Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: Axlfreek on March 29, 2007, 10:38:56 AM

Title: workout routine
Post by: Axlfreek on March 29, 2007, 10:38:56 AM
For those of you who go to the gym and workout I would like to see what you all think of this little routine I composed.

I usually run 4 miles every day but I decided to start weightlifting as well but because of my work schedual i can only do it one day a week.

here it is:

Excercise     Reps
Dumbbell Press           30
Bent Over Rows          30
Side Raises                 30
Curls                           30
Bench Press                30
Squats                        30
Calf Raises                  30

Rest One Minute

Repeat 5 times

Title: Re: workout routine
Post by: 2112 on March 29, 2007, 10:44:42 AM
Open can using one hand.
Move your arm holding can vertically untill it makes contact with your face.
Spill out the liquid content on your chin and chest.

Repeat as many times you like for the desired soaked effect..

Yes. I have a drinking problem.  :no:

Title: Re: workout routine
Post by: Axlfreek on March 29, 2007, 11:17:31 AM
Open can using one hand.
Move your arm holding can vertically untill it makes contact with your face.
Spill out the liquid content on your chin and chest.

Repeat as many times you like for the desired soaked effect..

Yes. I have a drinking problem.? :no:

Thats usually my routine on the weekend  :hihi:

Title: Re: workout routine
Post by: Walk on March 30, 2007, 12:36:28 PM
30 reps!?! I surely hope you mean 3x10 or something, because if you're doing that many reps in a single set, then you aren't using nearly enough weight! I aim for 4-6 if I want to go heavy and bulk, and go for 8-10 if I want to burn fat or improve muscular endurance. I do 3 sets per muscle group, not including warming up.

Having only enough time for 1 workout per week sounds like you work in a Chinese sweatshop, in which you have more things to worry about than your physique. ;) If you really don't have enough time for it, I recommend focusing on dead lifts and bench presses, since you do run a lot anyway and probably don't need to squat, but make sure to do a little sprinting to finish off your runs, as well, since it works muscles better than endurance running.

So, bench pressing and dead lifting will get you 2/3 of the major lifts, which is decent. Try to go very heavy and hard, since you have a week to recover between workouts. After the big lifts, everything else is gravy. Sit ups, lat pull ups, shoulder presses, anterior lateral latissimus expansions, and so on. ;)

Title: Re: workout routine
Post by: COMAMOTIVE on March 30, 2007, 01:39:04 PM
Sounds like a lot of reps - you must be ripped my friend

I use free weights and dumbells 2-3 times/week



DUMBELLS - 40 LBS - BENT OVER PULLS - 3 X 10  ,   3 X 10

CURL :  5 SETS OF 10

Title: Re: workout routine
Post by: Dr. Blutarsky on March 30, 2007, 02:04:26 PM
you should pyramid the weight if you want greater mass. High reps will just get you cut and defined.

Try increasing the weight each successive set and do less reps ( if you use enough weight you wont be able to do high reps)

also, give each body part at least a day of rest in between as to avoid overtraining, which can be counterproductive.

Title: Re: workout routine
Post by: SLCPUNK on March 30, 2007, 04:17:11 PM
Eating clean is very difficult, maybe one of the hardest things I've done. It gives you amazing results though, as long as you are honest with yourself.

The past six months I have not been so honest....... :hihi:

Title: Re: workout routine
Post by: COMAMOTIVE on March 30, 2007, 04:27:32 PM
Eating clean is very difficult, maybe one of the hardest things I've done. It gives you amazing results though, as long as you are honest with yourself.

The past six months I have not been so honest....... :hihi:

Genetics will ultimately rule. I'm in decent shape, but cannot get rid of my beer gut. I've had it for 15 years. I don't eat bad at all, never eat sweets, and really don't even drink Beer anymore. I work hard to excercise etc.  I've just accepted that I will never look as good as I want : ok:

Title: Re: workout routine
Post by: Dr. Blutarsky on March 30, 2007, 05:45:53 PM
Genetics is a big factor. I still eat & drink whatever I want and by staying active it has not caught up with me ( and Im pushing 35) I am very thankful believe me. Many friends my age havent fared as well.

Title: Re: workout routine
Post by: Axlfreek on March 30, 2007, 07:47:57 PM
30 reps!?! I surely hope you mean 3x10 or something, because if you're doing that many reps in a single set, then you aren't using nearly enough weight! I aim for 4-6 if I want to go heavy and bulk, and go for 8-10 if I want to burn fat or improve muscular endurance. I do 3 sets per muscle group, not including warming up.

Having only enough time for 1 workout per week sounds like you work in a Chinese sweatshop, in which you have more things to worry about than your physique. ;) If you really don't have enough time for it, I recommend focusing on dead lifts and bench presses, since you do run a lot anyway and probably don't need to squat, but make sure to do a little sprinting to finish off your runs, as well, since it works muscles better than endurance running.

So, bench pressing and dead lifting will get you 2/3 of the major lifts, which is decent. Try to go very heavy and hard, since you have a week to recover between workouts. After the big lifts, everything else is gravy. Sit ups, lat pull ups, shoulder presses, anterior lateral latissimus expansions, and so on. ;)

Well i can find time to lift more than once a week i just find it difficult to  come up with a routine because i dont know if what im doing is correct

Title: Re: workout routine
Post by: guns_n_motley on March 30, 2007, 09:07:56 PM
I work out 3 times a week 2 sets each

I say try heavy and go for as many until your muscles cant anymore. and then go 2 more above that. And Try to work all of your muscle groups. the arms, stomach, chest, shoulders.legs.

If you want to Put on muscle you should probably lay off the running for awhile. You still gain muscle but at a slower rate because your body is burning all the calories.

Title: Re: workout routine
Post by: SLCPUNK on March 30, 2007, 09:11:33 PM
Eating clean is very difficult, maybe one of the hardest things I've done. It gives you amazing results though, as long as you are honest with yourself.

The past six months I have not been so honest....... :hihi:

Genetics will ultimately rule. I'm in decent shape, but cannot get rid of my beer gut. I've had it for 15 years. I don't eat bad at all, never eat sweets, and really don't even drink Beer anymore. I work hard to excercise etc.  I've just accepted that I will never look as good as I want : ok:

Plenty of foods still break down to sugar, and those should be avoided. You may be surprised what breaks down to sugar and keeps the weight on. I know I was shocked. I *thought* I had a decent diet for years, but I was clearly ignorant. I'm not discounting genetics at all, but I wasn't really addressing them either. I've seen all kinds of people lean down with diet and exercise, genetics be damned.

Title: Re: workout routine
Post by: COMAMOTIVE on March 30, 2007, 10:57:59 PM
Eating clean is very difficult, maybe one of the hardest things I've done. It gives you amazing results though, as long as you are honest with yourself.

The past six months I have not been so honest....... :hihi:

Genetics will ultimately rule. I'm in decent shape, but cannot get rid of my beer gut. I've had it for 15 years. I don't eat bad at all, never eat sweets, and really don't even drink Beer anymore. I work hard to excercise etc.? I've just accepted that I will never look as good as I want : ok:

Plenty of foods still break down to sugar, and those should be avoided. You may be surprised what breaks down to sugar and keeps the weight on. I know I was shocked. I *thought* I had a decent diet for years, but I was clearly ignorant. I'm not discounting genetics at all, but I wasn't really addressing them either. I've seen all kinds of people lean down with diet and exercise, genetics be damned.

Punk - 2 years ago , I wass 5'8 and 220 and it wasn't cause I was overly muscular.  So I changed my eating habits to 6 times a day, small meals. I did this for about a year and took off about 35 lbs.  Now that I'm lifting & jogging, I feel stronger and quicker than ever, but this damn beer belly still remains -of course it's smaller than it used to be - but it is what it is!   :yes:

Title: Re: workout routine
Post by: Krispy Kreme on March 30, 2007, 11:00:50 PM
My routine:

Monday: drink beer
Tuesday: drink beer
Wed: feel guilty, go ?to gym. Walk 2 miles.
Thurs: sore, ?drink beer.
Friday: it's Friday, go to dinner, drink margaritas
Saturday: go to gym, if time; if ?not, drink beer.
Sunday: day of ?rest, work on yard, watch sports, drink beer.

Repeat as needed. ?:rofl:

It used ?to be different, but life is stressful.

Title: Re: workout routine
Post by: Robman? on March 30, 2007, 11:11:58 PM
I can't even imagine when I'm over 30 and I have to worry about gaining weight  :rofl:

Title: Re: workout routine
Post by: Walk on March 30, 2007, 11:44:58 PM
Well i can find time to lift more than once a week i just find it difficult to  come up with a routine because i dont know if what im doing is correct

As long as you do the primary lifts at a decently heavy weight, you'll be fine. It's hard to mess up for the first 6-8 weeks anyway, since that's when you're learning form and getting used to it. You'll gain strength fast from better neural connections, but actually making new muscle is a long process that requires a good diet.

Title: Re: workout routine
Post by: Robman? on March 30, 2007, 11:50:28 PM
What kind of lifts are recommended to build forearm muscle?

Title: Re: workout routine
Post by: D on March 31, 2007, 05:29:26 AM
I run 25 to 30 miles a week

I use to be a hardcore weight lifter but now I just lift to stay toned.

Monday I do Chest and Triceps

Nothing fancy
Flat bench dumbells:
40 pounds for 25
50 pounds for 15
65 pounds for 8

Incline Dumbells:
30 pounds for 20 reps
40 pounds for 12
50 pounds for 8

Flies or peck deck 3 sets

4 sets of dips
3 sets of rope pulldowns
3 sets of either skullcrushers also known as nose breakers or kickbacks

Wednesday Back and Biceps
4 sets of 10 chin ups
3 sets of lawnmowers
3 sets of not sure of the name, U lay over a bench with a weight and u come up and then back down

4 sets of standing curls 1 inner 1 outer, 1 inner 1 outer
3 sets of hammer curls
3 sets of preacher curls

Friday Shoulders:
3 sets of Arnolds or Military
3 supersets of straight arm raises and side arm raises
3 sets of shrugs
3 sets of upright rows

Sunday Legs:
4 sets of Leg Presses * I am a runner so I dont use huge weight bout 2 to 3 45's on each side is sufficient*
3 sets of lunges
3 sets of squats
3 sets of straight leg deadlift
6 sets calve raises

Abs 5  days a week
4 sets of 15 hanging leg raises
4 sets of oblique machine
4 sets of 25 cruch machine *machine where u lay down and put your legs in like u are doing leg extensions but u lay back and grab the handles and do the crunches*
4 sets of 15 decline crunches

Also everyday after I workout I hit the sauna for 30 minutes

A couple days a week Ill swim 10 laps in an olympic size pool.

Title: Re: workout routine
Post by: Gnrfan on March 31, 2007, 05:37:05 AM
I Eat Burgers

No seriously i used to go to the gym but got tired of it. I'm not one who really cares what i look like.

However i would like now to get my weedy arms bigger so they are in proportion.

So i'm gonna do that. How often would you guys work on arms to see a good improvement?

Title: Re: workout routine
Post by: Dr. Blutarsky on March 31, 2007, 09:35:58 AM
What kind of lifts are recommended to build forearm muscle?

High reps of Penis lifts  :hihi:

Title: Re: workout routine
Post by: Robman? on March 31, 2007, 10:33:42 AM
What kind of lifts are recommended to build forearm muscle?

High reps of Penis lifts  :hihi:

that method doesn't work, :hihi: :hihi:

Title: Re: workout routine
Post by: Axlfreek on March 31, 2007, 02:02:05 PM
I think this will be good for me.

Monday - chest and triceps

flat bench dumbbell press - 4 sets
incline bench dumbbell press - 3 sets
flat bench flyes - 2 sets

skull crushers - 3 sets
single arm overhead extensions - 3 sets

Tuesday - legs

squats - 4 sets
lunges - 3 sets
stiff legged deadlifts - 4 sets
standing calf raises - 4 sets

Wednesday - off

Thursday - shoulders and traps

seated dumbbell press - 4 sets
single arm lateral raises - 3 sets
shrugs - 4 sets
(At the time I'm writing this, this actually IS my current shoulder workout.)

Friday - back and biceps

deadlifts - 4 sets
bent over rows - 4 sets
single arm bent over rows - 2 sets

standing dumbbell curls - 3 sets
preacher curls - 2 sets

Saturday/Sunday - off

Title: Re: workout routine
Post by: Rocksteady on March 31, 2007, 02:32:43 PM
I do 35 push-ups shortly after I wake up, then 30 sit-ups. After lunch I do 45 push-ups and then 20 dumbbell reps at a random time. Before I go to sleep I do 40 push ups, but usually end up doing 35 more cause I can't fall asleep  :no:

I used to do pull-ups too but I have no place to do them in the room, and it was too cold for doing them outside during the winter. But spring is here again  :peace:

Title: Re: workout routine
Post by: Walk on March 31, 2007, 04:57:48 PM
Skull crushers aren't safe. Close grip bench presses are my preferred method for triceps work. In fact, bench presses are nicer than dumbbells if you have a good spotter, since you can do negatives and such, but dumbbells work fine if you don't have a spotter. Also, if you really think 7 sets of lunges and squats on the same day (or 8 sets of rows and deadlifts) are a great idea, you might consider investing in whips, chains, and wax candles. ;)

Do shrugs 1 arm at a time. You'll get more range that way. Try power cleans every once in a while to have some explosive strength.

Title: Re: workout routine
Post by: Axlfreek on March 31, 2007, 06:28:32 PM
Skull crushers aren't safe. Close grip bench presses are my preferred method for triceps work. In fact, bench presses are nicer than dumbbells if you have a good spotter, since you can do negatives and such, but dumbbells work fine if you don't have a spotter. Also, if you really think 7 sets of lunges and squats on the same day (or 8 sets of rows and deadlifts) are a great idea, you might consider investing in whips, chains, and wax candles. ;)

Do shrugs 1 arm at a time. You'll get more range that way. Try power cleans every once in a while to have some explosive strength.

all i have is dumbbells, so i have to limit myself to what i can do.

Title: Re: workout routine
Post by: SLCPUNK on April 01, 2007, 03:46:36 AM
but this damn beer belly still remains -of course it's smaller than it used to be - but it is what it is!   :yes:

Well I guess it really comes down to what you definition of a beer belly is. What I'm thinking and what you may be thinking could be two different things entirely.

Title: Re: workout routine
Post by: SLCPUNK on April 01, 2007, 03:49:21 AM
I can't even imagine when I'm over 30 and I have to worry about gaining weight  :rofl:

Yea yea yea. Your body changes quick, and times goes by fast, be careful what you joke about.  :yes:

In my age group I have been fortunate enough to hold up against others, who did not fair too well.

I am not so interested in my weight as I am my heart and overall health though.