Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: fuckin crazy on May 03, 2007, 07:58:23 AM

Title: Kent State Massacre
Post by: fuckin crazy on May 03, 2007, 07:58:23 AM
Tomorro marks the 37th aniversary of the Kent State Massacre . According to CNN , It looks like the Guardsmen were ordered to shoot . Lets keep the victims in our prayers .

Title: Re: Kent State Massacre
Post by: NicoRourke on May 03, 2007, 08:23:42 AM

Tomorro marks the 37th aniversary of the Kent State Massacre . According to CNN , It looks like the Guardsmen were ordered to shoot . Lets keep the victims in our prayers .

I'm sorry, I've never heard about that. Can you tell me what happened back then ?

Title: Re: Kent State Massacre
Post by: GNRfan2008 on May 03, 2007, 10:55:50 AM

Tomorro marks the 37th aniversary of the Kent State Massacre . According to CNN , It looks like the Guardsmen were ordered to shoot . Lets keep the victims in our prayers .

I'm sorry, I've never heard about that. Can you tell me what happened back then ?

Wikipedia is your friend.  ;D

Title: Re: Kent State Massacre
Post by: NicoRourke on May 03, 2007, 11:44:18 AM

^ Thankx ;D

I'm always skeptical about Wiki, I never know if it's the accurate info or not :peace:

Title: Re: Kent State Massacre
Post by: GNRfan2008 on May 03, 2007, 12:47:41 PM

^ Thankx ;D

I'm always skeptical about Wiki, I never know if it's the accurate info or not :peace:

You should always be skeptical. But for old stuff like that it's usually pretty reliable. For something like, say, Axl Rose's biography on there, I wouldn't trust it. Anything that is controversial, like Axl, has a chance of getting vandalized on Wikipedia. Some things are locked but a lot of topics aren't unfortunately. Something like the Kent State Massacre is considered a historical event, so it's more than likely got a lot of reliable information in it.

Title: Re: Kent State Massacre
Post by: NicoRourke on May 03, 2007, 01:12:46 PM

^ OK man, thankx for your time and the link :yes:

Title: Re: Kent State Massacre
Post by: cliffburton on May 03, 2007, 05:11:35 PM
Final Score:

National Guard: 4     Hippies: 0

It's a tragedy this happened, no decent person would deny that.  But it urks me that this gets all the attention rather than the multiple ROTC buildings that were burnt down across Ohio as well as schools shutting down.  They have an entire floor at my school dedicated to this period.  They have the fliers from where the anti-war students were threatening to hang the head of the ROTC department.  Yet, no one remembers all the damage that was done by the "peaceful" anti-war crowd.  The same people were back last year blocking the entrance to the Recruiter's station, banging drums and vandalizing what they could.  Kind of sends out a mixed message don't you think?

Title: Re: Kent State Massacre
Post by: SLCPUNK on May 03, 2007, 05:15:44 PM
Kind of sends out a mixed message don't you think?


Title: Re: Kent State Massacre
Post by: MR.BROWNSTONE on May 03, 2007, 08:49:41 PM
Thanks for posting that. I never heard of that befor. I'm shocked we never talked about it in school at all or even heard about it on tv with all the school shootings the last ten years.   

Title: Re: Kent State Massacre
Post by: The Dog on May 03, 2007, 11:00:56 PM
There was a great program on history or A&E about the kent state massacre a few months ago.  There was a teacher who pretty much broke it all up by begging the students to go someplace safe (or someting to that effect).  The show had a recording of it and you can hear the emotion in his voice - very powerful.

Title: Re: Kent State Massacre
Post by: GeraldFord on May 03, 2007, 11:05:08 PM
Final Score:

National Guard: 4? ? ?Hippies: 0

It's a tragedy this happened, no decent person would deny that.? But it urks me that this gets all the attention rather than the multiple ROTC buildings that were burnt down across Ohio as well as schools shutting down.? They have an entire floor at my school dedicated to this period.? They have the fliers from where the anti-war students were threatening to hang the head of the ROTC department.? Yet, no one remembers all the damage that was done by the "peaceful" anti-war crowd.? The same people were back last year blocking the entrance to the Recruiter's station, banging drums and vandalizing what they could.? Kind of sends out a mixed message don't you think?

As far as I know the kids shot at Kent State weren't part of the protest, they were bystanders.

And a vast, vast, vast majority of all protesters protested the war peacefully.

Title: Re: Kent State Massacre
Post by: SLCPUNK on May 03, 2007, 11:22:41 PM

And a vast, vast, vast majority of all protesters protested the war peacefully.

Of course they did, but clown shoez isn't going to say that man, c'mon.

Title: Re: Kent State Massacre
Post by: fuckin crazy on May 04, 2007, 12:35:11 AM
Pennywise , as I seem to recall , most of the violence didn't occur untill after the massacre . The pigs upped the ante then by killing two more students the following week in Mississippi .

Title: Re: Kent State Massacre
Post by: fuckin crazy on May 04, 2007, 12:36:22 AM
Pennywise , as I seem to recall , most of the violence didn't occur untill after the massacre . The pigs upped the ante then by killing two more students the following week in Mississippi .

Title: Re: Kent State Massacre
Post by: fuckin crazy on May 04, 2007, 03:09:08 AM
Oops , sorry for the double post .

Title: Re: Kent State Massacre
Post by: Bodhi on May 04, 2007, 02:16:08 PM
Final Score:

National Guard: 4? ? ?Hippies: 0

It's a tragedy this happened, no decent person would deny that.? But it urks me that this gets all the attention rather than the multiple ROTC buildings that were burnt down across Ohio as well as schools shutting down.? They have an entire floor at my school dedicated to this period.? They have the fliers from where the anti-war students were threatening to hang the head of the ROTC department.? Yet, no one remembers all the damage that was done by the "peaceful" anti-war crowd.? The same people were back last year blocking the entrance to the Recruiter's station, banging drums and vandalizing what they could.? Kind of sends out a mixed message don't you think?

the anti war crowd is anything but peaceful...

Title: Re: Kent State Massacre
Post by: SLCPUNK on May 04, 2007, 02:30:21 PM

the anti war crowd is anything but peaceful...

You guys are so full of shit it's unreal.

Title: Re: Kent State Massacre
Post by: Bodhi on May 04, 2007, 04:49:11 PM

the anti war crowd is anything but peaceful...

You guys are so full of shit it's unreal.

are you kidding me?  the anti war crowd are the ones who key cars if they dont like a bumper sticker...they are the ones who would rejoice if Bush was assasinated...oh yeah and they are also the ones who crash events at colleges where guest speakers are speaking favorably about republicans or the war....get real.... just because the majority(not all) of the anti war crowd are scrawny little dudes who cant fight their way out of a paper bag doesnt mean they are not violent.... the left are only peaceful and understanding if you are saying exactly what they want to hear and you agree with them on everything....

Title: Re: Kent State Massacre
Post by: cliffburton on May 04, 2007, 04:54:22 PM

the anti war crowd is anything but peaceful...

You guys are so full of shit it's unreal.

Oh c'mon. ? How can you call a group of people peaceful who vandalize - meaning destroy property including setting fires. ?Listen to yourselves. ?Half the people in the anti-war crowd call for Bush's head on a platter. ?What's even more amazing is that you people attack the recruiters and military programs. ?Your crowd doesn't goto Washington and vandalize the White House or the Capitol building where the decisions are made, you attack the people who are forced to do their bidding. ?You don't even have teh courage to do these illegal acts openly, you (meaning the anti-war crowd) wear masks and hide your identity. ?This isn't peaceful resistance and is no different than totalitarianism. ?Before you backtrack and try to accuse me of some logical fallacy you don't even understand, I asked if people destroying the property of others to get their agenda forced is against the ideals of peaceful resistance and you said no. ?Maybe you and the rest of the world have a different definition of peace. ?Maybe we can just goto terrorist cells and block the entrance to their doors, spray paint and break shit - that'll work.

Title: Re: Kent State Massacre
Post by: fuckin crazy on May 04, 2007, 06:53:33 PM
This isn't peaceful resistance and is no different than totalitarianism
I assume were talking about 1970 ; not 2007. If so, the protesters were responding to an illegal , and immoral massive escalation of the war by the corrupt and criminal regime of R.M.N.
If not , Fascist rarely repond to peacefull protest with anything other than gas, clubs , and bullets . I might not be able to resond to logical fallacy , but I can smell a big heaping pile of BULLSHIT a mile away . Cheers T.R.C.

Yes , I understand this would corroberate your argument ... IF I agreed with your logic .

Title: Re: Kent State Massacre
Post by: southsiderwp on May 04, 2007, 07:16:36 PM
 I currently am a student here at kent state, the only thing about may 4th thats cool is that classes are cancelled from 11 - 2  in honor of the four people that were killed. And a bunch of liberalists use may 4th as a platform to protest the war and environmentalist ideas when they are not honoring the people that died on this day.

Title: Re: Kent State Massacre
Post by: The Dog on May 04, 2007, 10:17:17 PM

the anti war crowd is anything but peaceful...

You guys are so full of shit it's unreal.

Oh c'mon.   How can you call a group of people peaceful who vandalize - meaning destroy property including setting fires.  Listen to yourselves.  Half the people in the anti-war crowd call for Bush's head on a platter.  What's even more amazing is that you people attack the recruiters and military programs.  Your crowd doesn't goto Washington and vandalize the White House or the Capitol building where the decisions are made, you attack the people who are forced to do their bidding.  You don't even have teh courage to do these illegal acts openly, you (meaning the anti-war crowd) wear masks and hide your identity.  This isn't peaceful resistance and is no different than totalitarianism.  Before you backtrack and try to accuse me of some logical fallacy you don't even understand, I asked if people destroying the property of others to get their agenda forced is against the ideals of peaceful resistance and you said no.  Maybe you and the rest of the world have a different definition of peace.  Maybe we can just goto terrorist cells and block the entrance to their doors, spray paint and break shit - that'll work.

HAHAHA you really are a giant douche aren't you?  Who is this "your crowd" and "half the people in the anti-war crowd"??? HAHAHAH  HAHAHAHAHA.  So now anyone who is against the war is "most likely" a vandalizing, violent prone risk to society?  Whats next, you're going to tell us the VT killer was anti-war?  You are such a joke dude.  Sad thing is you dont' even know it.  Sure there are almost ALWAYS bad apples, but I would say its safe to say the majority of the 2/3s of the ENTIRE country that DO NOT support this war are NOT vandalizing buildings and burning down recruiting offices.  If that was the case there would be a lot more fires and grafitti going on right now.  but wait, let me guess...the "liberal" media doesn't report those stories??   :rofl: :rofl: 

turd sandwich with fries please!

Title: Re: Kent State Massacre
Post by: cliffburton on May 04, 2007, 11:24:12 PM
Genius, pure genius.? What you and many here fail to realize is that 70% of Americans aren't extremist.? They may want the war to end, but as you wrote, they aren't out blocking recruiters and vandalizing govt property.? I don't refer to the general public as part of the "anti-war" crowd.? I refer to the anti-war crowd as those who protest any war, have ties with socialist and communist groups (look who funds dickwads like Sheehan and the like) and now want to include the majority of Americans in their numbers.? Without calling people out here, I think you know who I place into this category - the same people that would be laughed off stage/TV if they were to ever convey their arguments publicy ala Gravel.? There is nothing unpatriotic about disagreeing with a war before it happens, I would argue that is one of the most patriotic and honorable things a person can do - researching the issue rather than have an emotional response.

What chaps my ass is when people vocally condemn a war while it's being fought, fight against the war tooth and nail, then when things go South blame on those who are responsible for directing the war rather than those who did everything they could to make sure it failed.? Do you really think the extremist are doing anything good for their country when our enemies are using their talking points as motivation to stick it out.? Bin Laden called America a paper tiger and anyone who says the war is lost, demands we leave, etc. is proving just that point.? The anti-war movement provides fuel to our enemies which results in the death of Americans.? This has been documented in WWII, Korea and Vietnam -ecspecially Vietnam.? The same evidence is now coming to light with the Iraq war.? Certain members can no longer claim their comments at home don't harm soldiers, they are harming soldiers.

Now before you fire back and say more soldiers will die if we stay thus placing blood on the hands of Bush and Co., I think we all agree Iraq will be completely fucked without any American support - as I said, some already claim this now.? Because of this, any prudent and rational person will realize we will eventually have to go back to the region years down the road when the situation is much, much worse.? This will result in many more deaths than staying and finishing the job now - slowly and methodically implementing Iraqi control while neutralizing Islam extremist in the region.? So it's a double edge sword.? Those saying the war is lost and we need to leave are harming the troops now, and will cause even greater harm when we go back there X number of years from now.? Call me a giant douce, turd sandwich or any other South Park reference you like (you do realize both South Park creators are conservative right - one is even a registered Republican, the other libertarian) but it doesn't change the fact that I'm arguing on the side of prudence while you're looking for immediate and temporary satisfaction.

Title: Re: Kent State Massacre
Post by: The Dog on May 05, 2007, 12:39:31 AM
dude, you are all over the place with your last post....lots of contradictions.

first off, i know and don't care that the southpark guys are conservative - its a cartoon.  If axl rose came out and said he loved george bush, I'd still go to a concert.

yes, 70% are not extremists setting fires and defacing buildings - but they are still anti-war.  the majority of americans WANT a deadline to bring the troops home.  the general public IS the anti-war crowd.  its as if you're just making up clever definitions for yourself to strengthen your own arguement.  As for members of this board, can you name one person who is lighting fires and defacing walls? 

Now, you say its only patriotic to speak out against a war BEFORE it happens?  c'mon, even you can't be this ridiculous.  So once we make a collossal mistake we aren't allowed to admit it (some members of the current admin still can't admit it - are they patriotic or just stupid?)?  we aren't allowed to say if we stay the course more of our kids will die?  Don't you think staying in a shit storm, fighting a winless civil war is whats really harming our troops?  Shame on you for saying the people trying to bring them safely home are the ones causing them harm!!!  you say stay and finish the job, we would need 100,000+ more troops to "win".  Explain to me why when we pulled out of vietnam and korea we didn't have to "go back" X number of years later??  Everyone that protested those wars was unpatriotic too right - b/c once we were in it we should have stayed till the end no matter what??  Sure korea isn't the most stable place in the world and it gets a little tense but there isn't a war going on right now is there....

lastly, sadly, iraq is fucked with or without american support.  We are a referree in a nasty civil war. 

Title: Re: Kent State Massacre
Post by: SLCPUNK on May 05, 2007, 01:09:30 AM

the anti war crowd is anything but peaceful...

You guys are so full of shit it's unreal.

are you kidding me?  the anti war crowd are the ones who key cars if they dont like a bumper sticker...they are the ones who would rejoice if Bush was assasinated...oh yeah and they are also the ones who crash events at colleges where guest speakers are speaking favorably about republicans or the war....get real.... just because the majority(not all) of the anti war crowd are scrawny little dudes who cant fight their way out of a paper bag doesnt mean they are not violent.... the left are only peaceful and understanding if you are saying exactly what they want to hear and you agree with them on everything....

You sound like you have Kool Aid running through your veins, best see a doctor.

Title: Re: Kent State Massacre
Post by: The Dog on May 05, 2007, 01:21:47 AM
Final Score:

National Guard: 4     Hippies: 0

Back on topic...

So the girl and the ROTC kid who had NOTHING to do with the rally, they were just simply going from one class to the next, were "hippies"??


but i'm sure in your mind they were burning buildings and saying unpatriotic things and probably deserved it right?  :confused:

Title: Re: Kent State Massacre
Post by: SLCPUNK on May 05, 2007, 01:27:46 AM
Clown shoez despises democracy in it's most fundamental form. Freedom of speech, the right to assemble etc are merely empty slogans he likes to throw around to justify bombing goat farmers and children.

Title: Re: Kent State Massacre
Post by: The Dog on May 05, 2007, 02:09:35 AM
Clown shoez despises democracy in it's most fundamental form. Freedom of speech, the right to assemble etc are merely empty slogans he likes to throw around to justify bombing goat farmers and children.

Are clowns the new nazis?

Title: Re: Kent State Massacre
Post by: SLCPUNK on May 05, 2007, 02:11:44 AM
Clown shoez despises democracy in it's most fundamental form. Freedom of speech, the right to assemble etc are merely empty slogans he likes to throw around to justify bombing goat farmers and children.

Are clowns the new nazis?

They aren't as smart.

Title: Re: Kent State Massacre
Post by: The Dog on May 05, 2007, 02:27:02 AM
Clown shoez despises democracy in it's most fundamental form. Freedom of speech, the right to assemble etc are merely empty slogans he likes to throw around to justify bombing goat farmers and children.

Are clowns the new nazis?

They aren't as smart.

True, but they both say some REALLY stupid shit...

Title: Re: Kent State Massacre
Post by: Gordon Gekko on May 05, 2007, 03:16:16 AM
There is nothing unpatriotic about disagreeing with a war before it happens, I would argue that is one of the most patriotic and honorable things a person can do - researching the issue rather than have an emotional response.

You are one to talk about ?research?. You Republican cowards would rather kill Iraqi women and children instead of doing the real dirty work of fighting these terrorists, all the while calling those who oppose their cowardice "traitors" and "the party of Surrender", when the real fact is the Republicans surrendered to Mohammed's crowd a long time ago, because oil was more important than destroying these pieces of human shit.

What chaps my ass is when people vocally condemn a war while it's being fought, fight against the war tooth and nail, then when things go South blame on those who are responsible for directing the war rather than those who did everything they could to make sure it failed..

You seem to have a problem with freedom of speech, perhaps you would find South America a more comfortable place to reside?

Certain members can no longer claim their comments at home don't harm soldiers, they are harming soldiers..

You and your stupid fuckers in the White House simply assumed everything and planned nothing. You are the ones who put our kids in harms way-you might as well just shot 3,000 of our kids instead and gotten it over with. If you want to blame anybody, blame yourself-you third tier fascist drone.

This will result in many more deaths than staying and finishing the job now - slowly and methodically implementing Iraqi control while neutralizing Islam extremist in the region. 

There is no such thing as an "Iraqi". There are three distinct groups who have been killing each other for the last thousand years. None of them will be happy with anything.

Civil war was an obvious and possibly unavoidable consequence of our invasion. If you're stung by a bark scorpion, and your death results from a secondary infection rather than the venom, you might see the scorpion as an innocent bystander. Perhaps I'm just not open-minded enough you kid killing stalker.

Title: Re: Kent State Massacre
Post by: Gordon Gekko on May 05, 2007, 03:18:48 AM

They aren't as smart.

True, but they both say some REALLY stupid shit...

are you kidding me?  the anti war crowd are the ones who key cars if they dont like a bumper sticker...they are the ones who would rejoice if Bush was assasinated...oh yeah and they are also the ones who crash events at colleges where guest speakers are speaking favorably about republicans or the war....get real.... just because the majority(not all) of the anti war crowd are scrawny little dudes who cant fight their way out of a paper bag doesnt mean they are not violent.... the left are only peaceful and understanding if you are saying exactly what they want to hear and you agree with them on everything....

In the Land of the blind, the one eyed man is King.

Title: Re: Kent State Massacre
Post by: SLCPUNK on May 05, 2007, 04:31:29 AM
I currently am a student here at kent state, the only thing about may 4th thats cool is that classes are cancelled from 11 - 2  in honor of the four people that were killed. And a bunch of liberalists use may 4th as a platform to protest the war and environmentalist ideas when they are not honoring the people that died on this day.

Yea, that's just so nuts man, wow..... ::)

Could it actually be that protesting the war and promoting environmentally friendly life choices might be their way of honoring those people who died? Ever thought of that?

Civil war was an obvious and possibly unavoidable consequence of our invasion. If you're stung by a bark scorpion, and your death results from a secondary infection rather than the venom, you might see the scorpion as an innocent bystander. Perhaps I'm just not open-minded enough you kid killing stalker.

Well to be fair, he hasn't killed any Iraqi kids yet, although he sure as shit has promoted it, and done his fair share of stalking (He was off with my earnings however, which was a bit of relief, I can tell he hasn't been looking at local tax records.....yet) All while demanding justice for the Amerikan children snuffed out by the domestic extremist vegans. What a fucking hero.

Title: Re: Kent State Massacre
Post by: cliffburton on May 05, 2007, 11:03:29 AM
I currently am a student here at kent state, the only thing about may 4th thats cool is that classes are cancelled from 11 - 2? in honor of the four people that were killed. And a bunch of liberalists use may 4th as a platform to protest the war and environmentalist ideas when they are not honoring the people that died on this day.

Yea, that's just so nuts man, wow..... ::)

Could it actually be that protesting the war and promoting environmentally friendly life choices might be their way of honoring those people who died? Ever thought of that?

Civil war was an obvious and possibly unavoidable consequence of our invasion. If you're stung by a bark scorpion, and your death results from a secondary infection rather than the venom, you might see the scorpion as an innocent bystander. Perhaps I'm just not open-minded enough you kid killing stalker.

Well to be fair, he hasn't killed any Iraqi kids yet, although he sure as shit has promoted it, and done his fair share of stalking (He was off with my earnings however, which was a bit of relief, I can tell he hasn't been looking at local tax records.....yet) All while demanding justice for the Amerikan children snuffed out by the domestic extremist vegans. What a fucking hero.

That's right, you can't argue against what I say so you lie.  I have never done anythign that remotely resembles stalking.  You are a fucking piece of shit liar who relies on lies to make your point because you lack the intelligence and will power to do any real research.  I could give two shits how much money you make or anything else about your personal life.  It's sad how obsessed you are with me that you would resort to making up stories of me stalking you.  Show me one fucking ounce of proof that I or anyone has ever bothered you.  If anyone is stalking you, assuming he isn't your alter ego, it's that dick sucker bud fox who seems to have his head so far up your ass he can taste last weeks breakfast.  You disagree with me fine, but don't you dare come here and call me a fascist pig when you go out of your way to try to label me as some kind of social deviant because you're too dumb to maintain real debate.  You're nothing to me, you're a home grown loser who will leave no impact on this world.  This is the only thing you can contribute - being the quasi leader of a bunch of idiots who are dumber than you.  You're scared to death someone might point you out for the moron you are so you go out of your way to lie and remove them, case and point what you're trying to do with me and how you took another members picture and personal info and posted it all over craig's list in a gay add.  I have never done anything to you or your cohorts.  Be a man, admit it and admit what a scumbag you are and the shit you pulled with someone else.

Title: Re: Kent State Massacre
Post by: cliffburton on May 05, 2007, 11:05:53 AM
Final Score:

National Guard: 4? ? ?Hippies: 0

Back on topic...

So the girl and the ROTC kid who had NOTHING to do with the rally, they were just simply going from one class to the next, were "hippies"??


but i'm sure in your mind they were burning buildings and saying unpatriotic things and probably deserved it right?? :confused:

That was a joke.? It's someting I've heard from some old timers when it get brought up.

Edit: on that note I'm leaving this place for good.? I have no interest in debating people who lack the ability to make coherent sentences let alone a logical and factual argument.? Rather than become the vicitim of certain member's low self esteem and ability to lie, I am out.? Save yourself any replies cause I won't be reading them. It's not worth me getting involved ina? mud slinging contest ecspecially when I am so outnumbered.? Just remember that no one gives a shit what you think or say and you'd be laughed at if you made your arguments hear publicy.? If you get a peace of mind posting garbage here, great, but don't kid yourselves that any of your shit or opinions matter.

Title: Re: Kent State Massacre
Post by: SLCPUNK on May 05, 2007, 01:08:55 PM

That's right, you can't argue against what I say so you lie.  I have never done anythign that remotely resembles stalking.  You are a fucking piece of shit liar who relies on lies to make your point because you lack the intelligence and will power to do any real research.  I could give two shits how much money you make or anything else about your personal life.  It's sad how obsessed you are with me that you would resort to making up stories of me stalking you.  Show me one fucking ounce of proof that I or anyone has ever bothered you.  If anyone is stalking you, assuming he isn't your alter ego, it's that dick sucker bud fox who seems to have his head so far up your ass he can taste last weeks breakfast.  You disagree with me fine, but don't you dare come here and call me a fascist pig when you go out of your way to try to label me as some kind of social deviant because you're too dumb to maintain real debate.  You're nothing to me, you're a home grown loser who will leave no impact on this world.  This is the only thing you can contribute - being the quasi leader of a bunch of idiots who are dumber than you.  You're scared to death someone might point you out for the moron you are so you go out of your way to lie and remove them, case and point what you're trying to do with me and how you took another members picture and personal info and posted it all over craig's list in a gay add.  I have never done anything to you or your cohorts.  Be a man, admit it and admit what a scumbag you are and the shit you pulled with someone else.

Bud Fox and I are sending you a fruit basket....

Edit: To be fair, the guy was gay anyway........but it never happened.

Title: Re: Kent State Massacre
Post by: The Dog on May 05, 2007, 02:10:24 PM
Final Score:

National Guard: 4     Hippies: 0

Back on topic...

So the girl and the ROTC kid who had NOTHING to do with the rally, they were just simply going from one class to the next, were "hippies"??


but i'm sure in your mind they were burning buildings and saying unpatriotic things and probably deserved it right?  :confused:

That was a joke.  It's someting I've heard from some old timers when it get brought up.

Edit: on that note I'm leaving this place for good.  I have no interest in debating people who lack the ability to make coherent sentences let alone a logical and factual argument.  Rather than become the vicitim of certain member's low self esteem and ability to lie, I am out.  Save yourself any replies cause I won't be reading them. It's not worth me getting involved ina  mud slinging contest ecspecially when I am so outnumbered.  Just remember that no one gives a shit what you think or say and you'd be laughed at if you made your arguments hear publicy.  If you get a peace of mind posting garbage here, great, but don't kid yourselves that any of your shit or opinions matter.

"wait, stop, come back....." - Willy Wonka