Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Administrative => Administrative, Feedback & Help => Topic started by: Elrothiel on April 27, 2007, 10:14:51 PM

Title: Why Can't We Be Friends?
Post by: Elrothiel on April 27, 2007, 10:14:51 PM
I've just got to say a couple of things regarding the recent "fight" in the Board Gallery thread...

I'm saddened by what's happened. I'm saddened that a stupid, petty little comment turned into a massive fight and that it resulted in Danny Top Hat... a kind and friendly moderator... feeling so disheartened that he felt it necessary to delete his account.

I feel so awful that this has happened because if I hadn't posted any pics.... Sterling would never have made that remark, and I never would have replied, the argument wouldn't have happened, it wouldn't have had to have been moderated, MCT wouldn't have felt the need to make some other remarks, and therefore Danny would have stayed.

Friends are important... being loyal to your friends is even more important.
Don't let petty small things come in between you.

Catch ya later Danny.... hope to see you back here soon.

Title: Re: Why Can't We Be Friends?
Post by: Mr. Redman on April 27, 2007, 10:49:32 PM
I agree with SG. Danny's one of the down to earth mods and seems to  be fairly cool from the posts I've came across of his.

Title: Re: Why Can't We Be Friends?
Post by: GNRreunioneventually on April 27, 2007, 11:08:20 PM
wait so......what all happened? Danny left, why? what page(s) is this fight on so i may read it?

Title: Re: Why Can't We Be Friends?
Post by: SLCPUNK on April 27, 2007, 11:51:22 PM
Danny was one of my favorites.

Hope he comes back soon.

Title: Re: Why Can't We Be Friends?
Post by: GeraldFord on April 27, 2007, 11:57:59 PM
What happened? (short version please).

I like him and hope he returns. I got pissed once and deleted my accoubnt butt returned, so I hope Danny does too.

Title: Re: Why Can't We Be Friends?
Post by: SLCPUNK on April 28, 2007, 12:04:44 AM
What happened? (short version please).

I like him and hope he returns. I got pissed once and deleted my accoubnt butt returned, so I hope Danny does too.

Just read the last two pages of the board gallery thread.

Title: Re: Why Can't We Be Friends?
Post by: GeraldFord on April 28, 2007, 12:14:51 AM
It's a shame that cooler heads didn't prevail. That seemed to come from left-field. Hope DTH returns.

Title: Re: Why Can't We Be Friends?
Post by: stolat on April 28, 2007, 12:24:55 AM
Making a positive out of the negative - at least something can be said about an argument with PASSION........ ???

Title: Re: Why Can't We Be Friends?
Post by: EFISH on April 28, 2007, 12:30:11 AM
Danny Top Hat was a cool mod.  :-\

Title: Re: Why Can't We Be Friends?
Post by: Robman? on April 28, 2007, 12:31:42 AM
Danny Top Hat was a cool mod.  :-\

indeed, he was  :-\

Title: Re: Why Can't We Be Friends?
Post by: w.axl.rose on April 28, 2007, 01:39:10 AM
Danny Top Hat was a cool mod.  :-\

indeed, he was  :-\
yeah i hope he comes back

Title: Re: Why Can't We Be Friends?
Post by: Skeletor on April 28, 2007, 05:49:59 AM
I'm saddened by what's happened. I'm saddened that a stupid, petty little comment turned into a massive fight and that it resulted in Danny Top Hat... a kind and friendly moderator... feeling so disheartened that he felt it necessary to delete his account.

From my point of view, what happened was that Danny made a bad call as a mod, realized it himself, and ran away. Quite abrupt and unnecessary, sure, but nonetheless I think it's silly to paint him as any kind of "victim" in this thing.

Title: Re: Why Can't We Be Friends?
Post by: stolat on April 28, 2007, 07:30:56 AM
Wow, call me Australian or something, but is the Mod vs Rocker thing still going on? Love The Who but I also own 3 very cool leather, taking me right back to the 70's....... :smoking:

Title: Re: Why Can't We Be Friends?
Post by: NicoRourke on April 28, 2007, 09:47:52 AM

I think SkynyrdGirl knows exactly what she's doing. What I can't understand is how can people play her game.

I'd like to know if you're like this in the real world. Not behind some computer. Cause It's easy to play the hot chick, but outside your walls it could be a dangerous game.

Also, always talking about sex ain't fucking hot. At the end it's boring.

Title: Re: Why Can't We Be Friends?
Post by: disease51883 on April 28, 2007, 10:45:12 AM
For whatever it's worth, I was sorry to see everything happen the way that it did yesterday, and so I sent Danny a MySpace message to tell him just that. He wrote back this morning (Dude's like the new Bumblefoot or something). And here's what he said. Maybe this can be the last of the subject for awhile.

Thanks for the message dude!

I'm glad I left - i've been going to that board for silly time now and I think change is a good thing. Last night I was trying to work on an essay and kept getting distracted from all the abuse, partly by MCT's dickish post but mostly Sterling's rude PMs. I wasn't enjoying it - I don't need bad vibes. The reason I respect SkynyrdGirl is because she has no ego, she's open about her philosophies and is friendly to everyone except the people who put her down. Sterling thinks people only like her for her looks - that's Sterling treating her like a whore, not SG acting like one. I don't know how Sterling ended up on a GnR message board - she's uptight and seems to have lost her spirit.

Jarmo letting MCT's post slide was proof that I was not respected as a mod, which is another good reason to leave. If it is the case, it really doesn't bother me too much - I don't have time to take message boards that seriously. All I tried to do was keep the peace; I thought that was my job. I'm not interested in being part of an "elite" and can't really respect anyone who is. However many people share MCT's opinion of me is irrelevent. If you look to message boards for FRIENDS - actual friends who know you and value your existence - then there's something wrong. I have a life outside of the board which is why I can take it or leave it.

I'll almost certainly visit again when the album comes out (if it ever does!)

Anyways, that turned into a rant so sorry to lay it all on you. One angry paragraph in the pics thread didn't seem like a sufficient explanation after so many years, but I don't really feel like going back on the boards. If people do want some kind of explanation, feel free to pass this message on.

Love to you and the rest of the board. Thanks again for contacting me.


Title: Re: Why Can't We Be Friends?
Post by: mrlee on April 28, 2007, 11:01:43 AM
For whatever it's worth, I was sorry to see everything happen the way that it did yesterday, and so I sent Danny a MySpace message to tell him just that. He wrote back this morning (Dude's like the new Bumblefoot or something). And here's what he said. Maybe this can be the last of the subject for awhile.

Thanks for the message dude!

I'm glad I left - i've been going to that board for silly time now and I think change is a good thing. Last night I was trying to work on an essay and kept getting distracted from all the abuse, partly by MCT's dickish post but mostly Sterling's rude PMs. I wasn't enjoying it - I don't need bad vibes. The reason I respect SkynyrdGirl is because she has no ego, she's open about her philosophies and is friendly to everyone except the people who put her down. Sterling thinks people only like her for her looks - that's Sterling treating her like a whore, not SG acting like one. I don't know how Sterling ended up on a GnR message board - she's uptight and seems to have lost her spirit.

Jarmo letting MCT's post slide was proof that I was not respected as a mod, which is another good reason to leave. If it is the case, it really doesn't bother me too much - I don't have time to take message boards that seriously. All I tried to do was keep the peace; I thought that was my job. I'm not interested in being part of an "elite" and can't really respect anyone who is. However many people share MCT's opinion of me is irrelevent. If you look to message boards for FRIENDS - actual friends who know you and value your existence - then there's something wrong. I have a life outside of the board which is why I can take it or leave it.

I'll almost certainly visit again when the album comes out (if it ever does!)

Anyways, that turned into a rant so sorry to lay it all on you. One angry paragraph in the pics thread didn't seem like a sufficient explanation after so many years, but I don't really feel like going back on the boards. If people do want some kind of explanation, feel free to pass this message on.

Love to you and the rest of the board. Thanks again for contacting me.


Thats fair enough, least he aint whining about it. He was a nice mod though and im sure he will be missed around the place.

Title: Re: Why Can't We Be Friends?
Post by: CheapJon on April 28, 2007, 11:35:43 AM
danny was the mod, i respected him because he respected me and was never acting like a dick, he was funny and could joke around.. ok, i'm talking about him like he's dead but damn it u know what i mean.. I will be glad to welcome him back one day

Title: Re: Why Can't We Be Friends?
Post by: lastroots on April 28, 2007, 04:31:49 PM
Mistakes have been made. But as you see I speak in the past. So let's just stop this ugly thing.

I think it's just a matter of respect. If you don't like someone else - ok, but don't start stupid arguments, that's not worthy. Just ignore the person.

A few people who I've known for a long time on this board have gone into a bad trip, just for beig themselves, and that's not funny. Everyone should act as they feel like imo.

I can understand Dannys decision, even though I will miss him. But he's right, there's no need to come to a message board just to get attacked for being onesself.

In can just repeat myself - not everyone has to be friends with everyone ... but I think respect is what really matters.

Title: Re: Why Can't We Be Friends?
Post by: Timothy on April 28, 2007, 05:35:54 PM
well that sucks that DTH is gone hope dude comes back

Title: Re: Why Can't We Be Friends?
Post by: Elrothiel on April 28, 2007, 07:23:36 PM

I think SkynyrdGirl knows exactly what she's doing. What I can't understand is how can people play her game.

I'd like to know if you're like this in the real world. Not behind some computer. Cause It's easy to play the hot chick, but outside your walls it could be a dangerous game.

Also, always talking about sex ain't fucking hot. At the end it's boring.

If you knew me in real life, you probably wouldn't think I was such a bitch. I'm not a bitch, I don't pretend to be so. I am who I am, and I play no "game".

Sometimes I look back on some of my earlier posts and I cringe extensively! BUT its all part and parcel of growing up, getting older and wiser and realizing that some things ARE regrettable... although I just see it all as me changing, and becoming the person I finally will be!! I'm only 20, still young!!

People who think I'm some sort of sexual Machiavellian need to just chill out and realize that I'm just immature... and at the time I say things... I really don't give a shit about what others are thinking!

its only a few months afterwards, when I'm a bit more mature when I'm like "damn now why'd I have to go say that!?" and roll my eyes at my past self.

Isn't that the same with everyone though?

Title: Re: Why Can't We Be Friends?
Post by: GypsySoul on April 28, 2007, 10:33:21 PM
Danny Top Hat is a good guy and was certainly nice to me ... but I think in this case his anger is directed at the wrong people.  IMO he thought he was doing the "decent" thing and protecting a "damsel in distress" when in reality all he did was lash out at the 'cops' for not stopping the 'johns' from enjoying the entertainment provided by the 'hookers' because he imagined himself saving her from that life and that she would gratefully provide that entertainment to only him.

DTH needs only to go to the profiles and click on "show the last posts of this person" to see who the real culprit is here.