Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Administrative => Administrative, Feedback & Help => Topic started by: Lucky on April 24, 2007, 03:34:12 PM

Title: confusion
Post by: Lucky on April 24, 2007, 03:34:12 PM
there must be 10 threads on the main forum dedicated to tour, past tour, future tours, what if tours, etc,etc...
there's 5 diferent threads on what say who about what thread, about promoters, about this and that....

put some orded into it...
there's enough confusion already, without 15 threads adding to the mess...

I suggest you put all the dated, and not current situation related threads into the Tour section, and leave only the most recent/confirmed tour status as a sticky..

here's a few...

Cancelled GNR dates = more Hookerse & Blow???!?!! ---is this really GNR related?
Guns 'n' Roses To Tour Australia
Warm Up Show 2007 ? --- Do we want them? Yes! Will we get them? Who knows! Who knows? Axl.-end of discussion.
Australian Punks In The Press Bitch about GNR Ticket Prices ---- another thread about australia...
Guns N' Roses TV ad for the Australian gigs/post other ad photos here!! ----yet another thread about australia....
After New Zealand where do the band play next?--- Do we want them? Yes! Will we get them? Who knows! Who knows? Axl.-end of discussion.
Guns 'n' Roses Tour For Australia Still Going Ahead ----yet another australia thread

and yet mods always find time to remove my smart ass comments

Title: Re: confusion
Post by: Lucky on April 24, 2007, 03:42:40 PM
and why the fuck is " GNR 2007 starts in 4 days!!!!" is this still over there?

put some effort into it.

we have no idea what dates are still on, and what's with the latest update from australia promoter?!

Title: Re: confusion
Post by: Eazy E on April 24, 2007, 03:55:46 PM
Agreed, it's way to difficult to find the wig and teeth threads among this mess.

Title: Re: confusion
Post by: estebanf on April 24, 2007, 03:58:14 PM
we have no idea what dates are still on, and what's with the latest update from australia promoter?!

Well, if the Dainty article were allowed to be posted, we could assume that the info is true, and everything would be clear...

Title: Re: confusion
Post by: GNRreunioneventually on April 24, 2007, 05:07:25 PM
why doesn't Jarmo or some other mod combine all of them into one? :peace:

Title: Re: confusion
Post by: AdZ on April 24, 2007, 05:59:02 PM
Don't you have something better to do than tell other people how to run a website?

Fuck off.

Title: Re: confusion
Post by: Lucky on April 24, 2007, 06:11:19 PM
Don't you have something better to do than tell other people how to run a website?

Fuck off.
are you calling me a ego-tripping, censoring maniac?!!!!!

Title: Re: confusion
Post by: Africa on April 24, 2007, 06:12:13 PM
He's a Slash fan, he hates it when negative bullshit about Axl isn't allowed.

Title: Re: confusion
Post by: Lucky on April 24, 2007, 06:15:24 PM
He's a Slash fan, he hates it when negative bullshit about Axl isn't allowed.

who are you talking about?

Title: Re: confusion
Post by: Africa on April 24, 2007, 06:16:09 PM
You seem to hate it when negative threads are deleted. Why?

Title: Re: confusion
Post by: Lucky on April 24, 2007, 06:29:32 PM
I'm a GNR fan,... not a Slash fan.

still, what's the fuckin problem with negative threads?
this is a GNR board... not a  retarded-zombie hippy comunity. not everything has to be roses...

and I dont think all threads that get deleted are negative. some of them are objective, but some people just have a problem with perception.
and think that everything GNR does is for a greater good. well guess what. sometimes its not.
and a part of the GNR comunity has been let down for this or that reason, and they feel bitter and/or cheated...
bitterness may lead to anger, and even finck in his latest adress to the fans mentions bitterness.
so it's quite easy to understand why some threads are "hater" threads. when in fact they are not "hate" threads, but
"disappointment" threads.

what turns the threads into hate threads are little napoleons/hitlers that live in cyberworld... that keep pissing normal people off.

do you honestly believe that any of the "haters" here would be wasting time by bitching about the band we didnt care about?!
I hate nsyinc, britney, eminem... etc.etc... and you dont see me going around their forums and "hating" them.
and it's hard starting positive threads about a band that has so many issues.

Title: Re: confusion
Post by: Africa on April 24, 2007, 06:50:07 PM
Where in his address did robin mention bitterness?
He mentioned disappointment (over the unforeseen, unfortunate circumstances) and sympathy with the fans who missed out.
Why do some of you insist on reading into that that he is bitter about anything or wants to quit the band?
It just seems many of you seem to want to portray everything about this band as pitch black. I don't understand it.

Title: Re: confusion
Post by: jarmo on April 24, 2007, 06:53:29 PM
what turns the threads into hate threads are little napoleons/hitlers that live in cyberworld... that keep pissing normal people off.

No, what pisses people like you off is the fact that somebody tells you to either stop posting crap or fuck off.

You can't handle that. You think because GN'R has used the word "fuck" in their songs, you should have the right to post anything you want.

Well guess what? It doesn't apply here.

And you just can't live with that so you keep calling us names, insulting others, fighting, posting bullshit. Because that to you is "freedom of speech" and "cool".

You go to a board, then get told to stop or warned and you still keep doing it. So obviously you end up banned and then you go back to some other board to whine about how you get banned and "fuck that place".


Title: Re: confusion
Post by: Timothy on April 24, 2007, 06:54:14 PM
Where in his address did robin mention bitterness?
He mentioned disappointment (over the unforeseen, unfortunate circumstances) and sympathy with the fans who missed out.
Why do some of you insist on reading into that that he is bitter about anything or wants to quit the band?
It just seems many of you seem to want to portray everything about this band as pitch black. I don't understand it.

And on the flips side. their are some who don't see anything wrong with anything that the band does.

Title: Re: confusion
Post by: Lucky on April 24, 2007, 07:58:56 PM
No, what pisses people like you off is the fact that somebody tells you to either stop posting crap or fuck off.

You can't handle that. You think because GN'R has used the word "fuck" in their songs, you should have the right to post anything you want.

Well guess what? It doesn't apply here.

And you just can't live with that so you keep calling us names, insulting others, fighting, posting bullshit. Because that to you is "freedom of speech" and "cool".

You go to a board, then get told to stop or warned and you still keep doing it. So obviously you end up banned and then you go back to some other board to whine about how you get banned and "fuck that place".

I only use insults as a response to someone elses insults.... such as AdZs in this thread.
what bullshit did I post? All my threads are GNR related, and my posts are mostly constructive criticism, or sarcasm.

this was suposed to be a constructive thread unitll the interruption by all mighty Adz.

and only other board I visit is

Title: Re: confusion
Post by: MCT on April 24, 2007, 08:04:23 PM's way too difficult to find the wig and teeth threads among this mess.

I agree. I mean, why can't all the different threads about your mom just be merged and turned into a sticky anyway?

Title: Re: confusion
Post by: badapple81 on April 24, 2007, 10:03:54 PM
Just a quick question.. how come threads about the Japanese dates being rescheduled and the new dates keep getting deleted? Is there already a thread I can't find, or is this because it isn't confirmed?

Title: Re: confusion
Post by: stolat on April 25, 2007, 06:58:09 AM
What's wrong with threads about Australia???

Title: Re: confusion
Post by: jarmo on April 25, 2007, 11:33:43 AM
or is this because it isn't confirmed?

