Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: Warchild on March 21, 2007, 12:44:22 AM

Title: Internet Refuse, Gn'R & FAUX insiders
Post by: Warchild on March 21, 2007, 12:44:22 AM
Yeah, I am Bitching again, you guys can whine, I can bitch........only fair!!
"they say words can't hurt you...
but it has been my experience
that words can wound, they can maim;
do long-term undoable damage
and tear loose parts of a vulnerable soul
OK we are gonna start slow and skydive this one....there are a LOT of umm..unscrupulous sites popping up everyfuckingwhere....from the semi-believable to the the bandwagon you jump on kids...some are actually shitwagons in disguise....(not HTGTH!)
when you hear rumors, "news" and other "unbelievable revelations"...about G'nr ask yourself....."where is this coming from. who is writing this......and what connection do they is legit??? or just spin?
What are the motives of said gain personal glory? Or to honestly provide updates and news???
To get a gold crown from some "grand Poobah" of the Forum world???? Dark got exposed......
so did my Gnr and that whacko did SP!at, and metalsludge is SUCH a reliable source..(sarcasm intended)ROV are you next? Contact me......."some" of your members are full of it!)
Unleashed got GONE, and the perpetrators of such are masqerading as "insiders"  I call BULLSHIT"
KNOW who to believe...and where to get reliable news..(here , for one)
KNOW who is full of me. I'll tell you!! they suffer from diahrreah of the mouth.......
Saying shit just to SPEW.......fuck the haters! know who you are dealing with, and who is a shit sandwich..
I have confronted several of these shit-spewers and they won't answer........absence of testicular fortitude?
...."Oh yeah, words can hurt, actions wound
will leave you bloody, useless ;ruined,......
words hurt most from those you love.....
Home is where the hurt is;
Home is where the hate is........
Add Fifteen years, a brainwashed mind..
cobwebs in the corners of a complicated kind..
and lies told to a kid until he is fucking blind...
Does it make you feel better to make what's bright unshined?
Does it add to your self-importance,what contract have YOU signed???(W)
think about it...
hello Jarmo & christos! Peace! :peace:

Title: Re: Internet Refuse, Gn'R & FAUX insiders
Post by: TrixAreForKids on March 21, 2007, 12:53:21 AM

Crack is bad for u Warchild.? : ok:

Title: Re: Internet Refuse, Gn'R & FAUX insiders
Post by: EFISH on March 21, 2007, 12:55:29 AM
Pleasure surprise Warchild. I thought you had disappeared....

Title: Re: Internet Refuse, Gn'R & FAUX insiders
Post by: Warchild on March 21, 2007, 12:58:32 AM
Oh Noooooooo, make too many people too happy! Warchild alive n' kicking......

and mad as hell.....

...and psstt...I don't do crack! this is fkn normal~! ask anybody!

but seriously, what the fuck do you believe...and why is it Gn'R fans feel "entitled" to info???? even if it's WRONG??? watch what bandwagon you jump on eh?


Title: Re: Internet Refuse, Gn'R & FAUX insiders
Post by: Edward Rose on March 21, 2007, 01:30:45 AM
...and why is it Gn'R fans feel "entitled" to info???? even if it's WRONG??? watch what bandwagon you jump on eh?


I love how Del updated everyone on the album EARLY, and there were still bitchy whiners expecting a personal eMail from Axl telling them what's going on.  :rofl:

Title: Re: Internet Refuse, Gn'R & FAUX insiders
Post by: Warchild on March 21, 2007, 01:52:59 AM
EXACTLY.......gladtameetcha E.R.

still think the letter held a LOT of TRUTH and weight...the ones that became offended were the ones guilty of the shit he was describing, if the letter had NOT been approved, it would NOT have been posted............

"Let's take the troubled hearts;
Let's tear the mind apart.....
will it make you feel big, will it make you feel so strong
when you've fucked up someone bad enough until they can't get along?"  (w)

Peace! :peace:

Title: Re: Internet Refuse, Gn'R & FAUX insiders
Post by: downzy56 on March 21, 2007, 02:11:41 AM
...and why is it Gn'R fans feel "entitled" to info???? even if it's WRONG??? watch what bandwagon you jump on eh?


I love how Del updated everyone on the album EARLY, and there were still bitchy whiners expecting a personal eMail from Axl telling them what's going on.  :rofl:

I love that you love this...

I find it difficult to understand why people get so emotionally wrapped up in the feelings of other's.  While I try not to make a habit of sympathizing too much with storms of negativity, I don't feel the need to gripe about it.  A hater is someone who hates something with impunity; there's no rhyme or reason to it.  It's different than a fan who feels continually let down and feels the need to express and connect to like minded individuals concerning a specific instance or situation.

It's also interesting that so many on here detest rumors, speculation, and hearsay.  To me, this is part of the fun of following this band and why I log onto sites like HTGTH to hear any new gossip that surrounds new material, tour schedules, and possible release dates.  Take everything for what it's worth and have a little fun.  If someone reports that a friend's father's is mixing Chinese Democracy in the summer of 2006, only to find out later this wasn't true, no reason to get angry with Axl and the band.  It's my theory that those who get rattle the most over speculation and rumors are those have grown tired of being continually let down by suspect sources. 

Where there is room for dissatisfaction is when promises, insinuations, and flat out revelations by band members themselves prove to be worth as much as those attention-starved fans who make stuff up.  If you disagree with someone, tell them why rather than yelling "shut up" or calling them names. If you're tired of reading something, scroll past it.  There are times when grievances with a band such as Guns N' Roses are valid.  Unless you're a member of the band or the owner of this forum, you're not in any position to tell people what is appropriate so long as they converse in a constructive and mature manner.  So when Axl affirmed on several occasions that 2006 was the year, and that March 6th was schedule for a tentative release date knowing full well the recording and mixing was needed, there's room for expressed dissatisfaction. 

Learn to live with the fact that not everyone is going to share your opinion and that they may even express it.  Resorting to name-calling does nothing to prove the merit of your argument. 



Title: Re: Internet Refuse, Gn'R & FAUX insiders
Post by: muffinass on March 21, 2007, 02:27:33 AM

Learn to live with the fact that not everyone is going to share your opinion and that they may even express it.? Resorting to name-calling does nothing to prove the merit of your argument.?



  ...nice to see that there still are reasonable people prowling this forum, that haven't given up and continue to rein in the infantile back-and-forths...

  thanks Andrew!  : ok:
...i just hope that everyone who reads your post will actually take time to think about it and their reaction to it before hitting that reply button.

Title: Re: Internet Refuse, Gn'R & FAUX insiders
Post by: gunns1 on March 21, 2007, 02:40:39 AM
so did my Gnr and that whacko did SP!at, and metalsludge is SUCH a reliable source..(

Im guessing one of 2 things, or perhaps 3,

1. You are still in school (primary perhaps)?
2. you are from a non speaking english/ or language for that matter, country,
3, your both 1 and 2, or your smoking/doing illicit substances.

Seriously, what the fuck is the point of this thread,
you just talk uncomprehensable jibberish that no one gives a fuck about any more , because its all in the past,
get over it please,
and stop these pointless fucking threads.

if you would so kindly do so. :hihi: :peace:

Title: Re: Internet Refuse, Gn'R & FAUX insiders
Post by: tomc102968 on March 21, 2007, 02:44:33 AM
so did my Gnr and that whacko did SP!at, and metalsludge is SUCH a reliable source..(

Im guessing one of 2 things, or perhaps 3,

1. You are still in school (primary perhaps)?
2. you are from a non speaking english/ or language for that matter, country,
3, your both 1 and 2, or your smoking/doing illicit substances.

Seriously, what the fuck is the point of this thread,
you just talk uncomprehensable jibberish that no one gives a fuck about any more , because its all in the past,
get over it please,
and stop these pointless fucking threads.

if you would so kindly do so. :hihi: :peace:

because it warchild and some of us love his post and he has no drugs left I did them all go wc go

Title: Re: Internet Refuse, Gn'R & FAUX insiders
Post by: Warchild on March 21, 2007, 02:46:21 AM
...and why is it Gn'R fans feel "entitled" to info???? even if it's WRONG??? watch what bandwagon you jump on eh?


I love how Del updated everyone on the album EARLY, and there were still bitchy whiners expecting a personal eMail from Axl telling them what's going on.? :rofl:

I love that you love this...

I find it difficult to understand why people get so emotionally wrapped up in the feelings of other's.? While I try not to make a habit of sympathizing too much with storms of negativity, I don't feel the need to gripe about it.? A hater is someone who hates something with impunity; there's no rhyme or reason to it.? It's different than a fan who feels continually let down and feels the need to express and connect to like minded individuals concerning a specific instance or situation.

It's also interesting that so many on here detest rumors, speculation, and hearsay.? To me, this is part of the fun of following this band and why I log onto sites like HTGTH to hear any new gossip that surrounds new material, tour schedules, and possible release dates.? Take everything for what it's worth and have a little fun.? If someone reports that a friend's father's is mixing Chinese Democracy in the summer of 2006, only to find out later this wasn't true, no reason to get angry with Axl and the band.? It's my theory that those who get rattle the most over speculation and rumors are those have grown tired of being continually let down by suspect sources.?

Where there is room for dissatisfaction is when promises, insinuations, and flat out revelations by band members themselves prove to be worth as much as those attention-starved fans who make stuff up.? If you disagree with someone, tell them why rather than yelling "shut up" or calling them names. If you're tired of reading something, scroll past it.? There are times when grievances with a band such as Guns N' Roses are valid.? Unless you're a member of the band or the owner of this forum, you're not in any position to tell people what is appropriate so long as they converse in a constructive and mature manner.? So when Axl affirmed on several occasions that 2006 was the year, and that March 6th was schedule for a tentative release date knowing full well the recording and mixing was needed, there's room for expressed dissatisfaction.?

Learn to live with the fact that not everyone is going to share your opinion and that they may even express it.? Resorting to name-calling does nothing to prove the merit of your argument.?



TENTATIVE.............does not mean it is "written in stone "yet".........however "SOON" can be applied here ............

Just tired of the whining, Bitching, and all of the negative bullshit that runs rampant on SOME sites...(shall I name names?)

Thanks for the pseudo-intellectual attempt at usurping my post........I still stand behind it! Every Fucking word.

 IF you are offended by the updates...don't read them, IF you are tired of waiting...don't!! Simple!

there is a list of people that are NOT reliable sources, word to the wise...those that know-don't talk...Those that don't talk..know!


Title: Re: Internet Refuse, Gn'R & FAUX insiders
Post by: gunns1 on March 21, 2007, 02:51:06 AM
warchild , what are you trying to gain out of this thread,

other then trying to shut down everyone elses opinions that are opposite to yours, your saddam's son (dictator) are you?

seriously though, if you don't want a debate or people responding negatively to your thread, which is fucking pointless IMO




Title: Re: Internet Refuse, Gn'R & FAUX insiders
Post by: Warchild on March 21, 2007, 02:52:36 AM
so did my Gnr and that whacko did SP!at, and metalsludge is SUCH a reliable source..(

Im guessing one of 2 things, or perhaps 3,

1. You are still in school (primary perhaps)?
2. you are from a non speaking english/ or language for that matter, country,
3, your both 1 and 2, or your smoking/doing illicit substances.

Seriously, what the fuck is the point of this thread,
you just talk uncomprehensable jibberish that no one gives a fuck about any more , because its all in the past,
get over it please,
and stop these pointless fucking threads.

if you would so kindly do so. :hihi: :peace:

because it warchild and some of us love his post and he has no drugs left I did them all go wc go

a LONG way from school pal,..........
ain't it a BITCH to be wrong? And besides you really shouldn't insult your elders scooter, I am in my 40's so that blows your ahem;cough..attempt at sarcasm right out of the trailer park behind your house!!

soooooo I will leave you with that thought to meditate on...........Drugs? hell no, abnormal synapses.....(run, go, look it up)


THE warchild

Title: Re: Internet Refuse, Gn'R & FAUX insiders
Post by: gunns1 on March 21, 2007, 02:57:15 AM
scooter, I am in my 40's so that

your 40 years old and your writing this shit:

they suffer from diahrreah of the mouth.......
Saying shit just to SPEW.......fuck the haters! know who you are dealing with, and who is a shit sandwich..
I have confronted several of these shit-spewers and they won't answer........absence of testicular fortitude?

...."Oh yeah, words can hurt, actions wound
will leave you bloody, useless ;ruined,......
words hurt most from those you love.....
Home is where the hurt is;
Home is where the hate is........

WOW,  mabye your off drugs for now, but what about the 39 years before hand???

Title: Re: Internet Refuse, Gn'R & FAUX insiders
Post by: Lucky on March 21, 2007, 03:04:38 AM
...and why is it Gn'R fans feel "entitled" to info???? even if it's WRONG??? watch what bandwagon you jump on eh?


I love how Del updated everyone on the album EARLY, and there were still bitchy whiners expecting a personal eMail from Axl telling them what's going on.  :rofl:

people were not bitching because of the update(I hope)...
they were bitching becuase of the tentative date followed by no date at all.
it's kinda absurd.

it's like that video in october. they said it was gonna be online on thursday, and nothing happened.
if you cant stand behind your statement, then dont say it at all.
it's all un-necessary wanking.

Title: Re: Internet Refuse, Gn'R & FAUX insiders
Post by: Warchild on March 21, 2007, 03:08:30 AM
Such a "special" well thought out post...we could not have lived without this one...........

I still stand by my original post, people are breathing in a sense of "entitledness" that is NOT gonna play out......let me phrase it this way...

This ain't burger king, ain't gonna happen YOUR with it............

and I AM entitled to my opinions too.........Disappointed about March 6???? Hmmmm, well you could go but fall out boys new album, and probably enjoy it!!

Watch who you hang with and listen to, birds of a feather stick together, so do Pigs and swine.......

all work and no play makes jack a dull boy.......


rabid n' snarlin

Title: Re: Internet Refuse, Gn'R & FAUX insiders
Post by: Jim Bob on March 21, 2007, 03:25:07 AM
...and why is it Gn'R fans feel "entitled" to info???? even if it's WRONG??? watch what bandwagon you jump on eh?


I love how Del updated everyone on the album EARLY, and there were still bitchy whiners expecting a personal eMail from Axl telling them what's going on.  :rofl:

people were not bitching because of the update(I hope)...
they were bitching becuase of the tentative date followed by no date at all.
it's kinda absurd.

it's like that video in october. they said it was gonna be online on thursday, and nothing happened.
if you cant stand behind your statement, then dont say it at all.
it's all un-necessary wanking.

maybe they don't want to give another date until its 100% sure?   because god knows you people wuld bitch ten times more if another "tentative date" went by and something prevented the release.

Title: Re: Internet Refuse, Gn'R & FAUX insiders
Post by: SLCPUNK on March 21, 2007, 03:49:38 AM
Threads like these are getting more boring by the minute........

Title: Re: Internet Refuse, Gn'R & FAUX insiders
Post by: Warchild on March 21, 2007, 03:52:43 AM
Hell Yeah JimBob............same reason limited info is released and news is guarded so closely..........God, if the rumors already started from the minimal

amount of info released has magnified to this degree can you fucking imagine what people would come up with???Shitfuck, they'd have

Gn'R onboard a fucking flying saucer having tea with elvis.........(yes folks, that is the REAL delay!)

In the end it won't make a fucking difference how much whining went on, won't up the release date one iota, won't make a shit!!!

Everybody knows Gn'r games= Gn'r Rules, and all the grumbling, mumbling, crying and shit-blowing, lying, misinformation, and phony insiders will NOT

have proved one Dammned thing, except for how the quote....... Fans are not friends ,....rings true.

and how EVERYTHING you read on the Internet MUST be true.....RIGHT>? ?



Title: Re: Internet Refuse, Gn'R & FAUX insiders
Post by: muffinass on March 21, 2007, 04:15:21 AM

and how EVERYTHING you read on the Internet MUST be true.....RIGHT>? ?



? not to be impertinent and tell moderators what to do and all...but when are these militant insulting assaults on GENERAL forum members going to stop? out of 4 pages you can probably find a handful of relevant and constructive comments...not to mention the unrestrained use of vulgarities that only belittle the conversation.
? yeah, everyone's a prophet on the internet, but this is beyond inane...these threads have turned into childish ego-inflating exercises that, to be honest and without insult, aren't really present on any other gnr-related forums...i understand there's a certain attitude of censorship regarding negativity, but allowing the polar opposite argumentation is getting ridiculously worrisome

Title: Re: Internet Refuse, Gn'R & FAUX insiders
Post by: Warchild on March 21, 2007, 04:43:44 AM
Not singling out you, so why play pseudo vigilante?

And, I don't recall singling out you...yet........I just call em' like I see em'........

and the "unrestrained use of vulgarities"..... :hihi:.alright people stop all the Damn Cursing! (may I bring to attention this is coming from someone calling themselves "muffinASS".....I am so shocked and offended!! I feel so violated!

And Thank the powers that be, for the positive slant on this forum!! There are far too many forums that grab every rumor, every speculation, and treat it

like fact, not to mention endless slagging of the band by ahem;OTHER;cough forums.....

Rock ON HTGTH! Jarmo Knows what he is doing.........True fans are fans through good and bad, others are seasonal observers.

"I need some answers to preserve sanity...
fucked at the windows,drive thru society;
Does blame fall on Karma, does blame fall on me?
Peace so damn expensive, and nothing comes for free....
Chaos in the corners; disaster in the halls
shadows of cracked memories imbedded in the walls;
Cloisterd and cliche'd; what would jesus do?
I might die for me, but I wouldn't die for you.....(w)

da warchild

Title: Re: Internet Refuse, Gn'R & FAUX insiders
Post by: Illusions Used on March 21, 2007, 04:47:14 AM
Say what you want about this thread, but it's still better than a poorly titled thread started by a couple of newer posters we have seen around here of late. 

A little lesson in critical thinking never hurt anyone, either.  Especially, being a GNR fan these days. 

Title: Re: Internet Refuse, Gn'R & FAUX insiders
Post by: Warchild on March 21, 2007, 05:00:29 AM
Say what you want about this thread, but it's still better than a poorly titled thread started by a couple of newer posters we have seen around here of late.?

A little lesson in critical thinking never hurt anyone, either.? Especially, being a GNR fan these days.?

why thank you IU, from the depths of my black little heart, Appreciated sincerily.........

Critical thinking isn't frowned on, just the whining and slagging that goes on because people don't get their wants served up on a silver platter exactly when

they demand sad, too bad...this IS Gn'r , and there is no orderly anarchy, expect the unexpected.

DA Warchild

Title: Re: Internet Refuse, Gn'R & FAUX insiders
Post by: Illusions Used on March 21, 2007, 05:08:17 AM
2006 was a helluva year for GNR. 

In the past 12 years of being a GNR fan have we got:
1) a successful world tour
2) new music!!!
3) music critics swallowing their pride and writing a positive review following a GNR show

By the time 07 is done, hopefully we can look back at an even more successful year!

Title: Re: Internet Refuse, Gn'R & FAUX insiders
Post by: muffinass on March 21, 2007, 05:16:06 AM
Not singling out you, so why play pseudo vigilante?

And, I don't recall singling out you...yet........I just call em' like I see em'........

and the "unrestrained use of vulgarities"..... :hihi:.alright people stop all the Damn Cursing! (may I bring to attention this is coming from someone calling themselves "muffinASS".....I am so shocked and offended!! I feel so violated!

And Thank the powers that be, for the positive slant on this forum!! There are far too many forums that grab every rumor, every speculation, and treat it

like fact, not to mention endless slagging of the band by ahem;OTHER;cough forums.....

Rock ON HTGTH! Jarmo Knows what he is doing.........True fans are fans through good and bad, others are seasonal observers.

 ? i HAVE to quote you in order to explain the difference between a fairly mild obscenity (muffinASS) and the insults you were throwing at Mandy ("whacko bitch") and the amounts of "fucks" and "shit" thrown in for good effect?

 ? and why does every post that comes across as argumentative and calm have to seem "pseudo" for you? pseudo-intellectual, pseudo-vigilante... : ok: thanks for carrying the truthful torch around here. i'll speak from the gut next time, hopefully that'll come across better yes?

 ? btw, did you bother reading the 'hate-posts' on the other forums? do a compare/contrast, just for fun...let me know if you notice any differences in language, and more importantly, METHOD OF ARGUMENTATION...notice how opposing views are treated and discussed on those forums.
 ? but i'll stop playing "out-witting eachother's egos" with you...once again dialogue stalls because of intentional misinterpretation that seems (shockingly and sadly) to cross over age-groups.
 ? *sigh*...mods...if you're reading...take this as a sincere plea, and not a patronizing suggestion...

Title: Re: Internet Refuse, Gn'R & FAUX insiders
Post by: Jackamo! on March 21, 2007, 05:40:39 AM
I miss Dolphin.. :(

Can you get a new proxy and be Dolphin for a while Warchild?

Title: Re: Internet Refuse, Gn'R & FAUX insiders
Post by: Warchild on March 21, 2007, 06:02:52 AM
Not singling out you, so why play pseudo vigilante?

And, I don't recall singling out you...yet........I just call em' like I see em'........

and the "unrestrained use of vulgarities"..... :hihi:.alright people stop all the Damn Cursing! (may I bring to attention this is coming from someone calling themselves "muffinASS".....I am so shocked and offended!! I feel so violated!

And Thank the powers that be, for the positive slant on this forum!! There are far too many forums that grab every rumor, every speculation, and treat it

like fact, not to mention endless slagging of the band by ahem;OTHER;cough forums.....

Rock ON HTGTH! Jarmo Knows what he is doing.........True fans are fans through good and bad, others are seasonal observers.

 ? i HAVE to quote you in order to explain the difference between a fairly mild obscenity (muffinASS) and the insults you were throwing at Mandy ("whacko bitch") and the amounts of "fucks" and "shit" thrown in for good effect?

 ? and why does every post that comes across as argumentative and calm have to seem "pseudo" for you? pseudo-intellectual, pseudo-vigilante... : ok: thanks for carrying the truthful torch around here. i'll speak from the gut next time, hopefully that'll come across better yes?

 ? btw, did you bother reading the 'hate-posts' on the other forums? do a compare/contrast, just for fun...let me know if you notice any differences in language, and more importantly, METHOD OF ARGUMENTATION...notice how opposing views are treated and discussed on those forums.
 ? but i'll stop playing "out-witting eachother's egos" with you...once again dialogue stalls because of intentional misinterpretation that seems (shockingly and sadly) to cross over age-groups.
 ? *sigh*...mods...if you're reading...take this as a sincere plea, and not a patronizing suggestion...

Ummm not only are you misinterpreting, but you are wrong, I NEVER called Mandy a whacko bitch.....that was aimed at another ahem;MADISON;cough administrator

so, you may want to rethink that one.......and I really don't give a rat's ass about "methods of argumentation" or whatever you are trying to come my way with....

 Sorry, I am very outspoken, and if you have little rules about your games, I don't want to play.......

So stop whining to the mods and admins, I am not breaking any rules, just stating my opinion.......If you want to play silly kid games leave me out next time

and guess what, look up George carlins 7 forbidden words........ass is on there too! Don't attempt to correct my profanity when you have part of one in your very screen name.......mmmkay jacko?

 I have NO problem with critical thinking, but 2006 was NOT a total loss in my eyes, at all........

I realize that "shit happens" even in Gn'R land , and "murphy's law" seems to plague incessantly.."whatever CAN go wrong WILL, and at the worst possible moment"

People are not "owed" anything but what the band chooses to release, and it is bad form to post people's emails, by the way.....

I have NO PROBLEMS with THIS site, some of the others, well........they like to proliferate lies, speculate wildly, and spread rumors as truth, not to mention bashing

the band every chance they get, this isn't necessary, and isn't tolerated on this site!!

My point was watch WHO you listen to, what you believe, and TRY to remember this is G' sense makes sense!!!

Please ATTEMPT to stay on topic!!

10 shades of crazy hiding in my brain;
waiting for the trigger that drives me insane
couldn't wait for summer sun, winter words too cold
never leaving while believing, not believing what I'm told.....(w)

da Warchild

Title: Re: Internet Refuse, Gn'R & FAUX insiders
Post by: Warchild on March 21, 2007, 06:14:00 AM
I miss Dolphin.. :(

Can you get a new proxy and be Dolphin for a while Warchild?

Can you be any more stupid Jerkamo?

Dolphin and I are not only different sexes, we live on different sides of the US.......ask the powers that be


da Warchild

Title: Re: Internet Refuse, Gn'R & FAUX insiders
Post by: TheMole on March 21, 2007, 06:39:15 AM

Your posts make me wish for the album more than ever. Maybe if it's out, you'll buy it, crawl in a little corner of your padded-wall room and never come on the internet again.

Tell me something, serious question, are you manic-depressive (ow, sorry, that should be bipolar nowadays, right)?

Title: Re: Internet Refuse, Gn'R & FAUX insiders
Post by: ronie on March 21, 2007, 06:42:11 AM
Yo Worchild,
Stop smokin' shit mate, it'ls not healthy...

Title: Re: Internet Refuse, Gn'R & FAUX insiders
Post by: gunns1 on March 21, 2007, 06:48:11 AM

Your posts make me wish for the album more than ever. Maybe if it's out, you'll buy it, crawl in a little corner of your padded-wall room and never come on the internet again.

Tell me something, serious question, are you manic-depressive (ow, sorry, that should be bipolar nowadays, right)?

Yo Worchild,
Stop smokin' shit mate, it'ls not healthy...

Mods, can I ask for a lock please,

this guy is seriously off his nutter,
and starting to talk to much emo stuff, which is fine, if he goes over to the simple plan fan site,
but not here, this is guns n roses,
not blood and poems.

Title: Re: Internet Refuse, Gn'R & FAUX insiders
Post by: Warchild on March 21, 2007, 06:51:08 AM
Yes,BP1..... it's not a secret........and Bipolar is the "politically correct" term these days..........

actually I have been mucho busy and haven't posted in a while, is there a REASON why you would ask this??? or do you routinely inquire about people's

mental health?

This IS completely off topic, so can you turn your flip flops around, and face the other direction????

The Topic was concerning all the bullshit and filth being pedaled around as truth, and all the faux insiders, to refresh your mind........
shall we make a list?? HTGTH IS RELIABLE........some of the rest..well............

da Warchild

Title: Re: Internet Refuse, Gn'R & FAUX insiders
Post by: Ignatius on March 21, 2007, 06:54:09 AM


We appreciate your loyalty to HTGTH and yes, there's a lot of misinformation out there... but why start a new thread about it?

It doesnt really contribute to the forum, so I'm locking this.