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Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: deanaxlrose on February 02, 2007, 12:36:40 PM

Title: Axl on Rolling Stone indonesia magazine covers
Post by: deanaxlrose on February 02, 2007, 12:36:40 PM
here's the image
this month edition.I just bought the magazine today.

sorry i don't know how to post the image here

( (
there you are ;D

Title: Re: Axl on Rolling Stone indonesia magazine covers
Post by: Orgasmatron on February 02, 2007, 12:39:58 PM
Eh, put the url in the following brackets (http://url here)

By the way, pic didn't work, for me.

Title: Re: Axl on Rolling Stone indonesia magazine covers
Post by: Lucky on February 02, 2007, 12:47:35 PM
before anyone starts getting some wild ideas...


Title: Re: Axl on Rolling Stone indonesia magazine covers
Post by: randomconcepts on February 02, 2007, 12:52:30 PM

I Found A Thumbnail Of It... It Looks Rather Depressing For A Cover But, It Their Section All I Got Was He Beat Brown And Eminem For Rock Rebel Points... Axl Got A 5 And They Got 4's... Woo... This Looked Like B.S. For Stone Just To Try To Get Something Axl In Their Magazine... But, I cannot read Indonesian So Maybe It Was Interesting...

Title: Re: Axl on Rolling Stone indonesia magazine covers
Post by: deanaxlrose on February 02, 2007, 12:53:46 PM
before anyone starts getting some wild ideas...

who knows ;D
the article says : Axl rose decide the release of Chinesse Democracy :6 march 07
this past three months there's always an article of GN'R ( a lot). on that magz (that why I buy it).
but just the news that we've already hear it.

Title: Re: Axl on Rolling Stone indonesia magazine covers
Post by: ppbebe on February 02, 2007, 01:22:35 PM
Thanks deanaxlrose for sharing. so you live in Indonesia?
maybe gnr is playing there sometime this year :D

the link doesn't work for me but the image in hbk's post looks quite fancy.

Title: Re: Axl on Rolling Stone indonesia magazine covers
Post by: duga on February 02, 2007, 05:38:39 PM
The small picture looks terrible.  :P

Title: Re: Axl on Rolling Stone indonesia magazine covers
Post by: Will on February 02, 2007, 05:43:11 PM
Thanks deanaxlrose for sharing. so you live in Indonesia?the link doesn't work for me but the image in hbk's post looks quite fancy.

I'm not sure "fancy" is the word...


Title: Re: Axl on Rolling Stone indonesia magazine covers
Post by: elmir on February 02, 2007, 05:47:30 PM
FHM in sa just ran a feature on Axl Rose, I haven't scanned it in yet, so the minute i do, i'll post it.
no new info, just a general overview of the past 20 years (not well written either)...and a pic of him and that blonde chick from the Since I don't Have you video....i haven't seen that one before...together at an event of sorts..

Title: Re: Axl on Rolling Stone indonesia magazine covers
Post by: Tommie on February 02, 2007, 08:19:49 PM
before anyone starts getting some wild ideas...


thanks for nipping that in the bud.

Title: Re: Axl on Rolling Stone indonesia magazine covers
Post by: randomconcepts on February 03, 2007, 09:13:05 AM
Well If This Was The Promotion Starting I Don't Want It... R.S. Can Keep It LOL... I Don't Need Drawings Of Axl Rose Circa 2002. That's Even Worse Than 80's and Early 90's Drawings To Me... Why Couldn't They Just Get Someone To Make Drawings Or Painting Of Him Now... Christ

Title: Re: Axl on Rolling Stone indonesia magazine covers
Post by: Edrose on February 03, 2007, 09:23:31 AM
"Rock's New Rebels: Axl Rose"  :rofl:

that magazine must  be running stories from the 80s

Title: Re: Axl on Rolling Stone indonesia magazine covers
Post by: Bona on February 03, 2007, 01:43:22 PM
I found this... Can someone translate?

Rock's New Rebels
Yang penting itu sound. Gaya. Sikap, keangkuhan dan mengabaikan semua peraturan yang berlaku. Yang penting adalah tetap mengendalikan musik sendiri, daripada menyesuaikannya untuk menyenangkan orang lain. Yang penting adalah melawan aturan-aturan, secara politik, seksual dan kreatif. Pemberontakan dalam rock tak sekadar menjadi bajingan, walau itu kadang-kadang menjadi bagian dari pekerjaan. (Banyak pemberontak itu bajingan, tapi hanya sedikit bajingan adalah pemberontak sejati.) Jadi di rubrik khusus ini, kami menghormati sejumlah pemberontak favorit kami. Kami memberi salut kepada penerobos musik musik yang berpegang pada prinsip-prinsip kreativitasnya dan menolak untuk menjilat, bahkan menjilan pemberontak lain. Kami memberi salut pada mereka yang kasar, menyebalkan, tak dapat diatur dan absurd. Kami bersulang kepada para pemberontak rock yang terus mengajarkan cara-cara baru untuk merusak kehidupan dan meracuni otak. Dalam musik, selalu ada godaan untuk berakal sehat, mengikuti nasihat yang bagus untuk bertindak dengan cara yang wajar . Berjayalah mereka yang tahan godaan.


Kredibilitas Memilih "momen paling konyol"-nya Axl itu ibarat memilih "bagian matahari yang terpanas." Apakah itu ketika ia menyerang seorang penggemar di St. Louis? Memecat anggota-anggota Guns n' Roses yang lain? Menghabiskan satu dekade untuk merekam Chinese Democracy? Atau ketika dia menyinggung para vegetarian di Depeche Mode (salah satu band kesukaannya) dengan menembak seekor babi? Dia tak bisa melawannya - dia memang seorang pecandu pemberontakan.

Kekurangan Dia berkelahi dengan perancang busana Tommy Hilfiger di sebuah bar di New York pada tahun 2006.

Rebel rating *****


Title: Re: Axl on Rolling Stone indonesia magazine covers
Post by: chriskon72 on February 03, 2007, 02:43:11 PM
This could be the first rumbles of an Asian Tour after the shows in Africa.... After all the album is Called Chinese Democracy.

That would be awsome

Title: Re: Axl on Rolling Stone indonesia magazine covers
Post by: von on February 03, 2007, 02:45:09 PM
Can we please get a high resolution version of that shit cover? I'm just morbidly curious.

Title: Re: Axl on Rolling Stone indonesia magazine covers
Post by: ppbebe on February 03, 2007, 02:55:51 PM
I'm just morbidly curious.

hear hear.

First I thought it's horribly tacky in poor taste but now maybe it's growing on me. 

I'm not sure "fancy" is the word...


I know.  I just can't find the word. :P  mmm how about 'sidesplitting'.

Title: Re: Axl on Rolling Stone indonesia magazine covers
Post by: gummyfish on February 03, 2007, 03:04:06 PM
Here's the rough translation to that "Rock's New Rebels" Article:   :peace:

That was important that sound.
The style.
The attitude, pride and ignored all the current regulations.
That important was to continue to control music personally, than adapted him to please the other person.
That important was to oppose rules, in a manner politics, sexual and creative.
The revolt in rock just did not become the scoundrel, although that sometimes became part of the work.
(Many rebels the scoundrel, but just a few scoundrels were true rebels.
) was in this special column, we honored several of our favourite rebels.
We gave the salute to penerobos musical music that held on to principles of his creativity and refused to lick, in fact menjilan other rebels.
We gave the salute to them who were rough, was annoying, could not be arranged and absurd.
We had a toast to the rebels rock that continued to teach new methods of damaging the life and poisoning the brain.
In music, always had the temptation to berakal healthy, followed advice that was good to act by means of that was natural.
Was successful they who kept the temptation.
the Credibility chose "torque was most foolish" -him Axl the simile chose the "hottest sun part."
"That when he attacked a lover in St. Louis?"
Dismissed members Guns n Roses that was other?
Finished one decade to record Chinese Democracy?
Or when he touched on the vegetarians in Depeche Mode (one of the bands of his pleasure) by shooting a pig?
He could not oppose him - he indeed a revolt addict.
The lack he fought with the fashion designer Tommy Hilfiger in a bar in New York during 2006.

Title: Re: Axl on Rolling Stone indonesia magazine covers
Post by: chriskon72 on February 03, 2007, 03:08:13 PM

Title: Re: Axl on Rolling Stone indonesia magazine covers
Post by: deanaxlrose on February 04, 2007, 10:29:43 AM
A little correction.sorry my english is not very good either.

Here's the rough translation to that "Rock's New Rebels" Article:? ?:peace:

most important is the sound.
The style.
The attitude, pride and ignored all the current regulations.
The most important was to continue to control music personally, than adapted him to please the other person.
The most important was to oppose rules, in a manner politics, sexual and creative.
The revolt in rock just did not become the scoundrel, although that sometimes became part of the work.
(Many rebels the scoundrel, but just a few scoundrels were true rebels.
) was in this special column, we honored several of our favourite rebels.
We gave the salute to breaktrough musician? that held on to principles of his creativity and refused to lick, in fact lick other rebels.
We gave the salute to them who were rough, was annoying, could not be arranged and absurd.
We had a toast to the rebels rock that continued to teach new methods of damaging the life and poisoning the brain.
In music, always had the temptation to think healthy, followed advice that was good to act by means of that was natural.
salute? them who kept the temptation.
the Credibility chose " most foolish " Axl" moment. is similar like? chose the "hottest sun part."
"That when he attacked a fans in St. Louis?"
Dismissed the other members of Guns n Roses ?
Finished one decade to record Chinese Democracy?
Or when he touched on the vegetarians in Depeche Mode (one of his favourite band) by shooting a pig?
He could not oppose? - he indeed a revolt addict.
The lack he fought with the fashion designer Tommy Hilfiger in a bar in New York during 2006.

and also there's an? article about the Tentative release date. and Axl finished the recording.
this few months there's always an article about Guns N roses. in rolling Stone indonesia. (Axl being cover on Rolling stone 91 The greatest cover moments, The concert in Hammerstein, When he fought Tommy Hilfiger, and Six pages article about old and new band Last month).? They were Soo Big here in the late 80'-90'.
I like Drawing and painting (I made alot of GN'R and Axl oil painting). and yeah I hate that cover very much. :hihi:

Title: Re: Axl on Rolling Stone indonesia magazine covers
Post by: axlisking on February 05, 2007, 12:04:56 PM
is there a bigger pic of that cover?