Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: mrlee on January 16, 2007, 07:59:03 AM

Title: chinese democracy influences
Post by: mrlee on January 16, 2007, 07:59:03 AM
i was just listening to somewhat damaged by nine inch nails, i really think this will be the type of song we get on the hard rockers (if any) on chinese democracy, just input some badass solos and axls voice.

anyone agree?

Title: Re: chinese democracy influences
Post by: Rock the jungle on January 16, 2007, 08:03:23 AM
maybe yes but first have to listen to more NIN music, I don't like at all...

I hope CD don't have too much NIN influences...    ...just my oppinion...  :smoking:

Title: Re: chinese democracy influences
Post by: liesin on January 16, 2007, 08:07:18 AM
same here, never been a fan of nin....

Title: Re: chinese democracy influences
Post by: bringbackadler on January 16, 2007, 08:18:42 AM
I think NIN was a strong influence on the direction Guns' was going in the 1999-2002 timeframe. I personally do not think that Chinese Democracy will have a very Industrial sound though. I think these songs have been tweeked quite a bit since that time and likely dropped alot of that feel. I think that this album will have a very distinct sound, likely one that has never been heard. It will be a " mind blowing epic"  I could be wrong. Just my opinion.  : ok:

Title: Re: chinese democracy influences
Post by: DeN on January 16, 2007, 08:24:34 AM
CD influences ?

Led Zeppelin, NIN, Beck, SOAD, Pink Floyd, Radiohead, Nirvana, Queen, and some others.

but don't tell anyone.

Title: Re: chinese democracy influences
Post by: maynard on January 16, 2007, 08:45:38 AM
Yeah, I believe Axl likes industrial/electronic music but he's an old-school guy, he won't forget those bands that got him in rock music. Look at the covers they did this tour.. Rolling Stones, Beatles, etc. I am expecting CD to be a very "rock" album, the only thing I think it won't contain is that bluesy/pentatonic based riffs that Slash uses, that's good for me because I'm tired of this.. sorry VR..  :(


Title: Re: chinese democracy influences
Post by: JB9988 on January 16, 2007, 08:49:33 AM
CD influences ?

Led Zeppelin, NIN, Beck, SOAD, Pink Floyd, Radiohead, Nirvana, Queen, and some others.

but don't tell anyone.
What!!?!? Are you crazy system of a down. i love system but cd will not be influenced by soad nirvana or radiohead. more led zep, and queen as he said. some stones and others but not rh nirvana or soad.

Title: Re: chinese democracy influences
Post by: John Galt on January 16, 2007, 08:56:55 AM
I am sure Radiohead have been name checked by Axl in a previous interview a few years back - he definitely praised or commented on their album releases around that time (late 90's early 2000 I think..)  - anyway I am sure someone on here will have a link to it and back me up  8)

Title: Re: chinese democracy influences
Post by: AxlRose4eva1 on January 16, 2007, 08:59:50 AM
Definitely not Nirvana and not SOAD haha are you crazy, what from the new songs reminds you any bit of these two bands. Radio head i really dont think I hear either. If Axl was influenced by every band he's ever praised then you have to put Lou Vega and Mambo Number 5 up there as an influence.  Axl praises a lot of bands that doesnt mean he incorporates elements of their music into his.  I think Axl keeps the music he creates and the music he listens to in separate chambers of his mind truthfully.  I hear more Linken Park than these three bands in the songs we have heard. You can always say the beatles because every band is either influenced by the Beatles or a band influenced by the Beatles. The bands I hear so far are

Queen, Rolling Stones, NIN (no way you can say Better doesnt sound NIN influenced), Judas Priest, Sabbath, Elton John, and I heat some pop influences in the beats and in some of the melodies.

Title: Re: chinese democracy influences
Post by: mrlee on January 16, 2007, 09:09:11 AM
yea hearing better, it defo had NIN influence. You can tell theres a gnr sound still in it, which im happy hasnt lost with the change in lineup.

Title: Re: chinese democracy influences
Post by: rds.06 on January 16, 2007, 09:15:34 AM
CD influences ?

Led Zeppelin, NIN, Beck, SOAD, Pink Floyd, Radiohead, Nirvana, Queen, and some others.

but don't tell anyone.

No Nirvana what so ever. :no:

Title: Re: chinese democracy influences
Post by: maynard on January 16, 2007, 09:21:03 AM
what would nirvana add to gnr sound, c'mon...

axl is not influenced by talentless bands.

Title: Re: chinese democracy influences
Post by: mrlee on January 16, 2007, 09:22:45 AM
what would nirvana add to gnr sound, c'mon...

axl is not influenced by talentless bands.

agreed, im sure axls hate for kurt would put him off using them as an influence.

Title: Re: chinese democracy influences
Post by: Soori on January 16, 2007, 09:25:56 AM
lets keep it as guns n roses would do it! dont change nuffin!

Title: Re: chinese democracy influences
Post by: bringbackadler on January 16, 2007, 09:26:43 AM
Axl also stated at the VMA's that he liked The Killers and Christina Aguleira (however its spelled) . That doesn't mean that this album was influenced by them though. My point is, just b-cos Axl has said good things about certain bands and artists does not mean they inspired Chinese Democracy.

Title: Re: chinese democracy influences
Post by: mrlee on January 16, 2007, 09:38:36 AM
Axl also stated at the VMA's that he liked The Killers and Christina Aguleira (however its spelled) . That doesn't mean that this album was influenced by them though. My point is, just b-cos Axl has said good things about certain bands and artists does not mean they inspired Chinese Democracy.

hmm, lets look at the band members then.

obviously robin brings the nin influence, im gonna guess ron brings a van halen influence with all his super guitaring, not aware of what he previously did, im gonna say hes the source of the rock. Axl obviously brings his lyrics and piano driven melodies, then you have tommy, his punk influence, then all the freaky ass keyboard guys.

Title: Re: chinese democracy influences
Post by: Lucky on January 16, 2007, 09:43:33 AM
what would nirvana add to gnr sound, c'mon...

axl is not influenced by talentless bands.

then why did he look like a wigger at the VMA2002?

not that I give a fuck how he looks like, but at least admit the obvious.
he is influenced. it's not like he lives in a box.

it's just a matter of time when we'll find out what kind of influences ha incorporated into CD.

and not all influences are bad. sometimes it gives you a chance to learn on other peoples mistakes.

Title: Re: chinese democracy influences
Post by: The Legend on January 16, 2007, 09:46:11 AM
what would nirvana add to gnr sound, c'mon...

axl is not influenced by talentless bands.

then why did he look like a wigger at the VMA2002?

not that I give a fuck how he looks like, but at least admit the obvious.
he is influenced. it's not like he lives in a box.

it's just a matter of time when we'll find out what kind of influences ha incorporated into CD.

and not all influences are bad. sometimes it gives you a chance to learn on other peoples mistakes.

I think Axl was listening to alot of Eminem around that time.

Title: Re: chinese democracy influences
Post by: bringbackadler on January 16, 2007, 09:47:18 AM
Remember what Axl said last year "some of the arrangements are kind of like Queen." ?:yes:

Title: Re: chinese democracy influences
Post by: mrlee on January 16, 2007, 09:48:05 AM
what would nirvana add to gnr sound, c'mon...

axl is not influenced by talentless bands.

then why did he look like a wigger at the VMA2002?

not that I give a fuck how he looks like, but at least admit the obvious.
he is influenced. it's not like he lives in a box.

it's just a matter of time when we'll find out what kind of influences ha incorporated into CD.

and not all influences are bad. sometimes it gives you a chance to learn on other peoples mistakes.

I think Axl was listening to alot of Eminem around that time.

is that why eminem ripped axl lol?

Title: Re: chinese democracy influences
Post by: deanaxlrose on January 16, 2007, 09:48:18 AM
I think Chinesse Democracy (2001 version) ?sounds a bit Grunge. ?maybe That's why people Thought its Nirvana Influences.

Title: Re: chinese democracy influences
Post by: alejoyp on January 16, 2007, 09:48:46 AM
Not influence of Nirvana?? Have you ever hear the song "Chinese Democracy"?!
I personally thin k that Axl is very eclectical in his music (he loves such classical bands like Queen, Zeppelin or Nazareth as rappers like NWA, Public Enemy, industrial acts like Tool or NIN n' guys kinda Elton John or Ennio Morricone!!) He also spoke very well of bands that were original like Faith No Moer n' RHCP in late 80's, Ministry or Radiohead (n' don't forget the Nirvana cap he used to wear)... Maybe that's the principal difference of musycal styles with Slash n' Duff, a couple of old school guys... Axl told somewhere that Slash n' Duff just want to record cd's like AFD, with the 70's Aerosmith n' ACDC influence...
Anyway, Axl also told in an interview with an argentinian radio back in 2001 that they recorded some industrial-techno influences songs a time ago but they weren't be in CD... I think maybe Josh Freese who co-wrote very of that songs maybe used it for the A Perfe ct Circle album... so we can understand the appearence of Axl at the thanx of that album...
From the songs we already heard like CITR, Blues or Maddy i think there's a lot of Queen influence, n' some Lennon Plastic Ono Band's also...

Title: Re: chinese democracy influences
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on January 16, 2007, 09:54:24 AM
i think axl has taken distance towards NIN sound.
the new songs sound like .... nothing that has been done before.

especially Madagascar. This song is pure genius.

Title: Re: chinese democracy influences
Post by: bringbackadler on January 16, 2007, 10:13:07 AM
It's been eight years since OMG .... I think it's highly unlikely any curerent songs on the album have that same feel. Again, that's just my opinion but none of last years leaks had that industrial sound. The title track was the closest but not really the same ...

Title: Re: chinese democracy influences
Post by: AxlRose4eva1 on January 16, 2007, 10:20:35 AM
Not influence of Nirvana?? Have you ever hear the song "Chinese Democracy"?!
I personally thin k that Axl is very eclectical in his music (he loves such classical bands like Queen, Zeppelin or Nazareth as rappers like NWA, Public Enemy, industrial acts like Tool or NIN n' guys kinda Elton John or Ennio Morricone!!) He also spoke very well of bands that were original like Faith No Moer n' RHCP in late 80's, Ministry or Radiohead (n' don't forget the Nirvana cap he used to wear)... Maybe that's the principal difference of musycal styles with Slash n' Duff, a couple of old school guys... Axl told somewhere that Slash n' Duff just want to record cd's like AFD, with the 70's Aerosmith n' ACDC influence...
Anyway, Axl also told in an interview with an argentinian radio back in 2001 that they recorded some industrial-techno influences songs a time ago but they weren't be in CD... I think maybe Josh Freese who co-wrote very of that songs maybe used it for the A Perfe ct Circle album... so we can understand the appearence of Axl at the thanx of that album...
From the songs we already heard like CITR, Blues or Maddy i think there's a lot of Queen influence, n' some Lennon Plastic Ono Band's also...

The thanks was Axl letting Freese out of his contract and most likely for giving freese a shot.  Axl has never mention tool or APC in any interview that i have ever heard nor do any songs sound anything like tool or apc.  Axl wearing someones hat in the late 80's means nothing.  I have heard Chinese Democracy and there is absolutely nothing in that song that reminds me any bit of Nirvana.  Lyrics, voice, instruments, beats, rhythm, theme, nothing reminds me remotely of nirvana.  Elton John is definitely an influence, but it sounds to me like you like Tool, APC, and Nirvana and want them to be influences, but other than a hat Axl wore in the late 80's you have no argument.  Haha, and I love FNM, but they are completely different than GNR, maybe the fact that Axl likes to experiment and Patton likes to experiment is a similarity, but they go in completely different directions.

Oh and Better has an Industrial sound if you view NIN as industrial (some dont cause they use pop beats and lyrics).  Listen to Better then listen to The Fragile youll hear the influence

Title: Re: chinese democracy influences
Post by: sic. on January 16, 2007, 10:32:53 AM
Axl has never mention tool or APC in any interview that i have ever heard nor do any songs sound anything like tool or apc.

Such was his anonymity that when Rose attended a Radiohead show he had to undergo a thorough body search by the venue?s doorman. Three months later, in March 1998, he was spotted on the balcony of the Hollywood Palladium, watching Tool. - Kerrang, 1999 (

Pitman is a Tool associate. Former GNR guitar tech Billy Howerdel and Freese shared enough musical interests with Keenan to form a band with him. Axl doesn't have specifically mention every darn band / musical style he listens to in order to be influenced by them. From what I've read, he has a pretty broad range of bands / musicians he likes, enough influences to pick from in order to merge them quite fluently in his personal musical directions. Just because you fail to hear progressive ideas in the currently available songs doesn't mean they haven't been experimented upon, not to mention some of them might appear on the album.

Title: Re: chinese democracy influences
Post by: DeN on January 16, 2007, 11:00:20 AM
CD influences ?

Led Zeppelin, NIN, Beck, SOAD, Pink Floyd, Radiohead, Nirvana, Queen, and some others.

but don't tell anyone.
What!!?!? Are you crazy system of a down. i love system but cd will not be influenced by soad nirvana or radiohead. more led zep, and queen as he said. some stones and others but not rh nirvana or soad.

why not ?

Title: Re: chinese democracy influences
Post by: DeN on January 16, 2007, 11:01:53 AM
what would nirvana add to gnr sound, c'mon...

axl is not influenced by talentless bands.

go buy a couple of ears.
nirvana is one of the major bands in the last 20 years.

Title: Re: chinese democracy influences
Post by: DeN on January 16, 2007, 11:07:31 AM
Definitely not Nirvana and not SOAD haha are you crazy, what from the new songs reminds you any bit of these two bands

who said i thought about these influences based on the leaks ?

Title: Re: chinese democracy influences
Post by: Aero on January 16, 2007, 11:08:49 AM
CD influences ?

Led Zeppelin, NIN, Beck, SOAD, Pink Floyd, Radiohead, Nirvana, Queen, and some others.

but don't tell anyone.

What About thin lizzy?




Title: Re: chinese democracy influences
Post by: ppbebe on January 16, 2007, 11:19:07 AM
go buy a couple of ears.

Or more. :hihi:

Although faint, I can already hear some nirvana influence/reference along with others on a couple of new songs.
GNR is so excellent at cooking that you may not taste each ingredient or the scum of it.

Title: Re: chinese democracy influences
Post by: rds.06 on January 16, 2007, 11:26:36 AM
go buy a couple of ears.

GNR is so excellent at cooking that you may not taste each ingredient or the scum of it.

Very Poetic. :smoking:

Title: Re: chinese democracy influences
Post by: ppbebe on January 16, 2007, 11:36:59 AM

Very Poetic. :smoking:

Why, thank you for the high compliment.  :smoking:

Title: Re: chinese democracy influences
Post by: jarmo on January 16, 2007, 11:50:52 AM
Did anybody mention disco influences yet?  ;D

I suspect the album is influenced by many things. Different kinds of music, art, books, movies, current events etc etc...


Title: Re: chinese democracy influences
Post by: Aero on January 16, 2007, 12:09:13 PM
Did anybody mention disco influences yet?  ;D

I suspect the album is influenced by many things. Different kinds of music, art, books, movies, current events etc etc...


Yeah... I belive it's more complex... remember that there's songs like madagascar who were recorded near the "old gnr" era...

On the album we have:

Buckethead (very experimental music)
Ron Thal (shreder)
Tommy (he's PUNK)
Robin (Industrial)
Fortus (he's a sesionist, he played from n sync to guns n roses)
Brain (funk)
Pitman (experimental)

Even the fucking drummer plays piano, there's LOTS of talent from so many sources, chinese democracy it's going to be comparable to the white album in what influcences matters... unless  they select the tracks following some rules to bring us an album able to be in one catalog  :hihi:


Title: Re: chinese democracy influences
Post by: mrlee on January 16, 2007, 12:35:34 PM
CD influences ?

Led Zeppelin, NIN, Beck, SOAD, Pink Floyd, Radiohead, Nirvana, Queen, and some others.

but don't tell anyone.

What About thin lizzy?




if we hear some badass melodic twin lead guitars then im sure this album will be pretty rocking

Title: Re: chinese democracy influences
Post by: bringbackadler on January 16, 2007, 12:45:29 PM
Here's one for everybody :

How influential do you think the previous line-up is on the new, if any ??   :o

Title: Re: chinese democracy influences
Post by: DeN on January 16, 2007, 01:04:45 PM
thin lizzy, yeah.
black rose is one of my favourite LP, and i read Axl loves it too.

when i listen to the leaks i can feel some seventies heavy metal
influences too like the old black sabbath, or some blue oyster cult.

for the disco part, i suppose it refers to the oh my god rhythm.  :hihi:

Title: Re: chinese democracy influences
Post by: The Legend on January 16, 2007, 06:55:22 PM
That Thin Lizzy - Renegade album art is badass!

That's interesting. Axl has mentioned tons of times Thin Lizzy being a heavy influence on him, and I was never really aware of those albums. That's tie-in makes tons of sense!  : ok:

Title: Re: chinese democracy influences
Post by: axlmanatee on January 16, 2007, 10:51:28 PM
I was listening to absoluton by muse and was thinking they have sorta a grand yet sorta electronic sound.  songs like madagascar and twat def. sorta have that same vibe.

Title: Re: chinese democracy influences
Post by: mrlee on January 17, 2007, 05:54:08 AM
I was listening to absoluton by muse and was thinking they have sorta a grand yet sorta electronic sound.  songs like madagascar and twat def. sorta have that same vibe.

please no, never say muse are an influence on gnr, shitty annoying whiney band on radio 1...never.

Title: Re: chinese democracy influences
Post by: DeN on January 17, 2007, 06:55:28 AM
their last LP just kicks ass.
very Queenish on some tracks.
so why not.

Title: Re: chinese democracy influences
Post by: KaptainKuntra on January 17, 2007, 07:13:19 AM
Theres not many bands who can sell out Wembley Stadium (not arena) in 45 minutes these days...

Title: Re: chinese democracy influences
Post by: quarky on January 17, 2007, 07:27:42 AM
I like Muse. Not sure if Axl would have even heard of them, but I think they are pretty good. A HELL of a lot better than that SOAD tat.? Can't believe anyone can actually like that rubbish. I would rather listen to someone screaming in an empty room with my head in a bucket of icy water...

Since CD has taken so long to record, I think Axl's influences must have changed dramatically over that period. There would be the staples (Zeppelin, Stones), but I also think that some of the other bands mentioned TOOL, NIN must have had an influence to a greater or lesser degree at times (hopefully more Aenima than 10,000 days). Maybe even Smashing Pumpkins (after all both G'n'R and SP's like to really mix it up). There must be bands in the past two or three years that have influenced Axl to some degree as well, although considering the dross that passes for music these days I would hate to think which ones? ;)

As for Nirvana, why not? There could be concious or sub-consious influence, but they have had a huge effect on the industry and are still selling and influencing other bands to a great or lesser degree, so you never know.

Title: Re: chinese democracy influences
Post by: 2112 on January 17, 2007, 07:50:51 AM
If Chinese Democracy sounds too much of the nine inch nails style, I would be very dissapointed.
There will be 50 layers of synthharmonies and shit yes, but that doesnt make it good etc

Title: Re: chinese democracy influences
Post by: daviebuckethead on January 17, 2007, 09:40:36 AM
i dont really think it will sond like anyone, it will sound like GnR, but updated. a whole load of rock bands use samples and sume drum loops et etc, its just what happens these days

Title: Re: chinese democracy influences
Post by: DeN on January 17, 2007, 12:47:41 PM
I like Muse. Not sure if Axl would have even heard of them, but I think they are pretty good. A HELL of a lot better than that SOAD tat.  Can't believe anyone can actually like that rubbish.

Axl himself loves them. they're the best metal band these days in my opinion.
great melodies with powerful moments. great singers, too.

chop suey, forest, atwa, for exemple, are just amazing songs.

Title: Re: chinese democracy influences
Post by: LunsJail on January 17, 2007, 04:05:55 PM
Here's one for everybody :

How influential do you think the previous line-up is on the new, if any ??? ?:o

Maybe some Slash in the guitar solos.  Beyond that I don't really hear much in the leaks at least.

Title: Re: chinese democracy influences
Post by: PJ on January 17, 2007, 04:12:43 PM
electronic stuff like ambients in the background, drum beats and effects are not always industrial..
industrial use them.. but they have another sound another patterns...
besides oh my god and silkworms i see no industrial influence in the other leaks at all

Title: Re: chinese democracy influences
Post by: mrlee on January 17, 2007, 04:33:01 PM
I like Muse. Not sure if Axl would have even heard of them, but I think they are pretty good. A HELL of a lot better than that SOAD tat.  Can't believe anyone can actually like that rubbish.

Axl himself loves them. they're the best metal band these days in my opinion.
great melodies with powerful moments. great singers, too.

chop suey, forest, atwa, for exemple, are just amazing songs.

you on about or SOAD...

or are you actually classing muse as a metal band lol

Title: Re: chinese democracy influences
Post by: Bruno Poeys on January 17, 2007, 04:52:02 PM
Theres not many bands who can sell out Wembley Stadium (not arena) in 45 minutes these days...
what band? lol

Title: Re: chinese democracy influences
Post by: DeN on January 17, 2007, 07:17:05 PM
I like Muse. Not sure if Axl would have even heard of them, but I think they are pretty good. A HELL of a lot better than that SOAD tat.  Can't believe anyone can actually like that rubbish.

Axl himself loves them. they're the best metal band these days in my opinion.
great melodies with powerful moments. great singers, too.

chop suey, forest, atwa, for exemple, are just amazing songs.

you on about or SOAD...

or are you actually classing muse as a metal band lol

we talked about system of a down here. but Muse is sometimes more "metal" than a lot of "real" metal bands.
listen to them live, it's a power trio and it really kicks ass.

Title: Re: chinese democracy influences
Post by: The Legend on January 17, 2007, 08:00:46 PM
Kevin Federline will be a heavy influence on CD.

Title: Re: chinese democracy influences
Post by: Gordi on January 17, 2007, 10:33:52 PM
Kevin Federline will be a heavy influence on CD.

That made me fall off my chair laughing  :rofl: :rofl: brilliant!

Back on topic though, I remember Axl mentioning something about 'hip-hop beats' on the new album he said that rock music can have hip-hop beats 'like radiohead' I think was his words...

Title: Re: chinese democracy influences
Post by: HungerForChaos on January 17, 2007, 11:22:32 PM
I think Chinesse Democracy (2001 version)  sounds a bit Grunge.  maybe That's why people Thought its Nirvana Influences.

Not all of it. The Blues/Madagascar was not grunge.

Title: Re: chinese democracy influences
Post by: littlefallsmets on January 18, 2007, 02:17:18 AM
Axl's primary musical influences have always seemed to be Zepplin and Queen and... trying to find a middle ground between those two styles of rock and roll while... also taking that fusion and making it harder and louder.

From the stuff I've heard in concert and in the well-known bootleg demos, it seems like he's still going for that fusion... except that this newer stuff interprets the "harder and louder" part of the equation through the lens of post-grunge and a certain progressive "bigness"... as opposed to the lens of post-punk in Appetite approach or reaction-to-the-death-of-hair-rock Pink-Floyd-y-wall-of-sound approach of the Illusion albums.

But it's still that Zep-Queen quality, just with... flourishes of what "harder and louder" means in any particular cultural timeframe. My other tastes in rock tend to lean toward a King Crimson-y crunchy-bigness so... the current trend is right up my alley.

Title: Re: chinese democracy influences
Post by: Six Strings on January 18, 2007, 03:24:12 AM
Are you crazy?

CD will have the influence of Axl's lyrics just like UYI. This is GN'R. There's no influence...

Title: Re: chinese democracy influences
Post by: kaasupoltin on January 18, 2007, 03:28:33 AM
Are you crazy?

CD will have the influence of Axl's lyrics just like UYI. This is GN'R. There's no influence...

There is and there was during UYI-time too..

Title: Re: chinese democracy influences
Post by: russtcb on January 19, 2007, 07:42:28 AM
Are you crazy?

CD will have the influence of Axl's lyrics just like UYI. This is GN'R. There's no influence...

There is and there was during UYI-time too..

Other then maybe the Rolling Stones influence on Izzy's writing specifically, I can't imagine what influences you might be talking about.

As for CD, I think tracks like Better prove that it's going to be very original and innovative on it's own.

Title: Re: chinese democracy influences
Post by: The Legend on January 19, 2007, 07:58:45 AM
Are you crazy?

CD will have the influence of Axl's lyrics just like UYI. This is GN'R. There's no influence...

There is and there was during UYI-time too..

Other then maybe the Rolling Stones influence on Izzy's writing specifically, I can't imagine what influences you might be talking about.

As for CD, I think tracks like Better prove that it's going to be very original and innovative on it's own.

Yeah, but you're already getting the dumbasses out crying that Better sounds emo.

What in the fuck sounds emo about Better? I haven't heard anything ever like Better...

Title: Re: chinese democracy influences
Post by: dub05 on January 19, 2007, 08:21:08 AM
Funny how no one mentioned Rammstein whilst you were all talking industrial. :peace:

Title: Re: chinese democracy influences
Post by: AxlRose4eva1 on January 19, 2007, 09:06:21 AM
People who say there are no influences do not understand music.  There are always influences, that doesnt mean copying.  To say there are no influences on previous gnr records is almost a joke considering they cover other bands works.  When you cover someone elses stuff you are "influenced" by it.  Not to mention Axl has mentioned who he was musically influenced by in many interviews.  Just check out the Kurt Loder one.

Muse is terrible and GNR is not influenced by them one bit and if they are then they might as well kick out 3 band members cause you only need 3-4 to do what muse does.  I dont remember Axl ever saying "I love Muse", but it wouldnt surprise me, Axl likes shi**y music.  Im sorry I know its 100% opinion but thats my opinion.  Lou Bega, No Doubt, Public Enemy, NWA, I cant listen to any of that stuff.

I do agree with jarmo though that disco/pop beats will be probably used.  GNR hasnt been metal in the traditional sense since 1987 and I see this trend continuing.  They are like a smarter metal band with a more melodic tone and more passion.  I also think Elton John/Queen will be important and I really would not be surprised if there is a heavily country influenced song. 

To all the people saying "there will be no influences" while i do think that is an absurd comment I kinda agree with it. I think that they are taking (subconciously probably) bits and pieces from several different musical genres and creating something that is entirely unique.  I think the old line up probably has the biggest influence on the band than any other.  I hear Izzy in TWAT and I hear slash in IRS.   These guys are gone, but Axl I know has learned a lot from them and with the addition of musicians from all sorts of spectrums I think this album will be a chaotic mix of several genres.  Thats one reason why its taken so long.  NIN albums take 5 years to create Reznor has said because of the inticasies (i have no clue how to spell that and im not looking it up) of combining industrial/techno and pop.  Axl has to combine more than that and I think he went down a lot of dead ends.  I am sure there are some humorous versions of several of these songs.  Axl has to mix these influences correctly or else it will sound absurd, but if he does it right it could be one of the most important albums in a long while.

Title: Re: chinese democracy influences
Post by: DeN on January 19, 2007, 09:38:46 AM
the fact is, like me and i'm sure a lot of you, Axl loves music, and he doesn't
care about the style.

a good song is a good song.

Hey Ya from Outkast, for example, is one of my favourite song of last year.

Title: Re: chinese democracy influences
Post by: AxlFink on January 19, 2007, 10:00:56 AM
muse is an amazing band and id be willing to put good money on axl having them on his ipod.  do you have ratt in your walkman??                 

Title: Re: chinese democracy influences
Post by: DuffRock on January 19, 2007, 10:07:20 AM
muse is an amazing band and id be willing to put good money on axl having them on his ipod.  do you have ratt in your walkman??                 

yes i do, what point are you trying to make?  ???

Title: Re: chinese democracy influences
Post by: russtcb on January 19, 2007, 10:10:16 AM
Are you crazy?

CD will have the influence of Axl's lyrics just like UYI. This is GN'R. There's no influence...

There is and there was during UYI-time too..

Other then maybe the Rolling Stones influence on Izzy's writing specifically, I can't imagine what influences you might be talking about.

As for CD, I think tracks like Better prove that it's going to be very original and innovative on it's own.

Yeah, but you're already getting the dumbasses out crying that Better sounds emo.

What in the fuck sounds emo about Better? I haven't heard anything ever like Better...

Holy shit I hadn't heard that!! I agree with you, I've never heard anything like Better let alone emo!

Title: Re: chinese democracy influences
Post by: ppbebe on January 19, 2007, 10:18:06 AM
a good song is a good song.

And sometimes even on a no good song by a band you don't like you can find an element of good.  :yes:

Just check out the Kurt Loder one.

here it is.

Old but relevant.  He gives his views on the influences and the spirit of GN'R.

Title: Re: chinese democracy influences
Post by: AxlFink on January 19, 2007, 10:21:49 AM
muse represents the good sounds of todays music and their musicianship is amazing. ? from what we have heard cd will the good aspects of todays music ?mixed in with what made them great in the past. ?someone criticized axls musical taste a few posts back because he listens to no doubt and nwa and whatever and said muse sucks among other things. ?so,my pointis that an older gnr fan listening to a shit band like ratt on a walkman may not get certain ?parts of ?cd or what influenced it. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
hi irit. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Title: Re: chinese democracy influences
Post by: mrlee on January 19, 2007, 10:33:01 AM
muse represents the good sounds of todays music and their musicianship is amazing.   from what we have heard cd will the good aspects of todays music  mixed in with what made them great in the past.  someone criticized axls musical taste a few posts back because he listens to no doubt and nwa and whatever and said muse sucks among other things.  so,my pointis that an older gnr fan listening to a shit band like ratt on a walkman may not get certain  parts of  cd or what influenced it.                               
hi irit.                   

Ratt arnt a shit band.

If muse represent todays music then we are well and truly fucked as a generation.

Title: Re: chinese democracy influences
Post by: The Legend on January 19, 2007, 11:08:49 AM
muse represents the good sounds of todays music and their musicianship is amazing. ? from what we have heard cd will the good aspects of todays music ?mixed in with what made them great in the past. ?someone criticized axls musical taste a few posts back because he listens to no doubt and nwa and whatever and said muse sucks among other things. ?so,my pointis that an older gnr fan listening to a shit band like ratt on a walkman may not get certain ?parts of ?cd or what influenced it. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
hi irit. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?


I like Ratt.

Title: Re: chinese democracy influences
Post by: mrlee on January 19, 2007, 11:10:27 AM
muse represents the good sounds of todays music and their musicianship is amazing.   from what we have heard cd will the good aspects of todays music  mixed in with what made them great in the past.  someone criticized axls musical taste a few posts back because he listens to no doubt and nwa and whatever and said muse sucks among other things.  so,my pointis that an older gnr fan listening to a shit band like ratt on a walkman may not get certain  parts of  cd or what influenced it.                               
hi irit.                   


I like Ratt.

dont be embarressed, if you like it, fuck em!

Title: Re: chinese democracy influences
Post by: The Legend on January 19, 2007, 11:13:52 AM
muse represents the good sounds of todays music and their musicianship is amazing.? ?from what we have heard cd will the good aspects of todays music? mixed in with what made them great in the past.? someone criticized axls musical taste a few posts back because he listens to no doubt and nwa and whatever and said muse sucks among other things.? so,my pointis that an older gnr fan listening to a shit band like ratt on a walkman may not get certain? parts of? cd or what influenced it.? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
hi irit.? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?


I like Ratt.

dont be embarressed, if you like it, fuck em!

Growin' up, at least in the late-80's, as far as current bands went, they were like my #3 behind GN'R & Metallica.

Title: Re: chinese democracy influences
Post by: mrlee on January 19, 2007, 11:17:24 AM
muse represents the good sounds of todays music and their musicianship is amazing.   from what we have heard cd will the good aspects of todays music  mixed in with what made them great in the past.  someone criticized axls musical taste a few posts back because he listens to no doubt and nwa and whatever and said muse sucks among other things.  so,my pointis that an older gnr fan listening to a shit band like ratt on a walkman may not get certain  parts of  cd or what influenced it.                               
hi irit.                   


I like Ratt.

dont be embarressed, if you like it, fuck em!

Growin' up, at least in the late-80's, as far as current bands went, they were like my #3 behind GN'R & Metallica.

I dont know why they are so hated, they have some great riffs and guitar solos, theyre not a serious band, they are a fun band and an enjoyable one. Riffs they make are the high point for me.

anyway back on topic, id love axl to have a track which has like, slide guitar but done modern styled?

Title: Re: chinese democracy influences
Post by: AdZ on January 19, 2007, 11:18:25 AM
Okay, this isn't a thread about Muse or Ratt.  There's a section for this. Discuss that there.

Oh and, Ratt sucked.

Title: Re: chinese democracy influences
Post by: mrlee on January 19, 2007, 11:19:25 AM
Okay, this isn't a thread about Muse or Ratt.  There's a section for this. Discuss that there.

Oh and, Ratt sucked.

well if youd have given chance, if you look at my post i set it back on topic.

and in regards to your oppinion, id rather them than muse.

Title: Re: chinese democracy influences
Post by: AxlFink on January 19, 2007, 11:32:53 AM
omg,   ok.....    ratt n roll starts now!           

Title: Re: chinese democracy influences
Post by: mrlee on January 19, 2007, 11:41:20 AM
omg,   ok.....    ratt n roll starts now!           

i have to admit, even though that was a pisstake, i laughed.  :hihi:

anyway, does anyone agree, a slide guitar song...but made into like some sort of new way of doing it, with industrial beats or something.

Title: Re: chinese democracy influences
Post by: jarmo on January 19, 2007, 01:21:33 PM
The reason I mentioned disco was because Axl mentioned there being disco beats in Oh My God.   ;D

There's a disco drum beat in the post-chorus, in the heaviest section of the song. We blended a lot of things.


Title: Re: chinese democracy influences
Post by: Voodoochild on January 19, 2007, 02:30:38 PM
The disco beats (in that "oh, if it opens your eyes...") are really cool. I remember he talked about some "hip-hop" beats too, but saying it would be more like Radiohead use. So, I guess Radiohead was also an influence.

Title: Re: chinese democracy influences
Post by: nonlinear on January 19, 2007, 03:09:38 PM
i'm sure that radiohead will prove to be a big influence on CD.  i've said that on this board before, but everyone is always like "radiohead sucks" and other lame shit.

But really, anyone who studies music would probablly agree that radiohead is like the only rock band out there these days who continues to experiment and push the boundaries of the genre (does radiohead even fit into a genre?) while stilll writing catchy, commercailly-sucessfull songs.

and we know axl is a radiohead fan.  he has mentioned their music in interviews (hip-hop beats) and also saw them at least one time live in like 1999 or so (when he was frisked at the security gate)

Title: Re: chinese democracy influences
Post by: jarmo on January 19, 2007, 07:59:17 PM
For people who say "I can't believe they'd be influenced by this crap", you don't have to love an artist or even genre to appreciate a song, a style, a sound, the production, a way of mixing or whatever.


Title: Re: chinese democracy influences
Post by: The Legend on January 20, 2007, 02:21:30 AM

Oh and, Ratt sucked.

Stay on topic. There's a place to discuss this.

Anyways, back on topic, I don't think anything will influence CD other than whatever poured out of this band's head.

Title: Re: chinese democracy influences
Post by: Bruno Poeys on January 20, 2007, 02:40:07 AM
the influences are... Robin Finck, Brian Carrol, Richard Fortus, Paul Tobias, Brain, Frank Ferrer, Willian Bailey, Dizzy Reed, Ron "Bumblefoot" Thal and Chris Pittman (I still dont know how to spell his name correctly)  :rofl: