Title: "LION HUG" video on You Tube makes me think of Axl and Beta Post by: Annie on January 17, 2007, 11:03:55 AM My mom told me about a story she saw on the news about a Columbian woman named Ana Julia Torres who rescued an African lion named Jupiter from an abusive situation in a traveling zoo. Fortunately, I was able to find the video on YOUTUBE. If you watch it you will see this huge lion hugging and kissing this woman like she is his mother. It made me smile, I LOVE LIONS!, and it made me think of Axl and Beta! It's definitely worth a look-see! : ok:
Title: Re: "LION HUG" video on You Tube makes me think of Axl and Beta Post by: MCT on January 17, 2007, 11:38:34 AM I LOVE LIONS! Is it fair to assume then, that you have a large vagina? (insert "pussy" reasoning here) Title: Re: "LION HUG" video on You Tube makes me think of Axl and Beta Post by: Annie on January 17, 2007, 11:44:38 AM My mind was not in the gutter when I made this post. I love animals, and one of my dreams is to go to Africa to see lions on safari. Your post was rude and offensive.
Title: Re: "LION HUG" video on You Tube makes me think of Axl and Beta Post by: MCT on January 17, 2007, 11:57:48 AM And so it was. To you. But before you eternally brand me a guttersnipe, consider for a moment the almighty relativism. What was rude and offensive to you might be considered good table manners for me... :)
As for the topic, I love animals as well. I'm much more apt to melt for a canine though. So if I were to travel to Africa, it'd most likely be to see the wild dogs regurgitating food for their young. I'm into wildebeest as well. Herbivores have always occupied a special place in my heart. Title: Re: "LION HUG" video on You Tube makes me think of Axl and Beta Post by: Annie on January 17, 2007, 12:22:25 PM The original point of this post was that Ana and Jupiter have an extraordinary relationship, just like Axl and Beta. I wish that I knew how to post links.
Title: Re: "LION HUG" video on You Tube makes me think of Axl and Beta Post by: The Dog on January 17, 2007, 12:26:18 PM The original point of this post was that Ana and Jupiter have an extraordinary relationship, just like Axl and Beta. I wish that I knew how to post links. I think you've been listening to GNR too much if this reminds you of Axl and Beta. Title: Re: "LION HUG" video on You Tube makes me think of Axl and Beta Post by: Annie on January 17, 2007, 12:28:44 PM The original point of this post was that Ana and Jupiter have an extraordinary relationship, just like Axl and Beta. I wish that I knew how to post links. I think you've been listening to GNR too much if this reminds you of Axl and Beta. Title: Re: "LION HUG" video on You Tube makes me think of Axl and Beta Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on January 17, 2007, 01:01:05 PM i hate lions - i wish they die !
Title: Re: "LION HUG" video on You Tube makes me think of Axl and Beta Post by: SLCPUNK on January 17, 2007, 01:22:15 PM I loved the hug video, but it doesn't remind me of anything except the Lion King.
Title: Re: "LION HUG" video on You Tube makes me think of Axl and Beta Post by: A Private Eye on January 17, 2007, 02:20:41 PM Is it just me who can't see a link to the clip?
This is another great animal-human story http://www.filecabi.net/video/kidgorillafall.html Title: Re: "LION HUG" video on You Tube makes me think of Axl and Beta Post by: D on January 17, 2007, 02:24:58 PM Annie......................... U need to get out more, find a hobby............... :hihi: :hihi:
I Title: Re: "LION HUG" video on You Tube makes me think of Axl and Beta Post by: Annie on January 17, 2007, 03:17:50 PM Annie.........................? ?U need to get out more, find a hobby............... :hihi: :hihi: I get out plenty. Posting on this messagebaord is ONE of my hobbies.I |