Title: Hair Ideas for the Concert?? Post by: stolat on June 09, 2007, 06:39:18 AM Ok, I'm booked in to the hairdressers on Wednesday to get myself a 'do' for the concert that night. Any suggestions??
I'm thinking on 80s, lots of teasing and hairspray, cross between Mike Monroe's and early Axl's, big hair explosion!! Cherry red perhaps? Please help, because at this stage I am seriously considering some Bon Jovi frosting.... The hair! What will I do with the hair!!!!! Title: Re: Hair Ideas for the Concert?? Post by: Dr. Blutarsky on June 09, 2007, 06:07:41 PM Just be you, who cares about the dew?
Title: Re: Hair Ideas for the Concert?? Post by: The Dog on June 09, 2007, 06:24:17 PM post a pic of yourself and then let your fellow fans do some photo shop work on the hair ;)
Title: Re: Hair Ideas for the Concert?? Post by: Axlfreek on June 09, 2007, 06:35:50 PM Ok, I'm booked in to the hairdressers on Wednesday to get myself a 'do' for the concert that night. Any suggestions?? I'm thinking on 80s, lots of teasing and hairspray, cross between Mike Monroe's and early Axl's, big hair explosion!! Cherry red perhaps? Please help, because at this stage I am seriously considering some Bon Jovi frosting.... The hair! What will I do with the hair!!!!! just buzz it. that way you won't have to worry about it : ok: Title: Re: Hair Ideas for the Concert?? Post by: CheapJon on June 09, 2007, 07:08:07 PM shave AXL on one side and GNR on the other... then do the grandest mohawk possible with your hair : ok:
Title: Re: Hair Ideas for the Concert?? Post by: mrlee on June 09, 2007, 07:25:52 PM your hair will be reduced to sweat before the main band even get on....
Title: Re: Hair Ideas for the Concert?? Post by: AdZ on June 09, 2007, 10:36:00 PM (http://www.coniglioeditore.it/uploads/copertine/libro_34fb8b63fd82c67198c027b7c2cd0e9c.jpg)
Title: Re: Hair Ideas for the Concert?? Post by: stolat on June 09, 2007, 11:46:31 PM Thanks guys! Pink frosting it is then....