Here Today... Gone To Hell!

The Perils Of Rock N' Roll Decadence => Duff, Slash & Velvet Revolver => Topic started by: newgnr on March 01, 2007, 09:50:22 PM

Title: Do you support VR?
Post by: newgnr on March 01, 2007, 09:50:22 PM
I am supporting and wishing Duff, Slash, and Matt the best.  I like them...besides axl and izzy, they are why I fell in love w/gnr, so obviously I am going to wish them the best and hoope VR does well.

However, I HATE SCOTT WITH A PASSION!!!!! Can not stand that fag of a singer. 

So i'm stuck between a rock and a hard place on my support for VR.  Anyone else feel the same?

Title: Re: Do you support VR?
Post by: Booker Floyd on March 01, 2007, 10:14:32 PM
I am supporting and wishing Duff, Slash, and Matt the best.  I like them...besides axl and izzy, they are why I fell in love w/gnr, so obviously I am going to wish them the best and hoope VR does well.

However, I HATE SCOTT WITH A PASSION!!!!! Can not stand that fag of a singer. 

So i'm stuck between a rock and a hard place on my support for VR.  Anyone else feel the same?

You might be better off at some other section of the site.

Title: Re: Do you support VR?
Post by: metallex78 on March 01, 2007, 10:25:25 PM
It is an odd pairing sure, but Scott more than impressed me when I saw VR live.

And yeah, of course I suppport VR. : ok:

Title: Re: Do you support VR?
Post by: GNRreunioneventually on March 01, 2007, 10:29:24 PM
I am supporting and wishing Duff, Slash, and Matt the best.? I like them...besides axl and izzy, they are why I fell in love w/gnr, so obviously I am going to wish them the best and hoope VR does well.

However, I HATE SCOTT WITH A PASSION!!!!! Can not stand that fag of a singer.?

So i'm stuck between a rock and a hard place on my support for VR.? Anyone else feel the same?

i know what you meen man. I didn't much care for STP and i dont like scott either. I really wish they would have got with Baz instead of scott i think it would have made the band better and gotten them more atenion ya know?

but yeah man don't feel alone i know what your saying and i totally agree : ok:

Title: Re: Do you support VR?
Post by: estrangedpaul on March 02, 2007, 07:23:48 PM
I am supporting and wishing Duff, Slash, and Matt the best.? I like them...besides axl and izzy, they are why I fell in love w/gnr, so obviously I am going to wish them the best and hoope VR does well.

However, I HATE SCOTT WITH A PASSION!!!!! Can not stand that fag of a singer.?

So i'm stuck between a rock and a hard place on my support for VR.? Anyone else feel the same?

Stop turning it into personalities. Its all about the music. Forget about your personal feelings on each of the members. Instead turn the volume up to 11 and listen to Contraband from the start tto finish. Coz what comes out of your speakers is all that matters. You either like the music or you don't. Nothing else matters.

Title: Re: Do you support VR?
Post by: Dead Flower on March 02, 2007, 07:50:08 PM
I really wish they would have got with Baz instead of scott i think it would have made the band better and gotten them more atenion ya know?

I think you're insane. No one gives a shit about Bach anymore. Haven't for quite some time.

Title: Re: Do you support VR?
Post by: newgnr on March 02, 2007, 09:29:25 PM
I am supporting and wishing Duff, Slash, and Matt the best.? I like them...besides axl and izzy, they are why I fell in love w/gnr, so obviously I am going to wish them the best and hoope VR does well.

However, I HATE SCOTT WITH A PASSION!!!!! Can not stand that fag of a singer.?

So i'm stuck between a rock and a hard place on my support for VR.? Anyone else feel the same?

Stop turning it into personalities. Its all about the music. Forget about your personal feelings on each of the members. Instead turn the volume up to 11 and listen to Contraband from the start tto finish. Coz what comes out of your speakers is all that matters. You either like the music or you don't. Nothing else matters.

who said anything about personalities?  I don't like his voice (actually back in the early STP days it was good, but not now) and I CAN'T stand his songwriting.  Have you noticed that like 4 or 5 songs sound EXACTLY the same as far as singing style and pattern of how he sings the song.  It's terrible.  He can't write lyrics for shit.  "fall to pieces?" hahahah how more cliche can you get?  real original.... ::)

Title: Re: Do you support VR?
Post by: Communist China on March 02, 2007, 09:48:51 PM
I am supporting and wishing Duff, Slash, and Matt the best.? I like them...besides axl and izzy, they are why I fell in love w/gnr, so obviously I am going to wish them the best and hoope VR does well.

However, I HATE SCOTT WITH A PASSION!!!!! Can not stand that fag of a singer.?

So i'm stuck between a rock and a hard place on my support for VR.? Anyone else feel the same?

If someone said this about new GN'R, replacing 'Scott' with say 'Robin' or 'Richard', they'd be banned.

Title: Re: Do you support VR?
Post by: JohnMorrison73 on March 02, 2007, 10:45:40 PM
i support both- new gnr and VR

Title: Re: Do you support VR?
Post by: GNRreunioneventually on March 02, 2007, 11:13:38 PM
I really wish they would have got with Baz instead of scott i think it would have made the band better and gotten them more atenion ya know?

I think you're insane. No one gives a shit about Bach anymore. Haven't for quite some time.

well Bach is a hell of a better singer than Scott is or ever be ::)

Title: Re: Do you support VR?
Post by: Stonerose on March 02, 2007, 11:41:28 PM
I try my hardest to like VR, but i just cant, honestly the songs just dont do anythin for me. I remember the day contraband came out, i was so pumped, but for me it just sux. I cant stand Scotts voice, his lyrics, his style (hes never had any of his own, always ripping someone off). Its just boring shit, but i still love slash and duff.

Title: Re: Do you support VR?
Post by: von on March 03, 2007, 01:35:21 AM
I am supporting and wishing Duff, Slash, and Matt the best.  I like them...besides axl and izzy, they are why I fell in love w/gnr, so obviously I am going to wish them the best and hoope VR does well.

However, I HATE SCOTT WITH A PASSION!!!!! Can not stand that fag of a singer. 

So i'm stuck between a rock and a hard place on my support for VR.  Anyone else feel the same?

Might wanna watch that. And to answer your question, no, I have no problem supporting them. I'm actually a big fan. I actually think Scott is one of rock's best frontmen, with his majestic, elastic vocals and stage presence.

Title: Re: Do you support VR?
Post by: Bruno Poeys on March 03, 2007, 02:05:55 AM
I try my hardest to like VR, but i just cant, honestly the songs just dont do anythin for me. I remember the day contraband came out, i was so pumped, but for me it just sux. I cant stand Scotts voice, his lyrics, his style (hes never had any of his own, always ripping someone off). Its just boring shit, but i still love slash and duff.
they don't have Axl in songwriting/singing. That's why they suck now.  : ok:

Title: Re: Do you support VR?
Post by: Jim Bob on March 03, 2007, 03:57:41 AM
I am supporting and wishing Duff, Slash, and Matt the best.  I like them...besides axl and izzy, they are why I fell in love w/gnr, so obviously I am going to wish them the best and hoope VR does well.

However, I HATE SCOTT WITH A PASSION!!!!! Can not stand that fag of a singer. 

So i'm stuck between a rock and a hard place on my support for VR.  Anyone else feel the same?

If someone said this about new GN'R, replacing 'Scott' with say 'Robin' or 'Richard', they'd be banned.

well its a GNR site.  NOt a VR or Scott Weiland site, so thats to be expected.

On topic, do I support VR? Well I bought Contraband but it really didn't do much for me at all.   If the music is good, I'll listen.   I'm honestly not too interested in them tho.

Title: Re: Do you support VR?
Post by: shaunbhoy on March 03, 2007, 05:50:48 AM
Velvet Revolver are great, l like Contraband but its just nothing like G'N'R :hihi:

Title: Re: Do you support VR?
Post by: ChrisPittman on March 03, 2007, 06:31:45 AM
Duff, Matt and Slash should employ Gilby and Izzy...then fire Scott and Dave. Once thats finished, they could market themselves as Guns N' Roses and compete against Axl like the L.A. Guns currently are

Title: Re: Do you support VR?
Post by: MJ23 on March 03, 2007, 06:32:20 AM
Contraband is a very solid record and I anticipate a hell more of the new album.
I agree on some things written above like Scott's "qualities" as a singer. I really do not like his way of singing. When you listen to the album you will see how some stuff sounds the same, he doesn't have the capability of singing with many different styles. The songs have a sound from average to good, but there is no real "killer tune", "Contraband" sounds like a mixture of STP with some Slash solo tunes and the rest is a mixture of some good ideas that haven't been finished in the right way.

Just to make it it clear: I am not a "GN'R fan" hating VR, it's just that I would like to listen to a good VR record and not "Contraband".

Title: Re: Do you support VR?
Post by: lcg on March 03, 2007, 07:32:02 AM
Yeah, I support them. I've never been too sure on whether I like Scott or not, but that should change when I see them live, whenever that'll be, hopefully this year.

Title: Re: Do you support VR?
Post by: BBF Rocks on March 03, 2007, 08:45:48 AM
no, they suck and scott = human shit.

Title: Re: Do you support VR?
Post by: wadey on March 03, 2007, 10:37:04 AM
ive never supperted VR. thinks is cos of SCOTT FREAKING WEILAND.........................dont like him and dont like the sound
love the rest of the band but i cant stand SW.....its a shame duff, slash and matt are now playing secondary music, theyre way too talented for that....yeah im gonna get slated for saying it...............HMMmmm well!

Title: Re: Do you support VR?
Post by: Locomotive98 on March 03, 2007, 10:46:17 AM
no, they suck and scott = human shit.

Yay your still here...  :'(

Fully support VR, theyre a great live band, CB didnt exactly set my world on fire, but neither have the new Axl Band leaks.... I fully expect Libertad to be a leap in the right direction...

Title: Re: Do you support VR?
Post by: polluxlm on March 03, 2007, 10:49:38 AM
Duff, Matt and Slash should employ Gilby and Izzy...then fire Scott and Dave. Once thats finished, they could market themselves as Guns N' Roses and compete against Axl like the L.A. Guns currently are

They can't market themselves as Guns N' Roses.

But perhaps 80% GN'R is a possible name. Then Axl would counter with 42,1% GN'R :hihi:

Title: Re: Do you support VR?
Post by: Grouse on March 03, 2007, 10:59:18 AM
yep support them 110%, I wasn't that blown away by CB to be honest but when I saw them live they really impressed me. They are one of the best live acts around and I can't wait to hear libertad? :peace:

Title: Re: Do you support VR?
Post by: gnrlies247 on March 03, 2007, 11:36:16 AM
I support VR,only cos slash, duff and matt are in the band.I Don't like Scott weiland , I hate his voice and from what I've seen on bootleg dvds,he acts like he's gay(even though he's not),so i don't understand why he acts like that and when he slagged off axl,that made me dislike him even more.Contraband didn't exactly blow me away,it was listenable though.Hopefully the new album will be better : ok:.

Title: Re: Do you support VR?
Post by: von on March 03, 2007, 03:42:18 PM
Matt being in the band is incidental for me, although I do prefer his playing to Steve Adler's. I wish Izzy decided to stick with the band, but to me it's less some GN'R reunion and really just a cool rock band with Slash and Duff back playing together and a bunch of other talented guys, Scott Weiland being one of my favorite frontmen among them.

Title: Re: Do you support VR?
Post by: bigbri on March 03, 2007, 09:38:48 PM
It's amazing, all the people here who bought Contraband but don't like it but somehow think the next record is gonna be some type of leap forward. Sure, Contraband may be "solid." Some turds are. It was a weak record considering the talent they have in that band. So, do I support them? I already had high hopes for them, and they let me down.  (shakes head, walks away.)

Title: Re: Do you support VR?
Post by: The Chad Cometh on March 03, 2007, 10:06:13 PM
When I heard Slash was starting a new band I was so fucking excited. I heard a few of the songs on the radio before the release of the albumn and was so unbelievably dissapointed. The guitar is weak for Slash and the vocals (although I rely heavily on good vocals for a band to be good imo) were just terrible. They don't suit the band at all and were just ... shite imho.

Title: Re: Do you support VR?
Post by: lynn1961 on March 03, 2007, 10:57:03 PM
I'm totally different, here.  GnR was and is (in the Appetite era) my favorite band of all time. Still listen to Appetite, and love it.  In the years following, I stopped listening to them...when they brought in Dizzy and Teddy (Zig Zag), I lost it - I was confused. Years passed, and I didn't follow GnR stuff.  Then the song, Slither, came out.  Loved it.  Had no idea who VR was.  However, I also loved Scott Weiland.  I like STP, but never bought any CD.  I learned and knew enough about Scott to know that I thought he was one of the greatest frontmen of all time - androgynous and different - chameleon.  I loved him.  And then, when I knew who was behind Slither, I was floored - Matt, Slash, Duff, Scott.  That was it, for me, and has been ever since.  Do I support them?  Fuck yes!   Let's face it - who could possibly sing lead for a band that includes Matt Sorum, Duff, and Slash?   They have to replace Axl.  Scott is not Axl.  We know that. However, they had to have a "notorious" kind of guy.  Sebastian?  - the lond blonde hair & screaming (and I do love the guy) would have just brought about a Cinderella/GnR/80's nostalgia......    Again, do I supoort them?  Yes.  And I can't wait until they come back into Michigan, this year.   I will be there.  Front row.                 

Title: Re: Do you support VR?
Post by: GnFnR87 on March 04, 2007, 02:07:28 AM
u can't judge scott's vocals and lyrcs just from Contraband. sure they are a little repetitive and overall could have been much better. i am a huge STP fan and i have to say Scott has always been diverse with his vocal delivery. and even lyrically, i think Core was his best as far as lyrics, after that the drugs kinda made a good amount of STP's hard to understand and just flat out weird.

i love Scott, i think he is a great frontman, especially in this shitty rock scene.

i like Velvet Revolver, Contraband was okay. people seem to forget that all the music was written for that BEFORE Scott joined. he just picked his favorite tracks and put vocals on them. with this new record the songs will be from them writing TOGETHER.

Title: Re: Do you support VR?
Post by: tomass74 on March 04, 2007, 09:10:39 AM
I support VR 100%... I have seen them live like 5 times and they are fucking awesome... I love Contraband.. It isn't one of the best albums of all time but it is a solid record.. I even think that some songs stand up to classic Gn"r like "Dirty Little Thing" and "Slither"...  I also think they have some original sounding GREAT songs like "Superhuman", "Loving The Alien" and "Big Machine"  They definately weren't what I was expecting them to sound like but I wasn't disappointed.. That being said, I still think Libertad will be even better...

Also Scott is no Axl Rose.. At this point in time I would say that is a good thing  : ok:

Title: Re: Do you support VR?
Post by: Mr. Nik™ on March 04, 2007, 09:21:57 AM
I don't support VR, but I wish them to go on till the end of their careers

Title: Re: Do you support VR?
Post by: gummyfish on March 04, 2007, 05:13:01 PM
I am supporting and wishing Duff, Slash, and Matt the best.  I like them...besides axl and izzy, they are why I fell in love w/gnr, so obviously I am going to wish them the best and hoope VR does well.

However, I HATE SCOTT WITH A PASSION!!!!! Can not stand that fag of a singer. 

So i'm stuck between a rock and a hard place on my support for VR.  Anyone else feel the same?

I agree fully..... except for your love of Matt. He was good, but he just didn't do it for me. ;)

Title: Re: Do you support VR?
Post by: Krispy Kreme on March 04, 2007, 10:27:46 PM
1. I support VR and  think they are  a great band. Not GNR  in its heyday, but then again, not many bands  were (or are).
2. Scott came  on board because Slash, Matt, and Duff wanted him. I have to respect  their  opinion and believe  that  they know what  they are doing.
3. The fact that CB went platinum and the band  toured  the world for 18 months tells you something; it  could not have been a totally bad decision because the band got  more  popular  as time went  by.

Title: Re: Do you support VR?
Post by: Albert S Miller on March 08, 2007, 09:25:35 PM
I am supporting and wishing Duff, Slash, and Matt the best.? I like them...besides axl and izzy, they are why I fell in love w/gnr, so obviously I am going to wish them the best and hoope VR does well.

However, I HATE SCOTT WITH A PASSION!!!!! Can not stand that fag of a singer.?

So i'm stuck between a rock and a hard place on my support for VR.? Anyone else feel the same?
I agree with the exception of the support issue, I will continue to be supportive due to my feelings about Slash, Duff, and Matt, well maybe not my feelings totally, but also in regards to their talents,  I cannot stand Scott W. either, but i really do wish them well, I am certainly not nearly as supportive as i am in regards to GNR, but I will go see them again when they release the new album.

Title: Re: Do you support VR?
Post by: Bodhi on March 09, 2007, 01:30:53 AM
I am supporting and wishing Duff, Slash, and Matt the best.? I like them...besides axl and izzy, they are why I fell in love w/gnr, so obviously I am going to wish them the best and hoope VR does well.

However, I HATE SCOTT WITH A PASSION!!!!! Can not stand that fag of a singer.?

So i'm stuck between a rock and a hard place on my support for VR.? Anyone else feel the same?

I agree 100 percent... i tolerate that poser Scott Weiland.....thats about it....

Title: Re: Do you support VR?
Post by: slane92 on March 11, 2007, 01:16:29 PM
I try my hardest to like VR, but i just cant, honestly the songs just dont do anythin for me. I remember the day contraband came out, i was so pumped, but for me it just sux. I cant stand Scotts voice, his lyrics, his style (hes never had any of his own, always ripping someone off). Its just boring shit, but i still love slash and duff.

I have huge respect for all ex-GNR members, always wish them well.

VR's music just doesnt do much for me.  :(

Title: Re: Do you support VR?
Post by: shaxon on March 11, 2007, 01:20:09 PM
I respect and support VR : they are building their own legacy and aren't living in the past.

Title: Re: Do you support VR?
Post by: gummyfish on June 14, 2007, 10:51:12 PM
i bought contraband, and then cried. i was expecting greatness, and instead i got the nasty kind of liquid shit that feels like lava coming out of your ass-crack when your sick(you know exactly what i'm talking about). slash n' duff are back, kushner was decent in wasted youth, and matt....well, he's ok. but weiland.....omfg. i've never grown to hate anybody just of their singing style/talent(or lack there of),? but he is just terrible. typical, boring, unoriginal, monotone grunge vocals. but worse. he sounds like a goddamn robot. i honestly didn't think by least favorite singer list could be added to anymore. but it now stands at: bono, james hetfield, kurt cobain, any death metal vocalist ever(got this idea/concept from some magazine), and now scott weiland.all in all, no i don't support them. the reason why i feel they suck, is the stunning lack of songwriting ability. Axl and Izzy were the songwriting geniuses for GN'R. VR never had a chance. Duff is the only decent songwriter in the bunch, and he certainly couldn't carry them to greatness. and what a surprise that the only song weiland really wrote, is a song about him not being gay. if he were out of the closet ,i wouldn't care. but so long as he continues to act like a flamboyant homo, and deny his gaydom(?), it will continue to annoy the fuck out of me. if he werent such an asshole, junky, sexually-confused, pompous little twerp(who sucks at singing), i prolly wouldn't hate him so much. plus that one hate messege he left for Axl was just petty in every sense of the word. there's no doubt in my mind that if the two were to throw down, Axl would beat the living fuck outta him.

Title: Re: Do you support VR?
Post by: Jim Bob on June 14, 2007, 11:04:43 PM
from what i've heard so far, i will not be buying the new album.   i think they are absolute garbage.

Title: Re: Do you support VR?
Post by: freedom78 on June 15, 2007, 01:06:58 PM
I certainly don't hate Scott with a passion, and I'm not going to be too critical of a band that's playing rock n' roll in this current atmosphere of emo, nu-metal, and generic pop.

But I don't think he's a good fit with the band.  He has that grunge background, and is playing with a bunch of guys who were in a real sleazy rock outfit. 

That said, I thought Contraband was good (not great).  I listen to it now and then, and don't consider it a bad purchase.  I think the biggest problem is that, despite being the last member, this has become Scott's band.  Band's often center around a frontman, so that's no surprise, but I think they really under utilize the talents of Slash & Co. 

From what I've heard so far of the new album, I think it's not as good as Contraband.  But, I'll give it a full listen before deciding if I'll buy it.

Title: Re: Do you support VR?
Post by: American Hellhound on June 15, 2007, 01:42:24 PM
Sure I support VR.

I don't think Contraband was anything groundbreaking, but those Slash solos make the experience worth it in itself.

If you buy the album and are expecting that same magic that was present  w/ AFD and UYI's you will probably feel a little disappointed.

I was a big STP fan back in the day, but after hearing Scott's childish rant last year about Axl being a "fat botox freak " that was  pretty much enough to turn me off of the guy.

If they make their way down to Florida, I'll definitely catch them live, but mostly because of my admiration for Slash and Duff.   :peace:

Title: Re: Do you support VR?
Post by: MarioGunner on June 15, 2007, 02:10:46 PM
I am supporting and wishing Duff, Slash, and Matt the best.  I like them...besides axl and izzy, they are why I fell in love w/gnr, so obviously I am going to wish them the best and hoope VR does well.

However, I HATE SCOTT WITH A PASSION!!!!! Can not stand that fag of a singer. 

So i'm stuck between a rock and a hard place on my support for VR.  Anyone else feel the same?

i know what you meen man. I didn't much care for STP and i dont like scott either. I really wish they would have got with Baz instead of scott i think it would have made the band better and gotten them more atenion ya know?

but yeah man don't feel alone i know what your saying and i totally agree : ok:

This is true, not sure Scott was the best decission but it was their decission, so, I can say that so far, they're doing fine and I really hope Libertad becomes a great album.

Title: Re: Do you support VR?
Post by: isa on June 15, 2007, 07:01:49 PM
I am supporting and wishing Duff, Slash, and Matt the best.? I like them...besides axl and izzy, they are why I fell in love w/gnr, so obviously I am going to wish them the best and hoope VR does well.

However, I HATE SCOTT WITH A PASSION!!!!! Can not stand that fag of a singer.?

So i'm stuck between a rock and a hard place on my support for VR.? Anyone else feel the same?

I agree with you, I mean I love Slash n Duff, I wish them the best, but I hate that singer too, it doesn't fix, I read that he was Matt's (I've never liked this one) decission.

Title: Re: Do you support VR?
Post by: SlashRock on June 16, 2007, 01:34:01 PM
I love them.  :beer: They're one of the best bands around at present and put on a great live show, so yes I support them.

Title: Re: Do you support VR?
Post by: slashBOG on June 16, 2007, 02:25:11 PM
all the way to the grave

Title: Re: Do you support VR?
Post by: kimberly on June 16, 2007, 02:58:19 PM
I feel kind of neutral about Velvet Revolver as a whole...they're not bad, but they're not good either. I saw them live on the Fields Of Rock 2 years ago and I remember feeling annoyed with Scott Weiland's and I'm not even sure why. I think that I'd expected a little more of Velvet Revolver with such a band line-up. They should've just picked a different singer (Billy Morrison would've been really cool) and not played it that safe.

Title: Re: Do you support VR?
Post by: chinese democrazy on June 16, 2007, 09:53:18 PM
My two favorite bands growing up were Gn'R and STP. It was like a fantasy line up that was strangely becoming a reality for me. I support them, and they make great music, however different it may be from both of the previous bands.

Title: Re: Do you support VR?
Post by: slashvr86 on June 16, 2007, 10:59:02 PM
100% support velvet revolver, its funny how every1 is so negative about contraband. all the older musos in the scene im in love it. it was great coz i had thrashed appetite and the UYI albums and was prety bored with GNR. then i heard about STP and got all their albums and was quite impressed. so bring on libertad. it be better then anything out there at the moment

Title: Re: Do you support VR?
Post by: snakepipero on June 17, 2007, 06:37:18 AM
YEAHH I SUPPORT VELVET REVOLVER. The main reason is because slash and duff, my fauvorite musicians ever, but there are some other reasons because i love so much these guys and their music: sadly there aren't many rock bands right now; I didn't know scott before VR and now i really like him (his solo stuff, stp stuff and vr stuff) i think he's an amazin' singer, frontman and composer; i like them because they have been able to get a different and fresher sound from their previous bands ...

i can't understand why so many people hate this band or scott, it's only rock and roll, come on guys enjoy the music and stop your stupid paranoids, if you don't like their music go to another band but let the rest of us enjoy the rock and roll!!!  : ok:

Title: Re: Do you support VR?
Post by: Ines_rocks! on June 17, 2007, 09:33:47 AM
I support VR as Slash, Duff and yeah... Matt too are there... that?s it... I?m not a fan of VR... I?m fan of those guys so I kinda support this project... I bought Contraband which I liked... I was going to a VR show but it was cancelled lol ( :'()...
I wish them all the best but that?s it. It?s cool to see they?re having fun with this project, that they can write new music and tour which is their life anyway... Scott used to annoy me at the beginning but now I?m kinda used to him... yet I?m one of those that think that if they had another singer.... well.. that?s another story  : ok:

Title: Re: Do you support VR?
Post by: noGnoG on June 17, 2007, 10:16:56 AM
Hate is to big a word for me about Scott. I simply don't care to much about his singing, it's to much of the same for me. And his stage presence makes me feel uncomfartable, it's not really tough rock & roll. So yes, I also like VR for Slash and Duff. In the end I support VR, already ordered Libertad! What I've heard so far sounds decent, but I wait for the album to really judge it.

Title: Re: Do you support VR?
Post by: Krispy Kreme on June 17, 2007, 09:33:20 PM
yep support them 110%, I wasn't that blown away by CB to be honest but when I saw them live they really impressed me. They are one of the best live acts around and I can't wait to hear libertad? :peace:

I agree with comment 100% and I could not have  said  it  better.

BTW, they are not GNR, but then, who is?

Take it  for what  is  it--great rock n roll really loud, and Slash  is  the best.

That takes nothing way from Axl, who is also great. Support for  the two bands  is not mutually exclusive.

Title: Re: Do you support VR?
Post by: EFISH on June 17, 2007, 10:05:50 PM
yep support them 110%, I wasn't that blown away by CB to be honest but when I saw them live they really impressed me. They are one of the best live acts around and I can't wait to hear libertad  :peace:

I agree with comment 100% and I could not have  said  it  better.

BTW, they are not GNR, but then, who is?

Take it  for what  is  it--great rock n roll really loud, and Slash  is  the best.

That takes nothing way from Axl, who is also great. Support for  the two bands  is not mutually exclusive.

I couldn't agree more.  :beer:

Title: Re: Do you support VR?
Post by: The Catcher on June 17, 2007, 10:28:37 PM
no, they suck.

Title: Re: Do you support VR?
Post by: Krispy Kreme on June 17, 2007, 10:33:35 PM
Hey, you can't disagree  with me! You owe me  $300 for advice about dreams and your girlfriend!  :rofl:The least  you can do is not step on me after  my kind advice!!