Title: Guitar Hero II Atlanta and GNR Petition to bring the band back to Atlanta Post by: toofastone on January 16, 2007, 04:12:53 PM We are looking for Guns N Roses fans who like to play Guitar Hero II and would love to sing Welcome to the Jungle, Sweet Child, Brownstone andLive and Let Die with a real live karaoke rock band (Metalsome Incorporated). Come out and meet other GNR fans and help us start a petition to bring Guns N Roses back to Atlanta!
here are the details: We hold a Guitar Hero II Tournament every friday night at the North River Tavern sponcered by Red Octane. Sign ups start at 8pm and the first 16 people to sign up are in. The tournament itself starts at 845pm. Between 845pm and 10pm we hold the first 2 rounds of this tournament. At 10pm Metalsome Incorporate takes the stage over and puts on the most explosive karaoke stage shows you have ever witnessed. Metalsome Incorporated is a live rock band and you are the singer! Metalsome will take a break around midnight and thats when the final 2 rounds of the Guitar Hero II tournament takes place. Do you have what it takes to be one of Atlanta's official Guitar Hero II champions? Come on out and get in! for more info go to myspace.com/ghoulatl Title: Re: Guitar Hero II Atlanta and GNR Petition to bring the band back to Atlanta Post by: Axlfreek on January 16, 2007, 10:26:29 PM We hold a Guitar Hero II Tournament every friday night at the North River Tavern sponcered by Red Octane. Sign ups start at 8pm and the first 16 people to sign up are in. The tournament itself starts at 845pm. Between 845pm and 10pm we hold the first 2 rounds of this tournament. Fuck, I cant. I have a dungeons and dragons tournement at 9:30 and my mom wants me home by 11 ::) |