Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: Neemo on February 15, 2007, 02:28:02 PM

Title: Neemo's Greatest Movie of All-Time Survivor (Best of the 1970's & Prior: Rnd 2)
Post by: Neemo on February 15, 2007, 02:28:02 PM
In "Greatest Movie Survivor", fire represents death, when the Movie's credits roll, the movie goes up in flames, when the names are read, the decision is final and they must leave the tribal council area immediately. I'll go tally the votes.

The Godfather: Part II & Monty Python's Life of Brian, bring me your torches.


The Tribe has spoken.

11 survivors are left. Grab your torches and start voting again.

A Clockwork Orange
Apocalypse Now
Dirty Harry
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Star Wars
Taxi Driver
The Godfather

Vote off 2, You get until Monday, February 19th.

Title: Re: Neemo's Greatest Movie of All-Time Survivor (Best of the 1970's & Prior: Rnd 2)
Post by: anythinggoes on February 15, 2007, 02:57:28 PM
Halloween and Dirty Happy

Title: Re: Neemo's Greatest Movie of All-Time Survivor (Best of the 1970's & Prior: Rnd
Post by: Jim on February 15, 2007, 03:13:14 PM
Oh, brilliant, so you guys choose the funniest Python movie (though I'll grant you that Life of Brian is a better movie) and the best sequel ever made, a sequel that's better than the original... which remains on the list!

This country.

And dude. Vote off a John Carpenter film again and you're down to minus 1 !!  :rant:

(... not that you'll need to, it's blatantly going  :()

I choose...

Jaws and Rocky.

Title: Re: Neemo's Greatest Movie of All-Time Survivor (Best of the 1970's & Prior: Rnd 2)
Post by: Izzy on February 15, 2007, 03:17:55 PM
U lot voted off Godfather pt 2?

Yey gods.....

Halloween and Psycho - gone!

Title: Re: Neemo's Greatest Movie of All-Time Survivor (Best of the 1970's & Prior: Rnd 2)
Post by: BLS-Pride on February 15, 2007, 03:22:10 PM
Halloween and Psycho

Title: Re: Neemo's Greatest Movie of All-Time Survivor (Best of the 1970's & Prior: Rnd 2)
Post by: AxlsMainMan on February 15, 2007, 03:34:42 PM

Title: Re: Neemo's Greatest Movie of All-Time Survivor (Best of the 1970's & Prior: Rnd 2)
Post by: Communist China on February 15, 2007, 04:12:10 PM
Apocalypse Now

Title: Re: Neemo's Greatest Movie of All-Time Survivor (Best of the 1970's & Prior: Rnd 2)
Post by: GeorgeSteele on February 15, 2007, 04:25:09 PM
My favorite movie already gets eliminated.? :'(? ?You're nothing to me now. You're not a brother, you're not a friend. I don't want to know you or what you do. I don't want to see you at the hotels, I don't want you near my house. When you see our mother, I want to know a day in advance, so I won't be there. You understand?

Halloween and Star Wars

Title: Re: Neemo's Greatest Movie of All-Time Survivor (Best of the 1970's & Prior: Rnd
Post by: supaplex on February 15, 2007, 04:32:43 PM
star wars and the other monty

Title: Re: Neemo's Greatest Movie of All-Time Survivor (Best of the 1970's & Prior: Rnd 2)
Post by: Rocksteady on February 15, 2007, 05:20:39 PM

Title: Re: Neemo's Greatest Movie of All-Time Survivor (Best of the 1970's & Prior: Rnd 2)
Post by: Danny Top Hat on February 15, 2007, 08:42:47 PM
Dirty Harry

Fuckin disasterous start.? The Godfather 2?? Are you sure? :P

Communist China - if you keep voting like that you've got years of negative karma ahead of you.? I'll have you banned boy! ;D

Title: Re: Neemo's Greatest Movie of All-Time Survivor (Best of the 1970's & Prior: Rnd 2)
Post by: Communist China on February 15, 2007, 09:17:20 PM
Never liked the Godfather series and Apocalypse Now, well, anyone that thinks it's top 10 of the 70s needs to see it again. That's like saying Goldfinger is the best Bond movie.

Title: Re: Neemo's Greatest Movie of All-Time Survivor (Best of the 1970's & Prior: Rnd 2)
Post by: Danny Top Hat on February 15, 2007, 09:25:09 PM
I'm rooting for either Apocalypse Now or A Clockwork Orange to win this decade(s), they are two films i've seen repeatedly but will never, ever get bored of.  The Godfather should be high up there as well in my opinion.? I'm not into Bond films but i'm pretty sure either Goldeneye or Casino Royale was the best.

I'll be monitoring your votes carefully. ;)

Title: Re: Neemo's Greatest Movie of All-Time Survivor (Best of the 1970's & Prior: Rnd
Post by: Jim on February 15, 2007, 09:51:08 PM
That's like saying Goldfinger is the best Bond movie.

Haha, yeah, it's like... Wait, hold on. Goldfinger? Goldfinger is at least one of the best Bond movies, you'll appreciate that surely? Were you trying to pick the worst? If so, you have truly shown that you are inept when it comes to watching films with your eyes and your ears and your brain and then making a sound judgement, and I motion that any votes you cast in the future be stricken from the record.

Good day, sir.

Title: Re: Neemo's Greatest Movie of All-Time Survivor (Best of the 1970's & Prior: Rnd
Post by: Genesis on February 16, 2007, 12:51:31 AM
Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
Dirty Harry.

Title: Re: Neemo's Greatest Movie of All-Time Survivor (Best of the 1970's & Prior: Rnd
Post by: jameslofton29 on February 16, 2007, 12:56:32 AM
Never liked the Godfather series and Apocalypse Now, well, anyone that thinks it's top 10 of the 70s needs to see it again.
Apocalypse Now is one of the greatest films ever made. Period.

I cant believe Godfather 2 is already eliminated.

Monty Python and the Holy Grail

Title: Re: Neemo's Greatest Movie of All-Time Survivor (Best of the 1970's & Prior: Rnd
Post by: kupirock on February 16, 2007, 08:33:18 AM
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Star Wars

Title: Re: Neemo's Greatest Movie of All-Time Survivor (Best of the 1970's & Prior: Rnd 2)
Post by: Eppe on February 16, 2007, 03:59:29 PM
Godfather 2 out? It should have won!

I vote off Dirty Harry and Jaws

Title: Re: Neemo's Greatest Movie of All-Time Survivor (Best of the 1970's & Prior: Rnd
Post by: Communist China on February 16, 2007, 04:24:39 PM
That's like saying Goldfinger is the best Bond movie.

Haha, yeah, it's like... Wait, hold on. Goldfinger? Goldfinger is at least one of the best Bond movies, you'll appreciate that surely? Were you trying to pick the worst? If so, you have truly shown that you are inept when it comes to watching films with your eyes and your ears and your brain and then making a sound judgement, and I motion that any votes you cast in the future be stricken from the record.

Good day, sir.

Lots of people think they like Goldfinger. Only a third of those people actually do. And I am in neither group. To call it the best is pretty sad, it's really not that above average.

Title: Re: Neemo's Greatest Movie of All-Time Survivor (Best of the 1970's & Prior: Rnd 2)
Post by: Kujo on February 18, 2007, 01:23:42 AM

Title: Re: Neemo's Greatest Movie of All-Time Survivor (Best of the 1970's & Prior: Rnd 2)
Post by: Neemo on February 18, 2007, 01:55:36 PM
dirty harry and jaws are my 2 votes

personally i voted out GF2 cuz it's a sequel and i liked the first one better (I didnt want another LOTR thing to happen :hihi: ) :peace: also i can see GF getting the boot early cuz i remeber when i was younger that i hated wasnt till i reached my mid-20's that i started to appreciate its brilliance :-\

Title: Re: Neemo's Greatest Movie of All-Time Survivor (Best of the 1970's & Prior: Rnd 2)
Post by: marty on February 19, 2007, 06:10:53 AM
Life of Brian is possibly the greatest movie ever, u should all be ashamed of yourselves!!!!!!!

Taxi Driver

Title: Re: Neemo's Greatest Movie of All-Time Survivor (Best of the 1970's & Prior: Rnd
Post by: Jimmy? on February 19, 2007, 07:09:41 AM
Monty & Halloween

Title: Re: Neemo's Greatest Movie of All-Time Survivor (Best of the 1970's & Prior: Rnd 2)
Post by: Neemo on February 19, 2007, 08:34:02 AM
voting ends today

edit no more votes