Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: FIZ GRAFITI on June 21, 2007, 05:26:45 AM

Title: Bad crowd response???
Post by: FIZ GRAFITI on June 21, 2007, 05:26:45 AM
So last night i went to the brisbane show.  Of course it was awsome, axl never missed a note, the boys all played with passion and precision, they absolutely kicked ass.  However.... my girlfriend and I found the crowd very lame.  Most people weren't up and dancing but just sitting in their seats and nodding their heads.  The pit was not even moving much except at the end to paradise city.  Just wondering if i was the only one who found this a bit of a bummer??? But we had a great time anyway, and yes the pills worked a charm, not necessary but made it crazy fun. 

(edited to correct typos)

Title: Re: Bad crowd responce???
Post by: kuetastic on June 21, 2007, 05:58:59 AM
The crowd in Adelaide was hyped, but more so between songs than during them in my opinion. Of course the majority rocked out to the biggest hits such as Paradise City and Welcome To The Jungle but I was a little bemused that people didn't seem to interested in hearing either any new work or anything that might not have such sentimental bearings. I was really surprised at the lack of people singing along with Bumblefoot's solo and the amount of people who didn't know the words but spiked for the chorus, almost embarrassing for such an amazing song. The biggest surprise was the crowd feeling behind My Michelle, I'm not sure whether it was simply because of Bach's ability to pump a crowd up or not but the whole place was jumping during the song.

I'd give the crowd a 6/10 though at least as the noise during the intro music and opening few songs was great and continued at least between songs for the whole night more in appreciation at witnessing a G'N'R show than rocking out to songs. I'd imagine a lot of people were just happy and awe struck to witness Axl live and were content to just let it sink in rather than bash themselves senseless. A couple of times the band tried in vain for more participation but I doubt they left feeling unwanted or let down thats for sure, The encore was nuts.

Title: Re: Bad crowd responce???
Post by: fuckin crazy on June 21, 2007, 06:18:34 AM
Maybe the 'nod monsters attacked', I doubt they got everyone though. :hihi:

Title: Re: Bad crowd responce???
Post by: Blackrose on June 21, 2007, 07:50:16 AM
I don't know if it is just me, but I find Aussie crowds to be very subdued and have experienced this over several occasions.

Pearl Jam mid 90's not worth mentioning shit show.

Ozzy mid 90's in Melbourne most of the crowd was pathetic especially when it came to his classics like Crazy Train and Mr Crowley, I estimate only 5% were doing the sing along at the start of Mr Crowley. Ozzy noticed that we were. : ok:

In 2002 saw German band Edguy in Melbourne, when it came time for the encore 90% of the crowd were quiet just waiting, it took vocalist Tobias to come out and ask if we wanted them to come back on before most of the crowd started to make a noise. On the second night when it came time for the encore the crowd started up, and Tobias comes back out ' oh I see you learnt from last night"

Saw Blind Guardian in Melbourne earlier this year and we even surprised the vocalist Hansi with our sing along at the end of "Valhalla". This is probably the only concert I've been to where the whole crowd where going off for the entire show, both the Friday and Saturday concerts.

As for the GN'R shows in Melbourne I was 3 from the front on Friday and it was going off down there, but the seating area seemed to be pretty tame, thats why I go on the floor, sitting down at a concert sucks.
Saturday night I stood back a bit near the sound desk and it seemed pretty similair.

Title: Re: Bad crowd responce???
Post by: slashBOG on June 21, 2007, 07:52:02 AM
best crowd ever,,, NY Hammerstein all four shows  :yes:

Title: Re: Bad crowd responce???
Post by: LIGuns on June 21, 2007, 08:21:09 AM
Saw the 1st 2 Hammerstein shows and I agree crowd was incredible. Also MSG 2004 was great. Vegas HOB New Years 2000/2001 was also incredible. I remember an actual buzz in thr air prior to GN'R hitting the stage. Axl's return was an event not a concert.

Title: Re: Bad crowd responce???
Post by: jarmo on June 21, 2007, 08:31:05 AM
In some places, the crowd has an "prove me you're good attitude" and won't get into the show too much.

In other places people are going crazy by the music played over the PA before the show....


Title: Re: Bad crowd responce???
Post by: deep pocketz on June 21, 2007, 08:32:40 AM
Most people weren't up and dancing ?

dancing ? dear god i hope not.

Title: Re: Bad crowd responce???
Post by: The Hinge on June 21, 2007, 08:38:00 AM
I think most people just want to watch the show.

Title: Re: Bad crowd responce???
Post by: jarmo on June 21, 2007, 08:39:25 AM
Most people weren't up and dancing   

dancing ? dear god i hope not.

You should've been in Jersey....


Title: Re: Bad crowd responce???
Post by: stolat on June 21, 2007, 08:43:17 AM

As for the GN'R shows in Melbourne I was 3 from the front on Friday and it was going off down there, but the seating area seemed to be pretty tame, thats why I go on the floor, sitting down at a concert sucks.
Saturday night I stood back a bit near the sound desk and it seemed pretty similair.

At the Adelaide gig I was sitting in the section on the right hand side of the stage. Every time Axl even looked in our direction we were cheering/screaming and up on our feet. We were a pretty rowdy bunch. If you watch the Adelaide snippets you can see Axl virtually running towards us a number of times........

It was our mission to get Axl over to our side as many times as possible...... With a demanding, insatiable appetitie like mine.........

One of those magic live show things..... ?;D

Title: Re: Bad crowd responce???
Post by: Christian on June 21, 2007, 08:46:14 AM
Rock in Rio 2001 waaaaaaaaaaas Amazing!! :)

All South Americans crowd are great..
Hammerstein was very good too!

Title: Re: Bad crowd responce???
Post by: EstrangedBrazil on June 21, 2007, 09:56:01 AM
RIR 2001 was amazing in fact. I truly believe Axl was touched by the response

Title: Re: Bad crowd responce???
Post by: Tonylover on June 21, 2007, 09:58:59 AM
I don't know if it is just me, but I find Aussie crowds to be very subdued and have experienced this over several occasions.

Pearl Jam mid 90's not worth mentioning shit show.

Ozzy mid 90's in Melbourne most of the crowd was pathetic especially when it came to his classics like Crazy Train and Mr Crowley, I estimate only 5% were doing the sing along at the start of Mr Crowley. Ozzy noticed that we were. : ok:

In 2002 saw German band Edguy in Melbourne, when it came time for the encore 90% of the crowd were quiet just waiting, it took vocalist Tobias to come out and ask if we wanted them to come back on before most of the crowd started to make a noise. On the second night when it came time for the encore the crowd started up, and Tobias comes back out ' oh I see you learnt from last night"

Saw Blind Guardian in Melbourne earlier this year and we even surprised the vocalist Hansi with our sing along at the end of "Valhalla". This is probably the only concert I've been to where the whole crowd where going off for the entire show, both the Friday and Saturday concerts.

As for the GN'R shows in Melbourne I was 3 from the front on Friday and it was going off down there, but the seating area seemed to be pretty tame, thats why I go on the floor, sitting down at a concert sucks.
Saturday night I stood back a bit near the sound desk and it seemed pretty similair.

I think it's just you buddy.
At the end of the day it depends on who is performing and what TYPE of fans they have...even age plays a part.
I saw David Bowie in 2004 and Prince in 2003 and the crowds were nuts. Prince even mentioned that Australia has the craziest crowds in the world and it would be a pleasure performing infront of them again. So, it does depend on who is performing and the type of fans...

Christina xx

Title: Re: Bad crowd responce???
Post by: gunns1 on June 21, 2007, 10:08:12 AM
I agree, the Brisbane crowd last night were crap....
I hope the sydney ones are better..

for god sakes, they didnt even sing along to Knocking on heavens door when axl asked them..
And when Frank did the "guns n roses " beat on his drum...
the crowd responded by clapping the guns n roses beat, instead of saying it..
How stupid can you get?

anyways, heres my review of last nights show!! :beer:

Ryan's Review:June 20th Brisbane Entertainment Centre

Last Time Gnr was in australia , I was 4 years old, and if Age is an issue people, I wont tell if you wont...

OK, I let my motel at 7:40...
Got to the venue, grabed my seat, and Rose Tattoo came on at 8:10...

Let me just say, the speakers sounded great, and very clear, and the dome was excellent, carried the sound very well...
Old Angry Anderson, had a 50 minute set, and during each song , he
talked about how proud of Australia he was, and how proud he was to be an Australian, and talked about how great Adelaide was and the Eureaka? stockade...
and said something along the lines of "Its great to be An Australian, and for all you non Australians you are more then welcome here..."

Understand that he was drinking beer throughout his set, but he looked as if he was enjoying himself saying things like ' we are going to create history tonight, but nontheless, he had a great spirit, and the man is admiral for all the work he does....., on and off the stage...

Sebby Bach came on About 9-9:15, and the guy was having a fucking ball...
He talked about how much he loved Australia, and said something similar to" Im not good at math, but between Axl and myself, We have waited to play in brisbane about 30 Fucking years.....

And the crowd errupted as they do....
throughout, about half way through his set, some asshole in the gold ga standing section (the front mosh) was causing fights between the people around him...
Bach said "stop the show, STOP THE FUCKING SHOW" as the band stopped, Bach said " what are you trying to do, we are all having fun, and you motherfucker is causing shit... Then bach got more pissed... and said "which motherfucker is it , and everyone around him was pointing at him""..

anyway, bach just continued, and then 10 minutes later the same douch bag continued, and Bach stopped again and he said "Get this cocksucker out of here" so the security actually decided to do their job the second time round, and kicked him out, and as he was being "excorted " to the parking lot, bach replied to him "have fun cocksucker in the carparking lot, Bye Bye"...

Crowd supported bach 100% and they all clapped , cheered etc...

Finally, after Baz's set, the wait was about 40-50 minutes off hand (bout 11:15)


Do you know where the fuckkk you areeeeee", axls infamous powerful screech erupted the total sellout crowed...
and Everyone just went off.... Ive never seen so many people go so fucking ballistic over 8 words in the english dictionary....

Jungle was ace... and Axl sounded between raspy and good screechy, like husky, perfect voice for the song...

After ISE , and Brownstone, Axl said before Fincks solo...
I woke up here at the venue, about 9:00 today, after last nights show,
and I thought to myself, its time to go fucking home... and when I did Jungle just a few minutes ago, it felt like a fucking big truck running over my head..."

Then the usual setlist, you could be mine...
out to get me, scom... etc, Axl sounded a little off cue , like when he said 2 words of the song quickly, then just saying it one word slowly at a time....

Must of been his ear piece fucking up/hangover who knows, anyways he sounded great....

Then Bumblefoots solo, he did the AUSSIE ANTHEM... really got the crowed going, and everyone was loving it, then he did Back in Black and dont cry, to which he received a warm welcome....

Things I noticed, was the new songs that were played,
the blues, madagascar, better, irs,
People didnt really partake to very well...
They just kinda stood clueless as they watched the heavy rocking bridge in the middle of better....

I think mabye, once the single of Better drops, and the other new songs, people will appreciate more of the new material been played live...

Overall, the Audiences participation , like in Knocking wasn't that good...
Like when axl said "are you going to help me out" people just stood their, and didnt even reply....

Remined me of the rock am ring crowed..
I hope its different in sydney, and Im sure it will be...

Overall, the concert was fucking class, Axls vocals was that high up in the mix, that it was near ear piercing, and they did 2 encores, madagascar and paradise city...

No rocket queen unfortunatly, and no twat, however it was a great night, and it finished 1:30 in the morning, to which I had to run outside and get a taxi before the 1000's of people did...

Overall , It was one of the best days of my life, and I just hope the fucking sydney crowd are better, because on the taxi drive back, I had to share it with 2 people, to which they replied with "the new songs werent that good, they dont sound like gnr,"

and I thought to myself, fucking idiots havent even heard a good demo of it, like myself...

anyways, hope you enjoyed my review,
one more thing, Baz said during "BY MY SIDE" song, EVERYONE PUT YOUR FUCKING MOBILE PHONE LIGHTS ON, IM RECORDING THIS FOR MYSPACE, I WANNA SEE ALL YOUR PHONES' which people only had out for like 50 seconds lol...

Gotta love that man, he tries to get the crowed going, even if they werent that enthusiastic...



Title: Re: Bad crowd responce???
Post by: Tonylover on June 21, 2007, 10:27:27 AM
I agree, the Brisbane crowd last night were crap....
I hope the sydney ones are better..

for god sakes, they didnt even sing along to Knocking on heavens door when axl asked them..
And when Frank did the "guns n roses " beat on his drum...
the crowd responded by clapping the guns n roses beat, instead of saying it..
How stupid can you get?

And people wonder why there arn't many GNR fans left?

I'm sure that's because we scare them away. So... let me get this clear, people who don't know every single detail about GNR arn't worthy of being a fan or seeing them live?? You must admit we treat them like second class citizens. Can't people just go to a concert and enjoy it for what it is? Sheer entertainment. Does everyone have to know every lyric in order to be a true GNR fan...?? I concider myself a true GNR fan and I don't know ever lyric, I just have a great appreciation for their pure talent... 

I'm not trying to single you out, you're just Exhibit A...just bad luck I guess.

Christina xx

Title: Re: Bad crowd responce???
Post by: gunns1 on June 21, 2007, 10:31:54 AM
I agree, the Brisbane crowd last night were crap....
I hope the sydney ones are better..

for god sakes, they didnt even sing along to Knocking on heavens door when axl asked them..
And when Frank did the "guns n roses " beat on his drum...
the crowd responded by clapping the guns n roses beat, instead of saying it..
How stupid can you get?

And people wonder why there arn't many GNR fans left?

I'm sure that's because we scare them away. So... let me get this clear, people who don't know every single detail about GNR arn't worthy of being a fan or seeing them live?? You must admit we treat them like second class citizens. Can't people just go to a concert and enjoy it for what it is? Sheer entertainment. Does everyone have to know every lyric in order to be a true GNR fan...?? I concider myself a true GNR fan and I don't know ever lyric, I just have a great appreciation for their pure talent...

I'm not trying to single you out, you're just Exhibit A...just bad luck I guess.

Christina xx

When Axl said , during the middle of Knockin "are you gonna help me out "

The crowd just went silent...

And Axl basically had to sing every vers himself..

Now , how hard is it to remember the lyrics

Knocking on heavens doooooooor...

Sh!t, I must study that, it took me ages to learn..

Title: Re: Bad crowd responce???
Post by: GnrAxl4life on June 21, 2007, 10:32:03 AM
best crowd ever,,, NY Hammerstein all four shows  :yes:

I was thinking the same thing. I went the first night and it was crazy. I went to Baltimore in November and the crowd was way different but not bad either.

Title: Re: Bad crowd responce???
Post by: Tonylover on June 21, 2007, 10:37:37 AM
I agree, the Brisbane crowd last night were crap....
I hope the sydney ones are better..

for god sakes, they didnt even sing along to Knocking on heavens door when axl asked them..
And when Frank did the "guns n roses " beat on his drum...
the crowd responded by clapping the guns n roses beat, instead of saying it..
How stupid can you get?

And people wonder why there arn't many GNR fans left?

I'm sure that's because we scare them away. So... let me get this clear, people who don't know every single detail about GNR arn't worthy of being a fan or seeing them live?? You must admit we treat them like second class citizens. Can't people just go to a concert and enjoy it for what it is? Sheer entertainment. Does everyone have to know every lyric in order to be a true GNR fan...?? I concider myself a true GNR fan and I don't know ever lyric, I just have a great appreciation for their pure talent...

I'm not trying to single you out, you're just Exhibit A...just bad luck I guess.

Christina xx

When Axl said , during the middle of Knockin "are you gonna help me out "

The crowd just went silent...

And Axl basically had to sing every vers himself..

Now , how hard is it to remember the lyrics

Knocking on heavens doooooooor...

Sh!t, I must study that, it took me ages to learn..

I'm not just referring to Knocking on Heavens Door, nor am I singling out your post as I said previously.
I was making a general comment that relates to the subject matter of your previous post.

Christina xx

Title: Re: Bad crowd responce???
Post by: Wooody on June 21, 2007, 11:00:04 AM
hmmm this reminds me of graspop, great performance by the band, horrible crowd...bunch of metalhead nerds ?:rant:

Title: Re: Bad crowd responce???
Post by: russtcb on June 21, 2007, 11:32:03 AM
My question is this; how come there are so many conflicting reports?

Most of the reviews from both private and public sources are positive and saying the crowd was off the hook. This is the only opinion I've seen so far saying otherwise.

Title: Re: Bad crowd responce???
Post by: kuetastic on June 21, 2007, 11:52:38 AM
I think response is the wrong word (and spelling), G'N'R have been received really well, great crowd response at all shows.
I think what people are trying to express is that the crowd don't behave like they are at a Pantera concert or similar to a G'N'R audience of yesteryear.
Its pretty simple maths, Axl and the group has matured in the show they put on, the front man has aged as have his fans. Its can still get wild  considering the massive demographical span of Guns fans, especially during the heavier songs but for the most part people are looking to take in a good show now rather then good drugs and no memories. Its a nice mixture to have for a band trying hard to please everybody, an impossible task.

Title: Re: Bad crowd responce???
Post by: gmGnR on June 21, 2007, 11:55:21 AM
My question is this; how come there are so many conflicting reports?

Most of the reviews from both private and public sources are positive and saying the crowd was off the hook. This is the only opinion I've seen so far saying otherwise.

Different people have different opinions of what makes a show great. ?

I was at Hammerstein and I don't think the crowd was that great in terms of action. Singing and noise were fine... That's just my opinion. I like when a whole floor jump and move around. Others like to just watch and find all the movement annoying. ?

I've seen and been in GA with thousands of people going nuts (read jumping, pushing, crowd-surfing) and I love it. Some people would hate it. I've also been in GA where I could stand still, have room and just watch the show. ?I didn't like that too much but some people would love it.

Title: Re: Bad crowd responce???
Post by: clau68 on June 21, 2007, 12:36:42 PM
Sometimes I go to a concert and I don?t get nut but I enjoy the concert very much. I have never been in a GNR concert and I wish very much to see GNR live. I know that I would be very excited, I know all the lyrics of GNR and I think that I would sing along every song but I really know that I would not get nut. Sometimes when people really love the concert they just concentrate. Many people don?t like specially an artist and however they went nut just to have a good time. It depends on the personality of every person.

Title: Re: Bad crowd responce???
Post by: ppbebe on June 21, 2007, 03:09:22 PM
At a rock show I prefer lively crowd but like others said, each to their own.

The crowd like at download fes (every year)is what I'd call a bad crowd.
Seeing as how they booed the my chemical romance throughout the set, it was miraculous achievement that GNR won them last year.

Title: Re: Bad crowd responce???
Post by: SterileEyes on June 21, 2007, 03:31:52 PM
All 3 shows I saw in Southern CA last year were great performances.

But, as someone who goes to dozens of shows every year, the crowd was pretty passive at all of them.

Inland Invasion people were pissed off at the two hour wait, the place exploded for the first four songs, but people started leaving during the first solo..picked up a bit for Sweet Child, more people left during Heaven's the time the show was over, the crowd of 60,000 was maybe 25,000...if that.

First Gibson Amp show I thought the crowd was way into it, but then again I was in the 2nd row.  That night in particular things seemed to go well, including response to the new tunes.

Three nights later at the 3rd Gibson show, I was 10th row and the place was pretty subdued for everything except the intro and Jungle.  It was without a doubt the best of the three shows I saw performance-wise, but the crowd wasn't very into it.  You could count on your fingers the number of hands in the air in the front section of the place. Most people just stood there, a lot of folks sat down, even in the good seats.

In the span of the last year I've seen Rage, Muse, The Police, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Dave Matthews Band, Bob Seger and Tool in arena-sized settings...unfortunately, the GN'R crowds were the least enthusiastic out of all of those...except maybe Bob Seger when he'd play one of his new songs and half the place would sit down.

Hopefully when the album's out and they're in the press more the crowds will be more into it, but in my opinion the "late" start time in combo with the long solo stretches really killed the energy at 2 of the 3 shows I was at.  Not that I minded the late start or didn't enjoy the solos personally, I'm just reporting how the general crowd reacted.

Title: Re: Bad crowd responce???
Post by: FujiTV on June 21, 2007, 04:19:09 PM
I think if I ever got to go to a GNR show I would probably be staring and concentrating for most of the show. It's not that I wouldn't be into it, it's that I would be really into it and would want to focus on it.  I wonder if that's what some of the people with the so called "impress me" attitude are actually doing. I think people making too much noise over the band (so that I couldn't hear the band clearly) would bug me, and I'd probably be pretty annoyed if people were bumping in to me all the time. I like what Roger Waters said about the audience's role in a concert, something along the lines of "You better stand there silently and listen to the fucking song or I'm going home."

Title: Re: Bad crowd responce???
Post by: horsey on June 21, 2007, 04:21:48 PM
best crowd ever,,, NY Hammerstein all four shows? :yes:

i agree i had fun.for the 1 night i went.

Title: Re: Bad crowd responce???
Post by: DoubleTalkingJive on June 21, 2007, 04:27:51 PM
best crowd ever,,, NY Hammerstein all four shows  :yes:

I was thinking the same thing. I went the first night and it was crazy. I went to Baltimore in November and the crowd was way different but not bad either.

Agreed, I was at the first night too and the 15th, it was nuts :beer:

Title: Re: Bad crowd responce???
Post by: Gargh! on June 21, 2007, 06:48:06 PM
If what Blackrose is saying about Australia is true then it must be a tough place to tour.  If people can't get right into an Edguy set and stay insane for an hour or so there is something seriously wrong with them.

Title: Re: Bad crowd responce???
Post by: gnr_oz_fan on June 21, 2007, 07:13:48 PM
I thought the the whole night was absolutely brilliant, except for one guy that was standing in front of us that was standing up and bangin his head in some sort of drug induced unco-ordinated frustration. From wha I could see the pit was bouncing for most of the night, from Baz on. You would think that he would notice that he was the only one in the stands that was actually standing. Next time maybe you should think about getting floor tickets...........

Title: Re: Bad crowd responce???
Post by: Verse Chorus Verse on June 21, 2007, 07:20:31 PM
Most people weren't up and dancing   

dancing ? dear god i hope not.

You should've been in Jersey....

Dear God, that was a horrible crowd. And people complain about elsewhere....

Title: Re: Bad crowd responce???
Post by: Tonylover on June 22, 2007, 01:00:12 AM
I think response is the wrong word (and spelling), G'N'R have been received really well, great crowd response at all shows.
I think what people are trying to express is that the crowd don't behave like they are at a Pantera concert or similar to a G'N'R audience of yesteryear.
Its pretty simple maths, Axl and the group has matured in the show they put on, the front man has aged as have his fans. Its can still get wild? considering the massive demographical span of Guns fans, especially during the heavier songs but for the most part people are looking to take in a good show now rather then good drugs and no memories. Its a nice mixture to have for a band trying hard to please everybody, an impossible task.

You're on the money.

Christina xx

Title: Re: Bad crowd responce???
Post by: badapple81 on June 22, 2007, 01:02:12 AM
My question is this; how come there are so many conflicting reports?

Most of the reviews from both private and public sources are positive and saying the crowd was off the hook. This is the only opinion I've seen so far saying otherwise.

The crowd were digging it at both shows I went to. I will say however that on Brisbane 2nd night I thought the show needed a bit more momentum. It was a little stop start with slow songs, fast songs and new songs.. it needed a couple more fast songs in a row I felt to really get the crowd going.

Title: Re: Bad crowd responce???
Post by: SLCPUNK on June 22, 2007, 01:13:58 AM
I thought the crowd in Jax, Fla was pretty tame.

Title: Re: Bad crowd responce???
Post by: badapple81 on June 22, 2007, 01:24:37 AM
Same, I think they just tend to sit back and enjoy the show and appreciate it. But trust me, you couldnt hear SCOM or November Rain at these shows, the crowd were singing that loud. And the applause after each song was deafening.

Japanese crowds tend to do the same, sit back and appreciate and enjoy the music and not really go too crazy I've noticed.

Title: Re: Bad crowd responce???
Post by: Krispy Kreme on June 22, 2007, 01:17:26 PM

Hopefully when the album's out and they're in the press more the crowds will be more into it, but in my opinion the "late" start time in combo with the long solo stretches really killed the energy at 2 of the 3 shows I was at.? Not that I minded the late start or didn't enjoy the solos personally, I'm just reporting how the general crowd reacted.

I think this is an excellent point. I have not seen too many of the reviews discuss the demographics of the crowd. One would presume that a majority are older fans, based upon their knowledge  of and  love  for the older  songs. Many of those older  folks probably  worked all day, stood in line, stood in GA for hours, and probably had a beer or two, or something else. With a late start, some people may just be tired. I can speak for myself as an "older" fan that once it hits midnight or 1 am on a work night, I am ready for bed. The adrenalin of the show only lasts so long. Once those solos begin and with the start and stop nature of the show, it is hard to remain pumped up for 2 hours or more straight.

Title: Re: Bad crowd responce???
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on June 22, 2007, 07:47:59 PM
No crowd could match us fans May 12th, 2006 at the Hammerstein.  It was fucking electric.  From floor to ceiling just about every fan was moving and the crowd energy and volume never fucking wavered!  It was without a doubt the greatest concert of my life.   :love:

Title: Re: Bad crowd responce???
Post by: Bodhi on June 23, 2007, 06:10:05 PM
i wasnt at the show the other night but it would be hard to top the crowd from Jersey last november as far as being lame.....that was the worst crowd I have ever been a part of, I dont care that it was a sunday night....its no excuse....The show was great though

Title: Re: Bad crowd responce???
Post by: Gargh! on June 23, 2007, 06:35:44 PM
Next time maybe you should think about getting floor tickets...........
Ph! People should always take floor tickets.  Seats at a rock show are lame...

Title: Re: Bad crowd responce???
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on June 23, 2007, 07:15:37 PM
i wasnt at the show the other night but it would be hard to top the crowd from Jersey last november as far as being lame.....that was the worst crowd I have ever been a part of, I dont care that it was a sunday night....its no excuse....The show was great though

I was surprised myself at the Jersey crowd.  Hey, me and my friends had a great time...and I guess that's all that matters.  Meeting a lot of forum members was very cool.
There are a ton of nice folks here at HTGTH.   :peace:

Title: Re: Bad crowd responce???
Post by: russtcb on June 23, 2007, 07:40:04 PM
i wasnt at the show the other night but it would be hard to top the crowd from Jersey last november as far as being lame.....that was the worst crowd I have ever been a part of, I dont care that it was a sunday night....its no excuse....The show was great though

I was surprised myself at the Jersey crowd.? Hey, me and my friends had a great time...and I guess that's all that matters.? Meeting a lot of forum members was very cool.
There are a ton of nice folks here at HTGTH.? ?:peace:

To be honest the crowd here in Detroit were pretty damn lame last time around. There were whole groups of people near me that were flipping off Axl everytime he came to the end of the ramp by us. Another thing was that people would just boo the piss out of Rob, Richard and Robin when they came to the end of the ramp as well.

Very strange.

I would never imagine paying that kind of money to sit and boo people. Especially when they were playing their collective asses off.

Title: Re: Bad crowd responce???
Post by: Billo on June 24, 2007, 02:14:02 AM
Well at the first melb show the crowd was all chering and singing..I dont know if many were danceing but they were all waving there arms and cheering..was awesome.. : ok:

Title: Re: Bad crowd responce???
Post by: fuckin crazy on June 24, 2007, 06:39:10 AM
A real Talking Heads song that best showcased David Byrne's real talent

A bluesy punk song . What more could one ask for ?

Title: Re: Bad crowd responce???
Post by: russtcb on June 24, 2007, 06:43:54 AM
Could it be that people are tired of seeing the same set verbatim and the same show...

You lost me with this thought.

95% of those arenas aren't the people who are on these forums finding out the setlists and what not.

The thread is whats wrong with some of the crowds not to do the lame bitching about the setlist thing.

Title: Re: Bad crowd responce???
Post by: Wheres Izzy on June 24, 2007, 10:21:27 AM
best crowd ever,,, NY Hammerstein all four shows? :yes:

Yep. I was part of the first night. There was a huge buzz. Everyone was booing Bullet for My Valentine tho. Not cause they were THAT bad, just cause everyone was so anxious.

Title: Re: Bad crowd responce???
Post by: KillKurtzKids on June 24, 2007, 10:30:51 AM
Manchester. Always a good crowd in Mancunia.

Title: Re: Bad crowd responce???
Post by: RebelRose89 on June 24, 2007, 12:21:17 PM
Yep. I was part of the first night. There was a huge buzz. Everyone was booing Bullet for My Valentine tho. Not cause they were THAT bad, just cause everyone was so anxious.
Being one of the many who Booed; I will stay true to what my ears told me that night
 - they sucked more than a 2 dollar slut on Ebay! :yes:

Title: Re: Bad crowd responce???
Post by: nyd on June 24, 2007, 12:30:24 PM

In other places people are going crazy by the music played over the PA before the show....

Ahhh the Hammersmith show in London last year  : ok: Haha that was awesome, people were crowdsurfing at the back of the venue to Metallica etc  ;D We had to wait over an hour for GNR so entertained ourselves  :rofl:

Title: Re: Bad crowd responce???
Post by: Wheres Izzy on June 24, 2007, 12:41:34 PM
Yep. I was part of the first night. There was a huge buzz. Everyone was booing Bullet for My Valentine tho. Not cause they were THAT bad, just cause everyone was so anxious.
Being one of the many who Booed; I will stay true to what my ears told me that night
 - they sucked more than a 2 dollar slut on Ebay! :yes:

HA! Yeah they were'nt very good. Nothing could bring down that night tho. So Many great moments. Only thing that coulda made it better is if Izzy had come out that first night like he did at some of the other shows.

Title: Re: Bad crowd responce???
Post by: RebelRose89 on June 24, 2007, 12:51:36 PM
Yep. I was part of the first night. There was a huge buzz. Everyone was booing Bullet for My Valentine tho. Not cause they were THAT bad, just cause everyone was so anxious.
Being one of the many who Booed; I will stay true to what my ears told me that night
 - they sucked more than a 2 dollar slut on Ebay! :yes:

HA! Yeah they were'nt very good. Nothing could bring down that night tho. So Many great moments. Only thing that coulda made it better is if Izzy had come out that first night like he did at some of the other shows.
Eh, That night I couldn't care less about the opener - I had great seats and I witnessed? all the new songs played for the first time, that night!!! Especially since I had all the new tunes on repeat on my ipod all the way to NYC.

Not to mention seeing your favorite band, from what seemed like inches away! - Now that was fuckin' cool :drool:

Title: Re: Bad crowd responce???
Post by: russtcb on June 24, 2007, 01:43:35 PM
best crowd ever,,, NY Hammerstein all four shows? :yes:

Yep. I was part of the first night. There was a huge buzz. Everyone was booing Bullet for My Valentine tho. Not cause they were THAT bad, just cause everyone was so anxious.

I have to say also that the DJ for the first night in Hammerstein was INCREDIBLE. The mix of tunes was so cool and mixed togther so well that it added to the mood.

Title: Re: Bad crowd responce???
Post by: Carlos_f_Rose on June 24, 2007, 06:22:30 PM
Rock in Rio 2001 waaaaaaaaaaas Amazing!! :)

All South Americans crowd are great..
Hammerstein was very good too!

I second that dude...

Title: Re: Bad crowd responce???
Post by: Lostrose on June 25, 2007, 07:31:50 PM
best crowd ever,,, NY Hammerstein all four shows? :yes:

i was at the first one, and i did my part.  i lost my voice before the end of WTTJ.
Fuck that was fun.

Title: Re: Bad crowd responce???
Post by: Lostrose on June 25, 2007, 07:33:34 PM
And about Bullet for my Valentine..... yeah.  they sucked.

I think they need their own bullets, in the head. 

Title: Re: Bad crowd response???
Post by: stolat on June 27, 2007, 06:29:55 AM
I just remembered something really funny about the Adelaide concert!

Axl was doing NR and at the same time in the filmclip when Slash leaves the church, a Slash look alike jumped the securty barrier and did this slow Slash walk across the front of the security area.

Cracked us all up, including Axl.  :rofl: