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Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: jazjme on February 16, 2007, 02:41:56 PM

Title: What "Chinese Democracy" may look (or sound?) like
Post by: jazjme on February 16, 2007, 02:41:56 PM
What "Chinese Democracy" may look (or sound?) like
Written by Jan for

I don't really want this posted elsewhere, because I got shit at a certain other forum. For that reason, I ask you to please discuss this article in a civilized way. If you don't like it, feel free to say so, but there's no need to bash me because of it. I wrote this based on the songinfo I did for, and I don't try to fool anyone. I'm happy if one person will read this who didn't know everything. That's my goal, and I firmly believe in everything I say. I do speculate some places, but that's also based on sources that are not good enough for me to source them. So I label it as MY speculation, instead of sourcing a fan posting at a forum.

Just some more issues I want to clear out:

1) I don't try to claim this is the tracklist for CD.
2) I can't show you the artwork. We'll have to wait and see. I guess I could've titled the article better.
3) I don't say I want to add anything new. What I wanted to do was to give people some insight into this - especially those who doesn't know everything. Sp1at did something like this a few years back, and this is better, because we have more info now. The only new issue here is about "Prostitute", and when it was actually written.

So here it goes:

I decided to take a quick look at what songs may be on "Chinese Democracy", including when they were written and who wrote the songs (I'll leave out "Silkworms", "Riyadh" and "Catcher In The Rye", since these most likely won't be on the album). I'll focus on the songs we didn't hear yet.

So here's the songs:

Chinese Democracy (Freese/Rose): Written in or before March, 2000. Josh Freese brought the song in, and Axl wrote the lyrics.

Better (Finck/Rose): Written in or before 2004. Axl wrote the lyrics, and Robin Finck most likely wrote some of the music. Rumored as the first single, and a clip was leaked as part of a Harley Davidson commercial late last year.

I.R.S. (Rose): Written in or before 1999. Axl wrote the lyrics. It's not unlikely Paul Tobias may have contributed to the music.

There Was A Time (Rose): Written in or before 1999. Axl wrote the lyrics.

The Blues (Rose): Written in or before 2000. Axl at wrote the lyrics. Robin Finck wrote the guitar melodies (which will probably be uncredited).

Madagascar (Pitman/Rose): Written in or before 2000. Axl wrote the lyrics, while at least some of the music was written by Chris Pitman. It's very unlikely someone else than Pitman could put together the solo part of the song.

The General (Mantia/Rose): Written in or before 2002. Another song that is likely to be on the album. According to Dizzy, "The General" is a song Brain brought in: "Last year Brain had this song called "The General" that was really cool." Axl wrote the lyrics and Marco Beltrami confirmed he worked on that song, adding arrangements.

Seven (Beltrami/Rose): Written in or before 2002. Beltrami also said worked on this one: "[There is] a song called "Seven," which is the one that I did the most work on, I actually did some writing on." Axl wrote the lyrics and others may have contributed.

Leave Me Alone (Rose) & Thyme (Rose): Both written in or before 2002. Marco Beltrami also worked on these two songs. Axl did at least write the lyrics.

I'm Sorry (Finck/Rose): Written in or before 2006. Very likely to be on the album. Sebastian Bach mentioned the song, and with him talking about it, the song is most likely considered for release. Bach said the song is "almost like doom metal with Axl singing really clean over this grinding, slow beat that is fucking mean. I cannot get it out of my head." Rumors indicate that Robin Finck co-wrote the song.

Prositute (Rose): "Prostitute" is another song that is very likely to be on "Chinese Democracy". The song goes back to 1996, and it was first confirmed by Spin in 1999. I did however get confirmation that it's much older through a contact who was working at Geffen. He said he heard the song, and said it was a rocking tune that reminded him of the old band. He may have said the song was kinda like "November Rain" meets "Nightrain", but this is based on a conversation that happened in 1997, so memory slips.

"Prostitute" was also a song producer Youth worked on. This was early in the process of the recording of "Chinese Democracy". Youth tried to make Axl work on music, but there was little progress. Youth said "Axl was working on a song called "Prostitute", which is a working title and everything was going real slow."

With everyone talking about how "Better" is most likely the first single, I'll throw in "Prostitute" as a candidate. The song was on a list of alternative tracks for the band to play live (posted at the band's official page), and if it was there, doesn't that indicate that there could be a reason it's there? Most fans seems to agree that the band needs a rocking song, and if "Prostitute" fits that description, then why not release it as a single? I don't know, and I won't claim anything, but I personally don't regard "Better" as a perfect choice as a single.

I feel Paul Buckmaster's following quote backs up the claim that "Prostitute" may be a very strong song too: "[It's a] mid-up, kind of biting 4 minute song with an aggressive rhythm section. The way I wrote for the string section (32-piece, consisting of ten 1st Violins, eight 2nd Violins, six violas, and eight cellos) gave the song another dimension. [The song is] powerful, like fire and ice."

If The World (Rose): Written in or before 2006. Another song on the mentioned setlist was "If The World". Obviously with the song on that list, there's good reasons to believe it's a track they consider to release, and it could also be a candidate for being a single (and thus being a "big gun"). Currently, very little information is available about the song, but it could be that the title is incomplete, since GnR has a tendency to shorten titles in setlists. There's also indications that Frank Ferrer may have worked on the song.

This I Love (Rose): Possibly the new song fans has talked about most these past years. Most would know it's fairly old, and it stretches back to 1991-1993. The song has been said to be a piano ballad, and it's rumored to be the answer to the trilogy (Don't Cry - November Rain - Estranged). While the first part of this may have some truth to it, it's unknown where the rumor about the trilogy answer comes from (especially since "Estranged" could be considered an answer to it too). Axl did say back in 1993 that he wrote and recorded the song, but that's also the only quote from GnR members we have: "I wrote and recorded a new song that I want to have on the [next] record called 'This I Love.'"

The engineer Dave Dominguez confirmed that the recording took place, and it seems like it was done by the whole band, not just Axl: "This I love" is actually an old GN'R song that the original GN'R wrote and recorded for the "Illusion" records. I like that song a lot." Another engineer, Howard Karp, later said "I only worked with Axl, no one else, it was a solo piano piece. I heard nothing else. Axl was cool, two short evenings, nothing too eventful."

This quote most likely refers to a re-recording of the song. Dave Dominguez backs this up by claiming that the song was supposed to be on a soundtrack, and that it was considered for the album for that reason: "This I Love" was supposed to be for a suoundtrack to a Robin Williams movie awhile back thats the only reason any old track was even thought about by Axl that track was never going be on the record." So even if it was a piano piece then, it doesn't have to be a new "November Rain". For now, it seems less likely that "This I Love" is on "Chinese Democracy", but it may very well still be. If it really is a gem, time will tell.

Ides of March (Reed/Rose): "Ides of March" is a song only the engineer Dave Dominguez has mentioned: ""Ides of March" was a working title of one of the songs that came from a loop name that Dizzy came up with I think they kept the name but it's been years so I'm sure everything has changed by now." The song was written in or before 2004.

Oklahoma (Rose): This song was written in 1996, and will probably not be on the album. Axl said the following about the song: "I was sitting in my litigation with my ex-wife, and it was the day after the bombing. We had a break, and I'm sitting with my attorneys with a sort of smile on my face, more like a nervous thing - it was like, 'Forgive me, people, I'm having trouble taking this seriously.' It's just ironic that we're sitting there and this person is spewing all kinds of things and 168 people just got killed. And this person I'm sitting there with, she don't care. Obliterating me is their goal."

Dave Dominguez also confirmed the songtitle, saying the song "was pretty much written by the time they got to the studio [Rumbo]. Axl wrote that with inspiration from the Oklahoma City bombing (more as a tribute to those who died if I'm not mistaken)."

Other songs: Zodiac, Quick Song, Atlas Shrugged (Both possibly working titles and unconfirmed; brought up these titles), Cock-a-roach Soup, Suckerpunched, No Love Remains, Friend Or Foe, Zip It, Something Always, Hearts Get Killed, Closing In On You (all from Kerrang, 1999, unconfirmed songs), Strange Disease (rumoered track, source unknown).

Thanks to for doing some research used in this article.

----------------is a good speculative article with many sources of info. And instead of bashing should be looked at critically, objectively.

Title: Re: What "Chinese Democracy" may look (or sound?) like
Post by: Rockin' Rose on February 16, 2007, 03:17:16 PM
I think Bucket shoud be mentioned at least in Maddy 'cause we all know that he wrote the solo, while Pitman probably came up with the audio clips, I have a feeling it was Axl who wanted them, don't know who came up with the "horn section" probably Axl or Dizzy.

Better - Axl has stated that Better is a Finck song, meaning that Finck wrote most of the music.

Only a handfull of people know what CD will sound like, from music point of view I think that it will be something like Floyd, Zeppelin and Nails all put in a blender, cooked in a oven and frosted by Axl's sense of style.

But who knows? We sure don't!

Title: Re: What "Chinese Democracy" may look (or sound?) like
Post by: Crowebar on February 16, 2007, 03:28:03 PM
Pretty cool read.   : ok:

Thanks man.   :beer:

Title: Re: What "Chinese Democracy" may look (or sound?) like
Post by: Jackamo! on February 16, 2007, 03:31:05 PM
It's obviously not 100% right on the song writing credits- since Pitman is only credited on Maddy.
Since Axl & Pitman wrote alotof the songs on acoustic- at Axl's mansion.

Here's one

Silkworms (Axl/Dizzy/Pitman) Lyrics written mostly by Dizzy- Music mostly by Pitman. Axl heard them testing this out- it didn't have a chorus yet- so Axl wrote the "What can I do with a bitch like you part". Silkworms isn't the title anymore and will most likely appear on the 2nd album- Buckethead and Paul Huge play on this song.

Title: Re: What "Chinese Democracy" may look (or sound?) like
Post by: jazjme on February 16, 2007, 03:45:32 PM
It's obviously not 100% right on the song writing credits- since Pitman is only credited on Maddy.
Since Axl & Pitman wrote alotof the songs on acoustic- at Axl's mansion.

Here's one

Silkworms (Axl/Dizzy/Pitman) Lyrics written mostly by Dizzy- Music mostly by Pitman. Axl heard them testing this out- it didn't have a chorus yet- so Axl wrote the "What can I do with a bitch like you part". Silkworms isn't the title anymore and will most likely appear on the 2nd album- Buckethead and Paul Huge play on this song.

jan asked me to post this:

jaackamo, I can't be 100% right, and I agree Pitman will get more credits. I also think Tommy, Buckethead etc has written stuff. Fortus too... Brain maybe more. Also, thanks to the person who pointed out the source of Finck credits for "Better".

Title: Re: What "Chinese Democracy" may look (or sound?) like
Post by: Jackamo! on February 16, 2007, 03:50:06 PM
Is Jan banned from here or something?

Izzy brought in a bunch lyrics for Chi D- but I don't think Axl liked any of them.
But it's quite possible Izzy will get a credit somewhere.

Title: Re: What "Chinese Democracy" may look (or sound?) like
Post by: younggunner on February 16, 2007, 03:59:54 PM
Quick song I believe was the working title for Chinese Democracy. Read the Rolling Stone description from back in the day.....

Title: Re: What "Chinese Democracy" may look (or sound?) like
Post by: jazjme on February 16, 2007, 04:02:59 PM
Is Jan banned from here or something?

Izzy brought in a bunch lyrics for Chi D- but I don't think Axl liked any of them.
But it's quite possible Izzy will get a credit somewhere.

no, hes busy doin things(gf) and not posting on forums, right now, we were just chatting on MSN, and asked me to post that reply, but he also may have deleted his account awhile back..

Title: Re: What "Chinese Democracy" may look (or sound?) like
Post by: Jackamo! on February 16, 2007, 04:45:47 PM
Quick song I believe was the working title for Chinese Democracy. Read the Rolling Stone description from back in the day.....

It was describe as GNR's version of "Smells Like Teen Spirit" or something like that.

Title: Re: What "Chinese Democracy" may look (or sound?) like
Post by: sic. on February 16, 2007, 05:48:20 PM
Props to Jan for putting all the legit quotes into one place (there aren't that many once you think about it).

I think Bucket shoud be mentioned at least in Maddy 'cause we all know that he wrote the solo, while Pitman probably came up with the audio clips, I have a feeling it was Axl who wanted them, don't know who came up with the "horn section" probably Axl or Dizzy.

Horn section... I believe it was mentioned that Paul Buckmaster worked on orchestrations for Maddy, The Blues and Prostitute, possibly even some others. Therefore, I'd credit Maddy's horn section to him.

Title: Re: What "Chinese Democracy" may look (or sound?) like
Post by: Rockin' Rose on February 16, 2007, 06:15:05 PM
Props to Jan for putting all the legit quotes into one place (there aren't that many once you think about it).

I think Bucket shoud be mentioned at least in Maddy 'cause we all know that he wrote the solo, while Pitman probably came up with the audio clips, I have a feeling it was Axl who wanted them, don't know who came up with the "horn section" probably Axl or Dizzy.

Horn section... I believe it was mentioned that Paul Buckmaster worked on orchestrations for Maddy, The Blues and Prostitute, possibly even some others. Therefore, I'd credit Maddy's horn section to him.

I was meaning who came up with the melody, not who did the orchestrations, my bad

Title: Re: What "Chinese Democracy" may look (or sound?) like
Post by: PJ on February 16, 2007, 07:01:59 PM
remember that arrangements...
are not credited..
only lyrics and basic melodies

Title: Re: What "Chinese Democracy" may look (or sound?) like
Post by: younggunner on February 16, 2007, 07:04:36 PM
It was describe as GNR's version of "Smells Like Teen Spirit" or something like that
yep that was it...the opening riffs to CD are the grungiest riffs we have heard from GNR thus far. So I will assume Quick Song

Title: Re: What "Chinese Democracy" may look (or sound?) like
Post by: PJ on February 16, 2007, 07:17:31 PM
CD and quick song are different songs...

Title: Re: What "Chinese Democracy" may look (or sound?) like
Post by: younggunner on February 16, 2007, 07:26:10 PM
doubt it

Title: Re: What "Chinese Democracy" may look (or sound?) like
Post by: Chief on February 16, 2007, 07:29:49 PM
what's your source?

Is Jan banned from here or something?

Izzy brought in a bunch lyrics for Chi D- but I don't think Axl liked any of them.
But it's quite possible Izzy will get a credit somewhere.

Title: Re: What "Chinese Democracy" may look (or sound?) like
Post by: Chief on February 16, 2007, 07:30:42 PM
i never heard that dizzy wrote the lyrics to silkworms.  where did you hear that?

It's obviously not 100% right on the song writing credits- since Pitman is only credited on Maddy.
Since Axl & Pitman wrote alotof the songs on acoustic- at Axl's mansion.

Here's one

Silkworms (Axl/Dizzy/Pitman) Lyrics written mostly by Dizzy- Music mostly by Pitman. Axl heard them testing this out- it didn't have a chorus yet- so Axl wrote the "What can I do with a bitch like you part". Silkworms isn't the title anymore and will most likely appear on the 2nd album- Buckethead and Paul Huge play on this song.

Title: Re: What "Chinese Democracy" may look (or sound?) like
Post by: bringbackadler on February 16, 2007, 07:33:01 PM
Izzy brought in a bunch lyrics for Chi D- but I don't think Axl liked any of them.
But it's quite possible Izzy will get a credit somewhere.

I think we will see Izzy credited on at least a track or two.

I'm still prayin he contributed to T.W.A.T. ? I think his backing vocals would be badass on this one. ? :yes:


Title: Re: What "Chinese Democracy" may look (or sound?) like
Post by: CheapJon on February 16, 2007, 07:41:48 PM
thanks for posting, a good read :peace:

Title: Re: What "Chinese Democracy" may look (or sound?) like
Post by: Jackamo! on February 16, 2007, 07:49:21 PM
Dizzy said Izzy brought in a bunch of lyrics- but Axl didn't use them or like them.
Something about how Izzy lost his creativity- and a song he wrote about going to the dentist called "Toothpuller". I'm assuming that's a track off one of Izzy's solo CDs. If not, "Toothpuller" is a rejected Chi D song. Either way, not very creative.

You should PM MotherGooseLuvR if want to know more.
Everyone assumed Pitman and Dizzy wrote Silkworms- but Axl and Dizzy did. (Axl wrote the chorus)

And I'm pretty sure in some article from a while back- there's a mention of Izzy bringing songs to Axl- so it's not really groundbreaking news.

Title: Re: What "Chinese Democracy" may look (or sound?) like
Post by: estrangedpaul on February 16, 2007, 07:51:23 PM
It was describe as GNR's version of "Smells Like Teen Spirit" or something like that
yep that was it...the opening riffs to CD are the grungiest riffs we have heard from GNR thus far. So I will assume Quick Song
Always thought IRS fitted that description most - four ascending power chords with lots of muted notes in between - sorta like Smells Like Teen Spirit.

Title: Re: What "Chinese Democracy" may look (or sound?) like
Post by: src on February 16, 2007, 09:36:27 PM
Is Jan banned from here or something?

Now I'm here 8) Had to retire an old nick to get "jan" working. Unfortunately that one was already taken! I'll try to comment on some things here now since I don't get bashed like on a certain other forum.

Props to Jan for putting all the legit quotes into one place (there aren't that many once you think about it).

I think Bucket shoud be mentioned at least in Maddy 'cause we all know that he wrote the solo, while Pitman probably came up with the audio clips, I have a feeling it was Axl who wanted them, don't know who came up with the "horn section" probably Axl or Dizzy.

Horn section... I believe it was mentioned that Paul Buckmaster worked on orchestrations for Maddy, The Blues and Prostitute, possibly even some others. Therefore, I'd credit Maddy's horn section to him.

Thanks for that, and yep, there's few. I do have lots of quotes about the album here, but songs only a few (There's some for the known songs that I didn't include there too):

Now on topic: Good points by both, and I agree that it's not unlikely BH will get some credits for "Madagascar". But I don't think Buckmaster worked on more than "Prostitute". I may be wrong... I doubt he'd get writing credits anyway.

Dizzy said Izzy brought in a bunch of lyrics- but Axl didn't use them or like them.
Something about how Izzy lost his creativity- and a song he wrote about going to the dentist called "Toothpuller". I'm assuming that's a track off one of Izzy's solo CDs. If not, "Toothpuller" is a rejected Chi D song. Either way, not very creative.

You should PM MotherGooseLuvR if want to know more.
Everyone assumed Pitman and Dizzy wrote Silkworms- but Axl and Dizzy did. (Axl wrote the chorus)

And I'm pretty sure in some article from a while back- there's a mention of Izzy bringing songs to Axl- so it's not really groundbreaking news.

First, I agree with those who says Izzy could have credits on CD, although I somewhat doubt it. It's more likely for follow ups though.

Also, I think Izzy's last albums has gotten worse, and especially his lyrics got weaker. You're right that he was giving Axl songs back in the mid 90s too, and I think they may have even recorded a song. I can't see why Axl would need him to write lyrics though.

About "Silkworms", that's interesting, because I believe Axl wrote the lyrics, with the other two writing the music. After all Dizzy said they were sending stuff between computers, so I'd think both of them wrote music. Surely, Dizzy could've written some of the lyrics too, though.

Always thought IRS fitted that description most - four ascending power chords with lots of muted notes in between - sorta like Smells Like Teen Spirit.

The problem with this is that "I.R.S." was already known as a songtitle when "Quick Song" info was released. Assuming one song has one title, "I.R.S." is out.

Title: Re: What "Chinese Democracy" may look (or sound?) like
Post by: Jackamo! on February 17, 2007, 12:43:35 AM
^ I sent you all the info I got on Silkworms.

It's a good read.

If anyone meets Pitman- ask him what he did writing wise on Silkworms- just in case Dizzy is trying to steal credit. ;D
I think both sides of the story is fair. Dizzy said he wrote it (besides the chorus Axl said he wrote that) and Pitman worked on it after-the-fact.

I think Axl confuses people when he introduces songs like "This was put together by Mr. Chris Pitman and Dizzy Reed" or "This is a Robin song". I can't wait to see the credits on the disc.

Title: Re: What "Chinese Democracy" may look (or sound?) like
Post by: GetInTheJungle on February 17, 2007, 09:53:17 AM
Very good posting.
Some info I was unaware of.
Thanks  : ok:

Title: Re: What "Chinese Democracy" may look (or sound?) like
Post by: estrangedpaul on February 17, 2007, 10:10:09 AM
The problem with this is that "I.R.S." was already known as a songtitle when "Quick Song" info was released. Assuming one song has one title, "I.R.S." is out.

Oh yeah true enough. I don't believe we've heard whatever song was Quick song yet - Chinese Democracy is kinda grungy but doesn't sound enough like SLTS for anyone to say it sounds like it, plus its not a very quick song so I'd say we haven't heard it yet.
^ I sent you all the info I got on Silkworms.

It's a good read.
Any chance you could post this on the forum - im sure everyone would be interested. I understand it was a private conversation but it's about the music which is important, it's not something about their private lives or anything, so I don't think Dizzy would mind you posting publicy about a song.

Title: Re: What "Chinese Democracy" may look (or sound?) like
Post by: estrangedpaul on February 17, 2007, 11:17:35 AM

I'm Sorry (Finck/Rose): Written in or before 2006. Very likely to be on the album. Sebastian Bach mentioned the song, and with him talking about it, the song is most likely considered for release. Bach said the song is "almost like doom metal with Axl singing really clean over this grinding, slow beat that is fucking mean. I cannot get it out of my head." Rumors indicate that Robin Finck co-wrote the song.

Who said it was called "I'm Sorry". Bach said it was just called "Sorry" didn't he? Or was their another source on this song?

Title: Re: What "Chinese Democracy" may look (or sound?) like
Post by: Lucky on February 17, 2007, 02:26:40 PM
madagascar was written in 93/4, as Axl said recently.

Title: Re: What "Chinese Democracy" may look (or sound?) like
Post by: novemberparadise23 on February 17, 2007, 02:40:08 PM
yea bach said it was sorry  and this guy says it's im' sorry 

don't know?  lets just hope we can have the album soon so all these threads will be fun to look back on

Title: Re: What "Chinese Democracy" may look (or sound?) like
Post by: Mysteron on February 17, 2007, 02:42:19 PM
madagascar was written in 93/4, as Axl said recently.

I would not take too much of this 'info' too seriously. Alot of it is either old or wrong ?:hihi: (I think it says this in the original post though)

Title: Re: What "Chinese Democracy" may look (or sound?) like
Post by: give_it_a_rest on February 17, 2007, 04:10:10 PM
Hopefully in 2008 we know what CD may look and sound like   :-[ :-[ :-[

Title: Re: What "Chinese Democracy" may look (or sound?) like
Post by: jazjme on February 18, 2007, 03:09:11 AM
madagascar was written in 93/4, as Axl said recently.

I would not take too much of this 'info' too seriously. Alot of it is either old or wrong  :hihi: (I think it says this in the original post though)

To that Id say till there is an actual Cd and physical evidence presented and tangible liner notes, and hey maybe even a documentary going over all the yrs, about the songs, much of it is indeed speculations, based on old news and perhaps info that isn't right. I'd be more interested if you actually pointed out errors,or at least gave a hint to correct things. But you didn't do that . Because I tend to think you yourself don't  really know, or you can't really talk about it. This isn't an attack, more so  this is
to just spur some conversation if any can be had . While we wait patiently for the real deal! :beer:

Title: Re: What "Chinese Democracy" may look (or sound?) like
Post by: ZRO on February 18, 2007, 03:55:40 AM
Quick song I believe was the working title for Chinese Democracy. Read the Rolling Stone description from back in the day.....

It was describe as GNR's version of "Smells Like Teen Spirit" or something like that

This post and threads like this in general are why this album needs to come out NOW. I'm so sick of all this, "so and so said Prostitute is the true BIG GUN and the best rocker since and so said 'If The World' is a 10 minute epic like Estranged... so and so said 'This I Love' is the new November Rain'.. so and so said Quick Song is GNR's 'Smells Like Teen Spirit'.

I guess that kind of rumor mongering sets in when its taken this long, but its getting ridiculous. Remember when Contraband came out? Slither was supposed to be WTTJ, Fall to Pieces was supposed to be November Rain, Superhuman was supposed to be SCOM.

You guys have built up in your head what these songs SHOULD sound like to you based off of tons of unsubstantiated rumors, and for many of these songs it will be impossible to reach their expectations (Prostitute) no matter how good it is. You guys are setting yourself up for disappointment.

Title: Re: What "Chinese Democracy" may look (or sound?) like
Post by: MrBrOwNsToNeR on February 18, 2007, 05:09:24 AM
Quick song I believe was the working title for Chinese Democracy. Read the Rolling Stone description from back in the day.....

It was describe as GNR's version of "Smells Like Teen Spirit" or something like that

This post and threads like this in general are why this album needs to come out NOW. I'm so sick of all this, "so and so said Prostitute is the true BIG GUN and the best rocker since and so said 'If The World' is a 10 minute epic like Estranged... so and so said 'This I Love' is the new November Rain'.. so and so said Quick Song is GNR's 'Smells Like Teen Spirit'.

I guess that kind of rumor mongering sets in when its taken this long, but its getting ridiculous. Remember when Contraband came out? Slither was supposed to be WTTJ, Fall to Pieces was supposed to be November Rain, Superhuman was supposed to be SCOM.

You guys have built up in your head what these songs SHOULD sound like to you based off of tons of unsubstantiated rumors, and for many of these songs it will be impossible to reach their expectations (Prostitute) no matter how good it is. You guys are setting yourself up for disappointment.


I think Chinese Democracy will not be better than Contraband... Many expectations but finally it will be just a mainstream rock album...

Title: Re: What "Chinese Democracy" may look (or sound?) like
Post by: MJ23 on February 18, 2007, 05:43:51 AM
Then prepare yourself for something you are not expecting.

Remember that "Better" is better than the whole VR album :yes:

Title: Re: What "Chinese Democracy" may look (or sound?) like
Post by: gunns1 on February 18, 2007, 06:32:02 AM
Then prepare yourself for something you are not expecting.

Remember that "Better" is better than the whole VR album :yes:

any songs better then scott WEISEL weilands album.

Esp catcherrr......

Title: Re: What "Chinese Democracy" may look (or sound?) like
Post by: MrBrOwNsToNeR on February 18, 2007, 07:46:07 AM
Then prepare yourself for something you are not expecting.

Remember that "Better" is better than the whole VR album :yes:

hum i dont think so.

Better is just a good song ... as good as many VR songs...

I'm waiting for the studio version ... but for instance i didn't heard a GREAT song from GNR 2006/7 ... just good radio formatted songs.

Title: Re: What "Chinese Democracy" may look (or sound?) like
Post by: MJ23 on February 18, 2007, 08:05:10 AM
That's your opinion.

I think Contraband is an average album. It could maybe been better with a different singer. But it is max. a "5 / 10" rating.
Some songs sound nearly the same. And really can you name one VR song that has the same quality as "Better". :rofl:

It is good that we all have different opinions. :yes:

Title: Re: What "Chinese Democracy" may look (or sound?) like
Post by: Death Cube K on February 18, 2007, 08:09:28 AM
Madagascar (Pitman/Rose): Written in or before 2000. Axl wrote the lyrics, while at least some of the music was written by Chris Pitman. It's very unlikely someone else than Pitman could put together the solo part of the song.

Not correct. As someone mentioned it being from 93/94, I will also mention that the song was talked about between Axl and this woman sometime in 1998 or 99. Axl told her he just wrote the song and didnt know where he got it from and was very happy about it. It was during this children party thingy Axl hosted in the late 90's. Pitman did the sound effects probably but he shouldnt be put forward in the song writing credits more than lets say Buckethead who obviously wrote the solo.

There's also the thing about Tommy Stinson. Stinson went back to the GNR studio in 04 or 05 and said he wanted to make sure that his input was on the album, was. It's quite obvious Tommy's been doing lots of stuff on the album, alongside Finck. The writing credits would obviously be IMO Axl first, then Finck, Tommy and Buckethead. :)

Title: Re: What "Chinese Democracy" may look (or sound?) like
Post by: knut on February 18, 2007, 09:07:15 AM
There's also the thing about Tommy Stinson. Stinson went back to the GNR studio in 04 or 05 and said he wanted to make sure that his input was on the album, was. It's quite obvious Tommy's been doing lots of stuff on the album, alongside Finck. The writing credits would obviously be IMO Axl first, then Finck, Tommy and Buckethead. :)
Tommy said in an radio-interview in '04, I think:

"We all work together... It's a strange prosess I've never done, before but basically it's 8 people collaborating on tit-bits of music or stuff we work up. A number of things... I think all of us so far have brought in pieces of music that we've worked into the new record in one form or another, and for the most part... It's a totall collaborative effort him (Axl) involved and us all involved and kinda moshing stuff around and try to make songs out of it. I think the outcome of that have been extrodinary... Like I haven't done that before. The Replasements was all Paul wrote the songs and dictated what we were gonna do and stuff. Axl is more of an inclusive kinda guy.

Title: Re: What "Chinese Democracy" may look (or sound?) like
Post by: MrBrOwNsToNeR on February 18, 2007, 09:12:53 AM
That's your opinion.

I think Contraband is an average album. It could maybe been better with a different singer. But it is max. a "5 / 10" rating.
Some songs sound nearly the same. And really can you name one VR song that has the same quality as "Better". :rofl:

It is good that we all have different opinions. :yes:

yes it's good.

but if better was on Contraband i'm sure many poeple here would'nt  consider this song as a great song...
This song is an average song... Better is not a Great Song... nobody will talk about Bette in 20 years ... i'm sure of that.

Title: Re: What "Chinese Democracy" may look (or sound?) like
Post by: MJ23 on February 18, 2007, 09:49:50 AM
Contraband is average, while Better is really a very good song.

I don't think VR will be talked about in 20 years, while Better will maybe still be around.
That's the difference.  :P

Title: Re: What "Chinese Democracy" may look (or sound?) like
Post by: MrBrOwNsToNeR on February 18, 2007, 09:55:29 AM
Contraband is average, while Better is really a very good song.

I don't think VR will be talked about in 20 years, while Better will maybe still be around.
That's the difference.  :P

you're blind cuz it's a gnr song dude.

Title: Re: What "Chinese Democracy" may look (or sound?) like
Post by: whiny on February 18, 2007, 10:08:45 AM
Contraband is average, while Better is really a very good song.

I don't think VR will be talked about in 20 years, while Better will maybe still be around.
That's the difference.? :P

you're blind cuz it's a gnr song dude.

a rs article said that better is one of the best songs gnr have ever written. nothing to add. velvet revolver is just not special, average rock, nothing more. no magic to it, often poor songwriting. this stuff has all been done way better before vr by other bands... after all we are not in the 80's anymore.

Title: Re: What "Chinese Democracy" may look (or sound?) like
Post by: MrBrOwNsToNeR on February 18, 2007, 10:13:44 AM
Contraband is average, while Better is really a very good song.

I don't think VR will be talked about in 20 years, while Better will maybe still be around.
That's the difference.  :P

you're blind cuz it's a gnr song dude.

a rs article said that better is one of the best songs gnr

have ever written. nothing to add. velvet revolver is just not special, average rock, nothing more. no magic to it, often poor songwriting. this stuff has all been done way better before vr by other bands... after all we are not in the 80's anymore.

I don't care about RS... they also said many negative things about GNR.

I don't care ... really.

My ears says that these songs are not unforgivable... i've heard them a little more than VR songs cuz it's GNR songs.
But these songs ae not as great as the old ones... Im' waiting for the studio version to be convinced about it.

My english is bad... sorry.

Title: Re: What "Chinese Democracy" may look (or sound?) like
Post by: Bartlet on February 18, 2007, 10:16:02 AM
Quick song I believe was the working title for Chinese Democracy. Read the Rolling Stone description from back in the day.....

It was describe as GNR's version of "Smells Like Teen Spirit" or something like that

This post and threads like this in general are why this album needs to come out NOW. I'm so sick of all this, "so and so said Prostitute is the true BIG GUN and the best rocker since and so said 'If The World' is a 10 minute epic like Estranged... so and so said 'This I Love' is the new November Rain'.. so and so said Quick Song is GNR's 'Smells Like Teen Spirit'.

I guess that kind of rumor mongering sets in when its taken this long, but its getting ridiculous. Remember when Contraband came out? Slither was supposed to be WTTJ, Fall to Pieces was supposed to be November Rain, Superhuman was supposed to be SCOM.

You guys have built up in your head what these songs SHOULD sound like to you based off of tons of unsubstantiated rumors, and for many of these songs it will be impossible to reach their expectations (Prostitute) no matter how good it is. You guys are setting yourself up for disappointment.

Good point well made ZRO.

Title: Re: What "Chinese Democracy" may look (or sound?) like
Post by: whiny on February 18, 2007, 10:17:19 AM
Contraband is average, while Better is really a very good song.

I don't think VR will be talked about in 20 years, while Better will maybe still be around.
That's the difference.? :P

you're blind cuz it's a gnr song dude.

a rs article said that better is one of the best songs gnr

have ever written. nothing to add. velvet revolver is just not special, average rock, nothing more. no magic to it, often poor songwriting. this stuff has all been done way better before vr by other bands... after all we are not in the 80's anymore.

I don't care about RS... they also said many negative things about GNR.

I don't care ... really.

My ears says that these songs are not unforgivable... i've heard them a little more than VR songs cuz it's GNR songs.
But these songs ae not as great as the old ones... Im' waiting for the studio version to be convinced about it.

My english is bad... sorry.

i know i've said this quite a few times, but "better" and "catcher" - for my ears - are among the best gnr stuff i know. just my humble opinion.

Title: Re: What "Chinese Democracy" may look (or sound?) like
Post by: Death Cube K on February 18, 2007, 10:28:43 AM
I will talk about Better in 20 years and so will everyone here, the quality of the song is subjective anyway but it will be talked about either way

Title: Re: What "Chinese Democracy" may look (or sound?) like
Post by: MrBrOwNsToNeR on February 18, 2007, 10:35:45 AM
I will talk about Better in 20 years and so will everyone here, the quality of the song is subjective anyway but it will be talked about either way

I can't agree with that.
The quality is NOT subjective.

You're sentiments about a song are.

Title: Re: What "Chinese Democracy" may look (or sound?) like
Post by: Death Cube K on February 18, 2007, 10:50:55 AM
The quality is NOT subjective.

Some like it, some don't. Throw all your musical knowlegde on the table with pro's or con's but some people will still disagree or agree with you. It doesnt make them anymore wrong or right than you?

Title: Re: What "Chinese Democracy" may look (or sound?) like
Post by: MrBrOwNsToNeR on February 18, 2007, 10:56:58 AM
hum ... i don't really care about that.

I'm just afraid because the GNR fanatics are really really blind about the new songs... These songs are good rock songs. And THAT'S ALL !

GNR need GREAT UNFORGIVABLE SONGS to sell albums... And come back on the top of the Rock Music.


I'm really a great fan of GNR for 14 years now ... and i'm affraid about the future of GNR ... they need a fuckin' blockbuster song !

Title: Re: What "Chinese Democracy" may look (or sound?) like
Post by: src on February 18, 2007, 11:50:14 AM
madagascar was written in 93/4, as Axl said recently.

I would not take too much of this 'info' too seriously. Alot of it is either old or wrong ?:hihi: (I think it says this in the original post though)

I doubt anyone would actually take the info I give as if it's meaning anything significant. I run a songinfo page, and I gather info. Sometimes I stumble upon sources that are unavailable for others. Now I gave out some info (about "Prostitute") from those kinda sources, but most of it is, as you say old and known.

The info I present may be outdated, and some of these songs may be working titles, or not alternatives for the album. Other than that I just summed up everything the best I could. I'd be more careful with labelling it as possibly "wrong" than what you are though, especially when you present nothing to back up such a claim.

and about "Sorry" (can't quote more... no time). I heard people said both, and I didn't re-read the quote. I was already told about it too... didn't think people would think I'd know something more about it than what I do. That's all.

This post and threads like this in general are why this album needs to come out NOW. I'm so sick of all this, "so and so said Prostitute is the true BIG GUN and the best rocker since and so said 'If The World' is a 10 minute epic like Estranged... so and so said 'This I Love' is the new November Rain'.. so and so said Quick Song is GNR's 'Smells Like Teen Spirit'.

I just wanna say that I don't want to contribute to that. I don't think I throw in any real rumors, and that's not my intention. I rather want to kill some images of "This I Love" being the masterpiece fans has decided it is. I probably do contribute to the "Prostitute" issue, but it's not really my goal. I just wanted to write that for those who doesn't know all the facts, and I felt it was an OK time to do it, now right before CD is released. Then we can basically see how far away we were (because this is close to all the facts we'll find about the songs).

Madagascar (Pitman/Rose): Written in or before 2000. Axl wrote the lyrics, while at least some of the music was written by Chris Pitman. It's very unlikely someone else than Pitman could put together the solo part of the song.

Not correct. As someone mentioned it being from 93/94, I will also mention that the song was talked about between Axl and this woman sometime in 1998 or 99. Axl told her he just wrote the song and didnt know where he got it from and was very happy about it. It was during this children party thingy Axl hosted in the late 90's. Pitman did the sound effects probably but he shouldnt be put forward in the song writing credits more than lets say Buckethead who obviously wrote the solo.

There's also the thing about Tommy Stinson. Stinson went back to the GNR studio in 04 or 05 and said he wanted to make sure that his input was on the album, was. It's quite obvious Tommy's been doing lots of stuff on the album, alongside Finck. The writing credits would obviously be IMO Axl first, then Finck, Tommy and Buckethead. :)

Well, I'm right because I say it's from 2000 or earlier. I didn't hear the 93/94 thing (could you gimme a source?), so I guess I missed that. I also try to stick to sources that are good. Not just some woman who talked to someone. That doesn't do it for me...

Also, I don't want to speculate too much on credits, but yes, I agree Stinson will have credits. I'm quite sure the Pitman fans are right about him writing quite a bit too. I've seen good sources claim Pitman worked one on one with Axl.

Title: Re: What "Chinese Democracy" may look (or sound?) like
Post by: ppbebe on February 18, 2007, 12:29:27 PM
Quick song I believe was the working title for Chinese Democracy. Read the Rolling Stone description from back in the day.....

It was describe as GNR's version of "Smells Like Teen Spirit" or something like that

Prolly no one agrees with me that in a way better song sorta smells like Teen Spirit of GNR.

Title: Re: What "Chinese Democracy" may look (or sound?) like
Post by: Death Cube K on February 18, 2007, 12:40:26 PM
I'm just afraid because the GNR fanatics are really really blind about the new songs... These songs are good rock songs. And THAT'S ALL !

It's still just your subjective opinion. If you care about such a thing, it's the masses who decides if a song is good or not and none of the new GNR songs have truly been tested to the masses. Better has been a bit on the radio and the feedback was pretty good.

Oh and don't forget, theyre still just demo songs. We're not sitting on any released material. Just demo stuff.

Title: Re: What "Chinese Democracy" may look (or sound?) like
Post by: JDA on February 18, 2007, 01:39:29 PM
Sadly, I don't think we will ever know. I now think we will never hear it.  Too much time.

Title: Re: What "Chinese Democracy" may look (or sound?) like
Post by: CAFC Nick on February 18, 2007, 02:01:09 PM
Contraband is average, while Better is really a very good song.

I don't think VR will be talked about in 20 years, while Better will maybe still be around.
That's the difference.  :P

Very biased view.

Better is pretty good as far as songs go, but as far as saying it will be a song talked about in 20 years (such as WTTJ)? Thats pretty ridiculous.

Title: Re: What "Chinese Democracy" may look (or sound?) like
Post by: MrBrOwNsToNeR on February 18, 2007, 02:02:16 PM
Contraband is average, while Better is really a very good song.

I don't think VR will be talked about in 20 years, while Better will maybe still be around.
That's the difference.  :P

Very biased view.

Better is pretty good as far as songs go, but as far as saying it will be a song talked about in 20 years (such as WTTJ)? Thats pretty ridiculous.

you're right dude

Title: Re: What "Chinese Democracy" may look (or sound?) like
Post by: MJ23 on February 18, 2007, 02:49:58 PM
Contraband is average, while Better is really a very good song.

I don't think VR will be talked about in 20 years, while Better will maybe still be around.
That's the difference.  :P

Very biased view.

Better is pretty good as far as songs go, but as far as saying it will be a song talked about in 20 years (such as WTTJ)? Thats pretty ridiculous.

you're right dude

Now you have found somebody who is backing you up a little. :rofl: (only a joke!)

Like I said, this was my opinion. To me "Better" is a kick ass song. And by not knowing me and not knowing that I was and am really into some of the GN'R related things like Snakepit or Izzy or Gilby you would have seen that I ain't "blind" like someone here is claiming. Listening to VR did not satisfy me ever while the new tunes of GN'R did. And I have to admit that I don't share the enthusiasm of other fans as far as Catcher In The Rye is concerned. I don't like that song that much (although I am a GN'R fan since 1987:yes:) But even that song is better than 3/4 of the Contraband album - that's my point.

But back on topic.
I think that the article is a very good read and a very good summary of what has been said or written.
It is easier to write stuff like "I don't believe it" than to point out where a mistake may be.
We will see the truth.
And by the way those articles aren't the reason why the band should release the album, it will be released although there are a lot of ignorant fans who keep bashing the band and all of their work just to promote themselves somehow.

Title: Re: What "Chinese Democracy" may look (or sound?) like
Post by: Sharky-dude on February 18, 2007, 03:31:00 PM

"Like I said, this was my opinion. To me "Better" is a kick ass song. And by not knowing me and not knowing that I was and am really into some of the GN'R related things like Snakepit or Izzy or Gilby you would have seen that I ain't "blind" like someone here is claiming. Listening to VR did not satisfy me ever while the new tunes of GN'R did. And I have to admit that I don't share the enthusiasm of other fans as far as Catcher In The Rye is concerned. I don't like that song that much (although I am a GN'R fan since 1987:yes:) But even that song is better than 3/4 of the Contraband album - that's my point."

all 100% accurate.
This ppointless vr vesus gnr argument belongs in another forum though'

on topic:
the original post is a very exciting read. Intriging and gets me more pumped for the release of cd. (Which will outsell  contraband 10 to 1 no doubt about it.)
sorry couldn't resist

Title: Re: What "Chinese Democracy" may look (or sound?) like
Post by: MJ23 on February 18, 2007, 03:40:42 PM
This ppointless vr vesus gnr argument belongs in another forum though'

on topic:
the original post is a very exciting read. Intriging and gets me more pumped for the release of cd. (Which will outsell  contraband 10 to 1 no doubt about it.)
sorry couldn't resist

You are right - in both of the cases
couldn't resist either.

on topic again:
If you consider the fact that some of these - I tend to avoid that term, but - "new" guys are longer a member in the band than others that already left, we will have to give them as much respect as the former members. Of course they have not released anything so far, but they will. And such an article is a good way to think about some stuff. Maybe some infos were wrong, but they have been gathered from various sources that are reliable. Some interviews with band members directly.

Title: Re: What "Chinese Democracy" may look (or sound?) like
Post by: WARose on February 18, 2007, 04:21:49 PM
why did you leave out rhiad, even though it was written on the setlist from

you say, that prostitute and if the world will most likely be on the record, because they?re mentioned...  following that logic, rhiad is also going to be on the album. there are no facts denying, that catcher in the rye and rhiad will appear on chinese democracy anyways...

dizzy wrote the intro and the bridge to the blues by the way.

most of your "song credits" are baseless speculation anyways...

Title: Re: What "Chinese Democracy" may look (or sound?) like
Post by: Ganja4Life on February 18, 2007, 04:38:09 PM
Contraband is average, while Better is really a very good song.

I don't think VR will be talked about in 20 years, while Better will maybe still be around.
That's the difference.? :P

Very biased view.

Better is pretty good as far as songs go, but as far as saying it will be a song talked about in 20 years (such as WTTJ)? Thats pretty ridiculous.

how do you know?have you lived 20 years in the future before? :hihi: you can never be sure of anything to come in the future bud remember that : ok:

Title: Re: What "Chinese Democracy" may look (or sound?) like
Post by: MrBrOwNsToNeR on February 18, 2007, 04:46:34 PM
Contraband is average, while Better is really a very good song.

I don't think VR will be talked about in 20 years, while Better will maybe still be around.
That's the difference.  :P

Very biased view.

Better is pretty good as far as songs go, but as far as saying it will be a song talked about in 20 years (such as WTTJ)? Thats pretty ridiculous.

how do you know?have you lived 20 years in the future before? :hihi: you can never be sure of anything to come in the future bud remember that : ok:

wait and see.

Title: Re: What "Chinese Democracy" may look (or sound?) like
Post by: Ganja4Life on February 18, 2007, 04:54:42 PM
haha i wasnt saying i think it will or anything  :hihi: im just cant be sure whats gunna happen tomorrow let alone in 20 years....I'm only 14 but..who here thought theyd have to wait this long for new original material from Guns?

Title: Re: What "Chinese Democracy" may look (or sound?) like
Post by: src on February 18, 2007, 07:07:50 PM
why did you leave out rhiad, even though it was written on the setlist from

you say, that prostitute and if the world will most likely be on the record, because they?re mentioned...? following that logic, rhiad is also going to be on the album. there are no facts denying, that catcher in the rye and rhiad will appear on chinese democracy anyways...

dizzy wrote the intro and the bridge to the blues by the way.

most of your "song credits" are baseless speculation anyways...

Sure, I could've added it... I was just tired of writing, and I don't think it will be on the album. I do think it has been stated a bunch of times that it will not. Your logic also fails because there's one major difference between these songs: "Riyadh" was played before. The other two were not.

About credits, I think you're undermining me if you think it's mostly speculations. There's sources for every single claim here; Pitman writing "Madagascar", Freese writing "Chinese Democracy", Brain bringing in "The General" etc. Dizzy said Axl wrote all the lyrics for the album... The only thing I think is speculative is that I say Tobias MAY have co-written "I.R.S." I can't always reveal everything, but I did add that for a reason.

What I tried saying before is that I don't in any way think this are the complete credits. But we'll just have to wait and see for a few months.

Title: Re: What "Chinese Democracy" may look (or sound?) like
Post by: WARose on February 18, 2007, 07:22:49 PM
why did you leave out rhiad, even though it was written on the setlist from

you say, that prostitute and if the world will most likely be on the record, because they?re mentioned...  following that logic, rhiad is also going to be on the album. there are no facts denying, that catcher in the rye and rhiad will appear on chinese democracy anyways...

dizzy wrote the intro and the bridge to the blues by the way.

most of your "song credits" are baseless speculation anyways...

Sure, I could've added it... I was just tired of writing, and I don't think it will be on the album. I do think it has been stated a bunch of times that it will not. Your logic also fails because there's one major difference between these songs: "Riyadh" was played before. The other two were not.

About credits, I think you're undermining me if you think it's mostly speculations. There's sources for every single claim here; Pitman writing "Madagascar", Freese writing "Chinese Democracy", Brain bringing in "The General" etc. Dizzy said Axl wrote all the lyrics for the album... The only thing I think is speculative is that I say Tobias MAY have co-written "I.R.S." I can't always reveal everything, but I did add that for a reason.

What I tried saying before is that I don't in any way think this are the complete credits. But we'll just have to wait and see for a few months.

well... 3 year old dizzy reed interviews don`t really count as sources... it`s obvious, that noone, not even axl or merck, knew which songs would be on the record until now. so it doesn`t matter, if dizzy said rhiad will or won`t be on CD in 2004.....   the fact, that it has been played before doesn?t matter as well. silkworms was played before, but doesn`t appear on the setlist. rhiad being on the record is as likely as if the world, citr or any other song being on it. we have no clue and we surely won?t find an answer by speculating....

brain having written the general is also only speculation from your side. if i remember correctly dizzy mentioned the song along with brain, but he didn?t say that brain wrote it.

as you said, we`ll have to wait and see......which is another reason, why these "credits" are completely useless...

Title: Re: What "Chinese Democracy" may look (or sound?) like
Post by: MJ23 on February 19, 2007, 02:44:52 AM
If these "credits" are useless for you, then it's fine. I think that it is a nice piece of "information" for some fans.
I don't say that all stuff is 100% accurate, but he tried to gather as much reliable stuff as possible.

And I do believe that the band decided at one point in the past what songs could be on the album and what songs won't be for sure. So I believe that even a 3 years old interview is a reliable source.
Of course 3 years are a long time, but like I said those interviews seem very reliable to me.

Title: Re: What "Chinese Democracy" may look (or sound?) like
Post by: src on February 19, 2007, 05:39:26 AM
brain having written the general is also only speculation from your side. if i remember correctly dizzy mentioned the song along with brain, but he didn?t say that brain wrote it.

Dizzy: Last year Brain had this song called "The General" that was really cool.

Most credits are mostly incomplete, but I can't see any other way to understand this quote.

Title: Re: What "Chinese Democracy" may look (or sound?) like
Post by: Six Strings on February 19, 2007, 07:31:53 AM
Have more patients damn it. We will see soon...hopefully...I mean, this is very similar thread as most of the threads about the album. Don't get me wrong, the review of the songs was a cool read but for Christ sake, it's turning over to "it will be the best album ever" or "it will suck"...just hold the line a few more weeks...hopefully...we will see.

Title: Re: What "Chinese Democracy" may look (or sound?) like
Post by: ppbebe on February 19, 2007, 02:01:21 PM
I think I saw an dizzy interview where he talks about the blues to the effect that the song means lots as it's the first song they made as a band.

Title: Re: What "Chinese Democracy" may look (or sound?) like
Post by: jarmo on February 19, 2007, 04:39:35 PM
"I'm trying to do something different. Some of the arrangements are kind of like Queen. Some people are going to say, 'It doesn't sound like Axl Rose, it doesn't sound like Guns n' Roses.'" He then smiles and adds, "But you'll like at least a few songs on there."

Axl, January 2006
