Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: creepingvines on June 05, 2007, 05:14:10 PM

Title: Falsely Accused American Gets 30 years for Murder in Nicaragua
Post by: creepingvines on June 05, 2007, 05:14:10 PM
just wanted to call attention to this for those who don't know about it:

basically, the short version is this:  this guy named eric volz had been living in nicaragua for 2 years, and was convicted of murdering an ex-girlfriend with absolutely no evidence.  you see, there is this tension in nicaragua because lots of wealthy americans have been heading down there and in some ways fucking things up for the locals.  he basically became the target of this tension and anti-american sentiment, which is somewhat ironic, because he had recently started a bilingual magazine and was actually striving to ease these kinds of tensions through it.  he's been villified by the nicaraguan media and is probably one of the most hated people in the country; he's recieved numerous death threats in prison.  check out the site, you can even send him a letter.

Title: Re: Falsely Accused American Gets 30 years for Murder in Nicaragua
Post by: 25 on June 05, 2007, 05:25:46 PM
Why is it that every American in a foreign jail is innocent and every foreigner in an American jail is guilty? It's a bit of a statistical anomaly, isn't it?

Title: Re: Falsely Accused American Gets 30 years for Murder in Nicaragua
Post by: difleha on June 05, 2007, 05:29:39 PM
let me guess, you guys are the sterotypical non-americans that hate us Americans. uh oh, i just made you mad...

please stop with the stupid, fat, dumb american things.

Title: Re: Falsely Accused American Gets 30 years for Murder in Nicaragua
Post by: The Catcher on June 05, 2007, 05:30:03 PM
Why is it that every American in a foreign jail is innocent and every foreigner in an American jail is guilty? It's a bit of a statistical anomaly, isn't it?

you said it.

americans jailed in foreign prisons are always heroes and innocent martyrs, whereas foreigners jailed in america are terrorists. just like american lives are worth much more than any other life in the world. lord forbid an american should have to follow international rules. land of the ego-sentric and fat. take your patriotism and shove it up your fat pimpled asses you blind morons.

Title: Re: Falsely Accused American Gets 30 years for Murder in Nicaragua
Post by: difleha on June 05, 2007, 05:31:20 PM
yup, i knew it... :rofl:

Title: Re: Falsely Accused American Gets 30 years for Murder in Nicaragua
Post by: creepingvines on June 05, 2007, 05:33:03 PM
well, i don't know about that, but looking at it as an indivitual case, if you read any of the info about it, you'll see how he really got fucked over.  you could actually click the link? :peace:

EDIT:  i should also say that his american-ness is only really relevant because of the backdrop of the tension in that country.
he's not innocent because he's american, he's innocent because he's innocent.

Title: Re: Falsely Accused American Gets 30 years for Murder in Nicaragua
Post by: difleha on June 05, 2007, 05:35:22 PM
i really don't want to. is it a friend of your? then I'll be serious about it.

Title: Re: Falsely Accused American Gets 30 years for Murder in Nicaragua
Post by: 25 on June 05, 2007, 05:36:12 PM
let me guess, you guys are the sterotypical non-americans that hate us Americans. uh oh, i just made you mad...

Yeah, that must be it.

Title: Re: Falsely Accused American Gets 30 years for Murder in Nicaragua
Post by: The Catcher on June 05, 2007, 05:38:18 PM

Title: Re: Falsely Accused American Gets 30 years for Murder in Nicaragua
Post by: difleha on June 05, 2007, 05:40:18 PM
actually, to be honest, i didn't realized that until after i edited it. i thought it was so funny that the sterotype was true.

i had a french woman in my school that always was talking about how bad americans are, and i was laughing because, we gave her the freedom to speak like that. if we said that in France, we would be kicked out! :rofl:

Foreigners are so jealous of us :rofl:

Title: Re: Falsely Accused American Gets 30 years for Murder in Nicaragua
Post by: creepingvines on June 05, 2007, 05:45:00 PM
uh...... ok.  here, how about you just passively watch a six minute video instead, then no reading?  he's not my friend, i just read about his story and he seems like a decent guy in a shitty situation.

to my non-american friends:  its really not nice to bash all people from a certain country.  it makes you look really ignorant when you do it, too.

Title: Re: Falsely Accused American Gets 30 years for Murder in Nicaragua
Post by: 25 on June 05, 2007, 05:49:34 PM
i had a french woman in my school that always was talking about how bad americans are, and i was laughing because, we gave her the freedom to speak like that. if we said that in France, we would be kicked out! :rofl:

I doubt that the French thought police spend their time running around kicking American tourists out of their country before said tourists have spent all of their money on trips to eurodisney and eiffel-tower-shaped hats, regardless of what they said. Besides, unless you said it in french they'd ignore you anyway - and if you did say it in french they'd be too busy mocking your pronunciation to spring into action.


Title: Re: Falsely Accused American Gets 30 years for Murder in Nicaragua
Post by: Dead N' Bloated on June 05, 2007, 05:49:54 PM
Why do alot of nations hate America? I dont get it. I always hear someone sayin how fucked USA is and how George Bush is this and that and its america's fault for this... Even here in Australia people sook about the yanks. And that is one thing I always get into a huge fight over.

There are plenty of other countries that deserve the hatred that the Americans get. But we dont call them out as a country, its the "individuals" from these places.

I just get sick of hearing someone sooking.


Title: Re: Falsely Accused American Gets 30 years for Murder in Nicaragua
Post by: C0ma on June 05, 2007, 05:53:45 PM

Let's see how many "fat" Marines you count stationed oversea's... You may not like why they are there but you can lose that American sterotype when talking about the people that have been put in harms way (no matter how right or wrong it is that they are there).

As far as your "Why is it that every American in a foreign jail is innocent and every foreigner in an American jail is guilty? It's a bit of a statistical anomaly, isn't it?" comment....
I have no pitty for American's that put themselves in risky situations... Driving a truck as a civilian contractor in Iraq... stupid, is the risk of being beheaded worth 100 dollars an hour for 6 month? Also in this person's case, why the hell are you living in a historicly "non American Freindly" country, what do you expect??

As far as the "foreign combatants" imprisoned in US Military Prisons (whether known or hidden by the CIA)... they are their for a reason, it's not like they are grabing people who have had no known affiliation with terrror organizations. Sure they may not be directly responsible for the 9-11 attacks but if you are or were ever Osama Bin Laden's driver from 1990 on.... tough shit you should have know better. You lie with dogs, you get fleas.... this works for people stupid enough to affliliate themselves with terror organizations... and it also holds true for Americans stupid enough to relocate to known "Non American Freindly" regions of the Globe.

Title: Re: Falsely Accused American Gets 30 years for Murder in Nicaragua
Post by: 25 on June 05, 2007, 05:53:52 PM
i just read about his story and he seems like a decent guy in a shitty situation.

I have a hard time putting much faith in "the facts" of the case as presented by the accused (regardless of "the case" or "the accused" in question) without some sort of third-party corroboration. 

Title: Re: Falsely Accused American Gets 30 years for Murder in Nicaragua
Post by: creepingvines on June 05, 2007, 06:05:00 PM
i just read about his story and he seems like a decent guy in a shitty situation.

I have a hard time putting much faith in "the facts" of the case as presented by the accused (regardless of "the case" or "the accused" in question) without some sort of third-party corroboration. 

if you really give a fuck, there are plenty of other sources for the facts of the case.  but, it seems like you've decided that "every american in a foreign jail" is guilty.

i really just wanted to put this information out there for people who were interested, not start a bitch-fest about how shitty americans are.  its just one example of a travesty of justice, of which there are thousands throughout the world, happening to people from every part of the planet.  if it pisses you off that he's american, and you know of someone from another country who's getting fucked over like this, then tell us!  tell the world, raise awareness, maybe we can help these people.

Title: Re: Falsely Accused American Gets 30 years for Murder in Nicaragua
Post by: 25 on June 05, 2007, 06:15:54 PM
i just read about his story and he seems like a decent guy in a shitty situation.

I have a hard time putting much faith in "the facts" of the case as presented by the accused (regardless of "the case" or "the accused" in question) without some sort of third-party corroboration. 

if you really give a fuck, there are plenty of other sources for the facts of the case.  but, it seems like you've decided that "every american in a foreign jail" is guilty.

i really just wanted to put this information out there for people who were interested, not start a bitch-fest about how shitty americans are.  its just one example of a travesty of justice, of which there are thousands throughout the world, happening to people from every part of the planet.  if it pisses you off that he's american, and you know of someone from another country who's getting fucked over like this, then tell us!  tell the world, raise awareness, maybe we can help these people.

I simply pointed out that people's sympathies tend to split along nationalistic lines in these threads (take a look at some of the ongoing threads about similar issues). How that is anti-American I'm not sure, unless fervent pro-Americanism is supposed to be the baseline state.

Title: Re: Falsely Accused American Gets 30 years for Murder in Nicaragua
Post by: creepingvines on June 05, 2007, 06:32:46 PM
I simply pointed out that people's sympathies tend to split along nationalistic lines in these threads (take a look at some of the ongoing threads about similar issues). How that is anti-American I'm not sure, unless fervent pro-Americanism is supposed to be the baseline state.

i don't expect fervent pro-americanism, and i'm not accusing you of being anti-american.  i'm just saying it seems like you've decided that "every american in a foreign jail" is guilty, based on your first incredibly sarcastic comment:

Why is it that every American in a foreign jail is innocent and every foreigner in an American jail is guilty? It's a bit of a statistical anomaly, isn't it?

Title: Re: Falsely Accused American Gets 30 years for Murder in Nicaragua
Post by: 25 on June 05, 2007, 06:38:50 PM
  i'm just saying it seems like you've decided that "every american in a foreign jail" is guilty, based on your first incredibly sarcastic comment:

Why is it that every American in a foreign jail is innocent and every foreigner in an American jail is guilty? It's a bit of a statistical anomaly, isn't it?

I can only let your statement speak for itself, there is no point of contention to debate.

Title: Re: Falsely Accused American Gets 30 years for Murder in Nicaragua
Post by: mrlee on June 05, 2007, 06:58:55 PM
Why is it that every American in a foreign jail is innocent and every foreigner in an American jail is guilty? It's a bit of a statistical anomaly, isn't it?

you said it.

americans jailed in foreign prisons are always heroes and innocent martyrs, whereas foreigners jailed in america are terrorists. just like american lives are worth much more than any other life in the world. lord forbid an american should have to follow international rules. land of the ego-sentric and fat. take your patriotism and shove it up your fat pimpled asses you blind morons.

says a fan of 50 cent.

Title: Re: Falsely Accused American Gets 30 years for Murder in Nicaragua
Post by: SLCPUNK on June 05, 2007, 11:14:43 PM
it's not like they are grabing people who have had no known affiliation with terrror organizations.

They do all the time, that is why people have a problem with it.

Title: Re: Falsely Accused American Gets 30 years for Murder in Nicaragua
Post by: C0ma on June 05, 2007, 11:42:20 PM
it's not like they are grabing people who have had no known affiliation with terrror organizations.

They do all the time, that is why people have a problem with it.

I'd love to see how many people they grabbed who didn't have some kind of contact (no matter how small) with a terror organization, (ie. Bin Laden's Driver) or "enemy force"... don't want to over generalize everyone as terrorists. This is like the Australian who trained with the Taliban... He was there... Guilty...

Title: Re: Falsely Accused American Gets 30 years for Murder in Nicaragua
Post by: The Dog on June 05, 2007, 11:50:06 PM
Why do alot of nations hate America? I dont get it. I always hear someone sayin how fucked USA is and how George Bush is this and that and its america's fault for this... Even here in Australia people sook about the yanks. And that is one thing I always get into a huge fight over.

There are plenty of other countries that deserve the hatred that the Americans get. But we dont call them out as a country, its the "individuals" from these places.

I just get sick of hearing someone sooking.


i travelled up and down the entire east coast of Australia a few years ago and not one Aussie was rude to me or turned off by the fact I was American.  everyone was extremely nice and treated me just like every other tourist.  a few people made some american jokes but only b/c they knew i knew that they were just kidding - and all the jokes were really about Bush, not so much about americans.  The same can be said for my time in new zealand. 

there are always going to be assholes in every country though.  im sure french people visiting parts of the US would get the cold shoulder just like some americans get it when they visit france. 

usually when you actually speak to someone and get to know them, where they are from doesn't matter.

Title: Re: Falsely Accused American Gets 30 years for Murder in Nicaragua
Post by: PJ on June 06, 2007, 12:39:48 AM
I live in Nicaragua and is more than known that he did it.. I even met him like twice, a normal guy kinda surfist vibe, we smoked pot in a club once

when he was arrested, he recieved house-prision and he spent this time in his lawyers house that is front of my house.. he hired 4 private security guys..

He has a lot of money and thats why he is making a big campagain.. but he clearly did it, it a jeulous crime, they broke up and he was kinda control freak with the girl.. the girl was found raped and tied up dead... people cant even said that the judge recieved money from the girl's family, because they are poor...


Title: Re: Falsely Accused American Gets 30 years for Murder in Nicaragua
Post by: freedom78 on June 06, 2007, 01:53:28 AM
i just read about his story and he seems like a decent guy in a shitty situation.

I have a hard time putting much faith in "the facts" of the case as presented by the accused (regardless of "the case" or "the accused" in question) without some sort of third-party corroboration. 

I agree.  The "facts" of a murder case in Nicaragua, as presented by those who support the accused?  Not exactly credible.

Quote from: dirtydozen
land of the ego-sentric and fat. take your patriotism and shove it up your fat pimpled asses you blind morons.

go worship abraham "fuck me in the ass" lincoln.


You know what I enjoy the most about fucking stupid pieces of shit like you?  In your hurry to spew all your hatred toward the US, you don't realize that, by relying on stereotypes and sweeping generalizations of our population, you're just as fucking ignorant as you seem to believe we all are.  Have you ever been to the US, or did you find those insults in an encyclopedia, dipshit?  I'd be happy to share with you some of my favorite stereotypes about whatever country is unfortunate enough to call you its citizen, but you don't have the fucking balls to put such info on your profile, because you're little more than an internet trolling punk ass bitch.

Title: Re: Falsely Accused American Gets 30 years for Murder in Nicaragua
Post by: SLCPUNK on June 06, 2007, 02:06:11 AM

I'd love to see how many people they grabbed who didn't have some kind of contact (no matter how small) with a terror organization, (ie. Bin Laden's Driver) or "enemy force"... don't want to over generalize everyone as terrorists. This is like the Australian who trained with the Taliban... He was there... Guilty...

They have grabbed people for years, never charged them, allowed them legal council, tortured them, and then dumped them in the street when they realized they didn't have jack squat. There have been plenty of well publicized stories over the last year or so.

You know what I enjoy the most about fucking stupid pieces of shit like you?  In your hurry to spew all your hatred toward the US, you don't realize that, by relying on stereotypes and sweeping generalizations of our population, you're just as fucking ignorant as you seem to believe we all are.  Have you ever been to the US, or did you find those insults in an encyclopedia, dipshit?  I'd be happy to share with you some of my favorite stereotypes about whatever country is unfortunate enough to call you its citizen, but you don't have the fucking balls to put such info on your profile, because you're little more than an internet trolling punk ass bitch.

My kinda guy.......

Title: Re: Falsely Accused American Gets 30 years for Murder in Nicaragua
Post by: freedom78 on June 06, 2007, 02:15:01 AM
You know what I enjoy the most about fucking stupid pieces of shit like you?  In your hurry to spew all your hatred toward the US, you don't realize that, by relying on stereotypes and sweeping generalizations of our population, you're just as fucking ignorant as you seem to believe we all are.  Have you ever been to the US, or did you find those insults in an encyclopedia, dipshit?  I'd be happy to share with you some of my favorite stereotypes about whatever country is unfortunate enough to call you its citizen, but you don't have the fucking balls to put such info on your profile, because you're little more than an internet trolling punk ass bitch.

My kinda guy.......

Yeah...I get a bit tired of people treating us (Americans) like we're all one big, single minded, redneck, Bush worshiping, bomb happy country.  People are as ignorant about America as Americans are ignorant of them, as that guy proved.   

Title: Re: Falsely Accused American Gets 30 years for Murder in Nicaragua
Post by: PJ on June 06, 2007, 10:59:48 AM
the guy is not in prison because he is from USA, he is prison cuz he killed and raped a girl...
the USA embassy over-view the courtcase and they had no objections...

obviously the guy will say that he didnt do it.. thats what averyone in prison says, but when you have the money and the connections you can have to the media and make a big story about it...

Title: Re: Falsely Accused American Gets 30 years for Murder in Nicaragua
Post by: The Catcher on June 06, 2007, 11:26:51 AM

says a fan of 50 cent.

you're obsessed, stop following me around the board. internet creep.

i just read about his story and he seems like a decent guy in a shitty situation.

I have a hard time putting much faith in "the facts" of the case as presented by the accused (regardless of "the case" or "the accused" in question) without some sort of third-party corroboration.?

I agree.? The "facts" of a murder case in Nicaragua, as presented by those who support the accused?? Not exactly credible.

Quote from: dirtydozen
land of the ego-sentric and fat. take your patriotism and shove it up your fat pimpled asses you blind morons.

go worship abraham "fuck me in the ass" lincoln.


You know what I enjoy the most about fucking stupid pieces of shit like you?? In your hurry to spew all your hatred toward the US, you don't realize that, by relying on stereotypes and sweeping generalizations of our population, you're just as fucking ignorant as you seem to believe we all are.? Have you ever been to the US, or did you find those insults in an encyclopedia, dipshit?? I'd be happy to share with you some of my favorite stereotypes about whatever country is unfortunate enough to call you its citizen, but you don't have the fucking balls to put such info on your profile, because you're little more than an internet trolling punk ass bitch.

stereotypes in an encyclopeda? what are you smoking crack or something? i'd love to stay and conversate with you but i figured it's not worth the time when you have to rely on insults such as "fucking stupid dipshit" in every sentence. come back when you've calmed down.

Title: Re: Falsely Accused American Gets 30 years for Murder in Nicaragua
Post by: C0ma on June 06, 2007, 12:10:15 PM
how is "fucking stupid dipshit" any worse than:

go worship abraham "fuck me in the ass" lincoln.
take your patriotism and shove it up your fat pimpled asses you blind morons.

You really strained the grey matter to come up with such quick witted jabs.

Title: Re: Falsely Accused American Gets 30 years for Murder in Nicaragua
Post by: C0ma on June 06, 2007, 12:36:44 PM

I'd love to see how many people they grabbed who didn't have some kind of contact (no matter how small) with a terror organization, (ie. Bin Laden's Driver) or "enemy force"... don't want to over generalize everyone as terrorists. This is like the Australian who trained with the Taliban... He was there... Guilty...

They have grabbed people for years, never charged them, allowed them legal council, tortured them, and then dumped them in the street when they realized they didn't have jack squat. There have been plenty of well publicized stories over the last year or so.

How many people are held at Guantanamo Bay? So far I have come up with 15 ( the article was six months old so it could be as high as 20)cases of the US releasing a prisoner to their country of origin (or the country that arrested them and turned them over to the US). There is a better chance of you wrongly winding up in a US prison that follows the rules you are looking for.
It is insane to think that the United States is just blindly picking "Brown" people up across the globe and holding them for no reason. Yes, they may not have done something specifically... but they were grabed because of things ranging from business deals to the company they keep. In the case of Osama's Driver he's guilty for driving Osama's camel and nothing more.

Title: Re: Falsely Accused American Gets 30 years for Murder in Nicaragua
Post by: freedom78 on June 06, 2007, 12:56:48 PM
Quote from: dirtydozen
land of the ego-sentric and fat. take your patriotism and shove it up your fat pimpled asses you blind morons.

go worship abraham "fuck me in the ass" lincoln.


You know what I enjoy the most about fucking stupid pieces of shit like you?  In your hurry to spew all your hatred toward the US, you don't realize that, by relying on stereotypes and sweeping generalizations of our population, you're just as fucking ignorant as you seem to believe we all are.  Have you ever been to the US, or did you find those insults in an encyclopedia, dipshit?  I'd be happy to share with you some of my favorite stereotypes about whatever country is unfortunate enough to call you its citizen, but you don't have the fucking balls to put such info on your profile, because you're little more than an internet trolling punk ass bitch.

stereotypes in an encyclopeda? what are you smoking crack or something? i'd love to stay and conversate with you but i figured it's not worth the time when you have to rely on insults such as "fucking stupid dipshit" in every sentence. come back when you've calmed down.

Please tell me why I should calm down or, more importantly, why I should be tolerant of you, when all you do on this forum is insult people?  Everytime I see you opening your mouth on here, you're throwing stereotypes and insults at someone.  All you've contributed to this forum is to act like a dick, and to start a thread on "Lady Sovereign," whoever the Hell that is.

I don't know.  Maybe you're new here, or maybe you got banned, and have registered a new name, but I see people on here, daily, who fight like cats and dogs about differences in opinion, but who don't resort to the petty name-calling that you do.  Perhaps if you'd take the time to get to know people, you'd realize that we all can't be summed up by one of your ridiculous stereotypes.

Title: Re: Falsely Accused American Gets 30 years for Murder in Nicaragua
Post by: creepingvines on June 06, 2007, 02:10:40 PM
I live in Nicaragua and is more than known that he did it.. I even met him like twice, a normal guy kinda surfist vibe, we smoked pot in a club once

when he was arrested, he recieved house-prision and he spent this time in his lawyers house that is front of my house.. he hired 4 private security guys..

He has a lot of money and thats why he is making a big campagain.. but he clearly did it, it a jeulous crime, they broke up and he was kinda control freak with the girl.. the girl was found raped and tied up dead... people cant even said that the judge recieved money from the girl's family, because they are poor...


awesome to hear from someone who knows something about this first hand!  thank you for posting!  i never heard of the rumor that the judge was paid off, but i did read that she came from a poor family.  do you know anything about the other guys who were suspects?

Title: Re: Falsely Accused American Gets 30 years for Murder in Nicaragua
Post by: 2112 on June 06, 2007, 02:22:42 PM
the guy is not in prison because he is from USA, he is prison cuz he killed and raped a girl...
the USA embassy over-view the courtcase and they had no objections...

obviously the guy will say that he didnt do it.. thats what averyone in prison says, but when you have the money and the connections you can have to the media and make a big story about it...

So true.

He deserves the jail fatmuch.
I hope he doesnt get moved over to US prison.

Title: Re: Falsely Accused American Gets 30 years for Murder in Nicaragua
Post by: Surfrider on June 07, 2007, 12:02:00 AM
Why is it that every American in a foreign jail is innocent and every foreigner in an American jail is guilty? It's a bit of a statistical anomaly, isn't it?
In general, the american system has far more protections for the accused than any other country.  Many other countries have few protections which can lead to corruption in the legal system.