Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: GeraldFord on June 18, 2007, 06:25:41 AM

Title: George W. Bush- What will he do once he leaves office?
Post by: GeraldFord on June 18, 2007, 06:25:41 AM
I don't think any future GOP candidates will ask him to campaign for them, or any future presidents (Dems or Republicans) will ask him for advice. I think maybe he may lecture at some Christian-Right-Wing Universities.

Title: Re: George W. Bush- What will he do once he leaves office?
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on June 18, 2007, 06:48:10 AM
In many ways the Republicans will treat George W. in 2008 like the Dems treated the disgraced former Prez Clinton in 2000.  If I'm not mistaken though, he may be kept more under wraps due to the severely low popularity he has now and is likely to continue into '08. 

Although, "W" is hugely popular in Albania!!!  I saw it on the news the other night.  How many electoral votes does Albania carry?   :hihi: 

Title: Re: George W. Bush- What will he do once he leaves office?
Post by: GeraldFord on June 18, 2007, 09:05:56 AM
In many ways the Republicans will treat George W. in 2008 like the Dems treated the disgraced former Prez Clinton in 2000.? If I'm not mistaken though, he may be kept more under wraps due to the severely low popularity he has now and is likely to continue into '08.?

Although, "W" is hugely popular in Albania!!!? I saw it on the news the other night.? How many electoral votes does Albania carry?? ?:hihi:?

While Gore didn't use Clinton as much as he could have, he still did use him in 2000. And Bill Clinton's popularity, even durring Monicagate, was still pretty high, as it is now. Bush's aproval rating is now at 29 percent.

Title: Re: George W. Bush- What will he do once he leaves office?
Post by: The Catcher on June 18, 2007, 09:38:19 AM
hopefully vanish from the face of the earth

Title: Re: George W. Bush- What will he do once he leaves office?
Post by: Robman? on June 18, 2007, 09:50:32 AM
history will show he did the right thing

Title: Re: George W. Bush- What will he do once he leaves office?
Post by: The Catcher on June 18, 2007, 09:54:51 AM
history will show he did the right thing

haha, i hope you're kidding
history won't be kind to george w. bush, trust me

Title: Re: George W. Bush- What will he do once he leaves office?
Post by: GeraldFord on June 18, 2007, 09:57:51 AM
history will show he did the right thing

Rigggggggggght.  : ok:

When everything is falling apart, that's the best a Bush apologist can offer..."History will show...."

Title: Re: George W. Bush- What will he do once he leaves office?
Post by: Robman? on June 18, 2007, 10:09:20 AM
history will show he did the right thing

Rigggggggggght.  : ok:

When everything is falling apart, that's the best a Bush apologist can offer..."History will show...."

I did not say anything about an apologistic view.

How about Nixon?
At the time many people hated him, but its quite obvious you respect him more than George W. Bush. So that must mean you believe Nixon was a better president, and at the time of his administration is was difficult to imagine a worse one. The same is true of George Bush. Chances are there will be a worse president than him, maybe in 2008 (if Hilary Clinton wins  :hihi: ).

So according to your views, history will show he was an ok president - maybe even slightly mediocre - because the worst is yet to come.

Title: Re: George W. Bush- What will he do once he leaves office?
Post by: Casey Shelton on June 18, 2007, 10:51:43 AM

George W. Bush- What will he do once he leaves office?

Watch cartoons.

Title: Re: George W. Bush- What will he do once he leaves office?
Post by: The Dog on June 18, 2007, 10:54:04 AM
^^ not to change the topic of this thread, but I really don't' think you're right at all.  There is NOTHING good about the Bush presidency.  I fear the F-up in Iraq is the beginning of the end to America as the worlds super power.  its cost of billions of dollars, the worlds respect and allowed us to fall behind while real, other threats have gone virtually unchecked (china, iran, chavez, etc....).  We had them beat in Afghanistan and then Bush gave OBL exactly what he wanted, a "war" we couldn't win on Arab soil (much like the soviet/Afghanistan conflict).

Anyways, I think Bush will become Carter like.  Kinda lay low, do his own thing and then speak up in the future the next time someone fucks up more than he did ;)

Title: Re: George W. Bush- What will he do once he leaves office?
Post by: fuckin crazy on June 18, 2007, 11:11:26 AM
Probably be indicted .

Title: Re: George W. Bush- What will he do once he leaves office?
Post by: Bill 213 on June 18, 2007, 11:11:32 AM
Maybe he can convince Cheney to get his buddies at Haliburton to give him an adviser job or something. ?Then he can set back and draw those sweet millions!

Title: Re: George W. Bush- What will he do once he leaves office?
Post by: SLCPUNK on June 18, 2007, 11:11:49 AM
Surf the "internets".

Title: Re: George W. Bush- What will he do once he leaves office?
Post by: Booker Floyd on June 18, 2007, 12:35:17 PM
I did not say anything about an apologistic view.

How about Nixon?
At the time many people hated him, but its quite obvious you respect him more than George W. Bush. So that must mean you believe Nixon was a better president, and at the time of his administration is was difficult to imagine a worse one. The same is true of George Bush. Chances are there will be a worse president than him, maybe in 2008 (if Hilary Clinton wins  :hihi: ).

So according to your views, history will show he was an ok president - maybe even slightly mediocre - because the worst is yet to come.

What kind of argument is this?

There might be a worse president in the future = he did the right thing?  Thats an equation worthy of a Bush supporter I suppose.

Title: Re: George W. Bush- What will he do once he leaves office?
Post by: GeraldFord on June 18, 2007, 12:39:29 PM
history will show he did the right thing

Rigggggggggght.? : ok:

When everything is falling apart, that's the best a Bush apologist can offer..."History will show...."

I did not say anything about an apologistic view.

How about Nixon?
At the time many people hated him, but its quite obvious you respect him more than George W. Bush. So that must mean you believe Nixon was a better president, and at the time of his administration is was difficult to imagine a worse one. The same is true of George Bush. Chances are there will be a worse president than him, maybe in 2008 (if Hilary Clinton wins? :hihi: ).

So according to your views, history will show he was an ok president - maybe even slightly mediocre - because the worst is yet to come.
My SN (RichardNixon) is a joke; more than anything else.

But to answer your question, Nixon was a far better President. He was born into a working-class family that knew hardship, he understood that value of hard-work. He achieved the American dream and rose to the highest office because of it. Bush is just a screw-up who has been handed everything, including the presidency. He has no sense of what Americans really go though--at least Nixon did. Nixon wanted universal health care and a negative income tax because he at least wanted to give people a break. Something like that would be unheard of now in the GOP, that would be even too liberal for most democrats. Plus Nixon also visited China, opening up diplomatic relations after years of silence.

Nixon made some mistakes; obviously prolonging the war in Vietnam, for which a case could be made that he committed war crimes. But remember that Nixon was handed Vietnam, he didn't invade a country on false pretenses the way Bush did.

At the end of the day, you can look at Nixon and see a legacy--both good and bad. Bush is nothing but a failure, an absolute failure.

Title: Re: George W. Bush- What will he do once he leaves office?
Post by: GeraldFord on June 18, 2007, 12:43:27 PM
^^ not to change the topic of this thread, but I really don't' think you're right at all.? There is NOTHING good about the Bush presidency.? I fear the F-up in Iraq is the beginning of the end to America as the worlds super power.? its cost of billions of dollars, the worlds respect and allowed us to fall behind while real, other threats have gone virtually unchecked (china, iran, chavez, etc....).? We had them beat in Afghanistan and then Bush gave OBL exactly what he wanted, a "war" we couldn't win on Arab soil (much like the soviet/Afghanistan conflict).

Anyways, I think Bush will become Carter like.? Kinda lay low, do his own thing and then speak up in the future the next time someone fucks up more than he did ;)

You lost me at Chavez. How is he a threat to the United States?

Title: Re: George W. Bush- What will he do once he leaves office?
Post by: Mal Brossard on June 18, 2007, 12:59:16 PM
More cocaine.

Title: Re: George W. Bush- What will he do once he leaves office?
Post by: gilld1 on June 18, 2007, 01:07:49 PM
He will finally get to read the rest of "My Pet Goat".  It's also a safe bet that he will continue to walk around with that shit eating grin on his face like he really accomplished something and talking to Jesus.

Title: Re: George W. Bush- What will he do once he leaves office?
Post by: SLCPUNK on June 18, 2007, 01:42:28 PM
history will show he did the right thing

Well I'm sure the right wing will do what they've always done and rewrite history, so you may very well turn out to be correct.

Title: Re: George W. Bush- What will he do once he leaves office?
Post by: The Dog on June 18, 2007, 01:54:32 PM
^^ not to change the topic of this thread, but I really don't' think you're right at all.  There is NOTHING good about the Bush presidency.  I fear the F-up in Iraq is the beginning of the end to America as the worlds super power.  its cost of billions of dollars, the worlds respect and allowed us to fall behind while real, other threats have gone virtually unchecked (china, iran, chavez, etc....).  We had them beat in Afghanistan and then Bush gave OBL exactly what he wanted, a "war" we couldn't win on Arab soil (much like the soviet/Afghanistan conflict).

Anyways, I think Bush will become Carter like.  Kinda lay low, do his own thing and then speak up in the future the next time someone fucks up more than he did ;)

You lost me at Chavez. How is he a threat to the United States?

i wouldn't say hes a legitimate threat (at least right now) but hes been VERY vocal with in his dislike for the US and Bush.  Its easy to blow him off as nothing, but i'm sure thats what many did with the terrorist threats before 9-11.  Anyways, the point of my post was that this was has been a terrible distraction and waste of valuable resources and lives.  the rest of the world is moving forward and passing us by while we are stuck in the shitstorm that is Iraq. 

It'd be one thing if this was Bush's only fuck up but there are just SO many things to list:

the corrupt congress

feel free to add, i know there is TONS i'm leaving off (but i have work to do now so....)

Title: Re: George W. Bush- What will he do once he leaves office?
Post by: Booker Floyd on June 18, 2007, 02:01:45 PM
Its easy to blow him off as nothing, but i'm sure thats what many did with the terrorist threats before 9-11.  \


Can you expound on this?

Title: Re: George W. Bush- What will he do once he leaves office?
Post by: AxlsMainMan on June 18, 2007, 03:00:50 PM
I did not say anything about an apologistic view.

How about Nixon?
At the time many people hated him, but its quite obvious you respect him more than George W. Bush. So that must mean you believe Nixon was a better president, and at the time of his administration is was difficult to imagine a worse one. The same is true of George Bush. Chances are there will be a worse president than him, maybe in 2008 (if Hilary Clinton wins? :hihi: ).

So according to your views, history will show he was an ok president - maybe even slightly mediocre - because the worst is yet to come.

What kind of argument is this?

There might be a worse president in the future = he did the right thing?? Thats an equation worthy of a Bush supporter I suppose.

Robman clearly resides in a Republican household :hihi:

Title: Re: George W. Bush- What will he do once he leaves office?
Post by: The Dog on June 18, 2007, 03:03:44 PM
Its easy to blow him off as nothing, but i'm sure thats what many did with the terrorist threats before 9-11.  \


Can you expound on this?

i know i for one didn't take any of the videos they would show on the news really serious.  the training camp vids kinda made me laugh.  when OBL says stuff like he'll destroy us and blah blah blah its like "yeah dude, suuuuure you will".  in my naive mind they could never do any damage - after all how would a rag tag group of guys ever defeat an army of m1 abrams tanks and apache attack helicopters?  all of their attacks on US targets prior to 9-11 (minus the attack in 93 which to me only made them look even more clumsy/incapable of a serious attack) were off US soil, just shitty things to see on the news that made people mad for a day but life went on....  the idea of a 9-11 type of attack was completely foreign to me (and i'm sure many americans).

There wasn't much public out cry for a military response after the embassy bombings, 93 WTC bomb and the USS Cole - it wasn't until 9-11 that people wanted something done.

Title: Re: George W. Bush- What will he do once he leaves office?
Post by: Booker Floyd on June 18, 2007, 03:21:10 PM
i know i for one didn't take any of the videos they would show on the news really serious.  the training camp vids kinda made me laugh.  when OBL says stuff like he'll destroy us and blah blah blah its like "yeah dude, suuuuure you will".  in my naive mind they could never do any damage - after all how would a rag tag group of guys ever defeat an army of m1 abrams tanks and apache attack helicopters?  all of their attacks on US targets prior to 9-11 (minus the attack in 93 which to me only made them look even more clumsy/incapable of a serious attack) were off US soil, just shitty things to see on the news that made people mad for a day but life went on....  the idea of a 9-11 type of attack was completely foreign to me (and i'm sure many americans).

There wasn't much public out cry for a military response after the embassy bombings, 93 WTC bomb and the USS Cole - it wasn't until 9-11 that people wanted something done.

I remember some outcry.  And Bin Laden was indeed placed on the FBIs Most Wanted list and pursued for capture.  Besides that, your comparison isnt exactly a valid one since one man is a head of state that, to my knowledge, has never threatened the United States with violence, and the other is a terrorist who did.

Title: Re: George W. Bush- What will he do once he leaves office?
Post by: The Dog on June 18, 2007, 04:59:42 PM
i know i for one didn't take any of the videos they would show on the news really serious.  the training camp vids kinda made me laugh.  when OBL says stuff like he'll destroy us and blah blah blah its like "yeah dude, suuuuure you will".  in my naive mind they could never do any damage - after all how would a rag tag group of guys ever defeat an army of m1 abrams tanks and apache attack helicopters?  all of their attacks on US targets prior to 9-11 (minus the attack in 93 which to me only made them look even more clumsy/incapable of a serious attack) were off US soil, just shitty things to see on the news that made people mad for a day but life went on....  the idea of a 9-11 type of attack was completely foreign to me (and i'm sure many americans).

There wasn't much public out cry for a military response after the embassy bombings, 93 WTC bomb and the USS Cole - it wasn't until 9-11 that people wanted something done.

I remember some outcry.  And Bin Laden was indeed placed on the FBIs Most Wanted list and pursued for capture.  Besides that, your comparison isnt exactly a valid one since one man is a head of state that, to my knowledge, has never threatened the United States with violence, and the other is a terrorist who did.

Outcry is one thing, but demanding a response is another.  Placing him on the FBI was a federal response, not a public one.  Compare the public reaction to any of the attacks I mentioned to the public reaction after 9-11 - night and day.

as for my "comparison" i wasn't trying to compare them.  While not a "threat" in the way that OBL is to the US, Chavez is a threat to Latin American democracy.

Title: Re: George W. Bush- What will he do once he leaves office?
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on June 18, 2007, 05:06:05 PM
I must say I enjoyed Richard Nixon's comparison of Nixon and G. W. Bush...completely on the mark.  Nice work.  Don't forget Nixon wouldn't allow whacked-out born-again nonsense to dominate (completely own) his views on science/ethics.

To try and include "intelligent design" in my childrens' education and stifle science/evolution,  deny vital funding of embryonic stem cell research, and attempt to prevent women from having access to an abortion is evil in my eyes.  He is not a president that decides to do what's best for the people of this country...he does things based solely on his f'd up ultra-religious born-again insanity. 

The Republican Party was better than all the crap that's being served up today.  30 to 40 years ago, I would have been a Republican.  Smaller government, lower taxes, personal responsibility, strong defense, strong on crime, and no governmental interference when it came to medical issues i.e. abortion.  Yup, without a doubt, I'd have been a Republican.

While Chavez is a threat to Venezuelan democracy, I don't think he's a threat to Latin American democracy...what he's a threat to is a stable supply of black liquid gold...i.e. oil.   ;)


Title: Re: George W. Bush- What will he do once he leaves office?
Post by: gandra on June 18, 2007, 05:24:45 PM
In many ways the Republicans will treat George W. in 2008 like the Dems treated the disgraced former Prez Clinton in 2000.? If I'm not mistaken though, he may be kept more under wraps due to the severely low popularity he has now and is likely to continue into '08.?

Although, "W" is hugely popular in Albania!!!? I saw it on the news the other night.? How many electoral votes does Albania carry?? ?:hihi:?
fuck that country,it's good place for drugs dealers?
they like bush because he want to give kosovo (serbian province) to albania.
i think bush make a mistake because serbs were usa partners and friends in first and second world war

Title: Re: George W. Bush- What will he do once he leaves office?
Post by: Dr. Blutarsky on June 18, 2007, 06:01:59 PM
I won't be a windbag like so many other posters......

I think he'll probably be a low key ex-president. He is such a polarizing figure, he'll most likely stay out of the limelight.

Title: Re: George W. Bush- What will he do once he leaves office?
Post by: AxlsMainMan on June 18, 2007, 06:07:50 PM
If Rudy wins, it wouldn't surprise me in the least if he kept Bush around as an advisor.

Title: Re: George W. Bush- What will he do once he leaves office?
Post by: freedom78 on June 18, 2007, 06:35:52 PM
i think bush make a mistake because serbs were usa partners and friends in first and second world war

By that logic, the French should be deeply entrenched in Iraq, right now. 

In other news...

Yes, Nixon was a much better President.  In fact, we was kind of a good President.  Vietnam was a fuck up, but he certainly didn't start that war.  Watergate was a political scandal, which is hardly the equivalent of recklessly starting an unnecessary war. 

I think in his retirement, Bush will engage Dan Quayle in a game of Trivial Pursuit and will, 12 years later, emerge victorious.  And that brings up an interesting point.  In later editions of games like that, would Bush miss all the questions about his Presidency, because he's still unwilling to admit he was ever wrong.

Q: "Which US President led the country to an unnecessary and reckless war in Iraq?"

Bush: "None of 'em"    :rofl:

Title: Re: George W. Bush- What will he do once he leaves office?
Post by: Robman? on June 18, 2007, 07:22:59 PM
I did not say anything about an apologistic view.

How about Nixon?
At the time many people hated him, but its quite obvious you respect him more than George W. Bush. So that must mean you believe Nixon was a better president, and at the time of his administration is was difficult to imagine a worse one. The same is true of George Bush. Chances are there will be a worse president than him, maybe in 2008 (if Hilary Clinton wins  :hihi: ).

So according to your views, history will show he was an ok president - maybe even slightly mediocre - because the worst is yet to come.

What kind of argument is this?

There might be a worse president in the future = he did the right thing?  Thats an equation worthy of a Bush supporter I suppose.

I don't have to prove I'm right, I just have to prove you're wrong. My point is, it's all a matter of perspective.

Take today's music scene for example, we may see it as mostly crap. Will kids in 15-20 years think that thier modern stuff is crap but the music of today is awesome? Will Fall out Boy be doing a reunion tour?  :hihi:
Its all perspective.

I did not say anything about an apologistic view.

How about Nixon?
At the time many people hated him, but its quite obvious you respect him more than George W. Bush. So that must mean you believe Nixon was a better president, and at the time of his administration is was difficult to imagine a worse one. The same is true of George Bush. Chances are there will be a worse president than him, maybe in 2008 (if Hilary Clinton wins  :hihi: ).

So according to your views, history will show he was an ok president - maybe even slightly mediocre - because the worst is yet to come.

What kind of argument is this?

There might be a worse president in the future = he did the right thing?  Thats an equation worthy of a Bush supporter I suppose.

Robman clearly resides in a Republican household :hihi:

au contraire, I am neither. Democrats always seem to take opposite views just to make things take longer to get done. Republicans suffer from stupidity and inferiority complexes. I dislike both groups.  :hihi:

Title: Re: George W. Bush- What will he do once he leaves office?
Post by: fuckin crazy on June 18, 2007, 08:02:29 PM

fuck that country,it's good place for drugs dealers?

It is astounding that people hold on to ancient prejudices . Most Muslims in that part of the world adopted Islam , after the Ottoman conquest of the 17th century , for tax purposes . That part of the world suffered far too much in the last century . what , 5 wars . As Rodney King said "can't we all just get along" .

Title: Re: George W. Bush- What will he do once he leaves office?
Post by: Nostradamus on June 18, 2007, 08:32:58 PM
Now that the Decider's approval rating is about as low among conservatives as it is among liberals, I don't anticipate that either party will have much use for him. 

Title: Re: George W. Bush- What will he do once he leaves office?
Post by: The Dog on June 18, 2007, 10:22:20 PM
Now that the Decider's approval rating is about as low among conservatives as it is among liberals, I don't anticipate that either party will have much use for him. 

nah, the dems have a lot of use for him for years to come...

Title: Re: George W. Bush- What will he do once he leaves office?
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on June 19, 2007, 07:34:18 AM
^ Ha!  Maybe the Democrats can bring Bush around on their tours across the country.

Title: Re: George W. Bush- What will he do once he leaves office?
Post by: freedom78 on June 19, 2007, 12:09:25 PM
^ Ha!  Maybe the Democrats can bring Bush around on their tours across the country.

Maybe once he retires, he'll suddenly be for everything that Democrats like...kind of like when the KKK in South Park switched sides, because they knew everyone would vote against them.  :rofl:

Title: Re: George W. Bush- What will he do once he leaves office?
Post by: The Dog on June 21, 2007, 11:41:20 PM
Premier Bush is down to 26% - how low can you go!??!?!  He is so close to Nixon's low, I think I can smell it!!!