Title: NYC Shopkeeper Sues Four Homeless People Post by: Bill 213 on January 19, 2007, 12:27:04 AM NYC shopkeeper sues to shoo homeless Thu Jan 18, 10:28 AM ET
NEW YORK - An antiques dealer sued four homeless people, seeking to keep them away from his store on a posh shopping street because, he says, they alienate customers and block window displays. Store owner Karl Kemp also seeks $1 million from the four, named in the lawsuit as John Doe, Bob Doe, John Smith and Jane Doe. The suit, filed this week, says they can often be found sleeping on the sidewalk, drinking alcoholic beverages and "performing various bodily functions such as urinating and spitting" outside Karl Kemp & Associates on Manhattan's Madison Avenue. Kemp seeks to keep them 100 feet from the store. Kemp said he decided to sue after complaints to police brought no changes. He also said he was concerned about the health of one of the three men. "You and I pay taxes in New York City, and some of that is to maintain decent shelters. And he should take advantage of that," Kemp said. Advocates for the homeless called the lawsuit hardhearted. "Until we see to it that every single homeless individual has a place to stay, this is our reality," said Shelly Nortz, a deputy executive director of the Coalition for the Homeless. "The complaint that they somehow occasionally occupy a space that is also home to Gucci and Chanel doesn't mean that they're breaking any law," she said. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thought this was a pretty interesting story and I hope he wins in some way. I definitely believe that they're a problem for business and they are definitely breaking a law entitled LOITERING. Title: Re: NYC Shopkeeper Sues Four Homeless People Post by: Oddy on January 19, 2007, 03:31:49 AM usually...............you know..............if you're smart...................you sue people who have money.
??? Title: Re: NYC Shopkeeper Sues Four Homeless People Post by: Beowulf on January 19, 2007, 02:34:42 PM Thought this was a pretty interesting story and I hope he wins in some way.? I definitely believe that they're a problem for business and they are definitely breaking a law entitled LOITERING.? "Are there no workhouses? Are there no prisons?" Title: Re: NYC Shopkeeper Sues Four Homeless People Post by: Cornell on January 19, 2007, 08:47:36 PM usually...............you know..............if you're smart...................you sue people who have money. ??? :hihi: Yeah, what does he expect to get from them? ??? Title: Re: NYC Shopkeeper Sues Four Homeless People Post by: Natasha23 on January 20, 2007, 01:10:26 PM Maybe this shopkeeper is still under the delusion that we have debtors' prisons in this country. Even if you don't have much money, it only sucks to get sued when you're in danger of losing something like YOUR HOME!
Title: Re: NYC Shopkeeper Sues Four Homeless People Post by: Jim on January 20, 2007, 01:14:57 PM Oh come on guys, read it properly, it isn't really about money. To sue them for a million dollars is pretty funny, ironic, and will effectively do something, and while I have not a thing against the homeless, beggars or what have ye, they can get tae fuck if they think they're going to be hanging around my store any time soon.
In that condition anyway, (though saying that, of course, stems purely from my capitalist instinct) |