Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Dead Horse => Topic started by: Danny on March 05, 2007, 11:03:53 AM

Title: Nasty little GNR mention in Houston Chronicle
Post by: Danny on March 05, 2007, 11:03:53 AM
Here's the link:

And here's the paragraph with the GNR mention:

At one point last year, 3/6/07 was listed as a release date for a new Guns 'n Roses album. Hah! Luckily the week is filled with great music from non-wash-ups: Gloomy Canadian hipster band the Arcade Fire, gloomy Americana hipster band Bright Eyes, gloomy pop-punk band Good Charlotte and dreamy French hipster band Air. Oh, and Wynton Marsalis, whose From the Plantation to the Penitentiary is ambitious and bold and critical of racism as well as hip-hop culture. In stores Tuesday.

Title: Re: Nasty little GNR mention in Houston Chronicle
Post by: AxlRose4eva1 on March 05, 2007, 11:16:15 AM
Judging from his tastes in music, im guessing if the album would have came out today the article would have been like, "Dont buy the new GNR cd, buy cd's by these non wash-ups."  Some people just hate GNR, there will be a lot of these, but I love how he uses being critical of racism and hip-hop culture to say how good a certain album is...I bet if Chinese Democracy was entitled "Bush Is a Killer" a lot of these liberal music critics would like it.

Title: Re: Nasty little GNR mention in Houston Chronicle
Post by: Danny on March 05, 2007, 11:20:02 AM
I bet if Chinese Democracy was entitled "Bush Is a Killer" a lot of these liberal music critics would like it.

Wow.  Just when I don't think that this forum could get any worse and I'm thinking about completely spending all my GNR time on the "other" board, somebody says something smart.  Nice job man.  It's good to see there are a few people with half a brain around here still.

Title: Re: Nasty little GNR mention in Houston Chronicle
Post by: Chuzeville on March 05, 2007, 11:29:17 AM
Today I went to the store to get Arcade Fire's CD (great one, btw) and I checked for Chinese Democracy, but apparently it hasn't been released yet.  :hihi:

Title: Re: Nasty little GNR mention in Houston Chronicle
Post by: Nightfall on March 05, 2007, 11:34:16 AM
you're a day to early :P

Title: Re: Nasty little GNR mention in Houston Chronicle
Post by: GeraldFord on March 05, 2007, 11:42:58 AM
I bet if Chinese Democracy was entitled "Bush Is a Killer" a lot of these liberal music critics would like it.

Wow.? Just when I don't think that this forum could get any worse and I'm thinking about completely spending all my GNR time on the "other" board, somebody says something smart.? Nice job man.? It's good to see there are a few people with half a brain around here still.

I'm a liberal and I love GN'R.

Btw, a lot of pro-Bush Nascar loving hicks wont support Axl's new album because "Axl killed the old band and it doesn't sound like AFD."

Title: Re: Nasty little GNR mention in Houston Chronicle
Post by: Lowrlder54 on March 05, 2007, 11:44:25 AM
wow the words "great music" and "good charlotte" were used in the same sentence

Title: Re: Nasty little GNR mention in Houston Chronicle
Post by: BBF Rocks on March 05, 2007, 11:45:20 AM
they don't know how wrong they are...

Title: Re: Nasty little GNR mention in Houston Chronicle
Post by: Danny on March 05, 2007, 11:46:12 AM
I'm a liberal and I love GN'R.

Btw, a lot of pro-Bush Nascar loving hicks wont support Axl's new album because "Axl killed the old band and it doesn't sound like AFD."

I don't think it's a debate between liberal or conservative GNR fans. ?It's about the vast majority of music critics that chastise any music because it in't anti-Bush. ?For some reason right now, music has to be anti-Bush for music critics to like it.

Title: Re: Nasty little GNR mention in Houston Chronicle
Post by: downzy56 on March 05, 2007, 11:59:55 AM
Judging from his tastes in music, im guessing if the album would have came out today the article would have been like, "Dont buy the new GNR cd, buy cd's by these non wash-ups."  Some people just hate GNR, there will be a lot of these, but I love how he uses being critical of racism and hip-hop culture to say how good a certain album is...I bet if Chinese Democracy was entitled "Bush Is a Killer" a lot of these liberal music critics would like it.

He doesn't say it's good, he just says its ambitious and bold.  We all love GNR, but they're not the easiest band to love.  If you're not crazy over their music (and that's fine, it's not going to suit everyone), GNR's means and methods can provoke disapproval if not outright hatred.  If I wasn't into their music I'd probably have problems with Axl and co.  Same with being a Leafs fan.  If I didn't live in Toronto, I'd hate the leafs.



Title: Re: Nasty little GNR mention in Houston Chronicle
Post by: Ganja4Life on March 05, 2007, 12:01:22 PM
haha yeah man what the fucks goin on here its monday :hihi:

Title: Re: Nasty little GNR mention in Houston Chronicle
Post by: Wooody on March 05, 2007, 12:04:13 PM
and who the fuck said GNR is Conservative?
I think not.
I know Tommy doesn't like Bush, I heard it from his own mouth, I know Robin doesn't like him either.

Axl likes to remain ambiguous but he doesn't strike me as being conservative at all......his roots may be from a redneck environment but I don't think that qualifies as conservative, at least we know he's anti-war.

Title: Re: Nasty little GNR mention in Houston Chronicle
Post by: Danny on March 05, 2007, 12:30:36 PM
and who the fuck said GNR is Conservative?
I think not.
I know Tommy doesn't like Bush, I heard it from his own mouth, I know Robin doesn't like him either.

Axl likes to remain ambiguous but he doesn't strike me as being conservative at all......his roots may be from a redneck environment but I don't think that qualifies as conservative, at least we know he's anti-war.

Once again.  This is about rock critics giving bad reviews to music that does not bash Bush.  It has nothing to do with the political preference of either the band members themselves or the fans of the band.

Title: Re: Nasty little GNR mention in Houston Chronicle
Post by: GeraldFord on March 05, 2007, 12:32:22 PM
Maybe Bush will invite Axl to the White House and we can get an iconic picture of Axl and Bush, like Elvis and Nixon.

Title: Re: Nasty little GNR mention in Houston Chronicle
Post by: AxlRose4eva1 on March 05, 2007, 12:38:15 PM
Im not saying GNR is anything, I dont want them to be anything. ?I just think a lot of music critics/industy are highly political liberals. ?I mean who cares if an album is critical of racism...who isnt critical about racism. ?Axl always said a band was like a political party with their own message and a lot of critics see the things Axl writes about as shallow because it doesnt take blatant stances against racism or other issues. ?Again not saying GNR is conservative or liberal, just commenting how if you entitled an Album "12 Reasons Why I Hate Bush" a lot of critics wouldnt say a bad word about it. ?Again not saying one person would like it or not, just saying what critics have been like the past decade or so, just look at the Grammy's.  Not saying I support Bush or hate not going to get into a political discussion on this board, but its hard to argue about critics and the arts medias left leaning.

Title: Re: Nasty little GNR mention in Houston Chronicle
Post by: Wooody on March 05, 2007, 01:05:55 PM
Im not saying GNR is anything, I dont want them to be anything. ?I just think a lot of music critics/industy are highly political liberals. ?I mean who cares if an album is critical of racism...who isnt critical about racism. ?Axl always said a band was like a political party with their own message and a lot of critics see the things Axl writes about as shallow because it doesnt take blatant stances against racism or other issues. ?Again not saying GNR is conservative or liberal, just commenting how if you entitled an Album "12 Reasons Why I Hate Bush" a lot of critics wouldnt say a bad word about it. ?Again not saying one person would like it or not, just saying what critics have been like the past decade or so, just look at the Grammy's.? Not saying I support Bush or hate not going to get into a political discussion on this board, but its hard to argue about critics and the arts medias left leaning.

Aren't you forgetting what happened to the dixie chicks? both the critics and the media brought hell upon them...

ps: I hate the dixie chicks, but Im just saying , it goes both ways , if someone had an album called 12 reasons why I hate bush, a lot of critics would indeed say bad words about it.

Title: Re: Nasty little GNR mention in Houston Chronicle
Post by: ChrisPittman on March 05, 2007, 01:10:25 PM
Arcade Fire suck, dont make me laugh, at least the members of Guns N' Roses know how to use their dicks

Title: Re: Nasty little GNR mention in Houston Chronicle
Post by: Wooody on March 05, 2007, 01:13:41 PM
Arcade Fire suck, dont make me laugh, at least the members of Guns N' Roses know how to use their dicks

You would think someone bashing a band would at least show good taste. Every band he named is bad, except for Bright Eyes which is very good. :P

Title: Re: Nasty little GNR mention in Houston Chronicle
Post by: Danny on March 05, 2007, 01:22:17 PM
Aren't you forgetting what happened to the dixie chicks? both the critics and the media brought hell upon them...

Actually, a lot of music critics who never really would have talked about the Dixie Chicks before they came out against Bush started praising them as brave souls. ?Also, they probably would never have been on the cover of Entertainment Weekly and countless other magazines if they would have NOT spoken out against Bush. ?For the record, I personally boycotted their "music" long before they became the poster children for the anti-Bush movement.

The point is, if GNR's latest album was known to be album how Iraq is horrible, it would be looked on by most critics as a highly anticipated piece of work and they'd probably be getting more press. ?They would spin it to seem like Axl has been away from the music business for a long time but feels the need to come back and speak his mind about the horrible things Bush is doing to this country. ?Keep in mind though, critics don't really equate to album sales. ?N*SYNC sold a helluva lot of records. ?

Something else that bears some thought is the title of the album...Chinese Democracy. ?It's an irony in and of itself and it sort of assumes that a democracy is a good thing. ?Liberal music critics are probably uncomfortable with that.

Title: Re: Nasty little GNR mention in Houston Chronicle
Post by: DuffRock on March 05, 2007, 01:33:34 PM
why is liberal bandied about in america as if its an insult?

"lib?er?al (lĭb'ər-əl, lĭb'rəl) pronunciation

         1. Not limited to or by established, traditional, orthodox, or authoritarian attitudes, views, or dogmas; free from bigotry.
         2. Favoring proposals for reform, open to new ideas for progress, and tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others; broad-minded.
         3. Of, relating to, or characteristic of liberalism.
         4. Liberal Of, designating, or characteristic of a political party founded on or associated with principles of social and political liberalism, especially in Great Britain, Canada, and the United States."

how are those bad traits?

anyways back to your post, why are you turning this into something political?? some critics dislike Axl and the new Guns N' Roses, and some critics are appreciative of them; frankly it seems irrelevant to me that this writer is a member of the "liberal" media. He's just someone who dislikes the band and Mr Rose, regardless of his political agenda

Title: Re: Nasty little GNR mention in Houston Chronicle
Post by: Wooody on March 05, 2007, 02:20:14 PM
why is liberal bandied about in america as if its an insult?

"lib?er?al (l?b'?r-?l, l?b'r?l) pronunciation

? ?1.
? ? ? ? ?1. Not limited to or by established, traditional, orthodox, or authoritarian attitudes, views, or dogmas; free from bigotry.
? ? ? ? ?2. Favoring proposals for reform, open to new ideas for progress, and tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others; broad-minded.
? ? ? ? ?3. Of, relating to, or characteristic of liberalism.
? ? ? ? ?4. Liberal Of, designating, or characteristic of a political party founded on or associated with principles of social and political liberalism, especially in Great Britain, Canada, and the United States."

how are those bad traits?

anyways back to your post, why are you turning this into something political?? some critics dislike Axl and the new Guns N' Roses, and some critics are appreciative of them; frankly it seems irrelevant to me that this writer is a member of the "liberal" media. He's just someone who dislikes the band and Mr Rose, regardless of his political agenda

:D hahahah that is very funny.

Title: Re: Nasty little GNR mention in Houston Chronicle
Post by: Oh My Choking Soul on March 05, 2007, 02:25:09 PM
Arcade Fire suck, dont make me laugh, at least the members of Guns N' Roses know how to use their dicks

Wow. I'd insult you but you do it better yourself. Listen to No Cars Go by Arcade Fire, then listen to Shotgun Blues. Though judging your dick comment you'll likely miss my point.

Statements like that make me think of the stereotypical 1 dimensional GN'R fan that only listens to GN'R, Metallica and Megadeth. Try listening to something outside your comfort zone, you may be surprised.

My favorite bands:

Clap Your Hands Say Yeah
Regina Spektor
Wolf Parade

I'm 32 but I am not stuck in the late 80's early 90's.

Title: Re: Nasty little GNR mention in Houston Chronicle
Post by: justynius on March 05, 2007, 02:25:53 PM
Oh, and Wynton Marsalis, whose From the Plantation to the Penitentiary is ambitious and bold and critical of racism as well as hip-hop culture.

Haha.... that's the best name for an album ever  :hihi:

Title: Re: Nasty little GNR mention in Houston Chronicle
Post by: bigbri on March 05, 2007, 02:45:33 PM
Arcade Fire suck, dont make me laugh, at least the members of Guns N' Roses know how to use their dicks

Wow. I'd insult you but you do it better yourself. Listen to No Cars Go by Arcade Fire, then listen to Shotgun Blues. Though judging your dick comment you'll likely miss my point.

Statements like that make me think of the stereotypical 1 dimensional GN'R fan that only listens to GN'R, Metallica and Megadeth. Try listening to something outside your comfort zone, you may be surprised.

My favorite bands:

Clap Your Hands Say Yeah
Regina Spektor
Wolf Parade

I'm 32 but I am not stuck in the late 80's early 90's.

I like your post. A lot of GNR fans are mostly close minded. Wynton Marsalis is one of the best jazz artists alive, so a lot of people would rather pick up his CD Tuesday than GNR's.

Arcade Fire is very talented and pretty original in what they're doing. Not sure what their dicks have to do with it. Just because you always have yours in your hand doesn't mean squat.

Regina Spektor's new CD is pretty good. Just got it, and Lily Allen.

You gotta have your eyes open to find new music nowadays. Can't rely on MTV and radio to help you.

Fact is, the Houston Chronicle article is probably closer to the truth than people here care to realize.

Title: Re: Nasty little GNR mention in Houston Chronicle
Post by: Oh My Choking Soul on March 05, 2007, 02:51:17 PM
Arcade Fire suck, dont make me laugh, at least the members of Guns N' Roses know how to use their dicks

Wow. I'd insult you but you do it better yourself. Listen to No Cars Go by Arcade Fire, then listen to Shotgun Blues. Though judging your dick comment you'll likely miss my point.

Statements like that make me think of the stereotypical 1 dimensional GN'R fan that only listens to GN'R, Metallica and Megadeth. Try listening to something outside your comfort zone, you may be surprised.

My favorite bands:

Clap Your Hands Say Yeah
Regina Spektor
Wolf Parade

I'm 32 but I am not stuck in the late 80's early 90's.

I like your post. A lot of GNR fans are mostly close minded. Wynton Marsalis is one of the best jazz artists alive, so a lot of people would rather pick up his CD Tuesday than GNR's.

Arcade Fire is very talented and pretty original in what they're doing. Not sure what their dicks have to do with it. Just because you always have yours in your hand doesn't mean squat.

Regina Spektor's new CD is pretty good. Just got it, and Lily Allen.

You gotta have your eyes open to find new music nowadays. Can't rely on MTV and radio to help you.

Fact is, the Houston Chronicle article is probably closer to the truth than people here care to realize.

Thanks, sounds like we have similar tastes. I just found Final Fantasy and think he is great, and Joanna Newsom's Ys and instantly fell in love with her. She looks like a pixie.

Title: Re: Nasty little GNR mention in Houston Chronicle
Post by: freedom78 on March 05, 2007, 02:52:37 PM
and who the fuck said GNR is Conservative?
I think not.
I know Tommy doesn't like Bush, I heard it from his own mouth, I know Robin doesn't like him either.

Axl likes to remain ambiguous but he doesn't strike me as being conservative at all......his roots may be from a redneck environment but I don't think that qualifies as conservative, at least we know he's anti-war.

Excuse me, asshole, but I'm from that same "redneck environment."  Thanks for making assumptions about where I'm from and the type of people who live there.       

Title: Re: Nasty little GNR mention in Houston Chronicle
Post by: Danny on March 05, 2007, 03:09:51 PM
Let's all keep in mind that this article came from the HOUSTON Chronicle.

Title: Re: Nasty little GNR mention in Houston Chronicle
Post by: freedom78 on March 05, 2007, 03:11:54 PM
I haven't actually heard of any of the artists mentioned in the article, as I'm gloriously out of touch with new music. 

Title: Re: Nasty little GNR mention in Houston Chronicle
Post by: Wooody on March 05, 2007, 03:40:37 PM
Arcade Fire suck, dont make me laugh, at least the members of Guns N' Roses know how to use their dicks

Wow. I'd insult you but you do it better yourself. Listen to No Cars Go by Arcade Fire, then listen to Shotgun Blues. Though judging your dick comment you'll likely miss my point.

Statements like that make me think of the stereotypical 1 dimensional GN'R fan that only listens to GN'R, Metallica and Megadeth. Try listening to something outside your comfort zone, you may be surprised.

My favorite bands:

Clap Your Hands Say Yeah
Regina Spektor
Wolf Parade

I'm 32 but I am not stuck in the late 80's early 90's.

I like your post. A lot of GNR fans are mostly close minded. Wynton Marsalis is one of the best jazz artists alive, so a lot of people would rather pick up his CD Tuesday than GNR's.

Arcade Fire is very talented and pretty original in what they're doing. Not sure what their dicks have to do with it. Just because you always have yours in your hand doesn't mean squat.

Regina Spektor's new CD is pretty good. Just got it, and Lily Allen.

You gotta have your eyes open to find new music nowadays. Can't rely on MTV and radio to help you.

Fact is, the Houston Chronicle article is probably closer to the truth than people here care to realize.

Im a fan of the artists you just mentioned but you can't put those indy artists on the same page as guns n' roses. Joanna Newsom can sing about killing her dinner with karate all she wants but she's never going to fill arenas..

So good for you if you like indy bands doing true art, but don't put them in the same sentence with commercial bands like Nirvana or GNR (commercial is not always a bad thing by the way, sometimes its a synonym for 'universal')

Title: Re: Nasty little GNR mention in Houston Chronicle
Post by: Derby Greg on March 05, 2007, 05:55:12 PM
Arcade Fire suck, dont make me laugh, at least the members of Guns N' Roses know how to use their dicks

Wow. I'd insult you but you do it better yourself. Listen to No Cars Go by Arcade Fire, then listen to Shotgun Blues. Though judging your dick comment you'll likely miss my point.

Statements like that make me think of the stereotypical 1 dimensional GN'R fan that only listens to GN'R, Metallica and Megadeth. Try listening to something outside your comfort zone, you may be surprised.

My favorite bands:

Clap Your Hands Say Yeah
Regina Spektor
Wolf Parade

I'm 32 but I am not stuck in the late 80's early 90's.

I like your post. A lot of GNR fans are mostly close minded. Wynton Marsalis is one of the best jazz artists alive, so a lot of people would rather pick up his CD Tuesday than GNR's.

Arcade Fire is very talented and pretty original in what they're doing. Not sure what their dicks have to do with it. Just because you always have yours in your hand doesn't mean squat.

Regina Spektor's new CD is pretty good. Just got it, and Lily Allen.

You gotta have your eyes open to find new music nowadays. Can't rely on MTV and radio to help you.

Fact is, the Houston Chronicle article is probably closer to the truth than people here care to realize.

Excellent succession of posts.

Totally agree with going beyond MTV and radio to get decent music. People cummon, there is so much good stuff out there - you just need to open your eyes. I find lots of great music through music blogs for example. I think we are really in a great position with regards new artists. never has there been such a chance to go it alone and get your music to the people - how many bands are now being broken on the net for example.

Just because Arcade Fire aren't your cup of tea doesn't mean they flat out suck! If you dont like them than thats your bag but I second the comment that these are totally different times to the late 80's, early 90s. Step outside your comfort zone - you can love all genres of music.


Title: Re: Nasty little GNR mention in Houston Chronicle
Post by: 25 on March 05, 2007, 06:08:55 PM

how are those bad traits?

Didn't you read the first definition?  "Not limited to or by established, traditional, orthodox, or authoritarian attitudes, views, or dogmas; free from bigotry." That's like kryptonite to a conservative. Remove the words "Not" and "free from" and it's a pretty accurate description of the fly-over states. And that's not meant to be a witticism, just criticism.

Title: Re: Nasty little GNR mention in Houston Chronicle
Post by: 25 on March 05, 2007, 06:15:42 PM
Wynton Marsalis is one of the best jazz artists alive, so a lot of people would rather pick up his CD Tuesday than GNR's.

Wynton Marsalis has helped to set the progress of jazz back by about five decades. He's a good horn player in the classical tradition but to single him out as "one of the best jazz artists alive" is absurd.

Title: Re: Nasty little GNR mention in Houston Chronicle
Post by: bigbri on March 05, 2007, 06:24:35 PM
Wynton Marsalis is one of the best jazz artists alive, so a lot of people would rather pick up his CD Tuesday than GNR's.

Wynton Marsalis has helped to set the progress of jazz back by about five decades. He's a good horn player in the classical tradition but to single him out as "one of the best jazz artists alive" is absurd.

A lot of people agree with my statement, probably more than agree with yours.

Title: Re: Nasty little GNR mention in Houston Chronicle
Post by: The Chad Cometh on March 05, 2007, 06:33:21 PM
5 bands mentioned in that article and 3 of them are "gloomy" and one is "dreamy".  :rofl:
Do we really care what this guy thinks?

Title: Re: Nasty little GNR mention in Houston Chronicle
Post by: 25 on March 05, 2007, 06:47:15 PM
A lot of people agree with my statement, probably more than agree with yours.

Quite possibly. Marsalis is a good trumpet player and an impressive composer, and his traditionalist approach combined with those aspects has made him very popular. However, his elitist and selective attitude towards jazz' history and accomplishments limits both his potential and the value of his contributions to jazz. Worse still, he likes to spread that poisonous viewpoint and disparage the many true jazz greats who pushed the form forwards from the 1960s onward. I'm sure he still has a very strong following and many, many people rightfully enjoy his music. But if it's all been done before and he intends it to always remain as it was then regardless of how "great" a musician he may be, and despite his many fine contributions to traditional 40s/50s jazz style, he can hardly be called a "great" amongst contemporary jazz musicians.  That may be a minority viewpoint among the buying public and jazz traditionalists but they're the same people who were determined that free, avante and fusion weren't even music, let alone jazz music.

Title: Re: Nasty little GNR mention in Houston Chronicle
Post by: SLCPUNK on March 05, 2007, 07:11:27 PM
I'm a liberal and I love GN'R.

Btw, a lot of pro-Bush Nascar loving hicks wont support Axl's new album because "Axl killed the old band and it doesn't sound like AFD."

I don't think it's a debate between liberal or conservative GNR fans.  It's about the vast majority of music critics that chastise any music because it in't anti-Bush.  For some reason right now, music has to be anti-Bush for music critics to like it.

Why are you even still here ? You phony.

Go check your fax machine.

Title: Re: Nasty little GNR mention in Houston Chronicle
Post by: Communist China on March 05, 2007, 07:15:41 PM
I haven't actually heard of any of the artists mentioned in the article, as I'm gloriously out of touch with new music.?

You've never heard of Wynton Marsalis?

Title: Re: Nasty little GNR mention in Houston Chronicle
Post by: Communist China on March 05, 2007, 07:19:57 PM
Wynton Marsalis is one of the best jazz artists alive, so a lot of people would rather pick up his CD Tuesday than GNR's.

Wynton Marsalis has helped to set the progress of jazz back by about five decades. He's a good horn player in the classical tradition but to single him out as "one of the best jazz artists alive" is absurd.

You wouldn't expect the leader of Ellington productions to be exactly cutting edge, and there's no problems with that. The 70s, 80s and 90s were bad years for jazz, with very few superb records emerging then. Marsalis is as talented as they come, even if I disgaree with his views on jazz culture.

Title: Re: Nasty little GNR mention in Houston Chronicle
Post by: novemberparadise23 on March 06, 2007, 11:11:05 PM
that statment in the chronicle is a joke
the guy dumps on gnr and then praises good charlotte in the same paragraph