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Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: The Dog on March 11, 2007, 10:49:27 PM

Title: Fox's 1/2 hour news hour
Post by: The Dog on March 11, 2007, 10:49:27 PM
Has anyone else seen this show?  Wow...I'm just dumbfounded.  For those who were lucky enough to not have stumbled upon it the way I did, its Fox's answer to the Daily Show and Colbert Report.  The major difference between the two is that Comedy Central's programs are funny, while this show is...well, not.  Pretty funny that they tried to make a "rebuttal show". 

Title: Re: Fox's 1/2 hour news hour
Post by: SLCPUNK on March 11, 2007, 10:52:50 PM
You have to be intelligent to be funny........

Title: Re: Fox's 1/2 hour news hour
Post by: eddie_dean on March 11, 2007, 11:01:36 PM
What's more upsetting?  Fox making a lousy show or a substantial portion of the American public getting their opinions and information from a comedy show?

Title: Re: Fox's 1/2 hour news hour
Post by: Booker Floyd on March 11, 2007, 11:08:39 PM
What's more upsetting?  Fox making a lousy show or a substantial portion of the American public getting their opinions and information from a comedy show?

A lousy show?

Title: Re: Fox's 1/2 hour news hour
Post by: The Dog on March 11, 2007, 11:12:46 PM
What's more upsetting?? Fox making a lousy show or a substantial portion of the American public getting their opinions and information from a comedy show?

A lousy show?

DING DING DING!!!  you sir, are correct  : ok:

Title: Re: Fox's 1/2 hour news hour
Post by: SLCPUNK on March 11, 2007, 11:22:53 PM
or a substantial portion of the American public getting their opinions and information from a comedy show?

Who said that?


Title: Re: Fox's 1/2 hour news hour
Post by: The Dog on March 11, 2007, 11:36:18 PM
or a substantial portion of the American public getting their opinions and information from a comedy show?

Who said that?


I'd rather people get their news from a comedy show than Fox News.  Then again, Fox is pretty funny, but I don't think its trying to be.  Much like a lot of the right wing posters on this site  :hihi:

Title: Re: Fox's 1/2 hour news hour
Post by: SLCPUNK on March 11, 2007, 11:36:54 PM
  Much like a lot of the right wing posters on this site  :hihi:

They have no idea.........

Title: Re: Fox's 1/2 hour news hour
Post by: freedom78 on March 12, 2007, 12:11:11 AM
What's more upsetting?  Fox making a lousy show or a substantial portion of the American public getting their opinions and information from a comedy show?

The Daily Show and Colbert Report are comedy posing as news.  Most know that it's comedy.  Those who don't are imbeciles. 

Fox News is propaganda posing as news.  If this sounds familiar, you can find other examples on the following channels!

North Korean State Run Television
Cuban State Run Television
Iranian State Run Television
Chinese State Run Television
...and so on.

Fox News isn't the OFFICIAL de jure mouthpiece of conservative government forces, but it's certainly the de facto mouthpiece.  Of course, I have no problem with conservative programming (or any ideological programming, for that matter), though posing such programming as "fair and balanced" news coverage is simply false.  And, while there are certainly biased programs on other stations (Olbermann on MSNBC seems to view himself as the new liberal champion, to the detriment of what used to be a very fun program), they tend to be programs OTHER than the normal news coverage.  And, they're complemented by programming from another perspective (Scarborough on MSNBC, before he started his every day Natalie Holloway coverage).     

So, I'll rework your question:

What's more upsetting?:  A substantial portion of the American public getting their opinions and information from a comedy show or lacking the openmindedness to get your news from a source that might not always support your beliefs?

Title: Re: Fox's 1/2 hour news hour
Post by: Bodhi on March 12, 2007, 02:02:11 PM
the show has its moments...its still nowhere near as good as the daily show or colbert(even though colberts act gets pretty annoying sometimes) see you have to hold some of the political views that Fox has in order to find it funny...otherwise it would just piss you off...considering most of the people on this board appear to be liberals or at least act like it you will hate the show.. i mean ripping on the ACLU and saying "politically incorrect" things about Arabs is something most libs get offended by....I am an independent although I do tend to vote republican in most(not all) of the elections...but if you hold ZERO repbulican views you are not going to find anything on the show funny...i doubt it will be on the air very long...seems like a little side project they are working on...i guess Fox figures since they kick everyones ass in the ratings with their news shows why not take a crack at some does seem a little out of place on that station though...

Title: Re: Fox's 1/2 hour news hour
Post by: The Dog on March 12, 2007, 03:13:33 PM
the show has its moments...its still nowhere near as good as the daily show or colbert(even though colberts act gets pretty annoying sometimes) see you have to hold some of the political views that Fox has in order to find it funny...otherwise it would just piss you off...considering most of the people on this board appear to be liberals or at least act like it you will hate the show.. i mean ripping on the ACLU and saying "politically incorrect" things about Arabs is something most libs get offended by....I am an independent although I do tend to vote republican in most(not all) of the elections...but if you hold ZERO repbulican views you are not going to find anything on the show funny...i doubt it will be on the air very long...seems like a little side project they are working on...i guess Fox figures since they kick everyones ass in the ratings with their news shows why not take a crack at some does seem a little out of place on that station though...

well thats just it, whats it doing on a "news" channel.  I agree about the POV a viewer must have, but while i lean left, I don't like the far left at all sometimes (think southpark's view on the extreme left, the PETA people in douche vs. turd sandwich).  My main problem is the two hosts on the show, just no personality at all.  daily show and colbert work b/c of the personalities.  i think its funny the right is trying to answer those shows, but most of the viewers of those two shows are young people, and most young people tend to lean left anyways......

Title: Re: Fox's 1/2 hour news hour
Post by: Danny on March 12, 2007, 03:48:15 PM
I aggree with most of the opinions on 1/2 Hour News Hour...but man.  That is a shitty, shitty show.  I always hate it when people try and comedically make a ___ version of ___.  It just never works.

That said, I'm not a big fan of The Daily Show either.  I liked it alot better when Craig Kilborn was hosting it.

Title: Re: Fox's 1/2 hour news hour
Post by: The Dog on March 12, 2007, 05:01:08 PM
I aggree with most of the opinions on 1/2 Hour News Hour...but man.  That is a shitty, shitty show.  I always hate it when people try and comedically make a ___ version of ___.  It just never works.

That said, I'm not a big fan of The Daily Show either.  I liked it alot better when Craig Kilborn was hosting it.

Craigers was great, but the format of the show was totally different.  they basically just made fun of the news.  but i would piss myself from laughing so hard.  5 questions was a great segment.

Title: Re: Fox's 1/2 hour news hour
Post by: Danny on March 12, 2007, 05:57:36 PM
Craigers was great, but the format of the show was totally different.  they basically just made fun of the news.  but i would piss myself from laughing so hard.  5 questions was a great segment.

You're damn right.  Craigers is just a naturally funny guy.  John Stewart doesn't seem to be.  He just has decent writters.  Whenever John Stewart has to ad-lib something it's never funny.  In my opinion.

But what do I know.  I produce a podcast where I have a fictional co-host (found at

Title: Re: Fox's 1/2 hour news hour
Post by: Drew on March 12, 2007, 06:36:48 PM
I watched it and I thought it was pretty good and funny. The skits are true to form in what I see on news networks and read about constantly.

Title: Re: Fox's 1/2 hour news hour
Post by: The Dog on March 12, 2007, 07:11:32 PM
I actually can't wait to see daily show and Colbert make fun of this show.  now THAT will be funny.

Drew you can't honestly think the show was funny.  The hosts are just so nasally and annoying.  Any show that leads in with Ann Coulter though automatically loses any credability though....unless you are the type to use her as a source that is  :hihi:

Title: Re: Fox's 1/2 hour news hour
Post by: Drew on March 12, 2007, 07:41:55 PM
Drew you can't honestly think the show was funny.

I did think it was funny HannaHat. Why is that hard to believe? It just sickens me how right on they were with the interview skit with the "Terrorism Intelligence Official" and asking him about the plain sight links connecting Muslims to the crimes. And the skit about the guy wanting to stop children participating in games like 'tug of war', 'duck, duck goose' and 'tag'. I read more and more about school's in this country banning these type of games. That's why I said how right on they were.

Title: Re: Fox's 1/2 hour news hour
Post by: The Dog on March 12, 2007, 07:47:50 PM
Drew you can't honestly think the show was funny.

I did think it was funny HannaHat. Why is that hard to believe? It just sickens me how right on they were with the interview skit with the "Terrorism Intelligence Official" and asking him about the plain sight links connecting Muslims to the crimes. And the skit about the guy wanting to stop children participating in games like 'tug of war', 'duck, duck goose' and 'tag'. I read more and more about school's in this country banning these type of games. That's why I said how right on they were.

I agree with you about our kids today being too coddled.  But I honestly think that only represents a very small percentage of people who think the games should be that way - you hear about it b/c it is so ridiculous, but its not like there is a "war on tag" out there raging in the suburbs.