Title: Who would be the Perfect Female Bond 007? Post by: D on January 07, 2007, 01:03:24 AM Lets say they went with a female in the James Bond Role. Who would be the best out of current hollywood actresses?
I say Angelina Jolie. Title: Re: Who would be the Perfect Female Bond 007? Post by: Jim on January 07, 2007, 01:08:29 AM Are they not referred to as 'female actors' or, more regularly, just plain 'actors' now?
... :P I say Jennifer Aniston. Title: Re: Who would be the Perfect Female Bond 007? Post by: Axlfreek on January 07, 2007, 02:24:15 AM Lets say they went with a female in the James Bond Role. Who would be the best out of current hollywood actresses? I say Angelina Jolie. Agreed. She'd be good a good villian. Title: Re: Who would be the Perfect Female Bond 007? Post by: polluxlm on January 07, 2007, 02:29:58 AM None
Women can't play believable action heroes Title: Re: Who would be the Perfect Female Bond 007? Post by: Robman? on January 07, 2007, 02:44:58 AM I think you guys lose the point of Bond girls. Traditionally they are actresses that are big stars.
Halle Berry that broke this, and look what a shitty job she did. Title: Re: Who would be the Perfect Female Bond 007? Post by: D on January 07, 2007, 05:36:58 AM NO NO not a BOND GIRL but the female actually playing the James Bond character only Female.
Title: Re: Who would be the Perfect Female Bond 007? Post by: Genesis on January 07, 2007, 08:06:24 AM Jolie or Famke Janssen or Jennifer Garner.
Title: Re: Who would be the Perfect Female Bond 007? Post by: Jessica on January 07, 2007, 08:28:00 AM Since real spies are rarely beautiful people but very normal looking people who can minggle in almost any crowd, i'd say the female has to be brown haired ( vast majority of the wold is), normal height ( 5'5), normal weight, she shouldn't be over manucured or have too beautiful hair and teeth and be chameleon like.
Angelica huston would have been perfect if younger Nowadays uk actress Jessie Wallace is physically right i think (http://www.geocities.com/jessiewallacerules/Reading_a_script.jpg) Title: Re: Who would be the Perfect Female Bond 007? Post by: anythinggoes on January 07, 2007, 08:56:16 AM Lets say they went with a female in the James Bond Role. Who would be the best out of current hollywood actresses? I say Angelina Jolie. well on reading the title she was my first choice she would be great and believable as some kick ass hard ass woman, or the girl from Underworld whatever her bloody name is i forget Title: Re: Who would be the Perfect Female Bond 007? Post by: Genesis on January 07, 2007, 10:28:41 AM or the girl from Underworld whatever her bloody name is i forget Kate Beckinsale. Her too. :yes: Title: Re: Who would be the Perfect Female Bond 007? Post by: Robman? on January 07, 2007, 10:38:37 AM NO NO not a BOND GIRL but the female actually playing the James Bond character only Female. oh :hihi:my mistake Title: Re: Who would be the Perfect Female Bond 007? Post by: AdZ on January 07, 2007, 10:44:13 AM No. Americans.
Title: Re: Who would be the Perfect Female Bond 007? Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on January 07, 2007, 02:49:13 PM Ouch...that's one role I would hate to see played by a woman. From what I've heard, the guy in the new one is really good. I'll give you my review when I get to that one in 2009!
I'm still on movies from 2004. :hihi: Let's see, classy, athletic, lesbian (I refuse to allow the term "Bond guys" to ever be uttered), so, I don't know...I guess Jolie would work. :hihi: Title: Re: Who would be the Perfect Female Bond 007? Post by: CheapJon on January 07, 2007, 03:36:51 PM daniel craig : ok:
Title: Re: Who would be the Perfect Female Bond 007? Post by: BlowUpYourVideo on January 07, 2007, 03:42:55 PM I don't know, but they might have to change the character's name...
Title: Re: Who would be the Perfect Female Bond 007? Post by: Jessica on January 07, 2007, 04:39:13 PM My name is Joan, Joan Bond ( jane, jill, jan, .........????) ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Who would be the Perfect Female Bond 007? Post by: journey on January 07, 2007, 05:11:29 PM Cate Blanchett
Title: Re: Who would be the Perfect Female Bond 007? Post by: Izzy on January 07, 2007, 05:16:39 PM Lets say they went with a female in the James Bond Role. Who would be the best out of current hollywood actresses? I say Angelina Jolie. Oh c'mon - this talk is absurd We all attack political correctness when it rears its ugly head - then 10 seconds later we fight for it and advance its cause James Bond is about masculinity, sexism and violence - its not about solving problems through dialogue, holding hands or the advancement of mankind If people cant leave a small corner of our world untouched by this new modern form of politically correct fascism we might as well hurl ourselves into the sun 'maybe he could have just talked with the guards rather than shoot them - and what policies to protect the environment are MI6 implementing?' Quote Lets say they went with a female in the James Bond Role. Honestly, a women playing James Bond - does that even work as an idea? Hey - why dont we have a gay James Bond, or a black James Bond - or hell, a handicapped James Bond? For god's sake. Title: Re: Who would be the Perfect Female Bond 007? Post by: polluxlm on January 07, 2007, 05:16:47 PM Are they not referred to as 'female actors' or, more regularly, just plain 'actors' now? ... :P They're almost there :hihi: Title: Re: Who would be the Perfect Female Bond 007? Post by: Doc Emmett Brown on January 07, 2007, 05:29:26 PM Not Angelina Jolie. It would be as boring as the one Tomb Raider/Lara Croft flick I was forced to endure a couple of years ago.
Title: Re: Who would be the Perfect Female Bond 007? Post by: Bill 213 on January 07, 2007, 05:42:37 PM Not Angelina Jolie.? It would be as boring as the one Tomb Raider/Lara Croft flick I was forced to endure a couple of years ago. Finally, someone that also sees the light of how utterly crap Angelina Jolie is. I liked her in Girl Interrupted, but that was it. The only reason people place her in the action category is because she's built like a brick shithouse. Sigourney Weaver was hotter in Alien Resurrection! Between her, Kate Beckinsale and Milla Jovovich (who in my opinion are all hot)...their movies now are a cliche shitfest. As far as a female Bond.....It's not a female part so it'd pointless to say anyone who would fit it. Title: Re: Who would be the Perfect Female Bond 007? Post by: Jessica on January 07, 2007, 06:02:28 PM Title: Re: Who would be the Perfect Female Bond 007? Post by: journey on January 07, 2007, 06:27:46 PM Oh c'mon - this talk is absurd We all attack political correctness when it rears its ugly head - then 10 seconds later we fight for it and advance its cause James Bond is about masculinity, sexism and violence - its not about solving problems through dialogue, holding hands or the advancement of mankind If people cant leave a small corner of our world untouched by this new modern form of politically correct fascism we might as well hurl ourselves into the sun 'maybe he could have just talked with the guards rather than shoot them - and what policies to protect the environment are MI6 implementing?' Honestly, a women playing James Bond - does that even work as an idea? Hey - why dont we have a gay James Bond, or a black James Bond - or hell, a handicapped James Bond? For god's sake. Political correctness isn't really the issue. It would be breaking tradition more than anything.? It seems like the 'political correctness' term is used mainly by traditionalists'. Universal liberties is what it should be about. No one should be confined to certain occupations/roles because of his/her gender. Honestly, a women playing James Bond - does that even work as an idea? Probably not. The Next Karate Kid and Supergirl were female variations of very popular roles played by men. They obviously didn't do very well. It's hard to change that up when it's been one way for so many years. Title: Re: Who would be the Perfect Female Bond 007? Post by: AdZ on January 07, 2007, 06:31:50 PM Title: Re: Who would be the Perfect Female Bond 007? Post by: polluxlm on January 07, 2007, 06:37:04 PM Political correctness isn't really the issue. It would be breaking tradition more than anything.? It seems like the 'political correctness' term is used mainly by traditionalists'. Universal liberties is what it should be about. No one should be confined to certain occupations/roles because of his/her gender. Of course it is the issue. It's the same old 'Isn't it about time a woman played that and that, and did that and that. I'm sure they would do just as good a job.' phrase being put into effect. Copying and trying to conquer men in their own territory has got nothing to do with liberty, it's a minority complex. Liberty is going out doing what you do best, what you want to do. Not trying to find male dominated occupations just so one can 'show them'. I got nothing against women as lead characters, but action heroes? Come on...Does anybody want to see a man excell in a nursing role? Do we need it? Title: Re: Who would be the Perfect Female Bond 007? Post by: WhiteRose on January 07, 2007, 06:51:58 PM Imelda Marcos :hihi:
Title: Re: Who would be the Perfect Female Bond 007? Post by: polluxlm on January 07, 2007, 06:53:56 PM Imelda Marcos? :hihi: Now that could work :hihi: Title: Re: Who would be the Perfect Female Bond 007? Post by: GNRreunioneventually on January 07, 2007, 07:09:59 PM Angelina Jollette :yes:
or Alexis Arquet :rofl: *name aren't spelled right* Title: Re: Who would be the Perfect Female Bond 007? Post by: WhiteRose on January 07, 2007, 07:24:30 PM I think we're looking at this the wrong way. What that franchise really needs is a burly octogenarian man by the name of Wilford Brimley. ;D
Yeah, I can hear it now... "The name's Bond... Gold Bond." :rofl: Title: Re: Who would be the Perfect Female Bond 007? Post by: Robman? on January 07, 2007, 07:38:39 PM Oly if he's sophisticated and British :hihi: Title: Re: Who would be the Perfect Female Bond 007? Post by: Danny Top Hat on January 07, 2007, 07:42:47 PM Will Smith! He could pull off the accent and would be damn cool. :yes: Seeing as we're talking girls i'll go for Penelope Cruz. I don't care how English she is.. Title: Re: Who would be the Perfect Female Bond 007? Post by: Izzy on January 08, 2007, 08:47:04 AM Political correctness isn't really the issue. It would be breaking tradition more than anything.? It seems like the 'political correctness' term is used mainly by traditionalists'. Universal liberties is what it should be about. No one should be confined to certain occupations/roles because of his/her gender. Oh my - u dont see a fundamental problem with a woman playing James Bond? What kind of cross dressing romp are u praying for? We have all kinds of female action stars - if they want to make a film about a female M16 agents beating guys with cats and plans for world domination then so be it - but changing a series because of stupid beligerant feminism - some people need to grew up When the only constant in the James Bond films is a male agent called James Bond, how would changing gender enable it to be a James Bond film? I really wonder sometimes... Title: Re: Who would be the Perfect Female Bond 007? Post by: marty on January 08, 2007, 05:51:33 PM i dont doubt that it wont happen sometime,but if it does the controversy surrounding whoever they chose would be a million times greater than when they chose the male bonds
Title: Re: Who would be the Perfect Female Bond 007? Post by: Polly Parrot on January 08, 2007, 06:44:41 PM Oh God no, a female James Bond would definately suck. If you want a female spy/actionperson/whatever make a film about that, don't go making cheap reproductions of something that already exists with the only difference that the head character is now a woman.
Title: Re: Who would be the Perfect Female Bond 007? Post by: Axlfreek on January 08, 2007, 08:43:38 PM oj simpson would be good
Title: Re: Who would be the Perfect Female Bond 007? Post by: nightrain_jh on January 09, 2007, 03:39:26 AM female bond - demi moore
black bond - will smith Title: Re: Who would be the Perfect Female Bond 007? Post by: Annie on January 09, 2007, 06:30:38 PM Lets say they went with a female in the James Bond Role. Who would be the best out of current hollywood actresses? I totally agree.I say Angelina Jolie. |