Title: Sean Connery Won't Be Back for 'Indy 4' Post by: Robman? on June 08, 2007, 01:26:49 PM LOS ANGELES (June 8) - The next "Indiana Jones" flick will not be another father-son affair. Sean Connery says he will not return to play dad to Harrison Ford 's globe-trotting adventurer Indy.
Connery played Indy's father in 1989's "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade," the third installment of the franchise directed by Steven Spielberg and produced by George Lucas . "I get asked the question so often, I thought it best to make an announcement," Connery, 76, said in a statement posted Thursday on Lucasfilm's "Indiana Jones" Web site. "I thought long and hard about it, and if anything could have pulled me out of retirement it would have been an `Indiana Jones' film." "I love working with Steven and George, and it goes without saying that it is an honor to have Harrison as my son," he said. "But in the end, retirement is just too damned much fun." The fourth "Indiana Jones" film, not yet titled, is again directed by Spielberg and produced by Lucas. Shooting begins this month, and the movie is due out May 22, 2008. Lucasfilm also announced Thursday that Cate Blanchett , John Hurt and Ray Winstone will be joining the cast, which along with Ford, includes Shia LaBeouf. Connery - who played the bookish Henry Jones Sr. in "The Last Crusade" and affectionately called his son "Junior" - did have some words for the 64-year-old Ford. "I do, however, have one bit of advice for Junior: Demand that the critters be digital, the cliffs be low, and for goodness sake keep that whip by your side at all times in case you need to escape from the stunt coordinator!" Connery said. "This is a remarkable cast, and I can only say, `Break a leg, everyone."' http://news.aol.com/entertainment/movies/articles/_a/sean-connery-wont-be-back-for-indy-4/20070607133209990001?cid=918 Title: Re: Sean Connery Won't Be Back for 'Indy 4' Post by: 2NaFish on June 08, 2007, 02:58:27 PM shurely shome mishtake??
Title: Re: Sean Connery Won't Be Back for 'Indy 4' Post by: judaskennedy on June 08, 2007, 04:57:54 PM BFD
Title: Re: Sean Connery Won't Be Back for 'Indy 4' Post by: Axlfreek on June 08, 2007, 09:09:39 PM this pisses me off >:(
oh well its still gonna be an awsome movie :beer: Title: Re: Sean Connery Won't Be Back for 'Indy 4' Post by: GeraldFord on June 09, 2007, 01:12:21 AM They should ask Roger Moore to play Indy's dad...
Title: Re: Sean Connery Won't Be Back for 'Indy 4' Post by: Robman? on June 09, 2007, 10:56:46 AM They should ask Roger Moore to play Indy's dad... ughhhh, have you seen Roger lately? :-[ Timothy Dalton maybe. ;D Title: Re: Sean Connery Won't Be Back for 'Indy 4' Post by: Loaded NightraiN on June 09, 2007, 11:39:50 AM Isisnt it a little late script wise for this?
Title: Re: Sean Connery Won't Be Back for 'Indy 4' Post by: Jim on June 09, 2007, 12:36:16 PM Isisnt it a little late script wise for this? Why, are we writing it? As far as I am aware this is ol' Sean letting us know that he ain't going to be involved in the new movie, not the producers, eh? Title: Re: Sean Connery Won't Be Back for 'Indy 4' Post by: jarmo on June 09, 2007, 12:56:36 PM Maybe he's busy working on "anal bum cover"?
;) /jarmo Title: Re: Sean Connery Won't Be Back for 'Indy 4' Post by: GeraldFord on June 09, 2007, 12:58:43 PM They should ask Roger Moore to play Indy's dad... ughhhh, have you seen Roger lately?? :-[ Timothy Dalton maybe.? ;D Roger Moore kicks ass! Title: Re: Sean Connery Won't Be Back for 'Indy 4' Post by: stolat on June 09, 2007, 01:24:58 PM Maybe Harrison Ford should play Indys father...
Title: Re: Sean Connery Won't Be Back for 'Indy 4' Post by: Izzy on June 09, 2007, 05:15:31 PM Maybe Harrison Ford should play Indys father... :hihi: sadly that is the most sensible option Indy 4 must be the most un needed cash in sequal EVER made - who seriously is waiting on this? They are 15 years too late - atleast Its not as if there are any plot lines to resolve all this film can do is drag the existing three through the mud Title: Re: Sean Connery Won't Be Back for 'Indy 4' Post by: Jessica on June 09, 2007, 05:21:14 PM Sean Connery has been sick.
It's very wise of him not to do it. Micheline and the kids need him more than he needs to burn himself out to death. Title: Re: Sean Connery Won't Be Back for 'Indy 4' Post by: Izzy on June 09, 2007, 05:28:13 PM Sean Connery has been sick. It's very wise of him not to do it. Micheline and the kids need him more than he needs to burn himself out to death. ...cos a 5 min cameo would kill him, oh the effort! He'd make atleats ?5 million from it too - could have given that to charity. Title: Re: Sean Connery Won't Be Back for 'Indy 4' Post by: Axlfreek on June 09, 2007, 05:41:20 PM Maybe Harrison Ford should play Indys father... :hihi: sadly that is the most sensible option Indy 4 must be the most un needed cash in sequal EVER made - who seriously is waiting on this? They are 15 years too late - atleast thats an ironic statment coming from someone who is waiting on chinese democracy Title: Re: Sean Connery Won't Be Back for 'Indy 4' Post by: Jessica on June 09, 2007, 05:59:19 PM Sean Connery has been sick. It's very wise of him not to do it. Micheline and the kids need him more than he needs to burn himself out to death. ...cos a 5 min cameo would kill him, oh the effort! He'd make atleats ?5 million from it too - could have given that to charity. oh come on, don't always transform everything into what you want..no one offered him a cameo but much harder schedules. He is not a middle aged man, he is an old man now. Title: Re: Sean Connery Won't Be Back for 'Indy 4' Post by: Izzy on June 10, 2007, 06:45:20 AM Maybe Harrison Ford should play Indys father... :hihi: sadly that is the most sensible option Indy 4 must be the most un needed cash in sequal EVER made - who seriously is waiting on this? They are 15 years too late - atleast thats an ironic statment coming from someone who is waiting on chinese democracy Trust me, I aint waiting for it. Couldnt care less would be the best description Title: Re: Sean Connery Won't Be Back for 'Indy 4' Post by: The Chad Cometh on June 10, 2007, 09:37:24 AM Indy 4 must be the most un needed cash in sequal EVER made - who seriously is waiting on this? They are 15 years too late - atleast Na ... that honour rests squarely with T3 imo ... I am looking forward to this ... should be good. Speilberg and Lucas have always said they would only do it with a kickarse story. Title: Re: Sean Connery Won't Be Back for 'Indy 4' Post by: Axlfreek on June 10, 2007, 09:57:33 AM I am looking forward to this ... should be good. Speilberg and Lucas have always said they would only do it with a kickarse story. SPOILERS The opening scene will take place in Area 51 and will have Indy up against Russian agents. Shia LaBeouf is going to be playing a greaser, wearing jeans and a leather jacket and riding around on a motorcycle. Karen Allen will be reprising the role of Marion Ravenwood in Indiana Jones 4, and she?s going to be Shia LaBeouf?s mom. Indy and Shia will be thrown together in this adventure but will not learn they?re related until a pivotal action scene. The main storyline revolves around crystal skulls and pulls from "Chariots of the Gods," a book written in 1968 by Erich von D?niken. The book theorizes that technology and religion were given to ancient civilizations by aliens, whom the people worshipped as Gods. ] Title: Re: Sean Connery Won't Be Back for 'Indy 4' Post by: The Chad Cometh on June 10, 2007, 10:50:41 AM Quote The main storyline revolves around crystal skulls and pulls from "Chariots of the Gods," a book written in 1968 by Erich von D?niken. The book theorizes that technology and religion were given to ancient civilizations by aliens, whom the people worshipped as Gods. You watch how fucking cool and badass that sounds when delivered by Indianna in some dark cave, with the only source of light being his zippo. :yes: Title: Re: Sean Connery Won't Be Back for 'Indy 4' Post by: 25 on June 10, 2007, 12:32:36 PM Speilberg and Lucas have always said they would only do it with a kickarse story. Well, Spielberg and Ford said that. I'm not sure why Lucas is involved anymore. This must be one of those small/independant/personal films he's been intending to do for the last 30 years. Title: Re: Sean Connery Won't Be Back for 'Indy 4' Post by: Neemo on June 11, 2007, 01:36:08 PM thats too bad i suppose but really i wish they woulda left the series alone :-\