Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: Neemo on March 15, 2007, 08:34:29 AM

Title: Tidbit of info on Better Leak from WRIF Detroit
Post by: Neemo on March 15, 2007, 08:34:29 AM
Ok my buddy listens to WRIF VIA internet every day... so they got a C&D order last week or early this week...whatever thats not the point....any way they got one.

So weird thing is, that they swear they got an actual CD....Hard copy on disk, with Better on it and they said they received it from their music archive supplier, and they swear it was from a legit source, so now the band comes back and issues C&D just as its starts to get a bit of interest and people start requesting it regularily, and its was apparently getting better than average listener reviews...

so WTF is goin on?

anybody listen to WRIF that can confirm this? i'm hearing it second hand so i'm unsure to the accuracy of this info :peace:

Title: Re: Tidbit of info on Better Leak from WRIF Detroit
Post by: Randy Jesus on March 15, 2007, 08:47:50 AM
Ok my buddy listens to WRIF VIA internet every day... so they got a C&D order last week or early this week...whatever thats not the point....any way they got one.

So weird thing is, that they swear they got an actual CD....Hard copy on disk, with Better on it and they said they received it from their music archive supplier, and they swear it was from a legit source, so now the band comes back and issues C&D just as its starts to get a bit of interest and people start requesting it regularily, and its was apparently getting better than average listener reviews...

so WTF is goin on?

anybody listen to WRIF that can confirm this? i'm hearing it second hand so i'm unsure to the accuracy of this info :peace:

Perhaps they changed the first single and it isn't Better.

Title: Re: Tidbit of info on Better Leak from WRIF Detroit
Post by: The_Wretched on March 15, 2007, 08:51:22 AM
well atleast you recognize that ur source may not be accurate.

i doubt the band released it. it hasn't released anything legit since "oh my god".... so doubt its from them. like DIZZY said, it was stolen. I think IF it is  released, we will see a traditional release, including traditional promo behind it.

Title: Re: Tidbit of info on Better Leak from WRIF Detroit
Post by: ChrisPittman on March 15, 2007, 08:54:51 AM
I think whats happened here is that a radio station simply lied to attract more listeners ;D

Title: Re: Tidbit of info on Better Leak from WRIF Detroit
Post by: ChrisPittman on March 15, 2007, 08:57:28 AM
like DIZZY said, it was stolen.

No Dizzy didnt say anything of the sort

Dizzy Reed via
"Our understanding of how that happened is that an experimental edit using 'Better' in place of 'Paradise City' was somehow accidentally mislabeled as the 'Paradise City' Harley-Davidson video/commercial and was inadvertently released on the internet. We believe the 'leak' came from this source tape and someone with access to it"

Be very careful, as he never used the words "it was stolen" and was careful not to mention that, yet people would naturally draw that conclusion themselves, and I believe thats what the band would have wanted

Title: Re: Tidbit of info on Better Leak from WRIF Detroit
Post by: Neemo on March 15, 2007, 09:00:29 AM
well atleast you recognize that ur source may not be accurate.

yeah its just seems to me like the stations were either confused or mislead? i dunno, i thought it was weird and i know there are some members here from the motor city and was wondering if they can elaborate on this at all

i doubt the band released it. it hasn't released anything legit since "oh my god".... so doubt its from them. like DIZZY said, it was stolen. I think IF it is ?released, we will see a traditional release, including traditional promo behind it.

not publically released no...but radio stations are different they always have been, from what i understand they get shit before we do...and WRIF apparently claims it wasnt downloaded. they claim they were given a Hard COPY

Title: Re: Tidbit of info on Better Leak from WRIF Detroit
Post by: 25 on March 15, 2007, 09:09:04 AM
WRIF apparently claims it wasnt downloaded. they claim they were given a Hard COPY

If that was the case, you would think that they'd ignore any C&D issued by the band and check with the label which issued the cd, rather than complaining to their listeners.

Title: Re: Tidbit of info on Better Leak from WRIF Detroit
Post by: Neemo on March 15, 2007, 09:11:56 AM
WRIF apparently claims it wasnt downloaded. they claim they were given a Hard COPY

If that was the case, you would think that they'd ignore any C&D issued by the band and check with the label which issued the cd, rather than complaining to their listeners.

you'd think :hihi: and maybe they did both...i dunno :-\ obviously they are confused..."ok we got a CD now they say dont play it WTF".. i mean how long did stations play this latest track? a few weeks at least, or am i wrong :-\

Title: Re: Tidbit of info on Better Leak from WRIF Detroit
Post by: The_Wretched on March 15, 2007, 09:18:44 AM
like DIZZY said, it was stolen.

No Dizzy didnt say anything of the sort

Dizzy Reed via
"Our understanding of how that happened is that an experimental edit using 'Better' in place of 'Paradise City' was somehow accidentally mislabeled as the 'Paradise City' Harley-Davidson video/commercial and was inadvertently released on the internet. We believe the 'leak' came from this source tape and someone with access to it"

Be very careful, as he never used the words "it was stolen" and was careful not to mention that, yet people would naturally draw that conclusion themselves, and I believe thats what the band would have wanted

DIZZY has to be vague to avoid issues with whover "leaked" it.... I am blunt however. Unless the band authorizes it... releases it... and gives it to that source... mmm, well.... if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and smells like duck...

Title: Re: Tidbit of info on Better Leak from WRIF Detroit
Post by: GNRforever10 on March 15, 2007, 10:42:55 AM
I'm from Detroit Michigan and WRIF is my station. On March 5th they played Better once and on the 6th they played it twice, but Big Daddy said the album was scrapped and couln't be mixed but that he loved the song Better. Then by high demand they played it alot for a few days now I haven't heard it in a week on WRIF. It was jamming for a second but album scrapped? Doesn't make sense, I never knew it was impossible to mix an album.

Title: Re: Tidbit of info on Better Leak from WRIF Detroit
Post by: russtcb on March 15, 2007, 10:57:31 AM
I'm from Detroit Michigan and WRIF is my station. On March 5th they played Better once and on the 6th they played it twice, but Big Daddy said the album was scrapped and couln't be mixed but that he loved the song Better. Then by high demand they played it alot for a few days now I haven't heard it in a week on WRIF. It was jamming for a second but album scrapped? Doesn't make sense, I never knew it was impossible to mix an album.

This is off by roughly a week or two. They had already stopped playing the song by March 5. I cannot stand to listen to Arthur P so I can't say if he said the album was scrapped but he is always reporting BS as fact so it wouldn't surprise me.

...they said they received it from their music archive supplier...

I have one of those "music archive suppliers" too, it's called Bit Torrents.


Anyways. I live here in Detroit and here's everything I've heard on WRIF with regard to the new version of Better.

Drew & Mike broke the news about 2 days after the leak surfaced online that they had "the brand new" Guns N' Roses and were going to play it during the show. They finally played it and talked over almost all of it. The talking consisted of Mike complaining that he missed Slash and Drew telling him to calm down and pointing the positive and stuff he liked.

Later in the show they played it again because "of a ton of emails asking to hear it". Then Doug Podell started playing it as part of the High Noon All Request Hour and the afternoon shift. Arthur P and Meltdown both played it at least once that night and I'm fairly positive Meltdown played it at least twice.

For the next several (6 or 7) days everyone except Drew & Mike continued playing and always referring to it as "the brand new Guns N' Roses" so the song was getting played about 3 or 4 times a day. Then near the beginning of last week I stopped hearing it and whenever they did play GNR they never made any mention of it.

So I called during a request period and spoke to Screamin' Scott. I asked to hear "that new Guns N' Roses single". This is exactly what he said "YEAH! I'd love to. But I gotta check with someone. I think we got a letter telling us not to play it for a couple of days", I told him that sucked and that I liked the song, he said he did too and he'd get something on from Guns for sure. This was last Monday March 5 so they may have gotta the C&D way back then or maybe heard about other stations getting it already and knew they would too.

They were playing a slightly edited version (the intro and outro were shaved) the whole time (including the first time on Drew & Mike) they played the song but that can be easily accomplished with Sound Forge or anything program like that so that doesn't make it any more legit.

Here's what I think; I think they got it off the internet just like everyone else did. Played it, got the letter, stopped and now it's over until there is an official single.

Title: Re: Tidbit of info on Better Leak from WRIF Detroit
Post by: Neemo on March 15, 2007, 11:13:11 AM
the shit i posted....i guess drew and mike said it the other day...tuesday maybe? did you hear any of it? :-\

Title: Re: Tidbit of info on Better Leak from WRIF Detroit
Post by: COMAMOTIVE on March 15, 2007, 11:15:27 AM
You never know people's motivations

The record company could have sent it to light a fire under GNR's ass yet again - maybe they were sensing Axl would back out again - and thought this would start things in motion regardless

Title: Re: Tidbit of info on Better Leak from WRIF Detroit
Post by: GNRforever10 on March 15, 2007, 01:37:54 PM
Thanks, I noticed I always heard it on afternoon shift WRIF between 6 p.m and after midnight even. I heard it 4-5 times all together in a 3 day period and missed a couple because it would come on and they said we played it earlier and so and so. I did notice that WRIF cut out the Intro it went straight to the lyrics and it was cool but hopefully WRIF will keep GNR alive and give us good play here in Michigan and bring back all the fans here. I loved the concert at the Palace. Axl rocked GNR rocked they all rocked! but there was only 40% of the arena full. We had all great fans and support but I noticed alot of new young crowd is picking up on GNR that just shows the timeless classic legacy of our favorite band but next time GNR come to Michigan hopefully soon I'll see more fans there coming out of their shells and giving the love back to the greatest band ever.

Personally I think we should all get together and car pool and as fans follow GNR around the country to every show. But reality is we have jobs and families and etc but it would be cool kinda like Jerry Garcia had with the Grateful Dead

Title: Re: Tidbit of info on Better Leak from WRIF Detroit
Post by: Ax on March 15, 2007, 02:42:35 PM
My guess is that this cd of better was sent out to radio stations by the recrod label. The reason for this is because I doubt someone working for Harley Davidson would take the time to make copies and send them to a bunch of radio stations. I get the feeling that this is just another thing done by the record label to push Axl towards releasing the album, just like the Greatest Hits cd, and I believe the leaks last year. This is why Dizzy simply said that the leaks didn't come from the band itself, which is true.

Title: Re: Tidbit of info on Better Leak from WRIF Detroit
Post by: Danny on March 15, 2007, 02:51:11 PM
My guess is that this cd of better was sent out to radio stations by the recrod label. The reason for this is because I doubt someone working for Harley Davidson would take the time to make copies and send them to a bunch of radio stations. I get the feeling that this is just another thing done by the record label to push Axl towards releasing the album, just like the Greatest Hits cd, and I believe the leaks last year. This is why Dizzy simply said that the leaks didn't come from the band itself, which is true. doesn't have to be somebody from Harley sending copies to a bunch of radio stations.  One copy just has to get out and be downloadable from a website.  Then the stations can get it themselves or make copies and send them around themselves.  Alot of stations are owned by the same companies these days.

Why do I feel like we're in the middle of an episode of 24?

Title: Re: Tidbit of info on Better Leak from WRIF Detroit
Post by: bringbackadler on March 15, 2007, 03:14:46 PM
My guess is that this cd of better was sent out to radio stations by the recrod label. The reason for this is because I doubt someone working for Harley Davidson would take the time to make copies and send them to a bunch of radio stations. I get the feeling that this is just another thing done by the record label to push Axl towards releasing the album, just like the Greatest Hits cd, and I believe the leaks last year. This is why Dizzy simply said that the leaks didn't come from the band itself, which is true. doesn't have to be somebody from Harley sending copies to a bunch of radio stations.? One copy just has to get out and be downloadable from a website.? Then the stations can get it themselves or make copies and send them around themselves.? Alot of stations are owned by the same companies these days.

Why do I feel like we're in the middle of an episode of 24?

Can't you guys see that the band did in fact leak this song. I mean, I know it goes against Jarmo's "facts on Better", but o well. It wont be the first time we disagreed.

My opinion is the band leaked it just to see how well it would go over. (Needs more synth) The C&D orders were just to make it look accidental. You notice how not all of the radio stations were issued these ?

I wanna hear T.W.A.T. next !

Hopefully that will become a reality.    :yes:


Title: Re: Tidbit of info on Better Leak from WRIF Detroit
Post by: Danny on March 15, 2007, 03:28:06 PM
You notice how not all of the radio stations were issued these ?

Do you think that the Guns camp is constantly monitoring every single radio station in the country to see if the leaks are played?

Title: Re: Tidbit of info on Better Leak from WRIF Detroit
Post by: gokken on March 15, 2007, 03:36:17 PM

Can't you guys see that the band did in fact leak this song. I mean, I know it goes against Jarmo's "facts on Better", but o well. It wont be the first time we disagreed.

My opinion is the band leaked it just to see how well it would go over. (Needs more synth) The C&D orders were just to make it look accidental. You notice how not all of the radio stations were issued these ?

I wanna hear T.W.A.T. next !

Hopefully that will become a reality.    :yes:



Title: Re: Tidbit of info on Better Leak from WRIF Detroit
Post by: russtcb on March 15, 2007, 03:40:17 PM
the shit i posted....i guess drew and mike said it the other day...tuesday maybe? did you hear any of it? :-\

I try to listen to Drew & Mike everyday, I never heard them say anything like that. However they're on every week day from 6am until almost 11 sometimes and I miss much of the show because of work and what not. So it's possible.

Either way, I still think WRIF downloaded it like everyone else.

Title: Re: Tidbit of info on Better Leak from WRIF Detroit
Post by: Lucky on March 15, 2007, 03:40:34 PM
like DIZZY said, it was stolen.

why dont people learn how to read, and instead they start rumors. Dizzy didnt say it was stolen, but un-authorized, as in, "un-authorized to be released", but "authorized to HD"...
nobody stole anything. it only leaked prematurely... and unfinished.

Title: Re: Tidbit of info on Better Leak from WRIF Detroit
Post by: jarmo on March 15, 2007, 03:43:14 PM
Can't you guys see that the band did in fact leak this song. I mean, I know it goes against Jarmo's "facts on Better", but o well. It wont be the first time we disagreed.

My opinion is the band leaked it just to see how well it would go over. (Needs more synth) The C&D orders were just to make it look accidental. You notice how not all of the radio stations were issued these ?

I wanna hear T.W.A.T. next !

Hopefully that will become a reality.    :yes:


This clown keeps wondering why he keeps getting negative karma points. Well guess what? No more negative karma for you....



Title: Re: Tidbit of info on Better Leak from WRIF Detroit
Post by: wells on March 15, 2007, 03:45:46 PM
Can't you guys see that the band did in fact leak this song. I mean, I know it goes against Jarmo's "facts on Better", but o well. It wont be the first time we disagreed.

My opinion is the band leaked it just to see how well it would go over. (Needs more synth) The C&D orders were just to make it look accidental. You notice how not all of the radio stations were issued these ?

I wanna hear T.W.A.T. next !

Hopefully that will become a reality.? ? :yes:


This clown keeps wondering why he keeps getting negative karma points. Well guess what? No more negative karma for you....



and it feels like nineties all over again  :hihi: ... finally ...

Title: Re: Tidbit of info on Better Leak from WRIF Detroit
Post by: gokken on March 15, 2007, 03:47:12 PM

This clown keeps wondering why he keeps getting negative karma points. Well guess what? No more negative karma for you....



hehehe :) we finaly will get free from his negative/strange/ridiculous posts? :)

Everybody do the wave :wave: bye bye.

youre awesome jarmo, thx

Title: Re: Tidbit of info on Better Leak from WRIF Detroit
Post by: Neemo on March 15, 2007, 03:52:16 PM
the shit i posted....i guess drew and mike said it the other day...tuesday maybe? did you hear any of it? :-\

I try to listen to Drew & Mike everyday, I never heard them say anything like that. However they're on every week day from 6am until almost 11 sometimes and I miss much of the show because of work and what not. So it's possible.

Either way, I still think WRIF downloaded it like everyone else.

cool thanks for the info russtcb : ok: i knew there were a fw WRIF listeners i wanted to see if anybody heard them say this...i doubt my freind is lying, i dont see why he would.

anyway i grew up listening to WRIF what a great station, i miss it, but i still put it on every chance i get (when i go visit my folks) : ok:

Title: Re: Tidbit of info on Better Leak from WRIF Detroit
Post by: Danny on March 15, 2007, 03:57:10 PM
This clown keeps wondering why he keeps getting negative karma points. Well guess what? No more negative karma for you....


hehehe  we finaly will get free from his negative/strange/ridiculous posts? 

Everybody do the wave  bye bye.

youre awesome jarmo, thx

What did he do to break the rules?  I'm confused.

Title: Re: Tidbit of info on Better Leak from WRIF Detroit
Post by: polluxlm on March 15, 2007, 03:59:08 PM
You notice how not all of the radio stations were issued these ?

Do you think that the Guns camp is constantly monitoring every single radio station in the country to see if the leaks are played?

No, but this board and others sure are, and GN'R monitor them.

Title: Re: Tidbit of info on Better Leak from WRIF Detroit
Post by: wells on March 15, 2007, 03:59:26 PM
This clown keeps wondering why he keeps getting negative karma points. Well guess what? No more negative karma for you....


hehehe? we finaly will get free from his negative/strange/ridiculous posts??

Everybody do the wave? bye bye.

youre awesome jarmo, thx

What did he do to break the rules?? I'm confused.

try his post history... he was trolling this board for too long

Title: Re: Tidbit of info on Better Leak from WRIF Detroit
Post by: jarmo on March 15, 2007, 04:01:47 PM
This clown keeps wondering why he keeps getting negative karma points. Well guess what? No more negative karma for you....


hehehe  we finaly will get free from his negative/strange/ridiculous posts? 

Everybody do the wave  bye bye.

youre awesome jarmo, thx

What did he do to break the rules?  I'm confused.

Wishing there were more leaks was the last straw.....


Title: Re: Tidbit of info on Better Leak from WRIF Detroit
Post by: Danny on March 15, 2007, 04:02:14 PM
No, but this board and others sure are, and GN'R monitor them.

Well...I've played "Better" on my podcast multiple times, advertised it on this and other GNR boards, and I get just as many listeners as some of these small town stations get at some points...but I never got the letter. ?I assure you, I just got the song from a download. ?Was never sent to me by GNR.

Title: Re: Tidbit of info on Better Leak from WRIF Detroit
Post by: gokken on March 15, 2007, 04:04:23 PM
HTGTH have a few simple "rules". This is from "The truth about better to avoid confusion."

    * It was not put out by the band to get feedback on the song.

And I personally think its great that people dont get write things that is not true. A guy with -4 in karma has probably said some stupid things before and I guess it doesnt take much to get banned . I dont know the history beetween these guys but its a funny read the last posts.

And this is why I think it was obvious that he went over the line this time.

Title: Re: Tidbit of info on Better Leak from WRIF Detroit
Post by: polluxlm on March 15, 2007, 04:04:42 PM
No, but this board and others sure are, and GN'R monitor them.

Well...I've played "Better" on my podcast multiple times, advertised it on this and other GNR boards, and I get just as many listeners as some of these small town stations get at some points...but I never got the letter. ?I assure you, I just got the song from a download. ?Was never sent to me by GNR.

No you probably got it faxed.

I don't know why only a few have been issued a letter, but I do know GN'R could track down most stations playing it by just looking at a couple of threads. As to what this means I leave for somebody else to speculate on for the time being.

Title: Re: Tidbit of info on Better Leak from WRIF Detroit
Post by: stvyrayvhn on March 15, 2007, 04:06:06 PM
I just heard Jeff Charles from 94 HJY in Providence mention "a new axl song". ?He was talking to a couple of the co-hosts discussing new songs out, like Rush, and said that he really likes the new axl song and asked if he could play it. ?I think they stream online so you might want to listen. ?I heard this about 15 minutes ago. ?He did not mention the name of the song.

Title: Re: Tidbit of info on Better Leak from WRIF Detroit
Post by: omgrunnn on March 15, 2007, 04:10:29 PM
from what i remember hearing on the Wrif 2 days ago was that the got a c&d order and then they talked about how this was the demo from the harley commercial and such and that it was just a demo...i didnt hear where they received it from tho

Title: Re: Tidbit of info on Better Leak from WRIF Detroit
Post by: Danny on March 15, 2007, 04:13:10 PM
No you probably got it faxed.

I don't know why only a few have been issued a letter, but I do know GN'R could track down most stations playing it by just looking at a couple of threads. As to what this means I leave for somebody else to speculate on for the time being.

Yeah.  Because every station in every city that has ever played Better has fans of GNR that post on HTGTH and MyGNR.

And your fax "joke" was dumb and made no sense.

Title: Re: Tidbit of info on Better Leak from WRIF Detroit
Post by: polluxlm on March 15, 2007, 04:23:59 PM
No you probably got it faxed.

I don't know why only a few have been issued a letter, but I do know GN'R could track down most stations playing it by just looking at a couple of threads. As to what this means I leave for somebody else to speculate on for the time being.

Yeah.? Because every station in every city that has ever played Better has fans of GNR that post on HTGTH and MyGNR.

I said most, and by the principle of association I wouldn't be far off.

And your fax "joke" was dumb and made no sense.

It made sense in a comical context, but I guess it's not as much fun when what goes around comes around.

Title: Re: Tidbit of info on Better Leak from WRIF Detroit
Post by: Danny on March 15, 2007, 04:36:57 PM
And your fax "joke" was dumb and made no sense.

It made sense in a comical context, but I guess it's not as much fun when what goes around comes around.

No.  It didn't make sense because I never said "the letter was never MAILED to me" in my original post on the subject.  If I said mailed, e-mailed, hand-delivered, Fed-Ex'd, anything but faxed specifically then your joke would have made sense.  Since I didn't, your joke was dumb.

Leave the comedy to the bigboys.

Title: Re: Tidbit of info on Better Leak from WRIF Detroit
Post by: polluxlm on March 15, 2007, 05:10:32 PM
And your fax "joke" was dumb and made no sense.

It made sense in a comical context, but I guess it's not as much fun when what goes around comes around.

No.? It didn't make sense because I never said "the letter was never MAILED to me" in my original post on the subject.? If I said mailed, e-mailed, hand-delivered, Fed-Ex'd, anything but faxed specifically then your joke would have made sense.? Since I didn't, your joke was dumb.

Leave the comedy to the bigboys.

I was talking about the song. That was probably sent to you by fax, like every other gn'r related breaking news.

And you're right, I'll leave the comedy to you.

Title: Re: Tidbit of info on Better Leak from WRIF Detroit
Post by: Danny on March 15, 2007, 05:16:38 PM
I was talking about the song. That was probably sent to you by fax, like every other gn'r related breaking news.

And you're right, I'll leave the comedy to you.

You're not helping yourself here, dude.

Thanks for admitting you're not funny, though. :peace:

Title: Re: Tidbit of info on Better Leak from WRIF Detroit
Post by: polluxlm on March 15, 2007, 05:26:24 PM
I was talking about the song. That was probably sent to you by fax, like every other gn'r related breaking news.

And you're right, I'll leave the comedy to you.

You're not helping yourself here, dude.

Thanks for admitting you're not funny, though. :peace:

Happy to indulge.

It was actually easier than I thought admitting I can never be as big a joke as you. Congratulations on yet another victory. I bow down. :peace: