Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: mrlee on December 17, 2006, 04:34:25 PM

Title: can someone validate if this is true for me.
Post by: mrlee on December 17, 2006, 04:34:25 PM
shops can no longer advertise something as a christmas sale in england because muslims moaned it was offensive? (i heard this, is it true)

as in "IKEA 50% CHRISTMAS SALE" type ad.

Title: Re: can someone validate if this is true for me.
Post by: -Jack- on December 17, 2006, 04:35:34 PM
With all the things I've been hearing about that little conflict I wouldn't be surprised.

Title: Re: can someone validate if this is true for me.
Post by: BlowUpYourVideo on December 17, 2006, 04:42:43 PM
Yes, isn't it now a "holiday sale"?

Title: Re: can someone validate if this is true for me.
Post by: mrlee on December 17, 2006, 04:43:27 PM
Yes, isn't it now a "holiday sale"?
so they did change it to acustom muslims protests?

Title: Re: can someone validate if this is true for me.
Post by: CheapJon on December 17, 2006, 04:43:54 PM
i think if they dare to they can still say "christmas sale" but they are afraid of getting sued or wanna be political correct or something, just like most public people don't say happy christmas they say happy holidays if ya know what i mean

Title: Re: can someone validate if this is true for me.
Post by: mrlee on December 17, 2006, 04:52:59 PM
if it is true. i think its disguisting.

Its our country, not theres, they come here then they should be prepared to live how we live, they have all there temples built for them they cant moan, yet we cant do our own traditions/religious celebration.

Title: Re: can someone validate if this is true for me.
Post by: Jimmy? on December 17, 2006, 04:54:28 PM
if it is true. i think its disguisting.

Its our country, not theres, they come here then they should be prepared to live how we live, they have all there temples built for them they cant moan, yet we cant do our own traditions/religious celebration.

agreed  : ok:

Title: Re: can someone validate if this is true for me.
Post by: CheapJon on December 17, 2006, 05:45:34 PM
if it is true. i think its disguisting.

Its our country, not theres, they come here then they should be prepared to live how we live, they have all there temples built for them they cant moan, yet we cant do our own traditions/religious celebration.

yeah i think so too, like here in sweden they (most of the immigrants) don't follow our rules but if we would come to their counrty and live there they would force us to live by there rules and stuff..

i aint racist (if someone was going to call me that) or anything but that's the way it is :no:

Title: Re: can someone validate if this is true for me.
Post by: Jessica on December 17, 2006, 06:11:22 PM
It's not for a country to change for immigrants but to immigrants to adapt to the country they were let in.

Title: Re: can someone validate if this is true for me.
Post by: mrlee on December 17, 2006, 06:16:22 PM
It's not for a country to change for immigrants but to immigrants to adapt to the country they were let in.

so basically. they should get used to how things are run round here and not get everything changed for them?

Title: Re: can someone validate if this is true for me.
Post by: CheapJon on December 17, 2006, 06:22:01 PM
It's not for a country to change for immigrants but to immigrants to adapt to the country they were let in.

most of the time they don't do that at all

Title: Re: can someone validate if this is true for me.
Post by: Jessica on December 17, 2006, 06:26:04 PM
It's not for a country to change for immigrants but to immigrants to adapt to the country they were let in.

so basically. they should get used to how things are run round here and not get everything changed for them?

Yes, they come to a mainly protestant country, fully knowing it is and knowing the country has the possibility to offer  a brighter future to them and family. That should be enough.

Title: Re: can someone validate if this is true for me.
Post by: mrlee on December 17, 2006, 06:37:01 PM
It's not for a country to change for immigrants but to immigrants to adapt to the country they were let in.

so basically. they should get used to how things are run round here and not get everything changed for them?

Yes, they come to a mainly protestant country, fully knowing it is and knowing the country has the possibility to offer  a brighter future to them and family. That should be enough.

They piss me off. They are killing english culture and they know it.

Title: Re: can someone validate if this is true for me.
Post by: Guns N RockMusic on December 17, 2006, 06:49:26 PM
Stand up and do something about it.  Be vocal about it.  There's plenty of people that will call you racist because they can't provide an intelligent counter argument to what you're doing.  I strongly oppose letting hispanics invade America and refusing to adapt and change to our culture and our language.  If people are scared to take a stand, then you are tacitly consenting to their takeover and refusal to assimilate.

Title: Re: can someone validate if this is true for me.
Post by: CheapJon on December 17, 2006, 06:52:20 PM
It's not for a country to change for immigrants but to immigrants to adapt to the country they were let in.

so basically. they should get used to how things are run round here and not get everything changed for them?

Yes, they come to a mainly protestant country, fully knowing it is and knowing the country has the possibility to offer? a brighter future to them and family. That should be enough.

They piss me off. They are killing english culture and they know it.

that's not only in england, it's happening in sweden and most of the other countries that let them in, they should be grateful and adapt but they have no respect but they expect respect

Title: Re: can someone validate if this is true for me.
Post by: axl_rose_700 on December 17, 2006, 07:08:21 PM
It's not banned but alot of companies do it to appease religious minorities.

Title: Re: can someone validate if this is true for me.
Post by: Jessica on December 17, 2006, 07:14:00 PM
it doesn't appease them, the old adage is right, give a hand, they'll take an arm.

What's appeasing, just like when you raise a kid, is to give barriers and say no, it's healthy.

Basically, if no one says no, things will escalade and so will violence and " tantrums".

Title: Re: can someone validate if this is true for me.
Post by: Hysteron on December 17, 2006, 07:34:29 PM
They piss me off. They are killing english culture and they know it.


Title: Re: can someone validate if this is true for me.
Post by: slash666 on December 17, 2006, 08:41:01 PM
if it is true. i think its disguisting.

Its our country, not theres, they come here then they should be prepared to live how we live, they have all there temples built for them they cant moan, yet we cant do our own traditions/religious celebration.

you got it pretty much spot on man.

Title: Re: can someone validate if this is true for me.
Post by: lennonisgod on December 17, 2006, 11:04:18 PM
This went on last year as well here in America. Even some schools here aren't allowed to call it Christmas and I know of some that have completely banned CHRISTMAS songs from schools.  When I was young we would always have a Christmas concert of some sort and sing songs for our parents or whatever, but now I don't think some schools are even allowing that. 

And yes the whole "Holiday Sale" instead of saying anything about Christmas is how I've been seeing it all year in advertisements.  Why would people actually get that offended by it to the point of them protesting it??  That's so fucking stupid.  I'm sorry but the majority of people in this country celebrate Christmas and because there are more and more people of other religions moving here doesn't mean we should change everything. It's fucking stupid if you ask me.

Title: Re: can someone validate if this is true for me.
Post by: SLCPUNK on December 17, 2006, 11:13:26 PM
It's not banned but alot of companies do it to appease religious minorities.

So it's not banned, end of story.

I know of some that have completely banned CHRISTMAS songs from schools.

I don't know which ones you are referring to, but the the "examples" Bill O'reilly gave turned out to be false/lies (big surprise.)

Title: Re: can someone validate if this is true for me.
Post by: Eazy E on December 17, 2006, 11:24:56 PM
You guys are placing all of this heat on immigrants... but the businesses are the ones making their own decisions.  It's their decision what to call their sale, if they think "Holiday sale" will attract more customers than "Christmas sale", then that's their call.  If you're so worked up about it, boycott the stores and prove them wrong.  Of course not one person here has proven that stores are "forced" to call it a holiday sale, because I hardly think that's the case.

Business and religion are two very different things ladies and gents.

Title: Re: can someone validate if this is true for me.
Post by: Guns N RockMusic on December 18, 2006, 12:00:42 AM

I don't know which ones you are referring to, but the the "examples" Bill O'reilly gave turned out to be false/lies (big surprise.)

That's not true.  I will agree that O'Reilly has hyped the situation to be bigger than it is, but there have been schools that have banned christmas songs.  Just as there are communities that have banned the nativity scence.  Just because you don't like the agenda and beliefs of O'Reilly doesn't mean you can go around and denounce everything he says as Lies. 

Title: Re: can someone validate if this is true for me.
Post by: SLCPUNK on December 18, 2006, 02:01:35 AM

I don't know which ones you are referring to, but the the "examples" Bill O'reilly gave turned out to be false/lies (big surprise.)

That's not true.  I will agree that O'Reilly has hyped the situation to be bigger than it is, but there have been schools that have banned christmas songs.  Just as there are communities that have banned the nativity scence. 

Read what I said. I said: "I don't know which ones you are referring to......" Implying that there certainly may be schools that have banned Xmas carols ( However, the ones OR used as an example on Letterman, turned out to be a blatant lie which was exposed less than 12 hrs after the show aired.

When I search on this subject I see mostly right wing websites ( (The same website that claimed soy products turn our children gay (, also showcased this "subject") reporting on this. Which leads me to believe that it is hyped up, exaggerated, or in some cases (OR) downright false. Perhaps you could provide us with an Ann Coulter article to prove me wrong..........

Just because you don't like the agenda and beliefs of O'Reilly doesn't mean you can go around and denounce everything he says as Lies. 

The guy gets caught lying about once a week. I'd classify that as "LIAR".

Title: Re: can someone validate if this is true for me.
Post by: mrlee on December 18, 2006, 06:35:52 AM
You guys are placing all of this heat on immigrants... but the businesses are the ones making their own decisions.  It's their decision what to call their sale, if they think "Holiday sale" will attract more customers than "Christmas sale", then that's their call.  If you're so worked up about it, boycott the stores and prove them wrong.  Of course not one person here has proven that stores are "forced" to call it a holiday sale, because I hardly think that's the case.

Business and religion are two very different things ladies and gents.

the shops wouldnt be making these decisions though if they wernt pressured in some sort of way.