Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: crazycheryl on April 04, 2007, 02:12:19 PM

Title: Could it be possible for fans of this site to help the band or Axl?
Post by: crazycheryl on April 04, 2007, 02:12:19 PM
After reading so many of the topics and posts and finding myself amazed that people who blog here have access to certain things and truly great ideas, as well as coming from a background of various fields, and since we all love this band for better or worse (yes we are married in a way), do you think there would ever be a possiblity for us to offer help and have it accepted by the band or Axl himself?

Someone in another post said we should just form our own state, with AFD our flag and Welcome to the Jungle as our theme song and we could probably run one hell of a nation considering everyone has experience from all types of jobs, access to things, and brilliant creativity(debatable in some cases) but after reading that post, I wondered what we could humanly do to help or if anyone from the Gunners camp would accept any help?

I know legal, legal, legal, but we could sign a disclaimer to rights for any ideas incorporated and maybe offer some services for a discounted fee? Wouldn't it be worth it just to get albums out, matters settled and be a part of history in the making? I would do it for free and really not care about recognition. Well, maybe at a discounted rate but legal bs and recognition are not part of my mantra so...

I know I am probably asking the impossible or stupid but why can't bands and/or business matters for bands benefit with the help of fans? Does anyone know of a band that is cool enough to let their fans help with marketing, administration, art design, sound mixing, etc, etc...? I know some sponsor contests and I think that is extremely cool. Or is there this stigma where a band must do everything on their own and they would be considered untalented if they went to the fans for help? Or socializing with the common folk is considered a no-no.

Personally, I hope Beta reads all this shit and relates some of the better ideas to Axl or band members. Why not accept ideas and help from those already devoted to the band versus those out to make a living or just a buck who don't give a royal shit whether you succeed or not? I think all of us have a vested interest in seeing this band succeed and succeed well.

Just a thought for discussion...   

Title: Re: Could it be possible for fans of this site to help the band or Axl?
Post by: panos on April 04, 2007, 02:21:29 PM
Correct bro!!I'M IN!Check this site and you'll see that it Could be possible.

Title: Re: Could it be possible for fans of this site to help the band or Axl?
Post by: maynard on April 04, 2007, 02:23:47 PM
Forget it. Band interaction with fans = zero. Bumblefoot loves to talk with his fans but he is not allowed to say anything about CD.

Title: Re: Could it be possible for fans of this site to help the band or Axl?
Post by: Tommie on April 04, 2007, 02:26:24 PM
As cool an idea as this is, I cant see anyone related to the band ever asking for the fans help.  Their intereaction with us is very low already.  If they wanted us fans to be involved (even a little) they would have one of the band members update the site for them.  they'd have a more interactive site, ala Moby-he has a great site with lots of interaction with the fans.  Hell I'm not sure if he still does or not, but he used to have a journal type thing set up that he would update almost daily.  Now that would be awesome, but again I cant see anyone in this band doing it...well maybe Robin.

Title: Re: Could it be possible for fans of this site to help the band or Axl?
Post by: jarmo on April 04, 2007, 02:27:44 PM
Forget it. Band interaction with fans = zero. Bumblefoot loves to talk with his fans but he is not allowed to say anything about CD.

So band interaction automatically means he must talk about the album?



Title: Re: Could it be possible for fans of this site to help the band or Axl?
Post by: Genesis on April 04, 2007, 02:33:33 PM
Does anyone know of a band that is cool enough to let their fans help with marketing, administration, art design, sound mixing, etc, etc...?

Urm, too many fans = thousands of ideas and combinations. Axl and band sorting through ideas = more delay.

Let the pros do their job.

Title: Re: Could it be possible for fans of this site to help the band or Axl?
Post by: Lucky on April 04, 2007, 02:39:01 PM
^we can always buy more t-shirts, and see more Chinese Democracy tours.

Title: Re: Could it be possible for fans of this site to help the band or Axl?
Post by: estebanf on April 04, 2007, 03:21:43 PM
Forget it. Band interaction with fans = zero. Bumblefoot loves to talk with his fans but he is not allowed to say anything about CD.

Hey, Bumblefoot said some very interesting things about the album. I made a little email-interview to him some time ago and he explained what was the status of the album at that time, about mixing/mastering.

Interaction doesn't mean they will say exactly what we want to hear.

Title: Re: Could it be possible for fans of this site to help the band or Axl?
Post by: aramelus on April 04, 2007, 03:32:55 PM
Maybe something like But I don't think the record company is delaying the album....

Title: Re: Could it be possible for fans of this site to help the band or Axl?
Post by: von on April 04, 2007, 04:08:43 PM
Someone in another post said we should just form our own state, with AFD our flag and Welcome to the Jungle as our theme song

Some of us here really do prefer the Illusions quite a bit. I know that seems almost impossible for anyone to accept.

Title: Re: Could it be possible for fans of this site to help the band or Axl?
Post by: inho on April 04, 2007, 04:23:03 PM
I think if they were looking for album art design some of the things posted here have been amazingwhy not use a design from here?

Title: Re: Could it be possible for fans of this site to help the band or Axl?
Post by: Tommie on April 04, 2007, 04:24:21 PM
Someone in another post said we should just form our own state, with AFD our flag and Welcome to the Jungle as our theme song

Some of us here really do prefer the Illusions quite a bit. I know that seems almost impossible for anyone to accept.

Illusions are my fav.   AFD is great, but the illusions are the illusions  :peace:

Title: Re: Could it be possible for fans of this site to help the band or Axl?
Post by: crazycheryl on April 04, 2007, 04:30:13 PM
Well, I was using AFD as an example but we could always vote. I know we cannot influence what happens now with Chinese Democracy nor am I seeking to get info from the band about when the damn thing will be released but this whole process might have been easier/happened faster if we could have helped with our various backgrounds.

I took a look at some of the links you guys provided and I must say I think these artists are right on the money. You have one person go through all the submissions, pick out the best and then show the band. Also, if the band is looking for legal, administrative, management, etc, type of help they could post help wanted ads on the site as well. I just thought it would be pretty cool if they would maybe do some type of forum in which we can speak via live and stick to a certain topic - ideas for new songs or marketing of the next album.

I just think many of the business people they deal with truly do not have their best interest in mind when setting up contracts but only a personal best interest in mind. And I dont' think there are too many fans! Only die hards would offer services - think about it. There are many people that say they are die-hard but if it came down to getting paid versus helping for free or a discounted fee, you would loose a lot of people here that would be willing to do the work for next to nothing - meaning the true die-hards would come out. ?

Title: Re: Could it be possible for fans of this site to help the band or Axl?
Post by: crazycheryl on April 04, 2007, 04:32:46 PM
I think if they were looking for album art design some of the things posted here have been amazingwhy not use a design from here? by Inho

That's what I'm talking about Inho - I want them to use something that has been posted here. I'd love if the guys used many of the ideas that get posted here because we are looking at the whole scenario from a fan's perspective and not money - just love of the band!

Title: Re: Could it be possible for fans of this site to help the band or Axl?
Post by: crazycheryl on April 04, 2007, 04:37:57 PM
Someone in another post said we should just form our own state, with AFD our flag and Welcome to the Jungle as our theme song

Some of us here really do prefer the Illusions quite a bit. I know that seems almost impossible for anyone to accept.

Personally, I think the song anthem would be "14 Years" for our own nation since that how long it seems we have waited for this new material and it exemplifies our pain and anguish in being a GNR fan.

Title: Re: Could it be possible for fans of this site to help the band or Axl?
Post by: daviebuckethead on April 04, 2007, 07:20:40 PM
Forget it. Band interaction with fans = zero. Bumblefoot loves to talk with his fans but he is not allowed to say anything about CD.

So band interaction automatically means he must talk about the album?



yes that does mean no interaction!

Fan: hey bbf, how is cd going how many songs are on there

BBf: um, er

Fan: are you guys going on tour this year, where you guys touring

BBF: i can talk about that.

also, the fact that to my knowledge, ther has only been two official announcement on the new album since the projects conception, and those two were in the lasst 4 months.

Title: Re: Could it be possible for fans of this site to help the band or Axl?
Post by: AdZ on April 04, 2007, 10:02:11 PM
Well then, it's a relief we don't rely on your knowledge.

Title: Re: Could it be possible for fans of this site to help the band or Axl?
Post by: crofty on April 05, 2007, 03:46:10 AM
Well if Axl or any of the band broke down on my street, I'd try and give 'em a hand and they could come in for a nice cup of tea whilst the AA man came.

Title: Re: Could it be possible for fans of this site to help the band or Axl?
Post by: November_Rain on April 05, 2007, 07:19:33 AM

Interaction doesn't mean they will say exactly what we want to hear.
Exactly dude. : ok:

Title: Re: Could it be possible for fans of this site to help the band or Axl?
Post by: gandra on April 05, 2007, 07:26:13 AM
I ahve one great idea for a band "fuckers,realizing album"

i think it is the best what they can get from me

Title: Re: Could it be possible for fans of this site to help the band or Axl?
Post by: Wando on April 05, 2007, 08:16:41 AM
I ahve one great idea for a band "fuckers,realizing album"

"Look, an album" "Cool"?

Title: Re: Could it be possible for fans of this site to help the band or Axl?
Post by: Mark7955 on April 05, 2007, 12:46:30 PM
Well, they could do what other bands do and have like a street team sign up on where fans print off tour posters to help advertise for upcomming concerts..or can be sent like Chinese Democracy stickers to post everywhere lol...I dunno, just an idea.

Title: Re: Could it be possible for fans of this site to help the band or Axl?
Post by: SlashRock on April 05, 2007, 01:30:06 PM
Ha, I can just see it.

'Fans release Chinese Democracy'

Title: Re: Could it be possible for fans of this site to help the band or Axl?
Post by: crazycheryl on April 05, 2007, 03:20:44 PM
Ha, I can just see it.

'Fans release Chinese Democracy'

It probably would have been out faster if we could have done something about it. Now if fans released Chinese Democracy, that would be news.

I actually like the ideas floating here.

Title: Re: Could it be possible for fans of this site to help the band or Axl?
Post by: AxlsMainMan on April 05, 2007, 05:30:40 PM
Lets bake 'em fresh cookies everyday.

Title: Re: Could it be possible for fans of this site to help the band or Axl?
Post by: elmir on April 06, 2007, 08:17:46 AM
axl rose needs to release that album now.....because of threads like these....

Title: Re: Could it be possible for fans of this site to help the band or Axl?
Post by: MotherGooseLuvR on April 06, 2007, 12:24:50 PM
Sometimes I think the best way the fans could help Axl is by going away.  I don't think he likes having to deal with us.  I think he's frustrated that we all expect him to release music.  I don't think he likes having to give interviews, discuss his work, share things about himself, or any of those other basic things that go along with fan interaction. 

And honestly, I don't think he likes playing concerts that much either.  That doesn't mean that he does a bad job -- just that if Axl could be doing anything at all with his time, I doubt playing a concert is near the top of the list.  I think he'd rather get a bunch of booze and Splenda and hit some night clubs with his pose, then have sex with beautiful women all night long.

I don't think Axl feels he has anything in common with his fans really, and sees them as a necessary nusiance. 

Title: Re: Could it be possible for fans of this site to help the band or Axl?
Post by: TurboTravis on April 06, 2007, 12:50:55 PM
Forget it. Band interaction with fans = zero. Bumblefoot loves to talk with his fans but he is not allowed to say anything about CD.

So band interaction automatically means he must talk about the album?



It's perfectly 'normal' for a band member to discuss a upcoming release with fans. It's not 'normal' for all of the band members except the lead singer to not be able to say anything about it.


Title: Re: Could it be possible for fans of this site to help the band or Axl?
Post by: cody6977 on April 06, 2007, 03:07:21 PM
And I doubt any members of the band would be eager to take suggestions from THIS site..... :no:

Title: Re: Could it be possible for fans of this site to help the band or Axl?
Post by: marknroses on April 06, 2007, 05:43:49 PM
Read my quote:

If Baz can't help him get off his ass to put out the record, no one can.


Title: Re: Could it be possible for fans of this site to help the band or Axl?
Post by: jarmo on April 06, 2007, 06:24:39 PM
Forget it. Band interaction with fans = zero. Bumblefoot loves to talk with his fans but he is not allowed to say anything about CD.

So band interaction automatically means he must talk about the album?



It's perfectly 'normal' for a band member to discuss a upcoming release with fans. It's not 'normal' for all of the band members except the lead singer to not be able to say anything about it.


They don't want to talk about things that aren't 100% certain.

This is fucking stupid because I remember how Dizzy and Tommy were labeled liars by certain fans. Only because they would speak about CD a few years ago.


Title: Re: Could it be possible for fans of this site to help the band or Axl?
Post by: D on April 06, 2007, 06:51:27 PM
first thing people could do is stop seperating the band and Axl.

Title: Re: Could it be possible for fans of this site to help the band or Axl?
Post by: Mark7955 on April 07, 2007, 12:11:11 AM
first thing people could do is stop seperating the band and Axl.


Title: Re: Could it be possible for fans of this site to help the band or Axl?
Post by: Mahler_22 on April 07, 2007, 04:50:31 AM
They don't want to talk about things that aren't 100% certain.

This is fucking stupid because I remember how Dizzy and Tommy were labeled liars by certain fans. Only because they would speak about CD a few years ago.



just to remind you... didnt tommy and/or dizzy? say around 03-04:? ?"the album is being mixed as we speak" ??? ? now, as far as we know, mixing started feb-march.... would that qualify as a lie??? or you're gonna say:... MAYBE some tracks were mixed back then...? Dude, as you have said many times: "its amazing how fast people can forget"? ? ? well? ::)

Look through your news archive that were displayed on the HTGTH front page:

January 29th, 2004: Happenin' Harry, including Dizzy, were interviewed on 94.7 The Zone in Chicago, IL. they dug in on Dizzy, asking when the album will be out, to which he said, "very soon".

July 15th, 2004: Tommy Stinson, bassist of Guns N' Roses, has announced that the band's long-awaited comeback album, Chinese Democracy, is "almost done". He expects Chinese Democracy to appear late this year or early in 2005.

September 7th, 2004: GUNS N' ROSES Bassist:

--- 'Chinese Democracy' Is Closer To Being Done Than Ever Before. Closer than it has ever been, for certain. I went and listened to some of the songs before I left L.A. to make sure my two cents were thrown in, so to speak. I was pretty stoked about it. I heard some really, really great stuff that I hadn't heard in a long time."

October 20th, 2004: antiMUSIC spoke with long-time Guns N' Roses keyboardist Dizzy Reed this week to follow up on an interview he did with last month; where he said of the release of the album: He said that he heard a few of the finished tracks recently and they sound great.
"They were originally shooting for November, but it may be February now."

January 26th, 2005: GUNS N' ROSES bassist Tommy Stinson told the Pioneer Press earlier this week that the long-awaited new GN'R album "Chinese Democracy" is being finished as we speak."When pressed to elaborate on what could possibly be left to finish on a record that has been at least a decade in the works, Stinson said "some vocal parts and mixes; you know, it'll come out probably sooner than later, I can just about assure you," he said. "I've been told as much, anyway. Without giving a date, it'll be sooner than hell freezing over."

February 6th, 2005: Tommy was recently interviewed by Creative Loafing Atlanta.

---So what's the status of the Guns project right now?
---They're finishing up the mixing right now. Sorting out what songs are going on it and artwork and shit. And hopefully sooner than later, it'll come out. I understand there's probably some European dates booked in the summer. Hopefully, that'll happen and we'll get over there and do it. Once it gets going, it's a lot of fun.

Title: Re: Could it be possible for fans of this site to help the band or Axl?
Post by: *ReON!* on April 07, 2007, 03:17:48 PM
IMHO, you should do something like GNRonline, that italian fansite..

Title: Re: Could it be possible for fans of this site to help the band or Axl?
Post by: ppbebe on April 07, 2007, 06:00:43 PM
yeah as if it would help the band. You suit yourself.
The rest of us like it here.

They don't want to talk about things that aren't 100% certain.

This is fucking stupid because I remember how Dizzy and Tommy were labeled liars by certain fans. Only because they would speak about CD a few years ago.



just to remind you... didnt tommy and/or dizzy  say ...........................

so you all can agree that Band interaction with fans has been quite good and "normal", about the album or otherwise.  :yes:

Could it be possible for fans of this site to help the band or Axl?

easy 3 steps

1) quit nitpicking at everything the band/a member says/does.
2) distinguish fact from fiction, imagination and hearsay.
3) Cultivate the power of understanding.

Title: Re: Could it be possible for fans of this site to help the band or Axl?
Post by: Mahler_22 on April 07, 2007, 06:22:49 PM
i wouldnt say "quite normal and good".... i mean, yeah, they have talked.. but i believe most people would like to know on a "every so often" basis whats with GNR...? personally quite normal and good would be if they could talk without any restrictions about anything ... Since most people like to say, "yeah but this gnr and nothing is normal", well, then people shouldnt complain...

Title: Re: Could it be possible for fans of this site to help the band or Axl?
Post by: ppbebe on April 07, 2007, 07:32:17 PM
Mahler_22, If you read  some posts here...
Band interaction with fans = zero.
It's not 'normal' for all of the band members except the lead singer to not be able to say anything about it.
your post proved them wrong, right?

We don't know if they can''t talk without any restriction about anything.
What would you do if you realized everyone was trying to pick at you when you told them what you and your friends honestly thought at the time?
You'd be careful too.

Title: Re: Could it be possible for fans of this site to help the band or Axl?
Post by: D on April 08, 2007, 02:23:50 PM
Things we can do:

1.Stop listening to and promoting leaks. Of course thats advice I need to adheed to.

Title: Re: Could it be possible for fans of this site to help the band or Axl?
Post by: markpeterhughes73 on April 08, 2007, 04:20:12 PM
Obviously there are some great ideas floating around on many sites but I think that the management would have a hell of a day sorting out the good from the bad and who knows, maybe its being done as we type. I personally feel this album is never going to surface because of all the time gone by and the news thats past. I feel that Axl and Co are under tremendous pressure from the people that put the bread on their tables and thats whats cuasing the trouble.  We've seen or heard various things over the years which makes me think the album would have been out years ago only for the legal battles Axl faced over the GNR name.  Someone mentioned in an earlier post that Axl doesn't care about fans opinions, but why have we been waiting for so long? Why didn't Axl just sell out and fade away! I believe Axl always wanted things to go in a certain way and THE POWERS THAT BE stopped his creativity. We will get Chin Dem one day and I personally think that the media are going to execute him over it because of the delay but hell, who really cares! GNR will be GNR and they have never let me down over the long history I have with them, well Adlers departure to the exception, oh and Izzy, oh and Duff well what more can I say but the fact that this thing goes on and on and on but Axl is still there and needs to find his way through all the arseholes trying to delay it. He needs our support and we'll give it.

Title: Re: Could it be possible for fans of this site to help the band or Axl?
Post by: markpeterhughes73 on April 08, 2007, 04:24:29 PM
God, I really feel its not coming soon but I also feel that I wish it was! I hate this waiting game and these forums are making it worse. 

TRUE or False

If you never visited these sites would you care so much?