Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: Negleyjj on February 16, 2007, 12:08:40 AM

Title: Prostitute = Silk Worms?
Post by: Negleyjj on February 16, 2007, 12:08:40 AM
It was recently confirmed by Axl to the EMS people that Silk Worms still existed, but was going under a different name now...

Look at the lyrics of Silk Worms, they are clearly about a Prostitute!

I know what you're thinking, but it's entirely possible that it was called Prostitute, but they decided to rename it Silk Worms, after initial negative reception they decided to rework the track and changed it back to Prostitute to escape the negative stigma that this obvious future hit.

For all of you dying to hear it - you already have!

(P.S. I know this isn't the case - in the one in a billion chance I was right... woah... - this is a joke to all those people that say "I hope we get to hear Prostitute!" constantly based on nothing but the name and the comments of a composer 5 years ago... and the fact that practically everyone hates SW and it apparently is still alive)

Title: Re: Prostitute = Silk Worms?
Post by: Krispy Kreme on February 16, 2007, 12:28:01 AM
God, I hope not. Please do not let it  be true.

Title: Re: Prostitute = Silk Worms?
Post by: EFISH on February 16, 2007, 12:28:46 AM

Title: Re: Prostitute = Silk Worms?
Post by: Robman? on February 16, 2007, 12:29:27 AM
It's a valid point, but I doubt it.

Title: Re: Prostitute = Silk Worms?
Post by: estebanf on February 16, 2007, 12:56:24 AM
''Eat my silkworms'' sounds definitely better than ''Eat My Prostitute''  :hihi:

Title: Re: Prostitute = Silk Worms?
Post by: Ax?lle on February 16, 2007, 12:59:30 AM
mah...i dont really like the song  :-[ maybe when its on cd they'd changed it abit...i hope so !

Title: Re: Prostitute = Silk Worms?
Post by: jameslofton29 on February 16, 2007, 01:06:20 AM
Bullshit. Go read the description of Prostitute by Beltrami, and then tell me its Silkworms.

Prostitute is considered to be the best track by several people close to the GNR camp over the years. No way in hell is Silkworms one of the best songs we've heard, and thats not even taking into account the songs we haven't heard.

Its not Prostitute.

Interesting theory though anyways.

Title: Re: Prostitute = Silk Worms?
Post by: Layne Staley's Sunglasses on February 16, 2007, 02:25:06 AM
Not to mention that Prostitute was on the setlist for the NA tour.

Oh by the way, comparing those two tracks is futile.  Let's not go there.

We can file this under Memorable BS Rumor thread.... :hihi:

Title: Re: Prostitute = Silk Worms?
Post by: [mango] on February 16, 2007, 05:14:06 AM
Not likely.... But would love to see Silkworms being played live again....

Title: Re: Prostitute = Silk Worms?
Post by: whiny on February 16, 2007, 05:33:33 AM
no. no. no. the title prostitute was mentioned long before silkworms came up; prostitute supposed to be one of the big guns. it's not silkworms, that was just a "try out track" (hopefully).

Title: Re: Prostitute = Silk Worms?
Post by: CheapJon on February 16, 2007, 05:39:16 AM
I love silkworms, it's a good aggressive kick ass rocker song, but i hope it isn't prostitute, but i would love to hear the new version

Title: Re: Prostitute = Silk Worms?
Post by: Cherona on February 16, 2007, 05:41:33 AM
How many more "Prostitute = xxx?" threads are we going to get? So far we've had "Prostitute = Sorry", "Prostitute = The Blues".

No-one knows. Really.

-Syth  :peace:

Title: Re: Prostitute = Silk Worms?
Post by: Fortus on February 16, 2007, 05:49:49 AM
Prostitute is an very old song, prostitute existed since 1999 or 1998

Title: Re: Prostitute = Silk Worms?
Post by: bringbackadler on February 16, 2007, 06:32:34 AM
Interesting theory, but I doubt it turns out to be true.


Title: Re: Prostitute = Silk Worms?
Post by: Thorne on February 16, 2007, 06:38:21 AM
Haha....I doubt it. Like it's already been said...the description of Prostitute does not match what would be said about Silkworms!

On a side note: A few weeks ago a mate of mine actually thought they had found Prostitute. They sent it on to me before they got a chance to listen and it didn't even have any lyrics. I told them that it wasn't Prostitute because the whole online community of GNR fans would be talking about it if it had been leaked. Another mate tried to claim he had it a few years ago but it's dissappeared from his computer....yeah right. Well the song was good anyway even if it wasn't a GNR product.

Title: Re: Prostitute = Silk Worms?
Post by: polluxlm on February 16, 2007, 06:39:52 AM
It was recently confirmed by Axl to the EMS people that Silk Worms still existed, but was going under a different name now...

It might, but that doesn't change the fact that 'Prostitute' as a title has existed for years.

Look at the lyrics of Silk Worms, they are clearly about a Prostitute!

Is Locomotive and Nightrain describing trains? November Rain a weathercast? Mr. Brownstone a fella?

I know what you're thinking, but it's entirely possible that it was called Prostitute, but they decided to rename it Silk Worms, after initial negative reception they decided to rework the track and changed it back to Prostitute to escape the negative stigma that this obvious future hit.

For all of you dying to hear it - you already have!

Everything is possible, but is it likely? Nah.

Title: Re: Prostitute = Silk Worms?
Post by: D on February 16, 2007, 06:48:50 AM
I dont think so but I do want to hear a studio version of Silk Worms

I love that song

I like it better than Chinese democracy and Rhiad

Title: Re: Prostitute = Silk Worms?
Post by: ppbebe on February 16, 2007, 09:45:30 AM
Hard Gay hoo?

I love the song, not better than Chinese democracy or Riyadh.

Title: Re: Prostitute = Silk Worms?
Post by: killingvector on February 16, 2007, 09:50:21 AM
Prostitute was described as 'fire and ice'. Unless you count the tempo stop about 2/3 of the way through Silkworms as the 'ice', I doubt very much that the two tracks are the same. In addition, other than Dizzy and Pittman synthesizing, I didn't hear any orchestration, i.e. what exactly was Beltrami working on?

I am still debating the whole Oklahoma-Rhiad connection in my own head.

Title: Re: Prostitute = Silk Worms?
Post by: ppbebe on February 16, 2007, 10:13:01 AM
I hear catcher is also renamed.

Title: Re: Prostitute = Silk Worms?
Post by: polluxlm on February 16, 2007, 10:17:07 AM
I hear catcher is also renamed.

When was this?

Title: Re: Prostitute = Silk Worms?
Post by: ppbebe on February 16, 2007, 10:19:56 AM
donno when. last year that was said in a Richard mail someone posted here.

Title: Re: Prostitute = Silk Worms?
Post by: polluxlm on February 16, 2007, 10:20:25 AM
donno when. last year that was said in a Richard mail someone posted here.

But didn't Axl talk about the song with Trunk?

Title: Re: Prostitute = Silk Worms?
Post by: absolutelytrue on February 16, 2007, 10:22:00 AM

Title: Re: Prostitute = Silk Worms?
Post by: ppbebe on February 16, 2007, 10:24:19 AM
a baby moth?

But didn't Axl talk about the song with Trunk?

mmmmmmmaybe after that.

Title: Re: Prostitute = Silk Worms?
Post by: sjgotnitro on February 16, 2007, 10:36:58 AM
No way not in million years.

Silkworms is by far the WORST GNR SONG IN HISTORY

Title: Re: Prostitute = Silk Worms?
Post by: polluxlm on February 16, 2007, 10:40:08 AM
No way not in million years.

Silkworms is by far the WORST GNR SONG IN HISTORY

I'll take Silkworms over Think About You, Anything Goes, Shotgun Blues and Reckless Life any day.

Title: Re: Prostitute = Silk Worms?
Post by: ppbebe on February 16, 2007, 10:42:47 AM
I second that polluxlm

I love it when people challenge themselves.

Title: Re: Prostitute = Silk Worms?
Post by: misterID on February 16, 2007, 10:42:59 AM
No way not in million years.

Silkworms is by far the WORST GNR SONG IN HISTORY

I'll take Silkworms over Think About You, Anything Goes, Shotgun Blues and Reckless Life any day.


What the hell would they change the name to Catcher to? That makes no sense. The only thing I heard that was connected to Catcher in a Richard e-mail was when he said it would be on CD.

Title: Re: Prostitute = Silk Worms?
Post by: ppbebe on February 16, 2007, 10:46:31 AM
There was a post  that claimed so. search for it.

Title: Re: Prostitute = Silk Worms?
Post by: polluxlm on February 16, 2007, 10:51:27 AM
Only reason for Silkworms being Prostitute that I can think of is this:

Prostitute = Biggest gun

Silkworms = Created by Pitman


Title: Re: Prostitute = Silk Worms?
Post by: killingvector on February 16, 2007, 10:55:35 AM
It is plausible that Catcher in the Rye has been changed b/c of copyright issues with JD Salinger, who is a noted recluse and overall pain the ass.

Title: Re: Prostitute = Silk Worms?
Post by: crofty on February 16, 2007, 10:56:49 AM
Blass for you!

Title: Re: Prostitute = Silk Worms?
Post by: misterID on February 16, 2007, 10:57:30 AM
There was a post? that claimed so. search for it.

You brought it up, so you go search it!

Okay, I could understand trademark/copyright issues.

Title: Re: Prostitute = Silk Worms?
Post by: ppbebe on February 16, 2007, 10:58:45 AM
Maybe Mandy knows.

Only reason for Silkworms being Prostitute that I can think of is this:

Prostitute = Biggest gun

Silkworms = Created by Pitman


You should put one more line between the two to reason by a syllogism.

Title: Re: Prostitute = Silk Worms?
Post by: polluxlm on February 16, 2007, 11:01:39 AM
Maybe Mandy knows.

Only reason for Silkworms being Prostitute that I can think of is this:

Prostitute = Biggest gun

Silkworms = Created by Pitman


You should put one more line between the two to reason by a syllogism.

I do what I want :smoking:

Title: Re: Prostitute = Silk Worms?
Post by: killingvector on February 16, 2007, 11:06:50 AM
Maybe Mandy knows.

Only reason for Silkworms being Prostitute that I can think of is this:

Prostitute = Biggest gun

Silkworms = Created by Pitman


You should put one more line between the two to reason by a syllogism.

I do what I want :smoking:

Interesting thought.... :-X

Title: Re: Prostitute = Silk Worms?
Post by: polluxlm on February 16, 2007, 11:09:42 AM
Maybe Mandy knows.

Only reason for Silkworms being Prostitute that I can think of is this:

Prostitute = Biggest gun

Silkworms = Created by Pitman


You should put one more line between the two to reason by a syllogism.

I do what I want :smoking:

Interesting thought.... :-X

But not applicable to your current line of thought

Title: Re: Prostitute = Silk Worms?
Post by: horsey on February 16, 2007, 12:48:33 PM
aahh this is going to sound dumb,but what exactly is a silk worm ?

Title: Re: Prostitute = Silk Worms?
Post by: horsey on February 16, 2007, 12:50:04 PM
a baby moth?

But didn't Axl talk about the song with Trunk?

mmmmmmmaybe after that.

oh i guess then.

Title: Re: Prostitute = Silk Worms?
Post by: Risico on February 16, 2007, 01:14:01 PM
Interesting theory. I doubt it, but it's interesting.

As for Silkworms, that song rocks. Aggressive guitars, nice electronica break, and a fast pace - I hope it does still exist in some form.

I really think that it's the most "challenging" new-GNR track, and it still stuns me that Axl and Co. brought it out a few times - It's really different, and the negative reactions have never surprised me, but I love it.

Title: Re: Prostitute = Silk Worms?
Post by: CheapJon on February 16, 2007, 01:19:21 PM
I can't understand how people can think silkworms sucks, it's a kick ass song, i fucking hope it's on the second album together with OMG (maybe the 2 most underrated songs from gnr IMO)

Title: Re: Prostitute = Silk Worms?
Post by: polluxlm on February 16, 2007, 01:20:33 PM
I can't understand how people can think silkworms sucks, it's a kick ass song, i fucking hope it's on the second album together with OMG (maybe the 2 most underrated songs from gnr IMO)

All the new songs rock. If we get 3 full albums... :drool:

Title: Re: Prostitute = Silk Worms?
Post by: jameslofton29 on February 16, 2007, 01:27:32 PM
It is plausible that Catcher in the Rye has been changed b/c of copyright issues with JD Salinger, who is a noted recluse and overall pain the ass.
I brought up that very issue last year, and everyone thought I was insane.

I may be insane, but that wasn't a good example to use in proving my insanity. :hihi:

Title: Re: Prostitute = Silk Worms?
Post by: madagas on February 16, 2007, 01:28:48 PM
I kinda like Silkworms too...I call it "industrial punk". Axl's got a pretty wicked scream in there as well. : ok:

Title: Re: Prostitute = Silk Worms?
Post by: ppbebe on February 16, 2007, 01:53:00 PM
I call it "industrial punk".

jolly well. I'd call it 'industrial punk noise'  : ok:

Title: Re: Prostitute = Silk Worms?
Post by: akaxl on February 16, 2007, 02:02:54 PM
Bullshit. Go read the description of Prostitute by Beltrami, and then tell me its Silkworms.

Prostitute is considered to be the best track by several people close to the GNR camp over the years. No way in hell is Silkworms one of the best songs we've heard, and thats not even taking into account the songs we haven't heard.

Its not Prostitute.

Interesting theory though anyways.

if prostitute is the best track why is it not rumored to be the first single.  We are all hearing that better is to be the first single

Title: Re: Prostitute = Silk Worms?
Post by: Bad Cover Version on February 16, 2007, 02:10:23 PM
Instrumentally, I think it's an interesting number. Lyrically, it's shameful. Rampant vulgarity make this song seem like a b-side to Buckcherry's 'Crazy Bitch', not a Chinese Democracy tracklist contender.

Oh, and to stay on topic, I firmly believe that Silkworms is NOT Prostitute.

Title: Re: Prostitute = Silk Worms?
Post by: jameslofton29 on February 16, 2007, 02:19:47 PM
Bullshit. Go read the description of Prostitute by Beltrami, and then tell me its Silkworms.

Prostitute is considered to be the best track by several people close to the GNR camp over the years. No way in hell is Silkworms one of the best songs we've heard, and thats not even taking into account the songs we haven't heard.

Its not Prostitute.

Interesting theory though anyways.

if prostitute is the best track why is it not rumored to be the first single.  We are all hearing that better is to be the first single
YCBM isn't the best song on the UYI discs, but that didn't stop them from releasing it before any of the other songs. Don't Cry isn't either, and that didn't stop it from being the 2nd single.

Title: Re: Prostitute = Silk Worms?
Post by: Jackamo! on February 16, 2007, 03:06:59 PM
Axl did say it had a new name.

But I'm 100% sure it's not Prostitute. That song title has been around even before we heard Silkworms debut.
Plus Tommy said it was like the new line up's SCOM. And the song we heard as Silkworms- obviously isn't anything like SCOM. 

Title: Re: Prostitute = Silk Worms?
Post by: madagas on February 16, 2007, 03:11:18 PM
And when the hell did Tommy say that????

Title: Re: Prostitute = Silk Worms?
Post by: Jackamo! on February 16, 2007, 03:16:23 PM
A few years ago I think.

I'm pretty sure it was Tommy- his nickname is "General" right? It may have been the guy who worked on it. But I think it was Tommy.

Title: Re: Prostitute = Silk Worms?
Post by: Chris Axl on February 16, 2007, 03:23:09 PM
I hear catcher is also renamed.
oh you do? who told you, Axl?

Title: Re: Prostitute = Silk Worms?
Post by: gokken on February 16, 2007, 03:30:44 PM
A few years ago I think.

I'm pretty sure it was Tommy- his nickname is "General" right? It may have been the guy who worked on it. But I think it was Tommy.

Yeah they call him general because he is the "general" when they reherse , right?

It would be nice if you could get the source where he said that? I believe you but I guess its a intresting read.

Title: Re: Prostitute = Silk Worms?
Post by: ZoulonFire on February 16, 2007, 03:32:33 PM
It was recently confirmed by Axl to the EMS people that Silk Worms still existed, but was going under a different name now...

It might, but that doesn't change the fact that 'Prostitute' as a title has existed for years.

Look at the lyrics of Silk Worms, they are clearly about a Prostitute!

Is Locomotive and Nightrain describing trains? November Rain a weathercast? Mr. Brownstone a fella?


Title: Re: Prostitute = Silk Worms?
Post by: Jackamo! on February 16, 2007, 03:38:37 PM
A few years ago I think.

I'm pretty sure it was Tommy- his nickname is "General" right? It may have been the guy who worked on it. But I think it was Tommy.

Yeah they call him general because he is the "general" when they reherse , right?

It would be nice if you could get the source where he said that? I believe you but I guess its a intresting read.
I tried finding it but had no luck. I found where Paul Bucketmaster (that his name?) describes it as "Fire and Ice". He's the guy who worked on the ochestra or whatever. Somebody must have that Tommy quote.

Title: Re: Prostitute = Silk Worms?
Post by: Jackamo! on February 16, 2007, 03:41:19 PM
Silkworms = Created by Pitman
No he didn't.

Dizzy wrote the song, Axl wrote the chorus, and Pitman made the music.


Title: Re: Prostitute = Silk Worms?
Post by: Layne Staley's Sunglasses on February 16, 2007, 03:51:06 PM
I hear catcher is also renamed.
oh you do? who told you, Axl?

Duuuude, what's your problem man?  Take it down a notch...ppbebe isn't one to spread BS around, and there's a good chance Catcher HAS been re-named, because of JD Salinger.  Don't you read what people say before you?

Title: Re: Prostitute = Silk Worms?
Post by: misterID on February 16, 2007, 04:02:43 PM
I would've thought Better was the new line ups SCOM.

Title: Re: Prostitute = Silk Worms?
Post by: Mr. Redman on February 16, 2007, 11:45:34 PM
Why would CITR be renamed? It's a common saying, as I've said it for about 5 years to various ex's.

Title: Re: Prostitute = Silk Worms?
Post by: Jackamo! on February 17, 2007, 12:22:12 AM
Axl never said anything about renaming a song- besides Silkworms.

Catcher in the Rye is a term- the writer of that book can't have the title copyrighted.

Title: Re: Prostitute = Silk Worms?
Post by: Orgasmatron on February 17, 2007, 10:34:46 AM
Well, Prostitute is supposed to be on Chinese Democracy, right?

You really think Axl would put a song done by Dizzy and Chris on his own personal opus? Wow..

Title: Re: Prostitute = Silk Worms?
Post by: Chris Axl on February 17, 2007, 10:46:22 AM
I hear catcher is also renamed.
oh you do? who told you, Axl?

Duuuude, what's your problem man?? Take it down a notch...ppbebe isn't one to spread BS around, and there's a good chance Catcher HAS been re-named, because of JD Salinger.? Don't you read what people say before you?

erh... Problom? I asked where she got the info from. Whats the problem?

Title: Re: Prostitute = Silk Worms?
Post by: gokken on February 17, 2007, 10:48:04 AM
Well, Prostitute is supposed to be on Chinese Democracy, right?

You really think Axl would put a song done by Dizzy and Chris on his own personal opus? Wow..

I think they will have to work alot with silkworms if its gonna be on CD but yes I think he will let other people in the band have songs that they wrote on CD.

Title: Re: Prostitute = Silk Worms?
Post by: Bartlet on February 17, 2007, 10:49:18 AM
Prostitute was described as 'fire and ice'. Unless you count the tempo stop about 2/3 of the way through Silkworms as the 'ice', I doubt very much that the two tracks are the same. In addition, other than Dizzy and Pittman synthesizing, I didn't hear any orchestration, i.e. what exactly was Beltrami working on?

I am still debating the whole Oklahoma-Rhiad connection in my own head.

in the nicest possible way, could we knock all this fire and ice stuff on the head please? no1 knows what it means. the guy who originally said it has seen that spinal tap movie on too many times.

Title: Re: Prostitute = Silk Worms?
Post by: Bartlet on February 17, 2007, 10:51:08 AM
I hear catcher is also renamed.
oh you do? who told you, Axl?

Duuuude, what's your problem man?? Take it down a notch...ppbebe isn't one to spread BS around, and there's a good chance Catcher HAS been re-named, because of JD Salinger.? Don't you read what people say before you?

erh... Problom? I asked where she got the info from. Whats the problem?

you know what was meant, theres no need for the tone. dont play dumb, just tone it down and make this a nicer place to be.

Title: Re: Prostitute = Silk Worms?
Post by: Chris Axl on February 17, 2007, 10:52:24 AM
ok, serisously.

Have I missed something about CITR?

I dont mean to make this a bad place to be, lol

Title: Re: Prostitute = Silk Worms?
Post by: Thorne on February 17, 2007, 01:25:58 PM
ok, serisously.

Have I missed something about CITR?

I dont mean to make this a bad place to be, lol

Not that I know of. What they are implying is the tone you used was really quite harsh. "Oh you do? And who told you, Axl?" comes across as a very sarcastic statement of disbelief.

What I don't get is (and this isn't specific to you) that alot of the time someone says they heard a rumour and people call them up on it, and some of the time it's not in a nice manner, more confrontational. Why? They said they heard a rumour....they're not saying that that is what happened/is going to happen. It seems that over the years people have lost the ability to tell the truth between what appears to be a statement of fact and someone saying they heard something that may or may not be true. Which isn't surprising considering the band we're dealing with here ;D

Sorry to go off on a rant on a rant there :-[

Title: Re: Prostitute = Silk Worms?
Post by: Jackamo! on February 17, 2007, 03:10:59 PM
Well, Prostitute is supposed to be on Chinese Democracy, right?

You really think Axl would put a song done by Dizzy and Chris on his own personal opus? Wow..
This isn't just Axl's album.

Title: Re: Prostitute = Silk Worms?
Post by: GNRreunioneventually on February 17, 2007, 09:09:07 PM
i hope there still is a CITR, i'm starting to like that song and i hope its bull shit about silk worms too cause i really like that song as well. But if its the truth then........i'll be damned :confused: :)

Title: Re: Prostitute = Silk Worms?
Post by: Bartlet on February 17, 2007, 09:14:44 PM
ok, serisously.

Have I missed something about CITR?

I dont mean to make this a bad place to be, lol

Not that I know of. What they are implying is the tone you used was really quite harsh. "Oh you do? And who told you, Axl?" comes across as a very sarcastic statement of disbelief.

What I don't get is (and this isn't specific to you) that alot of the time someone says they heard a rumour and people call them up on it, and some of the time it's not in a nice manner, more confrontational. Why? They said they heard a rumour....they're not saying that that is what happened/is going to happen. It seems that over the years people have lost the ability to tell the truth between what appears to be a statement of fact and someone saying they heard something that may or may not be true. Which isn't surprising considering the band we're dealing with here ;D

Sorry to go off on a rant on a rant there :-[

Spot on Thorne!

Title: Re: Prostitute = Silk Worms?
Post by: GNRreunioneventually on February 17, 2007, 10:03:17 PM
ok, serisously.

Have I missed something about CITR?

I dont mean to make this a bad place to be, lol

Not that I know of. What they are implying is the tone you used was really quite harsh. "Oh you do? And who told you, Axl?" comes across as a very sarcastic statement of disbelief.

What I don't get is (and this isn't specific to you) that alot of the time someone says they heard a rumour and people call them up on it, and some of the time it's not in a nice manner, more confrontational. Why? They said they heard a rumour....they're not saying that that is what happened/is going to happen. It seems that over the years people have lost the ability to tell the truth between what appears to be a statement of fact and someone saying they heard something that may or may not be true. Which isn't surprising considering the band we're dealing with here ;D

Sorry to go off on a rant on a rant there :-[

thats true really. good post : ok:

Title: Re: Prostitute = Silk Worms?
Post by: Ganja4Life on February 17, 2007, 10:53:37 PM
ok, serisously.

Have I missed something about CITR?

I dont mean to make this a bad place to be, lol

Not that I know of. What they are implying is the tone you used was really quite harsh. "Oh you do? And who told you, Axl?" comes across as a very sarcastic statement of disbelief.

What I don't get is (and this isn't specific to you) that alot of the time someone says they heard a rumour and people call them up on it, and some of the time it's not in a nice manner, more confrontational. Why? They said they heard a rumour....they're not saying that that is what happened/is going to happen. It seems that over the years people have lost the ability to tell the truth between what appears to be a statement of fact and someone saying they heard something that may or may not be true. Which isn't surprising considering the band we're dealing with here ;D

Sorry to go off on a rant on a rant there :-[

thats true really. good post : ok:

What he said! :peace: :beer:

Title: Re: Prostitute = Silk Worms?
Post by: GnR-NOW on February 17, 2007, 11:49:00 PM
I hope Prostitute isnt Silkworms, but it would make sense with the lyrics.

Title: Re: Prostitute = Silk Worms?
Post by: chinesedemocracy05 on February 17, 2007, 11:57:36 PM
If Silk worms is what this whole board has been waiting for for the past 10 years, we would all feel like assholes.

Title: Re: Prostitute = Silk Worms?
Post by: ppbebe on February 18, 2007, 01:10:21 PM
I hear catcher is also renamed.
oh you do? who told you, Axl?

Could you kindly read a few posts following after the one you're calling in question next time?

donno when. last year that was said in a Richard mail someone posted here.

There was a post  that claimed so. search for it.

Title: Re: Prostitute = Silk Worms?
Post by: Mooch on February 19, 2007, 11:47:45 PM
Guys, I was at the Hookers and Blow concert last night here in Hartford CT.  I wasnt a huge fan of the supporting band so I walked away from the stage and up to the bar and who did I see at the bar DIZZY REED himself!!!!!!!!!!  I approached him and said, "Mr. Reed its an honor to meet you", he smiled and said, "trust me its no honor".  he then asked "so whats going on?"  That kind of stopped me in my tracks because honestly, what do you say when a rockstar asks you something like that? hahahah.  I then told him that I really like SILKWORMS.  He said cool, and that he doesnt even know if that is finished up.  I asked if it will appear on a certain album, he sort of laughed and said, "I honestly have no idea man,  I dont know".  anyway that was pretty much the jist of the conversation, I didnt want to seem like some crazy fan asking 30 questions so I again that it was nice meeting him and he said, "no prob bro enjoy the show and rock on".  It was an amazing show and Dizzy actual sounds good singing a bunch of the GNR tunes.  He played some stones and I think a Tom Petty tune also I believe.  the whole time they were on stage the band was throwing back schlitz and passing around Jager.  Man can he crank on the keys!  Everybody was laughing when he said that they drove 13 hours to be here and that he lives in Cali and he forgot what it is like to drive in the snow while tired and hungover.  :rofl:  Anyway nothing groundbreaking, but it was awesome meeting him and he couldnt have been a nicer person.