Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: slash411 on April 29, 2007, 05:56:10 AM

Title: Music on MTV?
Post by: slash411 on April 29, 2007, 05:56:10 AM
Is anyone else sick of what is going  on with "Pop" music right now?  I know I am..  I am sick of seeing people who are Lil' Jon rip offs (who sucks by the way) repeating the same f'ing chorus over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over about how he'll get the girl or beat someone up... Is that what makes music today?  Why does this SELL????   I came to the GNR website knowing you guys would back me up because thats good music... but what is up with today???  How come all you have to do these days is steal a beat from the 70's - 80's and repeat a line over and over and over and over and over on it and you're a superstar???  Why does young America like this???  What has happened to our artistic portion of our culture????  Is this it??? Is this what we have to show for ourselves???  rapping.... no scratch that... screaming and shouting over beats saying things like "Yeah... Yeah... 'till the sweat drops down my balls...all these 'bitches' crawl"  why does this sell?  why do people like this?  I understand freedom of whatever you want... but why would you buy this crap... RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

Title: Re: Music on MTV?
Post by: supaplex on April 29, 2007, 06:15:02 AM
the good music is still out there and if you search good enough you'll find it. mtv is not the right place to search for it.

Title: Re: Music on MTV?
Post by: mrlee on April 29, 2007, 06:33:38 AM
Is anyone else sick of what is going  on with "Pop" music right now?  I know I am..  I am sick of seeing people who are Lil' Jon rip offs (who sucks by the way) repeating the same f'ing chorus over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over about how he'll get the girl or beat someone up... Is that what makes music today?  Why does this SELL????   I came to the GNR website knowing you guys would back me up because thats good music... but what is up with today???  How come all you have to do these days is steal a beat from the 70's - 80's and repeat a line over and over and over and over and over on it and you're a superstar???  Why does young America like this???  What has happened to our artistic portion of our culture????  Is this it??? Is this what we have to show for ourselves???  rapping.... no scratch that... screaming and shouting over beats saying things like "Yeah... Yeah... 'till the sweat drops down my balls...all these 'bitches' crawl"  why does this sell?  why do people like this?  I understand freedom of whatever you want... but why would you buy this crap... RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

well what type of music are you looking for and ill see what i can get ya.

Title: Re: Music on MTV?
Post by: anythinggoes on April 29, 2007, 06:34:10 AM
Well in England we have two - three channels that get away from most of that type of music,they are Kerrang and Scuzz and MTV2 (sometimes) the only problem is they also play the Emo shit as well like MCR BFMV FFAF etc so a bit of channel hopping is still required but the other thing to think of is, if you dont like it dont watch it, do something else instead

Title: Re: Music on MTV?
Post by: Elrothiel on April 29, 2007, 07:40:09 AM
Dude... if ya want decent music, I suggest you look to the past. There really is such a low amount of awesomeness around these days that you'd have to spend hours and hours and days and days searching for it... Indie sucks, emo sucks, screamo sucks, rap sucks, pop sucks, dance sucks... one of the only bands that I've liked who are modernish are Mindless Self Indulgence... and they're not to everyone's taste.

BUT... check em out because if they ARE to your taste, then you'll fuckin' love it.

Title: Re: Music on MTV?
Post by: BlowUpYourVideo on April 29, 2007, 08:15:37 AM
Coz when peeps lizten to it dey is gangzta.


'till the sweat drops down my balls

I shall have to remember that one.

Title: Re: Music on MTV?
Post by: Elrothiel on April 29, 2007, 08:22:22 AM
Actually... its "to the window, to the wall, to the sweat drippin' from my balls"

... and the only reason I know that is because I've watched Chris Rock stand up comedy...

Title: Re: Music on MTV?
Post by: Dr. Blutarsky on April 29, 2007, 11:41:21 AM
I remember when they used to play music on MTV.

Now its all bullshit shows created by MTV.

Title: Re: Music on MTV?
Post by: anythinggoes on April 29, 2007, 11:46:17 AM
Actually... its "to the window, to the wall, to the sweat drippin' from my balls"

... and the only reason I know that is because I've watched Chris Rock stand up comedy...

Bullshit you have the album and have been reading the lyrics  ;D :hihi: :peace: :P

Title: Re: Music on MTV?
Post by: Elrothiel on April 29, 2007, 11:52:49 AM
:o You caught me out! Oh the shame! The shame of it all!! :hihi: :P :peace: ;D

Title: Re: Music on MTV?
Post by: Robman? on April 29, 2007, 12:15:52 PM
listen to Crash Midnight if you want some interesting new hard rock music :yes:

the good music is still out there and if you search good enough you'll find it. mtv is not the right place to search for it.

exactly. MTV shows no music videos at all these days, at least not during the day. Only MTV2 shows videos. FUSE is another ok channel, but its mostly alt. rock and emo these days. VH1 Classic shows some good stuff  :yes:

I think that MTV's lack of "music television" will lead to its demise. Thats why the internet, and places like youtube and myspace are suddenly the best, if not the only places for bands to get their names out there.

If you listen to bands in the 70s and 60s, and you listen to their early albums, often they are pretty bad compared to their follow-ups. Thats another problems with the industry today, if a band's  first album isn't a mega hit, they're screwed.

Title: Re: Music on MTV?
Post by: Dr. Blutarsky on April 29, 2007, 01:40:49 PM
listen to Crash Midnight if you want some interesting new hard rock music :yes:

the good music is still out there and if you search good enough you'll find it. mtv is not the right place to search for it.

exactly. MTV shows no music videos at all these days, at least not during the day. Only MTV2 shows videos. FUSE is another ok channel, but its mostly alt. rock and emo these days. VH1 Classic shows some good stuff  :yes:

I think that MTV's lack of "music television" will lead to its demise. Thats why the internet, and places like youtube and myspace are suddenly the best, if not the only places for bands to get their names out there.

If you listen to bands in the 70s and 60s, and you listen to their early albums, often they are pretty bad compared to their follow-ups. Thats another problems with the industry today, if a band's  first album isn't a mega hit, they're screwed.

labels dont cultivate a band's career anymore or give them creative control in many cases. Its always been about the money, but even more so now.

Title: Re: Music on MTV?
Post by: GNRreunioneventually on April 29, 2007, 01:55:23 PM
i agree fully with ya Slash411, all music today is bullshit and gay and just so damn stupid and cheesey and just fucking GAY. I HATE IT, I HATE IT ALL :rant: FUCK MTV

if you want to watch the old music videos form the 80s check out METAL MANIA on VH1 classic :beer: the only problem is is that i don't know when its on because i dont have that channel :crying: but if you do i sugest you watch it :yes:


Title: Re: Music on MTV?
Post by: SLCPUNK on April 29, 2007, 02:17:30 PM
MTV hasn't been good since 1990........just barely.

Title: Re: Music on MTV?
Post by: Timothy on April 29, 2007, 03:03:36 PM
MTV was good in the 80's through about mid 90's then ,from their slow turned into a dog shit

Title: Re: Music on MTV?
Post by: SLCPUNK on April 29, 2007, 03:05:49 PM
Any of us "old" folks will remember how awesome it was in the early years....what a shame really, at this point it has been horrible for most of its existence. VH1 classics is a great station, although I heard they canceled that too?  :no:

Title: Re: Music on MTV?
Post by: dr.kool on April 29, 2007, 03:33:27 PM
Here in Europe they show VH1 rocks. All the good music is there, yesterday
I saw Slash's snakepit: Aint life grand and later on Civil War live from Tokyo,
From the UYI tour. They show VH1 classic every day over here, which is really great.

Title: Re: Music on MTV?
Post by: GnFnR87 on April 29, 2007, 03:50:52 PM
most of it isnt even music anymore, they have fucking reality shows. that pisses me off the most. its a fucking MUSIC station for christsakes.

Title: Re: Music on MTV?
Post by: mrlee on April 29, 2007, 05:20:51 PM
MTV was good in the 80's through about mid 90's then ,from their slow turned into a dog shit
well it was since everyone was all "alternative" blah blah lets wank off over nirvana. thats when it went shit.

Title: Re: Music on MTV?
Post by: Timothy on April 29, 2007, 05:37:35 PM
MTV was good in the 80's through about mid 90's then ,from their slow turned into a dog shit
well it was since everyone was all "alternative" blah blah lets wank off over nirvana. thats when it went shit.

Nirvanva wasn't that bad , but hell did you forget about the Alice in Chains, soundgarden, ect. videos.?

Title: Re: Music on MTV?
Post by: faldor on April 29, 2007, 08:07:34 PM
i agree fully with ya Slash411, all music today is bullshit and gay and just so damn stupid and cheesey and just fucking GAY. I HATE IT, I HATE IT ALL :rant: FUCK MTV

if you want to watch the old music videos form the 80s check out METAL MANIA on VH1 classic :beer: the only problem is is that i don't know when its on because i dont have that channel :crying: but if you do i sugest you watch it :yes:

Metal Mania is on late nights Friday and Saturday, I think 2am on Friday night, midnight on Saturday.  Then again on Saturday and Sunday late mornings until 1pm or so.  Great show.

Title: Re: Music on MTV?
Post by: Layne Staley's Sunglasses on April 29, 2007, 09:08:03 PM
Any of us "old" folks will remember how awesome it was in the early years....what a shame really, at this point it has been horrible for most of its existence. VH1 classics is a great station, although I heard they canceled that too?  :no:

No duder, it's still here.  They just changed the logo.

Title: Re: Music on MTV?
Post by: SLCPUNK on April 29, 2007, 09:31:39 PM
Any of us "old" folks will remember how awesome it was in the early years....what a shame really, at this point it has been horrible for most of its existence. VH1 classics is a great station, although I heard they canceled that too?  :no:

No duder, it's still here.  They just changed the logo.

Well that is good news then.

Title: Re: Music on MTV?
Post by: GNRreunioneventually on April 29, 2007, 10:49:17 PM
you think they'll embrase CHINESE DEMOCRACY and G'n'R like they do with all the other shit on MTV? or will they just go pfffft another hair band trying to reclaim fame?

fuckin' MTV......... ::)

Title: Re: Music on MTV?
Post by: faldor on April 29, 2007, 11:18:06 PM
you think they'll embrase CHINESE DEMOCRACY and G'n'R like they do with all the other shit on MTV? or will they just go pfffft another hair band trying to reclaim fame?

fuckin' MTV......... ::)
I would think VH1 Classic would be more likely.  MTV has lost touch of the "music" scene.  They wouldn't know what to do with GNR.

Title: Re: Music on MTV?
Post by: GNRreunioneventually on April 29, 2007, 11:24:15 PM
you think they'll embrase CHINESE DEMOCRACY and G'n'R like they do with all the other shit on MTV? or will they just go pfffft another hair band trying to reclaim fame?

fuckin' MTV......... ::)
I would think VH1 Classic would be more likely.? MTV has lost touch of the "music" scene.? They wouldn't know what to do with GNR.

well i wasn't sure because, even though everyone here hates MTV and rap, i'm assuming, Axl likes rap actually and has kept friends with MTV in the past especially when Axl tried bringing them back during the VMAs....... anyone.........anyone ??? Anyone think something like that can/would happen again..........maybe?


Title: Re: Music on MTV?
Post by: SLCPUNK on April 29, 2007, 11:37:43 PM
VH1 classic is really good promoting older bands when they have new material/tour. Although with GnR I'd think MTV would have a spot for them...maybe.

Title: Re: Music on MTV?
Post by: Layne Staley's Sunglasses on April 30, 2007, 02:48:25 AM
I love VH1 Classic and all, but I don't want them to give GN'R the "nostalgia" stamp.