM
you would think lucas would have came up with something better to explain "the force"

How about not explaining it at all? Worked the first time.

Lucas has always been a horrible writer of exposition (and dialogue in general) so I really wouldn't expect him to better himself in that regard. Good storyteller, terrible awkward writer.?

the dialogue in episodes II and III made me cringe  :P

Title: Re: Did STAR WARS Episodes I, II and III suck?
Post by: The Dog on July 11, 2007, 10:48:55 PM
you would think lucas would have came up with something better to explain "the force"

How about not explaining it at all? Worked the first time.

exactly, were fans dying to know the meaning behind the force!?!?  no, it was pretty clear the first time round.

the biggest questions were what made Vader turn evil and how were the jedi wiped out. 

the answer to that is vader screaming "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" and a bunch of jedi's getting killed by clones!??!?!?  so fucking retarded.

Title: Re: Did STAR WARS Episodes I, II and III suck?
Post by: Axlfreek on July 12, 2007, 12:01:23 AM
you would think lucas would have came up with something better to explain "the force"

How about not explaining it at all? Worked the first time.

exactly, were fans dying to know the meaning behind the force!?!?? no, it was pretty clear the first time round.

the biggest questions were what made Vader turn evil and how were the jedi wiped out.?

the answer to that is vader screaming "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" and a bunch of jedi's getting killed by clones!??!?!?? so fucking retarded.

when it comes to vader turning evil and the killing of the jedi, i think lucas kida rushed it in the movie. everything seemed to happen so fast in ep III.

Title: Re: Did STAR WARS Episodes I, II and III suck?
Post by: The Chad Cometh on July 12, 2007, 12:26:34 AM
The killing of the jedi had to be a fast thing, don't you see? If they even suspected it was coming they would have prepared for it.
Am I the only one who sees the importance of the story of Ep1 in explaining the rise of Palpatine and the fall of the jedi?

Title: Re: Did STAR WARS Episodes I, II and III suck?
Post by: crow316 on July 12, 2007, 01:06:59 AM
oh my god. are you kidding?  I don't mean this with any disrespect or condescending attitude, but how old are you? I'm just curious.  I don't know anyone who grew up with SW who thinks they aren't one of the most asinine things in all 6 movies.

they are completely retarded b/c it removes all the mystique surrounding the force, how people are all one with it, how its this magical thing, how the force can be strong with certain people and others and instead replaces it with a micro organism that lives inside of you?  so its not YOU that makes the force great, its just your blood count.

Not that it matters, but Im 30.  Star Wars was a pretty big part of my childhood, and I guarantee you that I know way more about it than you. With that being said, midichlorians do not change the force AT ALL.  "{The force is an energy field that surrounds us and penetrates us."  The midichlorians dont change that.  What they do do is explain why the force can be strong in certain familys, and how force sensitivity can be passed down.  Thats it.  Thats why they were put into the story.  It explains why not everyone can be Jedi.  If they werent introduced, Im sure that all the fanboys would be asking why doesnt the Republic just train hundreds of thousands of soldiers in the ways of the force.  The midichlorians puts a limit on things and make being a Jedi even more special. 

Title: Re: Did STAR WARS Episodes I, II and III suck?
Post by: freedom78 on July 12, 2007, 01:32:41 AM
oh my god. are you kidding?  I don't mean this with any disrespect or condescending attitude, but how old are you? I'm just curious.  I don't know anyone who grew up with SW who thinks they aren't one of the most asinine things in all 6 movies.

they are completely retarded b/c it removes all the mystique surrounding the force, how people are all one with it, how its this magical thing, how the force can be strong with certain people and others and instead replaces it with a micro organism that lives inside of you?  so its not YOU that makes the force great, its just your blood count.

Not that it matters, but Im 30.  Star Wars was a pretty big part of my childhood, and I guarantee you that I know way more about it than you. With that being said, midichlorians do not change the force AT ALL.  "{The force is an energy field that surrounds us and penetrates us."  The midichlorians dont change that.  What they do do is explain why the force can be strong in certain familys, and how force sensitivity can be passed down.  Thats it.  Thats why they were put into the story.  It explains why not everyone can be Jedi.  If they werent introduced, Im sure that all the fanboys would be asking why doesnt the Republic just train hundreds of thousands of soldiers in the ways of the force.  The midichlorians puts a limit on things and make being a Jedi even more special. 

Whatever midichlorians are, I think they did enough in the first trilogy by simply saying things like "The Force is strong with this one."  That makes it clear that not everyone is equal in their ability to use or to be trained in the force.   

Title: Re: Did STAR WARS Episodes I, II and III suck?
Post by: GeraldFord on July 12, 2007, 06:29:56 AM
you would think lucas would have came up with something better to explain "the force"

How about not explaining it at all? Worked the first time.

exactly, were fans dying to know the meaning behind the force!?!?? no, it was pretty clear the first time round.

the biggest questions were what made Vader turn evil and how were the jedi wiped out.?

the answer to that is vader screaming "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" and a bunch of jedi's getting killed by clones!??!?!?? so fucking retarded.

when it comes to vader turning evil and the killing of the jedi, i think lucas kida rushed it in the movie. everything seemed to happen so fast in ep III.

I agree. He just sort of turned to the dark side, just like that. He went from being an emo-Jedi to Vader in like two seconds.

-"what have I done?" to killing a bunch of kids, just like that.

Title: Re: Did STAR WARS Episodes I, II and III suck?
Post by: The Dog on July 12, 2007, 09:49:51 AM
oh my god. are you kidding?  I don't mean this with any disrespect or condescending attitude, but how old are you? I'm just curious.  I don't know anyone who grew up with SW who thinks they aren't one of the most asinine things in all 6 movies.

they are completely retarded b/c it removes all the mystique surrounding the force, how people are all one with it, how its this magical thing, how the force can be strong with certain people and others and instead replaces it with a micro organism that lives inside of you?  so its not YOU that makes the force great, its just your blood count.

Not that it matters, but Im 30.  Star Wars was a pretty big part of my childhood, and I guarantee you that I know way more about it than you. With that being said, midichlorians do not change the force AT ALL.  "{The force is an energy field that surrounds us and penetrates us."  The midichlorians dont change that.  What they do do is explain why the force can be strong in certain familys, and how force sensitivity can be passed down.  Thats it.  Thats why they were put into the story.  It explains why not everyone can be Jedi.  If they werent introduced, Im sure that all the fanboys would be asking why doesnt the Republic just train hundreds of thousands of soldiers in the ways of the force.  The midichlorians puts a limit on things and make being a Jedi even more special. 

if you want to claim to know more about star wars then me i won't argue  :hihi:

there was never a need for an explanation.  some people had it, some people didn't - simple as that.  by making it all lame and scientific why not just clone darth maul and make an army of Sith!!??!?!  oh wait, b/c there is another retarded rule he made that there can only be one master and one apprentice. HUH!??!?! WHA!?!??! why!?!?!

god the more i talk about these  shitty movies the more i can't believe how Lucas totally fucked the franchise in the ass.

Title: Re: Did STAR WARS Episodes I, II and III suck?
Post by: Eazy E on July 12, 2007, 10:00:25 AM
If more midichlorians makes one stronger in the force... then when Vader becomes mostly machine, shouldn't his abilities be weaker?? There's so few midichlorians to speak to him!? ?:hihi:

Title: Re: Did STAR WARS Episodes I, II and III suck?
Post by: GeraldFord on July 12, 2007, 10:08:09 AM
there was never a need for an explanation.  some people had it, some people didn't - simple as that.  by making it all lame and scientific why not just clone darth maul and make an army of Sith!!??!?!  oh wait, b/c there is another retarded rule he made that there can only be one master and one apprentice. HUH!??!?! WHA!?!??! why!?!?!

god the more i talk about these  shitty movies the more i can't believe how Lucas totally fucked the franchise in the ass.


Lucas believes the whole mystique and hype over SW and shot himself in the foot.

Title: Re: Did STAR WARS Episodes I, II and III suck?
Post by: freedom78 on July 12, 2007, 11:45:01 AM
If more midichlorians makes one stronger in the force... then when Vader becomes mostly machine, shouldn't his abilities be weaker?  There's so few midichlorians to speak to him!   :hihi:

Hmm...maybe because he was delegged, there are fewer midichlorians to speak to him, but he NEEDS fewer!  Or maybe they concentrate in certain the genitals.   :hihi: 

Title: Re: Did STAR WARS Episodes I, II and III suck?
Post by: The Dog on July 12, 2007, 09:30:07 PM
How did star wars end?  not with a bang but a "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"

this one is 1,000x funnier