Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: polluxlm on March 03, 2007, 05:08:57 AM

Title: Jordan Maxwell and symbolism.
Post by: polluxlm on March 03, 2007, 05:08:57 AM
I just watched a thrilling lecture by the researcher Jordan Maxwell, and boy did it open my eyes.

He has essentially looked at historic symbols and it's usage over the course of humanity and shows how they have been melded and manipulated by religion and other forces of power.

I'll just try and summarize some of the stuff so you get an idea what he's about.

The bible mentions that Abrahams people picked Manna from the heavens in the morning. When they ate it they could talk to god. This was in fact nothing more than Magic Mushrooms.

This is why we have European kings, Islamic leaders, Catholic High Priests and plenty other religious leaders and powerfull men wearing mushroom shaped head pieces as the crown, turbans etc. They were the ones that talked to god.

Some of you may know that sun moves 1 degree on the sky each day of the year, making us go from summer to winter. Except for 3 days in December, 22-24, when it stands still. Ie. it's 'dead'. Then on the 25th it rises again marking that summer is coming, ie. it 'lives'. In the bible it says Jesus was dead for 3 days before he was ressurected. That's not a coincedence.

And you the Jews celebrating Easter, which is a play on words with the pre historical god Ishtar.

You have god and the devil, another play on the words good and evil.

You may have seen the nazi cross (not the swastika). It's a circle with a cross in it. That's an ancient symbol from Egypt depicting the worship of the sun and the cross depicting north, east, west and south. The divine god. You see this symbol being used by the nazis, islam, the pope and catholisism etc. This is also where the word N,E,W,S stem from. The happenings of the world.

You have the fasces symbol. A bundle of sticks wrapped around an axe. It symbolises the saying "where one is weak, together they are strong". This was used by the roman authority. It was adopted by Hitler and the nazis, Mussolini used it. Now you can see it in US House of Representatives and on US coins.

Imagine looking at a typical church from above, what does it remind you of? That's right, the male penis. It's the symbol of male power. It's not supposed to be a cross, it's a dick! That's where the cross comes from. This is also why you see spires all over the world. Christianity uses spires, Islam does, Judaism does and you might know of a huge spire in Washington DC. It's simply symbols of male power.

Then you have lucifer. It means venus, the day star. Symbolising that the day is coming (venus rises on the sky a few hours before the sun). That's again where the word and meaning of enlightenment comes from. Lucifer equals enlightenment. Now you may understand why the church has made us believe lucifer is bad and evil.

You have the ancient god of El. The master of wisdom and power. That's why you have elderly and elite.

Jahve, believed to be the name of god. It's not. Jahve stems from hebrew and means something like the release of the forces of nature. Something that builds up and releases itself. It's basically sex, the act.

I could go on, but I recommend you hear it from him. What he's basically saying is that all religions and beliefs on the world has it's basis in worship of the sun. Christianity, Judaism, Islam is all the same thing. Leaders and rulers have since day one adopted symbols and traditions so they can rule the people that belive in them. It's manipulation, nothing more.

Check it out here:

Title: Re: Jordan Maxwell and symbolism.
Post by: Jimmy? on March 03, 2007, 05:16:06 AM
Thats interesting, thanks for sharing  : ok: I've looked into symbolism before and it really is fascinating and changes the way you look at things.

Title: Re: Jordan Maxwell and symbolism.
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on March 03, 2007, 06:48:44 AM
many of these are "english language" centered. ( good / god  and devil / evil .... i mean come on!)

many of these are "modern western civilization" centered.

Title: Re: Jordan Maxwell and symbolism.
Post by: polluxlm on March 03, 2007, 06:58:37 AM
many of these are "english language" centered. ( good / god? and devil / evil .... i mean come on!)

many of these are "modern western civilization" centered.

And your point is?

They are not 'modern' western, just western. And that's because it's the west that has influenced the world.

And of course it's english, he's english and so is a big portion of the world. Try it in german (gut, got) and you'll find much of the same stuff.

But it's all a coincedence right?

Title: Re: Jordan Maxwell and symbolism.
Post by: mikesc on March 03, 2007, 07:11:37 AM
many of these are "english language" centered. ( good / god? and devil / evil .... i mean come on!)

many of these are "modern western civilization" centered.

I thought the same, those are coincidences in the English language.

They are not 'modern' western, just western. And that's because it's the west that has influenced the world.

And of course it's english, he's english and so is a big portion of the world. Try it in german (gut, got) and you'll find much of the same stuff.

But it's all a coincedence right?

It doesn?t really work in German: gut == Gott (a bit) but Teufel == b?se (no way)

And eastern == Ishtar, not likely, the Hebrew (where eastern originiates) word for eastern is something like Pessach or Pascha (the word is used in German occasionally)

So if the author didn?t check those simple facts, the other stuff is probably poorly investigated too => Bullshit

Title: Re: Jordan Maxwell and symbolism.
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on March 03, 2007, 07:20:34 AM
many of these are "english language" centered. ( good / god? and devil / evil .... i mean come on!)

many of these are "modern western civilization" centered.

And your point is?

They are not 'modern' western, just western. And that's because it's the west that has influenced the world.

And of course it's english, he's english and so is a big portion of the world. Try it in german (gut, got) and you'll find much of the same stuff.

But it's all a coincedence right?
my point is , yo got my point

everything is mixed up here
modern civilization reference, west, east, different languages, X beliefs, Y beliefs ...

the trend of trying to find links betweens words and numbers is always working when you broaden your area of search.

but that's cool, some of these stuff are interesting, but kinda " DUH !"

Title: Re: Jordan Maxwell and symbolism.
Post by: polluxlm on March 03, 2007, 09:01:30 AM
my point is , yo got my point

everything is mixed up here
modern civilization reference, west, east, different languages, X beliefs, Y beliefs ...

the trend of trying to find links betweens words and numbers is always working when you broaden your area of search.

but that's cool, some of these stuff are interesting, but kinda " DUH !"

Well of course it seems mixed up (and don't take my summary as an example, that was just to deliver the thrust of it), but the point this guy is trying to make is that the mix ups isn't necessarily just that. Konstantin 'approving' the bible immediately struck me when I saw this. And to see popes and cardinals wearing pagan symbols also rang a bell. Not to mention the vatican signing contracts and meeting with nazi and fascist leaders. There is something they're not telling us, and that's why each and everyone should seriously doubt what we've been told since we were born.

I'm not saying this is gospel, but it was enough to get me interested in further research.

Title: Re: Jordan Maxwell and symbolism.
Post by: November_Rain on March 03, 2007, 09:01:47 AM
Very interesting stuff,thanx for posting!

It?s the first time I?ve heard about this Jordan Maxwell dude/dudette( ? ) but this stuff sounds interesting,do you know if he/she has written any books on symbolism?.It would be an interesting read.

Title: Re: Jordan Maxwell and symbolism.
Post by: polluxlm on March 03, 2007, 09:03:13 AM
Very interesting stuff,thanx for posting!

It?s the first time I?ve heard about this Jordan Maxwell dude/dudette( ? ) but this stuff sounds interesting,do you know if he/she has written any books on symbolism?.It would be an interesting read.

I don't know yet, but I would guess so. I'm going to check on that when I have more time. But you can start with watching some of his lectures, interviews and films on google.

Title: Re: Jordan Maxwell and symbolism.
Post by: November_Rain on March 03, 2007, 09:06:06 AM
Very interesting stuff,thanx for posting!

It?s the first time I?ve heard about this Jordan Maxwell dude/dudette( ? ) but this stuff sounds interesting,do you know if he/she has written any books on symbolism?.It would be an interesting read.

I don't know yet, but I would guess so. I'm going to check on that when I have more time. But you can start with watching some of his lectures, interviews and films on google.
Thanx,I?ll google to find out :)

Title: Re: Jordan Maxwell and symbolism.
Post by: Skeba on March 04, 2007, 02:51:53 PM
I watched about 1,5 hours.

I really think that some of the connections he just throws out there as facts, and whilst most of them had good valid points behind them, there were some that just made at least me go "what?". On some things he seems to be making assumptions and stating them as facts and also he does seem to be trying a bit too hard to connect everything and make everything fit his ideas.

The shape of a ring comes from Saturn's belt? It couldn't be that something that's round goes around your finger ( or body in general) pretty much more conveniantly than a square or a triangle? And it couldn't be that a round shape just has always pleased the human eye..?

I don't know. I remain very sceptical about that sort of thing.