Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: polluxlm on February 26, 2007, 04:58:43 AM

Title: The Rothschild family and The New World Order
Post by: polluxlm on February 26, 2007, 04:58:43 AM
Mayer Amschel Rothschild was born in Frankfurt Am Main on 'Jew Street' in 1744. Taking over his fathers coin and money lending business he discovered there was alot more profit in lending to kings and governments than private citizens. Not only were the loans bigger, but he also had collateral in the citizens taxes.

He soon grew immensly rich and installed his 5 sons in the capitals of Europe to manage banks. Branches were soon set up in Vienna, Naples, Paris, London and Frankfurt.

Nathan, the third son and clearly the brightest was sent to England to prosper and expand the empire. In few years he had made the 20.000 he got from his father into 30 million. Soon he would prosper even more. When Wellington met Napoleon on the battlefield in the ealy 19th century the fate of Europe was extremely uncertain. The outcome of the battle would determine the economic spectrum of Europe for years to come. Rothschild sent his agents to the battle field and knew the outcome a whole 24 hours before the rest of the finance world. He came into the stock exchange and started selling. The word soon spread "Rothschild knows, Wellington has lost". Government bonds soon went for 5 cents on the dollar. Then his secret agents started buying, and buying. When the real news came in the stock sky rocketed and Rothschild had suddenly multiplied his fortune by 20, and were in total control of the Bank Of England. He now de facto ruled England.

The remaining brothers used the same tactics to gain control over all the central banks in Europe. If the government didn't want to play ball they used their immense wealth to plummeth the economy in the ground until the only chance left was to make a deal.

Teaming up with other families they intermarried and kept expanding their wealth, the same time isolating it. It is believed that at the end of the 19th century the Rothschilds owned or controled over half the worlds assets. People like J.P Morgan and Rockefeller who you might thought were super rich were in fact mere servants of the Rothschilds. It was discovered when Morgan died that he only owned 20% of his company. The rest of the owners were hidden from the public. This is also where the American enterprise comes in.

The families knew that America represented a threat to their way of life. The constitution and free state meant the country could print their own money, making the nation debt free and able to operate independently. This would eventually spread to the rest of the world, obviously since it's a better system, and make their operations obsolete. The Rothschilds and the other families backed people like Carnegie, Rockefeller and J.P Morgan. Soon they had control over the steel industry, the railroad, the oil companies and not long after, the media.

They pushed on to create a central bank in America. The 2 first attempts were squashed. Andrew Jackson remains the only president in history to rid the US of all it's debts and start printing independent money. They then decided to manipulate forward the Civil War. Boicotting the south the bankers had soon created the appropriate climate for war. Lincoln too was a supporter of Jacksons economic ideals, he was killed by Booth (who had spent a brief time in Europe prior). They didn't manage to get their bank this time either, but they managed to keep the constitution open for the possibility.

1913 they finally succeeded. The Federal Reserve was created. Contrary to popular belief this bank is nothing but federal, it's privately owned. To this day nobody knows who really owns it. The director of the FR is chosen by the President, but not until a list is created for him to choose from by the a unknown group.

The Federal Reserve is responsible for printing all the dollar bills in America. It's the place the government goes when they're out of cash, which is more than often. This is essentially how it works: If the government needs money they go to this bank. The bank issues the money, out of nothing, lends it to the government, with interest and then it's put into the economy. That's inflation by definition. You may know that the US has the biggest debt in the world. Now you know why.

The Federal Reserve is a profit company, listed next to Federal Express in the Yellow Pages. They make a profit on you. They run the economy by choosing how much money is printed. Remember the black thursday in 1929? This bank was responsible, and every top economic person knows it. And it's all controled by a small group of extremely rich people that nobody knows who are.

Have you taken a look at a dollar bill? You see the pyramid with the all seeing eye? That's an ancient Illuminati symbol and the text below reads: Novus Ordos Seclorum. That's latin for "The New Order Is Now A Success". Now why does the dollar bill have symbols of an ancient secret society and mentions of a new world order on it? The answer lies with the printers of the bill, The Federal Reserve.

And one more thing, did you know there's no law in America that requires you to pay tax? The IRS has been asked several times, they won't give an answer. Same with the congress who sees it as a non-issue. In fact, the supreme court ruled in the early 20th century, for the second time, that no new taxes was to be set in effect. The IRS did it anyway. And where does the money go? Directly to the Federal Reserve as interest payment. So how does the government get money to pay for the show? They go to the Federal Reserve and borrow some more.

Now this is not proof in any way of anything, but I'm sure you can see the picture. I wish I could expand, but it's such a massive subject and I'm already starting to ramble. Check out these videos to learn how the US and the world is getting raped by filthy plutocrats.

Title: Re: The Rothschild family and The New World Order
Post by: aimz on February 26, 2007, 08:20:00 AM
Mayer Amschel Rothschild was born in Frankfurt Am Main on 'Jew Street' in 1744. Taking over his fathers coin and money lending business he discovered there was alot more profit in lending to kings and governments than private citizens. Not only were the loans bigger, but he also had collateral in the citizens taxes.

He soon grew immensly rich and installed his 5 sons in the capitals of Europe to manage banks. Branches were soon set up in Vienna, Naples, Paris, London and Frankfurt.

Nathan, the third son and clearly the brightest was sent to England to prosper and expand the empire. In few years he had made the 20.000 he got from his father into 30 million. Soon he would prosper even more. When Wellington met Napoleon on the battlefield in the ealy 19th century the fate of Europe was extremely uncertain. The outcome of the battle would determine the economic spectrum of Europe for years to come. Rothschild sent his agents to the battle field and knew the outcome a whole 24 hours before the rest of the finance world. He came into the stock exchange and started selling. The word soon spread "Rothschild knows, Wellington has lost". Government bonds soon went for 5 cents on the dollar. Then his secret agents started buying, and buying. When the real news came in the stock sky rocketed and Rothschild had suddenly multiplied his fortune by 20, and were in total control of the Bank Of England. He now de facto ruled England.

The remaining brothers used the same tactics to gain control over all the central banks in Europe. If the government didn't want to play ball they used their immense wealth to plummeth the economy in the ground until the only chance left was to make a deal.

Teaming up with other families they intermarried and kept expanding their wealth, the same time isolating it. It is believed that at the end of the 19th century the Rothschilds owned or controled over half the worlds assets. People like J.P Morgan and Rockefeller who you might thought were super rich were in fact mere servants of the Rothschilds. It was discovered when Morgan died that he only owned 20% of his company. The rest of the owners were hidden from the public. This is also where the American enterprise comes in.

The families knew that America represented a threat to their way of life. The constitution and free state meant the country could print their own money, making the nation debt free and able to operate independently. This would eventually spread to the rest of the world, obviously since it's a better system, and make their operations obsolete. The Rothschilds and the other families backed people like Carnegie, Rockefeller and J.P Morgan. Soon they had control over the steel industry, the railroad, the oil companies and not long after, the media.

They pushed on to create a central bank in America. The 2 first attempts were squashed. Andrew Jackson remains the only president in history to rid the US of all it's debts and start printing independent money. They then decided to manipulate forward the Civil War. Boicotting the south the bankers had soon created the appropriate climate for war. Lincoln too was a supporter of Jacksons economic ideals, he was killed by Booth (who had spent a brief time in Europe prior). They didn't manage to get their bank this time either, but they managed to keep the constitution open for the possibility.

1913 they finally succeeded. The Federal Reserve was created. Contrary to popular belief this bank is nothing but federal, it's privately owned. To this day nobody knows who really owns it. The director of the FR is chosen by the President, but not until a list is created for him to choose from by the a unknown group.

The Federal Reserve is responsible for printing all the dollar bills in America. It's the place the government goes when they're out of cash, which is more than often. This is essentially how it works: If the government needs money they go to this bank. The bank issues the money, out of nothing, lends it to the government, with interest and then it's put into the economy. That's inflation by definition. You may know that the US has the biggest debt in the world. Now you know why.

The Federal Reserve is a profit company, listed next to Federal Express in the Yellow Pages. They make a profit on you. They run the economy by choosing how much money is printed. Remember the black thursday in 1929? This bank was responsible, and every top economic person knows it. And it's all controled by a small group of extremely rich people that nobody knows who are.

Have you taken a look at a dollar bill? You see the pyramid with the all seeing eye? That's an ancient Illuminati symbol and the text below reads: Novus Ordos Seclorum. That's latin for "The New Order Is Now A Success". Now why does the dollar bill have symbols of an ancient secret society and mentions of a new world order on it? The answer lies with the printers of the bill, The Federal Reserve.

And one more thing, did you know there's no law in America that requires you to pay tax? The IRS has been asked several times, they won't give an answer. Same with the congress who sees it as a non-issue. In fact, the supreme court ruled in the early 20th century, for the second time, that no new taxes was to be set in effect. The IRS did it anyway. And where does the money go? Directly to the Federal Reserve as interest payment. So how does the government get money to pay for the show? They go to the Federal Reserve and borrow some more.

Now this is not proof in any way of anything, but I'm sure you can see the picture. I wish I could expand, but it's such a massive subject and I'm already starting to ramble. Check out these videos to learn how the US and the world is getting raped by filthy plutocrats.

nice info but why did u start this thread? ???

Title: Re: The Rothschild family and The New World Order
Post by: polluxlm on February 26, 2007, 08:35:04 AM

nice info but why did u start this thread? ???

Making people aware of the fraud that is perpetrated on the whole public isn't enough?

These bankers de facto own us. Next year they are passing a bill that requires every citizen to carry indentification. The electronic implant is next. Where do you think this is heading?

Check out this picture. You notice the symbols on both sides of the President?


Those are fascist symbols:

Title: Re: The Rothschild family and The New World Order
Post by: Booker Floyd on February 26, 2007, 10:15:13 AM
Those are fascist symbols:

They were incorporated into American imagery long before fascism came to prominence.  Youre obviously shaping facts to fit your paranoia.

Please show me a reputable source that translates Novus Ordos Seclorum as "The New Order is Now A Success"?  And explain how it fits into this grand conspiracy when it was being employed before the U.S. Constitution was even adopted.   

Title: Re: The Rothschild family and The New World Order
Post by: polluxlm on February 26, 2007, 10:20:30 AM
Those are fascist symbols:

They were incorporated into American imagery long before fascism came to prominence.? Youre obviously shaping facts to fit your paranoia.

Like they incorporated the Illuminati symbol on the dollar bill you mean? Strange how all these totalitarian symbols are adopted by democracy.

At least see the video before you deem it unsubstantiated paranoia.

Title: Re: The Rothschild family and The New World Order
Post by: Booker Floyd on February 26, 2007, 10:34:45 AM
Like they incorporated the Illuminati symbol on the dollar bill you mean? Strange how all these totalitarian symbols are adopted by democracy.

At least see the video before you deem it unsubstantiated paranoia.

So you recognize that the symbols were used before fascism, yet tie them to fascism anyway.  Now you can work on a conspiracy theory about Hindus using Nazi imagery thousands of years ago.

I also hear that George W. Bush planned the 9/11 attacks...

Title: Re: The Rothschild family and The New World Order
Post by: polluxlm on February 26, 2007, 10:41:56 AM
Like they incorporated the Illuminati symbol on the dollar bill you mean? Strange how all these totalitarian symbols are adopted by democracy.

At least see the video before you deem it unsubstantiated paranoia.

So you recognize that the symbols were used before fascism, yet tie them to fascism anyway.? Now you can work on a conspiracy theory about Hindus using Nazi imagery thousands of years ago.

I also hear that George W. Bush planned the 9/11 attacks...

They are tied to fascism. There is a reason the swastika isn't all that used anymore despite it's original meaning.

You're still avoiding my question. What about the dollar bill? What about the fact that Americas central bank is on private hands? That there is no law requiring you to pay tax? The fact that Fort Knox by law is to be audited every year, yet it never happens? The fact that Roosevelt, Wilson, Jackson, Jefferson, Lincoln, Washington, Kennedy and Eisenhower have all adressed the exact same concerns that I summarize here?

And you say nothing's going on?

Title: Re: The Rothschild family and The New World Order
Post by: CheapJon on February 26, 2007, 10:57:57 AM
nice info but why did u start this thread? ???

useless post so why did you post it and quote all of Poll's first post? ???

(kinda joking :hihi:)

Title: Re: The Rothschild family and The New World Order
Post by: Booker Floyd on February 26, 2007, 11:33:44 AM
They are tied to fascism. There is a reason the swastika isn't all that used anymore despite it's original meaning.

Yes, because the stigma is much stronger and it wasnt used in any official American iconography prior to Nazism.  So whats your point?  That this American "Illuminati" of the Revolutionary Era somehow supported the fascist movement that developed 150 years later?  Explain your thought process in attaching the fasces in American imagery to the later Italian use.  The only potentially valid charge you can make is insensitivity. 

Also, Id still like to see that "Novus Ordo Seclorum" translastion. 

You're still avoiding my question.

Your question was about the symbolism on the dollar bill.  The answer is that neither the main designer, nor the man who originally suggested the Eye of Providence, was a Mason and possibly derived inspiration from a similar source.  The burden of proof is on you to establish that Charles Thomson was a Mason or Illuminati member.

Title: Re: The Rothschild family and The New World Order
Post by: polluxlm on February 26, 2007, 11:55:59 AM
They are tied to fascism. There is a reason the swastika isn't all that used anymore despite it's original meaning.

Yes, because the stigma is much stronger and it wasnt used in any official American iconography prior to Nazism.? So whats your point?? That this American "Illuminati" of the Revolutionary Era somehow supported the fascist movement that developed 150 years later?? Explain your thought process in attaching the fasces in American imagery to the later Italian use.? The only potentially valid charge you can make is insensitivity.?

Also, Id still like to see that "Novus Ordo Seclorum" translastion.?

The point is that the usage of similar symbols indicate a connection. Have you ever thought about it the other way around, why fascism chose to use the symbol?


You're still avoiding my question.

Your question was about the symbolism on the dollar bill.? The answer is that neither the main designer, nor the man who originally suggested the Eye of Providence, was a Mason and possibly derived inspiration from a similar source.? The burden of proof is on you to establish that Charles Thomson was a Mason or Illuminati member.

So you are willing to disregard a connection with the Illuminati and the Freemasons because it was never proven that the designer was a member? How about the fact that the symbol is Illuminati? A big coincidence that something like that should end up on the dollar bill, no? Ad the fact that determing ones connection to these societies isn't like checking the yellow pages. It's a reason we call them 'secret'.

And the burden isn't on me to prove anything. I said it in the first post, it doesn't prove anything, but I don't like what I'm finding out. There are simply too many coincedences and strange occurences for me to wipe it off as insignificant slander.

Title: Re: The Rothschild family and The New World Order
Post by: Booker Floyd on February 26, 2007, 12:20:32 PM
The point is that the usage of similar symbols indicate a connection. Have you ever thought about it the other way around, why fascism chose to use the symbol?

You cant say why or how, but there must be a connection.  Sound logic.


"Novus Ordos Seclorum. That's latin for "The New Order Is Now A Success"" - Way to prove your point.  : ok:

And the burden isn't on me to prove anything. I said it in the first post, it doesn't prove anything, but I don't like what I'm finding out. There are simply too many coincedences and strange occurences for me to wipe it off as insignificant slander.

Much like those who believe in 9/11 conspiracies, youve been presented a narrative that you want to believe, so you selectively use these coincidences and parallels in inspiration from much older images to reinforce that narrative, but theres obviously giant lapses in logic in addition to downright misinformation.  Id suggest that you view sensational conspiracy propaganda with a more discerning eye. 

Title: Re: The Rothschild family and The New World Order
Post by: polluxlm on February 26, 2007, 12:35:27 PM
I'm not interested in a debate about bits and pieces. There will always be some stuff that seems to fit that doesn't in these cases, mainly due to the lack of hard evidence. I've seen many conspiracy theories, and I often think to myself "that's way off" or "that's not applicable", but when I see a ton of indications I get interested.

I've seen the politicians and the businessmen, I've seen them lie. I've seen the cencorship of evidence, I've seen the bending of physics in offical explanations. I know bullshit when I see it. What type of bullshit is harder to determine, but it's still bullshit.

Title: Re: The Rothschild family and The New World Order
Post by: norway on February 26, 2007, 01:44:18 PM
On the subject of tax...

In Norway...
i think it's the most expensive country to live in, highest taxes and at the same it's the richest country and FN has deemed Norway as the best country to live in many times free treatment, human care, welfare goods etc (bad english here)

Tax-cuts goes to the rich, but thats not nesseasrly bad as the rich often are private investors/buisnesse that needs the tax-cut to compete with the big chains and then again create more empleyment in the country...and thats an social policy i can stand for.

at least, my two cents :)

Title: Re: The Rothschild family and The New World Order
Post by: Izzy on February 26, 2007, 01:50:26 PM
I love these wacked out conspiracy theories which fly in the face of common sense

People talk - how the hell would some secret organisation keep itself that way for hundreds of years? Sooner or later people blab, and it doesnt matter what the consequences are - people talk regardless

Title: Re: The Rothschild family and The New World Order
Post by: polluxlm on February 26, 2007, 02:07:17 PM
I love these wacked out conspiracy theories which fly in the face of common sense

People talk - how the hell would some secret organisation keep itself that way for hundreds of years? Sooner or later people blab, and it doesnt matter what the consequences are - people talk regardless

It's not per ce a secret society as much as it is a family and/or families who keeps their business under wraps. And it wouldn't matter anyway, we're talking right now, people have been talking for years, yet nothing happens.

The people petition the government for the law IRS supposedly uses to justify their taxation. The government fails to respond, even though required to. Nothing happens.

The government wiretaps the public illegally, everybody knows about it. Nothing happens.

The country's most powerfull and significant institution is privately owned, yet calls itself federal. It has never been audited and nobody knows who the owners really are. The public question it. Nothing happens.

Conspiracy or not, you can't come here and tell me everything is fine and dandy. I wonder why multiple presidents have fallen for the same wacked out theories.

Title: Re: The Rothschild family and The New World Order
Post by: Bandita on February 26, 2007, 02:18:31 PM

I just watched a documentary on the Illuminati a few weeks ago.  I was interested in learning more about the symbols after reading Angels and Demons.  I don't know if I believe it all.

Title: Re: The Rothschild family and The New World Order
Post by: Jessica on February 26, 2007, 04:04:46 PM
As i am a cracker in genealogy ( yes,  for that matter, i am  :hihi:) i have noted that almost all families in power have always been  the same ( by blood or alliance ( like marriage)) but also are almost all linked to one another and for most, have blue blood...

Hehe, yeah, democracy...Call it the new monarchy... :rofl: :rofl:

Title: Re: The Rothschild family and The New World Order
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on February 26, 2007, 07:14:55 PM
I love these wacked out conspiracy theories which fly in the face of common sense

People talk - how the hell would some secret organisation keep itself that way for hundreds of years? Sooner or later people blab, and it doesnt matter what the consequences are - people talk regardless

IZZY's right.  Somewhere somehow these families are the same as you and me.  Everybody has someone in the family who's either irresponsible, reckless, or stupid, or all of the above.  Somewhere along the line we'd have heard all about it from some black sheep of the family who was pissed daddy or mommy didn't love them enough.   :hihi:  The wacky conspiracy theories are just that, wacky.  They do make for good fiction reading though.  : ok:  It reminds me of Homer Simpson's Mister X web-site.  :hihi:

PS:  IZZY, I'll PM you later about next week's secret meeting.  ;) 

Title: You guys didn't really think we were living in a democracy did you?
Post by: SLCPUNK on February 26, 2007, 11:54:20 PM

I've got a great secret Mormon handshake I just picked up, if anybody is interested, please PM me for more details.......

Title: Re: The Rothschild family and The New World Order
Post by: aimz on February 27, 2007, 05:50:28 AM
nice info but why did u start this thread? ???

useless post so why did you post it and quote all of Poll's first post? ???

(kinda joking :hihi:)
because when someone posts a reeeeeeally long thread and i dont get it...i kinda want to understand what its all about........and i posted all of the first post because it was a good idea at the time....but dont worry i could understand that you wouldnt undertand that...... :hihi:

Title: Re: The Rothschild family and The New World Order
Post by: Mal Brossard on March 14, 2007, 12:12:57 PM
How I missed this earlier, I don't know.

Hitler may be part of the Rothschild family as well.

Alois, Hitler's father, was born in 1837 in the period when Salomon Mayer Rothschild was the only Rothschild who lived at the Vienna mansion. Even his wife did not live there because their marriage was so bad that she stayed in Frankfurt. Their son, Anselm Salomon spent most of his working life in Paris and Frankfurt away from Vienna and his father.

Father Salomon Mayer, living alone at the Vienna mansion where Hitler's grandmother worked, is the prime, most obvious candidate. And Hermann von Goldschmidt, the son of Salomon Mayer's senior clerk, wrote a book, published in 1917, which said of Salomon: "By the 1840s he had developed a somewhat reckless enthusiasm for young girls... He had a lecherous passion for very young girls, his adventures with whom had to be hushed up by the police."

And Hitler's grandmother, a young girl working under the same roof would not have been the subject of Salomon's desire? And this same girl became pregnant while working there? And her grandson becomes the Chancellor of Germany and started the Second World War which was so vital to the Rothschild-Illuminati agenda? And the Illuminati are obsessed with putting their bloodlines into power on all "sides" in a conflict? And the Rothschild's are one of their most key bloodlines? And it is all a coincidence?

It is said that the Roosevelts (FDR of course being president in WWII) were a part of the same bloodline that spawned Washington, Adams, Bush, Rothschild, and numerous ruling families in Europe.

Title: Re: The Rothschild family and The New World Order
Post by: polluxlm on March 14, 2007, 12:50:53 PM
Yeah, you got Teddy becoming President after McKinley got murdered by another lone gunman, and you got Franklin (who became President as a result of the depression and was given free hands to 'revive' the economy, that was created by the Rothschilds) and WW2 with the suspicious Pearl Harbor incident. Then you have Hitler being financed by the very same bankers to strengthen the army and industry in Germany.

The plot thickens the more you dig.