Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: stolat on May 10, 2007, 12:07:22 PM

Title: Broken Bones/Cool Scars
Post by: stolat on May 10, 2007, 12:07:22 PM
Anyone got a broken bone or interesting scar story to share? I have. I was in a motorbike accident several years ago. We were t-boned by a car. I flew over the bonnet and hit the ground rolling many times. When I stopped rolling (I landed sitting up) my leg was at a rather strange angle. I picked it up, put it straight and said to myself "I've seen worse on ER, they can fix it". Because my femur was so shattered, I have a metal rod in my left leg hoding the bone together. It goes from my hip to my knee and is held together my screws. I have a very cool looking scar on my left thigh - 15cms long!!! Just call me Mad Maxette!  ;D

Title: Re: Broken Bones/Cool Scars
Post by: Jessica on May 10, 2007, 01:40:03 PM
I have a very long scar on my left foot, although very pale now.

When i was 5 years old, i got on a bicycle behind a friend and he was going very fast. At one point, i lost my balance.
My foot went right into the speeding wheel, it was torned apart. Ripped.
It took months without healing, going for bandages every two days.
Dad wanted to go to the seaside and the doc said no. Dad took us anyway. He put a plastic bag around my leg, attached it with the foot well protected inside. And i went into the water. The pastic bag stayed on but salted water managed to get in.
A few days later, i had started to heal. Thanks dad.

I have a big scar inside my left hand. I used to do weight training when i danced. One morning, i went to the gym, it was 6 am and i wasn't awoken properly. I forgot to pull something on the machine. 200 kilos fell flat on my hand that was stuck under it. I screamed, the cook/chef heard me as he was preparing breakfasts and i was taken to the nearest chemists because i was fainting lol !!! i was so white i was almost green !!!

And i have a nasty little scar on my right hand, on the thumb. My hand went through a glass door.

And of course, my C section, but i am very proud of this one. ;D

Title: Re: Broken Bones/Cool Scars
Post by: Timothy on May 10, 2007, 01:45:38 PM
I was in a car wreck over a year ago . Broke my arm in a few places . now my fucking arm is a little crocked . :hihi:

Title: Re: Broken Bones/Cool Scars
Post by: Axlfreek on May 10, 2007, 03:21:14 PM
I was mountain biking to years ago and decided to try and be cool and go down a hill called "suicide hill" and impress my friends. about half way down the hill i pulled my front brake for some ridiculos reason and completely shattered my collar bone. i had to get a plate put in it.

las st. patties day me and my buddies were playing "king of the living room" (wasted), and i had to stand on the dining room table for 5 minutes while all my friends tried to knock me down. well, my friend JB took it upon himself to flip the table while i was on it. i would have done a front flip but my right wrist broke my fall  :P. it broke and i had to get a plate put in it.

Title: Re: Broken Bones/Cool Scars
Post by: MCT on May 10, 2007, 04:44:15 PM
I was mountain biking to years ago and decided to try and be cool and go down a hill called "suicide hill" and impress my friends. about half way down the hill i pulled my front brake for some ridiculos reason and completely shattered my collar bone.

Tough brake...

Title: Re: Broken Bones/Cool Scars
Post by: mrlee on May 10, 2007, 05:28:15 PM
errr.. i got owned going to get butter out of the car.

slammed the door, somehow crushed my finger also tearing a chunk out of it too, and ripping the nail almost off, so it was still hanging there, it was totally splattered n fucked.

was painful, then it took like a year to heal and it got infected meaning the new nail that had grown had to be cut off for them to remove the weird infected skin.

was gay for such a small part of my body.
Still, im so glad it got fixed, or else id never be able to play bass!

Title: Re: Broken Bones/Cool Scars
Post by: shaunbhoy on May 10, 2007, 05:31:09 PM
l've broke my hand twice, once when l  fell of a chair and the other time gettin it slammed on a slide door of a van, both times l went to the hospital the doctor asked me to make a fist , he said to my parents l should have been screaming of the pain but l didn't cry nor nothing, what u think of that? ;)

Title: Re: Broken Bones/Cool Scars
Post by: w.axl.rose on May 10, 2007, 05:35:42 PM
when i was a little kid i was swinging on a pole in my backyard and fell only to land on my left arm and broke my elbow :no: then a couple years later i joined a football team and the 5 years i played i fractured my left elbow twice, first time i fractured it the other team player dove for the ball at the same time as me but he ended up diving his helmet right into my elbow, i dont remember how i fractured the 2nd time. i have also fractured my left ankle before. as for my left arm now, when i extended it it looks  :nervous: nasty

Title: Re: Broken Bones/Cool Scars
Post by: Lisa on May 10, 2007, 05:40:57 PM
I just broke my leg the last week of Feb. Compound fracture of the right fibula, total dislocation of the ankle and torn ligaments...I have a cool scar down the outside of my right leg, from knee to ankle, a steel plate holding the bone together and had a big screw and two smaller ones holding together my newly realigned ankle...since then, had another surgery to remove the screws(the steel plate stays) on blood thinners due to a blood clot in the affected leg....all this from slipping on the ice in front of my office ::)   all I can say is I'd rather give birth to 100 kids natural before experiencing that type of pain again.

Title: Re: Broken Bones/Cool Scars
Post by: Jessica on May 10, 2007, 05:52:25 PM
do fractures count ?

Because i have both wrists fractured and my right anckle too.. :yes: and i pulled a joint in my shoulder last year, screamed in pain with tendinitis..

Title: Re: Broken Bones/Cool Scars
Post by: chineseblues on May 10, 2007, 06:13:30 PM
I was on a mountain bike about 10 years going down a gravel road and my dumbass brother jumped out in front of me. I had no other choice but to hit him, which caused me to go flying over the handlebars. I cut my elbow open so bad that there was only a piece of flesh hanging off my arm by a little sliver of skin. There was about a 4 x 4 inch hole in my arm that you could actually see cartilage and bone. It took like 78 stitches to get it sewn back together. The scar now kind of looks like a treble clef.

Title: Re: Broken Bones/Cool Scars
Post by: 2112 on May 10, 2007, 06:42:19 PM
when i was 5-6 years old i ran into a metal pole.

got me a scar in my fourhead.

Title: Re: Broken Bones/Cool Scars
Post by: fuckin crazy on May 10, 2007, 08:53:27 PM
When I was a kid , a long time ago , I was arguing with my brother over who would get the last beer , finally he tired of the argument and smashed me in the face with it . I still have chunks of meat missing from my nose .

 Hurt then , but funny now? ?:hihi: