Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Administrative => Administrative, Feedback & Help => Topic started by: slash2001 on June 21, 2007, 07:14:27 AM

Title: question about the board
Post by: slash2001 on June 21, 2007, 07:14:27 AM
As I've said a few times I check this board almost every day, and have done so since 2000/2001 and have been faithful up until recently and its because of the way people are treated here.  Sure there are alot of jerks who come on and spread lies and make up BS but its ridiculous that you cant discuss certain things here. 
Since discovering another board where they have alot more freedom I've noticed alot of bashing of this forum but i wouldnt and wont join in but I've just read a comment from Jarmo which has upset/annoyed/confused me.

Quote from: Lucky on June 14, 2007, 04:54:24 PM
finally, something interesting we are allowed to talk about !

Yeah, or you can go back to where you came from and talk to yourself about how cool and funny you are. 


I thought this was VERY harsh, and lucky was making a joke about it and the response he got was terrible.  So are we not allowed any humour on this board now?
I know there is alot of stress and whatever going on but come on Jarmo, we are fans, we are the ones who are going to the gigs, buying the cd's, buying the merchandise and we can't have a wee joke form time to time? 

Ive seen worse responses from Jarmo before and turned a blind eye but come on man...chill out, we're not out to get you, we're here to discuss our favourite band, lets all chill and have a drink on me  :beer: :peace:

Title: Re: question about the board
Post by: Lolita on June 21, 2007, 07:20:57 AM
Why didn't you post this in the admin section ?  ???

Title: Re: question about the board
Post by: slash2001 on June 21, 2007, 07:25:03 AM
Sorry, it should of went to another section.  Can we move it and discuss?

Title: Re: question about the board
Post by: Dr. Blutarsky on June 21, 2007, 08:32:49 AM
Jarmo can be harsh, but that 's the way he is, no one should take it personally ( especially on a message board).  How a guy from Sweden got a New York attitude I'll never know  :hihi:...just dish it right back to him ..but don't personally attack him (or anybody else) and we'll all be OK. ( my advice)   

Title: Re: question about the board
Post by: jarmo on June 21, 2007, 08:38:42 AM
I thought this was VERY harsh, and lucky was making a joke about it and the response he got was terrible.  So are we not allowed any humour on this board now?
I know there is alot of stress and whatever going on but come on Jarmo, we are fans, we are the ones who are going to the gigs, buying the cd's, buying the merchandise and we can't have a wee joke form time to time? 

Ive seen worse responses from Jarmo before and turned a blind eye but come on man...chill out, we're not out to get you, we're here to discuss our favourite band, lets all chill and have a drink on me  :beer: :peace:

Well if you wanna take cheap shots at this board, don't be surprised if I comment.

We never wanted this board to be like every other place. That's why I started it in the first place and yet we have a bunch of people still questioning that.

If you think I'm harsh, it's because I've seen all the jokes before. For years.


Title: Re: question about the board
Post by: slash2001 on June 21, 2007, 08:52:13 AM
Fair point Jarmo, I do imagine that you and the board have seen it all before but I just felt I had to comment on this particular incident. 
Am sure Lucky wont really be bothered but I had to say something because like I said I have noticed this board get alot of abuse by other boards and I always thought that was unfair, at least here on this board it seemed like we had a connection with the band, through Merck or BBF or Mysterion(where's he gone??  :() and the news always broke here first before anywhere else, but seeing the reaction to Lucky's joke I felt was unfair and I needed to speak my mind on it.

No hard feelings or anything, I just felt that as THE moderator and the man on this site then you would be able to give a reply that wasnt so harsh or rude, a first time viewer on the site might of seen that and not returned, to that you may say "thats their loss" but its not, its yours.

Ive seen this board lose ALOT of people and nowadays there is very little being discussed, and I thought that with other boards giving off a bad impression of this site then you might lighten up and have a wee laugh at yourself, even Axl does it man!!!

Again, I know you'll have a reply to my every word I just wrote, I just wanted to get that off my chest, hopefully you dont take it as any offense, rather advise or something.  Ill continue to view this board every day, post occasionally when I feel I can add to a conversation and I will follow the rules as I have always done(apart from asking for the last set of leaks, sorry but I had to hear the Blues).


Title: Re: question about the board
Post by: jarmo on June 21, 2007, 10:31:10 AM
What I really enjoy is reading about myself. People who really don't know me or what I'm about posting like they knew me.

That's comedy.  :hihi:


Title: Re: question about the board
Post by: stolat on June 21, 2007, 10:13:15 PM
But Jarmo! Your the one who always writes smartarse comments and signs your post llike this:


Title: Re: question about the board
Post by: SLCPUNK on June 21, 2007, 11:20:43 PM
Jarmo's poop is used as currency in Uzbekistan.

Title: Re: question about the board
Post by: Krispy Kreme on June 25, 2007, 11:16:19 PM
So it's a rich country.
Or is that why they had an attempted  revolution in 2005?  :rofl:

Title: Re: question about the board
Post by: GNRreunioneventually on June 26, 2007, 12:24:18 AM
Jarmo and lucky are always going back and forth its like a love hate relationship. At least thats what i've seen or think in the last 7 8 months i've been on this board

i think the board is pretty open just don't mension leaks or ask for them and don't cut down the board or the admin or the mods and the day will remain peaceful :)
