Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: Ron Jones on March 02, 2007, 01:20:23 AM

Title: GNR Plan To Finish Mixing By The End of March! (Rumor)
Post by: Ron Jones on March 02, 2007, 01:20:23 AM
A member over on posted a thread stating that GNR are going in to work on mixing this Monday. So I found his myspace and messaged him and he said the following:

Date: Mar 1, 2007 10:09 PM Flag as Spam or Report Abuse [ ? ]? ?
Subject: RE: ?
Body: from dizzy himself, was with him last night.
the plan is to have mixing completed by the end of march.?

his myspace is:

make what you want out of this but this guy doesn't seem like a bullshitter

Title: Re: GNR Plan To Finish Mixing By The End of March! (Rumor)
Post by: Bruno Poeys on March 02, 2007, 01:23:37 AM
ask him if he is a Dizzy friend, lol, and why he "left" HNB :D

Title: Re: GNR Plan To Finish Mixing By The End of March! (Rumor)
Post by: polluxlm on March 02, 2007, 02:18:10 AM
Keyword here is plans.

What does plans do in GN'R? :hihi:

Title: Re: GNR Plan To Finish Mixing By The End of March! (Rumor)
Post by: tim_m on March 02, 2007, 02:20:57 AM
well if thats true and they do finish by the end of march. i would guess a late may early june release.

Title: Re: GNR Plan To Finish Mixing By The End of March! (Rumor)
Post by: von on March 02, 2007, 02:23:51 AM
Late April. That's what methinks. Whether this tidbit is true or not, I still think late April.

Title: Re: GNR Plan To Finish Mixing By The End of March! (Rumor)
Post by: GNRreunioneventually on March 02, 2007, 02:32:16 AM
Keyword here is plans.

What does plans do in GN'R? :hihi:

they change :D

Late April. That's what methinks. Whether this tidbit is true or not, I still think late April.

agreed either april or may :peace:

Title: Re: GNR Plan To Finish Mixing By The End of March! (Rumor)
Post by: DemocracyRose on March 02, 2007, 02:35:08 AM
They are mixing right now... : ok: as the band is currently mixing

Title: Re: GNR Plan To Finish Mixing By The End of March! (Rumor)
Post by: ChrisPittman on March 02, 2007, 03:23:28 AM
I have a video from Jan 4th 1991 in which Duff and Matt are rehearsing for Rock N Rio 2. Duff tells the fans that the album is finished, its just being mixed, and it will be out we all know it didnt emerge until September

Title: Re: GNR Plan To Finish Mixing By The End of March! (Rumor)
Post by: KaptainKuntra on March 02, 2007, 04:09:51 AM
I thought the they had already been mixing according to the update on, according to this the band aren't starting mixing til Monday? I think the Illusion albums would have taken a great deal longer to mix back then, technology wasn't as good (read the article about syncing desks together etc to mix November rain) and (we think) there was a lot more material to mix (2 double albums worth).

Title: Re: GNR Plan To Finish Mixing By The End of March! (Rumor)
Post by: holyhat00 on March 02, 2007, 04:13:23 AM
Why are we even talking about the illusion albums in relation to CD?  Or what duff said?!  That was 15 years ago!!  I understand that you're trying to use a point of reference, but seriously.  It was a different band, and a different time.  It's 2007, and it seems from axl's letter that we'll know when we know.

Title: Re: GNR Plan To Finish Mixing By The End of March! (Rumor)
Post by: NicoRourke on March 02, 2007, 04:19:34 AM
Keyword here is plans.

What does plans do in GN'R? :hihi:

The famous movie quote, from Way Of The Dog :

"A plan is a list of things that won't happen" :yes:

As it's GN'R we're talking about, I'm sure we have no idea what's going on.

But something's definitly going on ;)

Title: Re: GNR Plan To Finish Mixing By The End of March! (Rumor)
Post by: Mal Brossard on March 02, 2007, 07:32:20 AM
Late April. That's what methinks. Whether this tidbit is true or not, I still think late April.

April 24... Please let it be April 24 (my b-day is the 23rd).

Title: Re: GNR Plan To Finish Mixing By The End of March! (Rumor)
Post by: November_Rain on March 02, 2007, 07:42:07 AM
Nothing new,isn?t it? ::)

Title: Re: GNR Plan To Finish Mixing By The End of March! (Rumor)
Post by: kriss_boy on March 02, 2007, 08:06:00 AM
I love it how the majority of people here just guess everything.

Everyone guess that because it wasnt coming out in like summer than it would november... then everyone guessed december... then axl said march so you all say march.. then when it got to like feb with no word people started guessing end of march.. then people started guessing april.... and now people are guessing september again....


The point is we no NOTHING. why nother speculating.

Title: Re: GNR Plan To Finish Mixing By The End of March! (Rumor)
Post by: AxlRose4eva1 on March 02, 2007, 08:43:31 AM
In order to be in April, according to Axl's timeline the album would have to be done pretty much in the next could of days.  I do bet the "plan" is to get this done by the end of March though.  Also if this guy was such a good friend of Dizzy I highly doubt he would be emailing random people GNR's plans etc... I think that this is probably bull shit, however, hearing a rumor about a rumor from a homeless guy who cleaned duff's winshield is about as liable as anything that comes out of bands management.

Title: Re: GNR Plan To Finish Mixing By The End of March! (Rumor)
Post by: November_Rain on March 02, 2007, 08:45:09 AM
I love it how the majority of people here just guess everything.

Everyone guess that because it wasnt coming out in like summer than it would november... then everyone guessed december... then axl said march so you all say march.. then when it got to like feb with no word people started guessing end of march.. then people started guessing april.... and now people are guessing september again....


The point is we no NOTHING. why nother speculating.
You?re right dude. But the problem is not that people speculate  but when they believe the things they speculate and then they don?t happen as they wanted/believed/expected,that is the real problem.

Also, the GNR forums are full of fake insiders and know-it alls.

Title: Re: GNR Plan To Finish Mixing By The End of March! (Rumor)
Post by: AxlRose4eva1 on March 02, 2007, 08:56:49 AM
Only thing you can do with this album is guess...Hell even Axl, the band and management have been guessing.  If the bands not giving reliable info, then how do you expect the fans to come up with this set in stone info.  People guess because thats all they can do.

Title: Re: GNR Plan To Finish Mixing By The End of March! (Rumor)
Post by: November_Rain on March 02, 2007, 08:59:53 AM
Yes, we ALL guess, but the problem is that some people believe those guesses as facts and then it comes the disappointment.

Title: Re: GNR Plan To Finish Mixing By The End of March! (Rumor)
Post by: chriskon72 on March 02, 2007, 11:42:59 AM
I have a video from Jan 4th 1991 in which Duff and Matt are rehearsing for Rock N Rio 2. Duff tells the fans that the album is finished, its just being mixed, and it will be out we all know it didnt emerge until September

  In 91 guns were in Toronto on tour in June. They recorded Axl's rant from Get in The Ring in Toronto at Metalworks studios. So it sounds like they were mixing somethings while still recording and adding pieces to other songs.

This doesn't seem the case now...yet ;D. Oh I don't even want to think about it! ::)

Title: Re: GNR Plan To Finish Mixing By The End of March! (Rumor)
Post by: downzy56 on March 02, 2007, 12:02:56 PM
I have a video from Jan 4th 1991 in which Duff and Matt are rehearsing for Rock N Rio 2. Duff tells the fans that the album is finished, its just being mixed, and it will be out we all know it didnt emerge until September

It'd be surprised if mixing of this album went the same route for a couple of reasons (some already mentioned). 

First, Illusions was two albums. 

Second, it's so much easier to mix songs with the software that exists today.  I'm in a band and we use CuBase.  To mix and master a song usually takes a day or two depending on how many layers we use (think NIN meets Evanessence).  Granted Chinese Democracy will be a lot more complex with string arrangements and whatnot, but if they're using ProTools or any other current recording technology, it shouldn't take too long so long as Axl knows what he wants out of the mix. 

Third, I find it hard to believe that if 26 of 32 songs were done last year, that they wouldn't start mixing some of those finished songs a long time ago.  So it's not like the Illusion Days, where in January they were starting the mixing process.  My guess is that what's being mixed right now is whatever was recorded over the last six months.  Dizzy saying that mixing should be done by the end of March kind of makes sense if they've got six months of recording to get through (and from the sound of things, in the last six months there has been an insane amount of recording).

Fourth, I genuinely believe that it's in the band's interest to have this thing wrapped up and ready before they take off and perform Japan/Asia/Australia/Africa.  Axl sounded quite agitated that the album wasn't finished for the last North American tour, so I find it hard to believe that he'd commence another tour without having everything done.  It doesn't mean it will be out before they go back out on tour, but at least the band has finished what they needed to do.

That's my circumstantial evidence for it being mixed and mastered by the end of March, beginning of April (I don't care who the artists is or what the album consists of, mastering only takes a week at the most). 



Title: Re: GNR Plan To Finish Mixing By The End of March! (Rumor)
Post by: AxlsMainMan on March 02, 2007, 12:18:31 PM
Makes sense to me.

The finished album handed in to Universal before they head overseas would be the best case scenario at this point.

Title: Re: GNR Plan To Finish Mixing By The End of March! (Rumor)
Post by: Janabis on March 02, 2007, 12:43:24 PM
Makes sense to me.

The finished album handed in to Universal before they head overseas would be the best case scenario at this point.

Yeah, and it's very possible that the album will be leaked online by that point.

Title: Re: GNR Plan To Finish Mixing By The End of March! (Rumor)
Post by: GNRreunioneventually on March 02, 2007, 04:35:16 PM
Makes sense to me.

The finished album handed in to Universal before they head overseas would be the best case scenario at this point.

Yeah, and it's very possible that the album will be leaked online by that point.

agreed :yes: i can't wait. Damn we are so close

Title: Re: GNR Plan To Finish Mixing By The End of March! (Rumor)
Post by: Jimmy? on March 02, 2007, 04:42:54 PM
We'll have no downloadin' motherfuckers on this go post your blasphemy somewhere else.


Check out the leaks by the way, they're very cool!

Title: Re: GNR Plan To Finish Mixing By The End of March! (Rumor)
Post by: thomas on March 02, 2007, 05:11:29 PM
here the screen shot


Title: Re: GNR Plan To Finish Mixing By The End of March! (Rumor)
Post by: GunnerRose on March 02, 2007, 05:27:10 PM
Why are we even talking about the illusion albums in relation to CD?? Or what duff said?!? That was 15 years ago!!? I understand that you're trying to use a point of reference, but seriously.? It was a different band, and a different time.? It's 2007, and it seems from axl's letter that we'll know when we know.

Yea, the problem the new band allows AXL to be even SLOWER...

Title: Re: GNR Plan To Finish Mixing By The End of March! (Rumor)
Post by: moons on March 02, 2007, 08:06:20 PM
as has been said elsewhere, most professional bands these days spend almost as much time mixing as they do recording. say, 3 months recording and two months mixing. obviously that doesnt bode well for a quick mix of cd.

especially considering axl is dealing with songs that probably have upwards of 100 tracks. extremely hard to mix... i dont think "soon" is the word just yet...

Title: Re: GNR Plan To Finish Mixing By The End of March! (Rumor)
Post by: guns_n_motley on March 02, 2007, 08:22:05 PM
as has been said elsewhere, most professional bands these days spend almost as much time mixing as they do recording. say, 3 months recording and two months mixing. obviously that doesnt bode well for a quick mix of cd.

especially considering axl is dealing with songs that probably have upwards of 100 tracks. extremely hard to mix... i dont think "soon" is the word just yet...

so another 10years on the mixing? :hihi: :rofl:

seriously, I think the plan is to have it done by April

Title: Re: GNR Plan To Finish Mixing By The End of March! (Rumor)
Post by: acompleteunknown on March 02, 2007, 08:47:10 PM
Didn't the band start mixing some of the CD in September?  Wasn't there an announcement that Andy Wallace had started mixing the album before the fall leg of the tour?  Is this true or just more rumor?

Also, is the band mixing in NY or LA?

Title: Re: GNR Plan To Finish Mixing By The End of March! (Rumor)
Post by: tHeElEcTrIcSiNtAr on March 02, 2007, 08:50:48 PM
Didn't the band start mixing some of the CD in September?  Wasn't there an announcement that Andy Wallace had started mixing the album before the fall leg of the tour?  Is this true or just more rumor?

Also, is the band mixing in NY or LA?

Yeah it was in Rolling Stone magazine.

Honestly, I dont think mixing is gonna take as long as some of you people think its going to. Its not like they are starting from scratch like most bands do. They've had rough mixes for so long now. Just look at the leaks, they are not that badly mixed. And with Andy mixing since late last year to whoever is mixing now, I honestly think that mixing will take a month at the most.

Title: Re: GNR Plan To Finish Mixing By The End of March! (Rumor)
Post by: King Axl on March 03, 2007, 08:33:51 AM
Sounds like a summer release now. Even if mixing is completed in the next week or two, there's always an inevitable delay that pushes the proposed release date back several months.

Maybe June.

Title: Re: GNR Plan To Finish Mixing By The End of March! (Rumor)
Post by: bringbackadler on March 03, 2007, 09:09:49 AM

I think HMV'S September release sounds about right now.

I mean, that date is just a guess on there part, but the month of September is probably fairly realistic.

I mean, if they're saying it'll be done being mixed within a month, then I'm saying two or three. (sorry, but let's be semi-realistic)


Title: Re: GNR Plan To Finish Mixing By The End of March! (Rumor)
Post by: guns_n_motley on March 03, 2007, 09:17:01 AM

I think HMV'S September release sounds about right now.

I mean, that date is just a guess on there part, but the month of September is probably fairly realistic.

I mean, if they're saying it'll be done being mixed within a month, then I'm saying two or three. (sorry, but let's be semi-realistic)


If its not done being Mixed by when they go back on tour, just rule out 2007 as a whole. THey will be on TOUR they cant mix while on tour. Theyve already been mixing parts of songs since september. and have been mixing since end of janruary/early february for this, that is 2-3 months. The plan is obviously to finsih everythign up by the time they go on tour. If not GNR is dead.

Title: Re: GNR Plan To Finish Mixing By The End of March! (Rumor)
Post by: Bartlet on March 03, 2007, 09:49:11 AM

I think HMV'S September release sounds about right now.

I mean, that date is just a guess on there part, but the month of September is probably fairly realistic.

I mean, if they're saying it'll be done being mixed within a month, then I'm saying two or three. (sorry, but let's be semi-realistic)


If its not done being Mixed by when they go back on tour, just rule out 2007 as a whole. THey will be on TOUR they cant mix while on tour. Theyve already been mixing parts of songs since september. and have been mixing since end of janruary/early february for this, that is 2-3 months. The plan is obviously to finsih everythign up by the time they go on tour. If not GNR is dead.

Why cant they mix on tour?

Didn't the band start mixing some of the CD in September? Wasn't there an announcement that Andy Wallace had started mixing the album before the fall leg of the tour? Is this true or just more rumor?

Also, is the band mixing in NY or LA?

Yeah it was in Rolling Stone magazine.

Honestly, I dont think mixing is gonna take as long as some of you people think its going to. Its not like they are starting from scratch like most bands do. They've had rough mixes for so long now. Just look at the leaks, they are not that badly mixed. And with Andy mixing since late last year to whoever is mixing now, I honestly think that mixing will take a month at the most.

On the other hand, the andy wallace thing could be a bad thing. Firstly we dunno that its actually true. Secondly we dont know if he is still the mixer. If he isnt, that could mean all sorts of awful things.

Im just neutrally hypothesising.

Title: Re: GNR Plan To Finish Mixing By The End of March! (Rumor)
Post by: AxlRose4eva1 on March 03, 2007, 09:57:49 AM
I really cant see them mixing on tour.  Im not ruling it out, but mixing more than everything requires equipment and if Axl has to cancel tourdates in the U.S. to make minor recording touchups which should be a lot easier to lay down and require very common pieces of equipment etc... I really dont think we will see Axl mixing on tour.

Title: Re: GNR Plan To Finish Mixing By The End of March! (Rumor)
Post by: Bartlet on March 03, 2007, 10:03:01 AM
I really cant see them mixing on tour.? Im not ruling it out, but mixing more than everything requires equipment and if Axl has to cancel tourdates in the U.S. to make minor recording touchups which should be a lot easier to lay down and require very common pieces of equipment etc... I really dont think we will see Axl mixing on tour.

They have no tour dates lined up this year for the US yet...? Surely the equipment being common isa good thing...?

Title: Re: GNR Plan To Finish Mixing By The End of March! (Rumor)
Post by: sic. on March 03, 2007, 10:21:41 AM
I really cant see them mixing on tour. Im not ruling it out, but mixing more than everything requires equipment and if Axl has to cancel tourdates in the U.S. to make minor recording touchups which should be a lot easier to lay down and require very common pieces of equipment etc... I really dont think we will see Axl mixing on tour.

Mixing is something Axl doesn't have to do by himself. He'll only supervise it.

With modern technology Axl could hear every new mix the engineers make during the same day, no matter what continent he's in at the time. All it takes is some planning. I'm not saying that's what they'll do, but it's certainly possible.

But if recording mid-tour proved to be a strain for him... We'll see.

here the screen shot

Different rumor. spoke about the band flying to New York next Monday to finish mixing.

This topic is about the rumor that the mixing will be finished by the end of March.