Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: freedom78 on June 22, 2007, 12:51:20 PM

Title: Coach, 40, Weds 16 Year Old Track Student
Post by: freedom78 on June 22, 2007, 12:51:20 PM

Coach, 40, Weds 16-Year-Old Student
Anguished Parents Sign Consent Forms, Saying They Had No Choice

The Hagers are trying to figure out how life went off track for their teenage daughter, Windy.

They envisioned that life for the good student and promising athlete would be filled with dreams of the prom and college, but that all changed this week when Windy, 16, married her high school track coach.

"She was a dream kid," said her mother, Betty Hager. "We'd never have to worry about Windy trying to get by with something."

At South Brunswick High School in North Carolina, Windy's greatest passion was track and field.

"She just always was outside, always running, and her name's Windy ? I guess she was predestined to do love to do that," Betty said.

But that passion led her down a troubling path.

Special Attention From Coach

During Windy's freshman year, her 38-year-old track coach, Brenton Wuchae, began taking a more active interest in her, offering to give the 14-year-old rides home from practice.

"He just seemed like a genuine guy, like he was there for the kids," said Windy's father, Dennis Hager.

But the Hagers eventually grew uneasy. Their phone bills showed text messages between Wuchae and Windy as late as 2 a.m.

They also discovered worrying e-mails. In one, Windy wrote to a friend, "I don't care to look at anyone other than him. He is the apple of my eye, I've never felt this way for someone, but I just don't want to lose him because of my parents' power trips."

The Hagers confronted Wuchae.

"He assured me there was nothing like that going on, [and that] they were just friends. His intentions were purely appropriate," Dennis said.

Not satisfied with that answer, the Hagers turned to the school district, which spoke to the coach.

The principal of the high school wrote to the Hagers, "I have seen nothing but a cooperative attitude from the teacher, and to the best of my knowledge, he has not had any contact with Windy since then."

"School officials can't be responsible for what happens the other hours of the day, and I would think the relationship developed much more outside of school," said Brian Shaw, an attorney for the school district.

The Hagers contacted police; they even tried to get a restraining order.

"We've tried everybody. We've been to the law. We've been to the school board," Betty said. "Our family has come and tried to talk to her. We've had people on the phone with her for hours ? family, friends. We've been to our pastor asking for guidance. We've been to his pastor."

Meanwhile, the Hagers say Windy withdrew, refusing to speak to them until she asked them to sign a consent form so that she and her coach ? a man more than twice her age ? could get married.

Although anguished, her weary parents gave in.

"Signing those consent forms was the hardest thing I did in my whole life, but we had to move on, it was going to kill us all," Dennis said.

Monday, Windy and Wuchae married, and he resigned from the school.

But was Windy really old enough to understand her decision? Experts say it's a difficult situation.

"With most teenagers, they're not sure yet who's who and what's what and what should be done," said Henry Paul, author of the book "Is My Teenager OK?" "It's obviously up to the adult figure to set the boundaries."

Windy and her new husband would not comment for this story, but the Hagers realize what they've lost.

"She could have done anything," Betty said. "She could have set the world on fire. She threw it all away."

Title: Re: Coach, 40, Weds 16 Year Old Track Student
Post by: freedom78 on June 22, 2007, 12:52:32 PM
Looks to me like the first thing they did wrong was to misspell her name.  ;D

And this coach has a true athletes mentality: if there's grass on the field, play ball!

Title: Re: Coach, 40, Weds 16 Year Old Track Student
Post by: SLCPUNK on June 22, 2007, 12:56:26 PM
No way I would have signed that consent form, no fucking way. Throw the douche bag in jail yea, but sign the form? No way.

Reading the comments are great, after about a dozen or so down one guy blames it all on the liberals... :hihi:

Title: Re: Coach, 40, Weds 16 Year Old Track Student
Post by: freedom78 on June 22, 2007, 01:39:06 PM
No way I would have signed that consent form, no fucking way. Throw the douche bag in jail yea, but sign the form? No way.

My thinking is that, if they want to get married, there's a damn good chance he's had his paws on her in some way or another.  So...why not go back to the cops?  I can't imagine signing that form.  I'd pull her ass out of that school and put her in another, straight away! 

Reading the comments are great, after about a dozen or so down one guy blames it all on the liberals... :hihi:

There's another comment from a person who married, at 17, a 33 year old man, talking about how great her life is after inheriting his three kids.  ::)

Title: Re: Coach, 40, Weds 16 Year Old Track Student
Post by: The Dog on June 22, 2007, 02:20:10 PM
agreed.  but thats what happens when you're told you should compromise with your kids and give them options/choices.  please.  its your house, your rules.  simple as that. 

text messages at 2am!!!  no phone for her, no more track for her and I'd move. 

the girl didn't throw her life away, shes just 16, she doesn't know better.  the parents allowed it to happen.  They had "no choice!" hahaha they're her fucking parents!!!

Title: Re: Coach, 40, Weds 16 Year Old Track Student
Post by: freedom78 on June 22, 2007, 02:30:17 PM
agreed.  but thats what happens when you're told you should compromise with your kids and give them options/choices.  please.  its your house, your rules.  simple as that. 

text messages at 2am!!!  no phone for her, no more track for her and I'd move. 

the girl didn't throw her life away, shes just 16, she doesn't know better.  the parents allowed it to happen.  They had "no choice!" hahaha they're her fucking parents!!! of the first (or last?) comments made was that she's another victim of the "time-out" generation.  Time to start whoopin' the little fuckers, again!

BTW, Lil' Butters...if you ever cross dress, will you be changing your handle to Lil' Marjorine? 

Title: Re: Coach, 40, Weds 16 Year Old Track Student
Post by: The Dog on June 22, 2007, 02:40:32 PM
agreed.  but thats what happens when you're told you should compromise with your kids and give them options/choices.  please.  its your house, your rules.  simple as that. 

text messages at 2am!!!  no phone for her, no more track for her and I'd move. 

the girl didn't throw her life away, shes just 16, she doesn't know better.  the parents allowed it to happen.  They had "no choice!" hahaha they're her fucking parents!!! of the first (or last?) comments made was that she's another victim of the "time-out" generation.  Time to start whoopin' the little fuckers, again!

BTW, Lil' Butters...if you ever cross dress, will you be changing your handle to Lil' Marjorine? 

hahha took me a while to get that one.  i think i'm going to be lil' butters for a while....

i don't think parents should be making their kids break branches of trees that their daddies can beat them with, but i think this "a 10 year old should be given choices and options" bullshit has got to stop. 

what do they mean "they had no choice".  "she had become withdrawn".  give me a FUCKING break.

Title: Re: Coach, 40, Weds 16 Year Old Track Student
Post by: freedom78 on June 22, 2007, 02:45:34 PM
hahha took me a while to get that one.  i think i'm going to be lil' butters for a while....

i don't think parents should be making their kids break branches of trees that their daddies can beat them with, but i think this "a 10 year old should be given choices and options" bullshit has got to stop. 

what do they mean "they had no choice".  "she had become withdrawn".  give me a FUCKING break.

I put a Marjorine pic up, but it was ENORMOUS, so I edited it out.  :'(

Also, what teenager ISN'T withdrawn? 

Title: Re: Coach, 40, Weds 16 Year Old Track Student
Post by: MadmanDan on June 22, 2007, 03:14:39 PM
My God...I'm 23 and even I find 16 year old girls way to young !!! What kind of fucked up dude marries one?? What, he can't get a real woman to go out with him, so he goes for a kid who idolizes him?

Title: Re: Coach, 40, Weds 16 Year Old Track Student
Post by: Kady.52 on June 22, 2007, 05:49:52 PM
that's pretty screwed. but I love the parents' attitude. I mean, seriously what's wrong with a bit of corporal punishment? They shdve just belted a bit of sense into her. No phone, no fun an games. simple parenting really.  Anyways, if they were against it so much, why did they sign the forms ffs? they would ground the daughter until she hit puberty and grew out of it. which would have been about 2 weeks.

Title: Re: Coach, 40, Weds 16 Year Old Track Student
Post by: The Dog on June 22, 2007, 06:27:25 PM
My God...I'm 23 and even I find 16 year old girls way to young !!! What kind of fucked up dude marries one?? What, he can't get a real woman to go out with him, so he goes for a kid who idolizes him?

age is a state of mind ;) hehe

it is pretty sick.  i bet she looks like shes 22 though - i don't know what they are feeding kids these days but its insane how much older teenage kids look.

Ok, this is just creepy now:

Title: Re: Coach, 40, Weds 16 Year Old Track Student
Post by: The Dog on June 22, 2007, 06:51:55 PM
that's pretty screwed. but I love the parents' attitude. I mean, seriously what's wrong with a bit of corporal punishment? They shdve just belted a bit of sense into her. No phone, no fun an games. simple parenting really.  Anyways, if they were against it so much, why did they sign the forms ffs? they would ground the daughter until she hit puberty and grew out of it. which would have been about 2 weeks.

i bet she said "I hate you mom and dad, I don't love you anymore" and the parents took it literally ;) hahah

fucking idiots.

i also love how they think shes dead now or something.  like making a mistake at 16 is the end of her life.  so long as she doesn't have kids anytime soon, she'll prob wake up and get an annulment in a few months.

Title: Re: Coach, 40, Weds 16 Year Old Track Student
Post by: Kady.52 on June 22, 2007, 07:08:45 PM
I think she's prolly more worried about being sold to some crack den to be used as their personal plaything  :drool: erm
i mean yeah man... society should stop this...  but yh she's only 16, she's deff gonna learn from it if it fucks up.

and lets face it, if they're in luv and live happily ever after, then gd luck to them  : ok:

Title: Re: Coach, 40, Weds 16 Year Old Track Student
Post by: D on June 22, 2007, 07:45:39 PM
Attention all parents:

IF Your daughter is marrying her 40 year old track coach


I like how they say how great of a daughter she was. :hihi:

U can tell the parents had no fuckin clue as to who their daughter even was.

Well balanced children don't marry their 40 year old teacher or coach.

Title: Re: Coach, 40, Weds 16 Year Old Track Student
Post by: Kady.52 on June 22, 2007, 08:02:51 PM
praps it was... Luuuurrrv  :-*

Title: Re: Coach, 40, Weds 16 Year Old Track Student
Post by: polluxlm on June 23, 2007, 02:04:10 AM
A girl like that is gonna get in 'trouble' (having sex ::)) anyway, so why not a 40 year old one with a wallet to support any possible offspring?

I mean, it's not like she's dating a black. That would've been a headline.

Title: Re: Coach, 40, Weds 16 Year Old Track Student
Post by: freedom78 on June 23, 2007, 02:31:11 AM
I mean, it's not like she's dating a black. That would've been a headline.

Didn't see that one coming, thus making it all the more hilarious.   :rofl:

God how I love inappropriate humor.

Title: Re: Coach, 40, Weds 16 Year Old Track Student
Post by: von on June 23, 2007, 03:18:43 PM
She's not even good looking.

Title: Re: Coach, 40, Weds 16 Year Old Track Student
Post by: LittleFly on June 23, 2007, 07:47:31 PM
Problem is, 16 yr old girls fall in love WAY too easy. 

I fell in love when I was 15 with an recently clean (from drugs and alcohol) 33 yr old man.  We were together for about 10 years or so, got married and had a kid.  Somewhere along the line, I realized my mistake and grew the fuck up :hihi: (yeah, divorced now, thank goodness)

I feel bad for her, even though she probably thinks she's happier then she's ever been right now.

Title: Re: Coach, 40, Weds 16 Year Old Track Student
Post by: The Chad Cometh on June 24, 2007, 09:54:10 PM
Obviously he'e been fooling around with her since she was 14 ... sick fucker.
I do love the way she can make the decision to get married at 16, but she can't have a drink till she's 21 ... what a fucking joke.

I just can't believe the parents would sign that consent form!

Title: Re: Coach, 40, Weds 16 Year Old Track Student
Post by: The Dog on June 24, 2007, 10:31:48 PM
Obviously he'e been fooling around with her since she was 14 ... sick fucker.
I do love the way she can make the decision to get married at 16, but she can't have a drink till she's 21 ... what a fucking joke.

I just can't believe the parents would sign that consent form!

really? i mean, it was an AGONIZING decision!   she wasn't talking to them! she probably said she didn't love them anymore!  i can't imagine a kid saying that to their parents - how hard that must have been for them!!!


Title: Re: Coach, 40, Weds 16 Year Old Track Student
Post by: Bill 213 on June 25, 2007, 12:06:21 AM
I would have at least demanded the coach take it out in in the old days.  They could have probably gotten a nice goat or dairy cow for that girl....maybe an acre or two of land!

Title: Re: Coach, 40, Weds 16 Year Old Track Student
Post by: freedom78 on June 25, 2007, 12:26:00 AM
I would have at least demanded the coach take it out in in the old days.  They could have probably gotten a nice goat or dairy cow for that girl....maybe an acre or two of land!

Nice call.  :hihi:

Title: Re: Coach, 40, Weds 16 Year Old Track Student
Post by: gnrfanxxx on June 26, 2007, 02:50:12 PM
wow, those parents suck :-\

Title: Re: Coach, 40, Weds 16 Year Old Track Student
Post by: Krispy Kreme on June 26, 2007, 10:15:18 PM
As the parent of a maladapted, weirdo-sicko freak-show moron of a  stepdaughter who makes bad decisions  a profession, I can only say: this makes me sick.

On the other hand, I would gladly pay a 40 year old, for that matter, 60 year old, to marry this creature  and get  her the fuck out of my house.  :rofl:

Probably what the parents were secretly thinking.  : ok:

Title: Re: Coach, 40, Weds 16 Year Old Track Student
Post by: The Dog on June 26, 2007, 10:38:52 PM
As the parent of a maladapted, weirdo-sicko freak-show moron of a  stepdaughter who makes bad decisions  a profession, I can only say: this makes me sick.

On the other hand, I would gladly pay a 40 year old, for that matter, 60 year old, to marry this creature  and get  her the fuck out of my house.  :rofl:

Probably what the parents were secretly thinking.  : ok:

your post is a lot more interesting than the original story.  share some of your own??  : ok:   

Title: Re: Coach, 40, Weds 16 Year Old Track Student
Post by: GNRreunioneventually on June 26, 2007, 11:50:54 PM
krispy i'd like to meet your stepdaughter, get her stories then compare them to see if she really is crazy or if thats a compliment :)

lil' butters
Ok, this is just creepy now:

i'd do her : ok: course i'm 16 and i think like that

and to the dude that said teenagers look older these days thats bull shit, i asked my one friend Sarah if she could hook me up with a fake ID or the number of the guy she got hers from. She said no way will he get you one cause you only look like your 14. That kinda pissed me off but i'm over it now, because i have relatives that leave there garages unlocked so its cool now ;)

but i see your point


Title: Re: Coach, 40, Weds 16 Year Old Track Student
Post by: 2112 on June 27, 2007, 11:30:57 AM
As the parent of a maladapted, weirdo-sicko freak-show moron of a  stepdaughter who makes bad decisions  a profession, I can only say: this makes me sick.

On the other hand, I would gladly pay a 40 year old, for that matter, 60 year old, to marry this creature  and get  her the fuck out of my house.  :rofl:

Probably what the parents were secretly thinking.  : ok:

your post is a lot more interesting than the original story.  share some of your own??  : ok:   

Krispy, krispy.. :-\

Title: Re: Coach, 40, Weds 16 Year Old Track Student
Post by: Krispy Kreme on June 28, 2007, 12:57:31 PM
^You have no idea what hell we live in......