Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: mrlee on February 09, 2007, 07:26:34 AM

Title: Another english government tax...
Post by: mrlee on February 09, 2007, 07:26:34 AM
I dont have a source link cause i just heard my dad having a conversation with someone about it.

But apparently they are trying to bring in another tax, where they tax you per mile youve driven....

He went onto a site which has a petition against it...however its been closed down, i think the government did that because they dont want people going against what they want.

What does everyone think of this?

Title: Re: Another english government tax...
Post by: aimz on February 09, 2007, 07:40:16 AM
BULLSHIT!!! oh no not your post but the whole tax thing....i mean im not a tax payer (as such) but for goodness sakes ANOTHER tax!!! ........ for everymile you way thats just if the goverment aint takin enough money off us. :rant: :rant: :rant:...personally i actually dont think its may just be a rumor! ???

Title: Re: Another english government tax...
Post by: babydolls on February 09, 2007, 07:46:36 AM
i heard that as well - it was in the press a few weeks ago.

more doom for overtaxed brits..   :no:

Title: Re: Another english government tax...
Post by: aimz on February 09, 2007, 07:48:34 AM
i heard that as well - it was in the press a few weeks ago.

more doom for overtaxed brits.. :no:
so its true!!!!! oh movin to LA.....*goes to pack bags*... :hihi:

Title: Re: Another english government tax...
Post by: Izzy on February 09, 2007, 08:56:35 AM
what is this 'english government'?

I can see a Scottish government, a welsh government, a Northern Irish/IRA government and the EU but no 'english government'

u must be dreaming about how things should be!

Title: Re: Another english government tax...
Post by: TAP on February 09, 2007, 09:42:29 AM
I dont have a source link cause i just heard my dad having a conversation with someone about it.

But apparently they are trying to bring in another tax, where they tax you per mile youve driven....

He went onto a site which has a petition against it...however its been closed down, i think the government did that because they dont want people going against what they want.

What does everyone think of this?

Drivers could pay up to ?1.34 a mile in "pay-as-you go" road charges under new government plans.

The transport secretary said the charges, aimed at cutting congestion, would replace road tax and petrol duty.

Alistair Darling said change was needed if the UK was to avoid the possibility of "LA-style gridlock" within 20 years.

Every vehicle would have a black box to allow a satellite system to track their journey, with prices starting from as little as 2p per mile in rural areas.

Mr Darling has outlined his proposals to the BBC - previewing a speech he will give to the Social Market Foundation on Thursday.

"The advantage is that you would free up capacity on the roads, you would reduce the congestion that we would otherwise face and you would avoid the gridlock that you see in many American cities today," he said.

"This is a prize well worth going for. We've got to ask ourselves: would it work. Could it bring the benefits that I believe it could bring, because it would make a real change to the way we drive in this country."

A satellite tracking system would be used to enforce the toll, with prices varying from 2p per mile for driving on a quiet road out of the rush hour to ?1.34 for motorways at peak times.

'Big Brother' worries

The department of transport says the scheme would be fairer because those who travel greater distances would pay the most.

Concerns that the tracking system would lead to the state knowing where people were all the time, would have to be addressed, said Mr Darling.

He told BBC Radio 4's Today programme he was not trying to drive motorists out of their cars.

"It will mean taking some stick. There are a lot of difficult decisions to be taken," he said.

"I honestly think road pricing could provide us with a way of managing our roads, of getting more out of it, which must be good for us as individuals as well as the country as a whole."

Shadow transport secretary Alan Duncan said he had concerns about the technology and implications for civil liberties.

But he also told Today: "I think it is a vision for the future ...We have more cars in the same amount of space so we do have a problem with congestion."

A pilot scheme could be carried out using volunteer drivers in a large British conurbation within five to six years, but a national scheme would be rolled out within 10-15 years.

The Environment Agency's Nick Rijke warned that shifting money away from fuel duty would take away the incentive for people to use green vehicles.

Price incentives?

And AA Motoring Trust director Bert Morris said there were a number of issues which needed to be addressed.

"Tourism is car-based in this country. Would we have empty hotels on summer days on the coast if people couldn't afford to drive?"

It was also important to ensure that drivers with less money were not penalised, Mr Morris added.

But transport policy expert Professor Stephen Glaister, from Imperial College, said: "I'm pretty confident that it will make a big difference ... people do respond to price incentives."

RAC Foundation spokeswoman Sue Nicholson said the plan could help counter a projected 45% growth in congestion problems by 2030.

No choice

"Providing this tax was substitutional to fuel tax and road tax and provided we had some other guarantees then I think, for a lot of people, this would be a tempting option," she said.

Environmental group Friends of the Earth broadly welcomed road charging but warned the transport crisis could only be tackled if money raised was invested in improving alternatives to car travel.

But the Disabled Drivers' Association's executive director, Douglas Campbell, urged protection for disabled people against increased costs in motoring.

"Many disabled people have no choice other than to use a car as public transport just does not meet their door-to-door transport needs," he said.

Title: Re: Another english government tax...
Post by: mrlee on February 09, 2007, 10:17:10 AM
i thik its disguisting the way they are going to satellite track everyone. This country gets worse n worse.

Also the fact they are closing every petition site against it is pathetic and shows them to be a dictatorship.

Title: Re: Another english government tax...
Post by: Prometheus on February 09, 2007, 11:47:35 AM
i thik its disguisting the way they are going to satellite track everyone. This country gets worse n worse.

Also the fact they are closing every petition site against it is pathetic and shows them to be a dictatorship.

show the facts that the goverment is actively seeking out and shutting down the websites... maybe someone is not paying their bills?

Title: Re: Another english government tax...
Post by: Walk on February 09, 2007, 12:20:23 PM


Title: Re: Another english government tax...
Post by: TAP on February 09, 2007, 12:40:40 PM

Also the fact they are closing every petition site against it is pathetic and shows them to be a dictatorship.

Here it is, and in fact hosted on the UK governments own website:

You might try doing a little more research before you post, this isn't the first time is it.

Title: Re: Another english government tax...
Post by: -Jack- on February 09, 2007, 12:55:15 PM
Isn't this after just raising the taxes on the trains there?

Sounds like you're somewhat screwed either way.

Title: Re: Another english government tax...
Post by: Danny Top Hat on February 09, 2007, 01:54:29 PM
Quit moaning - this isn't such a bad idea.  Maybe if the money accumulated went into better (and cheaper) bus services it'd encourage people to do the right thing and not waste oil on a trip to the shops. :peace:

Title: Re: Another english government tax...
Post by: Izzy on February 09, 2007, 02:40:36 PM
Quit moaning - this isn't such a bad idea.? Maybe if the money accumulated went into better (and cheaper) bus services it'd encourage people to do the right thing and not waste oil on a trip to the shops. :peace:

This is just an attack on the poor

Ur wealthy upper/middle class types arent going to be too bothered by a ?1 a mile - but thats leathal to low income families

So rather than come up with sensible strategy we shall instead leave the roads open to the wealthy - oh well done!

Title: Re: Another english government tax...
Post by: TAP on February 09, 2007, 02:53:35 PM
Quit moaning - this isn't such a bad idea.  Maybe if the money accumulated went into better (and cheaper) bus services it'd encourage people to do the right thing and not waste oil on a trip to the shops. :peace:

This is just an attack on the poor

Ur wealthy upper/middle class types arent going to be too bothered by a ?1 a mile - but thats leathal to low income families

Road tax and fuel tax (which this would partially replace) are the same for rich and poor too.

Title: Re: Another english government tax...
Post by: CAFC Nick on February 10, 2007, 06:08:09 AM
I'm from England and I've heard about this...

I'm 17 and just got my first car (still at school), I can hardly afford petrol/tax/insurance, let alone having to pay for every mile I drive!

Title: Re: Another english government tax...
Post by: axl_rose_700 on February 10, 2007, 07:06:59 AM
This is utter shit, basically the government is trying to justify this by saying they're doing it for the environment.

This is bollocks tbh, it's just a way to get more money out of people and this money won't be used to improve the transport infrastructure, it'll be used to plug gaps in the pensions and NHS. Gordon Brown's borrowing is catchin up on him.

If the government wanted to actually do something about the environment and encourage people to drive low emissions cars they would drop all taxes on your car except petrol tax which will reward people who drive cars which are good for the environment such as a VW Lupo diesel (upto 60mpg) and punish people who drive big gas guzzlers like Range Rover Sports ( 10mpg)

Title: Re: Another english government tax...
Post by: Izzy on February 10, 2007, 08:12:24 AM
Quit moaning - this isn't such a bad idea.? Maybe if the money accumulated went into better (and cheaper) bus services it'd encourage people to do the right thing and not waste oil on a trip to the shops. :peace:

This is just an attack on the poor

Ur wealthy upper/middle class types arent going to be too bothered by a ?1 a mile - but thats leathal to low income families

Road tax and fuel tax (which this would partially replace) are the same for rich and poor too.

and council tax (poorer person in high band house)

Its all a mess

Title: Re: Another english government tax...
Post by: aimz on February 12, 2007, 05:50:05 AM
and now theres gonna be a tax for every bag of rubbish you throw away!!!! :rant:.....btw...anyone else heard of that?