Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: LeftToDecay on February 17, 2007, 07:22:48 PM

Title: Kill some time.( vids vids vids!)
Post by: LeftToDecay on February 17, 2007, 07:22:48 PM
Ah shit, yet another thread about video content available/aquirable via internet.

Right! Let us gather massive archive of links to documentaries, movies, short films, whatnot.Because they make a neat way to waste time. Basically we want stuff that
A) Has high entertainment value!!(i.e it's informative/fun or just a good watch in general,instead of beign waste of the precious  time you wanna kill;)
B) Has worthwile running time(like 20 mins+)Because solid things are fun and surely we all have lots of  time to kill. No 3 min clips from Conan o'Brien or stuff like that,  more or less solid &complete pieces of work instead.
C) Is aleast somewhat legal and easily aquirable by anyone here(streaming content or direct links to downloads, no Torrents or Hubs or such.
Google video/you tube alone can providemassive quanities of great documentaries and random bullshit.

I guess I'll start.

War Tapes.

About 90 mins long documentary made by a handfull of U.S Army soldiers before and during their service in is(or atleast certainly appears to be) unofficial, and the guys filming it are just..guys. There's no subtley of a film made by  some official entity, such as U.S Army main stream media in there.It's very real.


Scary and efficient as hell documentary/movie  made during 80's, displaying a then realistic worst case scenario of a full out nuke-exchange and it's aftermath  between Nato and Warsaw.

History of Hacking

Documentary about 3 pioneer hackers.Intelligent, geeky, exentric freaks poking hols in the matrix:p Good stuff.