Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: izzy_estradlin on April 10, 2007, 10:50:28 AM

Title: A new article at a Mexican newspaper
Post by: izzy_estradlin on April 10, 2007, 10:50:28 AM
Browsing through a mexican newspaper this morning, to my desbelief I found an exclusive GN'R article "Axl Rose sale de gira" (Axl Rose goes out on tour). It's suposed to be an interview with Axl, and he says that with or without Chinese Democracy the band is the same and that it will continue do live shows.
I would like to translate the rest of it for you all, but I'm at work, so I hope someone can help out. Here's the link:


Title: Re: A new article at a Mexican newspaper
Post by: Voodoochild on April 10, 2007, 10:54:39 AM
It says "No se puede conectar a la base de datos local: Too many connections"

Can't you post it here the article?

Title: Re: A new article at a Mexican newspaper
Post by: Voodoochild on April 10, 2007, 10:55:53 AM

Axl Rose sale de gira
09 Abril 2007
Actualizado: 08:51 PM hora de Cd. Ju?rez
Juan Carlos Garc?a Agencia Reforma

Nueva York? Con o sin ?Chinese Democracy?, el tan anticipado ?lbum de Guns N? Roses que lleva enlatado m?s de cinco a?os, la banda sigue siendo la misma y seguir? present?ndose en vivo, afirma en entrevista exclusiva Axl Rose, vocalista y l?der de la agrupaci?n.

Ante las constantes postergaciones del lanzamiento del material, Rose asegura que este a?o sus fans se llevar?n una gran sorpresa.

?La gira y el lanzamiento del disco nos entusiasman mucho. Nosotros estamos enfocados en el lanzamiento del ?lbum, aunque no siempre todo depende de nosotros. Estamos en un proceso de revisi?n de lo que hemos hecho, y el disco saldr?.

?Lo que no me gusta es que haya especulaciones. Guns N? Roses sigue vivo. La mejor manera de que el p?blico sepa de nosotros es a trav?s de nuestra p?gina de internet ( Ah? vendr?n todos los detalles de lo que estamos cocinando, y les aseguro que nadie quedar? defraudado?, indica el cantante y compositor.

El pr?ximo s?bado, comenta, Guns N? Roses inicia el 2007 World Tour en Tokio con cinco conciertos. Ah? presentar? algunas canciones del disco que ha provocado tantas especulaciones.

Hasta el momento, hay confirmadas otras dos fechas de la gira en Sud?frica.
El cambio de m?nager, la renegociaci?n de su contrato con Universal Music, ajustes por el derecho y uso del nombre de grupo, y las diferencias de criterios para elegir sencillos promocionales y planes publicitarios son algunas de las razones que han puesto en jaque la paciencia de Rose.

?Todo es un embrollo. Son demasiados tr?mites y muchas historias que contar alrededor. Lo que es cierto es que queremos que la salida sea en el momento adecuado, y en el preciso momento.

?La banda sigue siendo la misma, queremos girar, estar en un concierto en vivo es nuestra prioridad y a m? me hace feliz seguir contando con el apoyo de todos los fans. Por ellos seguimos en tour, por ellos seguimos unidos como banda?, se?ala.

Los m?sicos que forman actualmente el grupo son, adem?s de Rose, Dizzy Reed y Chris Pitman, en los teclados; Tommy Stinson, en el bajo; Brain y Frank Ferrer, en la bater?a, y Robin Finck, Richard Fortus y Ron Thal, en las guitarras.

Ellos trabajaron en ?Chinese Democracy?, por lo que figurar?n en los cr?ditos de la producci?n.

En la p?gina oficial del grupo se dice que ?The Blues? y ?Madagascar?, temas que Rose y la banda han interpretado en vivo en los ?ltimos a?os, est?n incluidas en el listado del nuevo disco.

Axl Rose es considerado una figura poco complaciente en sus gustos musicales, y dice que de las bandas nuevas que ha escuchado ?ltimamente, reconoce el talento de The Killers, Keane, Wolfmother y The Fray.

?Hablo por lo que he escuchado, y creo que The Killers lleva la ventaja en lo que hace, son chicos muy dedicados, con un potencial enorme que yo he disfrutado. Me parece que las nuevas generaciones est?n m?s abiertas a un rock no tan purista y eso, hasta cierto punto, a algunas les puede funcionar?, indica.

El cantante y compositor cuenta entre sus amigos, en el medio art?stico, a Lars Ulrich, de Metallica, y al ex l?der de Black Sabbath, Ozzy Osbourne.

Title: Re: A new article at a Mexican newspaper
Post by: Nytunz on April 10, 2007, 11:00:42 AM
I wonder when GnR will make the the worldtour announcement.. They start in a couple of days now?

Title: Re: A new article at a Mexican newspaper
Post by: GypsySoul on April 10, 2007, 11:02:37 AM
I would like to translate the rest of it for you all, but I'm at work, so I hope someone can help out. Here's the link:

@ Voodoochild
I think izzy_estradlin meant could someone help translate the article.? I'm sure the rest of us would appreciate it if you could translate it too.? :yes:

Title: Re: A new article at a Mexican newspaper
Post by: Voodoochild on April 10, 2007, 11:24:04 AM
Just translated... I speak Portuguese, not Spanish, but I did what I could... Hope it helps:

Axl Rose goes on tour

New York - With or without "Chinese Democracy", the much antecipated Guns N' Roses album which is on the shelves for more than 5 years, the band stays the same and will keep performing live, tells Axl Rose, lead singer and frontman, in a exclusive interview.

Before the constant postpones of the material release, Rose confirms that this year, the fans will have a great surprise.

"The tour and the album release excite us very much. We are focused in the album release, altough sometimes it doesn't depends on us. We are in a revision process of what we had done, and the album will come out.

"I don't like when there is speculations. Guns N' Roses keeps alive. The best way for the public to know about us is trough our website ( There are all the details of what we've been doing and I tell you that nothing will be defrauded", says the singer and songwriter.

In the next Saturday, he says, Guns N' Roses will begin the 2007 World Tour in Tokio with 5 gigs. There they will play some songs of the record which has been taken such speculations.

Till the present moment, there is other confirmed dates in the South Africa tour.

The change of the manager, their renegotiation with Universal Music, adjustments by the right of using the bands name, and the different opinions on choose simple promotional stuff and publicity plans are some of the reasons that have been put in test Rose's patience.

"Everything is a problem. There is too much proceedings and many histories to tell around. What is confirmed is that we want the release to be in the right moment, in the right time frame.

"The band is still the same, we want to tour, be in a live concert is our priority and makes me happy to keep having all the fans support. For them we keep touring, for them we keep united as a band", states.

The musicians in the band are, among with Rose, Dizzy Reed and Chris Pitman on the keyboards; Tommy Stinson on bass; Brain and Frank Ferrer on the drums; and Robin Finck, Richard Fortus and Ron Thal on the guitars.

They worked on "Chinese Democracy", reason why they will appear in the credits of the production.

In their official website, it says that "The Blues" and "Madagascar", tracks that Rose and the band have been playing live in the last few years, will be in the new album's setlist.

Axl Rose is consider to be someone not that easy with his musical tastes, and says about the new bands that he've been listening lately that he recognize the talent of The Killers, Keane, Wolfmother and The Fray.

"I talk about what I heard and I believe that The Killers takes an advantage from what they do, they are kids very dedicated, with a huge potential that I enjoy. Seems to me like the new generation are more opened to a rock not that purist and that, at some point, could work to some", says.

The singer and songwriter has friends in the music business like Lars Ulrich, from Metallica, and the Black Sabbath ex-frontman, Ozzy Osbourne.

Title: Re: A new article at a Mexican newspaper
Post by: GypsySoul on April 10, 2007, 11:30:41 AM
Thanks Voodoochild and FunkyMonkey and, of course, izzy_estradlin!!!? : ok:

Even though it says "exclusive interview" I think I've seen this article before?? :confused:

Title: Re: A new article at a Mexican newspaper
Post by: Voodoochild on April 10, 2007, 11:37:46 AM
No problem, Gypsy. :)

But I don't think I saw that before... Maybe it's because we kinda know all that...

BTW, just corrected a mistake. Instead of "Tour manager", it says "the change of the manager".

Now I'm translating to portuguese. Oh well... :P

Title: Re: A new article at a Mexican newspaper
Post by: izzy_estradlin on April 10, 2007, 11:42:58 AM
Your welcome. And I guess it could be an old interview, but it looked new to me because of the info on the tour.?
And thanx a lot for the help Voodoochild!
BTW, I love your unplugged version of Better! It rules! Do you have a guitar tab of it?

Title: Re: A new article at a Mexican newspaper
Post by: Ines_rocks! on April 10, 2007, 12:05:19 PM
Just translated... I speak Portuguese, not Spanish, but I did what I could... Hope it helps:

Axl Rose goes on tour

New York - With or without "Chinese Democracy", the much antecipated Guns N' Roses album which is on the shelves for more than 5 years, the band stays the same and will keep performing live, tells Axl Rose, lead singer and frontman, in a exclusive interview.

Before the constant postpones of the material release, Rose confirms that this year, the fans will have a great surprise.

"The tour and the album release excite us very much. We are focused in the album release, altough sometimes it doesn't depends on us. We are in a revision process of what we had done, and the album will come out.

"I don't like when there is speculations. Guns N' Roses keeps alive. The best way for the public to know about us is trough our website ( There are all the details of what we've been doing and I tell you that nothing will be defrauded", says the singer and songwriter.

In the next Saturday, he says, Guns N' Roses will begin the 2007 World Tour in Tokio with 5 gigs. There they will play some songs of the record which has been taken such speculations.

Till the present moment, there is other confirmed dates in the South Africa tour.

The change of the manager, their renegotiation with Universal Music, adjustments by the right of using the bands name, and the different opinions on choose simple promotional stuff and publicity plans are some of the reasons that have been put in test Rose's patience.

"Everything is a problem. There is too much proceedings and many histories to tell around. What is confirmed is that we want the release to be in the right moment, in the right time frame.

"The band is still the same, we want to tour, be in a live concert is our priority and makes me happy to keep having all the fans support. For them we keep touring, for them we keep united as a band", states.

The musicians in the band are, among with Rose, Dizzy Reed and Chris Pitman on the keyboards; Tommy Stinson on bass; Brain and Frank Ferrer on the drums; and Robin Finck, Richard Fortus and Ron Thal on the guitars.

They worked on "Chinese Democracy", reason why they will appear in the credits of the production.

In their official website, it says that "The Blues" and "Madagascar", tracks that Rose and the band have been playing live in the last few years, will be in the new album's setlist.

Axl Rose is consider to be someone not that easy with his musical tastes, and says about the new bands that he've been listening lately that he recognize the talent of The Killers, Keane, Wolfmother and The Fray.

"I talk about what I heard and I believe that The Killers takes an advantage from what they do, they are kids very dedicated, with a huge potential that I enjoy. Seems to me like the new generation are more opened to a rock not that purist and that, at some point, could work to some", says.

The singer and songwriter has friends in the music business like Lars Ulrich, from Metallica, and the Black Sabbath ex-frontman, Ozzy Osbourne.

Muito bem!  : ok:

Title: Re: A new article at a Mexican newspaper
Post by: -Jack- on April 10, 2007, 12:05:42 PM
Good article!

Friends with Ozzy? GNR should do Ozfest!

Title: Re: A new article at a Mexican newspaper
Post by: Africa on April 10, 2007, 12:06:23 PM
Just translated... I speak Portuguese, not Spanish, but I did what I could... Hope it helps:

Axl Rose goes on tour

New York - With or without "Chinese Democracy", the much antecipated Guns N' Roses album which is on the shelves for more than 5 years, the band stays the same and will keep performing live, tells Axl Rose, lead singer and frontman, in a exclusive interview.

Before the constant postpones of the material release, Rose confirms that this year, the fans will have a great surprise.

"The tour and the album release excite us very much. We are focused in the album release, altough sometimes it doesn't depends on us. We are in a revision process of what we had done, and the album will come out.

"I don't like when there is speculations. Guns N' Roses keeps alive. The best way for the public to know about us is trough our website ( There are all the details of what we've been doing and I tell you that nothing will be defrauded", says the singer and songwriter.

In the next Saturday, he says, Guns N' Roses will begin the 2007 World Tour in Tokio with 5 gigs. There they will play some songs of the record which has been taken such speculations.

Till the present moment, there is other confirmed dates in the South Africa tour.

The change of the manager, their renegotiation with Universal Music, adjustments by the right of using the bands name, and the different opinions on choose simple promotional stuff and publicity plans are some of the reasons that have been put in test Rose's patience.

"Everything is a problem. There is too much proceedings and many histories to tell around. What is confirmed is that we want the release to be in the right moment, in the right time frame.

"The band is still the same, we want to tour, be in a live concert is our priority and makes me happy to keep having all the fans support. For them we keep touring, for them we keep united as a band", states.

The musicians in the band are, among with Rose, Dizzy Reed and Chris Pitman on the keyboards; Tommy Stinson on bass; Brain and Frank Ferrer on the drums; and Robin Finck, Richard Fortus and Ron Thal on the guitars.

They worked on "Chinese Democracy", reason why they will appear in the credits of the production.

In their official website, it says that "The Blues" and "Madagascar", tracks that Rose and the band have been playing live in the last few years, will be in the new album's setlist.

Axl Rose is consider to be someone not that easy with his musical tastes, and says about the new bands that he've been listening lately that he recognize the talent of The Killers, Keane, Wolfmother and The Fray.

"I talk about what I heard and I believe that The Killers takes an advantage from what they do, they are kids very dedicated, with a huge potential that I enjoy. Seems to me like the new generation are more opened to a rock not that purist and that, at some point, could work to some", says.

The singer and songwriter has friends in the music business like Lars Ulrich, from Metallica, and the Black Sabbath ex-frontman, Ozzy Osbourne.

This is extremely interesting, looks like Axl has given a new interview prior to touring again. Awesome stuff.
Let's see, there's alot of interesting information there actually. Where on their website does it say Madagascar and The Blues will be in the album's tracklist? Hm... Maybe they mean it will be played live? The poor translation makes me wonder. Interesting what he said about the website and the delays too, but more interesting is the stuff about new songs, the poor translation again makes me wonder if it meant that they will simply play new songs or completely new songs. BBF appearently told people they will play no new songs before the album is out, is that right? Funny the thing about Axl's rocker friends too. Anyway, cool interview, thanks for posting! :beer:

Title: Re: A new article at a Mexican newspaper
Post by: Voodoochild on April 10, 2007, 12:15:43 PM
And thanx a lot for the help Voodoochild!
BTW, I love your unplugged version of Better! It rules! Do you have a guitar tab of it?
Thanks man! I sent you a pm about the Better thing. :)

Muito bem!  : ok:
Obrigado! ;D

This is extremely interesting, looks like Axl has given a new interview prior to touring again. Awesome stuff.Let's see, there's alot of interesting information there actually. Where on their website does it say
Madagascar and The Blues will be in the album's tracklist? Hm... Maybe they mean it will be played live? The poor translation makes me wonder. Interesting what he said about the website and the delays too, but more interesting is the stuff about new songs, the poor translation again makes me wonder if it meant that they will simply play new songs or completely new songs. BBF appearently told people they will play no new songs before the album is out, is that right? Funny the thing about Axl's rocker friends too. Anyway, cool interview, thanks for posting! :beer:
Those things I can guarantee are right. It's exactly like that. I think in an old article on the website about the NA tour, it says The Blues and Madagascar will be on CD. Nothing major, just a quick mention. And the new songs are obvious just what the writer said, nothing to dig too much into.

BTW, if you can tell it's a poor translation, would you care to fix it? Thanks.

Title: Re: A new article at a Mexican newspaper
Post by: KIKO2K6 on April 10, 2007, 12:19:42 PM
Thanks Voodoo. : ok:

Se puede cambiar la ventana ?! :hihi:

VR em 3 dias hahaha !!! :smoking:

Title: Re: A new article at a Mexican newspaper
Post by: estebanf on April 10, 2007, 12:39:02 PM
Thanks Voodoochile for your efforts (even though I read the spanish article)

But what about this:

In their official website, it says that "The Blues" and "Madagascar", tracks that Rose and the band have been playing live in the last few years, will be in the new album's setlist.

This is bullshit. Where is this quote in the official website?

Title: Re: A new article at a Mexican newspaper
Post by: WARose on April 10, 2007, 12:48:03 PM
Thanks Voodoochile for your efforts (even though I read the spanish article)

But what about this:

In their official website, it says that "The Blues" and "Madagascar", tracks that Rose and the band have been playing live in the last few years, will be in the new album's setlist.

This is bullshit. Where is this quote in the official website?

in some article......

Title: Re: A new article at a Mexican newspaper
Post by: Africa on April 10, 2007, 12:51:08 PM
BTW, if you can tell it's a poor translation, would you care to fix it? Thanks.

No, sorry I don't speak spanish or portugese. : ok:

I wasn't complaining though, thanks for posting! :beer:

Title: Re: A new article at a Mexican newspaper
Post by: Africa on April 10, 2007, 12:55:13 PM
And the new songs are obvious just what the writer said, nothing to dig too much into.

Well I was confused as to whether the article said there will be all new songs or just new songs. :peace:

Title: Re: A new article at a Mexican newspaper
Post by: russtcb on April 10, 2007, 01:05:47 PM
...Still says "Brain and Frank" so that's a small tidbit of confirmation.

I sincerely hope that these things are all finalized soon and the "timing" and "mood" are right for release.

Title: Re: A new article at a Mexican newspaper
Post by: Axlfreek on April 10, 2007, 01:07:20 PM
awsome read, thanks for translating  :peace:

Title: Re: A new article at a Mexican newspaper
Post by: Krispy Kreme on April 10, 2007, 01:14:26 PM
Wonder whose mood he is talking about.

Title: Re: A new article at a Mexican newspaper
Post by: HBK on April 10, 2007, 01:23:59 PM



Title: Re: A new article at a Mexican newspaper
Post by: Voodoochild on April 10, 2007, 02:02:01 PM
Wonder whose mood he is talking about.
What mood?

Title: Re: A new article at a Mexican newspaper
Post by: BurningHills on April 10, 2007, 03:37:15 PM
Good interview - thanks for posting!

Title: Re: A new article at a Mexican newspaper
Post by: guns_n_motley on April 10, 2007, 05:04:22 PM
So, im guessing from this article, the cd is done, and its really up to the record company?? on the right time to release it?

Title: Re: A new article at a Mexican newspaper
Post by: Tyson on April 10, 2007, 05:13:26 PM
Good article, though I feel that there are no imminent plans to release this album.  Any thoughts? 

Title: Re: A new article at a Mexican newspaper
Post by: guns_n_motley on April 10, 2007, 05:20:02 PM
Idk, i dont think the interview gives any hint of it being soon. other than the fans will get a big surprise this year. However, he did say it would be this year almost a year ago...

but this part is reassuring too.

"The tour and the album release excite us very much. We are focused in the album release, altough sometimes it doesn't depends on us. We are in a revision process of what we had done, and the album will come out."

What im wondering is the "revision process of what we had done" what does that mean? could it be mixing/mastering.

If it means listening to the album again and making changes. then Forget it coming out

Title: Re: A new article at a Mexican newspaper
Post by: Danny on April 10, 2007, 05:20:43 PM
The right time to release it.  I'd really like some explanation of this?  What makes any time the "wrong time"?  I just don't get it.

Title: Re: A new article at a Mexican newspaper
Post by: guns_n_motley on April 10, 2007, 05:22:39 PM
The right time to release it.? I'd really like some explanation of this?? What makes any time the "wrong time"?? I just don't get it.

Id guess they want to release it at a time when it will sell the most.

Title: Re: A new article at a Mexican newspaper
Post by: Danny on April 10, 2007, 05:24:30 PM
Id guess they want to release it at a time when it will sell the most.

Ok.  Then why can't they just say that? 

Title: Re: A new article at a Mexican newspaper
Post by: guns_n_motley on April 10, 2007, 05:26:52 PM
Seriously though, the article doesnt give me much hope at all.

Back in december axls letter made it seem as if the record was pretty much all done/packaged and we were looking at a march date.

fast forward 4 months later. more of the same "fans will get surprise this year, we want to take out time" bullcrap and we are looking at the earliest, Fall..

Title: Re: A new article at a Mexican newspaper
Post by: oneway23 on April 10, 2007, 05:30:32 PM
Seriously though, the article doesnt give me much hope at all.

Back in december axls letter made it seem as if the record was pretty much all done/packaged and we were looking at a march date.

fast forward 4 months later. more of the same "fans will get surprise this year, we want to take out time" bullcrap and we are looking at the earliest, Fall..

Hit the nail on the head there...Even a release to commemorate the 20th Anniversary of Appetite seems unlikely at this point.

Title: Re: A new article at a Mexican newspaper
Post by: Apollon on April 10, 2007, 05:52:51 PM
If it's legit... (We can suppose so, cause noone denied it yet, though Jarmo and Mysteron were online), Well if it's legit, it's googd news. Axl talks about the album, he is keen on touring and he says we get a surprise this year... Sounds good!  :beer:

Title: Re: A new article at a Mexican newspaper
Post by: Danny on April 10, 2007, 05:55:00 PM
How is it good news?  I'm not saying it's bad news...just, how is it GOOD news?  If anything, it's no news.

Title: Re: A new article at a Mexican newspaper
Post by: Apollon on April 10, 2007, 05:57:09 PM
How is it good news?? I'm not saying it's bad news...just, how is it GOOD news?? If anything, it's no news.

Oh come on... Axl talks! This allone is good news. He is giving us a little outlook on 2007 (tour, album, surprise) and he is happy about touring.

I'm sorry, but for me this sounds like good news and I'm fine with it...

Title: Re: A new article at a Mexican newspaper
Post by: novrain91 on April 10, 2007, 06:00:44 PM
Sort of off topic but: ?Obviously Appetite in 1987 was groundbreaking and all of that stuff, Has any other band ever released another "groundbreaking" CD 20 years later (not to mention with a totally different band)? That aspect is one of the reasons that I'm really xcited about Chinese Democracy!

Title: Re: A new article at a Mexican newspaper
Post by: shadyklyde on April 10, 2007, 06:34:23 PM
well someone in mexico better have their camera or recorder ready just in case some new songs are played

Title: Re: A new article at a Mexican newspaper
Post by: Bartlet on April 10, 2007, 06:59:57 PM
Surprise? More than just a single album...?

Title: Re: A new article at a Mexican newspaper
Post by: CheapJon on April 10, 2007, 07:07:04 PM
Surprise? More than just a single album...?

i think the surprise is the album, a dvd at the highest but i don't want to get my hopes up

Title: Re: A new article at a Mexican newspaper
Post by: Bartlet on April 10, 2007, 07:10:41 PM
Surprise? More than just a single album...?

i think the surprise is the album, a dvd at the highest but i don't want to get my hopes up

I think i agree actually. Im just tryina start somethin'!  :hihi:

Title: Re: A new article at a Mexican newspaper
Post by: Robman? on April 10, 2007, 07:59:43 PM
This is fake.

How does a Mexican newspaper get the scoop? I mean seriously, hasn't Axl had offers from plenty of big name magazines, or at least English speaking newspapers in Europe of the US?


Title: Re: A new article at a Mexican newspaper
Post by: Edward Rose on April 10, 2007, 09:30:07 PM
This is fake.

How does a Mexican newspaper get the scoop? I mean seriously, hasn't Axl had offers from plenty of big name magazines, or at least English speaking newspapers in Europe of the US?


Maybe American media isn't worthy of such a thing.   :rofl:

What about the last major magazine to interview Axl? Was that done in America? I recall someone needing to translate that one too  :hihi:

Title: Re: A new article at a Mexican newspaper
Post by: Voodoochild on April 10, 2007, 09:34:43 PM
Back in 2001, Axl did interviews in Argentina and Chile. There's no point in claim this as fake just because it came from a non-english media.

Title: Re: A new article at a Mexican newspaper
Post by: Dr. Blutarsky on April 10, 2007, 11:03:34 PM
Dont drive yourselves crazy trying to read into it. The bad translation means don't take this article literally.

Title: Re: A new article at a Mexican newspaper
Post by: HBK on April 10, 2007, 11:20:13 PM

The Info Is From AGENCY In NY City.


Title: Re: A new article at a Mexican newspaper
Post by: neko on April 11, 2007, 12:03:58 AM
This is fake.

How does a Mexican newspaper get the scoop? I mean seriously, hasn't Axl had offers from plenty of big name magazines, or at least English speaking newspapers in Europe of the US?


i guess axl gives interviews to the media that ask for it , if the newspaper from mexico knew they were coming then could have asked for an interview. if tomorrow the new york times asks for an intrerview im sure he will give them one, but i dont think that many papers want to print the same info over and over again.

Title: Re: A new article at a Mexican newspaper
Post by: Robman? on April 11, 2007, 12:06:20 AM
This is fake.

How does a Mexican newspaper get the scoop? I mean seriously, hasn't Axl had offers from plenty of big name magazines, or at least English speaking newspapers in Europe of the US?


i guess axl gives interviews to the media that ask for it , if the newspaper from mexico knew they were coming then could have asked for an interview. if tomorrow the new york times asks for an intrerview im sure he will give them one, but i dont think that many papers want to print the same info over and over again.

my philosophy is that he's had offers from lots of various publications around the world. Why this particular newspaper, who's website looks like an unprofessional blog.

Title: Re: A new article at a Mexican newspaper
Post by: Voodoochild on April 11, 2007, 12:24:07 AM
Dont drive yourselves crazy trying to read into it. The bad translation means don't take this article literally.
So, please, feel free to translate it. I did what I could and I guess anyone can read it now... Sure there is some spelling mistakes, but I feel like it's pretty much what the original article said.

Title: Re: A new article at a Mexican newspaper
Post by: awhellzno05 on April 11, 2007, 12:53:10 AM
Not that anyone cares but I'm really fucking sick of this shit.  I mean this album really isn't going to come out is it?

Title: Re: A new article at a Mexican newspaper
Post by: Ignatius on April 11, 2007, 05:07:34 AM
A note for the people complaining about the translation...

The translation is very accurate. A lot of credit to Voodoo as spanish is not his native language (it is mine) but did a terrific job translating.

I don know if the interview took place or not, but I dont see anything new really, other than a few interesting comments " With or without Chinese Democracy, we'll continue to tour". I really hope the band releases the album at some point this year...

Title: Re: A new article at a Mexican newspaper
Post by: sic. on April 11, 2007, 06:00:40 AM
The change of the manager, their renegotiation with Universal Music, adjustments by the right of using the bands name, and the different opinions on choose simple promotional stuff and publicity plans are some of the reasons that have been put in test Rose's patience.

This certainly interests me.