Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: Jim Bob on March 04, 2007, 02:19:28 PM

Title: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: Jim Bob on March 04, 2007, 02:19:28 PM
HOLY SHIT!  :o  the video on that link is crazy!

WATAUGA, Texas (CNN) -- Police in suburban Fort Worth, Texas, said a videotape found in a search for stolen goods appears to show two teenagers persuading a 2-year-old boy and his 5-year-old brother to smoke marijuana.

Third-degree felony charges have been filed against the teenagers.

"I have never seen anything like this quite so disturbing," said Bruce Ure, director of public safety for the Watauga Police Department. "Our children count on us to protect them; these individuals did everything but protect these children." (Watch kids puff on apparent joint as teens laugh )

The incident began unfolding February 22, when the Fort Worth Police Department executed a search warrant to look for stolen goods in the apartment of 17-year-old Demetris McCoy, the unemployed uncle of the two children, and 18-year-old Vanswan Polty, Ure said.

Among the items recovered was camera equipment, Ure said. Upon looking at one of the tapes, investigators came across "a session where these two males were providing marijuana" to the youngsters, he said. "They were essentially trying to get them high, laughing. The children are stumbling, falling around."

Ure said it appeared that the videotaped scene was not the boys' first such session.

The 2-year-old was holding what appeared to be a marijuana cigarette "like he's done it before," Ure said. "He's inhaling."

The boys' mother, McCoy's sister, has told police she was sleeping in the back bedroom during the incident. She has not been charged, Ure said.

Nor has another minor, who served as the cameraman, Ure said.

In the video, a man puts a cigarette into the toddler's mouth. The other boy is seen smoking without prompting.

The children have been in the custody of Child Protective Services, Ure said.

Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: Genesis on March 04, 2007, 03:09:01 PM
Strange. The article doesn't mention the race of the person involved, although the word "Black" features prominently in your title. If the situation was different, would you have made it out as "White 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot" ?


Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: CheapJon on March 04, 2007, 03:11:26 PM
this is so fucking sick :no: i mean who would waste good pot on kids (joke :hihi:)

but it really is sick, i can't describe my gut feeling :-\

Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: Jim Bob on March 04, 2007, 03:11:53 PM
Strange. The article doesn't mention the race of the person involved, although the word "Black" features prominently in your title. If the situation was different, would you have made it out as "White 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot" ?


i was describing the kid in the video.  if it was a blonde chick, i woulda put 'blonde chick'   if it was a mexican kid, i woulda put 'mexican kid'.   instead it was a black kid, so i put black 17 year old.   so what?   its a fucking adjective.   

cram your PC garbage up your ass.  Watch the fucking video.

Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: Genesis on March 04, 2007, 03:13:29 PM
i was describing the kid in the video.  if it was a blonde chick, i woulda put 'blonde chick'   if it was a mexican kid, i woulda put 'mexican kid'.   instead it was a black kid, so i put black 17 year old.   so what?   its a fucking adjective.   

cram your PC garbage up your ass.  Watch the fucking video.

Touchy, aren't we? The truth always hurts.  :P

Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: Jim Bob on March 04, 2007, 03:19:32 PM
nothing hurts.   I just can't stand people who take political correctness to far.    you can't even call something what it is without a certian group of PC douchebags bitching about it.   its not like i used any racial slurs or called him anything or made any comments about him being black other than he is black.   is he not?

Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: Robman? on March 04, 2007, 03:22:20 PM
nothing hurts.   I just can't stand people who take political correctness to far.   

damn straight.

I always say Merry Christmas no matter what.

Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: Jim Bob on March 04, 2007, 03:23:18 PM
keeping it on topic.. i think the boys should be in juvy until they are 18 and this needs put on their adult records so that they never are allowed to work around children in any capacity.  this is beyond fucked up!

Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: Genesis on March 04, 2007, 03:24:56 PM
nothing hurts.   I just can't stand people who take political correctness to far.    you can't even call something what it is without a certian group of PC douchebags bitching about it.   its not like i used any racial slurs or called him anything or made any comments about him being black other than he is black.   is he not?

It's not about being PC. I didn't say you should have called him "African American". It's about how you think. The title implies that the fact that he was black makes the crime worse.

Don't give me any BS about "describing him".

Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: CheapJon on March 04, 2007, 03:28:11 PM
The title implies that the fact that he was black makes the crime worse.


Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: BBF Rocks on March 04, 2007, 03:29:53 PM
those black folks at it again, huh?
it just had to be a black guy doing that stuff, lord knows white people don't smoke pot.
sickening headline, another example of how stuck in the past some people can be.
with those views you have it wouldn't surprise me if jim bob was your real name.

Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: Jim Bob on March 04, 2007, 03:35:06 PM

The title implies that the fact that he was black makes the crime worse.

are you fucking serious?    ???  no where does it imply that.  you are finding(or maybe looking for) things that simply aren't there.   

Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: CheapJon on March 04, 2007, 03:36:13 PM
those black folks at it again, huh?
it just had to be a black guy doing that stuff, lord knows white people don't smoke pot.
sickening headline, another example of how stuck in the past some people can be.
with those views you have it wouldn't surprise me if jim bob was your real name.

oh please ::)

Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: BBF Rocks on March 04, 2007, 03:37:19 PM
those black folks at it again, huh?
it just had to be a black guy doing that stuff, lord knows white people don't smoke pot.
sickening headline, another example of how stuck in the past some people can be.
with those views you have it wouldn't surprise me if jim bob was your real name.

oh please ::)

ever since i exposed your blatant racism in msn you've gone after me in every post.
get the fuck away from me.

Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: Jim Bob on March 04, 2007, 03:38:44 PM
those black folks at it again, huh?
it just had to be a black guy doing that stuff, lord knows white people don't smoke pot.
sickening headline, another example of how stuck in the past some people can be.
with those views you have it wouldn't surprise me if jim bob was your real name.
you too?  assuming those are my views because I described a physical aspect of the subject of the video.    Again, if it was a blonde chick and had I replaced "black 17 year old" and instead put "blonde 17 year old girl" would you be getting on my case then?   

Jim Bob is my real name.  :beer:  I live in a old trailer in the woods down her in arkansas.   I love nascar and i fuck my cousin for fun.  anything else you'd like to know just ask.  : ok:

now can we PLEASE get this back on topic? 

Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: BBF Rocks on March 04, 2007, 03:40:46 PM
Again, if it was a blonde chick and had I replaced "black 17 year old" and instead put "blonde 17 year old girl" would you be getting on my case then?? ?

that's the most pathetic excuse of a desperate attempt to cover your tracks i've ever seen.
either you realize the difference is huge or you are fucking stupid. think about it. really.
i don't even wanna bother with explaining the difference, it's so fucking obvious.

Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: CheapJon on March 04, 2007, 03:46:59 PM
ever since i exposed your blatant racism in msn you've gone after me in every post.
get the fuck away from me.

you just make me laugh? :hihi:, it's pathetic how paranoid you are, you think that anybody here believe you? there's even proof that i don't go after you in every post, but sometimes you're too far out so that someone have to tell you how wrong you are..

you're the racist : ok:? :rofl:

Jim Bob is my real name. :beer: I live in a old trailer in the woods down her in arkansas. I love nascar and i fuck my cousin for fun. anything else you'd like to know just ask. : ok:

now can we PLEASE get this back on topic?

haha JB you make me laugh, and yeah he aint a fucking racist, i aint a fucking racist so lets get back on topic shall we?

Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: Jim Bob on March 04, 2007, 03:47:11 PM
i love how you just assume all this shit simply based on the fact that i put 'black 17 year old' in my title.   and thats fine, you can have your opinion, but once again can we please get to the topic???   its a crazy fucking video and i want to hear members thoughts on it.  not what they "know" about me based on the title of this thread.

Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: BBF Rocks on March 04, 2007, 03:50:18 PM
i love how you just assume all this shit simply based on the fact that i put 'black 17 year old' in my title.? ?

well that says alot about you right there, and the fact that you try to draw parallells to hair color says even more.

ever since i exposed your blatant racism in msn you've gone after me in every post.
get the fuck away from me.

you just make me laugh? :hihi:, it's pathetic how paranoid you are, you think that anybody here believe you? there's even proof that i don't go after you in every post, but sometimes you're too far out so that someone have to tell you how wrong you are..

you're the racist : ok:? :rofl:

i can't believe you just had the audacity to turn that around on me and called me a racist for no reason. i HAD a fucking reason! that would be like me calling white people nazis for no reason, it's offending and i wouldn't. for no reason.

Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: EFISH on March 04, 2007, 03:51:56 PM
Ok guys, lets get black on topic!

Yeah, that's a pretty harsh crime.

Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: CheapJon on March 04, 2007, 03:55:12 PM
gurl get back on topic and read wtf it's about instead of calling me and JB racists :confused:

Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: BBF Rocks on March 04, 2007, 03:56:07 PM
gurl get back on topic and read wtf it's about instead of calling me and JB racists :confused:

why, should i just ignore the fact that the headline twisted the article to single out a whole race?
anyway, i've made my point.

Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: CheapJon on March 04, 2007, 04:00:59 PM
gurl get back on topic and read wtf it's about instead of calling me and JB racists :confused:

why, should i just ignore the fact that the headline twisted the article to single out a whole race?
anyway, i've made my point.

you've made your point and you misunderstood JB's title, no harm done honey :-*

but this really is one of the most disturbing things i've seen :no:

Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: Jim Bob on March 04, 2007, 04:03:18 PM
gurl get back on topic and read wtf it's about instead of calling me and JB racists :confused:

why, should i just ignore the fact that the headline twisted the article to single out a whole race?
anyway, i've made my point.

anyone would would assume that all black people give children marijuana based on the title of my thread, are absolute fucking morons and should go to school and learn to read before they come to a messageboard.   i ain't singling any group out sister.

Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: BBF Rocks on March 04, 2007, 04:03:48 PM
gurl get back on topic and read wtf it's about instead of calling me and JB racists :confused:

why, should i just ignore the fact that the headline twisted the article to single out a whole race?
anyway, i've made my point.

you've made your point and you misunderstood JB's title, no harm done honey :-*

i didn't misunderstand shit.

Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: Drew on March 04, 2007, 04:07:03 PM
The Black title was worthy. It was factual information.

Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: CheapJon on March 04, 2007, 04:11:02 PM
i didn't misunderstand shit.

don't be so god damn naive, face it you're wrong, you're making an ass out of yourself

maybe it was wrong to put black in the title (but as drew says, it's a fact it was a black teen who did it) but that is not what this shit is about,

it's about disturbed sick teens who give drugs to kids so let's talk about that

Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: The Dog on March 04, 2007, 04:14:49 PM
The Black title was worthy. It was factual information.

i disagree 100% and I would bet every penny I have you don't see any major news organizations report it this way either.  The story isn't that the kids in the vid are black, its that they are giving minors pot.

It's not about being politically correct either, you simply don't see news headlines describing race/religion unless its specific to the crime (like a hate crime or something).

I'm not calling anyone a racist, but the connotation of the title of this thread implies to me the message to be conveyed is "only black people would be so f'ed up to do this".  If thats not the case, then just change the name of the thread....

Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: CheapJon on March 04, 2007, 04:18:04 PM
The Black title was worthy. It was factual information.

i disagree 100% and I would bet every penny I have you don't see any major news organizations report it this way either.? The story isn't that the kids in the vid are black, its that they are giving minors pot.

It's not about being politically correct either, you simply don't see news headlines describing race/religion unless its specific to the crime (like a hate crime or something).

I'm not calling anyone a racist, but the connotation of the title of this thread implies to me the message to be conveyed is "only black people would be so f'ed up to do this".? If thats not the case, then just change the name of the thread....

it is facts that the one who did it was black, but the guys here on who's noticing that is focusing on the wrong matter, focus on how wrong it is to give kids pot,

who the fuck cares about skin color, this subject is sick the title is not

Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: BBF Rocks on March 04, 2007, 04:18:24 PM
i applaud hannahat and genesis for being the only ones apart from myself in this thread with a brain.
any thinking person with views that are human will react to that title.

Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: CheapJon on March 04, 2007, 04:20:11 PM
i applaud hannahat and genesis for being the only ones apart from myself in this thread with a brain.
any thinking person with views that are human will react to that title.

i didn't react to that title, does that make me an ape? :rofl: :hihi:

Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: BBF Rocks on March 04, 2007, 04:20:59 PM
i applaud hannahat and genesis for being the only ones apart from myself in this thread with a brain.
any thinking person with views that are human will react to that title.

i didn't react to that title, does that make me an ape? :rofl: :hihi:

Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: [mango] on March 04, 2007, 04:22:05 PM
i applaud hannahat and genesis for being the only ones apart from myself in this thread with a brain.
any thinking person with views that are human will react to that title.

i didn't react to that title, does that make me an ape? :rofl: :hihi:

 :rofl: :hihi:

Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: CheapJon on March 04, 2007, 04:25:01 PM
i applaud hannahat and genesis for being the only ones apart from myself in this thread with a brain.
any thinking person with views that are human will react to that title.

i didn't react to that title, does that make me an ape? :rofl: :hihi:

congratiolations (or however the fuck that is spelled) you've made 300 shit posts on this site : ok:

"Radicals and Racists
Don't point your finger at me"

Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: Communist China on March 04, 2007, 04:25:54 PM
The people who are whining about the title- there's a GN'R song on Lies that you have probably heard. And yet here you are praising the man who wrote those lyrics while crucifying JB for using the word 'black'. Tad hypocritical, don't ya think?

Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: The Dog on March 04, 2007, 04:27:33 PM
The Black title was worthy. It was factual information.

i disagree 100% and I would bet every penny I have you don't see any major news organizations report it this way either.  The story isn't that the kids in the vid are black, its that they are giving minors pot.

It's not about being politically correct either, you simply don't see news headlines describing race/religion unless its specific to the crime (like a hate crime or something).

I'm not calling anyone a racist, but the connotation of the title of this thread implies to me the message to be conveyed is "only black people would be so f'ed up to do this".  If thats not the case, then just change the name of the thread....

it is facts that the one who did it was black, but the guys here on who's noticing that is focusing on the wrong matter, focus on how wrong it is to give kids pot,

who the fuck cares about skin color, this subject is sick the title is not

nobody is denying that the video isn't sick.  that doesn't mean pointing out in the headline that the kids are black is ok.  two wrongs don't make a right.  is the guy black? yeah.  is it crucial to the story? no.  he could be purple with pink polka dots and it doesn't change the fact that making a 2 year old smoke pot is disgusting.

do you agree?

i'm assuming you why mention the kid is black then?  just b/c its "a fact"?  Should we also include his height/weight/religion/sexual orientation/income etc....  no you wouldn't.  Why not? b/c its not important to the story.

Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: BBF Rocks on March 04, 2007, 04:28:04 PM
lol @ you people using axl's quotes to defend this shit. sickening.
my point has been made, and cheap jon, that axl quote "racists don't point your finger at me" is pretty much directed at people such as yourself.
it's so typical for racists to take song lyrics to justify their sick views. sad. i've said what i've wanted to say, i'm out.

Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: Drew on March 04, 2007, 04:29:13 PM
i applaud hannahat and genesis for being the only ones apart from myself in this thread with a brain.
any thinking person with views that are human will react to that title.

As long as it's factual information why should anyone be worried how someone may react?

Has this world become so scared to offend someone and hurt their feelings that we can't say the person was black if indeed is he black?

It's not as if it's unknown and was just reported, "We think he is black." The information is factual. It's isn't a lie or alleged.

Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: tbizzle on March 04, 2007, 04:30:17 PM
Yea, I don't get why he used "black" in the title either.  There's a perfectly good 6 letter word that really sums it all up for me.  :yeah

Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: Communist China on March 04, 2007, 04:30:32 PM
lol @ you people using axl's quotes to defend this shit. sickening.
my point has been made, and cheap jon, that axl quote "racists don't point your finger at me" is pretty much directed at people such as yourself.
it's so typical for racists to take song lyrics to justify their sick views. sad. i've said what i've wanted to say, i'm out.

You didn't really defend the fact that your username is implying you're the female version of someone who wants n-words to get out of his way.

Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: BBF Rocks on March 04, 2007, 04:30:56 PM

Has this world become so scared to offend someone and hurt their feelings that we can't say the person was black if indeed is he black?

no, but it has fuck all to do with the story.

Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: Drew on March 04, 2007, 04:31:21 PM
nobody is denying that the video isn't sick.  that doesn't mean pointing out in the headline that the kids are black is ok.  two wrongs don't make a right.  is the guy black? yeah.  is it crucial to the story? no.  he could be purple with pink polka dots and it doesn't change the fact that making a 2 year old smoke pot is disgusting.

do you agree?

i'm assuming you why mention the kid is black then?  just b/c its "a fact"?  Should we also include his height/weight/religion/sexual orientation/income etc....  no you wouldn't.  Why not? b/c its not important to the story.

What's wrong with giving out factual information HannaHat. If he would've been white the same would have been said.

Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: The Dog on March 04, 2007, 04:31:30 PM
i applaud hannahat and genesis for being the only ones apart from myself in this thread with a brain.
any thinking person with views that are human will react to that title.

As long as it's factual information why should anyone be worried how someone may react?

Has this world become so scared to offend someone and hurt their feelings that we can't say the person was black if indeed is he black?

It's not as if it's unknown and was just reported, "We think he is black." The information is factual. It's isn't a lie or alleged.

sigh.  you're missing the point.  lets say he wasn't black, would you write a headline saying:

Jewish 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Arab 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
White, Southern HS drop out 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot

No, you wouldn't - B/C ITS NOT IMPORTANT TO THE STORY!!!

Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: CheapJon on March 04, 2007, 04:31:36 PM
lol @ you people using axl's quotes to defend this shit. sickening.
my point has been made, and cheap jon, that axl quote "racists don't point your finger at me" is pretty much directed at people such as yourself.
it's so typical for racists to take song lyrics to justify their sick views. sad. i've said what i've wanted to say, i'm out.

Eat My Silkworms honey :-*

Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: BBF Rocks on March 04, 2007, 04:31:59 PM
lol @ you people using axl's quotes to defend this shit. sickening.
my point has been made, and cheap jon, that axl quote "racists don't point your finger at me" is pretty much directed at people such as yourself.
it's so typical for racists to take song lyrics to justify their sick views. sad. i've said what i've wanted to say, i'm out.

You didn't really defend the fact that your username is implying you're the female version of someone who wants n-words to get out of his way.

i'm black. nuff said. your statement is a joke.

Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: slash666 on March 04, 2007, 04:32:09 PM
The people who are whining about the title- there's a GN'R song on Lies that you have probably heard. And yet here you are praising the man who wrote those lyrics while crucifying JB for using the word 'black'. Tad hypocritical, don't ya think?

absolutaly spot on. Couldn't have said it better myself

Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: Drew on March 04, 2007, 04:33:56 PM

Has this world become so scared to offend someone and hurt their feelings that we can't say the person was black if indeed is he black?

no, but it has fuck all to do with the story.

See that is what has become of the media. They pick and choose what's they think should and should not be in a story. The media is so scared label anyone except the white'S cause they're afraid they will hurt a minorities feelings. It's sick!

Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: Communist China on March 04, 2007, 04:34:45 PM
lol @ you people using axl's quotes to defend this shit. sickening.
my point has been made, and cheap jon, that axl quote "racists don't point your finger at me" is pretty much directed at people such as yourself.
it's so typical for racists to take song lyrics to justify their sick views. sad. i've said what i've wanted to say, i'm out.

You didn't really defend the fact that your username is implying you're the female version of someone who wants n-words to get out of his way.

i'm black. nuff said. your statement is a joke.

My statement was sort-of a joke, true. But what does the fact that you're black have to do with anything?

Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: Skeba on March 04, 2007, 04:35:59 PM
I was one of those who went kinda "huh?" when I read the title. And like you, CheapJon said, it's not about the skin colour, it's about the subject itself. That's why it was a bit weird to include the race in the title itself. The title, which in news stories tells all the important information about the news. The reason I reacted is that although in this case it might be that it's not racist, this type of reporting has been used as a tool to profile groups of people based on actions of individuals.

Nowadays when you see something like that, it makes some people think what the motives are for giving the information. It especially seems to be an issue if it's about blacks. It's still such a touchy subject, and the sensitivity about how people talk about races is sometimes ridiculous. So I usually don't react to these types of things. And it's an interesting question how much for example these things in general come from a motive to present an article in a certain way, how much it is just a question of how a person thinks and what he/she thinks is important, or if it's just a thing where you have to put something out there and if one doesn't choose his/her words carefully, there'll always be someone who thinks they know what you were trying to do.

Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: BBF Rocks on March 04, 2007, 04:37:35 PM
lol @ you people using axl's quotes to defend this shit. sickening.
my point has been made, and cheap jon, that axl quote "racists don't point your finger at me" is pretty much directed at people such as yourself.
it's so typical for racists to take song lyrics to justify their sick views. sad. i've said what i've wanted to say, i'm out.

You didn't really defend the fact that your username is implying you're the female version of someone who wants n-words to get out of his way.

are you serious? you implied that i wanted "niggers" to get out of my way, i countered it. oh, how i love guys who want to debate by trying to get someone "stuck".
i'm black. nuff said. your statement is a joke.

My statement was sort-of a joke, true. But what does the fact that you're black have to do with anything?

are you serious? you implied that i wanted "niggers" to get out of my way, i countered it. oh, how i love guys who want to debate by trying to get someone "stuck".

Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: BBF Rocks on March 04, 2007, 04:39:01 PM

Has this world become so scared to offend someone and hurt their feelings that we can't say the person was black if indeed is he black?

no, but it has fuck all to do with the story.

See that is what has become of the media. They pick and choose what's they think should and should not be in a story. The media is so scared label anyone except the white'S cause they're afraid they will hurt a minorities feelings. It's sick!

no, your views are sick mr. "white victim". go pick up a history book and come back when you understand some of it.

Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: Jim Bob on March 04, 2007, 04:39:46 PM
did i HAVE to include the kids race in my title, no.  But I did.  It wasn't in a derogatory way.  I didn't call him a n***** or anything like that.    Could I have left it out? sure.   But then you anal retentive PC people wouldn't of had anything to whine about today.  :hihi:

but seriously, no harm meant here.   I write one sentence descriptions for porn galleries all the time and I usually include some factual physical adjectives about the subjects in the gallery, to target people looking for that type of stuff.   so its just a habit I have to use an adjective or two to describe subjects.

Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: Communist China on March 04, 2007, 04:41:02 PM
To Axlgurl: OIAM is still a valid point. How can you support a man who writes things like he did in that song and then turn around and yell at JB for using the word 'black'? Seriously, I don't get it.

Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: BBF Rocks on March 04, 2007, 04:42:23 PM
^ OIAM is still a valid point. How can you support a man who writes things like he did in that song and then turn around and yell at JB for using the word 'black'? Seriously, I don't get it.

this debate has now reached a new low and i refuse to participate.
axl has apologized and explained, but that has fuck all to do with this topic or the title
i hate debaters like you.

Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: Drew on March 04, 2007, 04:43:56 PM

Has this world become so scared to offend someone and hurt their feelings that we can't say the person was black if indeed is he black?

no, but it has fuck all to do with the story.

See that is what has become of the media. They pick and choose what's they think should and should not be in a story. The media is so scared label anyone except the white'S cause they're afraid they will hurt a minorities feelings. It's sick!

no, your views are sick mr. "white victim". go pick up a history book and come back when you understand some of it.

I understand history. My views are valid.

Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: CheapJon on March 04, 2007, 04:45:51 PM
But then you anal retentive PC people wouldn't of had anything to whine about today.? :hihi:

dude don't forget about me "the racist" and "ape" :rofl:

thanks for putting black in the thread title, it has made my evening :hihi:

Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: EFISH on March 04, 2007, 04:47:00 PM
Absolutely! This thread has been very amusing.

Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: 2112 on March 04, 2007, 04:54:17 PM
those black folks at it again, huh?
it just had to be a black guy doing that stuff, lord knows white people don't smoke pot.
sickening headline, another example of how stuck in the past some people can be.
with those views you have it wouldn't surprise me if jim bob was your real name.

oh please ::)

ever since i exposed your blatant racism in msn you've gone after me in every post.
get the fuck away from me.

cheapjon blattetant?  :-\

Oh, and drugs are bad mkay.

Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: Izzy on March 04, 2007, 05:05:24 PM
rascist piece of crap - any article that leads with a persons ethnic group has a viscious agenda

Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: CheapJon on March 04, 2007, 05:08:46 PM
can we start focus on how sick it is to give pot to kids? ???

Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: Bodhi on March 04, 2007, 05:10:59 PM
Strange. The article doesn't mention the race of the person involved, although the word "Black" features prominently in your title. If the situation was different, would you have made it out as "White 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot" ?


oh god forbid you point out when a minority does something wrong...what were you thinking! :o

Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: Genesis on March 04, 2007, 05:19:20 PM
can we start focus on how sick it is to give pot to kids? ???

Yeah sure, god forbid someone should give some to you.

Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: Drew on March 04, 2007, 05:20:24 PM
rascist piece of crap - any article that leads with a persons ethnic group has a viscious agenda

Well there's anothe thread now with a "viscious" agenda.

Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: CheapJon on March 04, 2007, 05:20:58 PM
Strange. The article doesn't mention the race of the person involved, although the word "Black" features prominently in your title. If the situation was different, would you have made it out as "White 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot" ?


oh god forbid you point out when a minority does something wrong...what were you thinking! :o

this is so off topic but i have to say it :hihi:, JB works with porn (if i recall correctly) and he has already said that it wasn't on purpose putting black in the title but since he does it in his work it just came that way automatically, and some people have fetiches (spelling wrong i know) like asian, black, blondes, aliens etc. get that? ?:rofl:

yes this is the most off topic and best post ever :yes:

I write one sentence descriptions for porn galleries all the time and I usually include some factual physical adjectives about the subjects in the gallery, to target people looking for that type of stuff. so its just a habit I have to use an adjective or two to describe subjects.

now let's get back on topic, all those laughing teens should get punished 'cut that is fucking sick :no:

can we start focus on how sick it is to give pot to kids? ???

Yeah sure, god forbid someone should give some to you.

what ::) i'm old enough to decide if i wanna smoke pot, not saying i do, not saying i don't but those, but the guys in the clip forces the kids to do it, can't you see the difference :confused:

Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: Ganja4Life on March 04, 2007, 05:44:13 PM
But then you anal retentive PC people wouldn't of had anything to whine about today.? :hihi:

dude don't forget about me "the racist" and "ape" :rofl:

thanks for putting black in the thread title, it has made my evening :hihi:

same here man :hihi:

  I think that what they made those 2 kids do is horrible.I smoke pot so I can't really say anything bad about it,thatd make me a hypocrite wouldnt it?But I will say that is WAY to fuckin young...what those teenagers did to those kids is just sickening.

  I'm in highschool.I go to English class everyday.I've been able to read since I was 4 years old and have always loved to read.A title should give you enough information so that you know what you are reading is about.Techincally he could have put black in the title..because indeed..they are black.Was it really needed? No. He said he would have put white in if they were white but I highly doubt that :hihi:..anyways ..

  who really gives a shit if it says black anyways?Big fucking deal.Is it gunna make it so you can't sleep at night?I would hope not..that'd be kinda sad wouldnt it.It says

"black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot"

 Because that is what happened.Get over it

Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: Jackamo! on March 04, 2007, 08:35:08 PM
lol @ you people using axl's quotes to defend this shit. sickening.
my point has been made, and cheap jon, that axl quote "racists don't point your finger at me" is pretty much directed at people such as yourself.
it's so typical for racists to take song lyrics to justify their sick views. sad. i've said what i've wanted to say, i'm out.

Eat My Silkworms honey :-*
I gotta get that term copyrighted. :hihi:

And I'm not gonna even say anything about the "black 17 year old" thing, but forcing someone to smoke pot isn't cool at all. :no:

Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: freedom78 on March 04, 2007, 10:53:27 PM
Regarding the video, that's pretty fucked up.

Regarding the title of this thread:

#1: I don't think anyone's being overly p.c.  If they were, the debate would be between using "black" as opposed to "African American."  I also haven't met too many p.c. GNR fans. 

#2: The title does imply something about the importance of race, whether intended or not.  The CNN article is titled " Video appears to show brothers, 2 and 5, smoking pot," and doesn't mention race at all.  That's because it isn't important.  Now, that isn't to say that race CAN'T be important.  For example, if a suspect were on the run, then physical characteristics are important; or, if race was somehow a motivating factor, then it's important.  But in this case they aren't, apart from the ages of the suspects and victims. 

Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: Bill 213 on March 04, 2007, 11:19:18 PM
Regarding the video, that's pretty fucked up.

Regarding the title of this thread:

#1: I don't think anyone's being overly p.c.? If they were, the debate would be between using "black" as opposed to "African American."? I also haven't met too many p.c. GNR fans.?

#2: The title does imply something about the importance of race, whether intended or not.? The CNN article is titled " Video appears to show brothers, 2 and 5, smoking pot," and doesn't mention race at all.? That's because it isn't important.? Now, that isn't to say that race CAN'T be important.? For example, if a suspect were on the run, then physical characteristics are important; or, if race was somehow a motivating factor, then it's important.? But in this case they aren't, apart from the ages of the suspects and victims.?

Sounds like they used "brothers"!!!!!!! Definitely a jab at the black community!  Just kidding...lighten up people.  :peace:

Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: Robman? on March 04, 2007, 11:25:41 PM
If ya think about it, saying he's black isn't bad, since his cousins are black as well, I should think. So that makes this uninteracial crime.

Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: Mr. Redman on March 04, 2007, 11:36:45 PM
JB - there ain't shit wrong with your threads title. I'd have done the same thing. I'm pretty sure we've spoke about shit like this in the past.

And, damn...that's fucked up.

Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: Krispy Kreme on March 04, 2007, 11:46:22 PM
Point 1: The clip was on the news  tonight. The 17 year was black. So  what. It is what it  is. If  the 17 old was  white the story still would  have run.
Point 2: the small kids (2 and 5) did not know what  to do with the joint and of  course did not inhale! But they were reallly intrigued.  ;D Like it was candy.
Point 3. I am so glad that  I live  in Texas.
Point 4: the 17 year old has been placed in child services  or whatever  euphemism  they use--he has been taken out of the house--and faces multiple  felony charges.
Point 5: the mother claims she was asleep. So she doesn't smell  weed  coming from  the main room in the house?

The problems are deeper  than the 17 year old.

Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: Jim Bob on March 04, 2007, 11:51:19 PM

Point 5: the mother claims she was asleep. So she doesn't smell  weed  coming from  the main room in the house?

The problems are deeper  than the 17 year old.

indeed.   You don't just light up a joint in a house where the people aren't cool with it.   The smell is too strong.   Its highly likely this isn't the first time this happened in that house and the mother is at the very least aware that there is weed smoking going on in her house and around her children.   

Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: The Chad Cometh on March 05, 2007, 12:08:07 AM
This is seriously fucked up. The kids don't know what they're doing, the only reason they are willing participants is cause they think they are doing something "cool" with their older brother. What a bunch of complete fuckwits.

And Axlgurl ... that's one of the biggest overreactions I have ever seen.  :yes: :yes:

Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: EFISH on March 05, 2007, 12:10:51 AM

And Axlgurl ... that's one of the biggest overreactions I have ever seen.  :yes: :yes:

It's called seeking attention on a message board.  8)

Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: SLCPUNK on March 05, 2007, 04:07:08 AM
?White asshole oblivious to racial remark-story at eleven.?

Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: BBF Rocks on March 05, 2007, 05:21:05 AM

And Axlgurl ... that's one of the biggest overreactions I have ever seen.? :yes: :yes:

It's called seeking attention on a message board.? 8)

obviously you take the internet way more serious than i do.

Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: polluxlm on March 05, 2007, 05:56:16 AM

And Axlgurl ... that's one of the biggest overreactions I have ever seen.? :yes: :yes:

It's called seeking attention on a message board.? 8)

obviously you take the internet way more serious than i do.


Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on March 05, 2007, 06:36:39 AM
how do you say "Fait Divers" in english ?

Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: Drew on March 05, 2007, 07:01:50 AM
?White asshole oblivious to racial remark-story at eleven.?

See that would be how the media looks at it too. Instead of seeing it's factual information. It's viewed as it hurts someones feelings cause he happened to be black/minority. So it's obvious it's racial and filled with hatred.

Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: CheapJon on March 05, 2007, 07:58:56 AM
But then you anal retentive PC people wouldn't of had anything to whine about today.? :hihi:

dude don't forget about me "the racist" and "ape" :rofl:

thanks for putting black in the thread title, it has made my evening :hihi:

same here man :hihi:

I think that what they made those 2 kids do is horrible.I smoke pot so I can't really say anything bad about it,thatd make me a hypocrite wouldnt it?

no that would not be hypocritical, for example I drink alcohol but i don't give it to 2-5 year olds and that doesn't make me a hypocrite, it's just so plain wrong to do what that black 17 year old did

Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: 25 on March 05, 2007, 09:07:27 AM
Giving drugs, even pot, to pre-teens is just wrong. They aren't going to cough up the money the first time and they don't earn enough to make a habit of it anyway. If you're going to dabble in psychotropic substances at the risk of your liberty, at least make a profit. First rule of acquisition.

Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: JohnMorrison73 on March 05, 2007, 05:56:21 PM
black or white.. fuck that

Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: novemberrainx89 on March 05, 2007, 05:57:24 PM
hahaha my friend sent that to me, it's insane

Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: BurningHills on March 05, 2007, 07:41:19 PM
hahaha my friend sent that to me, it's insane

Yeah - making kids that young smoke pot is real funny.  ::)

Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: difleha on March 05, 2007, 08:51:56 PM
I don't get why black people are like this "minority" thing and they need to feel sorry about themselves. Well, they need to know that the blacks race population consists of more than 3,000,000,000 people on Earth while there are about 800,000,000 white people on Earth. So what's the big deal?

Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: SLCPUNK on March 05, 2007, 09:32:40 PM
I don't get why black people are like this "minority" thing and they need to feel sorry about themselves.

Who said they did?

Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: freedom78 on March 05, 2007, 10:28:53 PM
I don't get why black people are like this "minority" thing and they need to feel sorry about themselves. Well, they need to know that the blacks race population consists of more than 3,000,000,000 people on Earth while there are about 800,000,000 white people on Earth. So what's the big deal?

Umm, not that this has to do with feeling sorry for oneself, but blacks are a racial minority in the US, where the event in this article unfolded. 

The big deal is that your average black person in the world is doing far worse than your average white person.  You can judge that by whatever criteria you choose, be it famine, wealth, disease, infant mortality...take your pick.   

Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on March 06, 2007, 05:20:59 AM
I don't get why black people are like this "minority" thing and they need to feel sorry about themselves. Well, they need to know that the blacks race population consists of more than 3,000,000,000 people on Earth while there are about 800,000,000 white people on Earth. So what's the big deal?

that's because you're not black, not everybody can raise above its own condition.

Title: Re: black 17 year old makes his nephews smoke pot
Post by: Danny Top Hat on March 06, 2007, 08:33:25 AM
Sorry to be the hand of censorship but this thread is ugly.