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Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: HBK on June 05, 2007, 06:37:46 PM

Title: Guns N' Roses Will Initiate With Soccer Mexico vs Paraguay !!
Post by: HBK on June 05, 2007, 06:37:46 PM

Guns N' Roses iniciar? con partido M?xico vs. Paraguay.   

por: Agencia   Fuente: NOTIMEX - CIUDAD DE M?XICO, M?xico, jun 05, 2007.

La transmisi?n del partido de futbol entre M?xico y Paraguay, as? como los grupos Nata y Maligno ser?n los que abran el concierto de Guns N' Roses la noche de este martes, cuando la banda estadunidense se presente en el Palacio de los Deportes de esta capital.     Tras el malestar que la agrupaci?n liderada por Axl Rose provoc? en algunos de los asistentes a sus pasadas actuaciones en Guadalajara, Jalisco, y Monterrey, Nuevo Le?n, debido al retraso del show, Ocesa dio a conocer que la capital mexicana no ser? la excepci?n.     Se estima que el primer tema de la noche por parte de la agrupaci?n, se har? escuchar en las instalaciones del Palacio de los Deportes alrededor de las 24:00 horas del mi?rcoles, no obstante, la cita para sus seguidores ser? a partir de las 19:30 horas.     Nata y Maligno ser?n los grupos abridores del concierto, mismos que iniciar?n su participaci?n a las 20:00 horas, aproximadamente, para luego dar paso a la selecci?n mexicana de futbol y su encuentro contra el conjunto guaran?.     Con una transmisi?n diferida, dependiendo de la duraci?n en el escenario de los teloneros, los fan?ticos de Guns N" Roses podr?n disfrutar del duelo amistoso que iniciar? a las 21:00 horas


Guns N' Roses will initiate with party Mexico versus. Paraguay

by: Agency Source: NOTIMEX CITY OF MEXICO, Mexico, jun 05, 2007.

The transmission of the soccer match between Mexico and Paraguay, as well as the groups Malignant & Cream will be those that open to the concert of Guns N' Roses the night of this Tuesday, when the USA band appears in the Palace of Sports of this capital. After the malaise that the grouping led by Axl Rose caused in some of the assistants to its last performances in Guadalajara, Jalisco, and Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, due to the delay of the show, Ocesa presented that the Mexican capital will not be the exception. Esteem that the first subject at night on the part of the grouping, will be made listen to in the facilities of the Palace of Deportes around 24:00 hours of Wednesday, however, the appointment for its followers will be from 19:30 hours. Malignant & Cream will be the opening groups of the concert, same that will initiate their participation to 20:00 hours, approximately, soon to take to step to the Mexican selection of soccer and its encounter against the guaran? set. A deferred transmission, depending on the duration in the scene of the Support, the fanatics of Guns N " Roses will be able to enjoy the friendly duel that will initiate to 21:00 hours.



Title: Re: Guns N' Roses Will Initiate With Soccer Mexico vs Paraguay !!
Post by: jarmo on June 05, 2007, 06:47:40 PM
So they'll show the football game at the venue before GN'R goes on?


Title: Re: Guns N' Roses Will Initiate With Soccer Mexico vs Paraguay !!
Post by: MikeD on June 05, 2007, 06:51:14 PM
A deferred transmission, depending on the duration in the scene of the Support, the fanatics of Guns N " Roses will be able to enjoy the friendly duel that will initiate to 21:00 hours.

That's classic.

Title: Re: Guns N' Roses Will Initiate With Soccer Mexico vs Paraguay !!
Post by: ibelieveinaxl on June 05, 2007, 06:52:59 PM
if thats true, how the hell are they gonna set up the stage....that doesnt make takes hours to set the stage up from scratch......

Title: Re: Guns N' Roses Will Initiate With Soccer Mexico vs Paraguay !!
Post by: BeefyD on June 05, 2007, 06:58:26 PM
I think by "transmission", that it will be on a video screen.

Title: Re: Guns N' Roses Will Initiate With Soccer Mexico vs Paraguay !!
Post by: estebanf on June 05, 2007, 06:58:45 PM
So they'll show the football game at the venue before GN'R goes on?



People from Ocesa already understood (  :hihi: ) that Guns N' Roses is not going to show up on time. That's why they ADDED the TV transmission, but the opening acts will perform as well.

Nice move.

I hope Mexico wins by several goals... if Mexico loses and Axl doesn't show up on time as usual, they will destroy everything...

Mexico Mexico RA-RA-RA!!!!
Aguante Lavolpe  :hihi:

Title: Re: Guns N' Roses Will Initiate With Soccer Mexico vs Paraguay !!
Post by: ibelieveinaxl on June 05, 2007, 07:04:58 PM
So they'll show the football game at the venue before GN'R goes on?



People from Ocesa already understood (? :hihi: ) that Guns N' Roses is not going to show up on time. That's why they ADDED the TV transmission, but the opening acts will perform as well.

Nice move.

I hope Mexico wins by several goals... if Mexico loses and Axl doesn't show up on time as usual, they will destroy everything...

Mexico Mexico RA-RA-RA!!!!
Aguante Lavolpe? :hihi:

exactly. mexico better win...

Title: Re: Guns N' Roses Will Initiate With Soccer Mexico vs Paraguay !!
Post by: leatherebel on June 05, 2007, 07:12:56 PM
if thats true, how the hell are they gonna set up the stage....that doesnt make takes hours to set the stage up from scratch......

What's the problem?

The can be setting up the stage while people watch the game on the screens up high (which would've been set up way before 9pm).

Title: Re: Guns N' Roses Will Initiate With Soccer Mexico vs Paraguay !!
Post by: Dr. Blutarsky on June 05, 2007, 07:39:18 PM
Actually that is a pretty damn good idea.  Hope they don't have a soccer riot before Guns!

Title: Re: Guns N' Roses Will Initiate With Soccer Mexico vs Paraguay !!
Post by: Bruno Poeys on June 05, 2007, 07:50:45 PM

Title: Re: Guns N' Roses Will Initiate With Soccer Mexico vs Paraguay !!
Post by: CheapJon on June 05, 2007, 08:15:57 PM
mexico will win

Title: Re: Guns N' Roses Will Initiate With Soccer Mexico vs Paraguay !!
Post by: Satapher on June 05, 2007, 08:22:01 PM
that will ease things/emotions on the audience
if mexico lose hehe better Axl show up quickly  ;D

Title: Re: Guns N' Roses Will Initiate With Soccer Mexico vs Paraguay !!
Post by: superloconoriega on June 05, 2007, 10:32:34 PM
that's awesome

Title: Re: Guns N' Roses Will Initiate With Soccer Mexico vs Paraguay !!
Post by: ibelieveinaxl on June 05, 2007, 10:34:10 PM
if thats true, how the hell are they gonna set up the stage....that doesnt make takes hours to set the stage up from scratch......

What's the problem?

The can be setting up the stage while people watch the game on the screens up high (which would've been set up way before 9pm).

i said that assumming the game was taking place at the arena......

Title: Re: Guns N' Roses Will Initiate With Soccer Mexico vs Paraguay !!
Post by: leatherebel on June 05, 2007, 10:36:52 PM
if thats true, how the hell are they gonna set up the stage....that doesnt make takes hours to set the stage up from scratch......

What's the problem?

The can be setting up the stage while people watch the game on the screens up high (which would've been set up way before 9pm).

i said that assumming the game was taking place at the arena......

soccer in an arena? :rofl:

to put it in perspective the game Mexico-Paraguay is being played at Estadio Azteca in Mexico City:

131,260 (1966-1990)
114,465 (1990-present)
105 x 68 m

So, it has 6 times the capacity of an arena.....

First half 0:0

Title: Re: Guns N' Roses Will Initiate With Soccer Mexico vs Paraguay !!
Post by: The Dog on June 05, 2007, 11:56:56 PM
this should be mandatory at all guns shows - the crowd should be treated to some TV program or a movie while they wait hours for the band ;)  Maybe they should pass out pretzels and nuts too  :rofl:

Title: Re: Guns N' Roses Will Initiate With Soccer Mexico vs Paraguay !!
Post by: dungbeetle on June 06, 2007, 12:16:06 AM
if thats true, how the hell are they gonna set up the stage....that doesnt make takes hours to set the stage up from scratch......

What's the problem?

The can be setting up the stage while people watch the game on the screens up high (which would've been set up way before 9pm).

i said that assumming the game was taking place at the arena......

whoops lol  :hihi:

Title: Re: Guns N' Roses Will Initiate With Soccer Mexico vs Paraguay !!
Post by: RIFF-RAFF on June 06, 2007, 12:16:27 AM
Mexico lost!!
Axl better be on his best today

Title: Re: Guns N' Roses Will Initiate With Soccer Mexico vs Paraguay !!
Post by: slashBOG on June 06, 2007, 12:17:17 AM
they just lost 1-0,, Axl better show up...