Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Dead Horse => Topic started by: makkonen on June 11, 2007, 06:08:28 AM

Title: ChiDem out 2008?
Post by: makkonen on June 11, 2007, 06:08:28 AM
what are they waiting, why not release it if it?s ready?
Well...first i thought it was something to do with material of the booklet/cover of product (easier to see what is pirate-version)
or some new format with harder-to-copy-thing.
That could still be the case, but now that we are so close to Summer Olympics in Beijing 2008, i think that they (management) are propably waiting for that HUGE FREE PROMOTION for the record.
I priceless (you normally cant?t even hope for that kind of massive media hype for a record) and same time it?s all free for the company.
So, what do YOU think about that?

Title: Re: ChiDem out 2008?
Post by: wight gunner on June 11, 2007, 06:18:52 AM
You are talking out of your ass.  IF and it is IF, there are trcks from CD associated with the olympics then it won't be because they delay the realease until 2008.  In major events such as these, the tried and tested will always get the gig, or its written for the event and released during or afterwards.

Title: Re: ChiDem out 2008?
Post by: stolat on June 11, 2007, 06:24:43 AM
If anyone puts out an album for the Olympics it will be Jackie Chan!

Title: Re: ChiDem out 2008?
Post by: CheapJon on June 11, 2007, 06:25:59 AM
they wanna release it at the best time possible.. when that is who knows but probably september at the earliest then again who the fuck knows

Title: Re: ChiDem out 2008?
Post by: makkonen on June 11, 2007, 07:06:54 AM
You are talking out of your ass.  IF and it is IF, there are trcks from CD associated with the olympics then it won't be because they delay the realease until 2008.  In major events such as these, the tried and tested will always get the gig, or its written for the event and released during or afterwards.

Oh, you don?t get it?
With an album title like that from band like GN`R there WILL be a LOT of talk about human rights etc. in China.
There will be a lot of free promotion for the record, believe me,pal.
If the management is good enough to use it, i mean...
Hope so.
ps. nothing to do with the idea of olympic sports...oh man, i don?t know how old you people are, but this is almost too funny  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Title: Re: ChiDem out 2008?
Post by: GNRreunioneventually on June 11, 2007, 12:20:32 PM
wow i'm surprised this thread hasn't been locked yet. But i think that .....well......i don't know hopefully before '08 because i'm sick of waiting as is the rest of you. 

Am i right :peace:

but for right now i'm kinda siding with the dude at the top, Your talking out of your ass

Title: Re: ChiDem out 2008?
Post by: makkonen on June 11, 2007, 03:48:25 PM
wow i'm surprised this thread hasn't been locked yet. But i think that .....well......i don't know hopefully before '08 because i'm sick of waiting as is the rest of you. 

Am i right :peace:

but for right now i'm kinda siding with the dude at the top, Your talking out of your ass

And why on earth should this thread be locked for?!?!?!
Maybe my ass knows better than yours  :rofl:
We?ll see, won?t we :beer:

Title: Re: ChiDem out 2008?
Post by: CheapJon on June 11, 2007, 05:08:03 PM
Your talking out of your ass
Maybe my ass knows better than yours

so your ass is more experienced then CDE's?

Title: Re: ChiDem out 2008?
Post by: makkonen on June 11, 2007, 05:54:33 PM
Your talking out of your ass
Maybe my ass knows better than yours

so your ass is more experienced then CDE's?

Why you guys are so interested about ass-things?!?!
I?m little bit worried about you.
Or is some kind of phase you are living through right now?
Get well  : ok:

Title: Re: ChiDem out 2008?
Post by: CheapJon on June 11, 2007, 05:58:51 PM
Your talking out of your ass
Maybe my ass knows better than yours

so your ass is more experienced then CDE's?

Why you guys are so interested about ass-things?!?!
I?m little bit worried about you.
Or is some kind of phase you are living through right now?
Get well? : ok:

sad, you didn't get it did u :-\

Title: Re: ChiDem out 2008?
Post by: GNRreunioneventually on June 11, 2007, 07:06:56 PM
Your talking out of your ass
Maybe my ass knows better than yours

so your ass is more experienced then CDE's?

Why you guys are so interested about ass-things?!?!
I?m little bit worried about you.
Or is some kind of phase you are living through right now?
Get well? : ok:

Because we've been hanging around Richard Nixons to long n00b!

Title: Re: ChiDem out 2008?
Post by: makkonen on June 12, 2007, 05:04:46 AM
Your talking out of your ass
Maybe my ass knows better than yours

so your ass is more experienced then CDE's?

Why you guys are so interested about ass-things?!?!
I?m little bit worried about you.
Or is some kind of phase you are living through right now?
Get well  : ok:

Because we've been hanging around Richard Nixons to long n00b!

Almost funny :hihi: :hihi:
I?m pretty sure that i was listening GN`R long before you and your "ass-buddy" CheapJon were even i correct  :beer:
So be careful who you call noob, child.
What has happened to the HTGTH-forum nowadays, seems like almost all smart fans have moved on to other GNR-forums.
All there seems to be left are these jerks, who only like to talk about MAN?s asses...SAD,SAD,SAD...are you guys under 10 years old or what is your problem? Or get out of the closet, maybe things work out that way for you. Best of luck to both of you  : ok: : ok:

Title: Re: ChiDem out 2008?
Post by: GNRreunioneventually on June 12, 2007, 12:33:39 PM
Your talking out of your ass
Maybe my ass knows better than yours

so your ass is more experienced then CDE's?

Why you guys are so interested about ass-things?!?!
I?m little bit worried about you.
Or is some kind of phase you are living through right now?
Get well? : ok:

Because we've been hanging around Richard Nixons to long n00b!

Almost funny :hihi: :hihi:
I?m pretty sure that i was listening GN`R long before you and your "ass-buddy" CheapJon were even i correct? :beer:
So be careful who you call noob, child.
What has happened to the HTGTH-forum nowadays, seems like almost all smart fans have moved on to other GNR-forums.
All there seems to be left are these jerks, who only like to talk about MAN?s asses...SAD,SAD,SAD...are you guys under 10 years old or what is your problem? Or get out of the closet, maybe things work out that way for you. Best of luck to both of you? : ok: : ok:

i called you a n00b because you only have 27 posts and probably haven't been here as long i don't know i don't look at stats. Plus if you think we're bad about talking about asses you should visit some of the other threads :hihi: and its mostly about Tori Amosses (sp?) ass (am i right RN?)

And yeah you probably have listento them longer cause you are older but thata doesn't make you more of a fan than me or cheapjon. And if you think every "smart one" has moved on to other forums than why don't you do the same, and don't let the door hit your ass on the way out : ok:.

its not that we don't like you its just that we don't like people that can't take a joke, and if you look back on our messeges you were the on that started the talk of asses :) i believe your words were " maybe my ass knows better than your ass" course you probably think so becuase your "OLDER" but really that doesn't mean shit.


Title: Re: ChiDem out 2008?
Post by: Krispy Kreme on June 12, 2007, 01:15:18 PM
Speaking of asses, rumor has it that Paris  Hilton has anal herpes!  : ok: God bless her soul. :beer:

Back on topic: who know when it will be  released. I doubt 2008 and hope not to wait that long.

Title: Re: ChiDem out 2008?
Post by: makkonen on June 12, 2007, 03:49:41 PM
Your talking out of your ass
Maybe my ass knows better than yours

so your ass is more experienced then CDE's?

Why you guys are so interested about ass-things?!?!
I?m little bit worried about you.
Or is some kind of phase you are living through right now?
Get well  : ok:

Because we've been hanging around Richard Nixons to long n00b!

Almost funny :hihi: :hihi:
I?m pretty sure that i was listening GN`R long before you and your "ass-buddy" CheapJon were even i correct  :beer:
So be careful who you call noob, child.
What has happened to the HTGTH-forum nowadays, seems like almost all smart fans have moved on to other GNR-forums.
All there seems to be left are these jerks, who only like to talk about MAN?s asses...SAD,SAD,SAD...are you guys under 10 years old or what is your problem? Or get out of the closet, maybe things work out that way for you. Best of luck to both of you  : ok: : ok:

i called you a n00b because you only have 27 posts and probably haven't been here as long i don't know i don't look at stats. Plus if you think we're bad about talking about asses you should visit some of the other threads :hihi: and its mostly about Tori Amosses (sp?) ass (am i right RN?)

-"i understood that correctly. So what if i have 27 posts (on THIS fan-forum...i am part of almost 10 GN`R-forums, not to mention other great band?s forums), i really don?t think you should call ANYONE noob, you ain?t that special  :rofl: I have been READING this forum years before joining, because there was not really no need to join earlier".

And yeah you probably have listento them longer cause you are older but thata doesn't make you more of a fan than me or cheapjon. And if you think every "smart one" has moved on to other forums than why don't you do the same, and don't let the door hit your ass on the way out : ok:.

-"at first learn to read and then try to understand what you just read. I DID NOT say that EVERY smart member has left this forum. Many have. Maybe because of you? Just kidding : ok: To me anyway, i?m much bigger fan than you and your kind, i supported them lot before they became successfull. If you were not there in their early days, you can?t even understand what you are missing. It?s not your fault, but maybe you should respect a little more people who supported them from early on. To me, there?s room for both, older and younger fans. Just be careful who you?re fucking with".

its not that we don't like you its just that we don't like people that can't take a joke, and if you look back on our messeges you were the on that started the talk of asses :) i believe your words were " maybe my ass knows better than your ass" course you probably think so becuase your "OLDER" but really that doesn't mean shit.

-"please bro :'( I don?t really care much if you like me or not. I personally think that i have very good sense of humor, years education of Monty Python, Spinal Tap etc. It?s gotta be deeply original, nasty, dry and very sick to call it humor for me. You?re ass-humor is very,very far from it, i?m afraid. It was propably funny when i was about 5 or 6 years old. Again...learn to read: it was wight gunner who started this stupid ass-"joke". Not me : ok:
Finally...i?m really not going anywhere from this forum, i?ve been here so long.
Finally,pt.2: i really have nothing more against you or your buddies, just the one thing that we discussed earlier on. DON?T CALL ANYONE NOOB, BEFORE YOU KNOW THAT PERSON BETTER. And if you want to climb intellectually to next level, don?t call real newbies "noob" either".
Peace and love  :beer:


Title: Re: ChiDem out 2008?
Post by: ibelieveinaxl on June 12, 2007, 10:05:04 PM
Speaking of asses, rumor has it that Paris? Hilton has anal herpes!? : ok: God bless her soul. :beer:

Back on topic: who know when it will be? released. I doubt 2008 and hope not to wait that long.

sad thing is no one knows except you know who..its been a long, tedious wait that keeps on going.....there has been only 1 original gnr tune released in the last 16 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: ChiDem out 2008?
Post by: American Hellhound on June 14, 2007, 08:19:37 AM
I've been thinking early 08' for some time now but either way it won't stop me from living my life.

Title: Re: ChiDem out 2008?
Post by: wadey on June 14, 2007, 08:28:53 AM
  IFs and Buts, Farts and Spluts.....................!!
one things for sure.............the fucker will be out one day!!  :peace:

Title: Re: ChiDem out 2008?
Post by: Verse Chorus Verse on June 14, 2007, 12:37:36 PM
Yeah, and with our luck Axl will live to 100.

Title: Re: ChiDem out 2008?
Post by: Krispy Kreme on June 14, 2007, 08:49:49 PM
Well, IMO it is not a good sign that Axl is making jokes about (his) band that has not put out an album. Could be a while, although I hope not. At least there  is July 3, 2007 to wait for!

Title: Re: ChiDem out 2008?
Post by: stolat on June 15, 2007, 01:48:43 AM
Yeah, and with our luck Axl will live to 100.

That's what Stolat means!!!  : ok: