Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: Bona on March 19, 2007, 08:39:46 AM

Title: Does Axl still have the right bite?
Post by: Bona on March 19, 2007, 08:39:46 AM
Swedish journalist Johan Lindqvist devoted his entire music-column in the newspaper G?teborgs-Posten to GNR and "Chinese Democracy". Among other things, Johan Lindqvist discusses GNR?s high status as a rockband and the myth that has been built up around "Chinese Democracy". Johan Lindqvist also ponders upon the fact that the release of "Chinese Democracy" might in fact end the GNR-saga.

Here are translated exctracts from the text.

In his column, Johan Lindqvist briefly discusses past GNR shows in Sweden and the band?s never-ending influence on young rockers that weren?t even born when AFD hit the record stores. Johan Lindqvist also mentions the incident where Axl bit a bouncer working for Berns in the leg during his last visit in Sweden, and asks, as well as answers the question WHY a band that hasn?t released anything since 1993 still has such high status.
?I think the answer is actually the opposite. GNR is still interesting because no-one has heard anything from the band in fourteen years. And also, because of the fact that the incident at Berns isn?t an isolated event, it is in fact the other way around. GNR ran down the same road, as did M?tley Cr?e in the biography The Dirt, and since the members have gone their separate ways, Axl has cultivated the myth of being a mysterious hermit. And there?s also the drugs. One of many cock-and-bull stories surrounding the band, is about a party at Axl?s Malibu mansion, where he, strung out on drugs and dressed in a pig-costume, greeted his guests by biting them. Other stories tell the tale of a clean Axl, who?s into different kinds of healing, and nowadays spends his money on incense instead of pot, and likes to spend time at eastern-philosophy centers, rather than in rehabs.?

Johan Lindqvist is also sharing his thougts on what actually will happen if, or when, GNR finally releases "Chinese Democracy".
?The main question at this time though, is what will happen after the album actually hits the stores? The grand myth, that has been built up around "Chinese Democracy", will result in the fact, that no matter how this record will sound, it?s overall sound will be the sound of air hissing out of the balloon. It might just as well be, that Axl and Geffen have realized that fact. As the record is out and exposed to whomever, the magic surrounding GNR will disappear.?

According to Lindqvist, after releasing "Chinese Democracy", GNR won?t be as attractive to the fans anymore. Lindqvist also writes that GNR is running out of time.
?But the air is already hissing out of the balloon... A handful of the new songs are already being played live and can also be found on the Internet. On top of that, is the fact that several studio-recordings have also leaked and ended up on the internet. The latest leak was the song "Better", which ended up on the Internet after having been used in a commercial for Harley Davidson that was later cancelled, a song that Axl has called one of his favourites. Both Axl and his record-company have been swift to point out that the leaked songs are by no means the final products, and that they will sound totally different on the album. It isn?t easy to know what to think these days, but during the last weeks, there has been a 10-song version of? "Chinese Democracy" circulating, a version that might in fact be the real deal. Axl keeps his silence, aside from telling Rolling Stone Magazine that the album might come out later this year?.

Johan Lindqvist sums up his column with one last question.
?Maybe, maybe, ?the last real rock band? will release it?s last album??

The original text was printed in Swedish in G?teborgs-Posten, March 17th. Translated by GNRDaily co-workers.


Title: Re: Does Axl still have the right bite?
Post by: 2NaFish on March 19, 2007, 08:44:07 AM
he's correct in the idea that a certain mystique will be lost upon releasing CD, however he's assuming its going to be a pretty bland, indifferent record that won't captivate people. Maybe it'll be as captivating as AFD, maybe more, maybe less. But to simply say its all down hill from the beigning, before the beginning is to make your mind up without knowing the facts.

But this is from a journalist, and that is their job; presenting guesswork and opinion as fact.

Title: Re: Does Axl still have the right bite?
Post by: jarmo on March 19, 2007, 09:02:30 AM
I saw this in the paper on Saturday and found it to be yet another bullshit article.

False info, speculation and rumors.

For example, the writer claims the album has cost $100 million.....


Title: Re: Does Axl still have the right bite?
Post by: ibelieveinaxl on March 19, 2007, 09:28:03 AM
even though i disagree with the writer, he has some proof to back up his statements. the album is not out and who knows when it will be out. that lends proof to his statement that after the cd comes out, the "air" will be let out of the band and the band will lose public interest. that could be the reason why the cd is still not out and they continue to tour before the cd comes out...

Title: Re: Does Axl still have the right bite?
Post by: cheeser on March 19, 2007, 09:34:24 AM
I think Axl's bite is alright, a slight overbite, but thats about it, like the normal human being.

no underbite at all.  All in all good dentistry.

Title: Re: Does Axl still have the right bite?
Post by: MJ23 on March 19, 2007, 09:35:10 AM
I saw this in the paper on Saturday and found it to be yet another bullshit article.

False info, speculation and rumors.

For example, the writer claims the album has cost $100 million.....


It seems that some so-called journalists make mountains out of molehills in order to get their articles printed and to get some attention. I can't imagine that it is hard to get right infos before writing an article. If any article ever printed is based on such stupid assuming "facts" then we should stop reading newspapers at all.

Title: Re: Does Axl still have the right bite?
Post by: jooda on March 19, 2007, 09:40:28 AM
I think I'll have to agree with him.

Title: Re: Does Axl still have the right bite?
Post by: jarmo on March 19, 2007, 10:14:31 AM
even though i disagree with the writer, he has some proof to back up his statements. the album is not out and who knows when it will be out. that lends proof to his statement that after the cd comes out, the "air" will be let out of the band and the band will lose public interest. that could be the reason why the cd is still not out and they continue to tour before the cd comes out...

That makes no sense.

If that made sense, nobody would release albums. They'd just stop releasing them and tour every now and then.


The only air that will be let out of any balloon is the air out of these balloon heads, who will have to find something else to make fun of and pass it off as journalism.


Title: Re: Does Axl still have the right bite?
Post by: rubinone on March 19, 2007, 10:21:25 AM
Even though most of the stuff in the press is bullshit, every one is allowed to have an opinion and GNR is a subject where a lot of people whether they like GNR or not have a lot of opinions.

Title: Re: Does Axl still have the right bite?
Post by: Tommie on March 19, 2007, 10:32:44 AM
One of many cock-and-bull stories surrounding the band, is about a party at Axl?s Malibu mansion, where he, strung out on drugs and dressed in a pig-costume, greeted his guests by biting them.

Am I the only one who is disturbed by this?  Is there any truth to it?  B/c the rest of the article seems like half truths.

Title: Re: Does Axl still have the right bite?
Post by: Fingers on March 19, 2007, 10:37:01 AM
One of many cock-and-bull stories surrounding the band, is about a party at Axl?s Malibu mansion, where he, strung out on drugs and dressed in a pig-costume, greeted his guests by biting them.

Am I the only one who is disturbed by this?? Is there any truth to it?? B/c the rest of the article seems like half truths.

I remember Slash stated a few years ago the only thing Axl was addicted to was cigarettes-the drug thing has no valadation to it

Title: Re: Does Axl still have the right bite?
Post by: EstrangedReality on March 19, 2007, 11:26:18 AM
Of course public interest will shift. People are interested in Chinese Democracy - even non-GN'R fans - because of its mythic stature. Once they hear it, yeah, the mystery will have ended.

But the die-hard fans such as ourselves are not going to lose interest... it'll give us so much more to talk about.

Title: Re: Does Axl still have the right bite?
Post by: ibelieveinaxl on March 19, 2007, 11:33:05 AM
even though i disagree with the writer, he has some proof to back up his statements. the album is not out and who knows when it will be out. that lends proof to his statement that after the cd comes out, the "air" will be let out of the band and the band will lose public interest. that could be the reason why the cd is still not out and they continue to tour before the cd comes out...

That makes no sense.

If that made sense, nobody would release albums. They'd just stop releasing them and tour every now and then.


The only air that will be let out of any balloon is the air out of these balloon heads, who will have to find something else to make fun of and pass it of as journalism.


not at all. bands need to put out new albums in order to tour. most bands havent released an incredible album such as appetite....they need new stuff to release so they can continue to tour. guns released one of the greatest albums of all time and people want to hear it live and they can continue to tour by playing those songs without releasing new material. the proof is in the facts. they have toured since 2001 without a new album.

Title: Re: Does Axl still have the right bite?
Post by: CheapJon on March 19, 2007, 11:34:58 AM
I don't get gp where i live and i wanna read it in swedish too, but can't find it anywhere ???

anyway, at least the guy is writing about it and giving some info to the public, all publicity is good publicity ;)

Title: Re: Does Axl still have the right bite?
Post by: slashsbaconpit on March 19, 2007, 12:00:40 PM
I think this guy has a good point.
There are so many expectations and so much hype around this album, there is no way it will live up to everyone's expectations.

And lets stop with the ritual media bashing of anyone who doesn?t say ?Axl is the greatest and everything he does will be successful and wonderful.? The guy has made some great music, but that doesn?t make him above being critiqued or criticized. If he didn?t want to be criticized for not making March 6, tentative or not, he shouldn?t have thrown it out there. If he didn?t want the press to write about the never ending production of CD, he should have released it. The guy is a millionare, and if he has to take a little critcism here and there, so what? There are people on this forum who will come to Axl?s defense no matter what. If someone said ?I don?t like Axl?s red hair,? someone else would hop on and tell them they are pricks for it.

Don?t get me wrong. I?m looking forward to CD more than anything. I love Axl and his music, and yeah, he does get a bum rap from the press from time to time. But this constant B-rating of anyone who doesn?t totally kiss his ass is getting kind of old. Axl's a great guy, I'm sure, but he's not perfect. No one is.

Title: Re: Does Axl still have the right bite?
Post by: redx on March 19, 2007, 12:38:14 PM
Does Axl still have the right bite? ask that Swedish security guard who Axl attacked  :hihi:

Title: Re: Does Axl still have the right bite?
Post by: downzy56 on March 19, 2007, 01:00:23 PM
even though i disagree with the writer, he has some proof to back up his statements. the album is not out and who knows when it will be out. that lends proof to his statement that after the cd comes out, the "air" will be let out of the band and the band will lose public interest. that could be the reason why the cd is still not out and they continue to tour before the cd comes out...

That makes no sense.

If that made sense, nobody would release albums. They'd just stop releasing them and tour every now and then.


The only air that will be let out of any balloon is the air out of these balloon heads, who will have to find something else to make fun of and pass it of as journalism.


It will be interesting, however, to see how many interested people around here will still be interested after the release of Chinese Democracy.  Granted the album will hook new fans, but for people like myself, I wonder if we'll stick around long after the initial hoopla of the album's release.  Not to suggest that anyone here has as much or more invested in this album as anyone in the band, but it has been a long wait for some of us.  I will always be a GNR junkie, but upon the release of the album, will it allow me to move on so to speak from the near obsession of this band?  My hopes is that GNR finally does put out an album, it kicks ass, they tour to promote it, and eventually I'll be able to go three hours without checking this website and forum for any scrap of news concerning the band. 

Like I said, GNR will always be  my favourite band, but once this album is out and put through its paces, my need for constant updates will be lifted.  It's been a pretty crazy ride, from the age of 10 years old to now being 27.  I'm looking forward to seeing where this ride finally ends, and who knows, if Chinese Democracy proves itself in my eyes, I'll gladly hop on board for another ride. 



Title: Re: Does Axl still have the right bite?
Post by: Tyson on March 19, 2007, 01:03:41 PM
Listen here everyone: ?We must understand that alot of people think this album is going to be shit because there is no Slash. ?So, given that the ?expectations of many will be diminished, I feel that the quality of this record will actually surprise alot of people. ?I think us hardcore and knowlegable GNR fans really understand that Axl was the director and the MAIN ingredient in this band. ?If Axl wasn't there for Slash, working with him every step of the way, then the music would never have sounded as good as it does. ?Axl is a composer and a genius whom currently has access to great mediums through which his greatest artistic vision will be realized. ?I really believe this. ?

Title: Re: Does Axl still have the right bite?
Post by: mofo91105 on March 19, 2007, 01:21:58 PM
I take a lot of concern with this boards love of the hype of the impending release of Chinese Democracy, and the mythical status that this album has achieved.

First of all, the album will never live up to the hype. It could be as good as Appetite, but there has been such an unrealistic amount of hype and expectation that has been placed on this one album and the band that no matter what they put out, it still won't be enough. I myself believe this could be some of Axl's best work to date, and am super excited to see it seeing as I have seen the band 3 times since 2002, but critics will never give it its due because of the mythical status that has been built upon it, also combined with the never ending issues that have plagued the band (shitty management, replacing members, and ultimately Axl's decision to keep the name Guns N Roses). People will compare this album to the old Guns N Roses albums, which is completely unfair due to the styles of music, but Axl decided to keep the name, so he will ultimately live with the consequences.

Secondly, I think people need to stop the "this album is 13 years in the making" stance that everyone on this board takes, because realistically, this album has not been worked on for 13 years straight, nor has it come close. I have read many documents saying that at times, the studio would lay dormant for months on end, because no one knew where Axl was, or whatever. I think this will hurt the band as well because people who don't know the story will be expecting that Axl has been putting his blood sweat and tears into this album for 13 years, and his genius has finally come to fruition when it gets released. I just think that the longer people talk like the album has been worked on for 13 years straight through, the more bloated the actual image of Guns N Roses will become. People take time off after tours and albums and I just don't agree with everyone saying this album is 13 years in the making when every song has practically been redone multiple times.


Title: Re: Does Axl still have the right bite?
Post by: redx on March 19, 2007, 01:28:52 PM
even though i disagree with the writer, he has some proof to back up his statements. the album is not out and who knows when it will be out. that lends proof to his statement that after the cd comes out, the "air" will be let out of the band and the band will lose public interest. that could be the reason why the cd is still not out and they continue to tour before the cd comes out...

That makes no sense.

If that made sense, nobody would release albums. They'd just stop releasing them and tour every now and then.


The only air that will be let out of any balloon is the air out of these balloon heads, who will have to find something else to make fun of and pass it of as journalism.


It will be interesting, however, to see how many interested people around here will still be interested after the release of Chinese Democracy.  Granted the album will hook new fans, but for people like myself, I wonder if we'll stick around long after the initial hoopla of the album's release.  Not to suggest that anyone here has as much or more invested in this album as anyone in the band, but it has been a long wait for some of us.  I will always be a GNR junkie, but upon the release of the album, will it allow me to move on so to speak from the near obsession of this band?  My hopes is that GNR finally does put out an album, it kicks ass, they tour to promote it, and eventually I'll be able to go three hours without checking this website and forum for any scrap of news concerning the band. 

Like I said, GNR will always be  my favourite band, but once this album is out and put through its paces, my need for constant updates will be lifted.  It's been a pretty crazy ride, from the age of 10 years old to now being 27.  I'm looking forward to seeing where this ride finally ends, and who knows, if Chinese Democracy proves itself in my eyes, I'll gladly hop on board for another ride. 



I really want the album, but as a live band, I have no interest in seeing them again  :peace:

Title: Re: Does Axl still have the right bite?
Post by: Toph1962 on March 19, 2007, 02:29:31 PM
"It isn?t easy to know what to think these days, but during the last weeks, there has been a 10-song version of "Chinese Democracy" circulating, a version that might in fact be the real deal. Axl keeps his silence, aside from telling Rolling Stone Magazine that the album might come out later this year?."

What is this all about? Is this just a compilation of all the demo tracks? How could this be misconstrued as the real thing?

Title: Re: Does Axl still have the right bite?
Post by: redx on March 19, 2007, 03:02:29 PM
"It isn?t easy to know what to think these days, but during the last weeks, there has been a 10-song version of "Chinese Democracy" circulating, a version that might in fact be the real deal. Axl keeps his silence, aside from telling Rolling Stone Magazine that the album might come out later this year?."

What is this all about? Is this just a compilation of all the demo tracks? How could this be misconstrued as the real thing?

It's probably nothing more than a bunch of old leaks and maybe the old live track. I'm pretty sure if there was a 10 track demo out there, these boards with be lighting up  :hihi:

Title: Re: Does Axl still have the right bite?
Post by: Skinflick on March 19, 2007, 03:16:57 PM
These threads are getting very repetitive and lame.......Everyone, including myself, keep posting the same shit time and time again. It is getting extremely redundant. We need CD NOW!!!

Title: Re: Does Axl still have the right bite?
Post by: Elrothiel on March 19, 2007, 03:20:12 PM
Maaaan what a jaded journo!

Jeez what is WRONG with everyone!? THINKING the release of ChiDem will essentially "kill" Gn'R.... pfffft!

FUCK that! I say be positive! Chinese Democracy is only the beginning! We'll get more albums, more songs, and more live shows! God forbid a band can actually CONTINUE doing things after they release an album! My goodness!! How horrid! ::) Why don't we just shoot all rock stars over the age of 50 and then all slash our wrists in a suicidal celebratory act of emoness!

Fuck journos and their negative fucking bullshit. If I meet that guy, I will kick him in the nuts!

Title: Re: Does Axl still have the right bite?
Post by: Rusmurf on March 19, 2007, 03:41:10 PM
"It isn?t easy to know what to think these days, but during the last weeks, there has been a 10-song version of "Chinese Democracy" circulating, a version that might in fact be the real deal. Axl keeps his silence, aside from telling Rolling Stone Magazine that the album might come out later this year?."

What is this all about? Is this just a compilation of all the demo tracks? How could this be misconstrued as the real thing?

Just old demos and live stuff, someone stuck together and named it "CD". Nothing new, and none of the versions would make it, there is no chance. Some of the tracks were live stuff from Rock in Rio, some other stuff that's been floating around a bit.

Title: Re: Does Axl still have the right bite?
Post by: norway on March 19, 2007, 11:54:31 PM
that lends proof to his statement that after the cd comes out, the "air" will be let out of the band and the band will lose public interest.
I think it will be the other way around, that the public intrest will be greater :peace:

Title: Re: Does Axl still have the right bite?
Post by: Africa on March 20, 2007, 07:52:42 AM
Great, another pile of guesswork and negativity from the anti-GNR wave called the media. It's sad that no matter what Axl does or no matter how good Chinese Democracy is, these people are too prejudice to ever admit it. Idiots.
Now to the article. His argument, which surprisingly many of you agree with, that the interest for GN'R will die down after Chinese Democracy is released, is utterly ridicilous. If anything it's the other way around. People have been waiting for this album to come out for over ten years, when the music finally is available to the public it will be all over, everywhere, and the interest will certainly be at an all-time high. Combine that with touring and how good the record will actually be, expect GN'R to be very relevant in the music world the coming years. On a side note, what strikes me as funny, just to show the utter hypocracy of these negative haters, is that I've seen the following argument alot on these boards: "People are starting to lose interest the longer the wait goes on". And now with "People will lose interest when the album comes out, the mystery will be gone!" - Which is it? Your arguments are worth nothing, so for your own good you should shut up with the whining already and let GN'R prove you wrong.

Title: Re: Does Axl still have the right bite?
Post by: downzy56 on March 20, 2007, 08:33:35 AM
It's sad that no matter what Axl does or no matter how good Chinese Democracy is, these people are too prejudice to ever admit it.

It's all a matter of personal biases.  The same argument could be spun the other way: no matter what Axl does or how good Chinese Democracy is, some will still perceive Axl as rock's prodigal son and the album the greatest thing to be recorded since Appetite.  Your point that there's prejudice against the band for what they have done or will do is valid, but ask yourself if the bias that is often reported isn't without merit itself.  How many of us of the hardcore, when listening to Chinese Democracy, won't have in the back of their minds: "This album has taken over 10 years and around $15 million to make."  If it's a great album, awesome.  But it's not unreasonable for those in the media to take issue with the fact that the length of time and the money spent to make this album is ridiculous.

It's also interesting that due to the length of time and expense to make this album, much less often will you hear critics complain that this is not Guns N' Roses.  You'll read a quick line how Axl is the only remaining original member, but for what it's worth, it seems that as a result of this lengthy process it has somewhat legitimized this band as Guns N' Roses.  Had Axl released a new album under the GNR banner with himself as the only original member in 1995, would anyone have bought into the new band like they have now?  With enough time between the old band and this new lineup (even though the new lineup has been together for as long if not longer than the original lineup), attitudes have changed for the most part concerning what is or who are Guns N' Roses.

With the band taking so long to produce this record, the story is not going to be how great or awful the album might be, but the process itself.  Axl and the band has done it to themselves in my opinion; this does not mean I'm less of a fan, but sympathy in this context does not apply for me.  The bigger story will always be the production of the album and not the album itself.  Understand and accept this reality and you'll be dealing with much less stress.

"People are starting to lose interest the longer the wait goes on". And now with "People will lose interest when the album comes out, the mystery will be gone!" - Which is it? Your arguments are worth nothing, so for your own good you should shut up with the whining already and let GN'R prove you wrong.

So basically you're in the business of telling anyone and everyone to shut up if they don't agree with you.  You must be a Republican ;)  J/K

To your question, which is it?  I say it's probably both.  Only those of us who've put a tremendous amount of time in waiting for Axl's next offering will stick around until it comes out.  Just look at the fact that fewer and fewer people seem to come here than the last little while.  After Axl missed both the 2006 and March 6th deadlines, I think a lot of people said that was enough for them and moved on.  Sure they'll probably buy the album when it's released, but the commitment to this band has wained over the last four months. 

As I said in my previous post, I do think that with the release of Chinese Democracy (so long as it's amazing), the band will garner new fans and recaptivate those lost a long time ago.  However, I do not discount the argument that once the album has been released, the mystery and hence some of the band's appeal will subside.  Not to fully repeat myself, but I don't expect to be on this forum and checking for news every day once the album has been released.  Many, including myself, have waited 16 years now for a new GNR album.  To me, the release of Chinese Democracy will be like closing a chapter in my life.  If Axl and the boys want to write another story, awesome, but I don't think I'll be reading every page like I have for this one.



Title: Re: Does Axl still have the right bite?
Post by: slashsbaconpit on March 20, 2007, 09:39:17 AM
Great, another pile of guesswork and negativity from the anti-GNR wave called the media. It's sad that no matter what Axl does or no matter how good Chinese Democracy is, these people are too prejudice to ever admit it. Idiots.
Now to the article. His argument, which surprisingly many of you agree with, that the interest for GN'R will die down after Chinese Democracy is released, is utterly ridicilous. If anything it's the other way around. People have been waiting for this album to come out for over ten years, when the music finally is available to the public it will be all over, everywhere, and the interest will certainly be at an all-time high. Combine that with touring and how good the record will actually be, expect GN'R to be very relevant in the music world the coming years. On a side note, what strikes me as funny, just to show the utter hypocracy of these negative haters, is that I've seen the following argument alot on these boards: "People are starting to lose interest the longer the wait goes on". And now with "People will lose interest when the album comes out, the mystery will be gone!" - Which is it? Your arguments are worth nothing, so for your own good you should shut up with the whining already and let GN'R prove you wrong.

Uh, this was just a column. Not a journalistic piece. It's just the guy's opinion. He wasn't taking a hard stance against the new record, new band, Axl or anything else. He was just saying, "Here's a possiblity ... maybe the mystery of GNR is what has kept it around so long after its contemporaries."

You however strick me as a person who would praise the new album as genious, no matter what. Even if all the tracks we've heard are jettisoned for duets with K-Fed, you'd say it was neccesary and brilliant.

This guy isn't attacking GNR, he's just expressing his thoughts. At least he has thoughts, and doesn't mindlessly defend a band that hasn't put out a record since the early 1990s from any perceived attack, no matter how small. I'm sorry, GNR has rightly earned some criticism after how many tours with the name Chinese Democracy with no record, not to mention all the cancelled concerts through the years. It's not unfair to throw a little criticism GNR's way.

Personally, I think the record could be great. However, I think it probably would have been better six years ago. When the demos are overproduced, what will the final product sound like? Axl's been talking about this album since 1998 or 99 ? at some point you have to quit shifting tracks and adding cowbell and release the record.

Oh wait, I'm just a negative hipocrite. I'm also someone who lost money on plane and hotel fair, but my ticket was refunded. BFD!

Title: Re: Does Axl still have the right bite?
Post by: ibelieveinaxl on March 20, 2007, 10:00:40 AM
Uh, this was just a column. Not a journalistic piece. It's just the guy's opinion. He wasn't taking a hard stance against the new record, new band, Axl or anything else. He was just saying, "Here's a possiblity ... maybe the mystery of GNR is what has kept it around so long after its contemporaries."

yes, i agree. it was just a writers opinion. this should be an open forum for discussion and views. i just dont understand how and why some people on this board just attack and bash any opinion that may not be 100% their own view. that's just childish and immature. if you dont agree, fine. just say why and dont just attack the writers opinion. it seems to me there are some people that have a selfish interest in just attacking any poster on the board that says anything that may not be 100% favorable to the band....

Title: Re: Does Axl still have the right bite?
Post by: JB9988 on March 20, 2007, 10:07:41 AM
Well, just looking at a demo like better and seeing how amazing and how much airway its getting id say Axl still has it. Just wait for CD or a single and we can and everyone can see that Axl will leave the journalists jaws on the ground.

Title: Re: Does Axl still have the right bite?
Post by: slashsbaconpit on March 20, 2007, 11:02:50 AM
Well, just looking at a demo like better and seeing how amazing and how much airway its getting id say Axl still has it. Just wait for CD or a single and we can and everyone can see that Axl will leave the journalists jaws on the ground.

I hope you're right. I also hope Michael Bay learns how to make decent movies.

Title: Re: Does Axl still have the right bite?
Post by: Africa on March 20, 2007, 11:27:46 AM
I'm so sick of the "mindless asslicker" accusations, if you can't handle that people wait patiently for the new record and defend Axl then stay away from here, this is a fan board.

That being said: Downzy, I see your points, but the media has always been biased towards Axl, in the past it was like that too. He's the bad guy no matter what, it's not just about the record taking long to be released.

Title: Re: Does Axl still have the right bite?
Post by: Mr. Redman on March 20, 2007, 12:19:48 PM
Does Axl still have the right bite?

I don't know, ask the Swedish security guard.

Title: Re: Does Axl still have the right bite?
Post by: slashsbaconpit on March 20, 2007, 01:50:02 PM
I'm so sick of the "mindless asslicker" accusations, if you can't handle that people wait patiently for the new record and defend Axl then stay away from here, this is a fan board.

I understand that, but open your eyes ? this guy wasn't attacking Axl. He was just discussing an aspect of the release of CD that may or may not be.

Title: Re: Does Axl still have the right bite?
Post by: downzy56 on March 20, 2007, 05:47:57 PM
I'm so sick of the "mindless asslicker" accusations, if you can't handle that people wait patiently for the new record and defend Axl then stay away from here, this is a fan board.

That being said: Downzy, I see your points, but the media has always been biased towards Axl, in the past it was like that too. He's the bad guy no matter what, it's not just about the record taking long to be released.

I don't disagree that the press likes to portray Axl as the bad guy, whether Axl gives them ammunition to do so or not.  At the same time, isn't that part of Axl and the band's appeal?  When you dub yourself as the most "dangerous band in the world," you're not going to get glowing reviews of your good behavior.  Rightly or wrongly, the band has made some serious money off their bad boy notoriety.  Hero or Anti-Hero, in this case, what's the difference?



Title: Re: Does Axl still have the right bite?
Post by: AxlNow on March 20, 2007, 08:00:18 PM
"It isn?t easy to know what to think these days, but during the last weeks, there has been a 10-song version of "Chinese Democracy" circulating, a version that might in fact be the real deal. Axl keeps his silence, aside from telling Rolling Stone Magazine that the album might come out later this year?."

What is this all about? Is this just a compilation of all the demo tracks? How could this be misconstrued as the real thing?

Not a single track out there is an official studio version. All you've heard are demos, unfinished leaks and concert footage. The real deal will blow your mind. Stay tuned.

Title: Re: Does Axl still have the right bite?
Post by: jarmo on March 20, 2007, 08:06:12 PM
i just dont understand how and why some people on this board just attack and bash any opinion that may not be 100% their own view. that's just childish and immature. if you dont agree, fine. just say why and dont just attack the writers opinion. it seems to me there are some people that have a selfish interest in just attacking any poster on the board that says anything that may not be 100% favorable to the band....

When you write an article for a newspaper, and you skip fact checking, you're just another guy repeating the same old bullshit rumors.

Everybody can have their opinion, but it's so lame to see so many "journalists" write articles about Axl and the band based on lies.

It's obvious the truth is often disregarded because the bullshit rumors make for a more "interesting" story.


Title: Re: Does Axl still have the right bite?
Post by: Africa on March 20, 2007, 08:15:11 PM
I don't disagree that the press likes to portray Axl as the bad guy, whether Axl gives them ammunition to do so or not.? At the same time, isn't that part of Axl and the band's appeal?? When you dub yourself as the most "dangerous band in the world," you're not going to get glowing reviews of your good behavior.? Rightly or wrongly, the band has made some serious money off their bad boy notoriety.? Hero or Anti-Hero, in this case, what's the difference?



It's not about their image at all, it's about Axl being the media's favorite scape goat no matter what it is, if you've read old articles about Guns N' Roses you know what I mean. Axl is an ego-centric maniac that broke up the band on some NIN-inspired powertrip, whereas Slash is the guitar hero of the 90's that got fed up with Axl's shit and left with the rest of the band. That seems to be the jist of what they have always been writing, that's the media's notion. Everything is Axl's fault. It's no secret that that's how it's been portrayed in the media for well over a decade.

Title: Re: Does Axl still have the right bite?
Post by: ibelieveinaxl on March 20, 2007, 10:55:19 PM
i just dont understand how and why some people on this board just attack and bash any opinion that may not be 100% their own view. that's just childish and immature. if you dont agree, fine. just say why and dont just attack the writers opinion. it seems to me there are some people that have a selfish interest in just attacking any poster on the board that says anything that may not be 100% favorable to the band....

When you write an article for a newspaper, and you skip fact checking, you're just another guy repeating the same old bullshit rumors.

Everybody can have their opinion, but it's so lame to see so many "journalists" write articles about Axl and the band based on lies.

It's obvious the truth is often disregarded because the bullshit rumors make for a more "interesting" story.


the writer actually did his homework for the article. he mentions "stories" that he has heard (and so have we) about axl and doesnt state them as fact. he says they are "stories" that you can believe or not believe. he then states his opinion on why he thinks the band won't be as popular after the cd comes out. its his own personal opinion based upon fact checking and also his own opinion about how the 14 year lag of new material can effect the popularity of the band.

Title: Re: Does Axl still have the right bite?
Post by: Warchild on March 21, 2007, 01:36:34 AM
I saw this in the paper on Saturday and found it to be yet another bullshit article.

False info, speculation and rumors.

For example, the writer claims the album has cost $100 million.....


I second that......the press is full of shit! soooo sick of the fecal merry go round that ceratin people seem to be stuck on!

Cheers Jarmo! :peace:

Title: Re: Does Axl still have the right bite?
Post by: norway on March 21, 2007, 01:54:38 AM

this guy wasn't attacking Axl.
Suggestion GnR is about mystic (image) is maybe not hateful...but plain stupid. Think we all know by now it's about the music for most of us
The column is fundamentaly wrong to anything that has to do with that.

Title: Re: Does Axl still have the right bite?
Post by: Warchild on March 21, 2007, 02:06:20 AM
Another member of the "esteemed" press spewing ,my what a surprise!


Title: Re: Does Axl still have the right bite?
Post by: norway on March 21, 2007, 02:19:16 AM

Stripped for ANY kind of (potential) musical critsism ;)

Title: Re: Does Axl still have the right bite?
Post by: cody6977 on March 23, 2007, 03:04:27 PM
this is bullshit....GNR will never die....if they do release the album, everybody will be speculating on the release of the following album and we'll go through this whole process again.

Title: Re: Does Axl still have the right bite?
Post by: November_Rain on March 23, 2007, 04:44:52 PM
This is just another crappy article echoing bullshit and rumours. OMFG I couldn?t help laughing when I read that story about Axl in a pig disguise and biting his guests :hihi:, it?s soooooo stupid and sounds so fake I can?t believe someone might think it?s true.

Also, how the fuck can the journalist know that GNR won?t be attractive to the fans after CD is out?.That?s very presumptuous from him,he can not know what people will think of GNR after the record or how they will react.

Title: Re: Does Axl still have the right bite?
Post by: Warchild on March 26, 2007, 07:20:41 AM
This is just another crappy article echoing bullshit and rumours. OMFG I couldn?t help laughing when I read that story about Axl in a pig disguise and biting his guests :hihi:, it?s soooooo stupid and sounds so fake I can?t believe someone might think it?s true.

Also, how the fuck can the journalist know that GNR won?t be attractive to the fans after CD is out?.That?s very presumptuous from him,he can not know what people will think of GNR after the record or how they will react.

That is what the press likes to do, air dirty laundry...and hey, if you can't find any.......make some up!
kinda like some of the speculation posts......hmmmmmm...what if.....(write anything mindless here)

W. :love:

Title: Re: Does Axl still have the right bite?
Post by: Mark7955 on March 26, 2007, 09:06:50 AM
I saw this in the paper on Saturday and found it to be yet another bullshit article.

False info, speculation and rumors.

For example, the writer claims the album has cost $100 million.....


I agree with jarmo, it's just another load of bull shit.

Title: Re: Does Axl still have the right bite?
Post by: russtcb on March 26, 2007, 09:42:19 AM
...Also, how the fuck can the journalist know that GNR won?t be attractive to the fans after CD is out?.That?s very presumptuous from him,he can not know what people will think of GNR after the record or how they will react.

You are exactly right. Have you noticed that amount of "fans" on these boards that feel the same way though?? I can't understand why.

Title: Re: Does Axl still have the right bite?
Post by: November_Rain on March 27, 2007, 08:37:35 AM
This is just another crappy article echoing bullshit and rumours. OMFG I couldn?t help laughing when I read that story about Axl in a pig disguise and biting his guests :hihi:, it?s soooooo stupid and sounds so fake I can?t believe someone might think it?s true.

Also, how the fuck can the journalist know that GNR won?t be attractive to the fans after CD is out?.That?s very presumptuous from him,he can not know what people will think of GNR after the record or how they will react.

That is what the press likes to do, air dirty laundry...and hey, if you can't find any.......make some up!
kinda like some of the speculation posts......hmmmmmm...what if.....(write anything mindless here)

W. :love:

Yes,I know, and I know it pretty well. There?s this Spanish singer who is friends from childhood with my cousins and I know some things because they tell me and then I see how the press invent fake stories and a lot of shit,dude it?s incredible! So, if this happens with a Spanish singer who is not that of a celebrity I can imagine all the crap spread by the media about Axl.