Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: chinese69illusions on February 16, 2007, 05:06:01 AM

Title: Should I quit my job and go back to college.
Post by: chinese69illusions on February 16, 2007, 05:06:01 AM
I have been working at the same job for 5 years now and I am thinking about quiting and getting a part time job and going back to college.? I am 27 now and I figure if I want to get anywhere in life I need to break free from what I am doing now.? I am actually scared to go back to college but I want more than a factory job. Has anyone else worked part time and gone to college full time and still made ends meet? :beer:

Title: Re: Should I quite my job and go back to college.
Post by: Ax?lle on February 16, 2007, 05:13:03 AM
i havent done it myself cuz iv been a single mom for a long time but if i ever cud have the chanse to do it , i defo wud !! maybe its a big sacrifice ( finacially ) now but you'll be happier when you finish it ! more money, a better job , much less hassle ect'll have the feeling , you accompliced (sp?) something !

Title: Re: Should I quite my job and go back to college.
Post by: Nightfall on February 16, 2007, 05:20:57 AM
I haven't done it either...I'm trying to get out of my disability position so i am thinking about getting certificates for certain things i want to learn and which might help me with future work/own business...this can be done part-time so it won't be to hard for me (physically).

Isn't that a possibility for you too? it means you stillget a fulltime income while you gain extra knowledge parttime.

Ofcourse i don't know your background with education, or the scholing possibilities in your country, so maybe this isn't an option.

Title: Re: Should I quite my job and go back to college.
Post by: Ax?lle on February 16, 2007, 05:23:25 AM
yeah that cud be an option for belgium we have evening school , so you can still work fulltime and twice a week you go to school and get a full diploma when you finish !

Title: Re: Should I quite my job and go back to college.
Post by: BBF Rocks on February 16, 2007, 05:28:55 AM
maybe you are ready for college when you learn how to spell "quit" :confused:

Title: Re: Should I quite my job and go back to college.
Post by: chinese69illusions on February 16, 2007, 05:32:40 AM
Yeh I miss spell often.

Title: Re: Should I quit my job and go back to college.
Post by: Rockin' Rose on February 16, 2007, 06:51:45 AM
If you aint happy about doing your job then my advice is to quit and find something you like, be it college or another job.

Title: Re: Should I quit my job and go back to college.
Post by: Jim Bob on February 16, 2007, 06:52:55 AM
its never too late yo.


Title: Re: Should I quit my job and go back to college.
Post by: Danny Top Hat on February 16, 2007, 11:07:25 AM
If you can afford it - do it.  Only you know the finer details though.  Good luck mate, if you hate your job then you're thinking along the right lines. : ok:

Title: Re: Should I quit my job and go back to college.
Post by: Krispy Kreme on February 16, 2007, 01:04:37 PM
You absolutely should do it.
1. You will be a better educated and more interesting person
2. You will get more  out of life  with broader  horizons
3. You will make yourself eligible for  a more  interesting  job
4. You will make more money during your working career--a lot  more.
5. Chicks dig educated guys ;)

Title: Re: Should I quit my job and go back to college.
Post by: The Dog on February 16, 2007, 02:42:23 PM
Abso - fucking - lutely do it.

it seems scary now and it will be a sacrafice (with time and money) but by all means if you are unhappy now, you will not be happier unless you change things.

but here is the best advice you can get .....

don't just go back to school for the sake of going back or trying something else..


these days people are working longer and longer and living longer and longer - if you're going to be working for 40+ years be sure its something you enjoy doing at least. 

you have a job now, so take your time and really think it out, do research.  theres no need to rush into making another mistake.  27 is VERY young - you have your whole life ahead of you.

Title: Re: Should I quit my job and go back to college.
Post by: Walk on February 16, 2007, 04:09:04 PM
I want more than a factory job.

Go to college.

Title: Re: Should I quit my job and go back to college.
Post by: freedom78 on February 16, 2007, 04:59:13 PM
I have been working at the same job for 5 years now and I am thinking about quiting and getting a part time job and going back to college.  I am 27 now and I figure if I want to get anywhere in life I need to break free from what I am doing now.  I am actually scared to go back to college but I want more than a factory job. Has anyone else worked part time and gone to college full time and still made ends meet? :beer:

I wouldn't describe college as being "full time"...especially for someone a few years older than typical college age and truly committed to the work.

My advice would depend on what you want to do.  So many people go to college, have no idea what career they want, major in history, and never actually use it.  Not that book knowledge is what it's all about.  You should also learn to improve your overall communication and reasoning skills, too.  But, say, if you want to be a teacher, then going back for education makes a ton of sense.

Title: Re: Should I quit my job and go back to college.
Post by: The Dog on February 16, 2007, 08:30:01 PM
I have been working at the same job for 5 years now and I am thinking about quiting and getting a part time job and going back to college.? I am 27 now and I figure if I want to get anywhere in life I need to break free from what I am doing now.? I am actually scared to go back to college but I want more than a factory job. Has anyone else worked part time and gone to college full time and still made ends meet? :beer:

I wouldn't describe college as being "full time"...especially for someone a few years older than typical college age and truly committed to the work.

My advice would depend on what you want to do.? So many people go to college, have no idea what career they want, major in history, and never actually use it.? Not that book knowledge is what it's all about.? You should also learn to improve your overall communication and reasoning skills, too.? But, say, if you want to be a teacher, then going back for education makes a ton of sense.

exactly, don't go back just to get a degree, go back for something you REALLY want to do for the rest of your life.  If you're not sure, you're likely just throwing your money out the window.

Title: Re: Should I quit my job and go back to college.
Post by: bazgnr on February 17, 2007, 08:51:24 PM
I worked a job I hated for years, and my existence was a miserable one.? I didn't want to be "that guy," especially being newly married and had to make a change.? Going back to school - already graduated college - was hard enough, and being close to 30 made it much, much more difficult.? It was a strain financially, and was a very stressful time overall...I wished that I'd gone back sooner to do something I truly enjoyed.

Now, at 33, I've been working I job that I *love* for years now, whereas I easily could have not taken the risk and still been miserable as I near the mid-thirties.? If you can feasibly make it happen - emotionally and financially - I say do it.

Title: Re: Should I quit my job and go back to college.
Post by: Jules on February 18, 2007, 01:37:51 PM
you should definately do this if you can.  I was like you in a dead end job, when i was 29 i decided to take the risk and go back to university.  As a single mum with four kids this was hard, if you want it bad enough you will manage.  I couldn't make ends meet and worked 24 hours a week behind a bar, just to fund childcare.  This is not just a career altering choice you will find that your whole outlook will change.  The only word of warning i can suggest is that you choose to study a subject with real career potential.  Where i come from in the north east of England graduates are ten a penny, so your choice of course is paramount.